Design Thinking

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SDES 502 | THE HUMAN FACTOR, DESIGN THINKING Prof. Tom Hardy | Winter 2015 Jay Prajapati

CONTENTS _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Introduction: The Human Factor: Design-Thinking Emotional Dimension Cognitive Dimension Social Dimension Cultural Dimension Physical Dimension Summary: Course Insights

INTRODUCTION the human factors: design thinking stands for contextual factors that designer's consider, analyze and apply during the process of human centeric design

EMOTIONAL a conscious mental reaction subjectively experienced as a strong feeling

Understanding selecting a brand and understanding emotional and rational attributes selecting visual cues which evokes emotional response rather than functional aspect of the brand (SCAD) 2 x 2 maps - calm-intense and contemporary-traditional



CREATIVE original, fresh and fun


INNOVATIVE encourages change and improvement


UNIQUE unusual and unexpected


GLOBAL multicultural and diverse


CULTURAL enlightened and educated


CULTURAL embraces new ideas and challenges conventions



selecting three emotional and rational attributes, justifying SCAD; also listing opposite attributes for the same







Portfolio Facebook Linkedin



mapping was done on basis of selecting a marketing communications aspect for SCAD, and classifying it under calm - intense and contemporary - traditional


analyzing the emotional and rational attributes from maps and semantic differential, and representing in a diametric format

COGNITIVE concerned with the act or process of knowing, perceiving and understanding

Understanding representing SCAD as a brand using abstract expressions creating posters to rhetorically represent SCAD using visual imagery and headline


representing SCAD in an abstract expression through lines and images to convey the essence of brand abstract words - Aim, Growth, and Planned


representing SCAD through visual rhetorical expressions - metaphor and visual pun, using one line + logo and other with only logo

SOCIAL a considerable number of people forming a group, extending out of one's control

Understanding identifying a social issue and researching the symptoms associated with it developing opportunities and solutions to alleviate the issue through design

PROBLEM A lack of dialogue and action between the two communities can continue to bring these communities apart. Resentment could lead into increased hate crime on Savannah as a city, increased segregation, and a diminished sense of community.

How can design bring the Savannah community, of all communities, together?

Economic segregation and current parenting techniques have created a generation of privileged young Americans that lack fundamental self and social awareness. This lack of awareness not only damages their own quest for success and happiness but also molds the future approach to social policy in such a way that it will only further perpetuate social disparity and conflict.

How can design create solutions for creating awarness while also educating parents to do the same?


focusing on two issues relating to today's generation and creating awareness on how to bring change through design

Youth Awareness in America

Disconnect between Communities

Youth Development


Community Development Economic Segregation

Urban Renewal

SocialAwareness Macro


SSF hopes to rejuvenate local storefronts via student assembled dynamic volunteer crews, also collaboration across varied demographics and promotion of local business will help tip the scales of progress in Savannah.

SSF will foster mentor relationships between local college and high school students through outreach initiatives. This peer to peer structure will create development opportunities based on understanding and trust.


creating opportunity by proving design solutions - uplifting the community stores and place and student mentorship to bridge the awareness gap

CULTURAL a particular society that has its own beliefs; ways of life

Understanding understanding a cultural (Japanese) word Jo-­ha-­kyū and representing through visuals identifying emotional and rational adjective attributes to represent France as a brand creating a new slogan for creating a brand identity for France

Japanese tea ceremony / way of tea

wagashi - sweet (pre-ceremony)

tea mixing

host serving tea

matcha tea set

host bows to guests


dramatic arc in Japanese aesthetics.

beginning, break, rapid; it essentially means that all actions or efforts should begin slowly, speed up, and then end swiftly










using three emotional and rational adjective attributes representing France as a brand

liberté, égalité, fraternité French for liberty, equality, fraternity, is the national motto of France.

artistique, glamour, délicieux French for artistic, glamorous, delicious.


creating new slogan on basis of new atttributes and creating a new brand identity

PHYSICAL having material existence; or relating to the body

Understanding selecting images of physically used artifacts supporting the French attributes selecting one artifact, creating a problem statement and trying to resolve it through a design solution

ancient - Notre Dame Cathedral

artistic - Etretat, gate of Aval

glamorous - Chanel Fashion Show

delicious - Spinach Quiche

romance - French Kiss

beautiful - Arc-de-triomphe


selecting images of physically used objects by people that represents the France cultural brand attribute adjectives

pressed cheese

soft cheese

blue cheese

French cheese cutting knife set


selecting an artifact that improves the usability/usefulness in society and also relates to national cultural brand attributes

cheese plane

cheese clever

global cheese knife

is a spatula-like knife that has a razor on the front side, used for peeling uniform and thin slices of cheese

is a sharp knife used for cutting cubes of cheese for a cheese platter or salad

is designed to cut cheeses of semi soft variety as well as hard cheese and block type cheese

hard cheese knife

double handle cheese knife

mini double handle cheese knife

has got holes inside the blade that allows air to pass through while cutting the cheese

is used for dividing a big wheel of cheese into two equal halves (cannot be done by other cheese knife)

is a miniature version of double handle cheese knife and is used for cutting small cheese wheels


french knife set has six different types of knives, each performing different functions and methods to cut cheese

global cheese knife

cheese clever

double handle cheese knife

PROPOSAL the idea is to redesign the existing object in order to reduce the number of knives single knife can be used for multiple functions which also makes it easy to store all in one place the knives are removable and can be used for specific functions as well

handle variations

exploring the head for global cheese knife (fork)

hole for orientation

the handle fitting over the fork

monolithic body


ideation concept sketches to support the proposal for redesign


proposed rendering


analyzing step-by-step process and understanding the uses in order to integrate multiple knives into one

Knife The main component of knife is made from Stainless Steel. It has two extended ends, where the handle fits in. The hole on left hand side is to show the orientation.

Fixed Handle This handle is fixed at all the times. It also gives the knife an orientation. The handles are made from wenge wood.

Removable Handle This handle is removable which allows the user to use it as required. The handles are made from wenge wood. It functions on sliding in method.


showing an assembly of how the knife can be used for different functions


carving some prototype models for critically evaluating ergonomical dimensions

PROTOCOL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Is it comfortable to hold.? Is it evenly balanced.? Is orientation determined.? Is the functionality evident enough.? Is it aesthetically sound.?

Overall Analysis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Comfort Balance Orientation Functionality Aesthetics -


creating a questionnaire for obtaining a feedback from the user testing to objectively critic the product

INSIGHTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Orientation - Comfort - Balance - Aesthetics - Functionality -

Handle needs to be reworked and re-designed Left side handle may be a sphere, for more holding grip Right side handle should be heavy to provide more control More heavy on right side to balance the overall look Re-designing left handle would give more balance to the overall form


insights and improvements after the user testing and feedback


reworked rendering, after the user feedback


reworking on refined design prototype model

SUMMARY all the emotional, cognitive, social, cultural, and physical dimensions help you evaluate and develop design decisions.

arigatĹ? merci thank you

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