Pembrokeshire Voice Winter 2012

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SUCCESS FOR PEMBROKESHIRE! On Friday 10th February the BIG Lottery announced the successful applicants to the first round of the Community Voice programme for Wales – and we are delighted to tell you that PAVS is one of the 15 projects selected to go through to the second stage. PAVS has now been invited to carry out further development work with each of the 10 community-led projects in the Pembrokeshire portfolio entitled Stronger Communities : Better Services with a view to submitting a detailed business plan and second stage application by 30th July 2012. We have received funding for a part-time Development Officer to lead on this work, as well as funding to directly support engagement and development activity in each of the projects. The Pembrokeshire portfolio consists of five engagement initiatives working with specific priority groups of service users; two targeted at “communities of place” and three projects offering innovative engagement methodologies for use with a wide range of service users, including theatre, art, animation and participatory budgeting. The fact that we have made it through the first round does not guarantee success at the next stage, but at least we’re still in the running. The total value of the portfolio is in the region of £950,000 supporting 10 community-led projects over a period of 5 years and it would give us an excellent opportunity to test a range of innovative approaches to engaging citizens in public service design and delivery. The Community Voice portfolio has the full support of the Pembrokeshire Local Service Board. Congratulations to all those people who contributed to the development of the portfolio – your creative and imaginative approaches to engagement activity certainly appear to have made the right impression so far!

Pembrokeshire Association of Voluntary Services Cymdeithas Gwasanathau Gwirrfoddol Sir Benfro 36 - 38 High Street, Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, SA61 2DA 36 - 38 Y Stryd Fawr, Hwlffordd, Sir Benfro, SA61 2DA Tel: 01437 769422 Fax/FFacs: 01437 769431 Deadline for the next edition is: Friday 4th May 2012 Email:

Issue 57 Winter 2012 Rhif 57 Gaeaf 2012

Contents Foreword News from the Board ICT Social Enterprise Charty Commission News Voluntary Sector News Development Support Representation & Joint Working Training Volunteering AGM Reprt Funding Consultations

2 4 6 8 10 10 12 13 14 14 17 21 35

Foreword As this is the first Pembrokeshire Voice of 2012, we would like to take the opportunity to wish each and every one of you a happy and successful New Year from all the Trustees and staff here at PAVS.

down the country. It is good to know that we are leading the way in West Wales! The Ministerial meeting also yielded some success in helping to clarify the position around grants. As reported in the last edition of Pembrokeshire Voice, some Health Boards had indicated that they were being forced by NHS Financial Standing Orders to withdraw third sector grants and to commission all services through an open procurement process. Sue raised this issue with the Minister through a paper she submitted on behalf of all County Voluntary Councils in Wales. Shortly after the meeting, these efforts were rewarded when the Minister issued a letter to all Health Boards clarifying that grants could still be used as a valid method of “securing” a commissioned service and confirming that a paragraph relating to grants would be added to the NHS Financial Instruments to avoid confusion in future. This is an excellent example of County Voluntary Councils being able to represent issues of concern at a national level and get things changed for the better – on some occasions, at least! The next Ministerial meeting for Health & Social Services will take place on 18th June with planning meetings taking place in April and May. If you have any issues you would like to see raised with the Minister, please contact Michelle Copeman (3rd Sector Health & Wellbeing Facilitator) at PAVS.

Our Annual General Meeting took place on 8th December – what an event! Thanks to all those who took part in the meeting, either as presenters or participants, for making it such an enjoyable experience. We have received lots of very positive feedback from people who came along that day, with many saying that they thought it was one of the best AGMs they had attended. The success of the morning was entirely due to the presentations made by some of the groups and volunteers we have supported during the year – their stories were truly inspirational and very moving. If we could only capture these kinds of stories throughout the year, it would provide really strong evidence of the impact of voluntary action on the lives of so many people in communities all across Pembrokeshire. Certainly, this is something for PAVS to think about for the future. In the meantime, a full report of the AGM is included in this newsletter – please take time to have a look, particularly if you were not able to be there in person. Sue met with Lesley Griffiths AM, Minister for Health and Social Services, and her staff early in December at the offices of the Welsh Government in Cardiff. Our Chief Officer represents all Welsh CVC’s on matters related to the Minister’s portfolio on behalf of the Wales Association of County Voluntary Councils. She was joined by Chris Martin (Chair of the Hywel Dda Health Board) and by Sarah Veck (Hywel Dda Director of Strategic Partnerships). Together they explained the third sector codesign project we have successfully formulated locally and formally presented the final report. This was well received by the Minister and everybody else present. All Health Boards in Wales are now being encouraged to develop similar strategies to enlist the help of the third sector in delivering health, social care and wellbeing and a number of presentations focussed upon co-design have since taken place up and

Each CVC across the Hywel Dda region now employs a 3rd Sector Health & Well-being Facilitator whose role is to act as a “pivot” for third sector engagement in the design, delivery and evaluation of health, social care and well-being services. Each Facilitator has been assigned the three-County lead on specific service areas, such as carers, chronic conditions, non-emergency transport, etc. In addition to County-based Network events, joint events are also being organised across the region. One such event took place in Narberth on 11th January and, despite being so early in the New Year, it was pleasing to see almost 100 people in the audience. The event provided an excellent opportunity for participants to be updated on the progress of 2

Foreword the 3rd Sector Co-design project and to hear from the Hywel Dda Executive team about key issues to be considered in the Health Board’s Clinical Services Strategy. This presentation represented the start of a series of public engagement and “listening” events to be held in the run-up to the formal consultation, which is due to be launched following the local elections later in the year. Local Network events in each County are now taking place to give third sector organisations, their members and service users, the chance to contribute to the pre-consultation listening exercise.

forward proposals for each County to develop a single integrated plan with shared outcomes, underpinned by an engagement strategy and an information strategy. It is proposed that the Local Service Board becomes the partnership that oversees the single plan and that local government scrutiny arrangements should be extended to partnership activity so that partners can be held to account. Take a look at the Consultations insert in this newsletter for more information about how you can contribute to this important discussion. The third sector co-location project continues to make progress with several third sector partners already signed up to the idea of moving to the rear wing of Cherry Grove. We have been fortunate to gain the support of a group of post-graduate students studying Sustainable Architecture at the Welsh School of Architecture in Cardiff. The students have chosen Cherry Grove as their live case study and will be working with all interested parties to come up with designs for the sustainable refurbishment of the interior and exterior of the building. This work will undoubtedly be useful when it comes to persuading funders to support the refurbishment of the premises and demonstrates the potential “win win” benefits of relationships with academic institutions. Students on courses are often looking for realtime projects to work on and might be only too pleased to help out – it’s certainly worth asking!

Health and social care services are, of course, inextricably linked and coming over the horizon is formal consultation by the Welsh Government on developing a Welsh model of Citizen/ Self Directed Support, which sets out how services might change in future as part of the forthcoming Social Services (Wales) Bill. The Welsh Government’s vision for social services is set out in the 5-year strategy document entitled “Sustainable Social Services for Wales: A Framework for Action” and is based on giving people more voice and greater control over the care they receive. It is pleasing to see that the draft model includes proposals around assessments focused on outcomes rather than services; co-production of services; the provision of independent advice, information and advocacy support; enhanced support for carers and increased use of direct payments as a mechanism for exercising greater control over services. As ever, there will be problems turning the rhetoric into reality, but at least the rhetoric sounds to be on the right track this time!

Just before Christmas, PAVS was awarded the Green Dragon Level 2 accreditation, which is a nationally recognised environmental management system. The Association’s action plan to improve its sustainable working practices includes making better use of SKYPE and other video conferencing technologies with a view to reducing our carbon footprint – and reducing the amount of time wasted sitting behind the wheel of a car. Why travel to Cardiff for a 2-hour meeting when SKYPE can be used perfectly easily? If you need help with setting up SKYPE and holding a “virtual” meeting, please get in touch with the ICT Development team at PAVS and ask for assistance.

The other area of change is around the rationalisation of strategic partnerships and plans – not before time, we hear you cry! The Minister for Local Government and Communities, Carl Sargeant, threw down the gauntlet at a WLGA Conference last year when he challenged Local Authorities to halve the number of local partnerships by December 2011. The Welsh Government has now issued a consultation document entitled “Shared Purpose – Shared Delivery” which puts 3

Foreword This edition of Pembrokeshire Voice has the usual mix of articles that we hope you will find informative and useful. Happy reading!

Susan Leonard Chief Officer

John Gossage Acting Chair

News from the Board PAVS is delighted to welcome Robin Mogg as a new Trustee on the Board of the Association. Robin was nominated by PLANED (Pembrokeshire Local Action Network for Enterprise and Development) and was elected to the Board by members present at the Annual General Meeting on 8th December.

Acting Chair, John Gossage, said: “PAVS is very fortunate in having a strong Board and I am delighted that we have, once again, managed to attract a new Trustee of the highest calibre. Robin’s business experience will undoubtedly be invaluable to us as we look to developing more income generation opportunities. I am also pleased that we are strengthening our links with PLANED through a shared trustee - this can only be to the advantage of both organisations.”

Robin has extensive business experience and has run his own business for over 10 years. In addition to bringing a wealth of business-related skills to the Board, Robin also has considerable experience of community development and voluntary action, having been an active member of the Havens Community Forum for many years and a member of NCI Coastwatch.

Phil Vickery was also elected to the Board at the AGM in December, having served on the Board as an appointed member for a period of 12 months.

Robin is also very familiar with the roles and responsibilities of a Charity Trustee and Company Director. He currently chairs the Havens Community Forum and two of its working groups, as well as being Vice-Chair of the PLANED Board. Robin has attended a halfday induction session at PAVS and has already made a valuable contribution to the work of the Board at his first meeting in January.

The full Board membership is as follows: Appointed members John Gossage (Acting Chair) Bernie Scourfield (Trustee with Special Responsibility for Finance)


News from the Board Elected members

Board up to its maximum of 10 members. Future work priorities for the Board include developing closer regional working arrangements with our CVC partners across Mid & West Wales; publishing a 10-year strategy supported by a detailed 3-year business plan and funding strategy; progressing the co-location project at Cherry Grove; developing new Compact arrangements with the Local Authority and Hywel Dda Health Board and exploring the potential for delivering research/evaluation contracts through a network of Associates. Meetings have also been set up for Board members to meet with local MPs and AMs to discuss challenges and opportunities for the CVC and the wider third sector.

Martin Bell (Trustee with Special Responsibility for Governance & Compliance) Dilys Fletcher Simon Preddy Robin Mogg Beryl Thomas-Cleaver Phil Vickery The non-remunerated position of PAVS’ Chair is currently the subject of an open recruitment process, managed by the elected members of the Board. The post is currently being advertised with a closing date of 29th February and interviews will take place in March, with a view to the new Chair being in post by the start of the new financial year. Trustees may also decide to appoint one more trustee to bring the

BIG supports Welsh projects to develop their ‘Community Voice’ Community groups throughout Wales are sharing more than £300,000 awarded by the Big Lottery Fund today to help them develop projects which aim to give their communities a stronger voice.

developing an effective community voice for minority groups, disabled people, young people and other hard to reach groups. BIG’s Wales’ Director John Rose said: “This programme provides more of an opportunity for Welsh communities to get their voice heard. It is about people speaking out to influence the decisions that affect their community and their own lives.

Fifteen projects across Wales share a total of £314,115 in development grants awarded under the first round of the Big Lottery Fund’s (BIG) £12 million Community Voice programme, which aims to help Welsh communities influence policies and decisions that affect them (full list at end of release).

“We want this programme to support them to become more sustainable and resilient to future economic, social and environmental challenges as well as developing a stronger sense of community.”

Spearheaded by their local County Voluntary Councils (CVCs), each project will now develop their proposals and apply for the second round of funding which will award £500,000 - £1.5 million for projects which build the opportunities for citizens to engage in planning and running services and projects that respond to their communities’ needs and advance community benefit.

For further information about the Big Lottery Fund and how you can apply for funding, please visit or phone 0300 123 0735. More information on funding opportunities can be found in the Funding section of this newsletter – read on!

Working in partnership with a wide range of organisations and stakeholders including residents, local authorities and health boards, the CVC’s will be expected to develop projects that can influence local decisions such as 5

ICT We’re Here until 2015 As a great Christmas present, Communities 2.0 staff were told that the project will be extended for another 3 years until April 2015. The first recommendation in the mid-term evaluation by Old Bell 3 was to continue the project saying: “Recommendation 1: Given the evidence that the Programme has sound financial management, is delivering much in line with the key targets set for it, and is operating within relatively low levels of deadweight, there is a strong case for continuing to fund the Programme until 2015, as originally envisaged. This will enable the solid foundations now established to be built upon, including enhancing awareness of the Programme.” The other 13 recommendations included suggestions that the project: • Made greater efforts to ‘translate’ support for organisations into digital inclusion initiatives • Relaxed the spatial targeting of the project to include supporting digitally excluded people from outside the top 30% LSOA’s and • Provided greater clarity over the role of volunteers in delivering digital inclusion. To read the full report or the executive summary please visit or to follow progress see our Twitter page at or follow us on Facebook at


ICT Help Get People Online

Office Technology Basics

If you want to talk to your clients, service users or members online but know that many of them don’t use the internet then the Communities 2.0 Project can help through its regular First Click sessions.

The Communities 2.0 project has developed some interactive workshops to train staff and volunteers in the basics of using technology in the office so they can focus on their work instead of fighting with computers.

These sessions help people take their first steps online. We start by introducing them to the ‘On’ button and by the third session they have their own email address and are able to search for goods and services online.

The training helps staff become more efficient and shows them some basic troubleshooting tips so they can diagnose and fix basic problems without calling for tech support. If you would like to know more about this training, then please contact Sue Blantern on the number below.

We can run these sessions in local libraries, in your offices or in PAVS so if you’d like to help your clients, service users and members get online then please contact us using the information below.

Contact Box Sue Blantern

Chris Allman

Communities 2.0 Circuit Rider T: 01437 771197 M: 07876 645869 E:

Rural Circuit Rider T: 01437 769422 M: 07875 235290 E:


Social Enterprise New Pembrokeshire Social Enterprise e-Network launched by PAVS “Social Enterprise: an enterprise with primarily social objectives whose surpluses are principally reinvested for that purpose in the enterprise or in the community, rather than being driven by the need to maximise profit for shareholders and owners” Welsh Government definition 2005

existing Social Enterprises. The e-bulletin will be available to anyone who is interested in receiving news and articles about Social Enterprises and issues covered within it which could include topics such as development support, business planning, marketing and preparing to deliver contracts. The e-bulletin will promote the training opportunities for Social Enterprises on offer from PAVS and other providers and in the future it is hoped that faceto-face networking opportunities will also be created.

The Enterprising Communities Project at PAVS provides practical support to third sector organisations to help them become more sustainable, generate new income and successfully bid to deliver public services. Liz Cook, the Development Officer for the project, is in the process of developing a new quarterly e-bulletin for potential and

If you would like to sign up for the e-bulletin contact Liz on or telephone 01437 769422 for more information.

Recent Introduction to Tendering Workshop deemed a success On Tuesday 31st January the Enterprising Communities Project delivered an Introduction to Tendering workshop in partnership with Sustainable Funding Cymru. The all-day workshop was held at the Queen’s Hall in Narberth and participants explored the planning needed prior to delivering public service contracts. Areas covered in the learning included: understanding the difference between grants and contracts, the process of tendering for a contract and the potential of joint working with others to deliver contracts. The workshop was felt to be very beneficial by all who attended and PAVS are planning to run the workshop again later in the year. If you would like any information about the recent workshop or would like to put your name forward for the next one, please contact Liz Cook at or telephone 01437 769422.

Proposed changes to EU procurement rules will help charities NAVCA has welcomed proposed changes to EU procurement rules, which it believes will make it easier for local charities and voluntary organisations to deliver public services. Before Christmas, the European Commission published proposals for revised public procurement directives.

this will make it easier for local charities and voluntary organisations to deliver public services. It also welcomes the proposed recommendations that the threshold for social, health and education services is significantly raised to €500,000 from €200,000, and that only basic principles of transparency and equal treatment should be applied to the way these services are purchased.

NAVCA says the new proposals recognise that social, health and education services have specific characteristics that do not fit with the current EU procurement rules, and it believes 8

Social Enterprise The Commission's proposal to introduce a need to explain why contracts above €500,000 have not been divided into lots, will help to support local charities delivering public services.

forward to making it easier for commissioning bodies to undertake ‘intelligent commissioning’ that we have always campaigned for. Processes that recognise the true value that local charities and voluntary organisations bring to local public service.”

Kevin Curley, chief executive of NAVCA said: “These recommendations are a great step

Source: NAVCA

New Guide Tendering Guide for Charity Trustees ‘At Your Bidding’ is a free downloadable guide for charity trustees about commissioning and tendering for public services, published by NAVCA in partnership with the Local Government Association. The publication is available on their website At a time of significant change within the public sector, the guide aims to: • Provide some context about the commissioning of public services so that trustees can understand the potential implications and impact of commissioning at a strategic level on their charity • Outline the issue to consider and the decisions that trustees have to make regarding bidding for service contracts • Describe the steps that trustees need to take to make sure their organisation is tender and contract ready • Draw attention to key areas for risk assessment and risk management • Signpost to other useful publications, resources and sources of information and advice This publication is not a detailed technical manual on how to tender. The focus is squarely on the key issues that individuals need to be aware of in fulfilling their duties as charity trustees. Source: NAVCA

Health and safety The Health and Safety Executive has launched a new website “Health and safety made simple: the basics for your business”.

HMRC pilots new dispute resolution service HMRC is piloting a new method of resolving VAT and direct tax disputes with small and mediumsized enterprises, including charities, to try to settle conflicts before they reach a tribunal. The Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) will use independent HMRC facilitators to resolve disputes between HMRC and customers during a compliance check but before a decision or assessment has been made. The facilitators will not previously have been involved in the case. It will be piloted in the North West and North Wales following a trial last year, where 60 per cent of disputes considered by ADR facilitators were either fully or partly resolved. The new service will try to arrive at a quick and fair outcome for both parties, with the aim of reducing costs and avoiding a tribunal. Source : Civil Society 9

Voluntary Sector News Government changes law to allow charities to join credit unions Charities, social enterprises and community groups will be able to join a credit union under changes made to the Credit Unions Act 1979. Previously, only individuals were able to be members of credit unions and use the financial services they provide. However, last November, a Legislative Reform Order was passed by Parliament, under the Credit Unions Act 1979, meaning that from 8 January credit unions can: • Reach out to more people by extending membership to new groups – as a credit union will no longer have to prove that everyone who can join the credit union has something in common

Provide services to community groups, social enterprises and businesses, not just individual allowing credit unions to compete more effectively with banks and other lenders to provide fair and affordable financial services. Choose to pay interest on savings, instead of a dividend

As financial co-operatives, owned and controlled by their members, credit unions have no outside shareholders to pay and any profit they make stays in the community and is used to develop the credit union and provide a return. Source: Charity Finance

Charity Commission News Charity Commission announces key priorities The Charity Commission has announced its two key strategic priorities for the next three years. The Commission recently published its Strategic Plan for the period 2012-2015. In it, plans to develop the compliance and accountability of the charity sector, and to develop the sector’s self-reliance are outlined.

And regarding the second key priority, the Commission plans to: • •

Regarding the first key priority, the Commission has numerous action points, including: • Holding charities to account through transparency requirements, and reviewing the information charities are required to submit to ensure its relevance. • Making decisive interventions when there is malpractice or misconduct, and being more proactive and less reactive in ensuring charities comply with their legal obligations. • Liaising with regulators and law enforcement agencies to ensure a more co-ordinated role in dealing with malpractice.

• •

Improve the accessibility of its guidance and clearly spell out what charities must do to be compliant. Develop a partnership strategy that enables early signposting to sector bodies in order to move to a position where the Commission is not seen as a first or only point of call for tailored advice. Promote the early identification and management of sector risk. Reduce the requirements of Trustees to seek the Commission’s legal consent, through a review of the Charities Act 2006.

To read the whole Strategic Plan, including details of how the Commission intends to implement these priorities, visit:


Charity Commission News Commission outlines new regulatory approach Opening a statutory inquiry into a charity will be very much a last resort for the newly-slimmeddown Charity Commission and will be reserved for the most serious of cases such as those involving fraud, terrorist activity, deliberate abuse by trustees or risk to vulnerable beneficiaries.

to problems. It will rely on its online guidance to provide charities with information, and work with other sector organisations to generate generic or more targeted advice. However, it will only give individual advice to charities where not doing so will cause trustees to breach their legal duties – though it will provide advice in “complex charity mergers and restructures”.

The new regulatory approach is contained in the Commission's new ‘Risk Framework’, which outlines how the regulator will decide whether and how to engage with charities on various issues.

It will routinely check a sample of accounts each year and take appropriate follow-up action if there are found to be issues. It will not get involved in internal disputes or engage in issues that “do not pose a serious risk to a charity’s status, assets, services or beneficiaries”.

The regulator is facing a real-term reduction in its budget of around a third over the next four years and so has been examining how it can best fulfil its regulatory duties with less money to spend than it has been used to.

It will assess the nature of the risk and the level of risk before considering how to respond to cases that arise.

The Framework emphasises that the Commission will work to proactively indentify and manage risks rather than simply reacting

Source: Civil Society

Charity Commission on your mobile The Charity Commission has launched a mobile version of its website, http://m.charitycommission. specifically designed for use on mobile phones. The site holds the register of charities and summaries of the Commission's guidance on issues including fundraising and trading. The idea is that people will be able to check charities' details on their phone before making a donation.

Advance Notice of Events Pembrokeshire Community Buildings Forum The next Pembrokeshire Community Buildings Forum will be held during May. Last year’s Forums were very well attended and covered issues such as Licensing, Insurance and funding. PAVS are keen to ensure that issues affecting community buildings are on the Agenda for May’s meeting. Is the current economic climate having an effect on your organisation’s ability to grow? Are there issues around tendering, IT, marketing or general governance you’d like advice on? Whatever your issue is, we’ll help you solve it. If your committee has an issue it would like to see explored at the Forum or you would like to attend, contact Liz Cook at or telephone 01437 769422. 11

IT Development Support Rural Circuit Rider ICT Support and Development Service If you are based anywhere in Pembrokeshire and need ICT support or development for your organisation then PAVS has a project that can offer assistance through its Circuit Rider programme (a Circuit Rider being an ICT support and development officer who works with voluntary and community groups and social enterprises)

(e.g., helping to implement or develop CRM and email marketing strategies, implementing geographical search and location systems to help users find services and activities offered by the Third Sector in Pembrokeshire, and developing functions to allow organisations to send multiple text messages to their members or receive and process text messages on their website, amongst many others.

The Welsh Government’s Rural Development Plan is providing the funding that enables PAVS Circuit Rider Chris Allman to supplement the work of his colleagues, in the Learning and Development team and the Communities 2.0 programme, to help groups throughout Pembrokeshire with their ICT development needs.

Our aim is to provide ICT support and development services that range from the quick and easy to the cutting-edge, but all delivered in a non-technically demanding manner so that it is the group that stays in control at all times, and you can have a full sense of ownership of the services and products we help you develop or the solutions we find together.

Since June 2011 Chris has worked with over 40 different voluntary groups and social enterprises. Projects have included:- helping a theatre company set up a social media based marketing strategy, developing websites such as the recently launched one for the Pembrokeshire branch of the National Autism Society ( uk), helping to develop or set up Content Management Systems to enable groups to better manage their websites, training volunteers in website development skills and assisting them in building their own websites

If you’d like to find out more, or arrange an informal chat to explore your needs and what we can offer, please contact Chris on or call 01437 769422, mobile 07875 235290.

New Information and Workshop Programme PAVS’ Learning and Development Team has developed a programme of information and workshops for voluntary organisations working in Pembrokeshire.

informed PAVS Learning and Development Team to start the 2012 programme with an Introduction to Tendering Workshop on 31st January. The workshop was well attended by a range of organisations with no previous experience of tendering but who wanted to develop the necessary skills. The workshop was well received with participants valuing the practical approach of the workshop and the opportunity to learn from both the formal elements of the workshop as well as the more informal information exchange and networking with the workshop leaders and other participants.

There is a recognition that sometimes very small voluntary organisations have highly developed expertise in their field. However these organisations often lack the skills to exploit their expertise by tendering for contracts which could enable the organisation to achieve or maintain a sustainable financial base. Understanding the need of voluntary organisations to develop tendering skills 12

The next workshops will be ‘Basic Book Keeping and the Role of the Treasurer’ (March 29th) and ‘An Introduction to recruiting and keeping volunteers’ (March 7th) Further workshops will be held over the next few months covering a range of topics including preparing a sustainable fundraising strategy, charities and VAT, minute taking, and trustees’ responsibilities. All workshops are free of charge thanks to support from the Collaborative Communities and Enterprising Communities initiatives.

If you would like to find out more about any of the forthcoming workshops or if you would like to express an interest in attending a re-run of the workshops which have already taken place, please contact PAVS’ Learning and Development Team on 01437 769422 or by emailing The full Information and Workshops programme can be viewed by following the links to the Training page at .

Representation and Joint Working

Bringing out the best across all the LHBs for our communities Addressing inconsistencies across local health boards (LHBs) was the focus of the recent meeting with Health and Social Services Minister Lesley Griffiths AM.

The Minister found this ‘really impressive’, asking the Hywel Dda team to report on delivery at the summer 2012 meeting. In contrast, the third sector brought to the Minister’s attention the poor practice by some LHBs who misguidedly believe that under NHS Standing Financial Instructions (SFIs), and/or European Procurement Law, all health services have to be procured and that they are no longer permitted to award grants.

The meeting took place on 5 December, under the auspices of the Third Sector Scheme. The third sector, described by the Minister as a ‘significant partner in health’, was joined by Hywel Dda Health Board Chair Chris Martin and Director of Strategic Partnerships, Sarah Veck, along with PAVS Chief Executive Sue Leonard, to present the new A co-designed future: the third sector role in health and social care in Hywel Dda.

The Minister reiterated the Welsh Government’s position, outlined in statements from the First Minister, the Minister for Finance and Minister for Local Government and Communities, that grants will continue to be an important way of funding many third sector organisations. Following this meeting the Minister has written to WCVA committing to add a paragraph making reference to grant funding in the SFIs.

Hywel Dda partners agreed that achieving this co-design approach ‘is not easy but worth the effort’. Key to its delivery is: • the tripartite overarching compact; • the role of the CVCs and local health and social care facilitators redefined for this regional approach, securely funded to 2015; • commissioning based on the Merthyr Tydfil and Rhondda Cynon Taf joint on-line resource Commission Accomplished at including a Code of Practice and three to five year contracts; and • making best use of the LHB charitable funds, providing non-recurrent funding for collaborative community healthcare improvement projects.

The third sector also brought examples of good practice in the Stakeholder Reference Groups and received the Minister’s support to establish this across all LHBs. Finally the third sector asked the Minister how she is ensuring that LHBs and local authorities work together for the best holistic outcomes in mental health for service users and carers. The Minister cited the new Mental Health Strategy together with the coming regulations for the Mental Health Measure providing ways of achieving this much needed unified approach. 13

Training Roll up, Roll up, for the Learning Market 2012 Riverside Marketplace, Haverfordwest Saturday 12 May 10am-3pm

Adult Learners’ Week 2012 is being launched in Pembrokeshire with this Learning Marketplace. Visitors can shop for new learning opportunities and sample what’s on offer during the rest of Pembrokeshire Learning Festival. There will be plenty going on so don’t miss out! And it’s all Free! Adult Learners Week runs from 12th-20th May with free taster sessions and events taking place throughout Pembrokeshire. If your organisation is interested in taking part in any of the Adult Learners’ Week promotional activities, or would like to know what activities are happening in Pembrokeshire please contact Louise Wilkinson at PAVS.

Volunteering Engagement Gateway Project Update Do you work with clients or participants who are not working at the moment, or are working less than 16 hours?

Some of the new projects are delivering activities, such as: Support to help young people aged 16-25 into the job market in Fishguard (with POINT) First Aid training (with St John Cymru Wales) Industry standard training in Health and Beauty (with The Nail Training Academy) Creative skills and construction skills through the building of a structure at Cardigan skate park (with Small World Theatre in Cardigan)

Would they like to do something, like training or volunteering, to help get them back into the job market? If the answer is yes you might like to suggest they contact PAVS to discuss some of the projects that might be able to support them in Pembrokeshire. As an organisation you might also be interested in working with some of the projects yourselves.

There are only a few months left of the Engagement Gateway project, as all activities will be finishing in the summer, so make the most of the opportunities available.

Each of the projects offer something different in terms of activities, workshops or courses but are all designed to help individuals move closer to getting a job. There are currently more than 20 projects working in Pembrokeshire and the last few projects have just got underway.

For more information visit the PAVS website htm or contact Louise Wilkinson at PAVS.


Volunteering LATEST VACANCIES MS SOCIETY CYMRU MS Support Volunteer Visitor Volunteer Grant Support Volunteer Branch Contact Volunteer Lead Support Volunteer Newly Diagnosed Support Volunteer Carers Support Volunteer Telephone Contact Volunteer

SPAN ARTS LTD Youth Theatre Volunteer UNA EXCHANGE European Voluntary Service (EVS) NATIONAL TRUST WALES Warden ALZHEIMERS SOCIETY Support Services Volunteer Memory Walk Local Organiser Memory Walk Event Volunteer Leader

BRITISH RED CROSS HAVERFORDWEST CHARITY SHOP Charity Shop Worker TENOVUS Advice Assistant Community Champion Retail Assistant

PEMBROKESHIRE CREDIT UNIONS Cleaner Board Member Company Secretary Schools Officer

Contact the Volunteering Team on: 01437 769422 to enquire about any of these opportunities.


Get ready to celebrate the Games If you want to plan a celebration for the Olympic or Paralympic Games, then look no further. London 2012 have launched a scheme called Local Leaders. This provides people across the whole of the UK with the opportunity to get access to ideas, hints and tips to organise their celebrations. Becoming a Local Leader is really simple. Just provide your email address on the website and once signed up, Local Leaders will receive email updates each month with helpful things such as: - Hints and tips - Planning guides - Decoration ideas - Posters to use - Save the date cards You can sign up to be a Local Leader here. For more information contact Gwyn L Williams: the Creative Programmer for Wales

0796 71 61 766


Volunteering Volunteer for Great Experience with Citizens Advice! The recession, rising cost of living and spending cuts are inflicting real hardship on many people. Pembrokeshire Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) needs new volunteers to increase its services and provide help where it’s desperately needed. CAB is a charity that provides advice on debt, benefits and personal rights and responsibilities. It has busy offices in Haverfordwest and Pembroke Dock where volunteers help with administration, recruitment, IT and marketing, as well as provide free, specialist, face-to-face advice. If you feel unappreciated, stuck in a rut, or lacking direction, take on the CAB challenge. It’ll broaden your experience, introduce you to new people and give you a real sense of satisfaction.

is being jointly run by Peter Dickinson and Maureen Prentice. Peter is also a volunteer advisor. He says: “Volunteering for CAB is great experience. It gives you the chance to use your existing knowledge and there’s training to learn new skills if you want to.” If you’re a future job seeker, CAB will give you work experience and training that will give your life a lift and enhance your CV. CAB aims to reflect the communities it serves and welcomes people of all ages and from all backgrounds and communities. If you are interested in becoming a CAB volunteer and can offer at least six hours a week, phone 01646 686552 or email

Thanks to funding from the Wales Council for Voluntary Action, CAB has launched a new drive to recruit more volunteers. The project

Pembroke Dock Volunteering Day Extravaganza at the Pater Hall Thursday March 15th 12noon – 3pm Just drop in and find out more about the exciting variety of volunteering opportunities in the Pembroke and Pembroke dock area Open to all people who are interested in volunteering and organisations who wish to have a stand to display information about their volunteering opportunities.

Contact Sarah Payne for more information on the contact details below Sarah Payne, Llanion Communities First, Community Development Worker Telephone: 0845 345 5031 Email:


REPORT on PAVS ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING for the financial year ended 31st March 2011

Having experienced poor weather in the previous two years, the PAVS’ Board decided to try a different format for this year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) and opted for a morning meeting ending with lunch and networking. The change of approach certainly seemed to be popular, with around 70 people attending the event at Crundale Community Hall, near Haverfordwest. On arrival, guests were able to network and visit the stands which provided information about the full range of services on offer through PAVS and from member organisations. The business of the AGM started at 11.00am with Acting Chair, John Gossage, welcoming everyone to the meeting. The Minutes of the previous AGM held in December 2010 were presented and adopted as a true record. The Acting Chair then presented the Annual Review for 2010/2011, which once again highlighted the excellent work carried out by PAVS staff over the reporting period. He paid tribute to the work of the whole staff team under the leadership of Chief Officer, Sue Leonard. He noted that four members of staff had now received the fabled “PAVS pen” for 10 years’ service, with several others fast approaching their 10-year anniversary. The Acting Chair stated that PAVS was fortunate that its team of experienced and skilled staff had remained loyal to the Association, despite the fact that contracts were usually short-term – often no more than 12 months at a time. The Acting Chair then moved on to thank Board members for their work over the past twelve months. He paid particular tribute to Ian Hunter who had decided to step down as Chair in August, having served 4 years as a Board member. It was noted that Ian had been Chair of the Association during the whole of the 2010-2011 financial year and that his strong, professional leadership had served PAVS well during a period of challenge and change. On behalf of the PAVS’ Board and staff team, the Acting Chair thanked Ian for all his hard work and wished him well for the future. He also thanked Mike Odlin who had stepped down from the Board earlier in the year when he had taken up the post of Fundraising Officer at the Hywel Dda Health Board. The Chair stated that PAVS was looking forward to working closely with Mike over the coming months to establish a new small grants programme across the region. John Gossage repeated his thanks to all members of the PAVS’ Board for their hard work and support during the reporting period, particularly relating to the development of the PAVS Interim Business Plan and the achievement of the Green Dragon accreditation at Level 2, which recognises the efforts made by PAVS to work in a way that is environmentally sound. He also thanked Cllr David Wildman, the Pembrokeshire County Council nominated advisor to the Board, for his support during the year and expressed the hope that Hywel Dda Health Board would be able to put forward an advisor to the Board in the coming year. Before finishing, the Acting Chair looked ahead at some of the key areas of activity that PAVS would be focusing on in the future, including the third sector co-location project at Cherry Grove and regional working arrangements. He explained that the Board had opened up discussions with neighbouring County Voluntary Councils in Ceredigion, Carmarthen and Powys to establish


a Memorandum of Understanding, which would govern future working relationships. However, he gave an absolute assurance that PAVS remained committed to local delivery of the full range of front-line services that support voluntary and community groups in Pembrokeshire and stressed that the Board would work hard to make sure this was achieved. In closing, the Acting Chair expressed his gratitude to PAVS’ members and supporters: “I would like to thank you, our members and supporters from the voluntary sector, our funders and our partners, for your ongoing support and encouragement. PAVS could not do it without you, and we look forward to working with you again next year.” Chief Officer, Sue Leonard, then presented a brief overview of the work that PAVS had carried out during the year and highlighted the fact that the Association performed extremely well when bench-marked against other CVCs across Wales. She confirmed that the Association had also delivered strongly in line with the various service level agreements held with statutory partners, in particular, Pembrokeshire County Council and Hywel Dda Health Board. It was noted that the Third Sector Infrastructure Partnership Agreement, which provides core funding from Welsh Government to County Voluntary Councils across Wales, was due to be reviewed during 2012 and that the future of the Partnership Agreement beyond March 2013 remained uncertain. The Chief Officer confirmed that every effort would be made to retain Welsh Government core funding, as this was used to lever in additional funding to ensure that services to the sector could be provided free at the point of delivery. Working in partnership at local and regional level had remained a key theme of PAVS’ work during the year, with a significant amount of work being done to progress the 3rd Sector Co-design project with the Hywel Dda Health Board. The Chief Officer was pleased to announce that the final report had recently been published and had received widespread acclaim across Wales. She explained that the report set out the Health Board’s commitment to the third sector and the value of the role the sector can play in the delivery of health and social care services across the Hywel Dda region. The year had also seen the usual mix of excellent training courses, workshops, conferences and events, such as the Pembrokeshire Volunteer of the Year awards ceremony; Youth Volunteering Fair; Learning Market; Learning Zone; Funding Fair and outreach surgeries; Carers events including Carers’ Day and Carers’ Rights Day; Network events; ICT and Digital Inclusion workshops. The Chief Officer said that she was delighted to report that during the year under review PAVS had distributed over £95,000 in grants to third sector organisations and just under £11,000 to individual carers for much-needed and well-deserved holiday breaks. Despite funding difficulties, she confirmed that PAVS remained committed to increasing the amount of funding distributed to the sector in small grants. She described the work that was ongoing with the Health Board to establish a “general fund” to support innovative community-led health improvement projects and confirmed that PAVS would continue to explore the potential of establishing a Pembrokeshire Community Fund. The Chief Officer thanked the Trustee Board for their support and guidance during the year. She also paid a personal tribute to retired Chair, Ian Hunter:


“Ian was an excellent Chair and led the Association through the whole of the year under review. Ian was the ideal “critical friend” for me – challenging and supportive in equal measure – and I wish him well for the future.” In closing, the Chief Officer expressed her gratitude to all PAVS’ members for their continuing support: “I speak on behalf of all staff at PAVS when I say that we have once again appreciated the support offered to us this year by our members and colleagues in the voluntary sector and by our statutory partners. We look forward to continuing to work with you all for the benefit of the voluntary and community sector and social enterprises – supporting your members, service users, volunteers, trustees and paid staff.” The Chair then formally presented the Annual Review 2010/11 to the members and it was unanimously agreed to accept the document. In presenting the annual accounts for the financial year ended 31st March 2011, the Trustee with Special Responsibility for Finance, Bernie Scourfield, explained that PAVS received income from a wide range of funding sources and that the systems in place within the Finance team were robust and fit for purpose. He also presented information relating to the pension deficit and explained that this was an actuarial valuation only, which did not have any negative impact on the long-term financial position of the Association. He highlighted the fact that the majority of PAVS’ income was spent on staff costs, which was only to be expected in an intermediary service delivery organisation, and re-stated the Association’s commitment to trying to find more funding for small grants schemes. The TSR Finance informed members that the Auditors had confirmed that the finances of the Association were well-managed by professional and well-qualified members of staff within the Finance team, and recommended that the accounts for 2011/12 be received by the membership. This was agreed by all present. The Chair thanked The TSR Finance for his report and also expressed his gratitude to the Finance team for their hard work during the year. It was proposed and unanimously agreed that Messrs Bevan & Buckland be re-appointed as auditors for the financial year 2011/12. The final item of business was the election of Trustees to the Board. Members were reminded that, under the amended Constitution, seven places on the Board were nominated and elected by the membership and it was confirmed that there were three Board vacancies. It was reported that two nominations had been received: Phil Vickery (who had previously served on the Board as an appointed trustee) and Robin Mogg (nominated by PLANED). Both nominees were unanimously elected to the Board by the members present. It was also confirmed that the remaining elected Trustees had all confirmed that they were willing to continue to serve as Board members. The Acting Chair welcomed the new Trustees and explained that one of the first tasks for the new Board would be to appoint a new Chair through an open recruitment process. There being no other business, the AGM concluded at 11.45am. 19

The second part of the morning was given over to a celebration of voluntary action in Pembrokeshire - “Making a Difference by Doing Things Differently”. Each team leader in PAVS gave a short overview of the work of their team and then introduced an organisation that they had supported during the year. Representatives of each group gave a short presentation, describing what they did and the difference they made to the lives of the people they supported. The groups that gave presentations were: Pembrokeshire Action to Combat Hardship (PATCH); Pembrokeshire Cancer Support; Hywel Dda Health Board; Walk with Friends; Pill Social Centre and the 3 Amigos.

The presentations were all brilliant and there was a lot of laughter, mixed with a few tears, from members of the audience. Each speaker brought their organisation to life, describing the amazing efforts of the very many volunteers up and down Pembrokeshire, who are giving up their time to build strong communities and help people in real need. The presenters also paid tribute to the support they had received from PAVS, with one person describing PAVS as the “seatbelt that holds you safely in the carriage as you ride the roller coaster of running a voluntary group” – a quote that we will certainly want to use again! After the presentations, everyone enjoyed an excellent seasonal buffet provided by East West Cuisine – thanks to Jackie Palit and her team for a scrumptious spread! There was also plenty of time for people to visit the information stands and have a good chat with staff from PAVS as well as colleagues and friends from across the sector. The feedback from the event was very positive with many people saying that they thought it was one of the best AGMs they had attended – something to live up to next year!


Funding Events and Training Pembrokeshire Funding Fair 2011 The annual Pembrokeshire Funding Fair took place on 15th November 2011 at the Queens Hall in Narberth. It was another successful event, attracting over 140 representatives from voluntary groups and social enterprises from all over Pembrokeshire. As well as a great opportunity to catch up on the latest funding news from more than 20 funding bodies, it was also a great networking opportunity.

included information on tendering for small contracts from Pembrokeshire County Council's Procurement Team and a presentation on ‘Winning in Tendering’ – an initiative run by Bangor University which assists enterprises to make successful tenders. There was also a presentation on the latest loans and grants available from WCVA’s Communities Investment Fund. Professional assistance was available from Business in the Community and the Pembrokeshire ProHelp Network, as well as tips on online marketing from PAVS’ RDP Circuit Rider and Communities 2.0 projects.

The exhibitors in the main hall included key national funders; the Big Lottery Fund, The Institute of Fundraising, Environment Wales, The Community Foundation in Wales, Lloyds TSB Foundation and The Millennium Stadium Charitable Trust and more, along with local funders including; PAVS, Pembrokeshire County Council, Milford Haven Port Authority and Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority.

Officers are happy to provide copies of presentations or any other information to those who were unable to attend. Please contact the Learning and Development Team on 01437 769 422 or e-mail The Pembrokeshire Funding Fair was supported by Collaborative Communities which is part funded by the EU's Convergence European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Government.

This year’s presentations focused on helping groups to develop a more sustainable approach to funding which is vital in the ever competitive climate for grant money. Presentations

**Funding Fair 2012 – 20th November 2012**

This is an early diary marker for the Pembrokeshire Funding Fair 2012 which will take place at the Queens Hall, Narberth on Tuesday 20th November 2012. The event is in the early stages of planning but will follow the usual format of the funders’ exhibition and a series of workshops and talks. If there are any topics which you think might be of particular value to the sector then get in touch with any ideas. Please put this date in your diary now and let your colleagues know about this event. For up-dates on the event as it is planned over the coming months please check the PAVS web-site: 21

Funding Events and Training BBC Children in Need & Comic Relief Funding Surgeries 2012 We are fortunate, once again, to be welcoming the Grant Officers for BBC Children in Need and Comic Relief to the PAVS offices over the next few months. These focused sessions give groups the chance to book a 45 minute one-to-one appointment with the funders to talk specifically about possible funding applications to these schemes. This gives groups the opportunity to ensure that applications are well-targeted and to benefit from the guidance of these officers. BBC Children in Need Funding surgeries 2012 – Thursday 23 February • The grants are open to organisations working with disadvantaged children and young people who are 18 years old and under Comic Relief Funding Surgeries 2012 – Monday 26 March • Current funding programmes include: Young people and mental health, Young people and alcohol, Managing Money Better – Comic Relief’s New Older People's Programme**, Sexually exploited and trafficked young people, Mental health, Refugee and asylum-seeking women, Domestic and sexual abuse: young people, Sport for change **More information included on this programme in the Charitable Trust section below** If you would like to come along then please contact Wendy Marmara or Lorna Livock at PAVS to book your place or e-mail

Training and Information Sessions Funding your Future - An introduction to preparing a sustainable fundraising strategy 13th March 2012, 10am – 1pm Venue: PAVS, Haverfordwest Tutor: Lorna Livock Useful for any group wishing to gain a further insight into planned fundraising. By the end of the session participants will: • Understand what a fundraising strategy is, and why they need one • Be able to explore and extend their fundraising options • Be able to construct a realistic sustainable fundraising strategy

Gift Aid registration workshop – five simple steps to Gift Aid 10 May 2012 Trainer: Eileen Kinsman WCVA Giving Wales Officer Duration: Half day 2 – 4pm PAVS Offices, Haverfordwest Aimed at charities and sports clubs that are not registered to claim Gift Aid, as well as those that are already registered but want to ensure they are claiming full entitlement. Gift Aid enables charities and community amateur sports clubs to reclaim the tax paid on donations from individuals – for every pound your organisation is given you can claim an additional 25 pence from HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC). By building this option into your fundraising strategy you can generate higher levels of unrestricted funding for your organisation. 22

Training and Information Sessions This workshop will consider the process of registering for and claiming Gift Aid in five simple steps. The session will cover how to: • Register with HMRC to claim Gift Aid • Encourage your donors to complete Gift Aid declarations • Maintain appropriate records • Make a claim for Gift Aid • Promote Gift Aid • Ensure your organisation complies with relevant legislation and best practice • Know where to go for further information, help and advice Groups which have already registered an interest with the Learning and Development Team will be contacted to ensure that they are aware of this date. Places are limited so please book on as soon as possible or call PAVS on 01437 769 422.

Funding Strategy – Survival and Resilience – a two part workshop Part 1 – 27 June 2012 and Part 2 – 4 July 2012. Both 9.30am – 1pm Venue: PAVS, Haverfordwest. Tutors: Wendy Marmara & Kevin Doolin By the end of the sessions, participants will: • Understand the pros and cons of different funding sources • Be able to use business tools for strategic development • Have developed a bespoke action plan for their organisation to begin moving towards a more secure financial future All of the above workshops are free - supported by the Collaborative Communities initiative which is part funded by the EU’s Convergence European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Government. These sessions are taken from the PAVS Information and Workshop Programme January – July 2012. The full programme is available on the PAVS web-site or you can request a copy from the Learning and Development Team.

PAVS’ Grants and Local Funding Pembrokeshire Impact Fund – now funded until March 2013!! We are pleased to announce confirmation of continued funding for the Pembrokeshire Impact Fund by the Welsh Government. The Pembrokeshire Impact Fund, which is administered by PAVS, will distribute a further £50,000 in grants to voluntary and community groups across Pembrokeshire by March 2013.

2012/ 2013 deadlines 25 May 2012 7 September 2012 16 November 2012 8 February 2013 Voluntary and community groups can apply for up to £2,000 of capital costs for a project but the scheme cannot fund the running costs of an organisation such as general office equipment.

Applications are now being invited for the next round of the Pembrokeshire Impact Fund which will close on the 25 May 2012. 23

PAVS’ Grants and Local Funding Projects need to show how they address the key themes of community involvement, sustainability and equal opportunities. With the funding climate becoming more and more competitive, applications need to be as robust as possible and show good evidence of need. This can range from results of questionnaires and surveys through to letters of support or community Action Plans.

The PAVS Learning and Development Team is here to help. If you would like to discuss a potential project or need guidance to complete an application form, then just get in touch. For application packs or information, please contact Lindsay Morgan on or 01437 769 422.

Little Green Grant – now funded until March 2013!! This is a local grant initiative supported by the Sustainable Development Fund, which is administered by the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority and funded by the Welsh Government. If you have a project or idea which you think will help you and others in your community to put living in a more sustainable way into practice then the Little Green Grant could offer you some help to get started. Individuals, groups of individuals, voluntary or community groups, local organisations or small businesses may apply for up to £1,500 towards a project in the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park or that shows genuine support and benefit to communities within the National Park. Possible projects could include: • • • • • •

Community allotments and community composting Education or information resources Development of newsletters/ websites/ information networks Community based sustainable transport initiatives Sustainable food production and consumption of local produce Sustainable use of water resources and access to water

PAVS’ Pembrokeshire Impact Fund (PIF) supports capital costs only for groups carrying out projects in Pembrokeshire. If a project meets the criteria for both grant schemes then complementary funding could be applied for from the Little Green Grant for revenue project costs whilst applying to the Pembrokeshire Impact Fund for capital costs. Applications can also be made to the Little Green Grant for stand alone revenue projects or capital / revenue projects that do not fit the criteria for the PIF. 2012/ 2013 deadlines: 25 May 2012 7 September 2012 16 November 2012 8 February 2013 If you would like to discuss an application, request an application pack or require support to complete the application form then please contact the Learning and Development Team at PAVS on 01437 769 422 or e-mail 24

PAVS’ Grants and Local Funding Pembrokeshire Community Regeneration Fund – Pembrokeshire County Council The Pembrokeshire Community Regeneration Fund, administered by Pembrokeshire County Council supports applications for capital projects that support the development of: • vibrant and sustainable communities • cohesive communities • disadvantaged communities

Organisations can apply for grants from £3,000 to £20,000 for capital projects. There is no upper limit on the total cost of the project. Match funding will be required, the larger the grant request the greater the amount of match funding required. Up to 5% of total project match funding can be an ‘in kind’ contribution.

Potential projects could include: • enhancing the local environment • creating employment and increasing skill levels • improving health and wellbeing • developing activities that encourage engagement • improving access to services • supporting the most vulnerable members of society

Initially potential applicants should submit an Expression of Interest form. This can be submitted electronically to or by post to S Henehan, Community Regeneration Manager, Pembrokeshire County Council, County Hall, Haverfordwest, SA61 1TP. They will be assessed on a rolling basis and successful entries will be invited to submit a full application.

The fund is open to: • Voluntary, community, charitable and other third sector organisations. • Town and Community Councils. • Social and community enterprises. • Pembrokeshire County Council where a wider community benefit and added value can be demonstrated.

Expressions of Interest forms, application forms and guidelines are available electronically from: or contact 01437 775540 to request paper versions.

Milford Haven Port Authority – Community Support Programme The Community Support Programme provides support to local communities in a number of ways:

The MHPA's Community Team is available to support with applications to these schemes as well as with broader development work.

Through the Community Fund Level 1 that provides up to £250 financial assistance to voluntary and community organisations for projects, events and equipment.

Through the Community Fund Level 2 this offers up to £3,500 grant funding for a project. Applicants will need to demonstrate that their organisation and/or project has a connection with the Port and explain how the project contributes to sustainability.

Charities, voluntary and community organisations and social enterprises that are working within Pembrokeshire are eligible to apply for support through the Community Support Programme. For more information, please visit and click on “Community Support” on the home page or contact the Community Team on 01646 696158.


PAVS Grants and Local Funding The Rudbaxton Parish Education Fund The fund aims to advance the education of children and young people under the age of 25 who live in the parish of Rudbaxton, Pembrokeshire. The Fund will support community and voluntary groups either based in Rudbaxton, or whose work directly benefits individuals under the age of 25 living in Rudbaxton. Schools and PTAs may apply but projects must fall outside statutory provision. Eligible groups can apply for grants of up to £2000 a year. In exceptional circumstances the trustees may consider awarding larger grants

where a strong case for support can be made. Grants can contribute to towards running costs of a project; minor capital works; purchase of equipment and materials or contribute to the costs of educational materials, trips and outings. The fund is administered by the Community Foundation in Wales and the next deadline is August 31 2012. For more information please visit uk/grants

Funding News Institute of Fundraising updates code of practice on handling cash

Institute launches fundraising videos

The Institute of Fundraising has published “Handling of Cash and Other Financial Donations Code of Fundraising Practice”, to help protect organisations from fraud, theft or embezzlement. This publication updates the version of the Handling of Cash Donations code and includes guidance on different types of donations as well as details on tax-effective giving and processing donations using tills.

The Five Minute Fundraiser videos is a series of online videos designed to give small charities tips on fundraising issues, structures and techniques. They have been produced in association with the Office of Civil Society and form part of the Institute’s work to support small charities. The videos touch on subjects from ‘what is fundraising’ to the ‘internal fundraising environment’.

The code should also assure donors that their donations and gifts are used for the purpose for which they were given.

Watch on-line - fundraiser regulation

(Source: Civil Society)

Navca publishes ‘At Your Bidding’ guide to commissioning for trustees At Your Bidding is a guide for charity trustees about commissioning and tendering for public services. The guide outlines the key issues that trustees of local charities should be aware of when deciding whether to embark on public service delivery. It is not a detailed technical guide on how to tender but gives information on the key considerations for charity trustees in fulfilling their duties and understanding the potential implications and impact of commissioning on their charity. It also gives details to help when bidding for service contracts and ensuring an organisation is ready for the tendering process and able to deliver the contract. The guide can be downloaded free from the Navca (Source: Civil Society) 26

Funding News Questions to ask before applying for a grant (or contract) 1. Are you eligible to apply?

5. What terms and conditions might be attached to any offer?

Consider deadlines, does what you are asking for come within the scope of the grant programme, is your organisation eligible to apply, do you meet their criteria and priorities (who have they supported before)? Read guidelines carefully and give the funder a quick phone call if in doubt.

Some funders will ask for very little other than acknowledgement of their support (some prefer to remain anonymous). But those funders who expect funded organisations to meet certain standards will often be happy to explain in advance what these are – often on their website. It’s unlikely to cause any major 2. What is this funder really looking for? problems but it’s important to check in advance – because there could be implications for how What do you know about this funder from your you manage your project. Some funders may research? Have you made a clear case for have conditions about how you account for support? Have you tailored your approach to your grant and manage activity they are funded. the individual funder? Who else might apply (the This may have additional costs, or staffing, competition) - how will your application appear implications for your organisation which you in comparison? What’s your application’s main need to consider in advance. Check conditions selling points? before you apply – websites can be useful. 3. Do you have time to apply?

6. Have you included the full costs of this project in an application?

It takes time to apply for funding so consider whether you have the resources to submit an application with a reasonable chance of success. Does the funders timescale (deadlines/ decisions etc.) fit with when you want your funded activity to happen?

First do you know what your full costs are, and second have you asked the funder to meet them? It’s easy to forget the amount of management and administration that underpins the project for which you are applying. Not knowing your full costs from the outset puts your whole organisation at risk. There are still funders who will only consider direct project costs, but increasingly funders recognise that sustainable organisations need to cover their full costs.

4. Would this project be the best use of this funding opportunity? Perhaps you only need funding for one project, but you might need funding for several projects. How do you decide what you apply for grants for, what might be suitable for a loan, what you might need to pay for from reserves (if you have any) and what activity you might fund through income from trading or bidding for contracts? Grants are valuable in funding types of activity which are harder to support through other channels. Make best use of any opportunities by being aware of your wider funding needs and options and considering each opportunity in this context. PAVS can help with this process.

7. Are there any other ways this activity could be funded? Grants can be useful but can also be limited in terms of what they support, how long they take to apply for and availability. Sometimes other funding sources may be better for certain funding needs. Consider all your options before applying for a grant. Knowing your other options (earning,


Funding News & Charitable Trusts fundraising, loans, contracts etc.) gives you a head start if you are rejected, and when thinking about your exit strategy (what might happen after a grant).

setting up new activity which you would like to continue then this is an issue. Think about this as early as you can. Many grant funders are concerned about the sustainability of the activity (and organisations) they support and will be open to applications which include the costs of preparing a project for life after the grant ends.

8. If you get the grant what will happen when it ends? If you’ve used grant funding to meet a one-off need, then you might not need to think about this. But if you are funding ongoing activity or

(Adapted from NCVO’s Ten Questions to Ask Before Applying)

Charitable Trusts Help is available!

There are thousands of different trusts and funding bodies and it is impossible to cover even a fraction of them in these pages so please contact the Learning and Development Team to discuss your particular project. Support is available to help you decide which will be the most appropriate funding sources – officers will run a Grantfinder search and follow this up with a meeting to discuss the findings and talk through eligibility and other issues. Just e-mail development@pavs. or call 01437 769 422 and ask to speak to a development officer. Here are examples of just a few trusts that offer funding:

LankellyChase Foundation

The Triangle Trust 1949 Fund – Closed until April 2012

From April 2012 the LankellyChase Foundation will intensify its focus on social disadvantage by concentrating its funding exclusively on bringing about change to improve the quality of life of people who face severe and multiple disadvantage. They recognise that many organisations working for these beneficiaries don’t fit into categories and require flexible funding in order to thrive. So a decision has been taken to move away from the current programme approach funding specific themes.

Due to policy changes recently agreed by the trustees the Triangle Trust 1949 Fund is currently closed for applications until April 2012 and applications are no longer being considered for funding. Details of the changes to the application process will be announced on the website in due course.

A new Open Grants scheme will offer funding to organisations working to build the capabilities of people who face severe and multiple disadvantage. It is expected that this will be launched in summer 2012.

Woodward Charitable Trust Children's summer play scheme grants of £500 to £1,000 (about 30 grants made per year). Applications for these are made on a specific application form, which can be downloaded from the web-site, and are considered in May each year. The charities annual income should be under £100,000. Deadline for receipt of applications is Monday 26 March 2012. 28

Charitable Trusts Foyle Foundation

Millennium Stadium Charitable Trust

Grants to UK charities with core work in the areas of learning, the arts and through a small grants scheme.

There are three separate rounds a year, based on the area of operation of applicant organisations. Projects are funded under the following priorities; sport, the arts, the environment and the community.

Learning - for libraries, museums and archives, special educational needs and learning difficulties and projects that reduce overheads or which help generate additional revenue will also be considered. Arts - for applications that make a strong artistic case for support in either the performing or visual arts. Small Grants Scheme for smaller charities in the UK, especially those working at grass roots and local community level, across a wide range of activities. Applications are welcomed from charities with an annual turnover of less than £100,000 per annum. One year grants of between £1,000 and £10,000 will be made to charities demonstrating that such a grant will make a significant difference. Ongoing sustainability is also important, particularly if local authority or other regular funding has been lost.

Dulverton Trust Fund


Local Applicants (now closed) – groups with a remit to serve the local community or town can apply for up to £2,500. Applications will be assessed in March and groups will be informed in April of the outcome.


National Applicants – groups with a remit to serve the whole of Wales can apply for up to £12,500. This round opens 1 February 2012 with a deadline of 16 April 2012 at noon. Applications will be assessed at the start of July and therefore projects need to be starting after August 2012.


Regional Applicants – groups with a remit to serve a region of Wales or a local authority area can apply for up to £7,500. This round opens 1 June 2012 with a deadline of 10 September 2012 at noon. Applications will be assessed in November and therefore projects need to be starting after December 2012.

The guidelines and the application form are published on the website.

The Community Foundation in Wales is administrating grants on behalf of The Dulverton Trust which operates within the following main areas of activity: Youth Opportunities, General Welfare, Conservation and Preservation.

Grants of £500 to £5000 are available to small charities and organisations normally with an annual income of under £200,000. Application deadlines for 2012 - 15 May & 15 August.


Charitable Trusts Comic Relief - Managing Money Better

People’s Postcode Trust The People’s Postcode Trust distributes grants from £500 to £5,000 in Wales to small organisations, for 3-month projects with one or more of the following aims:

Comic Relief has launched a new grants programme: Managing Money Better. The programme is particularly focused on addressing the many ways in which people over 65 are often disadvantaged due to complexities in understanding financial matters, are often exposed to the dangers of financial abuse, and the difficulties involved in making ends meet while coping with rising prices.

• • • • •

The second call for applications to this scheme will open in April 2012. More details available from the Older People grants team on 0207 820 2000 or visit

To prevent poverty To promote, maintain, improve and advance health To advance citizenship or community development To advance public participation in sport To promote, improve and advance human rights, conflict resolution or reconciliation To promote and advance environmental protection or improvement

Community groups, and constituted voluntary organisations can apply for grants of up to £2,000, but applicants for higher amounts must be registered charities. Exclusions are listed on the web-site. Applications must be for projects with a clear and charitable purpose, and must be able to show visible benefit within 3 months of the commencement of their project. Grants must be spent within six months of being awarded.

This is just one of the Comic Relief grant programmes – other programmes include: Young people and mental health, Young people and alcohol, Sexually exploited and trafficked young people, Mental health, Refugee and asylum-seeking women, Domestic and sexual abuse: young people, Sport for change **Please see the Funding Events section for details about you can meet with the Funding Officer from Comic Relief about possible project ideas**

Open date & deadline Monday 9th April Monday 9th July Monday 8th October

Friday 25th May Friday 24th August Friday 9th November

Lottery News Heritage Lottery Fund: changes to small grants programmes From April 2012, the maximum grant limit for Your Heritage applications is increasing from £50,000 to £100,000. The maximum grant limit for Young Roots applications is also increasing from £25,000 to £50,000. Young Roots projects can last up to two years (up from 18 months) and the age range widened to include young people from 11 - 25 years old (previously started at 13 years old).

Also from April 2012, HLF will make decisions on Your Heritage and Young Roots applications at bi-monthly meetings. A full list on submission deadlines and decision meetings can be found on the Heritage Lottery Fund web-site. If you have an idea for a heritage project HLF encourages seeking pre-application advice using the on-line portal at 30

Lottery News Heroes Return 2 The Big Lottery Fund has extended its Heroes Return 2 programme offering funding of £150 - £5,500, for veterans who fought with or alongside British forces in World War 2 and who are resident in the UK and the Republic of Ireland. The programme has no fixed deadline at this time and is for those who have so far been unable to undertake a commemorative visit.

One visit can be funded for each veteran, widow or widower. This will ensure Second World War veterans from the UK to take advantage of the funding and have more time to apply for grants to cover travel and accommodation expenses and enables them to make trips throughout 2012 to places across the world where they served. Funding is also available for taking part in an official commemoration in the UK.

Awards for All

Big Lottery Fund (BIG) welcomes the next Chair of the Big Lottery Fund Wales Committee.

Awards for All (Wales) - is a simple small grants scheme making awards of between £500 and £5,000. It aims to fund projects that; support community activity, extend access and participation, increase skill and creativity and improve quality of life. Applications can be made at any time and they aim to reply within 6 weeks. For further details please visit:

Sir Adrian Webb has been announced as the new Chair of the Big Lottery Fund Wales Committee and took up his post from the 1st January 2012. This appointment follows a full open recruitment process, by the UK Cabinet Office in partnership with the Welsh Government.

Sir Adrian Webb has a wealth of experience of leading at executive management level in public, not for profit and education sectors. He has been involved in many UK and Welsh Government initiatives, including chairing the independent review into further education in Wales (the Webb Review) and the Wales Employment and Skills Board. He was also a member of the Beecham Review of Public Services in Wales and part of the HM Treasury Public Service Productivity Panel.

People and Places The People and Places programme will remain open for applications until spring 2012 and will then be reviewed and replaced with a new programme in 2012. This will build on the success of the existing programme and is likely to have many similarities. The scheme funds capital and revenue projects that encourage coordinated action by people who want to make their communities better places to live.

The Chair plays an important role in leading the work of the Big Lottery Fund working alongside the other Board and Committee members, the staff team and grant holders, delivering real benefits to people in Wales. As Wales Committee Chair Sir Adrian will also sit on the UK Board of the Big Lottery Fund.

Successful projects will focus on revitalising communities, improving community relationships, or enhancing local environments, community services and buildings. The main aim is to bring people together to create real improvements to communities and the lives of people most in need. For further information please visit: 31

Lottery News Launch of online Knowledge Portal by Third Sector Research Centre The Third Sector Research Centre (TSRC), in partnership with the British Library and Big Lottery Fund, has launched a new online Knowledge Portal to enable greater access to research on the voluntary and community sector. The Portal brings together evidence on a range of subjects including policy, social and economic impact and funding and will help inform the work of researchers, policymakers, academics, frontline service providers and other third sector stakeholders across the country. This growing resource will provide access to a range of materials, including academic research, reports produced by voluntary organisations, government publications and training materials. It will offer free downloadable content where possible, and links to books and other materials via the British Library. The Portal will also enable others to share and preserve their research. TSRC welcomes contact from those with relevant research. Depositing material in the Portal will help it reach a wider audience, bridging the gap between research and the expertise of those working in and with the sector. Further information about the portal can be found at

National Funding WCVA’s Communities Investment Fund

Welsh Government’s Community Facilities and Activities Programme

Following its launch at the end of November the Communities Investment Fund is now operating. This scheme operates across the Convergence areas of Wales and will invest a total of £6m in loans and grants into the third sector in the next three years. Any third sector organisation is eligible to apply for up to £250,000 from CIF provided the funding supports a project or activity that takes place in Convergence areas.

The Community Facilities and Activities Programme (CFAP) is an all Wales capital grant scheme run by the Welsh Government. It is open to community and voluntary organisations and provides funding for the provision of facilities within communities and for activities engaging local people which will help promote the regeneration of communities. The scheme has been under review and there will now be a further round of this funding scheme, the closing date will be announced soon.

For general queries about the scheme contact Matt Brown, Fund Manager, on 029 2043 1779 or

If you are interested in making an application then please contact the officer for the West Wales area, Eryl Loring on 03000 628317 or e-mail Eryl.Loring@Wales.GSI.Gov.UK to request a copy of the application pack or to seek further guidance. As with other funding sources, PAVS can provide support to groups who wish to submit an application. 32

National Funding SITA TRUST – Enhancing Communities Programme Supporting projects that make physical improvements to community leisure facilities and historic buildings & structures, SITA Trust funds groups which are within a 10 mile radius of the Withyhedge Landfill Site. Under the Core Fund grants of up to £60,000 are available to not-for-profit organisations whose community improvement project has an overall cost of up to £250,000. Deadlines 10am on 19th March 2012 10am on 23rd July 2012

Notification of decision date 20th July 2012 23rd November 2012

The Fast Track Fund provides grants of up to £20,000 to not-for-profit organisations with a community improvement project with an overall cost of up to £40,000. Deadlines 10am on 16th April 2012 10am on 18th June 2012 10am on 19th October 2012

Notification of decision date 15th June 2012 17th August 2012 19th December 2012

Check your eligibility for this scheme using the postcode checker facility on the SITA Trust website:

Supporting Sustainable Living Grant Scheme – Environment Wales This grant scheme is funded by the Welsh Government and delivered by Environment Wales, in collaboration with the initiatives’ core partner Cynnal Cymru – Sustain Wales. The aim is to support projects that will help reduce Wales’ greenhouse gas emissions – or build resilience to the impacts of climate change - through tackling specific behaviours or lifestyle choices. Through these pioneering projects, it is envisaged that citizens of Wales will be empowered to undertake changes to enable a more sustainable lifestyle. The value of the scheme is £250,000 and is available to all sectors within Wales. The majority of grant applications range between £5,000 and £15,000. However in exceptional circumstances this figure can rise to up to £35,000. From April 2012, the grants will also fund staff time – provided that this is not already being paid for by another funding arrangement and applicants can provide 25% match funding instead of 50%. These changes have been made to make the scheme more accessible - in response to applicant’s feedback. For details please see If you have any queries or want to apply for a grant, please contact Environment Wales on 02920 431727 or 33

Awards Institute of Fundraising national awards Awards are available to organisations and individuals within the fundraising sector that have made a real impact with their fundraising achievements in the previous year. The deadline for applications is 1 March 2012.

There are ten award categories and the judges always look for evidence of results. Relatively new schemes may be better to wait until the outcomes of the project are clear. Entry to the Charity Awards 2012 is free and entries are welcome from charities of any size based anywhere in the UK. The entry forms can be downloaded from the web-site.

The Charity Awards 2012 If you are from a project that demonstrates outstanding innovation and best practice, or has been through a managed improvement in your organisation which may help other charities overcome similar problems, then The Charity Awards 2012 could be for you.

The closing date for entries is Friday 9 March 2012.

Collaborative Communities The Collaborative Communities team continues to provide support and advice to third sector organisations including ways to move from grants to trading and development of Social Enterprise. PAVS development officers work with county council officers to provide a range of advice and information. Up and coming workshops and information sessions include the Funding your Future - An introduction to preparing a sustainable fundraising strategy Gift Aid registration workshop – five simple steps to Gift Aid. Contact PAVS officers by calling 01437 769 422 or e-mailing or for more information about the Collaborative Communities partnership, please log on to:


Consultations Shared Purpose – Shared Delivery The Welsh Government are consulting on new statutory guidance which is intended to integrate local service planning, streamline partnership working, and strengthen the strategic role and accountability of the Local Service Board (LSB). The Guidance is intended to replace existing statutory guidance deriving from a number of pieces of legislation: Community Strategies (Local Government (Wales) Measure 2009), Children and Young People’s Plans (Children Act 2004, Children and Families Measure 2010), and Health Social Care and Well-being Strategies (NHS Wales act 2006). Community Safety planning is nondevolved (Crime and Disorder Act 1998) so the guidance is advisory only for Community Safety planning in Wales. The document sets out proposals to strengthen the role of LSBs in bringing public service leaders together to focus on a shared agenda of better outcomes for citizens, with an emphasis on priorities, pace and performance. It proposes that a single integrated plan should replace the separate strategic plans currently produced for children and young people; health, social care and well-being and the Community Plan. It follows, therefore, that current partnership arrangements will also need to be rationalised and streamlined. In addition, the consultation document covers the need for each LSB to have a shared information strategy; citizen engagement strategy; and robust scrutiny arrangements that hold partners to account for their contribution to the agreed outcomes of partnership working. There is also reference in the document to the need to work regionally, where this makes most sense. This is an important consultation as the outcome will influence the partnership structures that we will have in Pembrokeshire and could impact - positively or negatively - on the way that the third sector is engaged in public service planning in future. The deadline for consultation responses is 30th March 2012. Michelle Copeman will be coordinating a response on behalf of third sector organisations in Pembrokeshire. If you wish to be included in this response, please submit your comments to Michelle Friday 16th March at Alternatively, you are welcome to make a response direct to Welsh Government. A link to the document can be found in the Consultations section of the Pembrokeshire Networking website at

COFFEE, CAKE AND CONSULTATION PAVS is extending an open invitation to all third sector organisations to attend an informal session on Monday 12th March 2012 from 2.00pm – 4.00pm in the Pembrokeshire Centre for Voluntary Action (PAVS). Members of the PAVS’ Representation and Joint Working team will be available to discuss the Shared Purpose – Shared Delivery document and to record any comments people want to make about the proposals that are being put forward. Your views are important to us, so please let us know what you think. We look forward to talking to you on 12th March! 35

Consultations Tripartite Compact Consultation As many of you will be aware, over the last 18 months there has been extensive work undertaken on a ‘Co-Design’ process between Hywel Dda Health Board, the 3 Local Authorities (Pembrokeshire, Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion) and the 3 CVCs (CAVO, CAVS and PAVS) and the Community Health Council. This work produced the comprehensive report “A codesigned future: the role of the third sector in health and social care”, which contains many recommendations. Copies of the report are available from the Hywel Dda and Pembrokeshire Networking websites. One key recommendation from this report was the development of a tripartite (LHB, Local Authority and 3rd Sector) Compact Agreement across the 3 Counties. This is a very short agreement which sets out the principles along which we work. Each County will then have a much more detailed single local County Compact which sits under the Tripartite Compact. These local compacts are at different stages of development and will need input locally. In order to facilitate the consultation on this Compact, a 6 week consultation is being held, to allow the final version to be signed off by Local Authorities prior to the pre-election embargo on decision making. The shorter consultation period takes into account the fact that the Draft Compact has been available for comment since the publication of the Co-design report. Hywel Dda Health Board are looking forward to receiving comments and having the Compact in place. This is an important joint commitment which will underpin the work that we all do and the way in which we undertake that joint work as equal partners. Hywel Dda are also looking forward to working with partners to achieve the other recommendations within the report as these will deliver significant improvements in the way the third sector are involved in the planning and delivery of services. Hywel Dda will be receiving responses to the following email address: and organisations are encouraged to respond directly. The consultation closes on Friday 16th March. PAVS will also be collating a response from the sector and anyone wishing to contribute to this response is asked to send their comments to Michelle Copeman at PAVS by Monday 12th March 2012 either by phone, post or email to The draft Compact is available to download in English and in Welsh from the Pembrokeshire Networking website – or you can request a hard copy from PAVS on 01437 769422.


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