JCC MetroWest Gala

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Welcome to the JCC MetroWest Gala ’ L Dor V’Dor ­. From Generation to Generation Our Distinguished Honorees JCC MetroWest is pleased to honor Ruth & Marty Barber for their longstanding dedication to the MetroWest Jewish community and committed service to JCC MetroWest. Marty serves as Secretary of the Board of Trustees of JCC Metro West and is also a linchpin of our Finance and Executive Committees. Simultaneously, he serves as Vice President of the Jewish Community Housing Corporation Board. The Jewish community has benefited from Marty’s lifetime of service, as he has been President of the Jewish Community Foundation of MetroWest, President of Temple Beth Shalom, Vice President of Daughters of Israel, Treasurer of UJC MetroWest (now Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest), and Vice President of the American Jewish Congress. The secular community has also benefited from Marty’s talents, as he has served as a member of the New Jersey State Board of Higher Education, Treasurer of the Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs of Newark, and Treasurer of the Liberty Park Monument Committee. Ruth serves on the Board of Women’s Philanthropy and is a member of the Israel Program Center Committee. She has been a member of the Board of Trustees of UJC, co-chaired the Lion of Judah Sapphire category, is a past Board member of the Community Relations Committee and Jewish Education Association, and is a past Vice President of Business & Professional Women. Both Marty and Ruth have forged successful professional careers in addition to their distinguished records of community service. Marty is currently an officer at DanJon Management Corporation, a real estate management company, and is a founding partner of Wiss and Company, LLP Certified Public Accountants. He retired from Wiss in 1996. Ruth has had a distinguished career as an educator. Marty and Ruth are the proud parents of three children and six brilliant grandchildren.

Neeli & Michael Margolis, our distinguished honorees, have touched so many lives through their leadership in the MetroWest community and committed service to JCC MetroWest. Michael has served on the JCC MetroWest Board of Trustees since 2012. He is a Managing Director in Roth Capital Partners’ Healthcare Investment Banking Group. He also serves on the Advisory Board of Fairleigh Dickinson University’s School of Pharmacy. In the local community, Michael volunteers as a manager for the Livingston Travel Soccer Program. Neeli has been a member of the JCC MetroWest Board of Trustees since 2010. She was the first organizer and Chairperson for JCC MetroWest’s annual Toast of the Town event and continues to serve on its committee. She is also an active volunteer at the Burnet Hill Elementary School Home and School Association. Neeli is an attorney with her own practice, focusing on Divorce and Family Mediation. Neeli and Michael are members of Temple Beth Shalom and Ahavat Torah­—Chabad at Short Hills, as well as Cedar Hill Golf & Country Club. Their daughter, Maya, currently attends the JCC MetroWest Early Childhood Program. Their sons, Adam and Nate, are JCC preschool graduates.

Dear Friends, We have just finished celebrating the holiday of Passover, a holiday demonstrating the importance of L’Dor V’Dor, from Generation to Generation, for the Jewish People. Time and again, this beautiful concept, symbolizing survival and continuity, is central to Jewish lives. And so is it central to the JCC. This JCC has survived and thrived because generations of leaders engaged younger leaders who engaged younger leaders. Tonight we honor two couples who have done just that, and have done it in a remarkable way. Marty and Ruth Barber are pinnacles of our MetroWest community. They are people who daily commit acts of loving kindness, in their low-key way. They are not satisfied with the here and now, but strive to ensure that our future is a strong one. Truly, they are role models of what it means to be a builder for future generations. Neeli and Michael Margolis represent that next generation. A longtime JCC family, they have worked tirelessly to strengthen this J, to engage other younger families, and to ensure our programs remain top quality. Full of ideas, they push us and challenge us, as all younger generations should, to remain fresh and excellent. A successful organization needs both generations—the wisdom of the acknowledged leaders and the excitement of the emerging leaders. We are absolutely thrilled that Marty and Ruth and Neeli and Michael have honored the J with all their hard work, ideas, leadership, and heart. It is with a great source of pride that we honor them tonight. Thank you for leading us from strength to strength. 

Joyce Goldstein Co-Chair, Board of Trustees

Lawrence Gotfried Co-Chair, Board of Trustees

Dear Friends, Tonight we gather together to celebrate the joy of the generational transition of leadership that validates the vibrancy of our agency, recognizes the wisdom and dedication of those who have led the way to today, and revels in the commitment of an emerging leadership that will guide our agency and our community to a bright and fulfilling future. “Hineh mah tov u’mahnayim shevet achim gam yachad”­—Behold how wonderful and how pleasing it is when we sit together—as the Jewish People—in absolute unity and togetherness. Our JCC is the place where we can transcend silos and become engaged in intra-group learning, socialization, recreation and celebration as a part of a broader Jewish community. This pluralistic gathering space emulates, updates and continues the time-honored Jewish tradition of making available a communal assembly space, which in today’s Jewish world encourages us to value the difference of others, while we unite under a common banner. Our JCC is where the question, “What kind of Jew are you?” may elicit a response of, “I’m just Jewish.” It is a place where we innately comprehend that our “strength” is our diversity and our “glue” is our Peoplehood. We want to thank each and every one of you for joining us this evening as we celebrate the gift of leadership personified by the Barbers and Margolises, the joy of Yom Ha’Atzmaut and the critical role our agency plays in the framework of our community. “Hineh mah tov u’mahnayim shevet achim gam yachad.” It truly is wonderful to share tonight with you! 

Alan Feldman Chief Executive Officer

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May we continue To have the strength To help our people for many Years to come‌ We are humbled by and Deeply grateful for this honor. Ruth & Marty Barber

“Just as others planted for me, I plant for future generations.� The Talmud Marty and Ruth Thank you for all that nudging, cajoling, supporting, and setting us on the right path. You are the greatest gardeners ever! Neeli and Michael Thank you for picking up those gardening tools and helping the JCC continue to plant. Joyce & Neil Goldstein

“It is only through joining a community that our work becomes universal and eternal� Samuel Rayfield Hirsch Mazel Tov to Ruth and Marty Barber Neeli and Michael Margolis Whose hard work, dedication and selfless commitment to our JCC is an inspiration to us all. Sharon & Stephen Seiden

We are so honored by your generosity toward JCC Metrowest, an organization that means so much to us, our family and our community. We are humbled to share this evening with Ruth and Marty Barber, who continue to inspire us all with their commitment and service to our JCC. Thank you to Sharon and Steve Seiden, Felice and Jonathan Flitt, and the entire Gala Committee for all your hard work and dedication in making this evening a success. We are proud to be a part of the JCC Metrowest Family. Thank you for sharing this wonderful evening with us. Neeli and Michael Margolis

Congratulations to all of Our Honorees. Marty and Ruth Thank you for your years Of involvement and continued commitment to our Jewish Community The Murnick Family

Mazel Tov! Ruth and Marty Barber Neeli and Michael Margolis and JCC MetroWest Many thanks for your Continuing dedication and good work. With our sincere appreciation, The Riback Family

Our Deepest Gratitude to Ruth and Marty Barber For Their Spirited and Impactful Leadership for our community The Gebroe Family

Congratulations To the L’Dor V’Dor Gala Honorees Michael, Neeli, Marty and Ruth We Proudly Support the Good Work Of JCC MetroWest

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A G Li u b f o ri m i m .. c H h e a r m o p i o n

A Salute To JCC MetroWest And To The Honorees Ruth and Marty Barber And Neeli and Michael Margolis On Their Good Deeds Toby & Lee Cooperman

Ruth & Marty Commitment & Caring Without PEER Shirley Aidekman-Kaye & Ben Kaye Susan & Gary Aidekman

G A Li u b o f ri m i m. . c H h a e m r o p i o n

A G Li u b f o ri m i m .. c H h e a r m o p i o n

Congratulations to the Honorees Ruth and Marty Barber Neeli and Michael Margolis For your dedication and commitment to the JCC MetroWest and the Jewish community. May you go from strength to strength. Stacey & Gene Davis

We proudly support JCC MetroWest for the impact of their work on our community And Congratulate Ruth and Marty Barber and Neeli and Michael Margolis for leading the way Cynthia & Peter Liebman

G A Li u b o f ri m i m. . c H h a e m r o p i o n

A G Li u b f o ri m i m .. c H h e a r m o p i o n

Marty and Ruth Barber have been long- time supporters of Jewish organizations for virtually all their lives. We are privileged to have them and wish them the best of everything. Eileen & Robert Berkowitz

Congratulations to our Honorees The Wayne Family Stacy, Gary, Jesse & Nate

G A Li u b o f ri m i m. . c H h a e m r o p i o n

A G Li u b f o ri m i m .. c H h e a r m o p i o n

Wiss proudly supports

JCC MetroWest Congratulations to this year’s honorees...

Ruth & Marty Barber Neeli & Michael Margolis ACCOUNTANTS | ADVISORS

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G A Li u b o f ri m i m. . c H h a e m r o p i o n

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Neeli and Michael We are very excited to share this evening with you. We are very proud of your personal and professional accomplishments and how you utilize these qualities to serve the JCC community. In the Spirit of rodv rodl you are the perfect role models to Adam, Nate & Maya. We love you very much! Abba & Mom

A C L h u a f v ei m r i. m c. h a F m r pi ei o n n d

A C L h u a f v ei m r i . m . c h F a r m i p e i n o d n

Congratulations And Thank You! Ruth and Marty Barber Neeli and Michael Margolis And to the JCC MetroWest On Your Service And Dedication to Our Community Rita & Lawrence Gotfried

Ruth and Marty Barber Neeli and Michael Margolis Congratulations on this well-deserved honor. We truly appreciate your leadership and hard work. To the JCC...thank you for the important role you have played and continue to play in our lives. Amelia, Cory, Talia, Seth & Eliana Perlstein

A C L h u a f v ei m r i. m c. h a F m r pi ei o n n d

A C L h u a f v ei m r i . m . c h F a r m i p e i n o d n

Congratulations to our dear friends Neeli and Michael Margolis And special thanks to the JCC for bringing our families together. We are proud to share this special night. Taryn & Gavin Berelowitz Shira & Randall Rothschild

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A C L h u a f v ei m r i. m c. h a F m r pi ei o n n d

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A C L h u a fi i. m L . i f c e h a m p i o n

Congratulations Marty and Ruth Barber and Neeli and Michael Margolis We salute your service to our beloved JCC, at the center of our community for over 130 years. May it continue to touch lives for 130 more. Barbara & Scott Birnbaum


Ruth and Marty Barber Neeli and Michael Margolis on their well-deserved honors and Mazel Tov to our son

Stephen on becoming Chair of JCC Association Barbara & Norman Seiden

A C h L u a fi i. m L. i c f h e a m p i o n

A C L h u a fi i. m L . i f c e h a m p i o n

Congratulations Ruth and Marty Barber Best Wishes, Robert E. Murray

Ruth and Marty, Mazel Tov on this well-deserved honor. May you continue to go from strength to strength. Judy & Stewart Colton

A C h L u a fi i. m L. i c f h e a m p i o n

A C L h u a fi i. m L . i f c e h a m p i o n

MAZAL TOV to Ruth and Marty A fabulous couple who have made the community their primary focus!! You both exemplify what true leaders do–lead the way by example!! This honor is so deserving. “Thank You” for all that you do. MAZAL TOV to Neeli and Michael Young, enthusiastic, passionate, involved, creative, driven for success…I know we are in good hands for the future. Lawrence Rein

KUDOS to the Honorees From the Adelman/Salzman Family

A C h L u a fi i. m L. i c f h e a m p i o n

A C L h u a fi i. m L . i f c e h a m p i o n

Mazel tov to Ruth and Marty Neeli and Michael Thank you for all you do to shine a light on JCC MetroWest! Leslie & David Rosenthal

Allan Betau C o n t r a c t i n g , L L C

9 0 8 - 3 8 5 - 3 2 3 4

We applaud the efforts of the Barber and Margolis families and all those who help make JCC MetroWest a joyful and spirited “home” for so many. We put similar effort into each and every job we do— whether at your workplace, your home or at the JCC. Thank you for allowing us to be part of your community.

A C h L u a fi i. m L. i c f h e a m p i o n

A C L h u a fi i. m L . i f c e h a m p i o n

Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ and Jewish Community Foundation of Greater MetroWest NJ join JCC MetroWest in honoring

Ruth and Martin Barber You are stalwarts of the Jewish community and committed Zionists. Ruth, you are a member of the Legow Family Israel Program Center Committee and a past Board member of Women’s Philanthropy, in which you have chaired committees and events and continue to be deeply involved. Marty, you serve on several committees of Federation’s Board of Trustees, are a past president and current member of the JCF Board, and vice president of the Jewish Community Housing Corporation. This is in addition to serving as Board secretary of JCC MetroWest. a

Neeli and Michael Margolis As members of the Board of JCC MetroWest, you represent the next generation of JCC leaders. Lori Klinghoffer President, Federation

Max L. Kleinman Executive Vice President/ CEO, Federation

Leslie Dannin Rosenthal UJA Campaign Chair

Scott Krieger President, Foundation

Maxine B. Murnick President, Women’s Philanthropy


Your Center for Jewish Philanthropy VISIT US AT WWW.JFEDGMW.ORG

A C h L u a fi i. m L. i c f h e a m p i o n

“A wise man’s question contains half the answer” Solomon Ibn Gabirol ben Judah Ruth, Marty, Neeli and Michael Thanks for always asking the right questions. Chris & Alan Feldman

Ruth and Marty Barber Neeli and Michael Margolis We extend our deepest respect and gratitude for all of your time, dedication, and support you have shown our community. It is an honor to recognize you. With Warm Wishes, Allan & Debbie Janoff

Mazel Tov Nanny and Hoppy. Each and every day you embody the essence of L’Dor V’Dor, teaching by example the meaning and importance of Tikkun Olam, Tzedakah and Community. The next generations couldn’t be prouder of your well-deserved honor. We love you! Fran, Mike, Jess & Jenna Scott, Jennifer, Becky & Mikayla Meredith, Michael, Gabrielle & David

Warmest wishes to Ruth and Marty Barber Neeli and Michael Margolis Audrey and Norbert Gaelen Sharon and Steve Seiden Felice and Jonathan Flitt We all recognize the importance of our JCC. Judith Lieberman

Congratulations to Ruth and Marty Barber For their Support and commitment to JCC MetroWest Arthur & Cynthia Schechner

We extend great thanks to Marty and Ruth for all they have done for our community. Martin & Ahuva Gross

Mazel Tov to our wonderful children, Neeli and Michael Margolis On their recognition by the JCC. We love you and are very proud of you. Mom & Dad Rose & Richard Margolis

Dear Neeli and Michael, Mazel Tov on this well-deserved honor. Yasher Koach For Your Dedication and Commitment to JCC MetroWest and the Jewish community. May you continue to go from Strength to Strength. Frema & Ivan Sobel and Families

Mazel Tov to the Honorees Sheryl & Sam Pearlstein

Remembering a wonderful philanthropic gentleman

Lester Lieberman Helene & Marty Myers

“Who is honored? Those who honor their community.� Pirkei Avot Ruth and Marty Barber Neeli and Michael Margolis We applaud you for all you have done for our MetroWest Jewish community. May you go from strength to strength and keep making a difference in all our lives. Yasher Koach, Rob Bildner & Elisa Spungen Bildner

“Friendship consists of forgetting what one gives and remembering what one receives.� Alexander Dumas Neeli and Michael Thank you for inspiring your community. Love, your friends... Wendy & David Bassuk Liz & Roger Bedore Sage & Jon Blinderman Michelle & Adam Cox Stacey & Brian Dratch Sara & Scott Elsky Jolie & Jason Feldman Sari & David Gallinson Caroline & Neal Goldstein Amy & Derek Hochberg Galite & Josh Kestler Julie & Reuben Kopel Erika & David Lakoff Sara & Jeremy Levine

Ricky & Ori Peled Lisa & Matt Perline Melissa & Leo Pritsiolas Beth & Greg Rinsky Nancy & Scott Ritch Lori & Justin Schiller Dawn & David Schwartz Marci & Jon Seidman Jill & Michael Sherman Eve & David Sorkin Katy & Ari Strulson Alison & Jonathan Vogel Inessa & Ralph Wheeler

Mazel Tov Ruth and Marty We cannot think of a couple more deserving of this honor. Carol & Paul Miller

Congratulations to the distinguished honorees. To Ruth & Marty: Our community is blessed by your constant and sincere commitment. May you go from strength to strength. With admiration for all you do! Marian & David Rocker

In Honor Of Neeli and Michael Margolis We Are So Proud Of You Love Sharon & David Halpern

DanJon Management Corp., Inc. Martin Barber Jeffrey Barber Jerold Goldberg

We are proud to honor our friends Ruth and Marty Barber And all of tonight’s Honorees. Paula & Steven Heller

Congratulations Ruth and Marty On this well-deserved honor. Our community is a better place because of your good deeds. Susan & Alan Hammer

L’Dor V’Dor In grateful appreciation to Ruth and Marty Barber For their extraordinary devotion and outstanding leadership and to Neeli and Michael Margolis, our rising stars. Hattie Segal

Mazel Tov to the Honorees Neeli and Michael Margolis and Ruth and Marty Barber for a well-deserved honor. We thank you for all you do for JCC MetroWest and the entire Jewish community! Felice, Jonathan, Jeremy & Dylan Flitt

Mazal Tov to Ruth and Marty Barber & JCC MetroWest Morris Goodman

Yasher Koach to all Dr. Lynne B. Harrison

Congratulations to the Honorees and JCC MetroWest We are honored to be a part of the JCC Community.

In honor of Ruth and Marty Barber for their efforts on behalf of JCC MetroWest and the greater Jewish community. Stan & Andy Muroff

Dear Ruth and Marty, Your commitment and dedication to the JCC and MetroWest serve as an example for our community. Your vision and generosity are inspirational. Mazel Tov, The Schneiderman Family Cookie, Jill & Gary, Harriet & Bart

In Honor of Ruth and Marty Barber And Neeli and Michael Margolis With deep appreciation for their Profound devotion toward our JCC and their extraordinary Contribution to our community. Lois Lautenberg

We Appreciate Our Collaboration with JCC MetroWest And Congratulate the Honorees of the L’Dor V’Dor Gala

Congratulations to our good friends Ruth and Marty Barber on this well-deserved honor! PETER WALDOR WALDOR & SCHULMAN 220 S. ORANGE AVENUE LIVINGSTON, NJ 07039 973-346-8400 | www.waldorschulman.com Commercial, Personal, Life & Health Insurance

Congratulations to our Jewish Community Center of MetroWest in celebration of L’Dor V’Dor—From Generation to Generation Gala Honoring Ruth and Marty Barber and Neeli and Michael Margolis Mazel Tov. Continued success and Thank you for being the light unto Our community! With much affection and continued support from: Ila, Raime and Jan Press and our staff “Proudly providing a legacy of preserving memories for 4 generations” Fine Family Portraiture, Weddings, Bar/Bat Mitzvahs

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their vital role in the community, and offers best wishes for the success of the L’Dor

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Congratulations to Ruth & Marty Barber!

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JCC MetroWest Gala

L’Dor V’Dor From Generation to Generation honoring

Ruth & Marty Barber and

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Jewish Community Center of MetroWest’s L’Dor V’Dor Gala

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In Honor Of Ruth and Marty Barber and Neeli and Michael Margolis For their contributions to the JCC and the MetroWest community Samuel Pepper, President Metropolitan Mortgage and Realty, Inc. The Arlyn/Lysar Companies 80 Main Street—Suite 560 • West Orange, New Jersey 07052 Real Estate Financing Nationwide • Sales • Consulting Licensed New Jersey Real Estate Broker Member Mortgage Bankers Associations of New Jersey, New York and America Member of New Jersey Apartment Association and Property Owners Association Member of the Industrial & Office Real Estate Brokers Association Member of Commerce and Industry Association of New Jersey Direct Lending **Real Estate Development **Management

and The Pepper Family Lynn, Sam, Andrew, Robert, Danielle & Emma

Ruth and Marty, Neeli and Michael And JCC MetroWest Mazel Tov! Peggy & Howard Menaker

Mazel Tov to the JCC and our wonderful honorees for helping to make our community special. Sharon & Jimmy Schwarz

Congratulations Ruth and Marty You demonstrate your commitment in humble ways. The Mallock/FitzGibbon Family

Congratulations and thank you to our distinguished honorees Ruth and Marty Barber . . . just keep going and doing! Jane Brody, Barbara Drench & Rita Waldor

Ruth and Marty Thank you for all you have done for our community. We are a better place because of your commitment and hard work. Paula & Jerry Gottesman

Mazel Tov to Distinguished Honorees Ruth and Marty Barber Neeli and Michael Margolis May we go from strength to strength. Flo & Tom Peck

Thank you and congratulations for your many years of dedicated service. Jeanette Black Jackie Panzer

Thanks to Ruth and Marty for all your good work. Sue & Dick Sandler

Mazel Tov to Ruth & Marty Barber! Thank you for all you do for JCC MetroWest and our entire Jewish community! Love, Maxine Myers

Marty and Ruth May you continue to be a positive force in our world of Jewish education. Milly Iris & Family

Congratulations To Ruth and Marty Our Devoted Community Leaders Love, Jackie & Howard Levine

Thank you Ruth and Marty We admire all that you do. Judy & Ken Peskin

We are proud to salute JCC MetroWest and the Outstanding Honorees. Judy & Harvey Zeller

Ruth and Marty, The entire Greater MetroWest Community has benefited from your tireless efforts.We look forward to working with you to benefit our senior citizens for years to come. Thank you so much for all you have done and all you will do. The Board of Trustees & the Staff of the Jewish Community Housing Corporation of Metropolitan New Jersey

In honor of Neeli and Michael So nice to see the next generation taking on leadership roles to benefit our Jewish community. Yasher Koach to you both! Shelley & Chick

Municipal Square Congratulates Ruth and Marty Barber For their exceptional commitment To the MetroWest Jewish community Drill Construction

Congratulations Marty and Ruth Barber With much admiration, Paul Beirne & Daniel Chorney

pays tribute to the worthy honorees and to JCC MetroWest our esteemed partner in so many endeavors that BRING JEWISH LEARNING TO LIFE in our wonderful community. Rabbi Amy Joy Small Executive Director

Robert Lichtman President


The Board and Staff of

extend sincere congratulations to

Ruth and Marty Barber for their inspiring dedication to our community and salute JCC MetroWest on the occasion of its L’Dor V’Dor Gala Nancy L. Eskow President

The Adler Aphasia Center is proud to be a part of the JCC MetroWest family. Mazel Tov to distinguished honorees Ruth & Marty Barber and Neeli & Michael Margolis. ADLER APHASIA CENTER We are a therapeutic center in your community offering HELP and HOPE to stroke and brain injury survivors with aphasia.

Reuben D. Rotman Executive Director


www.adleraphasiacenter.org a•pha•sia (uh-fay’-zhuh) n. A language disorder that impairs the expression and understanding of spoken language, reading, and writing. It occurs most often from a stroke or brain injury. This frustrating condition affects a person’s ability to communicate, but does not affect his or her intellect. Adler Aphasia Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

Congratulations to Ruth and Marty Barber, pillars of the Greater MetroWest Jewish community and beyond, on your well-deserved honor. Congratulations to honorees Neeli and Michael Margolis. Your friends at Daughters of Israel

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Mazel Tov

Ruth & Marty Barber and the other honorees

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Mazel Tov to Ruth & Marty We thank you both for all that you do for the community. Ellen & Alan Goldner

We are pleased to support the JCC in honor of Sharon and Stephen Seiden and Ruth and Marty Barber May they go from strength to strength. Alice & Jacob Klein

In honor of Ruth and Marty Barber for their outstanding contributions to the Jewish community. Carol & Stephen Lampf

For 14 Years, My Phone-a-Friend Helpline Has Been 973-202-3_399 Thank You and Mazel Tov Ruth and Marty Love, Jeff Korbman

We appreciate having the JCC in our community, a wonderful asset made possible by the efforts of our honorees and many others. Thank you. Joan & Harvey Bucholtz

Congratulations JCC Thelma & Richard Florin

How Do We Clone Our Good Friends Ruth and Marty Barber? Thank you Bonnie & Ashley Steinhart

In Honor of Ruth and Marty Barber and Neeli and Michael Margolis Temple Beth Shalom

Mazel Tov Ruth and Marty on this well-deserved honor. Your longstanding leadership in our Jewish community is an inspiration. Lori & Steven Klinghoffer

Thank You Ruth, Marty, Neeli and Michael for Serving as an Inspiration for Our JCC Susan and Allan Young

Ruth and Marty Thank you so much for all of you who do for the Greater MetroWest Jewish community, including the JCC and the JCHC. May you continue to go from strength to strength. Nomi & Harold Colton-Max

Mazel Tov to Ruth and Marty Your dedication, leadership and generosity have enriched the lives of so many. With admiration and appreciation for your lifetime of service to our Jewish community. Paula & David Saginaw

Congratulations Ruth and Marty Keep up the good work! With our love and best wishes, Beth & Alan Levithan

Congratulations to Neeli and Michael Margolis! The Members & Staff of Cedar Hill Golf & Country Club

Marty and Ruth Congratulations to two great friends and community leaders. Gail & Max Kleinman

Congratulations Neeli and Michael for this wonderful honor. Your hard work and dedication are appreciated by the JCC community. Suzy & Keith Eisenstein Stephanie & Dan Kaplan Rachel & Paul Selvin

Mazel Tov to the honorees Ruth and Marty Barber & Neeli and Michael Margolis. Thank you for your dedication and enthusiastic support for the work of the JCC. Best Wishes, Randee & Ken Rubenstein and Family

In Honor of Ruth and Marty Barber Neeli and Michael Margolis For all you do for the JCC and the greater MetroWest community. Mazel Tov! Helene & Gary Wingens

Mazel Tov to Ruth and Marty Barber and Neeli and Michael Margolis Our deepest appreciation for your continued support of the JCC and the greater MetroWest community Margie & Barry Wolfe

We are so proud of Neeli and Michael With love, George & Phyllis

Congratulations to all of the Honorees Andrew Flitt Alan Flitt


Mazel Tov! You have brought Generations together! Ariane and Ken Baris


Congratulations to JCC MetroWest and its Honorees!

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and salute Ruth & Marty Barber and Neeli & Michael Margolis for their service


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Congratulations from Fresh N’ Tasty. We are happy to have served all your campers at JCC Camp Deeny Riback. Looking forward to many more years to come.

Congratulations to tonight’s Honorees

Congratulations Alan Feldman Mazel Tov to the Honorees From Len & Carol Robinson

Audrey • Norbert • Ruth • Marty Thanks for all that you do! Merle & Peter Hirschmann

Mazel Tov We’re so proud of you! Cousins: Iris & Jeff, Ivy & Ken, Robin & Jane, Joy, Marlene, Merri & Aunt Miriam

Congratulations Ruth and Marty Barber on this memorable occasion. Carole & Wilbur Yellin Naples, Florida

Congratulations Ruth and Marty Barber With Love, Marilyn Weinstein

Ruth and Marty, Thank you for what you have done for our community for so many years! Ken & Mimi Heyman

Congratulations to Ruth & Marty Ruby & Stan Strauss

Joyce and Neil Your leadership and dedication are an inspiration to all. Carrol & David Gottfried Scottsdale, Arizona

Congratulations to my dear brother and sister-in-law

Marty and Ruth You are an inspiration to the entire community. Barry Barber & Family

Ruth and Marty A Well-Deserved Honor Mazel Tov Ruth & Bob Hutter

Congratulations Gilbert Seltzer

Congratulations to Felice and Jonathan. Good luck on your Gala event. We are proud of you. Love Mom & Dad

Mazel Tov to Ruth and Marty Betty Feinberg

Congratulations to Ruth and Marty Barber Keep Up Your Good Work Audrey & Stuart Rosenblatt

Congratulations to our distinguished Honorees Ruth and Marty Barber Sheila & George Weinberger

Mazel Tov to our friends Ruth and Marty Alan & Carol Kovar

Mazel Tov Ruth & Marty! Marion & Howard Medow

Congratulations, Aunt Ruth and Uncle Martin With love, Jon, Julie, Ben, & Anna

Congratulations to the JCC Honorees for keeping our community strong from generation to generation. Jill & Harvey Tekel

Dear Ruth and Marty, Well deserved. Have a great evening. Fondly, Mindy & Alan Bloom

Ruth and Marty Super People! Glad you are in my life. Love, Judith Kane

Neeli and Michael, We are so happy to share this special honor with you for your dedication to the JCC and the Jewish community. Wishing you the very best!! Love, Stephanie & Marc Levy

Mazel Tov to the Honorees Neeli and Michael Margolis Thank you for all you do! The Bassuk, Goldstein & Seidman Families

In honor of my good friends Ruth and Marty Barber and Mazel Tov to Neeli and Michael Margolis Fran Ticker & Family

Congratulations Mary & Bob Davis

Mazel Tov to our niece and nephew, Neeli and Michael, on being honored by the JCC. Yasher Koach on this wonderful accomplishment. We are so proud of both of you. We love you, Aunt Myra & Uncle Steve

Mazel Tov and best wishes to the Barbers and the Margolises Harriet & Bill Rosenthal

MAZEL TOV on a well-deserved honor Jess & Aaron Wolff

Congratulations to all Robbie & Joel Goldberg

Mazal Tov, Neeli and Michael. A well-deserved honor for a wonderful couple. Sherry & Jack Lahav

To Ruth and Martin Thank You For All The Good You Do. Iris & Floyd Shapiro

Congratulations to the Honorees Melanie & Donald Fink

Congratulations to the Honorees Barbara & Ed Zinbarg

All the Best to the JCC MetroWest Bonnie & Allan Finkelstein

Honoring Ruth and Marty Barber and Neeli and Michael Margolis Dr. Michael Och Yasher Koach, Ruth and Marty Capital Lighting Stores www.1800lighting.com The Lebersfeld Family Jaimie A. Slosberg Attorney at Law

P: 917.991.1581 F: 866.431.4621 Jaimieslosberg@gmail.com 19 Sunshine Lane, Livingston, NJ 07039

Congratulations to the Honorees

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Early Childhood Camps • 973-530-3479

Camp Deeny Riback • 973-929-2901

The Many Faces of Summer | JCC MetroWest Day Camps — Enroll Today!

Early Childhood Camps • 973-530-3479 Early Childhood Camps • 973-530-3479

Exploration Camps • 973-530-3993

Camp Deeny Riback • 973-929-2901

Early Childhood Camps • 973-530-3479

Camp Deeny Riback • 973-929-2901

The Many Faces of Summer | JCC MetroWest Day Camps — Enroll Today!

Exploration Camps • 973-530-3993 Exploration Camps 973-530-3993 Exploration Camps ••973-530-3993

Early Childhood Camps • 973-530-3479

Exploration Camps • 973-530-3993

TripleThreat ThreatTheater TheaterCamp Camp••973-530-3421 973-530-3421 Triple

Threat Theater Camp• •973-530-3421 973-530-3421 TripleTriple Threat Theater Camp

Exploration Camps • 973-530-3993

Triple Threat Theater Camp • 973-530-3421

Triple Threat Theater Camp • 973-530-3421

The Many Faces of Summer | JCC MetroWest DayRiback Camps — Enroll Today! Camp ••973-929-2901 CampDeeny DeenyRiback 973-929-2901 Camp Deeny Riback • 973-929-2901

The Many Faces of Summer | JCC MetroWest Day Enroll Today! The of ||JCC MetroWest DayCamps Camps — — Enroll Enroll Today! Today! TheMany ManyFaces Faces ofSummer Summer JCC MetroWest —

Early Childhood Camps • 973-530-3479

Mazel Tov to All the Honorees Cyrene Aksman Marcia & David Danoff Rabbi Daniel & Amy Dorsch Sue & Hank Epstein Sandy Feld Linda & Bob Fihrer Lisa & Steven Friedman Rita Friedman Estelle & Mitchell Glucksman Melinda & Rich Levin Ruth Anne & Murray Lieber Trudy & Martin Sarver Miriam & Sidney Schneider Judith Schatzberg Joseph Selzer Laura & Ray Siegel Lenore & Dennis Stamm Melissa Starr Sylvia & Paul Stepner Steven Sussman Stephanie Thier Lynn & Richard Tull Turp, Coates, ESSL, and Driggers (www.Turpcoates.com)

Becker’s School Supplies Premier Office Supply


Leon & Toby Cooperman JCC 760 Northfield Ave., West Orange

GAELEN GALLERY WEST Lautenberg Family Center 901 Route 10 East, Whippany

MAY 4–JUNE 22 Featured artists from the 2013 GAELEN JURIED ART SHOW & SALE SAVE THE DATE!



Jennifer Levine

Wei Biao Yan

STARTING MAY 7 Steiner Court and Steiner Court Showcases

Endless Pursuits Adult Students of the JCC School of the Arts

Sponsored by Audrey and Norbert Gaelen Endowment Co-Sponsored by JCC of Greater MetroWest

MAY 18–JUNE 22 Opening Reception May 18 | 1:00–3:00pm Prizes will be awarded at 1:30pm Oil/Acrylic/Watercolor • Mixed Media Sculpture • Drawing/Pastels Photography

View the full gallery schedule at www.jccmetrowest.org/artgalleries

FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT Lisa Suss 973-530-3413 lsuss@jccmetrowest.org

C H A V E R I M .

Ruth and Marty


May you continue to be an inspiration to the entire community

Mazel Tov


Thank you to the Honorees for your active participation in the community. It is much appreciated! Joni & Alan Cohen

Mazal Tov Michael and Neeli. There is not a more deserving couple. May you continue to do good for the Jewish community for many more generations to come. Michael Chill

Congratulations to Ruth and Marty Barber The Talkow Family

Congratulations to the Honorees and JCC MetroWest for outstanding service to our community. Cheryl & George Press


Congratulations to Neeli and Michael Margolis on a well-deserved honor. Faith Charles & Thompson Hine

Yasher Koach to Ruth and Marty on their well-deserved honor!!! Love, Carol & Bob Marcus

Dear Ruth and Marty, Congratulations and Best Wishes. Lynne & Joe Epstein

Mazel Tov to All the Honorees Hoda Blau Lois & Frank Dyer George Daniel & Co.


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