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Volunteering at the J Nishmah Mini Salons Sharsheret Support Group Yoga for Cancer
Adult Programs
Make a Difference - Volunteer!
We’ll help you find the right fit in becoming a J volunteer. The role played by volunteers is vital in helping us deliver our excellent programs. Thousands of hours are donated annually for which we are grateful. Volunteers must be 16 years of age and older, or ages 9-15 with adult supervision.
To become a volunteer, contact: Stephanie Rhea, 314.442.3164, srhea@jccstl.org or you can also visit jccstl.com/support/volunteer
Garden of Eden Volunteers ON-SITE 16 and older or 15 and younger w/adult Volunteers tend to the garden and harvest the fresh produce that is then donated to the Harvey Kornblum Jewish Food Pantry from March through November.
Sun, Mon & Thu, March-November 8-11am
Nishmah Mini Salons: ONLINE
A Summer Series
Adult Join Nishmah for a series of engaging conversations led by inspiring facilitators, including former Nishmah Director Sara Winkelman, local psychotherapist and social worker Carly Sparks (MSW, LCSW), and more! We will cover a range of topics that speak to what our community most wants to discuss during this current moment; and, in an effort to respond in real time to our rapidly changing world, we will not be setting all of our topics and speakers at once. Be sure to check nishmah.org and Nishmah’s Facebook group regularly for updated information, and to register. Contact: Larisa Klebe, lklebe@jccstl.org, 314.442.3111
Platform: Zoom (registration required)
Wed, 6/24, 7/8, 7/22, 8/12 7:30-8:10pm Free More info/registration: nishmah.org and Nishmah’s Facebook Group. Sharsheret Virtual Breast and ONLINE
Ovarian Cancer Support Group
Adult This monthly group provides support, connection and education to women in the St. Louis Jewish community who have been diagnosed with breast or ovarian cancer and are anywhere along their treatment path – before, during, or post treatment. Newcomers are always welcome along with female family and friends. Sessions are facilitated by a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Sharsheret Supports is a collaborative project of Nishmah and the National Sharsheret organization. Contact: Debbi Braunstein, 314.442.3266, dbraunstein@jccstl.org
Platform: Zoom
Wed, 6/17, 7/15, 7/29 6:15-7:30pm Free More information is available on monthly support groups, including other Sharsheret support programs available.
Yoga for Cancer ONLINE Adult This yoga methodology teaches interventions for cancer patients and survivors. Interventions are an effective and safe complementary modality that can help manage symptoms and side effects, as well as help improve health outcomes. Classes are gentle and restorative and focus on the foundation of movement and breath and the special needs of cancer patients or survivors. Contact: Debbi Braunstein, 314.442.3266, dbraunstein@jccstl.org
Platform: Zoom
Mon, next 6-week session begins 6/8 1-2:15pm $50m/$75p (per session)* Financial subsidies are available, contact Debbie to find out if you qualify. jccstl.org | Zoom | Facebook 18