2012 Allocations Report

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dollars are at work Campaign for Your at home and in 70 countries Jewish Needs around the world

Providing emergency relief to victims of war and natural disasters

Rescuing Jews in peril with temporary shelter or permanent resettlement

Enabling Jewish life and culture to thrive again in communities once forgotten

Providing financial assistance for Jews in crisis Educating children and promoting lifelong Jewish learning

Fostering Jewish identity with cultural and educational programming

Relieving hunger Rebuilding lives through with meal deliveries, scholarships and job training subsidies and food pantries Strengthening connections with Israel through teen experiences and overseas partnerships

You Make Jewish Cleveland Thrive! The 2011 Greater Cleveland Jewish Population Study provided considerable good news, such as the stability of the overall Jewish population, the numbers of newcomers and younger people in our community, and the generally positive feelings that our community has toward being Jewish and about Israel. At the same time, there are serious challenges.

Feeding and caring for our most vulnerable elderly, including frail Holocaust survivors Offering counseling for families in distress

The Challenges We Face* Financial hardship poses a threat to meeting basic needs, but it also creates a barrier to community, preventing involvement in synagogues, schools and Jewish camps.

of people in the Jewish community (18,600 children and adults) are

living in poverty

of Jewish households are financially

“just managing”

of Jewish households

cannot make ends meet

*As reported in the 2011 Greater Cleveland Jewish Population Study (www.jewishcleveland.org/popstudy.aspx)

Together, we do extraordinary things.

One kosher homedelivered meal

91 cents of every dollar contributed to the Campaign for Jewish Needs supports programs and services that change and save lives at home and around the world.

A place at a community seder table for a college student Enrichment program for one at-risk Kindergartner in Israel

One month of groceries for an overseas family in financial crisis

One week of medication for a local senior

A year of PJ Library books for one family

Five nights of shelter and kosher meals at the Hebrew Shelter Home

A warm coat to get a needy senior through winter in the former Soviet Union

One week of Jewish camp for a teen in Moscow

Chances are, you and your family benefit from Campaign-funded programs and services every year. From pre-school to long-term care, and from on-going programs to crisis intervention.

Jewish Cleveland is thriving because our community supports the annual Campaign! For more information or to make a pledge: • Call 216.593.2900, ext. 218 • E-mail campaign@jcfcleve.org • Visit www.jewishcleveland.org

Same mission. New timing.

Our annual campaign is moving to the fall. Stand up and be counted from September to December for the 2013 Campaign for Jewish Needs.

practices worked together on sustainable agriculture 100 Israeli, Jordanian and Palestinian farmers nutritional and medical assistance • More than in the former Soviet Union received critical programs • 30,000 Jewish children at-risk from health, self-esteem and nutritional religious backgrounds in Israel benefitted than 300,000 women of myriad ethnic and care, home care, and winter relief • More

Jewish Federation of Cleveland Mandel Building 25701 Science Park Drive Cleveland, Ohio 44122


Jewish Federation A report on allocations from the Campaign for Jewish Needs

former Soviet Union received food, medical 165,000 impoverished elderly Jews in the


Your Dollars at Work At Home those seeking safety from abusive situations of temporary housing for the homeless or to individuals and families • 2,875 nights counseling and mental health services delivered basic necessities • Over 75,000 hours of More than 1,000 Holocaust Survivors received scholarships in our community’s day schools • funds • 1,061 children received financial aid and 141 young Clevelanders use their Gift of Israel rent and utility bills • Matched gifts helped emergency assistance to pay mortgage or to people of all ages • 46 families received 103,793 free or subsidized meals served


More than 40,000 C

s and services depend on program d its local of the Federation an nded with partner agencies, fu Campaign dollars.

Local Partners (a) Human Services Bellefaire Jewish Children’s Bureau Cleveland Hillel Foundation Hebrew Shelter Home Jewish Family Service Association Jewish Federation of Cleveland Mandel Jewish Community Center


The 2012 Campaign for Jewish Needs raised $28,503,902 a 2% increase over last year. National Agencies $901,138 3%

Local Education Services $7,093,347 26%

$2,514,076 $1,386,115 $1,890,427

JFNA/Overseas $11,125,120 41%

Local Human Services $8,335,658 30%


Education Services $471,228

Akiva High School


Fuchs Mizrachi School


Gross Schechter Day School


Hebrew Academy of Cleveland


Jewish Education Center of Cleveland $1,104,498 Siegal College



American Jewish Committee Anti-Defamation League B’nai B’rith Youth Organization Hadassah Hillel at Kent State University (b) Jewish Council for Public Affairs Jewish Labor Committee Jewish War Veterans Ohio Valley Hillel Consortium (d)

Distribution of Funds For fiscal year July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013.

The Agnon School


National Alliance (c)

Menorah Park Center for Senior Living $407,486 Montefiore

of Jews worldw

National Partners

$616,722 $83,711

Campaign dolla rs allocated to our national and in ternational part ners extend our rea ch to millions

Sources of funds

International Partners $11,125,120 American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC)

In addition to the 2012 Campaign, the Federation received and allocated $1,975,656 from United Way Services, and $650,000 from the Federation’s Endowment Fund. Those dollars supplemented allocations to local partner agencies to fund unmet community needs.

Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI)

Total funds allocated after allowances for Campaign costs, collections and centrally administered services were $27,455,263.

World ORT

The Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) Overseas Connections Committee, Jewish Federation of Cleveland Ethiopian National Project

(a) Total includes support from the Fund for the Jewish Future. Administered by the Jewish Education Center of Cleveland, the fund received $2,849,515 from the 2012 Campaign for Jewish Needs to support educational programs and services at local synagogues, day schools and partner agencies. (b) Hillel at Kent State University is a candidate for local beneficiary agency status. As a result, a portion of its funding ($7,500) is included in local human services funding. (c) Beneficiaries of this funding are: Association of Jewish Family and Children’s Agencies, Foundation for Jewish Culture, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Hillel Foundation for Jewish Campus Life, JCC Association, Jewish Council for Public Affairs, Jewish Education Service of North America, and National Conference on Soviet Jewry. (d) Funds Hillels in Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky: Kent State University, Miami University, Ohio University, Indiana University, Purdue University, University of Louisville.

Jewish Federation of Cleveland Mandel Building 25701 Science Park Drive Cleveland, Ohio 44122

practices worked together on sustainable agriculture 100 Israeli, Jordanian and Palestinian farmers nutritional and medical assistance • More than in the former Soviet Union received critical programs • 30,000 Jewish children at-risk from health, self-esteem and nutritional religious backgrounds in Israel benefitted than 300,000 women of myriad ethnic and care, home care, and winter relief • More


Jewish Federation A report on allocations from the Campaign for Jewish Needs

former Soviet Union received food, medical 165,000 impoverished elderly Jews in the


Your Dollars at Work At Home those seeking safety from abusive situations of temporary housing for the homeless or to individuals and families • 2,875 nights counseling and mental health services delivered basic necessities • Over 75,000 hours of More than 1,000 Holocaust Survivors received scholarships in our community’s day schools • funds • 1,061 children received financial aid and 141 young Clevelanders use their Gift of Israel rent and utility bills • Matched gifts helped emergency assistance to pay mortgage or to people of all ages • 46 families received 103,793 free or subsidized meals served


More than 40,000 C

s and services depend on program d its local of the Federation an nded with partner agencies, fu Campaign dollars.

Local Partners (a) Human Services Bellefaire Jewish Children’s Bureau Cleveland Hillel Foundation


The 2012 Campaign for Jewish Needs raised $28,503,902 a 2% increase over last year. National Agencies $901,138 3%

Local Education Services $7,093,347 26%

$83,711 $2,514,076 $1,386,115 $1,890,427 $330,819

Cam p a ig n d o lla rs allocated to ou r nation a l a n d in te rn a tional partners extend o


American Jewish Committee Anti-Defamation League B’nai B’rith Youth Organization Hadassah Hillel at Kent State University (b)

Local Human Services $8,335,658 30%

Jewish Council for Public Affairs Jewish Labor Committee Jewish War Veterans Ohio Valley Hillel Consortium (d)

Distribution of Funds

International Partners $11,125,120

For fiscal year July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2013.

$471,228 $124,503 $460,844 $380,437 $1,202,322 $500,000

ur reach to mil lions of Jews worldw ide.

National Partners JFNA/Overseas $11,125,120 41%


Hebrew Shelter Home Jewish Family Service Association Jewish Federation of Cleveland Mandel Jewish Community Center

National Alliance (c)

Menorah Park Center for Senior Living $407,486 Montefiore Education Services The Agnon School Akiva High School Fuchs Mizrachi School Gross Schechter Day School Hebrew Academy of Cleveland

Jewish Education Center of Cleveland $1,104,498 Siegal College

Sources of funds In addition to the 2012 Campaign, the Federation received and allocated $1,975,656 from United Way Services, and $650,000 from the Federation’s Endowment Fund. Those dollars supplemented allocations to local partner agencies to fund unmet community needs. Total funds allocated after allowances for Campaign costs, collections and centrally administered services were $27,455,263.

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) The Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) Overseas Connections Committee, Jewish Federation of Cleveland World ORT Ethiopian National Project

(a) Total includes support from the Fund for the Jewish Future. Administered by the Jewish Education Center of Cleveland, the fund received $2,849,515 from the 2012 Campaign for Jewish Needs to support educational programs and services at local synagogues, day schools and partner agencies. (b) Hillel at Kent State University is a candidate for local beneficiary agency status. As a result, a portion of its funding ($7,500) is included in local human services funding. (c) Beneficiaries of this funding are: Association of Jewish Family and Children’s Agencies, Foundation for Jewish Culture, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Hillel Foundation for Jewish Campus Life, JCC Association, Jewish Council for Public Affairs, Jewish Education Service of North America, and National Conference on Soviet Jewry. (d) Funds Hillels in Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky: Kent State University, Miami University, Ohio University, Indiana University, Purdue University, University of Louisville.

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