Scotland Flood Risk Management 2016

Page 1




Contents Flood Risk support in the following areas: Flood Risk Management and Risk Assessment

page 3

Post Flood Survey page 4 Flood Defence Asset Inspection

page 5

Flood Defence Feasibility and Design

page 6

Drainage Appraisal and Design

page 7

Flood Resilience page 8 Dam and Reservoir Engineering

page 9

River and Hydraulic structures

page 10

Economic Appraisal Page 11


Flood Management and Risk Assessment

How we can help following the recent floods. We can assist in or undertake: • Post Flood Surveys • Modelling and Mapping

Overview In the 2015 edition of the New Civil Engineer Consultants file, JBA is listed as the UK’s third largest flood risk consultancy by fees. JBA have been a national framework consultant to the Environment Agency since 1999 and the only consultant appointed to SEPA, NRW and Isle of Man and Republic of Ireland. Locally we are appointed to over 20 flood management frameworks by lead local flood authorities. Under these frameworks we provide services in flood risk mapping, post-flood investigation, feasibility and design studies for flood management schemes, capacity building and training and model review and audit.

Capabilities We have over 20 years’ experience of providing: • Strategic and site-based flood risk assessments • River, flood plain and surface water modelling and mapping • Reservoir and dam failure assessment • Property level flood protection surveys and scheme design • Flood and drainage asset surveys and asset management plans • Flood & Water Management Act 2010 (FWMA) Flood Investigations

• Economic Approval Critically we can assist with post event analysis including estimation of return periods of rainfalls and flows (including use of the newly-released FEH13 rainfall frequency statistics), and advise on the presence and effects of trends, step changes or clustering of floods. We have tools for quantifying the effect of longer-term flood history information on the estimation of design flows. This type of analysis could help in answering those awkward questions that crop up such as are floods getting worse?, Why have there been so many?, Are previous design flows still valid?

• Training and capacity building


Post Flood Survey Overview JBA staff were mobilised to support Calderdale Council, the Environment Agency, Scottish Borders Council, Network Rail and other risk management authorities throughout the Christmas period. This included bridge and asset inspections and collection of flood information – extents, depths and water levels. Our support began on 26th December and continued into the early New Year. As the response to the flooding by risk management authorities moves from one of emergency management to flood recovery it is important that efforts continue to capture the information that will inform this recovery and support consideration of lessons learned and future steps to reduce impacts to affected communities.

Capabilities We can support with the capture and analysis of post flood information through: • Traditional ground-based post flood surveys using JBA’s using GISMapp* (hand held data collection) and SMARTNet surveys to collect water levels • Topographical land survey including channel surveys, structures, threshold levels and post flood surveys • Analysis of CCTV (civilian, security, cameras on assets etc) • Collection and analysis of social media posts • Extraction of shorelines and water levels from media/published imagery • Extraction of shorelines from any available satellite imagery • Collecting anecdotal observations from affected parties

How we can help following the floods We can continue to mobilise those teams that have supported you during the emergency phase of flooding now that the recovery phase begins. We can collect the information required to meet the Council’s responsibilities under the Flood Risk Management act 2009; your duty to support affected communities; and to inform your appraisal and design of future flood improvement works. But we can be more than an extra pair of hands on the ground. Additionally there is a colossal amount of flood information available through social media and public and private digital data. It is the analysis and production of a coherent description of the event that is the key area where we can add value. Collecting a mass of data is relatively straightforward. Interpreting it and assembling the important bits are where we can add value. Demonstrating a clear understanding of the extent and severity of flooding experienced by communities will be invaluable when hosting evening meetings, listening sessions etc in the wake of the extraordinary flooding experienced.

*Details of JBA’s data collection software http://www.jbaconsulting. com/project/facilitating-datacollection-and-assessment-assetdata-gismapp


Flood Defence Asset Inspection

How we can help following the floods

Overview Our support to Network Rail Council and other risk management authorities during the Christmas and the new year flooding included undertaking road and bridge inspections, canal and flood defence asset inspections and the design of temporary remedial works e.g. at Mytholmroyd. Our Shire Group of Internal Drainage Board work force and contractor partner JBA Bentley were mobilised to assist in screen clearing and construction of temporary works. JBA has extensive experience in asset inspection and management across flood defence, transport and utilities infrastructure. We undertake asset inspection and asset management planning for Local Authorities, The Environment Agency, Utilities companies, Highways Authorities and Network Rail. For Network Rail we manage the inspection of their assets affected by river scour and we have authored latest guidance for the inspection and management of coastal and river defence assets.

Capabilities We develop and deploy our own automated and enhanced in-field data collection handheld computers and most modern land survey equipment, to provide cost effective and safe asset inspection. Our inspectors are able to: • Complete topographical and elevation survey, river channel and bank surveys, threshold level and post flood level surveys • Undertake volume and deformation surveys • Provide proof surveys and advice • Complete General, Special and Principal Inspections to approved standards e.g. Department for Transport Standard BD63; British Waterways Asset Inspection Standards • Complete visual inspections of flood defence assets through Standard T98 accredited surveyors and in accordance with the Condition Assessment Manual

As proven during the Christmas period we can provide additional resource to inspect flood defence assets, confirm their continued integrity or prioritise remediation works. In addition to site inspection we can provide software and services for the analysis, design and development and implementation of Geographical Information Systems and Asset Geo-Repositories. Critical is the assessment of asset condition and JBA can provide mobile data capture tools and relevant training to enable both JBA and YAW staff to collect and populate asset databases. JBA have developed and maintained the Scottish Flood Defence Asset Database since 2004. Our software has automated and enhanced asset data collection through the use of handheld computers to catalogue data in the field, index and georeference photographs and to check for data consistency. In 2015 we won two Institution of Civil Engineers Innovation Awards for the work we have done to develop new asset management inspection and management tools and systems for Network Rail. Use of our tools has led to a 50% real cost reduction in our asset inspection work since 2005.

• Compile condition data, produce condition indices and criticality measures • Complete structural engineering inspections • Specify and commission invasive structural inspection, CCTV culvert inspection • Undertake confined spaces entry and inspections


Flood Defence Feasibility and Design Overview JBA is experienced and expert in all aspects of flood alleviation and Flood Protection scheme design and management, from initial feasibility studies, through to completion of detailed design and the supervision of the implementation works on site. We provide civil, geotechnical, structural and specialist hydraulic engineering and associated ecology, landscape, environmental, geomorphology and consultation support to risk managements including lead local flood authorities and the Environment Agency. We are for example appointed under Lot 4 of the Environment Agency’s Water and Environment Management Framework for design and construction of flood defence schemes.

Capabilities We undertake pre-feasibility, feasibility, detailed design, and value engineering studies. We prepare benefit cost appraisal and applications for FDGiA funding. We undertake construction contract preparation and site supervision. Our work ranges from slope stabilisation and drainage work to flood defence schemes and reservoir engineering work. We can also act as CDM Principal Designer. Our capabilities include • Ground investigation and survey • Environmental survey, mitigation and enhancement • Feasibility and pre-Investment studies • Multi-criteria economic analysis • Funding submissions • Pumping station refurbishment and assessment • Design and specification • Preparation of contract documentation • Tender management • Project and construction management • Contract administration and H&S plans


How we can help following the floods You will have urgent need to repair failing flood defence assets damaged after the recent flooding. You will also look to assess the requirement for new or improved flood defences in the future. Critical to both will be the proportionate but robust assessment and design to prioritise works and secure funding. JBA is able to deploy experienced teams across the key fields of numerical modelling, flood risk, fluvial engineering design, appraisal and environmental management, able to prepare Project Appraisal Reports, FDGiA funding applications, design and delivery plans within the required timescales to implement or secure funding. We anticipate Project Appraisal Reports will be required within the first quarter of the year if new schemes are to be brought forward with urgency. Our excellent understanding of the particular engineering requirements for Flood Protection Schemes in Scotland. Our local presence and knowledge of legislation and even in a great advantage in developing workable solutions.

Drainage Appraisal and Design

How we can help following the floods

Overview JBA Consulting has broad experience in the assessment and design of both new and existing drainage systems, from property level to city scale. Our clients include Lead Local Flood Authorities, sewerage undertakers, and facilities managers for large industrial and educational sites, developers and individuals. We are able to offer a full service from assessing the root causes of flooding and other drainage service failures through options development, detailed design and construction supervision. Furthermore we have experience working with all types of drainage systems, including highways and private drains, sewerage, culverted watercourses, land drainage and sustainable drainage systems.

Capabilities Our range of experience includes: • Preparation of Surface Water Management Plans. Over 30 prepared in the last 5 years, ranging from city-wide (Greater Manchester SWMP) to detailed assessments of critical drainage areas. • Integrated Urban Drainage (IUD) modelling. Highly experienced modelling team integrating modelling of urban surfaces, highways, sewers and watercourses.

After flooding in Smithton and Culloden we helped the local authority develop a phazed responce. This then included careful development of a Flood Protection Scheme as well as as an early intervention including improved management ovel screen. JBA could help you develop your scheme or study. Critically we have capability to understand, assess and challenge the performance of third party drainage assets including sewers, rail drainage etc where their performance is believed to have contributed to flooding. We can investigate and prepare solutions for flooding at local authority assets, including drainage improvements and mitigation measures to reduce future risks. We could also assist in the integration of flood warnings into urban drainage systems so that preparedness for future events is improved.

• Urban hydrology assessments • Specialist team working in railway drainage. • Management of surveys including flow survey, CCTV, manhole and asset surveys, impermeable area surveys. • Urban drainage planning for water companies including Drainage Area Plans, sewer infiltration investigations and Infiltration Management Plans. • Root cause analysis of urban drainage flooding and other issue including pollution, CSOs. • Assessment of land drainage including moorland management and natural flood management. • Development, modelling and economic appraisal of solutions both traditional and SuDS. • Detailed design and construction supervision.


Flood Resilience Overview JBA has established a lead role in supporting Local Authority and Environment Agency actions aimed at increasing community flood resilience. Our highly experienced teams combine the necessary technical and engagement skills to provide emergency planning and local community property flood protection services. We help raise flood awareness and encourage homeowners and businesses to take effective action to manage flood risk, reducing losses and damage from flooding, whilst increasing peace of mind and preparedness.

Capabilities Our teams can offer extensive experience and support to increase flood resilience: •

Community and property level flood protection surveys and advice on flood resilience options - drawing on experience from over 2,500 property surveys and some 40 schemes (including for the Repair and Renew Grant in 2014).

• Experience and knowledge from our extensive policy support and best practice reviews for Government. • JBA developed the Property Level Protection Blueprint for the Scottish Goverment. • Established track record in designing and delivering emergency flood exercises and training to Category 1 and 2 responders. • Development of business continuity, flood evacuation and flood emergency plans. • Development of the Property Protection Advisor scheme appraisal tool for communities http// • Experience and knowledge drawn from our established position on the Environment Agency’s Flood Resistance Measures Framework. • Training and capacity building - delivered 11 workshops and an ‘E-learning’ module on property level protection, part of the DEFRA Capacity Building Programme for LLFAs


How we can help following the floods We can assist in or undertake the following: • Independent and impartial property flood risk assessment surveys to assess options and indicative costs to improve individual property flood resilience. •

Advice and guidance on planning, administering and delivery of the Government’s Household flood Resilience Grant Scheme.

• Comprehensive community scale flood risk assessments to assess catchment flood risk from all sources, to inform options for local community resilience measures delivered efficiently through a coordinated grant approach. • Assessment of flow and rainfall monitoring and the design and provision of local flood warning schemes. • Development of individual self help and community emergency flood response plans. • Preparation of flood emergency evacuation plans to define and advise on safe access and egress. •

Design and delivery of emergency flood exercises for communities, local authorities, Environment Agency and emergency services.

Dam and Reservoir Engineering

How we can help following the floods

Overview Under the Reservoirs Act 1975 reservoirs capable of holding a volume of water in excess of 25,000m3 above the natural level of any part of the surrounding land are classed as “large raised reservoirs” and require to be registered and regulated. The volume threshold of 25,000m3 is to reduce to 10,000m3 as amended through the Flood and Water Management Act 2010 and smaller reservoirs are to be regulated. Regardless of volume there is a duty on owners, operators and maintainers of storage reservoirs to take steps to ensure integrity and safe operation of retaining and storage structures. Classifications apply even if the reservoir only contains this volume of water occasionally, for example, flood storage reservoirs and washlands.

Retaining structures, spillways, gates, sluices will have experienced significant hydraulic and mechanical impacts during recent flooding. JBA is able to deploy experienced and qualified engineers to inspect and advise on the integrity of regulated and non-regulated raised reservoirs.

Capabilities At JBA Consulting, our qualified civil engineers – All Reservoirs (Construction & Inspecting) and Supervising Panel Engineers - have provided services under the Reservoirs Act 1975 for United Kingdom dams and reservoirs for over ten years. They are supported by professionals in geology, hydrology, ecology, geomorphology, hydrogeology, hydraulic modelling and planning legislation, providing a multi-disciplinary team with expertise in a wide range of water-related services work including all aspects of dams and reservoirs. Our extensive experience ranges from: • Reservoir Engineering. • Inspections and analyses to design and construction supervision of new structures • Rehabilitation of existing dams and reservoirs • Inspections and Supervision under Reservoirs Acts • Hydraulics and Spillway Design. • Geotechnical Investigations and Design • Acting as Expert Witness. • Insurance Claim Assessment. • Reservoir Inundation Modelling.


River and Hydraulic Structures Overview Structures over watercourses can be vulnerable to failure due to hydraulic loading and scour, particularly older masonry arch bridges with shallow foundations and constricted openings. Urbanisation and climate change is increasing frequency and magnitude of high flows whilst the construction of raised flood defences can raise water levels at bridges during flood conditions. These factors increase the hydraulic load on a river structures leading to a higher risk of scour and debris impact.

Capabilities At JBA Consulting, we have extensive experience of managing structures against the risk of failure due to hydraulic loading and scour. We undertake inspection, survey and assessment of culverts ensuring they continue to provide the required hydraulic capacity. Our capabilities include: • Site inspection and ecological walkover survey; • Arranging & completing topographic, CCTV, condition & ecological surveys & ground investigations; • Hydrological and hydraulic analyses, including developing hydraulic model of watercourse or drain/sewer as necessary; • Evaluating options & carrying out detailed design of proposals including construction drawings; • Preparation of documentation including ecological reports, Forms A & B, Risk Logs, Technical Specifications; • Preparation of applications for consents / assents / licenses for permanent works. • Refurbishment/replacement options investigated include:

o Open trench replacement

o Cleaning, pigging

o Patch repairs (patch lining, grouting, resin injection)

o Re-lining (slip lining, Cured in Place – UV and thermal)


How we can help following the floods We have designed scour protection works for over 200 structures over water. Scour protection will secure the structural integrity of an asset and prevent potential failure during flood events. Through assessment we can establish whether structures have been impacted through recent flooding, reached the end of their design life or flow patterns have changed which mean they no longer provide the required hydraulic capacity.

Economic Appraisal and FDGiA

How we can help following the floods

Overview Benefit-cost analyses are fundamental to prioritising, planning and securing funds for flood defence schemes. A robust analysis will tie together all of the supporting technical work – modelling, risk assessment, design, options appraisal and environmental assessment – to support the case for investment to replace damaged assets, maintain existing or construct new defences.

Capabilities We have extensive experience of benefit-cost assessment managing structures against the risk of failure due to hydraulic loading and scour. We undertake inspection, survey and assessment of culverts ensuring they continue to provide the required hydraulic capacity. Our capabilities include: • Green book appraisal of public expenditure projects and programmes • Assessment of design, capital, operational and maintenance costs over the lifetime of the flood management options • Uncertainty and optimism analyses • Scheme appraisal (FCERM-AG) • Project appraisal report (PAR) preparation • Completion of Flood defence grant in aid (FDGiA) applications including presentation to project review board • Valuation of ecosystem service benefits • Value transfer approaches to monetary valuations of biodiversity, food, climate regulation etc

JBA are authors of research projects which provide guidance and tools in cost estimation of structural and non-structural approaches to flood risk management. These include Environment Agency ‘Long Term Costing’ (SC080039) project, SEPA ‘Cost of Flood Risk Management Measures’ project and the ‘CFRAM Unit Cost Development Project’ for the Office for Public Works (OPW) in Ireland. JBA has developed automated tools which allow rapid calculation of flood damages in accordance with MCM We can apply these tools and knowledge to the rapid appraisal of flood defence schemes. Our advantage is that we are able to quickly assess benefit-cost to prioritise programmes of work and support FDGiA applications for funding. Rapid assessment and preparation of funding applications will present the greatest opportunity to secure grant in aid to flood risk, amongst the applications from other LLFA and risk management authorities.


For further information please contact David Bassett or Angus Pettit on t: 0131 3192940 e: e: Management Offices at: Coleshill | Cork | Doncaster | Dublin | Edinburgh | Exeter | Glasgow | Haywards Heath | Isle of Man | Leeds | Limerick | Newcastle | Newport | Peterborough | Saltaire | Skipton | Tadcaster |Thirsk | Wallingford | Warrington 12 | CAPABILITY STATEMENTS | FLOOD RISK MANAGEMENT 2016

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