Solar Power Chargers

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The use of solar power energy was started in 1954 when Bell Laboratories invented the photovoltaic cell. Since then we have been slowly advancing our understanding of how to harness solar power and use it to power everything from enormous space stations to flashlights. People have even begun using solar power chargers, found commonly in solar arrays, to power their house and even their cars. The technological advances made with solar power chargers make solar energy easier to use for such a large variety of different methods. Solar power chargers use the solar energy provided by the sun and convert it to the electricity we use to power our electronics. Scientifically speaking, the movement of electrons, which are the negatively charged subatomic particles of atoms, are typically used to create an electrical current. Electrons are usually found moving around the nucleus of an atom in an orbital fashion much like how the earth revolves around the sun. Electrons are literally everywhere because they are part of the fundamental building blocks of atoms. They can be knocked loose from their orbital patterns by particles of energy known as photons, which are found in the rays of light that the sun sends to earth. These natural photons are used in solar power chargers to knock electrons from the silicon material typically found in solar chargers. This effect is known in the scientific community as the photoelectric effect. Through the use of the photoelectric effect, an imbalance is created between the charged particles in the silicon found in solar chargers. An electrical field is created as an end result to this imbalance of positive and negatively charged particles. The electrical field pushes the two charges towards opposite ends of a solar cell in the solar power charger and connects the two sides whenever the solar charger is used to create any form of electrical output. A solar power charger uses multiple solar cells to create this effect a number of times over to achieve the watt usage it needs. To put it all in lemans terms, the rays of energy from the sun hit the solar array used by the solar power charger and collect the energy the sun naturally gives off. It then can use this energy at will to create electricity and power the electrical piece of technology that the solar charger is being used for. This energy is much cleaner and better for the environment than the main forms of energy we use today. So do yourself and the planet a favor, and start using more solar charger devices. offers high quality, affordable solar power chargers that are perfect for you, your friends, and loved ones.

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