2014 Denver Jewish Film Festival brochure

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Mizel Arts and Culture Center at the jcc



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Best Film Festival




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FEBRUARY 5—16, 2014

W E D N E S D AY, F E B . 5 5:30 p.m. Reception Honoring Udi Baron and Family 7 p.m. Program and screening of The Jewish Cardinal

W E D N E S D AY, F E B . 1 2 1:30 p.m. Hanna’s Journey 5:30 p.m. Wherever You Go followed by Aya 7:30 p.m. The Third Half

T H U R S D AY, F E B . 6 5:30 p.m. Closed Season 8 p.m. Hunting Elephants

S U N D AY, F E B . 9 10:30 a.m. Cupcakes 12:45 p.m. The ZigZag Kid 3 p.m. My German Friend 5:30 p.m. The Wonders 8:15 p.m. Eagles M O N D AY, F E B . 1 0 5:30 p.m. The Jewish Cardinal (Second showing) 8 p.m. In The Shadow

S AT U R D AY, F E B . 1 5 6:30 p.m. The Other Son 9 p.m. Altina Dessert Reception Following the Film S U N D AY, F E B . 1 6 10:30 a.m. Putzel 12:45 p.m. Sukkah City 3 p.m. Dancing in Jaffa 5:30 p.m. White Panther 8 p.m. Out In the Dark


S AT U R D AY, F E B . 8 6:30 p.m. Defiant Requiem 9 p.m. Bethlehem

T H U R S D AY, F E B . 1 3 5:30 p.m. Reporting on the Times followed by Before the Revolution 7:30 p.m. Aftermath

Box Office Hours, M-F, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. T U E S D AY, F E B . 1 1 5:30 p.m. Special Interview 7:30 p.m. When Pigs Have Wings

All seating is reserved. Please view the seating chart online at www.maccjcc.org/film to select your seats when you purchase your tickets. Our seating policy is available on page 32.

B o x O f f i c e ( 3 0 3 ) 3 1 6 - 6 3 6 0 • w w w. m a c c j c c . o r g / f i l m Denver Jewish Film Festival, Volume 18, 2013 • This program is published annually by MACC at the JCC, 350 S. Dahlia St. Denver, CO 80246


(303) 316-6360 • www.maccjcc.org

DONOR PACKAGE Friends of Udi Baron and Family, $750 includes: • On Screen Donor recognition in honor of Udi Baron (pending date of gift) • Two Opening Night tickets, two Grand Finale tickets, one 10-pack* (Donors may forgo this benefit for the full $750 donation to be tax deductible.)

All seating is reserved. See seating policy page 32. *Ticket reservations must be made online or through the box office to guarantee a seat for the films that you wish to attend using the Festival Pass or 10-Pack. Make your reservations early to assure the best seat selection.

TICKETS AND PACKAGES Duo Pass, $475 includes: ($542 total value) • Two Opening Night tickets • Two Grand Finale tickets • One Festival Pass* Producers Pass, $325 includes: ($356 total value) • One Opening Night ticket • One Grand Finale ticket • One Festival Pass*

FILM FESTIVAL SELECTION COMMITTEE Sharon Haber Festival Co-Chair Mark Boscoe Vicki Dansky Marcia Karshmer

Julie Schwarz Festival Co-Chair

Erica Singer Festival Co-Chair

Art Kleinstein Susan Mathews Scott Robinson

Opening Night Gala: $150 per person

Tickets may be purchased at the MACC Box Office, Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.5 p.m. and one hour before all screenings. Tickets may also be purchased via phone, (303) 316-6360 (during box office hours: Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-5 p.m.), or website, www.maccjcc.org/film (24/7).

Grand Finale: $36/Adult; $30/Student & Senior


Festival Pass*: $170 25 admissions at $6.80 per ticket, transferable & shareable 10 Pack*: $90 10 admissions at $9 per ticket, transferable & shareable


Individual Film Tickets $11/Adults; $10/Student & Senior

Etai Baron Udi and Fern Baron Ellen Beller Erez Heiman Carol Wagner Kathy Judd

Joanne Kleinstein Joanne Singer Elaine Tinter Darcey Baron Evi Makovski Amy Snow


WELCOME LOVERS OF EXTRAORDINARY CINEMA! Last year our wonderful Denver Jewish Film Festival celebrated some amazing milestones. First, we settled into our new venue - the fully renovated Elaine Wolf Theatre. Then we were honored to receive the “Best of Westword” award for “Best Film Festival.” In part this award came because of the exceptional films that make up our signature celebration of Jewish cinema, but we are also keenly aware that much of the credit goes to our extraordinary audience. This year’s festival features films from over 20 different countries. It is a tremendous mix of heartrending narrative films, fun-filled comedies and insightful documentaries. Don’t miss our journey around the globe as we survey the expanse of human experience as always through our Jewish cultural perspective. We open on a Wednesday evening and keep our expanded festival with 26 total screenings this year. We continue to offer concessions in our social hall lounge for conversations between the screenings and don’t forget, unlike most festivals, our seating is reserved, so be sure to purchase your tickets early to get the best seat selection.

honor local food giant Udi Baron (Udi's Handcrafted Foods; Udi’s Cafe restaurant chain) and family with the MACC Cultural Achievement Award and screen the compelling film, The Jewish Cardinal. Join us on Saturday, Feb. 8 for a special showing of Bethlehem, this year’s Israeli entry for Best Foreign Film Oscar. It’s no surprise that this brilliant film was nominated for 12 Ophir Awards and won six - including Best Film and Best Director. A must see. Our Grand Finale film, Altina, follows Altina Schinasi, heiress, philanthropist, bohemian artist and the woman behind the Harlequin glasses that were all the rage in the 1930s. Join us for this committee favorite featuring Filmmaker Peter Sanders, Altina’s grandson, who will be our honored guest. Check our schedule closely as other films will also include special guest speakers to satisfy your curiosity about those “behind the scenes” questions. Remember, the festival does not end on closing night. Fabulous films, speakers and experiences continue all day Sunday, February 16. We look forward to seeing you at the movies!

New this year we will be offering a special Wednesday matinee, on Feb. 12 at 1:30 p.m. of the film, Hanna’s Journey. Opening Night, Wednesday, Feb. 5, will be truly memorable as we

Sharon Haber Festival Chair

Julie Schwarz Festival Chair

Erica Singer Festival Chair

Ely Hemnes Festivals Coordinator


O P E N I N G N I G H T C E L E B R AT I O N 5


Udi Baron (and the Baron Family) Who in Colorado doesn’t know Udi’s Foods? The bread, the gluten-free selections, the great quality. The outstanding Udi’s Cafés and Restaurants offer a warm, inviting gathering place for all. Udi Baron, founder of Udi’s Foods, and his wife, Fern, have been huge supporters of the Denver Jewish Film Festival for the last five years. For this reason we have chosen Udi Baron and the Baron Family to receive the 2014 MACC Cultural Achievement Award.

OPENING NIGHT CELEBRATION An evening honoring Udi Baron and Family

Wednesday, February 5, 2014 5:30 p.m. Reception, Phillips Social Hall 7 p.m. Program & Film, Elaine Wolf Theatre, MACC Udi Baron, 2014 Mizel Arts and Culture Center Cultural Achievement Honoree

The Barons are truly about family first - in every phase of their lives. Udi grew up in the small farming community of Hayogev, Israel. Fern is a fifth generation Coloradan; she met Udi when she visited family in Israel and participated in an Ulpan (Hebrew language school). For Udi, it was love at first sight. They are the proud parents of Etai and Robin - both of whom are integral to the business- as well as four beautiful grandchildren – Max, Levi, Tamar, and one on the way! When Udi and Fern moved to Denver in 1980, Udi longed for the farm-fresh foods of his homeland. After working as CFO for a manufacturing company, Udi decided to leave the business world to focus on his real passion: food. And not just food, but the connection between good health and food. He opened a small sandwich business that has since grown into six family businesses employing over 500 people. These include Udi’s Bread, Udi’s Catering, 10 cafés and two national companies - Udi’s Gluten-free and Udi’s Granola.

In 2012, Udi sold his two national companies to Boulder Brands who now owns the brand name “Udi’s.” In 2014, Udi Baron and family will change their business name and are inviting customers and fans to help them rename their businesses. We are extremely proud to honor Udi, Fern and family with the 2014 MACC Cultural Achievement Award.


Director: Ilan Duran Cohen 2012/France/90 minutes/Drama French with English subtitles

Wednesday, Feb. 5, 7 p.m. (following reception)

Also playing: Monday, Feb. 10, 5:30 p.m. Opening Night Sponsor Ellen Beller Second Film Showing Sponsor Kathy & Arthur Judd Second Film In-Kind Sponsor SKEA

A Jewish cardinal—is that possible? Well, yes and no, contends this exciting French film based on the amazing true story of Jean-Marie Lustiger (19262007) - son of Polish-Jewish immigrants, who maintained his cultural identity as a Jew even after converting to Catholicism at a young age. His parents went to Auschwitz (where his mother perished) while Lustiger was spared this fate having been left in the care of a non-Jewish woman in Orleans. He entered the priesthood and rose quickly within the ranks of the Church, ultimately receiving an appointment as Archbishop of Paris by Pope Jean Paul II. Throughout his life, Lustiger advocated for dialogue between Christians and Jews. He emphasized publicly that he personally continued to identify as a Jew despite converting—and was criticized for this by both sides. When Carmelite nuns establish a convent within the forbidden walls of Auschwitz, Lustiger finds himself a mediator between the two communities - and may be forced at last to choose his side. Colorado Premiere Selected Awards & Festivals Festival de Luchon (Grand Prix); Festival de Monte Carlo (Best Film); U.K. Jewish Film Festival; (Opening Film); Berlin Jewish Film Festival; Philadelphia Jewish Film Festival; Boston Jewish Film Festival


OPENING NIGHT FILM The Jewish Cardinal (Le Metis De Dieu)


(303) 316-6360 • www.maccjcc.org


Closed Season (Ende Der Schonzeit) Director: Franziska Schlotterer 2012/Germany/100 minutes/Drama German and English subtitles

Thursday, Feb. 6 5:30 p.m. Film Sponsor Roberta & Mel Klein

An unorthodox arrangement between a childless German peasant couple and a Jewish war refugee leads to complications in Closed Season, a historical drama charged with eroticism and unforeseen plot twists. Told in a flashback, this is the story of Albert, a Jewish boy fleeing Nazi persecution during WWII. Traveling through the mountains of the Black Forest and unable to cross the heavily patrolled Swiss border, Albert is given shelter by a farmer Fritz and his wife Emma. Working together on the farm, Albert and Fritz develop a bond and Fritz confesses to him that the couple has been unable to conceive. The frustrated farmer proposes an unusual arrangement Albert is to father a child with Emma in exchange for continued shelter and protection. A cauldron of jealousy and betrayal erupts. Frequent visits by an old family friend and Nazi party functionary add layers of suspense, leading to a very unexpected conclusion. Colorado Premiere Selected Awards & Festivals 2012 Montreal World Film Festival (Winner); 2012 Munich Film Festival; San Francisco Jewish Film Festival; 2013 UK Jewish Film Festival; 2013 Shanghai International Film Festival



Hunting Elephants (Latzud Pilm) Director: Reshef Levi 2013/Israel/107 minutes/Comedy-Crime Hebrew/English

Starring Acclaimed British Actor Patrick Stewart (X-Men, Star Trek: The Next Generation)

Thursday, Feb. 6 8 p.m. Film Sponsor Vicki & David Dansky, Essie & Jordan Perlmutter, Lisa & Shell Cook, Lisa & Jay Perlmutter, and Lisa & Jonathan Perlmutter

Hunting Elephants is about a 12-year-old Israeli boy named Jonathan, who is forced to deal with two cruel twists of fate. First, his father is killed in a freak accident while working at the local bank. Then, not only does the bank deny fault, they seek to repossess the boy’s home. Pushed to the brink, Jonathan is forced to find money fast, deciding ultimately that his only recourse is to rob the bank that has offended him. But he needs a team. Unfortunately for Jonathan, the only crew available to him are three misfit senior citizens. Eliyahu, Jonathan's grandfather, and his friend Nick are former Lehi fighters who used to rob British banks to fund the organization's activities. Michael Simpson (played brilliantly by Patrick Stewart) is Jonathan’s English uncle, a depressed and eccentric actor. Together this unlikely group embarks on a journey to avenge the boy's misfortune and make their last wishes come true. Colorado Premiere Selected Awards & Festivals 2013 Jerusalem Film Festival; Vancouver Jewish Film Festival; Nominated for 7 Ophir Awards including Best Feature Film


(303) 316-6360 • www.maccjcc.org


Defiant Requiem Director: Doug Shultz 2012/USA, UK, Czech Republic/85 minutes/Documentary English

Saturday, Feb. 8 6:30 p.m. Film Sponsor Susan & Bob Wagner and Diane & Jack Zelinger Guest Speaker Composer Murry Sidlin


Defiant Requiem illuminates the extraordinary, untold story of the brave acts of resistance by the Jewish prisoners of the infamous Czech concentration camp at Terezin. Remarkably, in spite of the harsh treatment, hunger, disease and forced labor, the Jewish inmates fought back against the oppression of their Nazi captors and still retained their humanity and hope. The Nazis showed them the worst of mankind and they responded with the best of mankind: heartfelt creative expression through art and music. The leader of this creative defiance was conductor, Rafael Schächter, who taught a choir of 150 prisoners the great Verdi Requiem by rote. The prisoners confronted the Nazis face to face... and sang to them what they could not say. For over ten years Conductor Murry Sidlin dreamed of bringing the Requiem back to Terezin. Defiant Requiem shows the culmination of his dream, and brings this unknown story of the artistic uprising to life. Denver Premiere Selected Awards & Festivals Palm Springs International Film Festival; 2012 Vancouver Jewish Film Festival; 2013 Atlanta Jewish Film Festival; 2013 Boulder International Film Festival; 2013 San Diego Jewish Film Festival; 2013 Tel Aviv International Art Festival; 2013 Sao Paulo Jewish Film Festival


Bethlehem (Beit-Lehem) Director: Yuval Adler 2013/Israel, Belgium, Germany/99 minutes/Political Thriller Hebrew/Arabic with English subtitles

Israel’s submission for Best Foreign Language Film at the 2014 Academy Awards

Saturday, Feb. 8 9 p.m. Film Sponsor Strear Family Foundation

Bethlehem tells the story of the unlikely bond between Razi, an Israeli secret service officer, and his Palestinian informant, Sanfur. Shuttling back and forth between conflicting points of view, the film is a raw portrayal of characters torn apart by competing loyalties and impossible moral dilemmas, giving an unparalleled glimpse into the dark and fascinating world of human intelligence. Sanfur is the younger brother of a senior Palestinian militant. Razi recruited him when he was just 15, and developed a very close, almost fatherly relationship with him. Now 17, Sanfur tries to navigate between Razi’s demands and his loyalty to his brother, living a double life and lying to both. When the Israeli secret service discovers how deeply involved Sanfur is in his brother’s activities, Razi is faced with an impossible dilemma. Co-written and directed by Israeli Yuval Adler and Palestinian Ali Waked, an Arab journalist who spent years in the West Bank, Bethlehem gives a portrait of the complex reality behind the news. Denver Premiere Selected Awards & Festivals 2013 Venice Film Festival; 2013 Haifa Film Festival (Best Film); Toronto International Film Festival; 2013 Telluride Film Festival; The Ophir Awards (6 Wins)


(303) 316-6360 • www.maccjcc.org


Cupcakes (Bananot) Sunday, Feb. 9 10:30 a.m. Film Sponsor Erica Singer

Director: Eytan Fox 2013/Israel,France/90 minutes/Musical Comedy Hebrew/French/English with English subtitles If you think America’s got talent, wait till you see what Israel’s got! Awardwinning Filmmaker Eytan Fox (Yossi & Jagger, Walk On Water) returns with a stylized, gossamer-light musical comedy about life, love and friendship. When heartbroken Tel Aviv baker Anat gets together with her friends to watch a Eurovision-style song contest, the catchy tune they write to cheer her up unexpectedly ends up as Israel’s entry for the contest! But will the good-natured friends survive the cut-throat world of the pop business? With feel-good music by Babydaddy (Scissor Sisters), technicolor styling à la Almodóvar and an unashamedly entertaining storyline that could have come from Friends, this hit musical comedy is the guiltiest pleasure of the year. Colorado Premiere Selected Awards & Festivals 2013 Cannes Film Festival; U.K. Jewish Film Festival (Closing Film); 2013 Hamburg Queer Film Festival



The ZigZag Kid (Nono, Het Zigzag Kind) Director: Vincent Bal 2013/Netherlands, Belgium/95 minutes/Drama/Comedy Dutch/English/French with English subtitles

Starring Isabella Rossellini as Lola Ciperola Based on the beloved novel by David Grossman, The ZigZag Kid uses wit and humor to explore the most fundamental questions of good and evil.

Sunday, Feb. 9 12:45 p.m. Film Sponsor Marsha & Gary Blum and Debbie & Jim Shmerling

This witty, spirited and action-packed adventure follows Nono, a boy on the brink of his bar mitzvah who has a rich imagination and a knack for getting into trouble. Nono is a wide-eyed, unusually perceptive kid who wants to be just like his dad, Jacob - the world’s best and most amazing detective. After a series of incidents born of Nono's transgressive behavior, he is sent away to his uncle. However, the train ride provides an adventure of its own. Nono meets his father’s arch-nemesis, notorious criminal Felix Glick, and puts his detective skills to work as he heads to the French Riviera, where Felix introduces Nono to seductive nightclub chanteuse, Lola Ciperola. As Nono begins to piece together clues that point to the true identity of Felix and Lola, a larger truth—what really happened to his late mother, becomes evident. Colorado Premiere Selected Awards & Festivals 2013 Kyoto International Children’s Film Festival (Grand Prix Award); 2013 European Film Academy (Winner - Young Audience Award); 2013 ANDkids World Film Festival (Audience Award - Best Feature); 2013 San Francisco Jewish Film Festival (Opening Night Film)


(303) 316-6360 • www.maccjcc.org


My German Friend (Mi Amigo Aléman) Director and Writer: Jeanine Meerapfel 2012/Germany, Argentina/100 minutes/Drama/Romance Spanish/German with English subtitles

Sunday, Feb. 9 3 p.m. Film Sponsor Ellen & Scott Robinson

In her latest feature film, Jeanine Meerapfel tells the story of deep love in a time of political upheaval and historical change. Living cheek by jowl in Argentina in the 1950s are Jews and Nazis, who have fled Europe and been thrown together again in a foreign country. Sulamit, the daughter of GermanJewish emigrants from Germany, lives next door to Friedrich, a German boy whose parents escaped to Argentina after the war. Sulmit and Friedrich quickly form a strong attachment. However when Friedrich learns that his father was a high-ranking officer in the SS, he breaks with his family and moves to Germany, becoming involved in radical politics. Sulamit follows him and romance briefly blossoms, but Friedrich’s commitment to political action leads him back to Argentina, and great danger. My German Friend is a potent examination of the bonds and divisions affecting Germans in Argentina— where both Holocaust survivors and Nazi war criminals make their home. Colorado Premiere Selected Awards & Festivals UK Jewish Film Festival; Toronto Jewish Film Festival; ICA Boston 2013 National Center for Jewish Films; Audi Festival of German Films in Australia



The Wonders (Pláot)

Director: Avi Nesher 2013/Israel/112 minutes/Mystery/Romance/Comedy Hebrew with English subtitles

Sunday, Feb. 9 5:30 p.m. Film Sponsor Julie & Saul Schwarz

Avi Nesher (director, The Matchmaker, DJFF 2011) describes his new film The Wonders as “Lewis and Carroll meet Carol Reed.” Indeed, he successfully weaves together strands of mystery, religion, comedy and romance to create a unique and compelling feature. The story focuses on Arnav, a graffiti artist and bartender, who lives near the Old City of Jerusalem. When Arnav sees a heavily cloaked stranger forced into an abandoned apartment by three bearded men, he soon becomes involved with a hard-boiled investigator, a seductive redhead, and the mysterious captive himself. This captive, Rabbi Knafo, leads a cult of devoted followers who believe he is a modern prophet with the ability to foretell the future. Arnav, who can resist anything but temptation, finds himself fascinated by Knafo and by the conundrums that surround him. Arnav is drawn into a world where fact and fiction, reality and imagination mingle freely: down the Rabbit Hole that is Jerusalem. Colorado Premiere Selected Awards & Festivals Toronto International Film Festival


(303) 316-6360 • www.maccjcc.org


Eagles (Orlovi) Director: Dror Sabo 2012/Israel/89 minutes/Drama Hebrew with English subtitles

Sunday, Feb. 9 8:15 p.m. Film Sponsor Sharon & Jeff Haber

Now in their 80s, best friends Ephraim and Moshka are disillusioned with the world. Veterans of the 1948 War of Independence, they spend their days talking about the Israel that might have been and expressing their frustration at not just being disrespected, but completely ignored. Everything changes when the two witness a hit-and-run accident caused by a young man in front of a café. Ephraim recognizes the victim as his old friend Tamara and long buried secrets are awoken. A disgust for the young man’s lack of concern fueled by their simmering anger result in the two veterans setting out to teach the younger generation a lesson about moral values and social responsibilities. Part romantic thriller, part vigilante call to action, old rivalries between Ephraim and Moshka rise to the surface along with a secret that threatens their long friendship. Eagles is an anti-war piece incorporating commentary on contemporary values and flashbacks to the idealism of 1948. Colorado Premiere Selected Awards & Festivals 2012 Toronto International Film Festival; 2013 Belgrade International Film Festival (Best Film); 2013 Hong Kong International Film Festival; 2013 Palm Springs International Film Festival



In the Shadow (Ve Stinu) Director and Writer: David Ondricek 2012/Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland/106 minutes/Film Noir, Thriller Drama Czech/Polish/German with English subtitles

Czech Republic entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 2012 Academy Awards

Monday, Feb. 10 8 p.m. Film Sponsor Krista & Mark Boscoe and Ryley Carlock & Applewhite

Set in the former Czechoslovakia amid dramatic events of the 1950s, this suspenseful crime drama follows honest police captain Hakl and his investigation of a seemingly mundane robbery at a goldsmith's shop. On the orders of State Security, Hakl's investigation is taken over by Major Zenke, an East German specialist, who has been ordered to "prove" the dubious claim that the gold was stolen by the Jewish community to finance Zionist terrorism. However, the experienced Hakl's instincts put him on the path of an altogether different story, one that runs counter to that of his state-sanctioned superiors. Can just one man stand up to the forces of an increasingly oppressive state? Director David Ondricek based his screenplay on an idea first developed by his father, the great cinematographer Miroslav Ondricek (Amadeus, Ragtime), and the parallels to the infamous SlĂĄnskĂ˝ show trials. In the Shadow intriguingly grafts a film noir sensibility to a time of great political tension in the former Czechoslovakia to create an absorbing, resonant thriller. Selected Films & Festivals 2013 Czech Lions Film Festival (9 awards); 2013 Palm Springs International Film Festival (Director to Watch); Phoenix Film Festival (Coppor Wing Award); San Francisco Jewish Film Festival


(303) 316-6360 • www.maccjcc.org


Special Interview (Béayon Meyuchald–HaSeret)

Tuesday, Feb. 11 5:30 p.m. Film Sponsor Anna & John J. Sie Foundation

Director and Writer: Nitzan Rozenberg 2012/Israel,USA/55 minutes/Documentary Hebrew/English with English subtitles

Special Interview follows Israeli reporters Efrat Dotan, who has Down’s Syndrome, and Matanel Bitton, who has developmental disabilities. Trained by the Association for Mentally & Physically Challenged Children in Israel (SHALVA), the young journalists interview many prominent personalities, including Israel’s President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Their dream, however, is to interview American President Barak Obama. Stereotypes are dispelled as these two earnest reporters share their eloquence, charisma, and disarming conversational style with audiences. Colorado Premiere Selected Awards & Festivals 2013 WorldFest Houston (Silver Remi Award); 2013 Calgary Jewish Film Festival; 2013 Zagreb Jewish Film Festival, Festival of Tolerance - Croatia; 2013 Detective International Film Festival, Moscow; 2013 Sole e Luna International Film Festival, Italy; Santa Fe Jewish Film Festival



When Pigs Have Wings (Le Cochon de Gaza) Director: Sylvain Estibal 2011/France,Germany,Belgium/98 minutes/Comedy English/Arabic/Hebrew with English subtitles

Tuesday, February 11 7:30 p.m. Film Sponsor Emily Roet Realty & the Law Office of Michael Goodman

The fates of a pot-bellied pig and a down-on-his-luck Palestinian fisherman become literally entangled in When Pigs Have Wings, a clever comedic parable of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Following a storm at sea, the hapless Jafaar (a humanistic performance by Sasson Gabay) finds a 100-pound pig in his fishing net. His initial efforts to dispose of the oversized swine – first to a United Nations official, then to a Russian-Jewish farm worker– only complicate his life, while providing plenty of fodder for sight gags. A dark comedic comic tone emerges later when the increasingly desperate Jafaar steps into a political and religious minefield, running afoul of local Islamist militants. A former reporter who covered the Middle East, first-time director Sylvain Estibal draws on his keen eye for the region’s absurdities and class disparities, skewering both sides of the conflict equally. Colorado Premiere Selected Awards & Festivals 2012 Cesar (Best First Film); 2013 Atlanta Jewish Film Festival; Tokyo International Film Festival (Audience Award)


(303) 316-6360 • www.maccjcc.org


Hanna’s Journey (Hannas Reise) Director: Julia Von Heinz 2013/Germany,Israel/99 minutes/Romance Hebrew/German/English

Wednesday, Feb. 12 1:30 p.m. New Weekday Matinee! Film Sponsor Sandy Wolf and Priscella Press

For Hanna, the Holocaust is history, no longer relevant outside the classroom. Her reasons for coming to Israel are selfish: a few months "doing something good for the Jews" would look great on her resume and help her career. Eager to prove herself, she is initially taken aback by the attitude of Itay, the Israeli social worker at her volunteer placement. He teases Hanna with Holocaust jokes and cynical comments about German history while openly flirting with her. Gradually Hanna develops an interest in both German history and the history of her own family, in part, because of her volunteer work with an elderly holocaust survivor. She also warms up to the man who first set her onto this path of self-discovery. Director Julia Von Heinz explains that the film analyses “the special relationship between third-generation Germans and Israelis since the Holocaust. Both are obsessed with the Holocaust since it has so essentially influenced their identities and, more than 60 years later, this shared history connects them in a way that also brings a certain closeness.” Colorado Premiere Selected Awards & Festivals 2013 Montreal World Film Festival (World Premiere); 2013 Haifa International Film Festival; Internationale Hofer Filmtage



Wherever You Go (Lean Sneat Nosaat) Director and Writer: Rony Sasson Angel 2011/Israel/40 minutes/Short/Thriller Hebrew/Arabic with English Subtitles Zuhara is on her way to her younger sister’s wedding, when she picks up Neriman, a young Bedouin hitchhiker escaping from an arranged marriage. As she unintentionally becomes an accomplice in Neriman’s struggle, Zuhara must confront her conflicted feelings toward her estrangement from her own family. A deeply-poignant and visually-striking road movie. Colorado Premiere

Wednesday, Feb. 12 5:30 p.m. Film Sponsor Celeste & Jack Grynberg

Selected Awards & Festivals Boston Jewish Film Festival; San Francisco Jewish Film Festival

Aya Director: Oded Binnum and Mihal Breziz 2012/Israel,France/40 minutes/Short/Drama English This gorgeous and poignant drama about two strangers who meet by a chance encounter at the airport features sublime performances by Sarah Adler and Danish star Ulrich Thomsen (star of the Oscar® winning film In a Better World). When Thomas Overby mistakenly believes Aya is his assigned driver, she spontaneously decides to go along with the charade and drives him to Jerusalem. A stiff and guarded pianist, Overby is intrigued by the impulsive though melancholy Aya. Colorado Premiere Selected Awards & Festivals Winner Best Short Feature at the Ophir Awards (Israel’s Oscars)



(303) 316-6360 • www.maccjcc.org

The Third Half (Treto Poluvreme) Director: Darko Mitrevski 2012/ Republic of Macedonia, Czech Republic, USA/113 minutes/Drama Macedonia/German/Ladina/Bulgarian/English/Serbian

Wednesday, Feb. 12 7:30 p.m. Film Sponsor Joanne & Art Kleinstein

Inspired by real events, The Third Half is a moving story of love and loyalty during wartime explored through the prism of a country’s passion for soccer. In Macedonia, in 1941, Kosta, a cocky soccer player falls in love with Rebecca, a beautiful Jewish woman from a wealthy family. When they decide to marry, her father disowns her. As war rages on their borders, most Macedonians remain cocooned in a world of patriotic pleasures. Everyone longs for Kosta’s team, Macedonia FC, to catch a winning streak. To facilitate their chances, their manager hires the legendary German-Jewish striker-turned-coach Rudolph Spitz. But when the Nazis occupy Macedonia and start deporting Jews, Kosta and his teammates must summon the courage to stand up for what’s right. Director Mitrevski notes, “I was seeking witnesses of various historic periods for a TV series when someone mentioned Mrs. Neta Koen. I found myself in her apartment listening to her stories: She was one of the few Holocaust survivors in Macedonia, a country in which 98% of the Jewish population was brutally wiped out during the WWII.” Her story inspired this movie. Colorado Premiere Selected Awards & Festivals Macedonia’s submission for Best Foreign Film 95th Academy Awards; Moscow Film Festival; 9th European Film Festival (Audience Award)



Reporting on the Times: The New York Times and the Holocaust Director: Emily L. Harrold 2012/USA/18 minutes/Documentary Short English

Thursday, Feb. 13 5:30 p.m. Film Sponsor Marilyn & Dr. Jerry Kopelman

A fascinating short subject documentary by student filmmaker Emily Harrold, the film explores how the New York Times handled reports of the Holocaust during World War II. It also investigates why The Times, a Jewish owned newspaper, buried more than one thousand articles in its back pages. Was it simply an oversight? Or did the publishers and editors fear an American anti-Semitic backlash? Through interviews and testimony of a Holocaust survivor, historians, and New York Times journalists, Reporting on The Times encourages audiences to re-evaluate America’s place as ‘The Great Liberator.’ Denver Premiere

Before the Revolution (Lifnei Hámaatcha) Director: Dan Shadur; Producer: Barak Heymann 2013/Israel/60 minutes/Documentary Hebrew/English

This documentary thriller describes the last days of the luxury and privilege enjoyed by the Israeli community in Tehran on the eve of the Islamic Revolution of 1979. The director, Dan Shadur, uses rare archival footage, family movies and interviews with former diplomats, Mossad agents and businessmen, to reveal the Persian paradise as a breeding ground for corrupt business deals in the thriving oil and weapons trades. This deeply personal film challenges the ‘selective amnesia’ of this clandestine chapter in Israeli/Iranian relations and tells a story of unprecedented social and religious upheaval. Colorado Premiere Selected Awards & Festivals 2013 San Francisco Jewish Film Festival; 2013 Doc Aviv Film Festival; 2013 Hamptons International Film Festival



(303) 316-6360 • www.maccjcc.org

Aftermath (Poklosie) Director: Thomas Farone 2013/Poland,Holland,Russia,Slovakia/104 minutes/Drama/Thriller Polish with English Subtitles

Thursday, Feb. 13 7:30 p.m. Film Sponsor Carol & Irwin Wagner

A suspenseful story about Franek Kalina, a Polish man living in the US who begrudgingly returns to his hometown in the rural Polish countryside where his brother Jozef maintains their family farm. Franek discovers that Jozek has been ostracized from the community and constantly receives abuse and threats from the local population. In addition, Jozek has a strange, newfound fascination with the village's former Jewish inhabitants. As Franek and Jozek struggle to rebuild their relationship, they are drawn into a gothic tale of intrigue. The two brothers eventually uncover a dark secret that forces them to confront the history of their family and their hometown. Upon its release in Poland, Aftermath received acclaim and also generated intense controversy. Polish nationals have accused the film of being antiPolish propaganda, as well as a distortion of a sensitive piece of Polish history, leading the film to be banned in some Polish cinemas. The Hollywood Reporter called Aftermath “…the most controversial film in Polish history.” Denver Premiere Selected Awards & Festivals 2013 Jerusalem Film Festival (Yad Vashem Chairman’s Award); Polish Film Academy- Eagle Awards; San Francisco Jewish Film Festival; 2012 Gdynia Film Festival (Critics Prize); 2013 Boston Jewish Film Festival; UK Jewish Film Festival; 2013 Toronto Film Festival; Chicago International Film Festival



The Other Son (L’Fil de L'Autre) Saturday, Feb. 15 6:30 p.m. Film Sponsor Marcia & Bernie Karshmer

Director: Lorraine Levy 2012/France,Israel/105 minutes/Drama French/Arabic/Hebrew How would one go about approaching the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a way that transcends the history and politics and delves deeper into our shared humanity? Not an easy task, but one that writer-director Lorraine Levy has achieved in the remarkable film, The Other Son. The parents of Israeli teen Joseph discover that he is not their biological son and was switched at birth with the child of a Palestinian family. The lives of both families are shattered by this revelation and they are forced to reconsider their identities, values and beliefs. Selected Awards & Festivals 2012 Tribeca Film Festival; Tokyo Film Festival (Grand Prize and Best Director), St. Louis Jewish Film Festival; Jerusalem Jewish Film Festival; San Francisco Jewish Film Festival




GRAND FINALE Altina Director Peter Sanders 2012/USA/78 minutes/Documentary English

Saturday, Feb. 15 9 p.m. Followed by Grand Finale Reception Film Sponsor Susan Mathews together with Michael Berman, Kelly Birner, Ron Feldman, Wendy Handler, Janet Robinson, Lisa Wicklund, Ron Martinez, and Fuller Sotheby’s International Realty Guest Speaker Director Peter Sanders


Seductive but not beautiful, Altina Schinasi (1907—1999) cruised through life as an unbridled heiress in search of a cause. Born in a New York mansion to a Sephardic Jew, who became a tobacco tycoon, her guarded childhood did not predict the flagrant audacity of her sexually liberated art or the uninhibited imagination of her Harlequin eyeglasses that launched a fashion craze in the 1930s. Free of academicism and confident in her keen intellect, she crafted fragments of her life into sculptures that define her surreal and original world. Her whimsical art was also anchored in social issues; her film on George Grosz took on the Holocaust, earning her an Oscar nomination; she befriended Martin Luther King and supported his struggle; and during the Red Scare she did not hesitate to hide one of the Hollywood Ten. “She had many different lives; she was always reinventing herself,” says Peter Sanders, director and grandson of Altina. Colorado Premiere Selected Awards & Festivals 2013 Toronto Jewish Film Festival (David A. Stein Award for Best Director and Best Documentary Film); 2012 Sarasota Film Festival


Putzel Director: Jason Chaet 2012/USA/88 minutes/Comedy/Romance English

Sunday, Feb. 16 10:30 a.m. Film Sponsor Joan & Abbott Wallis, Bold Earth Teen Adventures

For some, life is an adventure filled with opportunities to excel and places to explore. For Walter Himmelstein (Jake Carpenter) a young man, endearingly known as Putzel, life literally doesn’t go beyond his family’s fish store and his community on the upper west side of Manhattan. In this heartwarming comedy, Walter's aspirations of taking over his uncle’s smoked fish emporium are disrupted by the arrival of Sally (Melanie Lynskey of TV’s Two and a Half Men”), who becomes romantically involved with his about-to-retire married uncle (his wife Gilda is played by “Curb Your Enthusiasm” star Susie Essman). While Walter tries to thwart their romance in order to ensure his taking over the business, he finds his circumscribed life thrown off kilter, and, after years of being undermined by his family and friends, he finally starts to realize his full potential. With Sally’s help, Walter confronts his fears and proves he is more than a Putzel. You’ll never see smoked lox the same way again! Colorado Premiere Selected Awards & Festivals Palm Springs International Film Festival; Phoenix Film Festival (Best Picture); Prescott Film Festival (Best Screenplay); Los Angeles Jewish Film Festival; Woodstock Film Festival


(303) 316-6360 • www.maccjcc.org


Sukkah City Sunday, Feb. 16 12:45 p.m. Film Sponsor Paul Gillis

Director: Jason Hutt 2013/USA/67 minutes/Documentary English Sukkah City chronicles the 2010 design competition and exhibition conceived of by bestselling author Joshua Foer that explored the creative potential of the ancient Jewish sukkah and culminated in the construction of 12 radically designed sukkahs that were shown to the public in New York City’s Union Square. The film goes behind the scenes with the Jury that narrows the field from 600 submissions, the construction, and the actual exhibition to provide an entertaining and inspiring portrait of the project’s visionary architects, planners and structures and celebrates an exciting, singular moment in the American Jewish experience. Colorado Premiere Selected Awards & Festivals 2013 Vancouver Jewish Film Festival; 2013 Boston Jewish Film Festival; 2013 Jerusalem International Film Festival (World Premiere); 2013 San Francisco Jewish Film Festival (US Premiere); 2013 Philadelphia Jewish Film Festival



Dancing in Jaffa Director: Hilla Medalia 2013/USA/Israel, Palestine/84 minutes/Documentary English/Arabic/Hebrew

Sunday, Feb. 16 3 p.m. Film Sponsor Dr. Hilary & Rabbi Eliot Baskin, All About Braces

After decades abroad, renowned ballroom dancer Pierre Dulaine returns to his hometown of Jaffa, Israel, nostalgic for the streets of his youth but nervous and dismayed by the strong current of racial animosity that now serves as the norm. Fueled by his belief in dancing’s power to build self-esteem and social awareness, Dulaine brings his popular Dancing Classrooms program to three diverse, Jaffa-based schools where he teaches ballroom basics to the ethnically mixed population of children. Dulaine selects the most focused dancers to train for a citywide competition, pairing Palestinians with Jews, which tests the beliefs of the children and, more pointedly, those of their parents. As Dulaine’s passion for dance and no-nonsense style of teaching rubs off on the reluctant children, the competition offers the perfect window into their lives. Dancing in Jaffa is a sweet and incredibly moving tale filled with moments of truth, poignancy and humor, offering a glimmer of hope in the intractable conflict. Colorado Premiere Selected Awards & Festivals San Francisco Jewish Film Festival; 2013 Tribeca Film Festival (Official Selection); U.K. Jewish Film Festival


(303) 316-6360 • www.maccjcc.org


White Panther (Pantar Lavan) Director: Danni Reisfeld 2013/Israel/99 minutes/Drama Hebrew/Russian with English Subtitles The deceptively peaceful Sea of Galilee is the backdrop for this story of violence, hope and the rebirth of a young man and of the people who love him.

Sunday, Feb. 16 5:30 p.m. Film Sponsor Ricky & Don Safer and Joyce & Gary Pashel

In the 1990s a million Jews from the USSR arrived in Israel. These immigrants dreamed of a better future but were often shunned by the local population who were suspicious of the newcomers. While many of the immigrants embraced the Israeli lifestyle, others became angry and shut themselves off in self-made Russian ghettoes. White Panther is the story of Alex, a young Russian immigrant, whose family falls apart after his father dies while serving in the Israeli army. In retaliation Alex joins a Russian gang led by his older brother. An unexpected meeting with David, a religious Moroccan Jew, gives Alex a chance to pursue his longtime dream of becoming a boxer like his father. Alex finds himself torn between his two father figures – the violent older brother and the new Jewish trainer –until he finds out the truth about those he so admires. Colorado Premiere Selected Awards & Festivals 2013 Jerusalem Film Festival (Feature Competition); 2013 Montreal World Film Festival; Nominated for a 2013 Ophir Award



Out In The Dark (Alata/Dhalam) Director and Guest Speaker: Michael Mayer 2013/Israel,USA,Palestine/96 minutes/Drama/Romance Hebrew/Arabic with English subtitles

Sunday, Feb. 16 8 p.m. Film Sponsor Dan Recht & Rick Kornfeld, Recht Kornfeld, P.C. Guest Speaker Director Michael Mayer

When sweet and handsome grad student Nimr sneaks away from his Palestinian family one night to dance with friends in a Tel Aviv gay nightclub, he knows he is courting danger on both sides of the separation barrier. His sexuality must be kept hidden at home, while his nationality makes him illegal in Israel. The stakes get perilously higher when he meets Roy, a charming Tel Aviv lawyer, and they begin a secret, ardent cross-border affair. Firsttime feature director Michael Mayer sets his taut drama of dangerous love against a backdrop of increasingly hostile relations between Israelis and Palestinians, but the politics never upstage the heartfelt human story of young lovers (echoes of Romeo and Juliet) trying to forge a connection against all odds. As the tension mounts, both men must confront what they are willing to sacrifice in order to overcome their differences. In politics as well as in love, this is the burning, unresolved question. Colorado Premiere Selected Awards & Festivals 2012 Toronto International Film Festival (Best Picture); 2012 Haifa International Film Festival (Best Picture); 2013 Sydney Gay & Lesbian Film Festival (Winner); 2013 Pittsburg Jewish Film Festival (Audience Award); 2013 Berlin Jewish Film Festival (Audience Award); 2013 Toronto LGBT Film Festival (Special Jury Award); Chicago International Film Festival


(303) 316-6360 • www.maccjcc.org

The 18th Denver Jewish Film Festival is made possible through the generosity of the following corporate and non-profit sponsors:

Mizel Arts and Culture Center

macc at the jcc


Audience Choice Award Sponsored by Hyla and Howard Greinetz



18th Denver Jewish Film Festival Seating Policy

All Seating is Reserved Unlike most film events, our festival has a reserved seating policy which works much like any live theatre or concert event, where each patron has an individually numbered seat for each film. This means that if patrons are seeing multiple films, they may need to move seats after each showing. Patrons that purchase tickets in advance may request the same seat (if it is available), but they will need to exit the theatre and present their ticket separately for each film. Reserve a specific seat each time you purchase a ticket. Visit the website at www.maccjcc.org/film to view a chart of available seating for each film. Doors will open 20 minutes prior to each screening. Please come early so you can locate your seat number and row. Latecomers will be seated at the discretion of the ushers. The theatre will be emptied after each screening in order to clean and conduct a sound check for the next film. Please help us keep the festival running on time by leaving the theatre promptly. Handicapped seating is available. To reserve handicapped seating please contact the box office at (303) 316-6360. Free parking for the DJFF is available in other MACC/JCC lots to the south and west of our venue; street parking on Dahlia, Alameda and the neighborhood to the north of our location is also free.



(303) 316-6360 • www.maccjcc.org

1 8 t h DJ F F P R I N T SO U R C ES The Jewish Cardinal Film Movement Rebeca Conget rebeca@filmmovement.com Closed Season Atlas International mail@atlasfilm.com Hunting Elephants Bleiberg Entertainment info@bleibergent.com Defiant Requiem The Brakefield Company Shawna L. Brakefield shawna@thebrakefieldcompany.com Bethlehem Adopt Films, LLC Jeff Lipsky Jeff@Lipsky.net Cupcakes Films Distribution Sanam Madjedi info@filmsdistribution.com The ZigZag Kid Menemsha Films Neil Friedman neilf@menemshafilms.com


My German Friend Corinth Films john@corinthfilms.com The Wonders IsraeliFilms info@israelifilms.co.il In The Shadow IsraeliFilms info@israelifilms.co.il Special Interview Ruth Diskin Films ruth@ruthfilms.com When Pigs Have Wings Eric Di Bernardo eric@rialtopictures.com Rialto Pictures Hanna’s Journey Media Luna New Films Ida Martins idamartins@medialuna.biz Wherever You Go 7th Art Releasing seventhart@7thart.com Aya IsraeliFilms info@israelifilms.co.il

The Third Half The Little Film Company Riaya Aboulela riaya.aboulela@gmail.com

Putzel Stouthearted Films Rick Moore rickyamoore@gmail.com

Reporting on the Times: The New York Times and The Holocaust LynnWood Pictures Emily Harrold harroldemily@gmail.com

Sukkah City Oxbow Lake Films Jason Hutt jasonscotthutt@hotmail.com

Before the Revolution Heymann Brothers Films office@heymann-films.com

Dancing In Jaffa IFC Films Liz Horowitz Liz.Horowitz@ifcfilms.com

Aftermath Menemsha Films Neil Friedman neilf@menemshafilms.com

White Panther IsraeliFilms info@israelifilms.co.il

The Other Son Cohen Media Group Bill Thompson bill@cohenmedia.net Altina Eight Twelve Productions Peter Sanders petersanders@eighttwelve productions.com

Out In The Dark M-Appeal berlinoffice@m-appeal.com


18th DENVER JEWISH FILM FESTIVAL FESTIVAL SPONSOR Wagner Wealth Management EXECUTIVE PRODUCER Udi’s Foods PRODUCER Joanne Singer OPENING NIGHT SPONSOR Ellen Beller GRAND FINALE SPONSOR Susan Mathews, Michael Berman, Kelly Birner, Ron Feldman, Wendy Handler, Janet Robinson, Lisa Wicklund, Ron Martinez and Fuller Sotheby’s International Realty MOVIE STARS: Vicki & David Dansky, Jordon & Essie Perlmutter, Lisa & Shell Cook, Lisa & Jay Perlmutter and Lisa & Jonathan Perlmutter Mark & Krista Boscoe and Ryley Carlock & Applewhite Kathy & Arthur Judd Strear Family Foundation

FILM BUFFS: Emily Roet Realty & the Law Office of Michael Goodman Anna & John J. Sie Foundation Julie & Saul Schwarz Celeste & Jack Grynberg Erica Singer Susan & Bob Wagner Diane & Jack Zelinger Carol & Irwin Wagner Joanne & Art Kleinstein Joyce & Gary Pashel Marilyn & Dr. Jerry Kopelman Priscella Press Debbie & Jim Shmerling Marcia & Bernie Karshmer Lynda Goldstein Margery Goldman Marsha & Gary Blum Dr. Hilary & Rabbi Eliot Baskin, All About Braces Dan Recht & Rick Kornfeld, Recht Kornfeld, P.C. Paul Gillis Joan & Abbott Wallis, Bold Earth Teen Adventures Sandy Wolf Ricky & Don Safer Hyla & Howard Greinetz Roberta & Mel Klein The Standard

Ellen & Scott Robinson MorEvents (Betsy and Gareth Heyman)


MACC Board of Directors Elaine Tinter, Chair Joanne Singer, Treasurer Kathy Judd, Secretary Ellen Beller Sharon Haber Terry Heller Marcia Karshmer Kathy Neustadt Jeffrey Reiss Dottie Resnick Carol Wagner Dana Melmed Friedman Don Safer

Mizel Arts and Culture Center

MACC STAFF Executive Artistic Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steve Wilson Festivals Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ely Hemnes Production Manager & Assistant and Director, Wolf Theatre Academy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Emily MacIntyre Technical Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Erock Administrative Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brynn Starr Sater Administrative Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kellie Lambert Ceramics Studio Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vicky Smith Art Academy Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carol Redmond Gallery Curator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Simon Zalkind Marketing Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Megan O’Connor Assistant Marketing Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lisa Korsen Creative Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jeff Bee Graphic Designer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jeff Hoffman Volunteer Coordinator & House Manager. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tom Kobes Mizel Arts and Culture Center



at the jcc

at the jcc





JAAMM F E S T I VA L Jewish Arts, Authors, Movies, Music

October 23—November 9, 2014 A celebration of Jewish culture featuring dynamic art, authors, books, movies, music, dance and theatre events.

Winner of the Henry Award* for “Outstanding Children’s Theatre!” MACC & Denver Children’s Theatre Present

Rumpelstiltskin Adapted for the Stage by Mike Kenny Directed by Billie McBride

Is Your Child Bursting with Creative Energy?

March 9 – April 27, 2014 Weekday Shows for Groups, 10 a.m. and Sunday Shows for Families, 1 p.m. (no performances 4/20)


Tickets & Info: www.maccjcc.org or (303) 316-6360

MACC provides year-round theatre and art classes for children grades PreK–12! Explore possibilities such as Creative Dramatics, Playmaking & Set Design, Pottery & Sculpture, Painting, Cartooning, Performance Workshops and much more! Mizel Arts and Culture Center

There are still openings for winter/spring classes and registration for our popular summer classes starts soon.

Mizel Arts and Culture Center


macc at the jcc

at the jcc

For more information visit www.maccjcc.org or call (303) 316-6360. MACC at the JCC • 350 S. Dahlia St., Denver, CO *Colorado’s version of the Tony Award

Also, ask about our Adult Art Academy classes!

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Mark H. Boscoe Attorney Estate Planning, Taxation, Business mboscoe@rclaw.com (303) 813-6744

Mark is deeply involved in the community. From the Allied Jewish Federation of Colorado to the Colorado Agency for Jewish Education; the Rocky Mountain Chapter of the Anti-Defamation League to the Denver Jewish Film Following a 20-year career at an Festival; BMH-BJ Synagogue to the international law firm, Mark Boscoe Rocky Mountain Jewish Historical joined Isaacson Rosenbaum P.C. Society, he makes results matter. In 2011, Mark and the other leaders of Isaacson Rosenbaum joined Mark Boscoe is in the Business Ryley Carlock & Applewhite. of Solutions Today, Mark serves clients in Estate Planning, Taxation and Business.

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Bellerglass.com Photo by Eric Stephenson

Mizel Arts & Culture Center at the JCC 350 S. Dahlia St., Denver, CO 80246-8102



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