Tell me about something that made you happy this week.
I recently got together with a friend to help him out with his music video. We got the whole thing storyboarded in the morning and by the night I’d edited it together in Adobe Premiere with the music. It’s just great to work with people who are as passionate about you. And I felt really productive that day. Like I’d really accomplished a lot. 2. Do you have any objects or possessions that mean a lot to you? Could you tell me a little bit about them? I have a tiny little moon tattoo that I stick and poked onto myself. I did a little sun onto one of my closest friends and it’s kind of nice to have something quite intimate like that. I don’t know though. I have a lot of things I project emotional meaning to but I don’t really value these anywhere near as highly as I do the people around me. They’re the things that really mean something. 3.
What’s something you’re really enjoying at the moment?
Being at home. Being surrounded by wonderful people. Being able to laugh every day. Tasting the freedom of post-uni life; I feel ready to graduate now. 4.
As a woman, is there anything that’s troubling you at the moment?
A lot. As a woman I feel very unsafe right now and that’s unsettling. I’ve always thought of myself as a strong person but I’ve been in situations recently when that wasn’t the case. I think women also have this nasty habit of bushing things off. I do it too to an extent but we shouldn’t. And we shouldn’t feel bad about telling someone when they’re being problematic. When they’re making us uncomfortable. I shouldn’t feel bad for my bluntness. 5.
If so, do you think there is anything that could be done to help combat this issue?
I think it’d be helpful if as women or fem-identifying people we just help each other out a lot more. It’s harder for someone to take advantage of a group of people when compared with an individual. You should never stay silent when you see someone else in a nasty situation, I honestly believe there is strength in numbers; we should stick together. 6. As an individual, do you think there is anything women and girls could do to support each other more? Be less judgemental. Give people the chance to speak and express themselves before you start talking over them. Everyone has a history, and everyone wants to feel like what they’re saying is being heard. Maybe we should all just take the time to listen more.
7. Could you describe or tell me about a woman in your life that makes you feel proud about being yourself? I could never name just one. My entire group of fem-friends make me want to be bolder, braver and kinder each day. Their honesty and love inspires me to push harder. They’re a set of absolute kickass babes. 8.
Could you tell me about a time you felt empowered?
When I did my most recent live painting event at Humber Street Sesh. People were so kind about my work; their words warmed my heart. It sounds selfish, but it feels amazing to know people understand what you’re trying to do, and don’t care if you’ve gotta be a bit overly emotional to get there. 9.
And lastly, what is your favourite thing about being a woman?
I think there’s just something quite rare about it. More often than not I find the women I encounter to be intelligent, wonderful, inspirational human beings. There’s a kind of sisterhood between women that means we’re not afraid to communicate with each other. I know so many women that DAILY make me want to be a better person. They are some of the bravest and most beautiful souls I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. I couldn’t be prouder to be who I am.