Diversity & Inclusion Program Series • Fall 2016 – Spring 2017

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West Kentucky Community & Technical College



ONGOING EVENTS AUGUST 2016 – MAY 2017 Continuing the Conversation EQUALITY / HUMAN DIGNITY / UNDERSTANDING August 2016 – May 2017 (each Thursday) 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Washington Street Baptist Church 721 Washington Street, Paducah, KY Committee individuals and groups come together to discuss and implement ways to build cross-cultural relationships of forgiveness, repentance, hope, justice, quality and mutual understanding. Open discussions include the unique challenges and social issues that create barriers to building genuine relationships between people of different ethnicities. Meeting locations occasionally vary. Contact: Elizabeth (Beth) Khadem, Race Unity Group of Paducah missbeth95@gmail.com, (270) 366-2932 EM-P.O.W.E.R. (Purposeful, Organizing, Wise, Engaging, Responsible) EXCELLENCE / UNDERSTANDING / SUPPORT August 2016 – May 2017 (every 2nd and 4th Wednesday) 11:00 a.m. Crounse Hall 224 WKCTC Campus The purpose of this organization is to provide a place of support for African-American male students at West Kentucky Community & Technical College. This organization is designed to help African-American males grow and succeed throughout their journey in life. All students are welcome. Contact: Corey Wadlington, WKCTC Transition Education Math Professor / EM-P.O.W.E.R. advisor • corey.wadlington@kctcs.edu, (270) 534-3413 Interracial Women’s Group EQUALITY / ADVOCACY / CULTURAL AWARENESS August 2016 – May 2017 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. McCracken County Library, 2nd floor 555 Washington Street, Paducah, KY The Interracial Women’s Group (IWG) promotes positive sisterhood and unity among women, irrespective of their ethnic, religious, nationality, social or cultural backgrounds. The group cultivates a social environment to foster ethical values, appropriate conduct and respect for others and their cultures. The group raises awareness of community needs and solutions. Meeting locations occasionally vary. Contact: Amanda Wilson, President Interracial Women’s Group (IWG) amanda.wilson22@uky.edu, (270) 554-9520


AUGUST 2016 World/Local/Current Event CULTURAL / GLOBAL AWARENESS Date: TBA Time: TBA WKCTC Diversity & Inclusion Committee WKCTC Campus A compilation of the current news events that inspire, kindle, and arouse strong public opinions and feelings. These views often dominate the world and local attention becoming issues of great importance. Welcome Back Get-Together CULTURAL AWARENESS / INCLUSION Friday, August 19, 2016 5:00 p.m. Casa Mexicana 4793 Village Square Drive, Paducah, KY • All students welcome! • Special invitation to all International students • Soft drinks, chips and salsa provided; food purchased by students. • Join the Hispanic Culture Club for a fun evening to celebrate end of the first week of classes. Sponsored by: WKCTC Hispanic Culture Club United Way 2016 Elimination Dinner SERVICE / COMMUNITY SUPPORT Friday, August 19, 2016 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Walker Hall Events Center 229 Madison Street, Paducah, KY 42001 The Elimination Dinner is a backwards raffle. As tickets are drawn people are eliminated from the drawing throughout the night. The last five people standing have an option of splitting the pot or continuing to draw. If they opt to continue to draw the last ticket wins the pot. All proceeds for the evening support programs that positively impact education, income and health in the community. Contact: Monique Zuber, Executive Director of United Way monique@unitedwaypaducah.org, (270) 442-1691 “Motivational Monday” OPEN HOUSE – STUDENT DEVELOPMENT DIVISION Monday, August 29, 2016 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Anderson Technical Building WKCTC Campus Learn about the Division of Student Development, programs, and services, and where offices are located. Explore the outstanding academic and personal support available to a diverse student population to support student retention and help them succeed. The offices and programs include Accessibility Services, International Student Admissions, Student Health & Wellness, WKCTC Success Connection Mentoring Program, Ready to Work/Work and Learn, West Kentucky Identifying Needs Guiding Success Summer College Preparation Program (WINGS), Title IX Compliance, Student Lounge, Student Center, TRiO Student Support Services, Student of the Month/ Year, Student Leadership Recognition, Student Discipline, Student Life/Activities, SGA, Honor’s Program, Fitness Center, Diversity & Inclusion, Basketball Club, Cross Country Club, and Intramurals. Refreshments, prizes, games, and gifts. Lots of fun!!! Contact: Dr. Belinda Dalton-Russell, WKCTC Vice President of Student Development belinda.dalton-russell@kctcs.edu, (270) 534-3081 or (270) 534-3069


SEPTEMBER 2016 Project United SERVICE / COMPASSION / COMMUNITY SUPPORT Friday, September 2, 2016 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Salvation Army Gym 2990 Trimble Street, Paducah, KY This is a community-wide day of service that takes place each year in September. More than 300 volunteers complete dozens of projects at non-profit agencies across Paducah and McCracken County. Projects include painting, landscaping, stocking pantries, office support and assistance to those most in need. Contact: Monique Zuber, Executive Director of United Way monique@unitedwaypaducah.org, (270) 442-1691 WKCTC Success Connection Mentoring Program Kick-Off INCLUSION / SUPPORT / EXCELLENCE Wednesday, September 14, 2016 11:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Emerging Technology Center, Room 109 WKCTC Campus West Kentucky Community and Technical College’s Success Connection Mentoring Program offers students the opportunity to develop a relationship with a faculty or staff member. The mentor can become a role model and advocate for the student by offering support and counsel. Mentoring can take several forms including career exploration, academic support and life skills development. By pairing faculty or staff members with students in a comfortable environment, students will be given the opportunity to talk about their academic needs, share their goals and discuss concerns and needs. WKCTC’s Success Connection Mentoring Program kick-off is open to all program mentors and mentees. Contact: Tamara Hodges, Success Connection Co-Chair tamarak.hodges@kctcs.edu, (270) 534-3069

Lessons from Abroad CULTURAL AWARENESS / INCLUSION / EDUCATION Monday, September 19, 2016 11:00 a.m. Matheson Library WKCTC Campus Study abroad and foreign missions provide incredible learning opportunities for those who participate. Whether traveling to landmarks in great cities, visiting historic sites all over the world, serving children in orphanages, or helping build homes or clean up after disasters, going abroad leaves a lasting impact on travelers. In this year’s One Book Read, Little Princes, author Conor Grennan shares how his plan to volunteer for three months in a Nepali orphanage changes the course of the rest of his life. Come to “Lessons from Abroad” to learn about the lessons local students and community members learned from their travels and share your own experiences. Contact: Kim Russell, WKCTC Associate English Professor kim.russell@kctcs.edu, (270) 534-3203 Paducah/McCracken County United Way 5K and Fitness Walk SERVICE / HEALTH / COMMUNITY SUPPORT Saturday, September 24, 2016 9:00 a.m. Paducah Bank Main Location 555 Jefferson Street, Paducah, KY The United Way 5K Run and Fitness Walk is an annual event for over 500 runners and walkers from as far away as Florida. It is part of Barbeque on the River and promotes health and fitness. Serious runners, kids, corporate teams, entire families and community groups are welcome. 5K pre-registration is $25, Day of Race is $35, 1-Mile Youth Run advanced registration is $10, Day of Race $15. Contact: Monique Zuber, Executive Director of United Way monique@unitedwaypaducah.org, (270) 442-1691



Ballet Folklorico by “Quetzalli” de Veracruz CULTURAL AWARENESS / INCLUSION Monday, September 26, 2016 11:00 a.m. Clemens Fine Arts Center WKCTC Campus The ballet folklorico is a beautiful representation of the music and dance of distinct regions of Mexico. Ballet Foklorico “Quetzalli” de Veracruz will be performing songs and dance from their program “Fiesta Mexico”. All are invited to this special presentation of dance, offered by the Carson Center. • Experience the traditional dance of Mexico in full costume! • Learn how to tie the bow in La Bamba! • Interact with the dancers during and after the performance! • Light Mexican food served immediately after performance in the Student Center. In further celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month a full length version of “Fiesta Mexico” will be presented on the Carson Center stage in their US Bank Family Series on Monday, September 26, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. Contact: Carolyn Perry, WKCTC Associate Professor carolyns.perry@kctcs.edu, (270) 534-3205 Know Your Rights and Responsibilities Forum COMPASSION / HUMAN DIGNITY / JUSTICE / SERVICE Tuesday, September 27, 2016 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Emerging Technology Center, Room 109 WKCTC Campus In response to many current events and popular civil/criminal topics, the Paducah-McCracken County Chapter of the N.A.A.C.P., the Paducah Human Rights Commission, and Sullenger Law Office, PLLC, in conjunction with representatives of the County Attorney’s Office and local law enforcement, will host a “Know Your Rights and Responsibilities” forum to educate and inform the community. This event is free and open to the public. A panel of speakers will discuss various topics related to individuals’ rights and responsibilities in the areas of employment law and civil rights, criminal law and family law. Speakers will address the audience for approximately 30 minutes each on topics including the rights and responsibilities of employees in the workplace, rights of individuals during police interactions, proper interactions with law enforcement, proper procedure when faced with a criminal warrant, gun laws, law enforcement community outreach programs, common issues in family law, abusive relationships resources, minimizing the trauma of divorce for children, and more. Facilitated by: Amanda Smiles, Media Specialist, Amanda Smiles Creative, LLC amanda@amandasmiles.com, (270) 933-7838


Know Your Rights and Responsibilities Forum KNOWLEDGE / JUSTICE / RESPONSIBILITY / RESOURCES Wednesday, September 28, 2016 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Emerging Technology Center, Room 109 WKCTC Campus In response to many current events and popular civil/criminal topics, the Paducah-McCracken County Chapter of the N.A.A.C.P., the Paducah Human Rights Commission, and Sullenger Law Office, PLLC. In conjunction with representatives of the County Attorney’s Office and local law enforcement, will host a “Know Your Rights and Responsibilities forum to educated and inform the community. This event will be free and open to the public. A panel of speakers discussing various topics related to individuals’ rights and responsibilities in the areas of employment law and civil rights, criminal law, and family law. Speakers will address the audience for approximately 30 minutes each on topics including the rights and responsibilities of employees in the workplace, rights of individuals during police interactions, proper interactions with law enforcement, proper procedure when faced with a criminal warrant, gun laws, law enforcement community outreach programs, common issues in family law, abusive relationships resources, minimizing the trauma of divorce for children, and more. Facilitated by: Amanda Smiles, Media Specialist, Amanda Smiles Creative, LLC amanda@amandasmiles.com, (270) 933-7838


OCTOBER 2016 World/Local / Current Event CULTURAL / GLOBAL AWARENESS Date: TBA Time: TBA WKCTC Diversity & Inclusion Committee WKCTC Campus A compilation of the current news events that inspire, kindle, and arouse strong public opinions and feelings. These views often dominate the world and local attention becoming issues of great importance. Human Trafficking: What Is It and How Can You Help? EDUCATION / HUMAN DIGNITY / LEGAL SUPPORT Monday, October 24, 2016 11:00 a.m. Matheson Library, Reading Room WKCTC Campus Human trafficking, or modern day slavery, is the second largest crime industry in the world today. According to the UN crimefighting office, “2.4 million people across the globe are victims of human trafficking at any one time, and 80 percent of them are being exploited as sexual slaves.” Zoe.org notes that 55% of human trafficking victims are female, and 26% are children. In this year’s One Book Read, Little Princes by Conor Grennan, the author shares his own experiences helping to reunite trafficked youth with their families in Nepal. During the October program attendees will learn about human trafficking and ways they might be able to help the victims of trafficking. Contact: Kim Russell, WKCTC Associate English Professor kim.russell@kctcs.edu, (270) 534-3203

Freedom Fund Banquet EDUCATION / OPPORTUNITY / HUMAN DIGNITY Sunday, October 30, 2016 3:00 p.m. Robert Cherry Civic Center 2701 Park Avenue, Paducah, KY Recipients of the Boyles/Coleman scholarship and other awards will be presented. A keynote speaker will address current topics related to advancing education and equal opportunity. Contact: J.W. Cleary, NAACP President • (270) 519-2391

NOVEMBER 2016 Calling All Colors CULTURAL AWARENESS / INCLUSIVENESS / KNOWLEDGE Friday, November 4, 2016 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Registration in Haws Gymnasium WKCTC Campus Calling All Colors is a program sponsored by 4-H Youth Development, local school systems, WKCTC’s Office of Cultural Diversity and Interracial Women’s Group. The 4th through 8th graders from the local school districts attend a one-day workshop that allows them to learn about different cultures. Youth engage in activities that promote cultural diversity and understanding in order to breakdown social and cultural barriers. Contact: Amanda Wilson, McCracken County Cooperative Extension Agent for 4-H Youth Development • amanda.wilson22@uky.edu, (270) 554-9520




Prayer Breakfast Super Sunday INCLUSION / RESPECT / HUMAN DIGNITY / JUSTICE / EQUALITY RECRUITMENT / EDUCATION / OPPORTUNITY Saturday, January 14, 2017 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Sunday, February 26, 2017 Morning Service 11:30 a.m. Pastor Raynarldo Maurice Henderson Cost: FREE (College Education Fair & meal immediately following worship) Washington Street Baptist Church 721 Washington Street, Paducah, KY Pastor Anthony E. Walton The breakfast is an opportunity to celebrate the legacy of Martin Christ Temple Apostolic Church 523 North 12th Street, Paducah, KY Luther King, Jr., from dreams to meaningful action, and to bring Each year the Kentucky Community and Technical College all races, faiths and backgrounds together to recommit to racial System (KCTCS) and each of its 16 colleges partner with equality, dignity, peace and justice. African-American and Hispanic churches throughout the state Contact: Washington Street Baptist Church to host college education fairs for prospective college students info@washingtonstreetbaptist.org, (270) 442-8033 and their families. The fair heightens awareness of the value of education, encourages early planning and promotes parent and Martin Luther King, Jr. Luncheon community involvement. Student testimonies will be given and KNOWLEDGE / RESPECT / HUMAN DIGNITY / JUSTICE / EQUALITY the Diversity & Inclusion Awards presented. Monday, January 16, 2017 11:30 a.m. Contact: Dr. Belinda Dalton-Russell, Vice President of Student Development / Cost: Adults $20 Students $5 Director of Cultural Diversity, WKCTC Robert Cherry Civic Center 2701 Park Avenue, Paducah, KY belinda.dalton-russell@kctcs.edu, (270) 534-3081 MLK March from Civic Center to the MLK Monument on Martin Luther King Jr. Drive begins at 10:00 a.m. The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Luncheon serves as a time to honor and commemorate the life and work of Martin Luther King, Jr., an American pastor, activist, humanitarian and leader in the American Civil Rights Movement. Contact: NAACP, (270) 519-2391 or (270) 443-5430

FEBRUARY 2017 World / Local / Current Event GLOBAL/CULTURAL AWARENESS Date: TBA Time: TBA WKCTC Diversity & Inclusion Committee WKCTC Campus A compilation of the current news events that inspire, kindle, and arouse strong public opinions and feelings. These views often dominate the world and local attention becoming issues of great importance. Hearts for Hunger Food Drive COMPASSION / SERVICE / SACREDNESS OF LIFE Wednesday, February 1-28, 2016 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Anderson Technical Building WKCTC Campus Show your heart in the fight against hunger. The food drive is a vital resource for our neighbors facing hunger. Donate nonexpired canned goods and other non-perishable items such as peanut butter, canned tuna, dried pasta, tomato sauce, soups, canned fruit and vegetables. Place in boxes located in the Anderson Technical Building first floor lobby marked Heart for Hunger Food Drive. The donations will be made to Ninth Street Church of Christ, 715 South 9th Street, Paducah, KY and other local churches to support community outreach and its food pantry. Learn about the problem of hunger in our community as well as the services provided by local organizations through the United Way Paducah-McCracken County. Contact: Dr. Belinda Dalton-Russell, WKCTC Vice President of Student Development / Director of Cultural Diversity • belinda.dalton-russell@kctcs.edu, (270) 534-3081



MARCH 2017 One Book Read Exhibition LITERACY / HUMAN DIGNITY / COMMUNITY March 16-31, 2017 Cost: Free WKCTC Clemens Gallery WKCTC Campus PSAD will feature an open event for public submissions, with art to be based on or inspired by this year’s One Book Read of Little Princes by Conor Grennan. Winners will be announced at the One Book Read reception at the Clemens Center on March 28, 2017. Contact: Amy Sullivan, Interim Library Director, WKCTC amy.sullivan@kctcs.edu, (270) 534-3171 WKCTC Student Development Leadership & Recognition Luncheon – Invitation Only LEADERSHIP / SERVICE / EDUCATION Wednesday, March 22, 2017 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Anderson Technical Building Bistro WKCTC Main Campus Recognizing student leaders and organizations that bring value to college life and create opportunities for learning, student governance and leadership. Coordinated by: WKCTC Office of Student Development

One Book Read – Little Princes by Conor Grenan LITERACY / HUMAN DIGNITY / COMMUNITY Events Featuring the Author Cost: Free Tuesday, March 28, 2017 • Opening Reception – Student Center 6:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 28 • Public presentation – Clemens Theatre 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 28 • Book signing – Clemens Gallery 8:15 p.m. Wednesday, March 29 • Student presentation – Clemens Theatre 11:00 a.m. The One Book Read is an annual event for WKCTC and the whole community. The selection for the 2016-2017 One Book Read is Little Princes, by Conor Grennan. The One Book Read encourages the community, area schools and colleges to come together to read and discuss the same book, in an effort to help eliminate illiteracy in our region. The story of Little Princes began when Conor Grennan set off on a trip around the world and volunteered for a time at an orphanage in Nepal. He found that not all the children were orphans: some had been separated from their families by traffickers during a civil war. Grennan began working to reunite families, and improve the lives of impoverished Nepalese families. Upon returning to the U.S., he wrote a compelling book about the breaking and mending of children and families in the remote Himalayan country of Nepal. Contact: Amy Sullivan, WKCTC Interim Library Directory amy.sullivan@kctcs.edu, (270) 534-3171



MARCH 2017 (CONTINUED) Why Diversity Matters in the Health Professions: Lourdes Health Care Minority Professions Panel HEALTH EDUCATION / HUMAN DIGNITY / EQUALITY Thursday, March 30, 2017 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Crounse Hall, Room 101 WKCTC Campus Lourdes Healthcare professionals will explore how research evidence indicates diversity in the healthcare professions is paramount to the nations need to eliminate inequities in the quality and availability of health care for underserved populations, and that improved access to health care for racial and ethnic minority patients, greater patient choice, satisfaction, and better educational experiences for health professionals improve health care for everyone. A discussion of interventions to increase minority recruitment in health care; improve minority health care, health education, and reduce racial ethnic disputes will be discussed. Contact: Dr. Belinda A. Dalton-Russell, WKCTC Vice President Student Development belinda.dalton-russell@kctcs.edu, (270) 534-3069

APRIL 2017 World / Local / Current Event GLOBAL / CULTURAL AWARENESS Date: TBA Time: TBA Diversity & Inclusion Committee WKCTC Campus A compilation of the current news events that inspire, kindle, and arouse strong public opinions and feelings. These views often dominate the world and local attention becoming issues of great importance. Fashion Rack-Clothes Give-A-Way SERVICE / HUMAN DIGNITY / COMPASSION / SUPPORT Date: TBA Time: TBA Location TBA WKCTC Campus The new/used clothing and accessories give-a-way is hosted by the WKCTC’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee and Division of Student Development to support WKCTC students and community members in need. The goal is to support personal, professional and career development. Coordinating, managing, and implementing the give-a-way will provide opportunities for volunteers to learn from each other while giving back to the community. Note: Clothes for personal use only. Not for resale. Donations of clean used clothes will be accepted according to guidelines. Contact: Tamara K. Hodges, WKCTC Division of Student Development tamarak.hodges@kctcs.edu, (270) 534-3069


They’re From Where? KNOWLEDGE / HUMAN DIGNITY / CULTURAL AWARENESS Wednesday, April 12, 2017 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Emerging Technology Center, Room 109 WKCTC Main Campus WKCTC is a top three community college where our students understand “knowledge is key.” But can assumptions be made about students and co-workers based solely on appearance? Many times mistakes about the nationality or ethnic group of others based on a personal stereotype can happen. These assumptions not only create awkward interactions but in some cases show ignorance. Some people may be offended and your bridge has just been burned. This workshop reviews some of these assumptions and the potential damage they cause to our interpersonal relationships. One example of the learning format is a group exercise where we assume nationalities and ethnicities of public figures. Many of these will invoke the response “they are from where?” Presenter: Gustavo Amaya, MPA, WKCTC Adult Education Specialist gustavo.amaya@kctcs.edu, (270) 534-856-2415 McCracken County Career Endowment, Inc. (MCCCE) 2017 Educational Assistance Scholarship Program Reception EDUCATION / EXCELLENCE / OPPORTUNITY Sunday, April 23, 2017 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Emerging Technology Center, Room 109 WKCTC Main Campus The Paxton Scholars Program enhances student self-esteem, parent or guardian advocacy, peer and mentor interaction, maintenance and improvement of academic performance, and preparation for college transition, all of which are common challenges faced by many African-American students. Selected scholars receive college scholarship funds based on grade point averages during their junior and senior years of high school and through the first two semesters of college. A college compatible laptop computer will also be presented to the scholars upon high school graduation in 2017. Contact: Dr. Belinda A. Russell, WKCTC Vice President Student Development belinda.dalton-russell@kctcs.edu, (270) 534-3081


JUNE 2017 West Kentucky Identifying Needs Guiding Success (WINGS) Summer College Preparation Program EDUCATION / OPPORTUNITY June 1-9, 2017 Location: WKCTC Time: TBA This program remains committed to assisting African-Americans, Hispanics, Latinos and underrepresented students with matriculation from middle school to high school and from high school to postsecondary education. The Summer 2017 College Prep Program at WKCTC is scheduled June 1-9, 2017. It will expose 7th and 8th graders to enrichment in areas such as math, science, history, technology, engineering and career development. It also supports the development of cultural competencies and addresses aspects of cultural knowledge, awareness, belief systems, sensitivity and competence. As an integral part of the instructional program, there is a planned field trip that will allow students to build on lesson objectives by bringing lessons to life. WINGS Coordinator: Amy Elmore WINGS Counselor: Justin Hill Contact: Chevene Duncan-Herring, WINGS Director chevene.duncan-herring@kctcs.edu, (270) 534-3209





West Kentucky Identifying Needs Guiding Success



DIVERSITY & INCLUSION PROGRAM SERIES Office of Cultural Diversity Goals • Foster a welcoming, safe and inclusive environment for all WKCTC stakeholders (students, employees and community members). • Promote respect for and appreciation of differences in ethnicity, gender, age, national origin, ability, sexual orientation, religion, social and economic status through education. • Provide resources and support to increase retention, graduation and transfer rates. • Prepare our campus and community to live and work successfully in a global society. Partnerships • Christ Temple Apostolic Church • Graves County Middle School • Heath Middle School • Interracial Women’s Group in Paducah, KY • Lourdes Hospital – Mercy Health, Paducah, KY • Mayfield Independent Middle School • McCracken County Adult Education Program • McCracken County Community Career Endowment, Inc. • National Association of the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) • Ninth Street Church of Christ, Paducah, KY • Paducah City Middle School • Professional Organizational Development (POD) • Race Unity Group of Paducah • Reidland Middle School • United Way of Paducah-McCracken County • Washington Street Baptist Church • WKCTC Academic Affairs • WKCTC Matheson Library • WCKTC Student Ambassador Program • WKCTC Hispanic Heritage Club • WKCTC Humanities Fine Arts & Social Science Department • WKCTC Multicultural Appreciation Club (MAC)

Sponsors • WKCTC Diversity & Inclusion Committee • WKCTC Division of Student Development • WKCTC Multicultural Appreciation Club (MAC) • WKCTC Office of Cultural Diversity A Special Thank You to… • Administrative Services • Chevene Duncan-Herring • Christ Temple Apostolic Church • Diversity & Inclusion Committee • Lourdes Hospital – Mercy Health • Mary Beth Head, Graphic Designer – Public Relations • Carolyn Perry • Kim Russell • Sanci E. Teague • WKCTC Public Relations Contact Information Dr. Belinda Dalton-Russell Vice President of Student Development / Director of Cultural Diversity WKCTC Office of Cultural Diversity belinda.dalton-russell@kctcs.edu 270-534-3081 Anderson Technical Building, Room 204 4810 Alben Barkley Drive P.O. Box 7380 Paducah, KY 42002-7380 Tamara K. Hodges WKCTC Sr. Administrative Assistant for Student Development tamarak.hodges@kctcs.edu 270-534-3069

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