Overall Rating (based on customer reviews): 4.4 out of 5 stars
The specs of ‘Social Media Is Bullshit’ are: Publisher: St. Martin’s Press (2012-09-04) Language: English ISBN-10: 1250002958 Product Dimensions: 7.1×5.3×1 inches Shipping Weight: 0.6 pounds Here are some REAL customer reviews: “This Book Title Should be “Social Media Marketing is BullS**t”" The book is not about the millions of people who are addicted to using Social Media to gossip, talk about themselves or post family photos and/or embarrassing snapshots of their friends. It's about trying to use Social Media or the Internet as a selling… Read more “Sensationalist and Apples-To-Oranges, but nuggets of useful” I feel like I'm the guy B.J. was going after with this book. The whole thing seems to revolve around what social media expert/guru/douchebags sell. I've been called those things and I am a digital marketing/social media consultant, author, speaker, etc… Read more “Finally, the takedown we need!” “social media” kool-aid hoping to make their business grow with websites… Read more
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