Learn Psychology Kenneth Carter | Colleen M. Seifert
Discover a New Paradigm for Student-Centered Learning
Discover a New Paradigm for Student-Centered Learning Regaining America’s economic strength is in large part tied to our ability to educate and prepare tomorrow’s workforce—today. By 2018, jobs requiring high levels of education and skills are projected to account for almost half of the job growth. The continuing evolution of the economy and the nation’s job structure, requiring higher skill levels from an increasing proportion of workers demands a bold revision of instructional content and a relentless refocus on the student learning experience. At Jones & Bartlett Learning, we’re leading the way in developing new, innovative ways to prepare students for success in the real world by uniquely combining authoritative content and innovative technology aimed at measurably and predictively improving students’ learning outcomes.
Preparing Students For Employment in a 21st Century Workforce The Learn Series is the first of a new paradigm in course curriculum aimed at preparing students to thrive in the 21st Century knowledge-based economy. Produced with today’s “digitally native” students in mind, The Learn Series is grounded in helping students learn by doing through immersive, interactive content and assessments—all carefully aligned to course objectives and program assessment goals.
Sample 21st C Addressable Workforce Skills
Supporting Pedagogy in The Learn Series
ble to determine A the extent of information needed
Able to evaluate information and its sources critically
ble to use research A information legally and ethically
roup and Individual Projects G Online Writing Tutorial I ncluded in Navigate
Can convey ideas and meaning through oral communication
ble to speak A persuasively in a group
Can effectively work in a team structure to solve problems
roup and Individual Projects G Discussion Questions Instructor’s Manual With Additional Group Projects & Activities
ble to analyze data A Able to synthesize different types of information
ble to evaluate A source material for validity, etc.
Able to make decisions based on data
ritical Thinking Applications C Short Essay Questions in Question Bank Interactive Exercises in Navigate PAL Psychology
Able to use the Internet critically
ble to retrieve and A manage information via technology
Able to use basic word processing, spreadsheet, and email software/tools
avigate Psychology N Chapter Projects Online Activities & Assignments
Able to organize and outline main topics or thesis
ses a variety of U simple and complex sentences to create a fluid writing style
Able to write complete, grammatically correct sentences
nline Writing Tutorial O Included in Navigate Short Essay Questions in Assessment Banks
The Most Comprehensive Curriculum Solution for Student-Centered Learning
For Leveraging Innovative Technology Tools to Improve and Track Student Outcomes
Content, courseware, and assessments delivered:
Teaching and reporting tools designed to measure student success and engagement:
Flexible content delivery for different learning styles:
Online On-Campus Hybrid environments Improve retention, persistence, and student outcomes at less cost with The Learn Series.
Course Management Learning Analytics Assignment Management Core content and Instructor Resources aligned to learning objectives.
Print, Mobile, Tablets, Smartphones Unique focus on 21st C workforce skill development Power study tools, interactive activities, and study planning all in one seamless experience.
Supporting Instruction With Comprehensive Teaching Resources Every element in the Instructor Resource Program maps to chapter and section-level learning objectives. Student learning outcomes are developed by the main authors of the core text ensuring quality and consistency throughout. The Comprehensive Instructor Resource Program includes: • Test Bank written by the main text authors with more than 160 Critical Thinking, Applied, and Factual questions per chapter, tagged by learning objective and Bloom’s Taxonomy • Instructor’s Manual—written by the main text authors that includes: Sample Course Syllabi for a 6, 8, 12, or 16-week program Learning Objective Scope and Sequence Map Accreditation bodies Scope and Sequence Map
21st Century Workforce Skill Competency Rubric Lecture Outlines Media bibliography for the entire program
• PowerPoint lectures—written by the main text authors with learning objective and topical sections noted Our goal is to help you integrate and deliver this ground-breaking new curriculum solution and courseware option. All of us at Jones & Bartlett Learning are committed to providing you with innovative and educationally effective solutions that improve learning outcomes, enhance student achievement, and facilitate the growth and success of Contact Us Today to Learn More your educational institution.
Foundationally Re-Envisioning the Learning Experience The Learn Series is designed “from the ground up” to re-envision the learning experience. Institutions can easily customize and personalize the various curriculum components. Each new course in The Learn Series offers:
Authoritative Content Developed by Leading Authors in the Field
The Learn Series authors have been carefully selected based on their academic background and passion for teaching. All of The Learn Series authors have made significant contributions to their fields of study.
Highly Visual Design and Layout
The innovative text design features an abundance of large graphics and visual presentation of topics to support and encourage analysis and synthesis of critical concepts.
Modular Content Structure
Every textbook in The Learn Series includes comprehensive coverage of the subject matter. Within each chapter, content is presented in modular format making it easy to customize for a 4, 6, 8, or 12- week program.
Multiple Delivery Formats
The Learn Series is designed for multi-modal delivery. All print and digital content is available in any format. Institutions, faculty, and students can choose from versions in PDF, Vitalsource™, Direct Digital™, Kindle™, or formatted for smartphones or tablet devices. Never before has a program been so comprehensive and flexible.
Digital Learning Objects
Throughout The Learn Series, digital learning objects have been carefully curated to give students maximum immersion in the subject matter. Students have the ability to activate concepts and assessments as well as view concept-specific video or animations to further support learning.
Integrated Assessments— Formative and Summative
Throughout The Learn Series, formative assessment opportunities abound to give students ample practice building competence against learning objectives. Summative assessments, such as Concept Learning Checks, are also included at the end of each topical section to ensure students have complete mastery of core concepts.
Effective Pedagogy for Every Learning Style
Today’s students are more diverse than ever before and as a result, one size rarely fits all. The Learn Series includes effective pedagogy for multiple learning styles including visual, auditory, and kinesthetic.
Flexible Pricing Model—Complete Curriculum Licensing Model
The Learn Series is available by individual course, or as a complete series. Institutions can choose a digital licensing model that ensures all students have multiple format choices (print, digital, or hybrid) that suits their individual learning style. The digital licensing model is significantly less than “traditional” print textbooks and can include a print option for students who need print support.
Contact Us Today to Learn More
Visit www.thelearnseries.com Today!
The Most Dynamic and Interactive Curriculum Solution for Today’s Student-Centered Learning Institutions
ABOUT THE LEARN SERIES: The Learn Series from Jones & Bartlett Learning is the first of a new type of curriculum solution that successfully weaves together student-centered pedagogy organized by learning objectives, integrated formative and summative assessments, active learning through the application of immersive online courseware, and adaptive study planning that helps students learn at their own pace and personalize their learning experience. Throughout the development process, our guiding mission has been to bring to life an unprecedented learning solution that draws on the best practices of educational pedagogy with a “learn by doing” approach that pairs critical analysis of course concepts with examples from everyday life. By feathering in projects, activities and assessments aligned to major 21st century addressable workforce skill areas, students become uniquely prepared for success in the real world. Combined with the comprehensive instructor preparation program, and flexible delivery formats, The Learn Series makes it easier than ever to deliver customized course curriculum that measurably improves learning outcomes—all at an unexpectedly low price.
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Textbook Overview Learn Psychology builds on the key features of The Learn Series: authoritative and notable authors; visual, modular design; studentcentered pedagogy; and integrated formative and summative assessments that improve learning outcomes—all delivered in both traditional print and new, innovative formats. Learn Psychology offers a comprehensive yet accessible presentation of psychology principles, research and theory. Each chapter is carefully structured to cover the topics and concepts of a standard introductory psychology course with associated learning objectives and assessments. Multiple influences are discussed at the end of each chapter wrapping up the chapter presentation. With Learn Psychology, students will find an engaging writing style supported by a pedagogical approach that invites critical analysis, all while building a deeper knowledge of psychology.
Selected Highlights by Topic Area Neuroscience
Easy to understand approach to neuroscience without compromising depth or breadth of coverage; Extensive use of large visuals; Grand overview of nervous system organization; Integration of genetics and genetic research methods.
Extensive use of visuals; Central theme of the integration of top-down and bottom-up processing; Examination of context effects including culture.
Practical advice about improving sleep; Research on meditation; Extensive information on sleep disorders linked to the stages of sleep; Comprehensive coverage of drugs linked to the neuroscience chapter.
Very clear coverage of “pain” points in technical terms; Extensive discussion of the conditioning of emotional responses; Use of reinforcement techniques for changing behaviors.
Introduction of clinical cases and their role in developing theory; Practical advice about improving memory; Interesting coverage of inaccuracy in memory.
Thinking and Language
Common mistakes in reasoning; How to make decisions; Animal vs. human language use.
Understanding test creation; Importance of standardized testing in life; Diversity of intellectual abilities, including emotional intelligence.
Psychological Disorders
Extensive coverage of a range of psychological disorders; A biopsychosocial approach to both the causes and treatments of psychological disorders; A critical thinking application of mental health attitudes.
C o n t a c t U s To d a y t o L e a r n M o r e
About the Authors Dr. Kenneth Carter received his PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 1993, and in 2007 finished a postdoctoral masters in clinical psychopharmacology from Farleigh Dickenson University. Before joining the faculty at Emory University, Dr. Carter served as a Senior Assistant Research Scientist in the Epidemic Intelligence Service of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention where he researched smoking as a risk marker for suicidal behaviors in adolescents. Currently he is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Oxford College, Emory University where he is actively involved in research and teaching. Dr. Carter has been a psychotherapist and researcher for over 17 years and his work has garnered awards from the National Institutes of Health, the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, and the University of Michigan. Dr. Carter is actively engaged in research and is a past editor of JCAL: The Journal of Cognitive-Affective Learning. In addition to research, Dr. Carter is involved in translating research in psychology to everyday language. He has appeared in magazines such as mental_floss and Readers Digest, and well as in news programs such as Connect With Kids and NBC’s Today Show. Dr. Colleen Seifert received her B.A. in Psychology from Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, Minnesota, in 1980, and her Ph.D. in Psychology from Yale University in 1987. After a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of California at San Diego, Dr. Seifert moved to the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, and was promoted to full Professor of Psychology in 2001. She was named Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Psychology in 2011. Her research publications address thinking and memory; specifically, how the status and types of past experiences in memory affect current reasoning. Professor Seifert has always been interested in how people navigate through complex, real-world tasks, and her research examines planning and problem solving in the domains of legal reasoning, medicine, and creative design. She is a past President and Executive Officer of the Cognitive Science Society, past co-chair of the Institutional Review Board for the Behavioral Sciences at Michigan, and a member of several journal editorial boards.
Table of Contents Chapter 1: Psychology: An Overview Chapter 2: A Scientific Approach to Psychology Chapter 3: Neuroscience: The Biology of Behavior Chapter 4: Sensation and Perception Chapter 5: States of Consciousness Chapter 6: Learning Chapter 7: Memory Chapter 8: Thinking and Language
Chapter 9: Intelligence Chapter 10: Motivation Chapter 11: Emotion, Stress, and Health Chapter 12: Development Throughout the Lifespan Chapter 13: Personality Chapter 14: Psychological Disorders Chapter 15: Therapies for Psychological Disorders Chapter 16: Social Psychology
Ordering Information Learn Psychology is available today. Complimentary review copies are available for qualified instructors who wish to consider it for adoption. To request an examination copy, please visit: go.jblearning.com/findmyrep and contact your Jones & Bartlett Learning Account Specialist.
Psychology The First Power Study Tool That Produces a Personalized, Adaptive, and Interactive Study Plan for Every Student. Navigate PAL: Learn Psychology is a powerful new personalized adaptive learning (PAL) program that uniquely combines study planning, homework assignments, and assessment tools all in one, easy-to-use application. Navigate PAL: Learn Psychology helps students study more efficiently so they can make the most of their study time. With Navigate PAL: Learn Psychology, students can assess their acquisition of knowledge and focus only on the areas where they need additional help.
Student Study Planning For students, the Navigate PAL: Learn Psychology learning ecosystem includes diagnostic testing and adaptive learning technology that provides students with a personalized program of study based on their individual knowledge gaps. Students input their course length and Navigate PAL: Learn Psychology automatically generates customized, week-by-week study plan. Using this interactive system, students can assess their level of mastery in real time and focus only on the areas where they need additional help. Diagnostic assessments automatically generate individualized study plans that allow students to: Complete assigned instruction and assessment targeting their specific weaknesses View estimated study time for the week, as well as study time remaining based on completed assignments View lessons in a variety of content types Complete interactive practice quizzes Request test items based on specific topics
For more information on Navigate PAL: Learn Psychology, contact your Account Specialist at go.jblearning.com/ findmyrep or visit www.thelearnseries.com
C o n t a c t U s To d a y t o L e a r n M o r e
Remediation and Review Navigate PAL: Learn Psychology includes remediation content based on course objectives included in the textbook, in addition to activities and concept check exercises designed to help students’ master content at the objective level. Students enter remediation cycles based on degree of concept mastery. Students can continue to practice and self-test until all concepts are successfully mastered. Comprehensive assessment and reporting tools allow both students and instructors to view reports detailing individual and class learning analytics related to mastery of specific learning objectives. Student reports include: Usage and activity compared to class average Scores for each test and quiz Proficiency in learning objectives
Instructor Insights on Student Performance For instructors, Navigate PAL: Learn Psychology provides in-depth and actionable information on real-time student learning performance. Instructors can quickly view student concept mastery at the objective level, and overall diagnostic results at the per student level vs cohort, or per class level vs institution. Additional insights include time on task, success rates for individuals and student cohorts Instructor reports include all student reports, as well as access to individual student progress and usage. Navigate PAL: Learn Psychology includes book chapters, concept checks, quizzes, and chapter tests segmented into activities by learning objective. All content aligns seamlessly to the chapters in Learn Psychology. Navigate PAL: Learn Psychology also includes additional assessment questions not in the textbook. Chapter visual reviews provide a graphical and concise summary of the lesson’s main points.
Navigate Scenario: GameScapes for Learn Psychology Preparing Students for Employment in the 21st Century Workplace with Experiential Learning Jones & Bartlett Learning is leading the way in the delivery of authoritative content through GameScapes, a highly immersive and engaging simulation platform, developed by Toolwire, leaders in experiential learning. Through cutting-edge immersive learning simulations, students are able to practice essential creative and critical thinking tactics, and enhance communication and problem solving skills related to key course concepts.
Overview GameScapes are “day-in-the-life” learning simulations that immerse students in photo-realistic settings with interactive video-characters and engaging storylines. In this GameScape, students must work to gather knowledge—all mapped to key course learning objectives—through exploration, research, and interviews. Creativity, quick thinking, and deductive reasoning play a key role in students’ ability to successfully analyze the situation, and a game-like point system will both measure performance and provide a sense of competition.
Game Design Philosophy Toolwire’s learning game design philosophy is influenced by years of experience and research. The following points from James Paul Gee’s “Principles for Learning through Games” nicely summarize the key attributes ofNavigate Scenario: GameScapes for Learn Psychology: Create Opportunity for Identity Allow Customization Foster Interaction Motivate Production Encourage Risk-taking Develop Cross-functional teams Explore/Think Laterally/Rethink Goals Inspire Pleasant Frustration Design Situated Meanings Deliver “Just-in-Time” Results Promote Challenge and Consolidation Develop a Sense of Ownership
For more information on Learn Psychology GameScape, contact your Account Specialist at go.jblearning.com/findmyrep or visit www.thelearnseries.com
C o n t a c t U s To d a y t o L e a r n M o r e
GameScape Design Features INTERACTIVE STORY-BASED GAMING The interactive story incorporates the classic story arc structure (The Departure, The Initiation, The Return) at the foundation of so many myths, books, and movies. Through a pliable and adaptive game structure, these learner-driven “stories of consequence” are thus impacted by students’ decisions.
ROLE-PLAYING GAME DESIGN GameScapes scaffold learning and empower students who take the central role within the stories. Non-player archetype characters serve both as “virtual mentors” and as inquisitors that challenge students to demonstrate knowledge retention.
INTRINSIC INTEGRATION OF LEARNING OBJECTIVES When these key parts are woven in the right balance, learners can enjoy the thrill of the unexpected, as well as the reward of competing effectively, which only a game can deliver. GameScapes empower students to transfer their learning from the simulation and gaming experience to their own lives. For more information on Navigate Scenario: GameScapes for Learn Psychology, contact your Account Specialist at go.jblearning.com/ findmyrep or visit www.thelearnseries.com
Institutions Easily scalable to meet demand Immersive simulations can be delivered: • Online • On-campus • Hybrid/Blended Courses Compatible with any Learning Management System Delivered via world-class global Content Distribution Network with thousands of Edge Servers around the world Automated up-front bandwidth check to deliver optimal user experience
Instructors Provide critical experiential learning opportunities equating to “Virtual Internships” that transfer short term knowledge into long term memory • Saves precious time required to provide similarly impactful experiential learning—at a fraction of the cost. • Reusable from course to course, year after year • Assesses students –according to key learning objectives from Learn Psychology, with a learn by doing focus Extremely easy to use, plug-n-play High-touch customer and technical operations support via a dedicated Learner Advocacy Team
Students Accessible around the clock (24x7x365), around the globe. Students can access sessions on their schedule, practice at their own speed, and reuse as many times as they need. Engage and retain more students with this transformative student-centered approach: “Learn by doing” provides the most effective way to transfer shortterm knowledge into long-term memory through highly interactive and engaging experiences.
Navigate Learn Psychology A Comprehensive and Interactive Online Courseware Solution for Introductory Psychology Navigate Learn Psychology is a simple-to-use and fully customizable online learning platform combining authoritative content written by the authors of the main text with interactive tools, assessments, and robust reporting and grading functionality. Using content that extends the core text, including objectives organized by lesson, instructors can use Navigate Learn Psychology as part of an on-ground, online, or hybrid course offering requiring little to no start-up time.
Key Features With Navigate Learn Psychology, students can immediately access and evaluate their understanding of important topics and mastery of learning objectives by easy toggling between textbook narrative, activities, and assessments enabling them to process, synthesize, and retain course concepts in less time through rich media content.
Navigate Learn Psychology includes the complete eBook of Learn Psychology and a range of multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank questions, matching, and drag-anddrop assessments to help assess comprehension. Navigate Learn Psychology includes over 150 interactive activities coordinated to in-chapter concept learning checks, end of chapter comprehensive knowledge assessments and multiple choice tests. Navigate Learn Psychology is a fully supported and hosted platform. No specific plug-in or downloads are required. Users simply create an account on www.jblearning.com by redeeming a single-use access code. Learn Psychology course materials can also be delivered as a cartridge into any major LMS such as Moodle, Blackboard, Desire2Learn, Angel, and Sakai.
For more information on Navigate Learn Psychology, contact your Account Specialist at go.jblearning.com/ findmyrep or visit www.thelearnseries.com
C o n t a c t U s To d a y t o L e a r n M o r e
SIMPLE TO USE A user-friendly control panel allows instructors to deploy and track online quizzes and homework effortlessly. Navigate Learn Psychology’s robust grade book facilitates detailed reporting on students’ progress and overall class statistics that can be configured to provide weighted grading, custom scales, or generate statistical analysis on quiz questions.
ENGAGE STUDENTS WITH HANDS-ON LEARNING Navigate Learn Psychology includes over 150 interactive activities coordinated to in-chapter concept learning checks, end-of-chapter comprehensive knowledge assessments, and multiple-choice tests.
ENCOURAGES STUDENT PARTICIPATION & COLLABORATION Collaborative and interactive course management tools include a course calendar, course content scheduling functions, and collaboration tools such as discussion forums, blog, chat, single question polling, and WIKI functionality.
TRY IT TODAY Visit www.thelearnseries.com to engage in our virtual sandbox environment and take a tour of a “live” sample chapter and lesson from Navigate Learn Psychology.
For more information on Navigate Learn Psychology, contact your Account Specialist at go.jblearning.com/findmyrep or visit www.thelearnseries.com
Give Your Students a Whole New Textbook Experience with Learn Psychology for the iPad, Coming Soon to iBooks. Learn Psychology for the iPad blends proven pedagogy, a highly visual presentation of interactive content, and cutting edge technology to provide students with a one-of-a-kind learning experience. Highly visual, engaging, and interactive elements help students master key concepts, while learning checks track progress and provide feedback along the way. Psychology will come to life as students explore and interact with the content through videos, animated figures and diagrams, and built in reading support. Learn Psychology for the iPad invites students to see, read, and explore psychology in a whole new way.
Interactive Diagrams Enhance Student Understanding
Concept Checks and Chapter Tests with Instant Feedback
Access to Glossary Definitions Without Leaving the Page
Complete Text of the Print Edition with Added Features
C o n t a c t U s To d a y t o L e a r n M o r e
Provide Your Students with a One-of-a-Kind Learning Experience that Brings Psychology to Life SEE DIAGRAMS IN A WHOLE NEW WAY Figures and Diagrams come to life with the tap of the screen. Students will learn by watching complex concepts explained through animation.
INTERACTIVE CONCEPT LEARNING CHECKS As students progress through the material, they will encounter Interactive Concept Learning Checks. These assessments feature interactive activities and content questions with a check answer feature and instant results for improved retention and understanding.
INTEGRATED VIDEOS TO ENHANCE UNDERSTANDING Videos are imbedded within the text to show, rather than just tell. Students can watch and learn key concepts. The material becomes exciting and engaging as students are entertained and educated by visually stunning videos.
VISUAL OVERVIEWS THAT CLARIFY & SUMMARIZE At the end of each chapter, Visual Summaries will provide students with another look at complex concepts. Videos and animated diagrams from the chapters can all be found here, for a quick and easy review.
BUILT-IN READING SUPPORT FOR VARIED LEARNING STYLES Built-in reading support with an interactive glossary of key terms offers instant definitions for a better understanding of the material.
For more information on Learn Psychology for the iPad, contact your Account Specialist at go.jblearning.com/findmyrep or visit www.thelearnseries.com
Learn Psychology eBook The Enhanced Digital Learning Solution— Available Anytime, Anywhere. For students looking to stretch their textbook dollar plus save space in their backpack, Jones & Bartlett Learning introduces Learn Psychology, eBook edition. Simply point your students to the Jones & Bartlett Learning ebookstore to discover a range of format and pricing options. JB Learning eBooks are full downloadable to one or multiple devices making studying on the go easier than ever.
Available for Most Devices
Digital eBook Features: Full Search Capabilities
Interactive Resources for Hands-on Learning
Built-in Glossary
Setting and Display options
Easy Paging & Navigation
Easy Navigation with Linked Table of Contents
Printing Options
Fully Accessible Online and Offline— No Internet Required
Bookmarking, Notetaking, and Highlighting
Full Book-View
For more information on the Learn Psychology eBook, contact your Account Specialist at go.jblearning.com/findmyrep or visit www.thelearnseries.com
Flexible Formats for iPhone, iPad, and Android
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CREATE A CUSTOM STUDY GUIDE Search, Notes, and Highlight functionality are easy to track, bookmark, and refer to at a later date.
QUICK STUDY TOOLS Definitions are quick to locate with the built-in glossary.
INTERACTIVE LEARNING BUILT-IN Resources section enables readers to access additional interactive learning material in the form of videos, scenarios, and questions.
CUSTOMIZE YOUR E-BOOK A variety of display and setting options are available, including book view.
STUDY ANYTIME, ANYWHERE Available on a variety of flexible formats including iPhone, iPad, and Android. For more information on the Learn Psychology eBook, contact your Account Specialist at go.jblearning.com/findmyrep or visit www.thelearnseries.com
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The Easiest Way to Customize
Learn Psychology Jones & Bartlett Learning is pleased to offer PUBLISH— a new service that lets instructors and other curriculum developers build customized course materials to fit their exact curriculum needs. Using a simple, easy-to-navigate web-based interface, instructors quickly search and select content from the Jones & Bartlett Learning content library, including the complete text of Learn Psychology. After selecting a range of content, PUBLISH lets instructors: Arrange chapters in any order with as much or as little as required to meet course objectives. Students appreciate buying only what they’ll actually use in the course. Customize the book cover by adding a course name, section, or location. Once the project is complete, instructors simply: Preview their custom content Review the instant price quote Submit the order online Jones & Bartlett Learning will do the rest, including processing the order and shipping copies directly to college bookstores or other retail outlets.
PUBLISH Your Custom Course Content Today! PUBLISH editions are priced by the page and some minimums apply. Contact your Account Specialist at go.jblearning.com/findmyrep to learn more about custom options with Learn Psychology and the entire Learn Series.
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The Most Flexible Delivery Options of Any Textbook Series In addition to PUBLISH, Jones & Bartlett Learning also offers Learn Psychology in a range of digital formats. The chart below summarizes our digital partners and key features of each platform.
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Google is a trademark of Google Inc. Learn more at www.google.com/ebooks. CafeScribe is a registered trademark of Follett Higher Education Group. Learn more at www.cafescribe.com. Nook is a registered trademark of Barnes & Noble, LLC. Learn more at www.barnesandnoble.com/nook.
Supporting Instruction with Comprehensive Teaching and Learning Resources INSTRUCTOR RESOURCES: Learn Psychology PowerPoint Lecture Slides
Available in multiple formats enabling instructors to flexibly tailor content to fit their course needs.
Learn Psychology Scope & Sequence Map
Maps learning objectives and course objectives directly back to specific elements in each chapter.
APA standards map to Learn Psychology
This grid outlines how the content, activities and projects within the text fulfill the Knowledge, Skills, and Values consistent with the Science and Application of Psychology—per APA guidelines and goals.
Sample Syllabi correlated to Learn Psychology
Provides suggested assignments and lecture topics for courses of varying lengths.
Instructor Resource Curriculum Guide
Features chapter overviews, chapter outlines, suggested lectures, discussion questions, projects, handouts, and media resources, mapped to chapter section and learning objectives.
Wimba’s Diploma Testing Software with Test Bank
Written by the main authors, this bank includes over 160 critical thinking, applied, and factual questions per chapter. Each is tagged to chapter learning objectives and Bloom’s Taxonomy. Questions can be sorted, selected and edited based on level of difficulty and question type.
Psychology Instructor Place
Provides online access to PowerPoints, Instructor Resource Curriculum Guide, APA correlation grid, 21st century workforce correlation grid, discussion questions, suggested student projects, video resources links, chapter-by-chapter media bibliography and sample syllabi.
STUDENT RESOURCES AND COURSEWARE Navigate Course Manager: Learn Psychology
This simple-to-use and fully customizable online learning platform combines authoritative content written by the authors of the main text and includes interactive tools, assessments, and robust reporting and grading functionality. Using content that extends the core text, including objectives organized by lesson, instructors can use Navigate Course Manager: Learn Psychology as part of an on-ground, online or hybrid course with little to know start-up time.
PAL Psychology
PAL Psychology is a powerful new personalized adaptive learning (PAL) program that uniquely combines study planning, homework assignments, and assessment tools all in one easy-to-use application. PAL Psychology helps students study more efficiently so they can make the most of their study time.
Learn Psychology eBook
For students who prefer electronic textbooks, Learn Psychology is available in digital formats from leading ebook retailers such as CourseSmart, Amazon, and Google.
For more information on Learn Psychology’s Teaching and Learning Resources, contact your Account Specialist at go.jblearning.com/findmyrep or visit www.thelearnseries.com
C o n t a c t U s To d a y t o L e a r n M o r e
LEARN PSYCHOLOGY INSTRUCTOR PLACE This must-have instructor site includes access to a robust suite of instructor teaching tools including: PowerPoint Lecture Slides, Test Bank, Image Bank, Instructor Resource Curriculum Guide, APA Grid, 21st Century Grid, Time on Task Grid, and much more.
SCOPE & SEQUENCE MAP The Scope & Sequence Map ties learning objectives and course objectives directly back to their place in the main text.
INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE CURRICULUM GUIDE This must-have instructor resource features chapter overviews, chapter outlines, suggested lectures, discussion questions, projects, handouts, and media resources. Also included is a correlation grid connecting learning objectives to APA outcomes and selected 21st-century workforce skills.
COMPLETE TESTING SOFTWARE The Diploma Testing Software with Test Bank is written by the main authors and includes over 160 critical thinking, applied and factual questions per chapter. Each is tagged to chapter learning objectives and Bloom’s Taxonomy. This flexible software allows for sorting, selecting, and editing based on level of difficulty and question types.
POWERPOINT IMAGE BANK PowerPoint Presentation slides are available in multiple formats and include references to support key chapter learning objectives.
For more information on Learn Psychology’s Teaching and Learning Resources, contact your Account Specialist at go.jblearning.com/findmyrep or visit www.thelearnseries.com