Contact Lens Guidelines For Proper Use

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Contact Lens - Guidelines for Proper Use Contacts are a great alternative to glasses. They help you to see better and they don’t fall off when you are playing sports. However, if you are a newbie then putting on your contacts can be difficult. A step by step guide can prove to be easy for you when you are using the contact lenses.

Wearing: Thorough wash and dry your hands in a clean towel. Rinse your lens with solution and remove any trace of debris. Place the lens on the tip of your index finger and ensure that it is correctly oriented. Use the other hand to hold the upper eyelid so that you don’t blink. Pull down the lower eyelid with the other fingers and then look up the ceiling and then gently place the lens on the lower part of the eyeball. Release your lid slowly and then close it for a moment. Blink several times and then it will adjust automatically to the center. If your lens feels uncomfortable then remove it and inspect for any kind of damage. Otherwise you can reapply before after rinsing it with more solution. Removing: If you are considering of taking off your lenses then you must first thoroughly wash and dry your hands with soap and clean towel. Look up at the ceiling and pull down your eye lid.

Bring your index finger close to your eye and touch the lower edge of the lens. Slide the lens down on the lower white portion and softly squeeze the lens between your index and thumb and then remove it. Follow the same procedure for the other eye. Buying: Get your eyes tested and acquire the contact lens prescription. Get the lens trial and then you are ready to place your order for your contacts. Stick to established sources if you are considering of buying online and saving a few bucks. Also, make sure that you stick to the prescribed cleaning and replacement schedule which is very important.

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