Freeflow - Autumn 2015

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Autumn 2015


New M&P Team


Heads Up

Meet the Marketing team

Check out the 20th Anniversary party

What is happening over the next 3 months

| Welcome

Message from Marc I’m pleased to introduce our latest and re-invigorated issue of FREEFLOW. It includes only a sample of the initiatives and projects being undertaken across JBA. Many of you will have similar experiences and successes to share and we remain on the lookout for news stories and website content. The feature on page 8 provides some additional detail on how you can contribute. I’ve gained a much wider appreciation of the work undertaken by our Shire Group of Internal Drainage Board’s under the Land Drainage Act 1991 over recent months. Together with Craig Burman I’ve supported the team in providing a programme of training and capacity building to its board members, which has been extremely rewarding. We’ve now been asked to provide similar training to a non- Shire Group Internal Drainage Board in November. This is high praise of the work our team undertakes. I’m also supporting our Flood Foresight initiative as Project Executive on the Steering Committee. Working in partnership with ImageCat Ltd has been very fulfilling - understanding and inputting to the technical work being undertaken by JBA meteorologists and software developers has been challenging – but the team is very patient and explains their work clearly!

“These initiatives keep us at the cutting edge. A client pleased by the high quality of the work and outputs we provide is immensely rewarding. Providing a quality service has traditionally set us apart and it is essential we must maintain this.” Our Isle of Man office opens in September, continuing our commitment to provide high quality services to clients locally. We have been providing consultancy services to Government agencies on the Isle of Man for over five years and a local presence will help us continue to provide expertise in coastal engineering, asset management, flood risk management, water resources and other areas. We’ve been asked by Manx Utilities to scope a water strategy for the island. The strategy will consider water management and climate change issues relating to water resources, pluvial, fluvial and coastal flooding, groundwater, asset failure and pollution of receiving watercourses. We are off to a good start. For the more astute observers of CMS and watchers of “JBA codewords” you will know that something else is also afoot! Auchentoshan is our code for opening a new office in Glasgow. Auchentoshan is the nearest Malt Whisky distillery, (admittedly in Clydebank), and a current favourite. Rene Dobson will lead the new office, supported by Mark McMillan. Glasgow, although not far from Edinburgh, offers access to a large number of clients and a dynamic redevelopment of the trading centre of Scotland. Our plan is to open an office in October and specifically serve private sector work in development as well as supporting engineering. More information and updates will follow.

This edition of FREEFLOW includes a feature on innovation, news from our “Heads of” and bite sized snippets of project and other news. A common feature of the items throughout is our ability to ‘work smarter’. This may be through innovations such as Flood Foresight, ForeCoast Marine, or AssetCoast each of which I’m sure you will be aware of. But importantly it is through many Preparations have begun for our attendance at the Flood less well championed initiatives, such as the development & Coast 2016 conference next February. This is a 3-day of new tools for processing flood mapping outputs, programme of workshops, debate and panel preparation of spreadsheets to support fish sessions hosted by the Environment pass hydraulic design or ARCGIS script Agency. The conference marks a to data mine national datasets, that T h e re welcomed return of the past showcase we remain the partner of choice for were a total flood conference held annually in many clients. of 482 fatal (k illed) and Telford. Flood & Coast 2016 will serious casua lties arising provide opportunity to learn from road tra of latest UK and international ffic accidents in West Suss advances in flood management ex during and academic research, and 2014……… BR AKE……… are engage with professional you aware of colleagues and clients. JBA will your local driving hazard attend the conference in strength. s? We have lots to showcase. Adjacent stands have been booked for both JBA Consulting and JBA Bentley and 2

| Newsletter Autumn 2015

Welcome |

a similar workshop again in late September to get wider contributions from across JBA and I hope there will be further opportunity to gather your feedback and comment on our plans to 2018.

we are hoping also to have a strong showing of papers and presentations. Abstract topics submitted range from “Flood Risk to Strategic Road Networks” to “New approaches and tools for assessing joint probability for multiple variables and widespread flood event scenarios”.

Enjoy this edition of FREEFLOW. I’ve noted Fran Jones’s clay shooting success on page 12 – my scores have plummeted in recent weeks - and with the promise that a JBA invitation event will soon be organised, I’m now off to practice!

And so there continues to be busy times ahead. We’ve just embarked on a refresh of our plans for the next 3 years. We kicked this off through a workshop with the Heads of in the middle of the month. We will be holding

Message from Jonathan Current focus for the business in Ireland is to support our growing team. Many projects opportunities at the moment involve a number of partners and subcontractors, which presents challenges but we are making good progress. We are starting up the €10m Limerick Flood Relief Scheme at the moment, which is in a JV with Arup.. Our ecology and environmental team is very active and are now being approached by a wide range of

developers and main consultants for our advice. Our focus for the next few months is to break the back of options appraisal on the schemes within the Western CFRAM and print 4,500 maps (yes on paper!) Business progress is down to everyone going the extra mile every day. At the heart of the operation is Sonia Rush, keeping the cheques rolling in and LUCAS surveyors and ecologists mobile.

Think Driver Safety

In 2013 there were 1,713 road accident fatalities on UK roads and over 21,600 people were seriously injured (UK Government latest figures)

On average 52% of fatalities occur on rural roads, 42% in builtup areas and only 6% on motorways (UK Government latest figures)

Around 1 in 3 fatal accidents involves someone driving as part of work (source ROSPA)

95% of accidents are caused by driver error (source ROSPA)

The average driver concentrates for only 20 mins in every 1 hour of driving and this decreases further after 2 hours of continuous driving

You are more likely to be involved in accident where the roads are familiar to you

Newsletter Autumn 2015


| Heads Up

Heads up The challenges our clients are facing: • Addressing climate change • Improving asset management • Integrating teams, processes or solutions • Efficiency • Extreme weather and flooding What the heads are focusing on over the next few months to address these.


BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT: Supporting development of hydrology business, including WEM Lot 1 work, water resources and overseas work. There are 24 current ideas for hydrological innovations at various stages of development ranging from nearly-complete R&D projects to nebulous suggestions for the longer-term future. SHARING INFORMATION: Hydrologists are the currents in the plum pudding which is JBA, spread throughout the company. We need to communicate better. I am keen to encourage a habitual attitude of sharing information, ideas, plans and points of view. The new hydrology SharePoint site provides an exciting opportunity to do this. WEM LOT 1 PROJECTS: If we are successful with our current tender, we will have 19 hydrology studies to undertake in a consistent and co-ordinated way during the autumn.


EA BID FOR TWO LARGE TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS: The Future Flood Forecasting Service provides the tools and technology to determine locations at risk of flooding, and the Future Flood Warning Service delivers flood warning messages to users of the service. R & D WORK: For the ForeCoast Marine, GISMapp, Flood Foresight, AssetCoast, JScour and JFes projects. Exciting work, bringing together lots of JBA skills. DEVELOPMENT OF OUR MINI-SUPERCOMPUTER FOR LARGE COMPUTING TASKS: The system connects people’s standard desktop computers and distributes processing across them when they are idle i.e. at lunchtime or overnight / weekends. From our testing on a coastal SWAN project, we can process 30,000 simulations 8x faster than previously possible. A huge productivity boost and no extra hardware required! 4

| Newsletter Autumn 2015


STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT TO CAPITALISE ON TIDAL LAGOON OPPORTUNITIES: We are currently working with Tidal Lagoon Power and its contractor China Harbour Engineering on the first tidal lagoon project in the world, we are involved in both the Swansea and Cardiff projects. I am working closely with Steve Maslen and George Baker to ensure we capitalise on this. SUCCESSFUL WIN ON THE FIRST WEM PACKAGE: I am working closely with Phil Emonson, Matt Hird, Ian Gaskell, Jenny Hornsby and Anne-Marie Moon to make sure we can deliver our ambitious coastal programme and achieve the efficiencies required. This, as usual, will require a focus on innovation and doing things better than everyone else. But hey, that’s what makes us us! ForeCoast® MARINE: We are entering a very interesting period with high profile demonstration projects underway with the European Marine Energy Centre, and two offshore wind farms with ScottishPower Renewables. We are also formalising partnership arrangements with the Met Office and executing our commercialisation and marketing plan. There’s a lot happening and fingers are crossed for some new deals done soon!


WEM LOT 4: The workload is continuing to grow and will build on the success of the first two years of the framework. Growth will be supported by the team at the new Peterborough office as well as across the rest of JBA. RAIL SECTOR: We are working on the CP5 programme and are responding to this demand by establishing a combined Earthworks and Drainage team. The integrated team will deliver the four-year programme of work for Network Rail’s contractors in a design/build relationship. LOCAL AUTHORITY FRAMEWORKS: We have had great success on these and will be targeting more to provide staff with varied and interesting work that fit with JBA’s engineering skills and experience.

Heads Up |





CATCHMENT PROCESSES: We will be leading a workshop early October to disseminate the EA Science report –modelling and mapping catchment processes to help with the next generation of catchment flood management planning. This will be developed with our partners from Lancaster and Newcastle universities and the James Hutton Institute. NATURAL FLOOD MANAGEMENT: Building on the JBA Runoff Attenuation Feature Finder (JRAFF) to look at other measures for Natural Flood Management such as soil improvement and tree planting using the woodlands for water opportunity maps to target feasible locations. HIGHWAYS ENGLAND FLOOD RISK: We were commissioned to investigate flood risk to the strategic roads network, and demonstrate how we make Asset Flood Risk Registers using the JScreen approach on a pilot. Our work will enable HE to see areas most at risk from different sources of flooding at different resolutions.


WEM LOT 1: We have recently submitted our tender for the first flood modelling and forecasting package to be led by the Environment Agency under WEM Lot 1. The package consisted of 19 separate studies and required a fundamental rethink of how we bid for such work within very restrictive word limits. Well done to all involved and fingers crossed for a successful outcome! REDEFINING HOW RESERVOIR FLOOD MAPPING SHOULD BE UNDERTAKEN ACROSS ENGLAND IN THE FUTURE This award builds on lessons learned from a recent exercise to model 200 reservoirs and requires detailed consultation with All Reservoir Panel Engineers. The Environment Agency has £1.3M to spend in this area over the next three years so this work provides an excellent opportunity for us. FLOOD MODELLING TECHNICAL FOCUS GROUP The first session will provide initial feedback on the new Flood Modelling Information Channel, discuss ways of improving existing Quality Assurance processes and resources, and routes for encouraging the use of free modelling software where appropriate. The following day will see CH2M HILL provide a bespoke Flood Modeller Migration Workshop.

ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT AND COMPLIANCE: An expanding area of the business with new strategic appointments (key contacts Dorian/David Revill and Ruth Findlayson. SPATIAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT: An area we want to grow in the business (Key contacts Philip Bennett Lloyd, Charlotte Beattie and Jack Southon). CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION: An area where we are being increasingly recognised as leaders in the field, building on some work that has just been published.


CHANGES WITHIN CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT INCLUDING: • Appraisal and consideration of our current approach to the Whole Life Management of Assets and Catchments • Promoting Total Catchment Management recognition and the initiatives required to deliver this IDB’s: The EA have disseminated their de-maining proposals for Main River watercourses in Lincolnshire, and we are also discussing the transfer of assets/ maintenance to IDBs within the Isle of Axholme Strategy boundary. New IDBs are being created in Waver Wampool and Lyth Valley.


LEE FORECASTING SYSTEM (CORK, SOUTHERN IRELAND): This will be the first forecasting system we have built from scratch and then implemented operationally, using the Deltares Flood Early Warning System (FEWS). BIDDING FOR WEM FORECASTING PACKAGES: We know of three forecasting packages so far, all of which we can bid convincingly for, covering all parts of England. FUTURE FLOOD FORECASTING SYSTEM – EA TENDER: This is likely to be a development of its current system. We have preliminary agreement with Deltares to bid jointly for this landmark piece of work – expected to be worth between £2.5 and £5 million.

Newsletter Autumn 2015


| Did you know

Did you know? Flood Foresight is a flood inundation forecasting system being developed by us and ImageCat for the re/insurance, infrastructure and civil contingencies sectors. Phase 2 is now underway with the refinement of modelling process (meteorological and hydrological) and model verification. Contact | ROB BERRY AND BARRY HANKIN We are producing the first ever national scale Groundwater flood map at a resolution of 5m x 5m, due to be published late Summer. Contact | MAXINE ZAIDMAN The Adaptation Sub-Committee (ASC) to the Committee on Climate Change published its first report on progress with the National Adaptation Programme to Parliament on 30 June. We provided key evidence to inform the report by surveying the extent of climate change adaptation activity within local authorities and local enterprise partnerships across England. Contact | RACHEL BRISLEY Meteolert is an innovative tool developed to warn Network Rail of the risks posed by intense rainfall to their portfolio of drainage assets and the rail infrastructure that they protect. Contact | STUART WALLACE The NFU commissioned us to model strategies for channel maintenance and natural flood management using JFlow. We have done this on the Ray catchment, and scaled our findings to the Oxfordshire headwaters of the Thames using JRAFF. Contact | BARRY HANKIN We have been working with Risk Management, Lexisnexis and the insurance Bureau of Canada to scope out the user needs and data available for nationwide fluvial and surface water flood mapping. Unlike in the UK, there are no centrally-produced flood maps and, until recent significant flooding in Alberta and Ontario, little public appetite to insure against flood losses. After the initial phase of the project we were awarded the contract in January 2015 to deliver Canada-wide flood maps by July 2015. A key ingredient for the development of fluvial and surface water flood mapping across Canada is a hydrological study. Canada is big. 40 times the size of the UK and we had three months to deliver this. Contact | DUNCAN FAULKNER


| Newsletter Autumn 2015

Since September 2013 we have been collecting, recording and processing the coastal monitoring data on a bi-annual rotation for Scarborough Borough Council. There are approximately 124 monitoring sites along the coastline which are monitored for water levels and slope stability. The project has improved our technical knowledge in this area of field work, to improve data collection GISMapp will be used during this summer’s collection. Contact | MARK TYWANG We have just completed a four year study to model and map the flood risk for the North West coast and update the coastal flood forecasting system for Cumbria and Lancashire. This involved the creation of a wave transformation model of the Irish Sea to transform the offshore waves into the nearshore and to assess the susceptibility to flooding from sea and wind waves. Using the transformed nearshore waves the flood risk from wave overtopping of coastal defences was calculated for over 300 individual flood defences along 400km of coastline. Performance testing was undertaken using our bespoke software ForeCoast® Flood, which emulates the Environment Agency (EA) National Flood Forecasting System (NFFS) Contact | MATT HIRD We are now engaged directly by Tidal Lagoon Power to provide Flood Risk Assessment support for the Cardiff and Newport lagoons that they intend to take to planning in 2017. Contact | GEORGE BAKER



APPEN • Pete ING IN rboroug JBA h office part opened nership in July with Be Lot in ntleys t 4 work o delive • Skip r WEM ton – as we have curr outgrow en n our som t office we are e of the expand ing and Skipton to n ew tea very premises in Sk m will be mov in ip soon. W atch this ton town cent g • Isle re space! of Man office w in Se ill be op ptembe ening r

Did you know |

The team at Haywards Heath are currently working in Partnership with Canterbury City Council to modify the AssetCoast system for use by local authorities. Canterbury have been trialling the system on their coastal frontages over the summer and are working with us to ensure the system is correctly evaluating coastal process risk posed to residential and commercial property and critical infrastructure. This pilot study is due to be completed by the end of October. Contact | GRAHAM KENN We have been commissioned by SEPA to develop a realtime coastal Flood Forecasting System for the Solway Firth. The system will act as an integrated forecasting service for approximately 200 miles of coastline from Gretna along the coast to Cairnryan, incorporating forecasts for still water level, nearshore wave conditions and wave overtopping. The system will provide direct forecasts for 31 communities, with these used to initiate flood incident management procedures and support the issue of Operational alerts and Flood Warnings by SEPA up to 5 days prior to an event. Contact | NICOLA BUCKLEY Cooling costs begin to Byte Operating and maintaining server rooms is an expensive business. Much of this is unavoidable but as much as 50% of the energy consumed in a server room can be associated with refrigerated cooling. One advantage of where we live, is that the UK climate is well suited to computer cooling with little or no refrigeration as the server room target temperature is in the region of 21°C or higher for short periods of time. As an alternative to refrigeration, we are considering evaporative cooling. This solution works by spraying water in to the air and removing it again (using filters) before this cooling air enters the server room, so there is no increase in humidity. Adopting this technology could reduce our cooling energy consumption by 90%. For 10kW of cooling we estimate that this would reduce the cooling bill by £2k per year. While this option is more expensive initially, we estimate the payback would be between 3 and 5 years. Contact | ANDREW COLLIER The Ecology team have been undertaking a newly approved monitoring technique for the European protected species Great Crested Newt Triturus cristatus. The new technique involves collecting water samples from ponds suspected as containing newts and having them tested for environmental DNA (i.e. DNA left behind by the

newts in the water from excretions). The environmental DNA technique provides a quicker, more efficient and reliable method for identifying presence/absence of this species at a site compared to traditional trapping and night time surveys. These efficiencies can then be provided to clients in dealing with this protected species in relation to their site/operations. Contact | ROB HARRISON A multidisciplinary team led by Hydroecologists in Saltaire is investigating options to improve Arctic Charr spawning habitat in a stretch of river heavily impacted upon by the Dinorwig pumped storage hydropower plant (North Wales). The project drew on the skills of hydrologists, geomorphologists and fisheries experts to understand the dynamics of the system and has developed measures which could be employed to improve Charr spawning habitat. In the next stage of the project, 2D hydrodynamic modelling will be linked to JBA’s in-house habitat model, to evaluate the improvements created by and refine the design each of the proposed improvement options. Contact | DAVE MOULD JBA have now surveyed a total of over 1300km of watercourses over consecutive summers. These river and drainage networks cross some of most stunning scenery Ireland has to offer, and hence the team is never short of volunteers from Kieran Sheehan’s and Anne Murray’s team. A total of 18 JBA ecologists have now experienced of Irish flora and fauna and reporting schemes. These surveys were part of the ecological evidence base needed to support the Appropriate Assessments required to allow OPW’s arterial drainage activities to proceed. Contact | TOM SAMPSON Following an emergency call from Galway City Development Board, we assisted in the design and specification of emergency stop logs for the Parkavara Lock Gates on the Eglinton Canal in Galway City. The team, including Amanda Kitchen, had previously worked on a ‘Lock Gate Inspection and Seepage Assessment’ and had highlighted concerns about the condition of the lock gates which are in poor condition and leaking badly. Catastrophic failure of the lock gates would lead to a surge of water through the canal, which is fed by Lough Corrib, and has a high probability of undermining the historic canal walls. We recommended the use of a series of pre-cast concrete stop logs providing an element of control on upstream water levels and flow rates to the lower canal. The stop logs were installed in July and we have continued to advise on the number and height of the logs as water levels vary in the canal. Contact | DEIRDRE MCDONNELL AND ETHAN MCGOWAN

Newsletter Autumn 2015


| R&D

Innovation workshops on tour WHAT’S THE NEXT BIG THING FOR JBA? How do we continue to stay one step ahead of the competition and deliver what our clients want and need in the next year and in 5, 10, 20 years’ time?

WHAT WE DID Mark Lawless and Alex Scott have been on a tour of the offices to share what’s going on in JBA (the latest R&D news, plans for new projects and longer term business innovation) and to get everyone together to canvas new ideas for exciting innovations that we should develop and resource over the next few years. Innovation workshops have been held in Hayward’s Heath, Newport, Warrington, Edinburgh, Saltaire and Skipton with sessions planned for Newcastle, Leeds and Tadcaster. The level of engagement and enthusiasm has been fantastic and we have collected a huge number of ideas which we will now collate and analyse. This will be shared with everyone to help us prioritise and deliver our innovation activities. Feedback from the workshops has indicated that this shouldn’t be a one-off event and that people value knowing what is going on in other areas of the business and shaping the direction of R&D. We will aim to do this type of event on a more regular basis and are developing new ways of communicating internally so people can share tools and ideas more easily using platforms like SharePoint sites.

ION NOVAT N I T S r YOU! REATE OUR G OURCE IS ggestions fo S u E s r R o t r i d e a s o we c a n s u p p / y n a ays h a ve ools If you ovation or w and useful t ith n ea s uch w new in hare id se get in to s e w h ow , p l ea utputs ark or Alex. R& D o M


| Newsletter Autumn 2015

DATES FOR THE DIARY 14-15 September Introduction to 2D Modelling using TUFLOW & 1D-2D Flood Modelling using ISIS-TUFLOW, JBA Coleshill 16 September BHS National meeting- Forest Hydrology, Birmingham 21 September JBA Welcome Course, Coniston Hall, Coniston, Nr Skipton 6 October Flood Forecasting: Current challenges and future aspirations CIWEM, Birmingham 15 October Intermediate HEC-RAS, JBA Coleshill 16 October HEC-RAS 2D Workshop, JBA Coleshill

This is your newsletter, use it to promote the work you and your team are doing, social events, achievements, all contributions will be entered into a prize draw for a gift voucher. Please send through all contributions to by 30th October 2015.

Team Focus |

Meet the Marketing team WHO WE ARE


Joanne Woodhouse Marketing Manager

Sophie Cokell Marketing Assistant

Karen Wardale Graphic Designer

We are here to support you, we might be based in Skipton but we are here to work with all teams from every office. Look out for us visiting your office soon!

WHAT WE DO • • •

Raise awareness of the work you are doing through internal and external communications Help improve communications with clients and prospective clients Highlight our expertise and the JBA brand in all service areas to the industry

HOW ARE WE MOVING FORWARD? We are here to support you and promote the work you do in the most effective way and across all forms of media – particularly digital and social media.

We are moving away from generic printed materials as these quickly go out of date – there are more effective ways of communicating our messages that we are happy to discuss with you. Some of these are highlighted below. A priority is to keep the website updated with information from each area of the business and keep the content live as this is our ‘shop window’.

WHAT WE NEED FROM YOU • Advance notice so we can plan activity in a relevant timely way • Information about the target audience and what you are trying to achieve in your sector • Key messages you want to say and why It’s your ideas and content we are after - please don’t spend your time writing copy that’s what we are here for.

“I browsed through JBA Consulting’s website and am interested in how your services can assist us and our clients….” James Davies, EcoFish Consultants

Our website/partners website

Content marketing, News articles, blog posts, infographics, project info on the website and videos Social Media

Face to face meetings Conference attendance Face to face meetings Conferences/Events organised by Conference attendance JBA e.g business breakfast meetings/ recruitments events Printed materials

Newsletter Autumn 2015


| Social Events/Awards

JBA 20th Anniversary Party



Newsletter Autumn 2015

Social Events/Awards |


Newsletter Autumn 2015

| 11

Social Events/Awards |

ney for Fran Jones raises mo lance bu the Yorkshire Air Am

Congratulations to Fran Jones who won the annual ladies shoot held at Middlesmoor for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance on Sunday 7th June. This was organised by the Nidderdale Clay Pigeon Shooting League which Fran is a member of. Well done Fran!

st England E South Ea


boat ra c 09 May e, Saltaire 2015

A team of JBA staff from the Saltaire, Warrington and Skipton offices finished a respectable 6th out of 22 in the Lord Mayor of Bradford’s dragon boat race held on the Leeds Liverpool Canal in Saltaire on Saturday, and raised a total of over £600 for Marie Curie and Make it Happen. Well done to all involved...Bring on 2016!

15 Awards 20


Congratulations to all involved in the AssetCoast project. The awards were held in Southampton on 29 May 2015 - JBA’s AssetCoast won the Innovation Award. It also went on to win the second award at the ICE in London following Alec’s very well received presentation and now going to be presented to West Sussex. The system specified by the Coastal Engineering Team in Haywards Heath and developed by the software development teams in Skipton was used to deliver An Innovative Approach to Coastal Asset Management on behalf of Network Rail Wales Route.

What is W will win ill thinking? T he best a prize ! Email caption market y o ur capt ing@jba ions to co We look forward to seein g them !

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