OUIL 503
OUIL 503
Ger8e Harry
Illustra8on of pre-‐exis8ng Ger8e Harry character to be added to an independently produced zine
A5 CMYK digital image
OUIL 503
There were a few reasons I chose this brief, Snapper is a client I've worked with before and the brief itself was something I knew I would enjoy and be able to chip away at. Building a rela8onship with this client I also knew I would easily be able to get in contact and receive feedback with a fast turn around so the project could con8nue evolving without a lot of wai8ng around. The content of the brief wasn't something I found par8cularly challenging in visual terms, I'm very comfortable drawing women and the opportunity of drawing sassy ladies is always a bonus! Drawing ini8al scamps in pen and then developing this into digital work was something I enjoyed doing, and though magazine covers isn't something I've done before I didn't feel pressured to get the final image looking like a high gloss magazine. Given the lofi context of the piece, I didn't feel extensive cra]ing would have benefited the final outcome much more than what the final piece became. The client was very pleased with the final outcome and it's an image I'm fond of myself. Though it may not have par8cularly pushed my visual skills, it was a nice reminder of visual language and the way I personally go about making images. Working from reference has also been beneficial in this brief and is something I will endeavor to remember in future briefs.
OUIL 503
Illustra8on Friday
Each week a new theme is chosen, work is submi_ed to be showcased on the homepage of the website
Digital image to be submi_ed each week to website
OUIL 503
This brief allowed me to push my visual language and play around with digital media and linework; something I’ve been wan8ng to pursue for a while. Given the quick turn around 8me of each piece I wanted to keep the outcomes immediate. While this brief was a lot of fun to complete, I feel as though it lacked a certain professionalism that other briefs provided. The open format allowed for anyone to enter, both hobbyist and professional, and while there is a place for this, I feel like it made my work feel a li_le undervalued. The exposure provided for this brief was also li_le in the way of beneficial. With only a name alongside your submission it would have been hard for people to find your work, and the categoriza8on of work felt a li_le amateur. This brief did benefit me however in the way that it forced me to con8nue exploring my visual language in my own 8me. I managed to make the open format of this brief work for me, using the pieces I’d submi_ed to post on my own social media, ensuring an ac8ve run of illustra8on was being posted to my own account.
OUIL 503
Penguin Books; Caitlin Moran
New book cover to reimagine Moran’s “How to be a Woman”. Must show humor, be eye catching and appear ‘classic’ in design
Front and back cover with spine to be submi_ed digitally using the provided Penguin cover template
OUIL 503 Book cover design wasn’t something I’d done prior to this brief, but was something I found myself ul8mately enjoying. Throughout OUIL504 we had to interoperate wri_en work into something visual, however the approach to this brief was very different. Something I struggled with in the early stages of this project was appropria8ng my own tone of voice and style so that it fit with the ahtude of the novel. This is something I had struggled with before in previous subjects however feel as though this 8me I was able to overcome the issue and resolve it successfully. The importance in change of media and referencing subject ma_er while drawing greatly improved the final outcome for this brief and is something I will take with me into future briefs. The no8on of working with a pre-‐exis8ng template and mocking my work up into something real world also started to open my eyes to the possible contexts my work could sit in. I feel as though if I were to tackle a book cover brief again I would be a lot be_er at it for comple8ng this project.
OUIL 503
Secret 7” (Substan8al Brief)
Create artwork for 7” EP sleeves to be exhibited and then sold for Amnesty Against charity
190mm x 190mm CMYK files to be digitally submi_ed to website
OUIL 503
Conceptually this brief really gripped me and was something I wanted to pursue on a personal level. Music has always been one of my passions and the opportunity to combine that with illustra8on was very appealing! On star8ng the briefs however it became clear that this wasn’t something as straighnorward as it may have first appeared. Something I struggled with was whether or not my concepts would be clearly understood by the viewer or whether they would feel a disconnect. Given all the responses were personal, it was hard to balance unique approaches to the songs and how they appeared in the common conscious.
OUIL 503
Looking back on the brief I think this problem is something I wish I’d had more convic8on over. Seeing the entries that were accepted, they all brought a really unique take to each track, tackling it in a personal way rather than researching something pre-‐exis8ng. This is a brief I really wanted to work on and enjoy and I feel as though a compulsion to research and use that as a base for my imagery rather than going on gut ins8nct may have held me back in crea8ng work that was what the judges wanted.
OUIL 503
Mocking up my finals for this brief however did help me give my work some context and format. Album artwork is something I would like to look into further and mocking up my work gave me some confidence in pursuing that. If anything I wish I had taken on a more DIY analog approach to this brief and just had fun with it, rather than looking at past entries and trying to fit my work to what I thought they were looking for.
OUIL 503
Collabora8ve Prac8ce D&AD Fortune Favours the Brave
Design an enterprise, service or product that will spark a surge in courage to benefit the crea8ve industries. Think about what bravery means to the crea8ve industries.
A two minute max presenta8on film OPTIONAL Up to four s8ll images
OUIL 503
Star8ng studio brief two I felt a li_le apprehensive on how it all would go. Working on my own has always been a preference of mine, and though I can work well in a group on less crea8ve projects, I find most of the 8me I feel be_er when I’m in control of my own crea8ve prac8ce and how it is applied. But this brief has completely opened my eyes to the benefits of collabora8ve prac8ce! Throughout the course of comple8ng this brief I have learnt so much about working with another crea8ve and the benefits of having another skillset on hand to help out.
OUIL 503
Working with Izzie was perfect for our project, as we both have specific skills to bring to the table, it was fairly easy to assign roles and responsibili8es in the group. Working with only one other person also worked in our favour; though it could be argued there was more work for us to complete, we were con8nually on the same page with the same inten8ons and this allowed work to con8nue at a good pace without was8ng 8me on going over who was doing what and why.
OUIL 503
Although we both had skills that made working on separate tasks in the group viable, we worked very well as a team as well. During the produc8on of the prac8cal box itself and throughout filming and edi8ng, we both worked on every aspect of the project. When Izzie’s technical skills came in integral towards the filming and edi8ng part of the submission, my guidance through 8ming, edi8ng and direc8on made sure we were working to our maximum produc8vity; producing the best results in the quickest amount of 8me. I think for either of us to complete this project to the level and 8me frame we did would have been near impossible without each other.
OUIL 503
Studio brief 2 has shown me the benefits of working alongside other crea8ves and how they can push you to elevate your own prac8ce as well as teaching you skills along the way. This brief has increased my confidence and knowledge with programs such as Illustrator and Premiere as well as pushing my work into new formats such as film and campaign design. My only regret throughout this brief was a slight lacking in 8me management towards the end on both our parts that meant the final product produc8on and filming was a li_le rushed. I would also definitely re-‐read the brief before submihng work to ensure you’re not pushing a video to two minutes exactly when in reality the brief asks for two minutes maximum. This work is something I am very proud of though, I would happily collaborate with Izzie Glazzard again.
OUIL 503
Responsive as a whole has been an extremely beneficial module. Not only has it shown that my illustra8ve work can exist out in the real world, but it has also opened my eyes to a range of new techniques, medias, contexts and func8ons of my work. It has come with it’s difficul8es however, and though I’m proud of a lot of the work I have produced, I have had li_le success in terms of winning briefs. Star8ng with the individual briefs I feel I covered a range of formats and contexts for my work to sit in, and while some of these briefs felts as though they benefited me more than others I’m glad to have completed all of them. In instances I feel I could have pushed my work further rather than doing something I felt comfortable with, this module was an opportunity to try out new things and push my work in new direc8ons and I feel that primarily for studio brief one I didn’t take full advantage of that. I also feel there were 8mes I replied heavily on digital manipula8ons of my work as I felt that was what judges were looking for, rather than just doing what I enjoy doing and crea8ng looser analogue illustra8ons. The collabora8ve part of this brief however is something I really feel my prac8ce has, and will, benefit from. Before star8ng the brief I was apprehensive on how it would progress and how my work would fit with someone else’s. Though I enjoy the work I create I was a li_le worried it wouldn’t fit with another crea8ves way of working and that I would perhaps feel a li_le useless in a group role. This couldn’t have been further from the truth! Working with Izzie Glazzard was one of the saving graces of this module. A]er hearing the horror stories some of my peers have had with their groups I’ve realised the importance in working with someone who you not only benefit from in a technical sense, but someone you can have a good working rela8onship with too. Our prac8ces are quite different in the way that we work, and though at the start I was worried our styles just wouldn’t work together, it has had such a posi8ve impact on our project as a whole. Given our differing skill sets it was easier to assign roles within the grouping, and working with just the two of us allowed us to bounce ideas around quickly with the same focus. Time wasn’t wasted in our project ensuring everyone knew their roles or ironing out crease and crossed wires in inten8on and concept.
OUIL 503
When it came to both technical and conceptual aspects of this brief I feel we both had different things to offer which allowed our project to grow in ways it wouldn’t have been able to do if we had been working on the project independently. Time wise it also allowed us to work at maximum produc8vity, being safe in the knowledge that we would both complete the work required of us also saved us from a lot of chasing around. Towards the end of this brief I feel we did lack a li_le on 8me management, meaning that some of the tasks we would have liked to have completed such as trying out different stocks or net designs couldn’t occur, and the final filming and edi8ng of our video submission was completed to a 8ght deadline. This aside however I’m very proud of the work we created and would happily collaborate with Izzie again! As with the last module hand in, on a personal level, 8me keeping is something I have to work on in regards to blogging. On the prac8cal side of this module I completed each brief before the deadline and feel I could have pushed myself to take on more briefs BUT was unable to do this as I had a backlogging of blogging to catch up on. I must remember to blog as I go as it will really benefit me for future hand ins and achieving my top poten8al in each module.