Amdavad Toastmasters Newsletter
CHATT...ERRR Club News and Events
Editorial Board Editor - Jay Jani Co-editor - Ni n Bairagi Designer - Kavish Shah Proof Reader - K P Jani
Our website:
Amdavad Toastmasters Club July - Sept 2017 Issue
Amdavad Toastmasters (ATM) Club
Inside This Issue
From the Editor’s Desk
My Journey as a Toastmaster
K P Jani
President's Address
Living Gods
Dhanraj Kamdar
Execu ve Commi ee of ATM Club
Ques ons
Himanshu Arora
Star Achievers
Body Language – on stage
Rashi Mishra
The Lessons Learnt
Nancy Shah
Gallery Traveling Toastmasters Sketch The Crea vity Crossword Puzzle
We meet every Sunday from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm at : Audi 10, 3rd Floor, Knowledge Academy, Heritage Square, Gulbai Tekra, Ahmedabad
From The Editor’s Desk
Jay Jani Editor
Human brain is mainly divided into two parts – le and right. While
Also, two of our members, Amit Gula and Pree Pathak brought
the le is associated with logic, the right is known for crea vity. In a
humungous laurels to our club by reaching to the division level
cold chilling evening of November, I don't know which part of my
speech contest. Pree went on to secure 3rd posi on in Division level
brain was more ac ve, when I was casually glazing at my computer
Table Topics Contest at Mumbai. I take this as an opportunity to once
screen, going through few informa ve websites. I suddenly saw a
again congratulate them on their stupendous success.
post on communica on that men oned a funky name called
In a rapidly cruising world, many find it hard even to glance at the
'Toastmasters'. The mere glistering men on of the word caught my
newsle er. But, newsle ers can act as a vital medium of
a en on and I swi ly moved to the official website of Toastmasters
communica on, helping members stay updated with the club
Interna onal that further led me to the Amdavad Toastmasters.
ac vi es and broaden their knowledge. You might find some content
Rest was a case of history. I a ended the first mee ng and was glued
for your next table-topic or prepared speech too!
to it. I enjoyed the euphoria, punctuality, and the vibrancy of the club. But, back then I had li le idea that Toastmasters is such a big ocean of knowledge and skill set. In a short span, I had many opportuni es to hone my public speaking and leadership abili es. Today, it is my pleasure to present to you another edi on of our newsle er that features ar cles from the contest winner, our new members, and our newly elected Area Director. Amdavad Toastmasters is well known for being a vibrant and dynamic group. The best part of the club has been its con nuous endeavor to foster crea vity. The club is steadily growing and has conducted various novel ini a ves such as launching the role of Joke Master, conduc ng outdoor events, family get-togethers, and streaming a facebook live event.
“ The art of communication is the language of leadership. " - James Hunter, Presidential Speech writer for US President, Ronald Reagan
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Amdavad Toastmasters Newsle er
July - Sept 2017
President’s Address Let’s RISE together with 3 C’s
Club President Vranda Meets receives RISE Ambassador Award, District 98
Life's Lessons are taught by the experiences we go through but the
Two years back, I joined Amdavad Toastmasters with a mind set to
learning comes from the inquisi veness to know more and the
merely fulfil the weekly visit every Sunday. Spending 8 hours a month
willingness to do be er. Learning is only complete when we “apply”
and gaining exposure on public speaking was all I an cipated. It
what we “learn”. This resonates with the core message of the
would not be out of propor on to say that never in my wildest dream
Toastmasters Program – “Learn by Doing”. While it promises us
had I thought that one day I would be penning down my thoughts in
manifold growth, how much we gain out of the program truly
the President's message. The benefits that I have reaped from
depends on our craving to learn and grow while pushing our limits
Toastmasters are far beyond leadership and communica on skills. It
and breaking our boundaries.
would only be appropriate if I men on about my mentors, who have
At Amdavad Toastmasters Club, quality has always been our prime
persistently polished and prepared me while taking the backstage.
focus. In the last 6 months we have been able to add 40 new
This brings to another important aspect of Toastmasters: Mentor-
members, doubling our membership strength to more than 80. A
Mentee Program. This flagship program, if nurtured and prac ced
considerable amount of credit goes to the quality of our mee ngs.
religiously, promises enormous growth to both the stakeholders.
We understand that the club's growth is determined by that of the
Today's mentee will be tomorrow's mentor.
members and so, with a view to provide be er learning
As we begin a new Toastmaster's year, I would like to emphasize that
opportuni es to our members, we have con nued with the prac ce
for a successful, meaningful and frui ul journey in Toastmasters, we
of conduc ng one Educa on Session per month by experienced and
need to follow the 3 C's to enhance our growth - CRAVING,
skilled trainers. Having witnessed personal growth over the years, I
COMMITMENT, and CONTINUITY. While pursuing our goals, let us
can vouch that member sa sfac on has definitely increased in our
keep reminding each other the core values of the Toastmasters
club and our current membership strength is representa ve of that.
program: RISE - Respect, Integrity, Service, and Excellence. Let us stoke our hunger to learn from each other.
Let us RISE together! Vranda Rathi (CC, CL) Club President Page 3
Amdavad Toastmasters Newsle er
July - Sept 2017
Executive Committee (July-Dec, 2017)
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Vranda Rathi
Krishna Kumhar
Jayaraj Mudaliar
Vice President - Education
Vice President - Membership
Jay Jani
Nitin Bairagi
Hiren Dholakia
Vice President - Public Relations
Ruchir Mehta
Biswajit Adhikari
Sergeant at Arms
Immediate Past President
Amdavad Toastmasters Newsle er
July - Sept 2017
Winners of the Club level International Speech and Table Topics Contest – Synergy 2017 at Ahmedabad Management Association
Table Topics Speech Contest Winners: K. P. Jani, Pree Pathak and Manish
Interna onal Speech Contest Winners: Amit Gula , K. P. Jani and Vranda
Winners of the International Speech and Table Topics Contest Area Level
Winner – Table Topics Contest, Area Level : Pree Pathak
Winner – Interna onal Speech Contest, Area Level : Amit Gula
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Amdavad Toastmasters Newsle er
July - Sept 2017
A Journey As A Toastmaster K. P. Jani (ACG, ALB) Before I tell you about my journey as a Toastmaster, let me tell you, in
This was followed by TCS Be@t Gandhinagar Toastmasters club and
one line that my journey of life has been like a roller coaster, full of
then the Vadodara Toastmasters club with the hard work of our club
miracles and unexpected opportuni es from unexpected corners of
member Ujjaval Modi and friends.
the world.
At age 69, though I have sponsored two and mentored three clubs,
Yes, Toastmasters too happened in an unexpected corner of the
it's the Contest, which makes me a teenager once again. The spirit
world – New Jersey, USA. One fine morning, on March 2002, at about
and preps for performing par excellence and winning the hearts of
10:30, my boss Robert Cranston met me near the elevator, and
the audience (hearing their laughter and applause) s ll gives me that
casually asked me, “Can you deliver a small 4 to 6 minutes' speech
“Kick” and self-assurance.
about yourself?
When I go to Mumbai, Calcu a, Goa or Hyderabad for Division and
“When?”, I asked.
District level contests, reconnec ng with TM's from other Areas and
“Today at 12 o'clock”, he said.
Division is great fun. It's like the reunion of old friends. It's a mini vaca on with educa on!
I made some quick calcula ons in my mind and agreed. Li le did I know that it was my ice breaker at the bi-weekly mee ng of the Mainland FAA Toastmasters Club mee ng! Immediately therea er, I filled the membership applica on form, and paid up 36 US $. I dared not have refused, because my boss himself was the club
Apart from New Jersey and Ahmedabad, I have had the opportunity to a end Toastmasters Club mee ngs in Singapore, Chicago, and Mumbai. The icing on the cake was the Interna onal Conven on at Cincinna in 2013. That is a different chapter by itself. There have been mes, a er my speech, when Toastmasters from
President! 10 years in the Toastmasters in USA, with my boss as my mentor, took me places and exposed me to an en re new world of the Toastmasters. Oratory and Ac ng were my hobbies in my school and
other Areas or Divisions come up and ask me to be their mentor. What could be more gra fying than such recogni on! It's more exci ng than any trophy or award.
college days. I made a big friends-circle of Toastmasters in District 38
Toastmasters is a stress buster for me. One must read, think, and
(States of New Jersey, and Pennsylvania) during those 11 years.
write before speaking.
My prime interest was speaking. So, I par cipated in every contest
This whole exercise is a break from the monotony of daily life. It's an
(every six months). Apart from being the best Table Topics Speaker of
ideal recrea on. This introspec on has helped me to be more
my Club (twice), I collected a suitcase full of trophies at Area, Division,
pa ent, more helpful and a more confident person. I know people
and District level. My grandchildren seriously think that I have bought
who have come out of depression a er joining the Toastmasters.
the trophies from the toy shop!
Perhaps this intoxica on of Communica on has made me keep the
A er returning to India, in 2011, to my pleasant surprise, I learnt
Leadership track on a “back-burner.” Yes, I am not a DTM yet. But
(from Vinay Jain, then District Governor) that Biswajit, Varsha,
that's not an inspira on for young Toastmasters. I implore all the
Rashmi, Bibhu, Sambit, Alok, Sanjay, Raghu, and few others were
Toastmasters to take both the tracks equally seriously. Leadership is
already mee ng and trying to form the necessary quorum to register
not complete without discharging voluntary duty towards the
a club in Ahmedabad. I joined them up. I also forced my old college
Organiza on.
friends to join up (pay up the fees or donate Rs. 5000 each to ATM).
I am neither re red nor red. Someday I will also become a DTM! Till
The first community club of Gujarat, “AMDAVAD TOASTMASTERS”
then I challenge you, my fellow Toastmasters to listen and tolerate
was registered and inaugurated on 1st June 2012.
my “blabbering”, because I don't ever miss the stage me!
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Amdavad Toastmasters Newsle er
July - Sept 2017
From the desk of Area Director, Area A1
Living Gods Dhanraj Kamdar (CC, ALB) “Mr. Kamdar, How is your son Dhanraj”?
with money, but with a li le care, and understanding? When we did
The doctor asked my father on the 9 day of my admission in the
not eat, they felt the hunger. When we fell, they felt the pain.
Ahmedabad's best known hospital. “He will be ok”. But things got
We owe it to our parents for what we are today. Parents not only
worsened. There were no signs of improvements. My uncle
bring us to this beau ful world, but also feed us, educate us, and
suggested “Go and pray at Ambaji temple, but it is 200 kms from
always boost our morale so we achieve success life. They fulfill all our
here. Father's friend suggested, “Kamdar. Allopathic is not going to
needs without a hint of their hardships and troubles, only to see the
work in jaundice. Try Herbal leaves from Amirgadh, which is 150 km
smile on our face.
from here.”
As per an interes ng research done by Family Investments- a leading
Friends, I am the very fruit of my father's sacrifice. My father had
child trust fund provider of UK, during recent financial crunch, 83% of
already spent most of his savings on my huge medical expenses. He
parents cut down expenditure on beauty/luxury products and 81% of
went to Ambaji, climbed 1000 + steps, prayed for me and on the same
parents on branded clothes, just to ensure that enough is being saved
day went to Amirgadh to get the herbal medicines for my recovery.
to put aside for their child's future.
And, today even wai ng for few extra minutes at a clinic makes us
Whether east or west, the story remains the same. But what do we
children give them? We abandon them in loneliness, either at home
My school refused me the Science stream due to my poor
or in sophis cated asylums known as old age homes. Thus, old age
performance in 9th class due to this illness. My parents literally
becomes a curse for them.
pleaded with the principal who ul mately succumbed to their
As per 'Helpage India' (an NGO working for senior ci zens), today,
persistent request, and allowed me to con nue with science. I
more than 2100 old age homes are registered in India. Most of these
innocently asked my father, why he did so. He simply replied, “We
are in Kerala and Maharashtra- the highest educated states. Our
trust you my son, we know your poten al. Your school does not
scriptures say,” Mother, Father and Teacher are living gods for us. Is
know.” Despite his financial constraints, my father hired best of the
this where we keep our living gods? The GDP growth of India is 8.6 %,
coaches with higher fees. My mother gave up her pres gious convent
but growth of old age homes is 39%!
teacher's job to help me in my studies. She used to wake me up at 4 o'clock in the morning with a warm glass of milk. In 10 standard, I was one among the top 10 students.
On one side, we strive for our economic growth, while on the other side we totally ignore the very reason behind our growth. This is a painful topic for those who have lost a parent – or both – like me. My
Nine years later, my mother passed away due to failure of heart. My
ques ons are for those who are fortunate enough to have one or
father had suffered frequent Paraly c strokes. Finances were
both of your parents s ll alive.
moun ng. I was studying in engineering. I asked my father, “Daddy, should I stop college and start working? My father replied, “No son, you study as much as you can. Don't worry about the expenses. Your
When was the last me you told your parents how sorry you were for hur ng and troubling them in the past? When was the last me you bought a present for your parents on
mother and I have saved enough for your educa on”. I completed my Automobile engineering ranking first in the state with a Gold Medal. Exactly a er 1 month, my father passed away. Today, though I am fully capable, I can't repay my parents for the pain and sacrifice they had undergone to make me what I am. All that I can possibly do now is to bow my head with incense in my hand in front of their photographs before star ng my day.
their birthday or anniversary? For the parents, loving us is as natural as breathing. Friends, today, let them know how much YOU appreciate them. If you can't reach them in person, at least pick up the phone and tell them how thankful you are, for their guidance and love. Do it TODAY before the me runs out- the way it ran out for me. You will feel be er and they will be thrilled because these words of love, affec on and apprecia on will
Friends, your parents might have sacrificed more for you. My
never allow them to become old.
ques on to you is, have you ever thought of re-paying them - Not Page 7
Amdavad Toastmasters Newsle er
July - Sept 2017
Body Language on Stage Rashi Mishra (An Image Consultant & A Wellness Coach) One universal language we all speak, regardless of the region, sect or
3. Know Your Moves: Distrac ng movements like fidge ng and
segment we come from - Body Language, and especially when you
moving carelessly from one foot to other makes you seem uncertain
speak on stage. Be sure of what your body is telling to your audience.
and dampens your credibility. Whereas, anchoring self and moving
In a communica on and leadership role, it is vital to develop
more from up waist enhances one's credibility and authority.
excellent body language, which means using your eyes, hands, face,
4. Using Space: If you would like to 'stage' a story, use one part of the
and feet –your en re body moving around the stage with a purpose.
stage to tell one part of the story & another part to tell the other.
Here are few body language ps:
Using more space & speaking slowly is much be er. Nothing
1. Keep It Open: Your body language and gestures should be natural, open, defined, and strong. Don't have closed hands, clasped fist, hands inside the pocket, feet crossed, and eliminate slouching. 2. Develop A Stance: Always step towards audience & lean a bit to create a posi ve feeling, the warmth and energy increases and vice versa when you step away from them. You can use this technique effec vely when you want to encourage or persuade the audience.
demonstrates confidence be er than a speaker who is at ease in its own skin in front of audience. 5. Facial Expressiveness: Human face is vital to communica on. If you don't have an expressive face, work with a mirror. Use only your facial expression and no words in front of mirror as you read your lines and create a link between what you're trying to express verbally. When you speak, the stage is your world so own it and employ effec ve body language to build a credible presence and influence others posi vely.
“ A good stance and posture reflect a proper state of mind. " – Morihei Ueshiba, Founder of Japanese Martial Art – Aikido
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Amdavad Toastmasters Newsle er
July - Sept 2017
Questions Himanshu Arora (CC) One: I have a problem.
An honest look at your own life can be very confron ng. At the same me, there is a possibility of a kind of ques on or 'ques oning' that
Other: What's that? One: My life doesn't work. I don't have enough finances. My health is receding. Something feels missing. Isn't there a solu on to all this? Isn't there an answer?
can open up a range of possibili es instead of evoking an answer. An answer or 'The' answer. A ques on that can be ongoing. A ques on like an inquiry. Steve Jobs has publicly shared that he used to ask himself this
Other: Not really. You don't have a powerful ques on.
ques on daily, "If this was my last day, would I be doing what I'm going to do today?" And whenever the answer was NO for too many
Answers are a predicate of ques ons. And yet, we as a culture are
days in a row, he knew something needed to be changed. Not like an
commi ed to always look for answers. That one piece of knowledge,
answer, but as a space for something to show up. Something that
which will solve it all. But, if you and I authen cally look at our lives,
isn't there already. Or at least not there in the foreground!
we will find that there is one essen al ques on that we hardly ever ask ourselves and others. That ques on is 'why'. Why choose this subject in 11th standard, why this stream in gradua on, why that majors, why this job, why work at all, why am I working here, why save and buy a house, why do I encounter that same problem repeatedly.
“ The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge. " – Thomas Berger, American novelist
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Amdavad Toastmasters Newsle er
July - Sept 2017
The Lessons Learnt Nancy Shah (Past VP Membership) A er being born and brought up at Bhavnagar, a small town, entering into a city like Ahmedabad has always been my dream since I completed schooling. My report card signed 'Good to go' but the des ny showed a card, which asked me to 'Wait a li le'. I didn't know that the 'li le' would take 6 long years! Finally, it tried my pa ence, where I had to leave some unhappy faces aside and push myself to follow my dreams.
Lesson Learnt: No one gives you wings; you have to get it on your
Lesson learnt: You choose your path and that will decide where you
would reach!
Entering into a new city, where you know just few handful people you
It's quite obvious that you would face setbacks! Being a human we
can count on fingers, was, of course, a though ul choice but was not
also some mes make mistakes! At mes, situa on seems so difficult
like a bed of roses. Star ng from ge ng a job without any references
that you lose hope! But one has to remember that by going two steps
to searching and se ng up home, has made me realize the
backward will also strengthen you to move ahead with the double
importance of people around me.
force! Lesson learnt: Living with Pa ence, Piousness and Persistence leads to the doors of Possibili es!
Lesson learnt: The ba le is quite easier if you have your army to
Working as a So Skills Trainer, where one's major role is to shape
support you!
young minds is indeed an amazing opportunity in itself! When your
Transi oning from a li le conserva ve background to the completely
words can literally make difference in people's lives, it gives you the
liberal environment, having control on what to do and what not to do,
biggest reward of all mes!
and to live where there is no one to show you the 'Red signal', has always been difficult! The experiences taught me how much essen al it is to develop self-discipline and ethics for an individual!
Lesson Learnt: When you enjoy what you do, you can actualize yourself and create best for others as well! Your life is like the university where you are taught everything but the
Lesson learnt: You have to draw the boundaries to the freedom you
methodologies of teaching differ slightly than what we have
experienced during our academics! Here you are not taught lessons
While there is so much chaos going around and the people of your
in advance, but given a test and how you deal with it, teaches you a
age are involved in what not, staying passionate and dedicated to
lesson. One should never stop learning because life never stops
your dreams, that too when there might be very few people to
believe in you and may even laugh at you, is not a piece of cake! I had
Looking forward to more exci ng experiences and lessons to come
to set frequent reminders for myself so that I don't forget why I am
here and at what cost!
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Amdavad Toastmasters Newsle er
July - Sept 2017
Humour Corner K. P. Jani (ACG, CL) A young soldier just married, was posted on the front line. Desperate
Again a er a month, the same request from the young soldier, the
to see his sweetheart, he asked the Commanding Officer (C.O.) for 4
same condi on from the C.O. and an enemy tank would be brought
days casual leave. The smart C.O., instead of refusing, asked him to do
by the young 'Johnny'. This almost became a rou ne, month a er
some extraordinary act of valour, if he wanted the leave.
month. The C.O. got inquisi ve, and followed the soldier while the
Next day, to his u er amazement, the C.O. saw that the young soldier
la er was going towards the enemy lines to 'steal' the tank.
had brought over a tank from the enemy lines. As promised he was let
On reaching the border, the guy shouted out to the enemy lines,
off on short leave.
“Anybody wants to go on Casual Leave?” One soldier from the enemy line comes with a tank and our guy exchanges his own unit tank and both shake hands and walked away with “enemy tanks”!
Moral: All is Fair in Love and War !!
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Amdavad Toastmasters Newsle er
July - Sept 2017
Traveling Toastmasters
Traveling Toastmaster – Vranda Rathi at London's Tower Bridge on river Thames
ATM Club members at Serenity Botanical Garden during Special Family Mee ng
A special mee ng with family members at Hare Krishna Temple
Club OďŹƒcers of last Execu ve Commi ee (From L to R: Jayaraj, Hiren, Krima, Krishna, Vranda, and Biswajit) felicitated by Past Area Director Ujjaval (1st from Right)
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Amdavad Toastmasters Newsle er
July - Sept 2017
Sketch The Creativity
A pencil sketch by our Club President Vranda illustra ng 'A compe scenario unlike Toastmasters
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Amdavad Toastmasters Newsle er
on to kill' –
July - Sept 2017
The Lessons Learnt - Crossword Puzzle
The following crossword contains words from an ar cle wri en by Nancy Shah – 'The Lessons Learnt'. Read the ar cle and crack the crossword (Answers on next page).
3. A vision that one has for oneself
1. Something that one needs to fly
4 . One's con nuous efforts
2. Name of the author of the ar cle
7. Devoted to divine worship
5. A pla orm through which we all met
9. Something that we all draw by our words and ac ons
6. Something that knocks your doors only once
12. Chances of happening something
7. Something which is difficult to have in tough mes
13. The journey that we all are enjoying the most
8. Something from which we all learn 10. The most valuable gi of life 11. Something that gives you power
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Amdavad Toastmasters Newsle er
July - Sept 2017
Answers of The Crossword Puzzle Across
3. Dream
4. Persistence
2. Nancy
7. Piousness
5. Toastmasters
9. Boundaries
6. Opportunity
12. Possibility
7. Pa ence
13. Life
8. Mistake 10. Freedom 11. Choice
VP Membership Jayaraj Mudaliar received the Competent Communicator (CC) award on successful comple on of CC manual.
Past Area Director Ujjaval Modi received the 'Dis nguished Toastmaster (DTM)' award, the highest level of educa onal achievement in Toastmasters.
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Amdavad Toastmasters Newsle er
July - Sept 2017
Confluence 2017 Indore