Quick Contacts Admissions: (270) 534-3435
WKCTC Frequently Requested Extensions WKCTC Frequently Requested Extensions
West Kentucky Community & Technical College 855-469-5282 GO WKCTC Student Services
LPN Program (Pam Paxton 43478) 43481 AHB Learn on Demand 43448 ATB Library 43197 MLC Machine Tool Technology 43357 ETC Mailroom 43331 GYM Maintenance 43360/ATB 43067/CAR 43070/Ngt. 43895 ETC Marine Technology (43893) Math Department 43124 CRO Math Lab 43154 MLC Medical Information Technology 43381 ATB Medical Laboratory Technician 43502 AHB Multimedia & Graphic Design 43403 PSAD Nursing 43166 AHB Online Information Assistant 43448 CRO Admin. Asst. 43094 43084 CAR PJC 43901 PSAD PSAD 2D (Main # 270-408-4278) Payroll (payroll@kctcs.edu) 859-256-3456 43495 ATB Pharmacy Technology Phlebotomy 43502 AHB Physical Therapy Assist. Prog. 43457 AHB 43090 CAR PRESIDENT'S OFFICE Admin. Public Relations/Ads, Mkting, Marquee 43079 CAR Purchase Training Ctr. Diesel 43869 PTC Radiography 43359 / 43431 AHB 43423 ATB Ready To Work 43438 ATB Registrar Scholarship Program 43253 ATB Science Department 43124 CRO SECURITY: 43859 24/7 # 270-564-8403 ATB
Opt. 1 Fin. Aid Opt. 2 Acad. Records/Registrar Opt. 3 Admissions Opt. 4 Blackboard Opt. 5 Email or Passord assistance
Live Chat Info. 24 Hrs: help.westkentucky.kctcs.edu
ACT Testing Information 43395 / 43161 ATB • Headcount Enrollment (Fall 2020): 4,895 Academic Affairs 43252 ATB Financial Aid: Academic Support Ctr. Tutoring 43179 MLC (270) • 534-3467 Classification: Accessibility Services 43406 ATB o Dual-Credit: 1,108 (22.6%) Admissions 43435 ATB o Credential- Seeking (CS): 3,179 (64.9%) Advancement CAR 43086 o Non-Degree: 608 (12.4%) Advising/Veteran 43349 ATB Advising (TABE & KYOTE testing) Services: Agriculture Department 62416 SCT • Demographics of Credential Seeking (3,179): Air Conditioning Technology 62409 SCT (270) 534-3349 o Ethnicity: Applied Technology 43364 ATB § Asian: <1% Assessment Center 43349 ATB § Black: 8.2% Auto Technology 62410 SCT Records: § Hispanic/Latino: 5.2% BCRT Division 43277 ROS 4.6% (270) 534-3438 § Other: Barnes & Noble Bookstore 43330 ATB § White: 80.9% 43322 ETC Bus. & Industry Testing Work Keys § Not reported: <1% ATB Business Office (Assoc. Dean 43161) 43160 o Enrollment Status: Part-Time: 1,431 (45.0%) Procard 43077 Purchasing/AP 43163 ATB Business Office: o First-Time ATB Recv. 43395 Trav/Van/Inv./AR 43343 (270) 534-3164 § CS: Stud 802(Computer (downAided 10.9% over 5 years)43394 ATB CAD Drafting & Design) § CSCDL Full-Time: 593 (down 16.7% over43821 5 years) PTC Eric Sills 43868 / 270-247-9633 o Age 43888 ATB CNA & KMA Accessibility § 18-24: 43465 AHB CPR63.8% § 25 Campus and older: 36.0%Amy Elmore 43118 43420 Services: Cupboard NEM o Gender Career Services (270) 534-3406 43293 ATB § Female: 66.7% Ceramics & Sm. Metals & Sculpture 43873 CSM § Male: 32.7% Learning Center 43101 CLC Challenger Collision Repair 43414 ATB Tutoring 2019-20 Services: Summary (Summer 2019, Fall 2019, and Spring 2020) Cosmetology 43410 ATB (270) 534-3179 Culinary Arts Program 43449 / 43429 ATB o Total Served: 43906 PSAD Services § All Culinary Students: 8,449 (ALL cafes)
Campus Emergency
Guard House 270-554-6300 cell# 270-564-8403 Skilled Craft Training Center 62400 SCT 43451 ATB Skills U Graves 62422 Center Café 43839 4,239 Kitchens Café 43907 Sonography 43450 AHB § Credential-Seeking: Bookstore: Dental Division Asst. 43437 ATB 43444 MWTC State Fire Rescue Training o Credentials: 2,324 awarded (1,590 students) Diversity &Degree: Inclusion606 43109 ATB Student Services 43069 ATB (270) 534-3330 § Associates Dual Credit 43117 NEM 43482 AHB Surgical Tech § Diplomas: 138 43362 ATB 43208 SCA TV ESL (SCT 62415 Nights) § Certificates: 1,580 Early Childhood Department 43087 ATB Testing Center (Proctored/Exit Exams) 43322 ETC o Financial Aid Online Learning: Electrical Program 43400 ATB Theatre/Arts in Focus (Tickets) 43212 SCA (270) 534-3448 § Federal Aid (Pell, SEOG, and Loans) Enrollment Management 43461 CRO Title IX 43479 ATB • $12,756,580 disbursed (fall and spring) Four Rivers Counseling Center 43863 ATB UK Engineering 43900 Crisp • 2,574 Students Received Federal Aid in 2019-20 Grisham Computer Labcredential seeking 43283 served ETC that Veteran Services 43110 ATB (60.7% of total year) Marketing/ § 3,239 Human Resources 43458 ATB WIA 43349 ATB or 76.4% of credential seeking students received some Communication: Humanities Department 43211 SCA WKCTC Information Desk 43303 ATB kind of Financial Aid in 2019-20. Industrial Maintenance 43433 ETC Welding 43340 ATB (270) 534-3083 SCTC 62401 Institutional Effectiveness 43461 CRO Work & Learn Program 43257 ATB K12 Partnerships 43282 NEM Workforce Solutions 43335 ETC