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D e v e l o p i n g a bra n d f r o m scratch Client: bavAIRia e.V. r epr esentat iv e of the B avaria n Aerospace Industry When my client came to me, he just had a vision and the c o n t r a c t o f t h e F re e s t a t e o f B a v a r i a t o d e v e l o p a b r a n d t h a t p ro m o t e s t h e h i g h e xp e r t i se o f t h e B a va r i a n a e ro sp a c e i n d u st r y n a t i o n a l l y a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l l y.

Find i n g a n a m e The first challenge was to find a name that reflects the core mission without spending millions in establishing public awareness. Instead of creating a fiction name, using „Bava ria“ as an integral part of the brand was a smart thing, it not only transfers the

„AIR“ repres ents everything

assets the wording carries, but also shows

in the air like aerospace and

already in the name what it is all about.

satellite navigation.

B av a r i a + a e ro s p a c e = ba v A I R i a

„Bavaria“ has a high reputation worldwide, is a brand itself and stands for high tech, the best cars in the world, great soccer and high quality work. All this is transferred by simply integrating „Bavaria“ into the brand‘s name.

Creat i n g a L o g o Having a name, the next step was to find an appropriate logo that embodies the mission of the brand.

A signet in form of a triangle was added to symbolize a top, because bavAIRia unifies the whole Bavarian aerospace industry and research under one roof. The logo was bor n.

ADD ING a SLOGa n The next challenge was to find a subline that summerizes in one phrase the core of bavAIRia.

Being the „heart“ does not only point out that Bavaria is geographically located right in the middle of Europe, but also tells it is the driving motor combined with passion.

Col ou r s

Mai n c olour s

c /m/y /c

Lo go

0 8 5 /0 4 5 /0 0 0 /000


1 0 0 /0 5 0 /0 0 0 /015

B ar

1 0 0 /0 5 0 /0 0 0 /030

Aero spa c e

0 0 0 /0 6 5 /1 0 0 /000

Sate llit e na v iga t io n

0 7 2 /0 1 4 /0 0 0 /000

Neu t r a l

0 0 0 /0 0 0 /0 0 0 /060

Fo nt s

he lv e t i ca ne ue v e r sal 9pt

Helv e t i c a n e u e L i g h t Ver sal 2 1 / 2 1 pt Helvetica Neue medium 8pt

Letters Helvetica Neue bold 10/14pt Helvetica Neue light 10/14pt Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras non sagittis elit. Mauris condimentum placerat nisl, a laoreet urna euismod nec. Donec tempor consequat urna ac viverra. Cras pellentesque, eros nec tristique porta, enim sem faucibus ante, et molestie neque orci eu eros. Sed sed mauris at risus laoreet tempor eget id neque. Suspendisse scelerisque neque sed leo tincidunt dictum. Nullam pretium tellus ut dolor vestibulum.

Eurostile extended_2 14/16pt Flyers

Helvetica Neue light 8/10pt Helvetica medium Helvetica Neue light 8/10pt Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras non sagittis elit. Mauris condimentum placerat nisl, a laoreet urna euismod nec. Donec tempor consequat urna ac viverra. Cras pellentesque, eros nec tristique porta, enim sem faucibus ante, et molestie neque orci eu eros. Sed sed mauris at risus laoreet tempor eget id neque. Suspendisse scelerisque neque sed leo tincidunt dictum.

White and blue are the colours of the F ree State of Bavaria and became the key visuals of the brand bavAIRia.

Merch a n d i s i n g

B usi n e s s car d a n d L e t t e r h e ad

I nte r n e t p r e s e n c e

>> bavAIRia.net


B roc h u r e s

To promote Bavaria‘s broad expertise in aerospace, bavAIRia publishes every two years a brochure, where Bavarian aerospace componies can present their profile and activities. >> See brochure online

The same exists for the Bavarian sattelite navigation industry. >> See brochure online

Exhibi t i on Wa l l pa p e r

Trad e fair B o o t

Trad e fair di s p l ay

Poste r

I nfo L e t t e r

Seas on a l Gr e e t i n g C ar d s




www.gre a t - gr a phi c - de s i gn.c om

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