Art 211
Graphic Design II
Navigation Symbol Design N
avigation has existed, as early as records show, since antiquity for sailors to navigate the open sea by ship with precision of position and its course of heading. It’s primary function is to monitor and calculate the journey of a vessel or vehicle in a precise and expedient matter. Navigation allows people to go to and from a location by orienting themselves with use of the surroundings to include landmarks, the coast, depth of the ocean and the stars. Stars are one of the major elements used in navigation by many different cultures, along with the study of geometry and other celestial bodies.
What are its attributes? Starting with Latitude and Longitude, these terms refer to the division of the earth into an imaginary graticule that allows locations to the recorded using north, south east or west coordinates based of off the prime meridian and the equator. Both of these last two terms are the 0 degree point for their respective location on the grid, dividing the globe into hemispheres. Positioning is established by the use of degree points of latitude and longitude, along with visual positioning by landmarks, calculations by celestial bodies, electronic systems like radar or radio wave transmissions, and satellites. Dead Reckoning (DR) is a term used to explain the continuous calculations implemented to determine a location based and a previous location determined by estimated speeds, heading and elapsed time. This is most often used for seafaring and flight navigation, but is also being used for automotive advances navigation systems. It is also used in space crafts and missile systems used by the military. Planning the route for navigation is also key. The distance, estimated time, preferred route and preparations are all apart of successful navigations. Accuracy is overall the prime objective of navigating successfully. Accuracy of the journey to a destination can be easily lost due to a miscalculation, a false dead reckoning, inaccurate information at a starting point, or poor route planning. In order for navigation accuracy to be successful, mistakes need to be nominal.
Keywords Compass Rose, Latitude, Longitude, Sextant, GPS, Stars, Altimeter, Astrolabe, Compass, Space Exploration, Ocean Exploration, A to B, Satellites , Nautical Chart, Bearing, Lines of position, Radar, Celestial Navigation, Inertial Navigation System, Gravity, Accuracy, Positioning, Planning, Routes, Time, Distance, Precision, Dead Reckoning. 1
Symbols and Signs The Globe is often a simple linear representation indicating the latitudinal and longitudinal lines, especially the Prime Meridian and Equator. It is often represented as such, additional lines, or simply a sphere.
The Compass Rose is a representation of the cardinal directions – North, East, South and West. It is placed on a map to show the correct heading of these directions, but also allows the user to compare the compass rose to their own magnetic compass.
Navigation routes are portrayed as solid or dashed lines that connect two points in a path or heading. These lines can be used to show a future path, or to show previous navigational movement.
Waypoints are the A and B in navigation; the points at which we come from and go to. They can be represented in many different ways, as a pin, half circle with a dot, or a simple dot.
The arrow has had a significant importance in navigation history. To start, a compass with have an arrow to point magnetic north, a standard that many navigation platforms are based upon. Secondly, in the 1920’s giant concrete arrows with light towers were used for coast to coast air mail in the united states. The arrow is a means to show the heading or direction that must be followed in order to reach the destination. It is also a representation of the vehicle that is traveling.
Online sources of Navigation Imagery and Tools Triangulation used in GPS systems to acquire current position.
Scale diagram shows accuracy of Navigation systems, from Global Positioning Satellites, to Omega low frequency radio waves.
Example of how to navigate in outer space, using a star as a landmark to orient the vessel.
Gimbal used in many different platforms in navigation. This allows for accurate tracking of destination, even in high gravity, or 0 gravity situations. 3
The sextant was used along with many other tools to provide accurate ways to track where a vessel may be located on the open ocean. It again uses stars as a means to track and calculate their location.
Example of aircraft heading and tracking, combined with future and past routes to and from waypoints. 4
Preliminary Conclusion In order to cover the vast ideas of navigation, I decided to include and combine a few key aspects. First, the globe is a strong symbol that can not be ignored, as it is the object that is to be navigated originally. The vast distances on this planet is why navigation was invented in the first place. Additionally, the arrow is also an important part to include in my design. It represents both the direction of the vehicle, and the vehicle itself. Lastly, waypoints are imperative to navigation, as there needs to be a point of origin and a point of destination for it to be considered navigating. That being said, I am looking to create these ideas into one symbol that can represent many aspects of navigation.
Representation of the planet. Resembles Gyroscopes employed in navigation practices. Reference to 3D Space.
Representation of the vehicle or vessel that is in motion. Reference to direction of heading. Also reference to Cardinal direction North.
Representation of present location, or destination. Multitude of representations for everyday use, to technical use.
Digital Renderings and Refinements
Final Symbol