2 A Message From 7 Meditation Basics the Disability Service ! ! 8 Sleeping Well 3 Ways to Revise ! ! 9 Fit to Sit Poster 4 Your Memory ! ! 10 Funny Exam 5 Eating Well Answers
6 Words from Welshfare 11 Contact the ! Welfare Team
Hi everyone!
This week is all about getting ready for the d summative season. an exams.
s of This booklet has load with great info to help you alk that and we have a t ervice from the disability s you’re if y da s ue T on 0 :0 15 at interested!
or all Also thanks to Ben f the design work.
Hannah Reed
Welfare Officer
A Message From the Disability Service
If you are having any difficulty with your work due to illness, low mood or some form of disability, it is important that you let the University know as soon as you became aware of the difficulty. This could be done by making an appointment to see Dave Robson or Debs Monk in the College Office (you can make an appointment via Pam) or you can visit some of the central University services such as Disability Services and/or the Counselling Service. You may also wish to visit your GP. You may need to complete a self certification form or obtain other forms of evidence, but Dave and Debs will advise you on this. The University tries to compensate you for any difficulties that occur during the year by extensions to submitted work. If difficulties occur in the final term and during the examination period, you may need to complete a Severe Adverse Circumstances Form and again Dave and Debs can advise you about this.
Your Memory:
! Remembering facts and figures ! is an essential part of most revision processes. There are several methods that specifically enable you to increase the amount of information stored in memory. One that is relatively accessible is the method of loci. This involves linking facts or figures or anything that you need to remember in terms of specific locations. For example, remembering dates in History linked to different areas of Durham. This then allows you to ‘walk through’ the locations in your memory and recall the information that was linked to specific destinations. !
Although this method is effective for some students, there are individual differences in learning styles. However, anyone could apply this technique to something else they are interested in. For example, linking information to football teams, songs by a particular artist, etc. Linking things together means that one is thought about, other information is thought about as well. This technique does not necessarily need to be done with other memorable information, it can just been with keywords if they are memorable.
It has also been found that when information is properly understood it is recalled more easily than when information is learnt by rote. This was seen as actors recall their scripts better when they analyse the meaning of the lines, rather than simply learning the words. This would suggest that facts should be learnt in context, not individually.
- Alice Whitehouse
ways to revise:
! – A great way to start revising is by Notes organising everything that needs to be revised and giving yourself a guide to what sections might need more focus and/or time spent on them. ing key is r o m e m r o f t Perfec Flashcards – y heart. b t n r a le e b o t d e used to b details that nee o ls a n a c s t in sed po u c o f , d e s n e ation. d n m r o C o f in e h t w o r you kn e h t e h w t s e t lf se Mind maps – Clearly lin k ideas and arguments together; can show development of ideas, so good in essay base d subjects; visual, so me morable during an exa m. Posters – Putting infor mation on posters tha t can then be put up ar ound your room is another effective wa y of visually remembering facts. It also means that time is spent taking in the information, even whe n not intently revising. l part of a it v A – s r e p a p t s Pa for how revision to prepare sked. a e b o t g in o g e r a s question highlight o ls a n a c s r e p a p t s Pa trated on. n e c n o c e b o t d e e n areas that
Eating Well: Don’t skip meals - especially breakfast!
Remember, when we wake up, our bodies haven’t had food for several hours. Breakfast provides the energy we need to face the day, and a nutritious breakfast can help aid your concentration. And don’t be fooled skipping meals can actually lead to weight gain, as our bodies go into starvation mode and store more fat.
Snack healthily. Biscuits and chocolate are tempting, but the energy boost they give is short lived as they are very high in sugar and saturated fat. Fruit, current buns or malt loaf make for a healthier alternative and will release energy into your system at a slower rate.
Be sensible with caffeine. Caffeinated drinks such as Coca Cola, tea and coffee, can act as mild diuretics, which means they can cause the body to produce more urine, and hence make you dehydrated. If you drink caffeine, make sure you also drink plenty of water to hydrate yourself.
Go wholegrain. Starchy foods (e.g. bread, pasta, rice) should make up about a third of our diet, and choosing wholegrain maximises their energy potential. as the energy from wholegrain varieties is released much slower giving us a longer lasting energy supply!
Get active! Exercise not only strengthens the body and helps you release toxins, it also facilitates nutrient metabolism and gives your body the chance to maximise the impacts of all the healthy nutrients you’re giving it!
Stock up on fruit
As well as being a healthier snack option and rich in antioxidants, some fruits, such as blueberries, are said to help improve your memory, verbal comprehension and numerical ability. If you want to get fruit without going into town or paying for delivery use the Market Delivery Scheme on the JCR website!
Words From Welshfare: From this side of New Year’s Eve, exams look a good deal closer, that is true. You’ve had the party, now it’s time to knuckle down and work non-stop? While that may seem like the ideal, it is more important to pace yourself. You’ve got plenty of time, you just need to make sure that you keep yourself in the best condition; after all, for many, the only resource available in the exam is your brain. ! In fact as your thoughts turn to revision, it is important to keep a steady mind, and recognise that you do have a lot of time. Yes, New Scientist (January 4th 2014 edition) has published results that link abstaining from alcohol to improved sleep and concentration levels, but abstaining from fun in its entirety would hardly do us any good at all; its just important to exercise moderation. A positive attitude is integral, along with keeping things in proportion. Exams are not the ‘be all and end all’, and we have our college behind us to support us, and help us get back on our feet if we should have a fall. ! It may be that you meet with more resistance with some aspects of your course and find them a little harder; but just think if it were easy then you would not be learning anything at all.
- Beth Garnsey
meditation basics: Meditation is the practice of deep concentration. It’s found all across the world in
different times and regions. Although an aspect of many religions, meditation itself does not have to be religious. The benefits of meditation include: improved
concentration and memory, an increase in creativity self-steam and reduced levels of stress, plus many physiological benefits too.
The first step to mediating is finding a quiet place here you can relax. This could be by the river, in the botanic gardens or in your bedroom. Try and remove as
many distractions as you can, including turning off your computers and phones. The next step is to get comfy. Beginners usually sit on a chair or cross-legged on a cushion. The important thing is to keep your spine straight while remaining
comfortable and steady. Avoid, lying down as it can easily lead to sleep. Close your eyes, relax your muscles and take slow, natural breathes. Next, find something to concentrate on. For many people this is their breathing, a positive word or
phrase but focusing on a colour, sound, a physical object, your body or a religious figure is also fine.
At first, it will be difficult to concentrate on one thing for a
prolonged period of time. Recognise external distractions and internal thoughts, but at them passively and indifferently.
It’s okay to let your mind wander for a few moments but try and bring it back to your focus. The more you practice, the easier this will become!
If you’re interested in learning more about mediation have a look at the Durham University Meditation Society.
- Heather Dickinson
Sleeping well:
Set a regular bedtime: Go to bed at the same time every night. pick a time when you normally feel tired so you fall asleep quickly. Try not to break the routine on weekends. If you want to change your bedtime, help your body adjust by making small daily changes, such as 15 minutes earlier or later each day.
Be smart about napping: Although taking a nap can be a great way to recharge, it can make insomnia worse. If insomnia is a problem for you, consider eliminating napping. If you must nap, do it in the early afternoon, and limit it to thirty minutes.
exercise drowsiness away:
If you find yourself getting sleepy way before your bedtime, get off the couch and do something mildly stimulating to avoid falling asleep, such as washing the dishes, calling a friend, or getting clothes ready for the next day. If you give in to the drowsiness, you may wake up later in the night and have trouble getting back to sleep.
When it’s time to sleep, make sure the room is dark. The darker it is, the better you’ll sleep. Cover electrical displays, use heavy curtains or shades to block light from windows, or try a sleep mask to cover your eyes.
Don’t read from a backlit device at night (such as an iPad). If you use a portable electronic device to read, use an additional light source such as a bedside lamp.
Funny Essay Answers !
Contact the Welfare Team:
Hannah Reed
Alice Whitehouse Ben White
Beth Garnsey Welfare Mobile: 07902292931 (Every night of term- 8-10pm).
Welfare email: