BAHCO by Snap-On

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BAHCO By Snap-on



Collaborative Learning Center



This project has been conducted by a dynamic team of students of Savannah College of Art and Design with multi-disciplinary expertise in fields like Industrial Design, Design Management, Graphic Design and Photography with varied cultural backgrounds. The project was facilitated by Professor Ben Bush who provided the students with well-constructed directions that helped performing research easier.


industrial design professor




industrial design m.f.a.

graphic design b.f.a.

industrial design m.f.a.







industrial design m.f.a.

industrial design m.f.a.

photography b.f.a.




industrial design b.f.a.

industrial design m.f.a.

design management m.f.a.








ify lid so

r tu nu !!!














Design is used here as a thinking and learning tool for creativity. It is surrounded by numerous activities that can be done at any point, or returned to as needed, through the center focus, ‘design’, organizing our thoughts, or arranging pieces of an oppor tunity that will later resonate as a solution or direction to take. It is not a linear process.

















R e se a r c h e xi sti ng cus tomers ; conduct a critical a n a l y si s o f c o m p e ti ti o n . Dis cover th e new us es , new t r e n ds, i n n o v a t i o n s, a n d opportunities with in th e fields o f v i ti c u l t u r e , p o m o l o g y , and lands caping. O ur c h a l l e ng e wa s t o exa mine t he ma rket a cro s s t h r e e ma i n s e c t o r s o f po mo l o gy, l a nds ca ping, a nd v i t i c ul t ur e . Im m e d i a t e l y w e f a ced t ro ubl e w it h f inding a n o r c h ar d ne ar b y t o g ai n o n t he gro und prima ry res ea rch f r o m . T o o v e r c o m e t h i s, w e ext ended o ur f iel d o f v is io n, and l o o k e d a t t h e l ar g e r ma rket t ha t s urro unded us in S a v a nna h . Af t e r f i nd i ng incredibl e res o urces in v i t i c ul t ur e a nd l a nd s c aping, po s s ibl e ma rket res o urces in p o m o l o g y s l o w l y b e g an t o emerge. A s t hes e s o urces c ame t o l i g h t , t h e y b r o ught w it h t hem a new , unt a pped f i e l d : h o r t i c ul t ur e . As we expa nded o ur v iew t hro ugh i n- d e pt h se c o nd ar y a nd prima ry res ea rch, v a rio us new o p p o r t uni t i e s t h a t ar e dis t inct in na t ure ha v e been i d e nt i f i e d .


Th r o ug h o ur se c o nda ry a nd prima ry res ea rch, o ur g o a l w as t o pr o v i d e B a hco w it h t he f iel dw o rk t o b r i ng t h e i r b r a nd o f t oo l s f ro m t he Euro pea n t o t he Ame r i c an ma r k e t . O ur go a l w a s t o go o ut int o t he f iel d, i nt e r v i e w i ng a nd o b se r v ing t he w o rkers , bus ines s o w ne r s, and k e y s t a k e ho l ders . B y do ing s o , w e w ere a bl e t o e x ami ne and a na l y z e t he exis t ing ma rket , a nd l a t er w e w e r e a b l e t o m ap o ur ins ight s , a nd t urn t hem int o o p p o r t uni t i e s f o r B a h co .







MEINHARDT VINEYARDS & WINERY STATESBORO, GEORGIA Owned and operated by the Meinhardt family

Meinhardt Vineyards & Winery is a two-hundred acre vineyard facility that produces about twenty different varieties of wine. It is family owned and claims to be the first winery in Southeast Georgia.

Sep. 21, 2015

Th e p r uni ng s e a s o n f o r t he v ineya rd is during t he w a r me r m o nt h s . A t t h e t ime o f o ur v is it , t he v ines w ere i n h i b e r nat i o n: w ai t i ng f o r t he co l der w ea t her t o a rriv e. Th e v i ne y a r d h o s t s e v ent s f o r f a mil ies a nd is a v a il a bl e t o us e a s a v e nue f o r w eddings . At t h e v i ne y a r d, w e w ere giv en a t o ur by o ne o f t h e o w ne r s, K e nne t h Meinha rdt , w ho w a s a bl e t o giv e us g r e at i nf o r m at i o n o n n o t o nl y t he t ypes o f w ines p r o d uc e d a t t h e v i ne y a rd, but w ha t t he pro ces s o f w i ne - m ak i ng e nt a i l s .


Owned and operated by the Meinhardt family

Meinhardt Vineyards & Winery is a two-hundred acre vineyard facility t varieties of wine. It is family owned and claims to be the first winery in S

Sep. 21, 2015 17



A Mr. Meinhardt testing out the Bahco pruners. A

When asked where their tools are supplied from, the response was: “There is a thing called Google.”

When presented with a Bahco pruner, Mr. Meinhardt insisted the pruner was a Felco brand knock-off.

Seasonal workers usually bring their own tools, if they do not have said tools, they are provided with some through Meinhardt.

Mr. Meinhardt was against the idea of changing to Bahco brand because “[he] is satisfied with Felco and do not feel the need to change.”

Workers that borrow tools have to go through a check-in & check-out system.

B an inside look of the wine-making process and machinery used in the Vineyard.

Most of the work at the vineyard is done by mechanized pruning machines, final touch up pruning is done with Felco ergonomic hand pruners. Using hand pruners for all work would take two months instead of two days with mechanized pruning machines.



90% of wine that is made in the United States is produced in California. The introduction of Bahco products would be beneficial if marketed bi-coastally in the United States.

The shelf and online absence of Bahco products makes it hard for the consumers to find the brand.

C Mr. Meinhardt giving an insight on wine-making.

Many consumers have a strong sense of product loyalty, which will make the switch to a different brand challenging.

Other established brands like Felco already have good outreach to customers. 19

COASTAL GEORGIA BOTANICAL GARDEN SAVANNAH, GEORGIA Owned and operated by the Meinhardt family

The Botanical Garden is treated like a living museum, curating an incredible colletion of plants. The gardens used to function mainly as a bamboo farm, and is still referred to by several locals as “The Bamboo Farm” but its functionality has grown over several years.

Sep. 23, 2015

Th e r e a r e se v e ra l ga rdens t hro ugho ut t he p r o p e r t y , a l l o f w h i c h r equire dif f erent ma int ena nce. Th e r e i s t h e F o r ma l G a rden, w hich requires t he mo s t c ar e f ul , pr e c i se p r uni n g. T he U -Pick Ga rden, w hich f unc t i o ns as t h e p o m ol o gy s ect io n o f t he bo t a nica l g a r d e n, r e q ui r e s h e a v y w eeding a nd ma int ena nce. Ad d i t i o nal l y , t h e r e i s Trus t ee’s Ga rden, w hich is a h i st o r i c h o m ag e t o G e nera l O gl et ho rpe’s o rigina l ga rden w h e r e h e f i r st se t t l e d in Sa v a nna h. At t h e B o t ani c a l Ga rden, w e ha d t he o ppo rt unit y o f spe ak i ng t o t h e h e a d o f ho rt icul t ure, J a mie, a s w el l as t w o f ul l - t i me g a r d e n ers , Ka t hy a nd Sha ne.


Owned and operated by the Meinhardt family

Meinhardt Vineyards & Winery is a two-hundred acre vineyard facility t varieties of wine. It is family owned and claims to be the first winery in S

Sep. 21, 2015 21



A Jamie, the head of horticulture at the Garden.

B gardener Kathy trying out various Bahcoproducts.


We noted that the gardeners carried two tools at all times: a set of pruners and a soil knife.

The majority of their products are bought through A.M. Leonard, Gemplers, or specialty stores.

These two tools are used throughout the day, while more specific tools are used on a case-by-case basis.

Most of the professionals invested money into their tools, but the parttime workers and volunteers usually buy whatever is cheaper, or what is suggested by professionals.


Jamie stated that when it comes to trends in both products and gardening, California is really its own entity and that it doesn’t like to listen to the rest of the United States.



Due to the popularity in the field, there is an opportunity to create and market a soil knife. The part-time gardeners and volunteers are heavily influenced by the professionals: tool choice and expense, for instance.

Horticulturists’ go-to resources tend to be magazine publications, such as Flower and Garden and Horticulture Magazine.

C Gardeners carry a soil knife at all times; a potential Bahco product.

Due to the difference between California and the rest of the country, a bi-coastal marketing approach is truly necessary.

Horticulturists are influenced by master gardeners and are willing to try out methods they suggest. 23


The Club at Savannah Harbor is one of Savannah’s many golf courses that ranks the region in one of the “Top 10 Places to Play Golf” according to Golf & Travel Magazine.” The Club offers an 18-hole championship course, as well as a 9-hole family friendly course.

Sep. 23, 2015

Th e S a v a nna h H a rbo r Go l f Co urs e mo s t l y f o c use d o n l and s c api ng a nd t he upkeeping o f s hrubbery al o ng w i t h so me t r e e s . A t t he t ime o f o ur v is it , w e w ere ab l e t o se e t h e s h o p i n w hich a l l o f t he t o o l s a nd hea v y m ac h i ne r y ar e k e p t a s w el l a s meet ing s o me empl o yees w i t h y e a r s w o r t h o f e x perience. At t h e g o l f c o urs e, w e w ere giv en a t o ur by t he g o l f c o ur s e s up e r i nt e ndent , L ynn Chil dres s , w ho i nst i g a t e d a ma j o r c h ange w it h impro v ed s ecurit y a nd b e t t e r s p r i nk l e r sy s t e m s in o rder t o s a v e w a t er.


Owned and operated by the Meinhardt family

Meinhardt Vineyards & Winery is a two-hundred acre vineyard facility t varieties of wine. It is family owned and claims to be the first winery in S

Sep. 21, 2015 25



A Lynn discussing and showing the security system.

B ergonomic and rotating handle pruner being put to the test.


The products of choice included Toro mowers, Corona pruners, Stihl chainsaws, and pneumatic loppers.

Adopted a highly innovative and exclusive sprinkler system which uses less water.

Due to a lot of theft issues, they adopted a specific tool check-in/ and check-out system.

Most, if not all of their tools (mostly their heavy machinery) derived from Andy’s Machinery.

They currently own Corona brand pruners and while they have not faced many problems, they do change pruners whenever something goes wrong with the current ones.

They are very open to new technologies and new products.

They followed the 5S Japanese workplace organization method: Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain.



Potential customer due to their willingness to try their products and their peaked interest. The new rotating mechanisms, as well as the left-handed tool option can change anyone’s minds about a brand.

The check-in/check-out system proves that the high quality products can not only be longlasting but could preserve the tools and avoid any type of theft; system is used in more than one of the locations we visited.

C An inside look at some of the heavy machinery held at the Gold Course.

Customers who are proud of their tools are still willing to switch over due to quality. 27


Angel’s Tree Service is located in a very natural looking area surrounded by trees and bushes. Standing by a quiet brook, workers are climbing trees, cutting trunks, and rolling them together. It looks like a small work site in tropics, with lush green vegetation and hot temperatures.

Sep. 30, 2015

O w ne r A ng e l , w ho emigra t ed f ro m El Sa l v a do r, use d t o w o r k i n a no t h e r co mpa ny f o r t en yea rs , w here h e l e ar ne d h o w t o c ut t rees . H e s t a rt ed his o w n b us i ne s s a s a pr o f e ss i o na l expert a t cut t ing t rees , h av i ng se v e r a l w o r k e r s under his s uperv is io n. Ev ery da y, t h e y c ut t r e e s, t r a ns p ort t hem t o cus t o mers , a nd/ o r d i r e c t l y g o t o c ust o m e r’s ho me t o do t rimming a nd c ut t i ng d o w n o f t r e e s . Ac c o r d i ng t o A ngel , “[t hey] w o rk w it h ev ery kind o f t r e e , b i g o r sma l l . S o met imes it is no t neces s a ry t o c ut a l l o f t h e t r e e , i ns tea d w e t a ke ca re o f t he a es t het ic and h e al t h o f t h e t r e e w it h pruners a nd kniv es . ”


Owned and operated by the Meinhardt family

Meinhardt Vineyards & Winery is a two-hundred acre vineyard facility t varieties of wine. It is family owned and claims to be the first winery in S

Sep. 21, 2015 29



A A worker from Angel’s Tree Service testing Bahco products.

B more Bahco tools being put to the test by a worker.


During the interview, Angel tried many of the Bahco tools. Many of the tools are usually used in their daily work, especially the pruners with long handles. With small trees, they use a pruner or a clipper. Angel praised the tools and greatly appreciated the quality. The clasp of the lock found in the pruners seemed to be difficult to operate smoothly.

Most of the workers do not seem to remember the brand they were using, and they do not have a very clear idea about brand(s). Even though they felt really comfortable with the Bahco tools, they thought that tools from various brands were very similar.

Angel bought most of the tools in Home Depot or Andy’s Machinery; in terms of quality comparison, the price is rather unimportant to him. He thought the Bahco tools were rather appealing and professional - he was really attracted to them.



The tools that are mostly used are pruners, handsaws, and chainsaws. The workers spend ten hours using tools (from Monday to Saturday); every five to seven years they need to buy new tools. The chainsaw they are using is a high quality product and so, the only product that needs constant change is the rope.

The best tools under their possession is the chainsaw and the rope due to the excellence in quality; oil mix is used to extend the tools’ duration.

C Angel giving some insight about his experience in the landscaping world.

The workers do not have their own tools, everything is provided by the company. They also do not have any left-handed tools, though Angel is willing to buy.


THE NELSON GROUP SAVANNAH, GEORGIA Owned by Danny Nelson, Landscape Artist

The Nelson Group is a design/building firm for upscale residential and select commercial properties in the Savannah, Hilton Head, and Beaufort areas. They provide practical experience in plant material growth, adaptability drainage, soil conditions, and maintenance. The Nelson Group offers unique and creative solutions to your landscaping needs.

Oct. 12, 2015

Th e Ne l s o n G r oup w a s es t a bl is hed in 1992 by D anny Ne l so n, a 1 9 8 5 L a nds ca pe A rchit ect ure gra dua t e f r o m t h e U ni v e r si t y o f Geo rgia . T hey o f f er pra ct ica l e x pe r i e nc e i n p l ant m at eria l gro w t h, a da pt a bil it y d r ai na g e , so i l c o nd i t i o n s , a nd ma int ena nce. T hey s t a y up - t o - d a t e o n pr o d uc t a v a il a bil it y a nd ha v e a f ul l y i r r i g a t e d h o l d i ng f ac i l i t y w hich ca n be us ed f o r t he “ g r o w n- i n� o f p l ant m at eria l f o r upco ming j o bs . T he Ne l s o n G r o up o f f e r s un ique a nd crea t iv e s o l ut io ns t o l and s c api ng ne e d s. At t h e Ne l s o n Gro up, w e ha d t he cha nce t o s it d o w n a nd i nt e r v i e w D ebra O bel is k a nd D a nny Nel s o n ab o ut t h e i r o pe r at i o ns.




A demonstration of quality by the Nelson Group.

B work done for the Mansion at Forsyth.


When asking about where they source their hand tools, Debra told us that most of the time they would go to the big box stores out of convenience, occasionally ordering from an industry magazine.. They primarily shop at specialty stores for their motorized equipment needs.

They were less willing to heavily invest in lighter weight tools, they would rather have lower quality and weight over a high quality tool that “feels concrete.� Ease of access and price heavily influenes their buying habits.

The type of tool dictates the quality they would invest in, if the tool is easy to lose and replace they would rather just buy a cheaper product.



Landscapers are influenced by industry magazines such as Lawn & Landscape, Green Industry, Gemplers, and more.

It is suggested that smaller and much larger companies are more likely to purchase more professional grade hand-tools.

Having the ability to purchase directly from a store is more ideal as they do not wish to wait on shipping when they need the tool immediately.

Plant nurseries could be another potential market for Bahco tools in both a customer base and retailer.

C beautiful and clean up-keeping of a Savannah home by Nelson Group.




Th e Offer ing- Cu ltu re Map u se s thre e ways at l o o king at inno vat io n opportu n itie s, the offe rin gs can b e p r o duc t s o r s er vice s, the activitie s re pre se n t wh at can b e do ne with the offe rin gs, an d the cu ltu re r ep r esent s t h e c ul t ur al con te xt in which pe ople u se t h ese o ffer ings. Th is met h o d p rovid e s a high-le ve l vie w that b r o adens ex p l o r at io ns, an d a way to thin k of inno vat io ns as t h ings that con n e ct with pe ople . In o ur ear l y r ese arch of Bahco, we wan te d to find o ur key ar eas o f e xploration to d ive in ou r p r imar y and s ec o ndary re se arch. A ft er t h e c o mple tion of this map, the te am discus sed o ur st akeh old e rs, an d whe re to be gin ou r r es ear ch .


Medical problems from Check-In Product over-working Check-Out Longevity Systems

Worker Management

Cheap Imitations

Seasonal production and employment

Events and competitions



Lost products & theft of products


Required tool maintenance

Size of work area vs. time hours working


Big Box stores


Large scale mechanized pruning


Parts and replacability

Ease of availability



User reviews and experience

Brand loyalty

Aestheic appeal


Hobbyists + Artisans

End-user expectations

Price Points


Social Media

IN PERSON More and more customer prefer Home Depot and Lowe’s as they are easily accessible and approach Looking from Savannah’s perspective, the customer’s prefer to buy their tools from Home Depot and Lowe’s as they are aware about t and know that they can find what they are looking for.

Fiskars pruner made titanium blade were available at Home Depot. However, at Lowe’s they were available in stainless steel blade. Fiskars also had many different types of pruners for different uses

Pruners and garden tools have a very small section compared to the scale of Home Depot and Lowe’s.

Heavy duty - for 1” dia branch, Medium duty - for 3/4” dia branch, Light duty - for 1/2” dia branch.

Pruners available at Home Depot and Lowe’s are from Fiskars (available at Home Depot and Lowe’s both) Corona (available at Lowe’s only) Blue Hawk (available at Lowe’s only)

Corona pruners were available only in stainless steel blade at Lowe’s. They also had different types of pruners for different tasks.

Blue Hawk had aless very less variety of pruners. We interacted with the customer who used pruners for her weekly gardening. She chose to buy the pruners from Home Depot as she always bought tools from there.

She was not very comfortable and convinced by testing the pruners available at Home Depot but she bought a light duty one - “as it was comparatively cheap in price, also if she misplaced it she can come back and buy it again from Home Depot.”

We also talked to a sales person of gardening department at Home Depot, he used the Fiskars pruners for his monthly pruning at her Grandmother’s garden. He said “I buy this as it is cheap at price and easily available, which makes the buying process very simple for me.” “He is also not aware about any other brands other than what is available at Home Depot.”



At Home Depot and Lowe’s, we tested the available pruners and found out the following:

They offered a life-time warranty for the product (via Online registration)

Holding in hand, which gave us the feel of the form - seeing how the movement of the tool happened.

Salesperson at Home Depot and Lowe’s had never heard of BAHCO or SNAP-ON before.

Blade sharpness, we witnessed two kinds of blades at Home Depot (titanium and stainless steel).

At lowe’s we saw fiskars offered add-on accessory with the tool as well (holster, sharpeners, and liquid sprays)

We saw two different kind of packaging for the same brand, which was a little distracting and disconnecting the customers.

Different size availability gave more choice for the desired quality of work.

Ergonomics of all the pruners were different, which made it a little difficult to adjust while using.

Customers had never heard of BAHCO or SNAP-ON before and they were more keen on buying what was available and what they saw.

After doing primary and secondary research of the existing products and tools we observed some key point of focus for BAHCO which are as follows :

shelf presence is necessary as it makes very easy for a customer to come, see, test and buy a tool.

Currently BAHCO has no shelf or Online presence which makes it very difficult for the customers to reach the brand.

Advantage BAHCO has over other brands might be.

Through research we found majority of people will buy the product Online but we also observed that people want to try and test the product before buying it.

It has a good quality product as we used and saw both BAHCO and Fiskars in the real world situations.

Some customers always come to a store, see whats available on the shelf, tries it, tests it, and finally ends up buying (they buy what is available to them).

BAHCO can offer add-on accessories with the tool like - holster, sharpeners, pruning seals, and liquid sprays at a very low rate to draw and attract more customers. - they could offer a life-time warranty for the product (via registration).

BAHCO as a brand is not recognized by the customers. Customers are looking for tools at the stores, so BAHCO should approach and address this criteria.


Social Media Online Videos, Social Network, and Blog Social media is an important tool in our daily life. It is a place to meet people, ask questions, provide help, and share ideas. By using social media, people will know the world without stepping out of their bedrooms. It brings so many conveniences to those customers who eager to know more about new brands and to those brands who want to promote their products with low cost. However, just because of that, social media could be a double-edged sword.

To those people who have no chance to try new brands by themselves, word of mouth is very important. Their perception towards new products will be strongly influenced by reviews or video reports. Therefore, if social media is utilized properly, new brands could be very successfully advertised. If not, they will get much worse impression than they really are.


People value video reviews a lot, so YouTube users with a lot of followers have a huge sphere of influence. Besides, women are taking a big role hosting popular shows now.

There is an actively participant work wide exhibition on Twitter, and it may be useful as a way to do promotion.

Most relevant post in social media is about fact but not review or personal experience.

Negative reviews affect perception of a product/ Brand very much.



Modern age. Consumers can easily find thousands of products and order them with a simple clic. The simplicity and convenience bring a lot of loyal customers to online shopping.


Instead of just looking in stores for new products, the ease of online shopping allows users to browse new products from the comfort of their home or office. The culture is shifting to virtual shopping, not only because it’s easier and quicker, but also because consumers can read reviews, compare prices and get suggestions from other users.


On large online market places like Amazon, Bahco sometimes gets lost in the mix. One particularly damaging example of this that we found was after doing a search for “Bahco Tools”, and clicking on a Bahco pruner, we were brought to the page of a Felco pruner.

On several of these online stores, through market-places like Amazon or third-party websites, we found that Bahco products are listed at different prices, making it confusing for a consumer.

Currently, Bahco lacks a way for consumers to easily shop for products through the website. The online catalog is available, but consumers cannot make purchases from the website directly.

Online markets like Gempler’s and A.M Leonard are used by industry professionals and serve as an opportunity for Bahco to focus online marketing.



A ft er do ing int e rvie ws an d obse rvation s in s ever al fiel d t r ip s, we got gre at q u ote s an d in sights. Ho wever , in o r der t o vie w the in formation in a s y s t emat ic way and con n e ct the m with Bahco, we dec ided t o dive deep er in to the se con d ary re se arch, l o o king fo r mo r e info rmation abou t the e n tire Bahco mar ket and gaining more u n d e rstan d in g of re late d ex p er ienc es. To do t his, we split in to thre e grou ps. One gr o up was in charge of re se archin g the “in- p er s o n� infl uences to shoppin g, like she lf p r esence and wo r d o f mou th. O n e grou p looke d in to t h e so cial media s ide of the marke t an d u se r ex p er ienc es. Th e l as t grou p e xamin e d the on lin e mar ket as it is . By h an d lin g the se thre e aspe cts, mo r e insigh t s sur face d .


#BAHCO (USE OF SOCIAL MEDIA) Better social media platforms are important to promote products PEOPLE LOVE DRAMA (BAD REVIEWS) Redirect people’s attention away from bad reviews to focus on giving a better impression of their product. BEST? SHOW ME (QUALITY) Prove the quality, get the business. WE NEED TO TALK (INTERACTION) The one who understands customers better wins BE IN TOUCH (PROMOTIONS) The brand needs to take root in the customer’s mind DON’T HAVE TUNNEL VISION (PROMOTING ONLY TO PROFESSIONALS) Bahco needs a more direct way to reach the target users HEY, I’M HERE (SPECIFICATION) Specific investigation is needed for each specific market SHOW ME THE MONEY ($) The correct price point needs to align with the major users’ tendencies OUCH (PRODUCT QUALITY) Investing in both the worker and the end product is a way to improve STEP UP YO GAME (MARKETING) To compete with other brands, new methods of promotion are required


Good customers service provides good impart on customer’s experience/ Interaction.

More Asian (Japan) fans posted info

Higher follow rate than competitors site.

tools sharing in site.

of products. Bahco needs to Invest in customer

story with Bahco tools in the site

User reviews by real users are valued by consumers.


Facebook: 3 relevant

Youtube users with a

sites: Argentina, Global,

lot of followers have

Pruning trucks

Share some users Lots of second hand

Due to the long-life

Used vs New products

a huge sphere of influence

Lots of women hosting popular youtube shows.

People value video reviews


Bahco lacks approach online shopping sites. to promote on popular

Organizing events to increase awareness

Bahco has promotional approaches, but they

and involvement of

aren’t heavily valued

the brand

by consumers.

Participate exibitions such as EBALE, and BIEMH in Europe but not in U.S More influential events

Bahco misses the shelf & online presence.

Pruning contests are held in California.

you get cheaper price

Add- on or replaceable parts for the pruners.

(whole sale market)

& activities each year.

Amazon is only for online costumers

If you buy 3 or more,

More influential events Diversity in brands.

& activities each year.

Good ranking




Users are asking/ expecting more out of the Bahco brand

The qualitative fealties of a product that are

Hobbyists Artisans Professionals

attractive to consumers.

(based of competitors.)

Many people in blog mentioned that the clips does not work well & the appearance

Cut though 3’’ branch

Snap groove, rubber

more then advertised.

shock absorber,

Bahco wire cutting

Bahco products.


are using blog notes.

for precis

Reliable spring.

is not pretty (for tools)

High price point for

Not a lot of people

hutch is less quality than competitors

Sturdy, reliable, easy to replace parts.

There’s not a well organized plan to read the relative blogs


was recr



Lack of approach to

Wineries are a market

Investing in tools

promote products directly

that have specific need

requires investing in

to the end user in store.


sion pruning

mer focus


Niche interest like bonsai gardening thrive on youtube

and opportunities.

Most of the knowledge is

Employers follow the

basically learned thought

check- in & check-out

Wineries are generally

the way people recommend

owned from one generation

effective enough

Stealing is an issue

networking & contact

The recommendation or

tools on blog is not

storage/ working system.

and passed on to another.

Workers may or may

Carry a disinfectant to stop carriage of

not carry their

disease from one

own tools.

vine to another.



The current blogosphere does not support a


People are wiling to use

Negative reviews affect

social media but Bahco

perception of the product/

lacks platform


successful way to promote Bahco products.

Bahco did not have Twitter: actively participant work wide exhibition

a shelf presence at a bix- box store

Online Gardeners advises (people)

Negative reviews hold so much influence

Price point is

for a product

needs replace

Compare with competitor doesn’t show enough info relate to charity.

Customers buy what they see at bix-box store

Most relevant post is about fact but review or

Some peop

for buying a c

personal experience

less priced p



Some users buy the

Price factor that

cheapest product

drives someone to


buy Bahco

s high

Similar price model

t that

between brands


The pain points of

Competition is already

hand-pruning affect

utilizing new methods

the buying of a manager.

of promotion+ succeeding.

The pain caused by Diversity in prices


ple aim


constant use of pruners is a

Felco Dominance

big issue

The tools sold at big Price reflects quality

Electric Pruners

Competition is recognized

stores are of pretty

provide increased

throughout several

lower quality


big magazines.





There is an opportunity for Snap-On to bring Bahco into the American Market, using an approach that extends over social media, online marketing platforms, and focuses on interacting directly with customers.

Facebook marketing and interacting with consumers Enhance Bahco Youtube Channel more user reviews

Collaborate with existing popular Youtube Channels


Create Official Bahco blog to foster an online community

Improved locking mechanism

Google Ads

Soil Knife

Print advertisements

Low-Cost Implementation

Hire social media intern to enhance consumer’s online experience

High-Cost Implementation Website redesign to make easier / better to use

In-Person Marketing Product Improvement


Provde Industryleaers with product


Storage System

Hold sponsoredpruning contests

Hold meet-up events for users

Facebook marketing and interacting with consumers

Create Official Bahco blog to foster an online community

Enhance Bahco Youtube Channel - more user reviews

Hire social media intern to enhance consumer’s online experience

Collaborate with existing popular Youtube Channels

OPPORTUNITY AREA ONE The main area of opportunity lies within social media, and online interactions with cosumers. The modern American consumer really gravitates to online research when making purchasing decisions. A lot of our primary research interviews pointed us in the direction of people starting off their search for tools on Google and Youtube. What people really value when it comes to Youtube videos is user reviews that are given by actual users. Additionally, we’ve found that consumers are willing to engage in social media, meaning that it is an available tool that can be used cheaply. Consumers also value quick, and concise responses from companies on social media platforms, hence the opportunity to create a new social media intern position.


Improved locking mechanism

Soil Knife

Storage System

OPPORTUNITY AREA TWO The second most concentrated area of opportunity lies with in improving existing products, and adding new products to the Bahco line that American consumers are demanding. The first is that many consumers wish the locking mechanism would be improved. In our research the team found several online reviews stating that the existing locking mechanism is hard to use comfortably. Additonally, we found demand for two new product ideas in the market. The first is the soil knife, a tool used universally by all horticulturalists, and many workers in the field. The sceond is some sort of designed storage system. This idea came from the Savannah Habor Golf Course, where a security breach lost them all of their equipment, and forced them to design a new check-in check-out system for workers to use. 64

Provde Industry-leaders with product

Hold sponsored- pruning contests

Hold meet-up events for users

OPPORTUNITY AREA THREE The third opportunity lies in planning and holding events across the country that focus on getting a high number of industry professionals in the same place, and getting the products into their hands. Through our research, the team discovered that there are existing pruning contests in the country where contestants are judged on speed, proficiency, and beauty of their pruning. Events like these are a tremendous opportunity to get the product into the hands of professionals, and industry leaders. With these industry leaders being the major influence-holders in their respected industries, their suggestions are held in high regard, affecting purchasing decisions of the industry at large


Google Ads

Print advertisements

OPPORTUNITY AREA FOUR The fourth area of opportunity lies within marketing. Both online and in-print advertisments would reach all corners of the market, from the old-fashioned horitculturalist who is more likely to pick up a magazine than go online for research, to the new-school viticulturalists who are constantly looking online to find the newest trends and brands available. Magazines like Horticulture Magazine, Flower and Garden, and Better Homes and Gardens have a large audience of potential customers. Google of course is where several people begin their journey, and if Bahco could capitalize on Google Ads, ensuring that they are one of the first results to pop up after a search of “landscaping tools� they would at a minimum, increase online traffic, and hopefully increase sales as well. 66

Website redesign to make easier / better to use

OPPORTUNITY AREA FIVE The fifth opportunity area involves redesigning and optimizing the online shopping experience for Bahco customers. The team struggled with finding and navigating the Bahco online store, finding mostly websites run by fans of the product, or third-party vendors. The team also discovered that some price discrepincies, meaning that the same products were sold for different prices on different online stores. Additionally, the team found some issues with Bahco’s Amazon presense, in particular one team member searched for Bahco pruner’s, clicked on a Bahco pruner, and then was brought to the page of a Felco pruner. This leads the team to believe that if Bahco were to have its own website to offer its products through, a lot of these issues would be avoided. 67


Wit h o ur o p p o rtu n itie s an d in sights mappe d and gr o up ed int o five possible are as of e xploration , it was imp o r t ant t o frame this work within a scholarly c o nt ex t . A s Bah c o is atte mptin g to move from the Eur o p ean t o t h e A merican marke t, an an alysis of c ul t ur e needed t o o ccu r to place ou r fin d in gs in a gl o b al co nt ex t .


HARMONY Unity with Nature, World at Peace EMBEDDEDNESS Social Order, Obedience, Respect for Tradition

EGALITARIANISM Social justice, Equality

INTELLECTUAL AUTONOMY Broadmindedness, Curiosity


AFFECTIVE AUTONOMY Pleasure, Exciting Life

Schwartz’s Theory of Basic Cultural Values Shalom H. Schwartz The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1997

HIERARCHY Authority, Humble

MASTERY Ambition, Daring























This mapping depicts where several countries fall on this spectrum. Circled in green is Bahco’s current market which is primarily centered in Western Europe, and this map shows that what these markets value the most are Egalitarianism, and Intellectual Autonomy. On the opposite side of the spectrum is the USA, which values Mastery above all else. This shows us that the marketing and distribution methods for these two sectors need to be handled very differently.


The good news about this discovery is that Snap-On has already successful handled the market of Mastery that the United States of America desires. By appealing to the ambition, and daringness of the American professional, Snap-On has created a culture surrounding their products that has become a mainstay of American culture. If this project proves to be successful with the American populice, we believe that the same can be done with the Bahco brand.














When this mapping method is applied directly to the United States, we can estimate which areas fit which each of the seven traits, which corresponds to what each area of the country values. Since the United States is an incredibly large market to infiltrate, the team believes that it is important to show the different ideologies in the country regionally. We also can find from looking at this map that two areas of the country, California and New England, have similar values to Bahco’s current European market, while Texas is the best representation of the American ideal of Mastery. This tool may be used to provide a regional approach to marketing, distribution, and sales methods.



We h ave fo und throu gh ou r re se arch that ap p l y ing S ch war t z’s The ory of Basic Cu ltu ral Valu e s, and t h e afo r ement io ne d five are as of fu tu re inves t igat io n wo ul d c re ate a smooth tran sition for Bah co fr o m Eur o p e, to the Un ite d State s. We be lie ve t h at t h es e o p p o r t unitie s will place Bahco in a favo r ab l e p o sit io n in the Un ite d State s marke t, an d wil l inc r eas e t h e b r an d ’ s re pu tation an d n otorie ty nat io n- wide.


W e l e a v e t h i s p age t o expres s o ur deepes t g r at i t ud e t o t h e f o l l o w i ng co mpa nies a nd indiv idua l s t h at t o o k t i me o ut o f t h eir bus y s chedul es t o a s s is t us in o ur r e se ar c h pr o c e ss wit h inv a l ua bl e ins ight s . T he c o mpl e t i o n o f t h i s pr o j e ct w o ul d no t ha v e been po s s ibl e w i t h o ut t h e i r as si s t a nc e. M r . K e n M e i nh a r dt f ro m Meinha rdt V ineya rd & W i ne r y f o r g i v i ng us a t o ur o f his v ineya rd a nd e x p l ai ni ng t h e p r o c e s ses inv o l v ed in v it icul t ure in grea t d e p t h . M r . L i n, M a r k , M a rio , a nd D a nni f ro m t he S av a nna h H a r b o r G o l f R es o rt f o r a l l o w ing us t o t o ur a f unc t i o ni ng g o l f c o ur se a nd s ha re ins ider kno w l edge o f l a r g e s c al e l and s c api ng o pera t io ns . J ami e , K at h y , a nd Sha ne f o r pro v iding a t o ur o f t h e v a r i o us g a r d e ns a nd pro v iding rich inf o rma t io n r e g a r d i ng h o r t i c ul t ur e a nd it s pra ct ices . A ngel D ia z f o r s h ar i ng h i s k no w l e d g e and expert is e in a rbo ris t ry. D a nny Ne l so n a nd D e b r a O b e lis k f o r s it t ing do w n f o r a n i nt e r v i e w w i t h us and pro v iding impo rt a nt ins ight s int o t h e l a nd s c api ng i nd ust r y. Mo s t impo rt a nt l y, w e w o ul d l i k e t o t h a nk M r . B e n B r it t o n a nd Mr. Mike H o l den f ro m S nap- O n f o r p r o v i d i ng t he neces s a ry res o urces t o f a c i l i t at e o ur r e se ar c h .


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