Ocean Times like this, when night was long, cold and dark. Times like this, nobody wishes they did exist. Times like this, I heard a whisper, "This boat is not strong enough to carry this much; will we die?" Will we see tomorrow? Time like this, when water was safer than home! It is like to lose home at the risk of never finding home again, And split your entire life between two lands. Times like this, all we had were tears at the night and next day morning waiting for the boat to sail, sail away. Bag full of paper making it clear that you would not be going back. Lose your name, lose your family, make a refugee camp a home for a year or two or ten! Times like this, all you can hear,"Hello, we need help right here." Will we see tomorrow? Fire under feet, hot blood in your belly. And boat it is the only place that will take you! No one would understand! How can a little boy hold a gun bigger than his body? How can a little girl know only two words: ''refugee" and "camps"? Sun would not rise unless it makes sure that the ocean swallows children. What does it matter if drowning is easier than staying? At the end they say:Look what they have done to their own countries, what will they do to ours?