The Pow Wow|Vol. 79|Issue 2

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Head to page 7 to find out the official results of the Pow Wow mock election. photo | jacky burnett

CLUBBIN’ Photo |Jacky Burnett

Q&A | peyton capehart Senior Peyton Capehart started a club to provide education on sexual assault. What’s the focus of your new club? Braves Fighting Back is a student leadership club that’s goal is to end sexual violence through education and prevention. Why have you started this club? It’s my Senior Project, and this is an issue that I am very passionate about. It is an issue that I have heard a lot of stories from students about, and I just feel like the way to end sexual violence is through education­— educating victims and perpetrators alike. Who are the club’s sponsors? The club is going to be taught through Katie Russell, who is a prevention specialist for MOCSA. French teacher Lori Ann Neighbors is the sponsor and she will chime in. What is MOCSA? MOCSA is the Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault; they’re a local organization that works for education and prevention and victim advocacy. How often does your club meet? We meet every Wednesday from 3 to 4 p.m. in Mrs. Neighbors’ room, Room 222. Who can join? As long as you’re able-bodied, you’re welcome to come. What are some of the subject or topics you expect to cover in this club? Next week we’re going to talk about gender roles and how that leads into rape culture and gender-based violence. We’re going to be covering a broad range of topics. I tweet the topic for that week on Twitter @BSHS_BFB every Monday. Was it difficult to get this approved? It really wasn’t. Mr. Moulin has been great. Sexual violence is a part of bullying, so he’s super supportive of us and super supportive of everything we do. —Paige Krone, news editor


A variety of new clubs have been added for students’ enjoyment.


club cubed

If you want to “catch them all,” then join social studies teacher Terese Quenette and science teacher Billie Taylor for after-school walks and nearby visits to advance further in the Pokemon Go world. Quenette said the new club is a great way to get involved in extracurricular activities while having fun with other students. “I play it with my kids at home,” Taylor said. “We thought this was something the students would like, and it’s definitely an activity that’s more fun in a big group.” The 10-member club had one hunt during the first quarter and is planning another one soon. If you are interested in being a part of the next hunt, ask Mr. Taylor in Room 245 or Mrs. Quenette in Room 225 for a sign-up form.

If you give senior Hunter Amego a Rubik’s Cube, you’ll see a solution in less than a minute. Amego has loved solving puzzles since his grandparents gave him a Sudoku Cube as a child. Two years ago, he found a Rubik’s Cube at Toys R Us and he has been obsessed with them since then. In fact, his collection of Rubik’s cubes is now 50 plus. Amego has taken this passion and made it the focus of his Senior Project through the creation of Club Cubed. Amego hopes to teach as many members as possible to solve a 3x3 Rubik’s Cube in under a minute before the end of the semester. The group will meet during Seminar. If you are interested in improving your mental capability and want to join the club, you can contact Amego for details. —Trinity Jones

­—Trinity Jones

geopolitics club

Photo |Hunter Murphy Drafting his country for the month, junior Wyatt Hall chooses wisely at a Oct. 27 meeting.

“The Geopolitics Club is a group of students who meet once or twice a month to play games that incorporate news and geography from around the world,” sponsor Terese Quenette said. The club members draft nations that they predict will be in the New York Times the most each month and that decides how many points they earn from that month. The club also utilizes Geoguessr, a program that goes through GoogleMaps. Geoguessr drops you in a random location on Earth, forcing you to use context clues to identify your location. —Paige Krone





total Orange Crush members

total Rainbow squad members

total bible study club members NEWS | ISSUE 2 | novEMBER 2016

Big Fish

Photo | Jacky Burnett

Fall musical set to take stage next week by makensie frank | staff wRiter With November comes falling leaves, cooling temperatures, more pumpkin spice, and the melodies of the musical “Big Fish” filling the halls. Beginning on Thursday, Nov. 10, and running through Saturday, Nov. 12, the cast and crew will be working together to perform the 1988 novel-inspired musical. “Big Fish” focuses on Edward Bloom, an ill 60-year-old salesman (played by senior Michael Murphy), his adult son Will (played by junior Isaac Flores) and his wife Sandra Bloom (played by junior Lillian Kaus). In his past years, Edward has told many stories, with a vast majority of them seeming to be larger than life. His son, Will, doesn’t quite believe these tales and he’s growing up and preparing to become a father of his own, so he wants to find out which stories are true and which ones might not be. Eventually, the stories intersect to reveal a secret Edward has never told.

NEWS | ISSUE 2 | novEMBER 2016

Vocal music teacher Brian J. White, one of the show’s codirectors, is a big fan of the show and thinks the musical version is better than the 2003 movie version which was directed by Tim Burton. “The story is really nice and the music is fantastic,” White said. “It’s a very touching show, and in regards to a musical, it’s unlike any other musical I’ve ever seen with an ending I won’t spoil. Even when we run it in rehearsals, sometimes the cast members get teary-eyed at parts of it.” The actors, actresses, choreographers and directors have been hard at work since Sept. 8, staying at least two hours after school every night to rehearse, coming in when they have downtime in the school day and browsing at thrift shops for the perfect props. White said the journey to opening night is not an easy one, and everyone must rely on each other.

“If we have one person who just can’t memorize their lines, it impedes our progress,” White said. “But everyone has taken care of business; they’ve stuck to the schedule and the game plan that we’ve given them.” Although many cast members have never performed before, White said being able to watch them grow is rewarding. “The close knit extended family-type feel amongst our cast is enjoyable to see and be a part of,” White said. Bringing everything together to make a complete puzzle is also a challenge, according to White, whether it’s the props, costumes or painting and installing rented backdrops. However, the audience is sure to enjoy the performance. The curtains will open at 7 p.m. in the high school auditorium for all three shows, with ticket prices being $5 for students and $7 for adults. So mark your calendars, bring your tissues and roses and enjoy the show.

Q&A | lillian kaus What’s your role? I’m the female lead, playing the main character’s wife, Sandra Bloom. What are you most excited for? I’m most excited for the final scene, because it’s going to make the audience cry so much. That’s what I’m pumped for. How are you preparing for the musical? Obviously, I’m practicing my songs, because this role is really song heavy with my character. There’s also a lot of dancing, so I had to practice that more than last year. What has been the toughest part for you about preparing? Singing, because it’s a soprano part and I’m not a soprano. What do you think the audience will enjoy most about the show? It’s a really touching musical. ‘Annie’ was just kind of cute and fun, but this is really deep and it has a lot of meaning to it. —Makensie Frank, news writer


THE POW WOW Editors-In-Chief Alayna Dooley Marissa Satterfield

A&E/Copy Editor Brenna Holt

Features Editor Sabria Zlitni

In-Depth Editor Kayla Willis

News Editor Paige Krone

Photo Editor Jacky Burnett

Sports Editor Sayra Serrano Villegas

Staff Writers Makensie Frank Kassondra Green Kaleb Hightower Foster Hoch Trinity Jones Hunter Murphy Juan Serrano Jordan Thaxton Ryan Villarreal

Advisor Jill Holder

Contact Us Bonner Springs High School Pow Wow 100 McDanield Bonner Springs, KS 66012 913-422-5121, ext. 4330 Follow us on twitter @BSHS_News or contact editors-in-chief at or adviser Jill Holder at

Editorial Policy The Pow Wow is published monthly by the fourth-hour publications staff at Bonner Springs High School. Editorials reflect the consensus of the staff; the commentaries reflect the individual writer’s opinion.

Letters The Pow Wow is a public forum designed to serve as the voice of BSHS. Letters-tothe-editor of up to 150 words may be submitted. However, the Pow Wow will not print letters that are libelous, irresponsible, or advocate illegal acts. All letters should be submitted to Room 101 and are subject to editing.


finding my political voice VIEWPOINT | alayna dooley As this crazy election season has unfolded, it’s been impossible to escape the madness and angry rhetoric. It seemed like everywhere I went, people were talking about politics. But this was especially true in my home. I remember listening to back-and-forth opinions of one of my brothers and my father about the merits or the downfalls of Hillary or Donald after the first presidential debate. They were both so passionate about their candidates, so I went into the room and listened to both arguments, yet I almost felt left out because I didn’t have anything to add. I’ve wrestled with the question, “Where do I stand in this debacle?”, on many occasions since then. I am not 18, so I cannot vote, yet I feel it is my duty to weigh in. After all, the next president will be making decisions that will impact the next chapter in my life. I’ve felt as if I were obligated to have the same burning red opinion as my father. And that, of course, is my struggle. How do you find your own political voice? At one point in this battle, I found myself defending my father because I thought his opinion was right.

I was so confused as to why my brother was so passionate about a different candidate. I was certain that everyone in my family had the same opinion because that’s just the way we grew up. My indecision followed me into my government class where we had to create our own government based on our own beliefs. I had to work in a group, and I found myself just repeating my father’s opinions. My classmates challenged me and I was dumbfounded because I didn’t have any context for my statements. No facts, no proof. What did I really believe? I started with my brother; he had his own passionate opinions, and he was more than willing to argue with my father about them. I wanted to learn about the “blue side,” the other side. He told me he made a serious attempt to research the candidates online, so I did the same. By the time I watched the other two debates, I found my own political voice, and it felt really good. I felt like I had taken a baby step into adulthood. I finally knew who I would support, regardless of my father’s opinion. I was going to emulate the passion of my brothers and support the “blue side,” and it was okay that I had formed my political viewpoints all on my own. Even though my opinion isn’t the same as my father, I can still respect his views, while still being true to myself.

Not every day has to ‘count’ VIEWPOINT | Jordan thaxton You’ve probably heard that what you do in high school will determine how the rest of your life will be­—which is true, to some degree. High school can be just as stressful as it is exciting. Clubs, sports, grades and even our social lives can be demanding at times—especially with the pressures of finding what college you want to go to or what you’re going to major in. They say high school goes by fast, so is it possible to savor every moment when you’re constantly planning for the future?

Change doesn’t happen overnight, so remember that not every day has to “count.” Some days, your purpose is to make it to the next one. That counts too. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t make the most out of high school. You can learn things about yourself by getting involved in anything that sparks your interest. You might not enjoy or excel in everything you sign up for, so turn your regrets into experiences and learn from them. Replace “I wasn’t good enough” with “it wasn’t right for me.” There’s something out there that will be perfect for you, so the only thing you’ve “failed at” is finding it yet.

As I see it, it’s okay if you’re not sure about these things. You’re not supposed to have yourself totally figured out yet. In fact, you’ll spend your entire life growing and changing.

In other words, we often think that our achievements shape who we are, but our failures influence us more than we believe. If we consciously value humility as much as we value success, it will keep us honest and humble and making decisions will become less frightening.

Change can be scary, but keeping an open mind allows yourself to experience new ideas and challenge the beliefs you currently have. No matter how old you are, there’s always something to learn about the world or yourself. You’ll never know what life has in store for you if you’re not willing to accept change.

Don’t wait until New Year’s Eve or graduation for life to feel like a blank canvas; you can paint a new picture of yourself every day. The amount of freedom and choices we have can be overwhelming, but sometimes the greatest mistakes lead to the greatest discoveries. You just have to pick the brush up.

viewpoints | ISSUE 2 | november 2016


Love it

Clownin’ around

What’s your take on the crazy clown sightings? AFRAID | Sayra Serrano When I was growing up, hearing that I might get to see a clown brought joy to my rather simple childhood. Now, when someone sees a clown, it’s a reason to call the police station. Ever since the clown sighting epidemic began, I’ve been on hyperalert mode 24/7. When I’m leaving from somewhere late I feel myself tensing up before I burst into a full sprint to my car. This usually results in a montage of murder scenes from horror movies playing through my head. The girl can’t seem to get her key into the car door when all of a sudden something begins to emerge from the darkness. She panics more and before you know it she’s being dragged into the woods by some demonic-looking, childhood-ruining version of a clown. Don’t get me wrong, clowns are still a great source of happiness for me, but we already have enough to worry about when alone in the dark. Things that are supposed to be cute should stay that way. Yes, the Joker is still the hottest villain there could ever be, but no— I would not like to encounter a replica of him in the middle of the night.

Illustration | Jacky burnett

Clown Timeline Aug 29

Residents at a Greenville County, South Carolina apartment complex report a clown attempting to lure kids in to the woods.

sept 15

Two Southern Alabama schools lock down after clowns threaten students and post gun emojis on Facebook.

sept 30

Twelve people in 10 different states are arrested due to false reports, or threats of clowns.

Oct 11

McDonald’s announced that Ronald McDonald will be keeping a low profile due to the increase in creepy clown sightings.


A Clown Lives Matter march in Arizona was canceled a day before it was set to take place after the event’s organizer received death threats.


Big win NOT | Foster Hoch Right now, clowns are getting a very bad rep on the streets and the recent epidemic of “creepy clowns” has made an embarrassingly big splash on every social media site and other news sources. The first reported clown sighting was in South Carolina, where a clown was trying to lure kids into the woods. Since then, the whole thing blew up, with numerous “killer” clown sightings. I understand why there’s so much hype around the subject. After all the Hollywood horror flicks that depict clowns as killers, who wouldn’t be afraid? My thought is everyone wants their five seconds of fame, and with how easy it is to fake a video showing a clown and acting scared behind the camera, anyone could pull it off. With the social reward of hundreds of thousands of likes or retweets, who wouldn’t want to give it a try? That’s why I’m not afraid of these clowns; I think most sightings are fake. However, the one thing that sends shivers down my spine is the way that some of these freshmen are dressing; they act afraid of clowns, but dress like them? C’mon.


Have you been affected in any way by the clown epidemic?

Congrats to the football team, who advanced to the second round of playoffs with a 43-0 win against Lansing. Good luck tonight against St. Thomas Aquinas.

Thanksgiving Here’s something to be thankful for: Many area businesses, like those at the Legends and Oak Park mall, have decided to stay closed on Thanksgiving Day, giving their employees much-needed time off.

Hate it Wacky weather One day it’s in the 80s, the next it’s in the 50s. Mother Nature needs to choose a season and stick with it. And while we’re on the subject of weather, can we please, please have a snow day this year?

Political Ads

“I was scared by a clown when I was younger and have always been terrified.”

Gage Maxwell | 9

“I don’t know the difference between someone playing around or if they are really trying to harm and kill me.”

Mereiah Mcconico | 11

viewpoints | ISSUE 2 | november 2016

“ I get paranoid, start to freak out and I can’t keep them out of my head. I start having nightmares about them.”

Osvaldo torres | 11

“After seeing the movie ‘It,’  I have always been absolutely terrified of clowns. Come at me as a clown and you’ll get hurt. Try me.”

We’re sick of being bombarded by the countless, negative political ads. We can’t wait watch TV in peace again.

Alex broderick | 12



VS Justin Timberlake

Justin Timberlake is “the Swiss Army Knife of entertainers” and there is no denying that, unlike Ray J, Timberlake can do it all. Born in Memphis, Tenn.,Timberlake was destined for musical stardom when he began singing in his church choir. He then appeared on “Star Search,” where he sang country songs and starred in “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse” with future love interest Britney Spears. At the young age of 13, Timberlake began his career with the world famous NSYNC. NSYNC alone has dwarfed any of the accomplishments of Ray J and skyrocketed JT into stardom. Now, frosted tips are not for everyone, but a good laugh is. In the early 00’s, Timberlake made numerous appearances on “Saturday Night Live” alongside Jimmy Fallon and Andy Samberg. During his time with SNL, he starred in “The Barry Gibb Talk Show,” with comedy icon Jimmy Fallon and was a part of “The Lonely Island,” which had a skit that landed at No. 3 on the Rolling Stone’s Top 100. And we can’t forget about his incredible acting in movies like “In Time” and “The Social Network.” Ray J, where do I even start, the only reason this guy is famous is because he’s Snoop Dogg’s cousin and dated Kim Kardashian, and now he’s making Scoot-E-Bikes. Let’s face it, after his time with Kim K, his career went down the drain, and although my peer credits him with the success of the Kardashian family, I think our world would be better off without their makeup line and terrible acting.

­—Hunter Murphy, staff writer


Ray J

Fast facts January 31, 1981


January 17, 1981

$175 million

Net worth

nine albums


Eight Albums

Top song

“Sexy Can I”

“Can’t stop this feeling”

$6 million

Ray J is and always will be the King of Hip Hop. Most of you don’t believe me when I say this, but you can’t deny facts. Ray J has had a hand in everything that is currently occurring in popular culture, from VH1 to “The Life of Pablo.” William Ray Norwood Jr. starred in the reality show “Love & Hip Hop,” arguably the biggest show that aired on VH1. He was in “Moesha,” “The Proud Family,” “Mars Attacks!”, and many other amazing TV shows and movies. While dating Kim Kardashian, Ray J helped push the Kardashians into popularity, spawning the reality show “Keeping Up with the Kardashians.” In that show, Kim Kardashian is seen using a BlackBerry, later becoming a paid endorser. Ray J single handedly helped save an entire company. If it weren’t for the Kardashian’s popularity, Kanye West wouldn’t have had a child with Kim Kardashian, which wouldn’t have inspired Kanye to make “The Life of Pablo,” a decade-defining album. Ray J’s music can help you when you’re in your feelings or when you’re just trying to have some fun. His artistic range is much better than Justin Timberlake’s, and he can hit notes that Justin Timberlake wishes he could hit. Ray J was in the Money Crew, which dominated hip-hop in the early 00’s. Justin Timberlake was in NSYNC, a boy band that was never as good as The Backstreet Boys. Ray J has the type of success story that could make a full-length feature film. Justin Timberlake has a success story that could barely be enough for a short film.

­—Juan Serrano, staff writer

A&E| ISSUE 2 | november 2016

BSHS MOCK ELECTION We held a mock presidential election on Oct. 21, and the results are below.

staff | 63 surveyed Winner:


runner up: hillary clinton third place:

| 30.3%

third party | 30.2%

students | 344 surveyed Winner:

third party | 38.6%

runner-up: third place:

donald trump | 35.3% hillary clinton | 26.1%

trump AtATaAglance GLANCE Infamous business man, Donald J. Trump is the official Republican presidential candidate

HEALTH CARE - Plans to replace Obamacare with Health Savings Accounts. IMMIGRATION- Plans to prioritize the jobs, wages and security of Americans. ECONOMY- Plans to create a booming economy that will give many new job oppurtunities. TAX PLAN- Plans to reduce taxes across-the-board. FOREIGN POLICY- Plans to achieve a peaceful world with less conflict.

Clinton At a glance Former First Lady and experienced politician Hillary Clinton is the official Democratic presidential candidate

HEALTH CARE - Plans to expand the Affordable Care Act, with free healthcare for everyone. IMMIGRATION - Plans on enforcing a comprehensive immigration reform. ECONOMY - Plans on opening up more infrastructural jobs. TAX PLAN - Plans on having the wealthy pay more taxes and middle and low class paying less. FOREIGN POLICY - Plans to stick with allies and has a detailed plan on how to defeat ISIS.

Q&A | James Selleck

Q&A | christian hamm

Q&A | bella thomas

Q&A | omar brantley

Why do you support Donald Trump? I support Donald Trump because I feel he is the best fit for president and can do good things for our country. In what ways do you think Trump will help benefit our country? I think some of his points such as immigration and defense for our country are good points and it shows he is straightforward and is willing to take risks. We need that for our country. What is your biggest belief Trump has brought up? Terrorist groups like ISIS are a threat to us and they need to be stopped. Are you against any of his ideas? There are some ideas I don’t quite agree with like building a wall and making Mexico pay for it. What do you think is Trump’s strongest quality? He is straightforward, brutally honest and he doesn’t back down. Have you always been on his side? I used to be a big fan of Bernie Sanders because I thought the things he was fighting for were good, but since he is out of the election, I decided that Trump is our best bet. Many people say Trump is a liar, racist and sexist. What’s your say on this? I think people are taking this out of hand and that’s the only point they’re making against Trump. I mean everybody has their moments and I’m not denying Trump has ever said anything that was sexist or racist, but I don’t think he’s that type of person. If you had to sum up Donald Trump in one word, what would it be? Proud.

Why do you support Donald Trump? I support Donald Trump because he is not a politician. He is more of a businessman and he can help our country and get us out of debt. In what ways do you think Trump can help benefit our country? I know this sounds like a crazy idea, but the wall could actually provide a lot of jobs with people making it and fixing it. Which one of Trump’s ideas are your most passionate about? Illegal immigration. Are you against any of his ideas? Some of the things he has said are pretty dumb, like John McCain not being a true veteran because he was captured, but all in all, I still support him. What is Trump’s strongest quality? The fact that he says what he believes. He doesn’t hold any of it back. Have you always been on his side? Oh yeah! Ever since day one. Many people say Trump is a liar, racist, and sexist. What’s your say on this? Well, he can be a liar, and he exaggerates everything he says. He once said that Mexicans are bringing over drugs and raping women. It might be just one guy raping women, but not the whole crowd. He can be sexist, but that’s just his personal belief. He feels women have less power than men, but that’s his own personal belief. Nothing we can really change about it. If you had to sum up Donald Trump in one word, what would it be? American.

Why do you support Hillary Clinton? I support her because even though she may not be the best candidate, she is vastly more qualified than Donald Trump. In what ways do you think Clinton can help benefit our country? I think she is going to take a strong stance on women’s education, LGBT rights and immigration. Which one of Clinton’s ideas are you most passionate about? Immigration. I feel that we should take in more Syrian refugees. Are you against any of her ideas? Not really. What do you think is Clinton’s strongest quality? She is a fighter and she has lots of patience. Anyone that can put up with Donald Trump has my respect. Have you always been on her side? No. I was a big Bernie Sanders supporter. He was the best, but now Hillary is. Many people say Clinton is a liar, crook and criminal. What’s your say on this? She has been. But, she is a politician and every politician has done these things. I believe that she is a different person, she has overcome her mistakes and she is going to be an amazing president. If you had to sum up Hillary Clinton in one word, what would it be? Strong.

Why do you support Hillary Clinton? I feel like since she has been the Secretary of State, the Senate, and The First Lady, she is more seasoned in this field. In what ways do you think Clinton can help benefit our country? Healthcare wise, I feel like she is going to build off of Obamacare instead of take away health care completely. I also feel like she is more welcoming than Donald Trump. Which one of Clinton’s ideas are you most passionate about? I really like her stance on immigration, because she says she will not rip families apart, unlike Trump’s plan. Are you against any of her ideas? I am kind of against her ideas on raising minimum wage, because I feel like $12 an hour is a little much for entry-level jobs. What do you think is Clinton’s strongest quality? The fact that she is so qualified. If you are going to the dentist to get a root canal, you would want someone that is qualified in the area, not someone that just guesses their way through it. Have you always been on Clinton’s side? No, in the beginning I wanted Bernie Sanders. Many people say Clinton is a liar, crook, and criminal. What’s your say on this? When it comes to the emails, we can’t forget that George Bush also deleted 21,000 emails. When it comes to lying, all politicians lie. If you had to sum up Hillary Clinton in one word, what would it be? American.

by ryan villarreal | staff writer


features | ISSUE 2 | novEMBER 2016

featureS | ISSUE 2 | novEMBER 2016

by sabria zlitni | features EDITOR


Farewell, Obama As Obama’s eight years comes to an end, it is time to say goodbye

Changes in the white house: One of the major renovations was the dining room, to make it more modern. Using modern art and design, First Lady Michelle Obama has made a bold statement in a room that has been normally used for private events. While retaining many of the Kennedy-era antiques and the glittering 1780 crystal chandelier, the artworks added to the room are contemporary, including original pieces by Robert Rauschenberg, Josef Albers and Anni Albers. One of the most significant additions is a 1966 painting by Alma Thomas, a force in the Washington Color School and the first African-American woman whose art is included in the White House permanent collection.

Source: The Washington Post

President Obama fun facts: }He was known as “O’Bomber” in high school for his skill in basketball. }He owns a set of red boxing gloves autographed by Muhammad Ali. }He promised Michelle he would quit smoking before running for president, but he didn’t. }He kept a pet ape called “Tata” while living in Indonesia. }He is the sixth post-war president to be left-handed. }He would have been an architect if he were not a politician. }His culinary specialty chili. }He was given the code name “Renegade” by his Secret Service handlers.

Source: The Telegraph



5 Achievements while in office:

The Affordable Care Act

In 2010, Obama signed the Affordable Care Act, which has resulted in 20 million Americans gaining health care coverage.

Ended the war in Iraq

In 2011, the war in Iraq came to an end and Obama ordered all troops to come back home on American soil.

Eliminated Osama bin laden

In 2011, the terrorist leader of la-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, was killed U.S special forces raided his secret compound. A large stash of al-Qaeda documents was also discovered in the operative.

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

In 2011, President Obama repealed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” which reversed the law for LGBT members in the Armed Forces, so they no longer have to hide who they are.

Raised Minimum Wage

In 2013, Obama urged states to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour. Since then, 18 states have responded. Source: Washington Monthly

by foster hoch | staff writer by kayla willis | in-depth editor

features | ISSUE 2 | novEMBER 2016

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Pumpkin Takeover

A&E co-editor Hunter Murphy whipped up a few delicious pumpkin dishes that you may want to try.

Pumpkin spice lattes 36.4% Hate Them


3 1 Pumpkin spice wings

It’s fall, which means it’s time for football, Halloween, and of course the infamous, pumpkin spiced latte. I took one of the most popular fall treats and combined it with one of the most popular American foods to create the pumpkin-spiced latte wing. To make these, you take any ordinary chicken wing and coat them in a flour, brown sugar, and pumpkin-spiced breading and fry them for around 10 minutes. For the sauce, you can use your favorite hot sauce and mix that with two cups of pure pumpkin on the stove and then add a half cup of coffee and a cup of brown sugar. I would compare these wings to that of a honey barbeque; they were definitely on the sweeter side. These wings would pair greatly with the pumpkin pizza pictured in picture three. These wings are perfect for anyone who loves fall, a wing fanatic or just about anyone with tastebuds.



63.6% love Them *Out of 140 students

2 Pumpkin corn dogs

For these mini-pumpkin corn dogs that are perfect for any October tailgate, all you need are five simple ingredients. After mixing the corn muffin mix together, you add half a cup of pure pumpkin into it, not mixing it thoroughly to give it more color and definition. After rolling the Lit’l Smokies in the cornstarch and then in the batter, you will place them either on a stove or in a fryer where the oil is 350 degrees, until they are golden brown. Although they are delicious on their own, to really make these pop, you can pair them with a maple honey mustard, which takes about 2 tablespoons for each half cup of honey mustard. The honey mustard I used was a honey dijon from Jack Daniels. I also used pretzel sticks with my corn dogs for easy dipping. If you are ever in the need of a quick fall snack or need a finger food for your Sundays, these pumpkin corn dogs are for you.

3 Pumpkin Pizza

The most popular foods in the United States has met the a staple of the fall season, the pumpkin. This dish, of the three, took the most preparation time, taking around an hour to make. You’ll need a sugar pumpkin for this and dough. I used a premade dough because it was more of a demo, but I strongly recommend using actual dough. The pumpkin will need to be cut into four quarters, three will be roasted, the other diced and sauteed with baking apples and sage. After roasting, you will make a mash with the pumpkin, mixing in nutmeg, cinnamon, and honey. I used a mix of my favorite cheeses for the pizza. After spreading the cheese, dollop the pumpkin mash and spread the sauteed mix over the pumpkin with scallions. After throwing that into the oven, you will have one of the most delicious fall-themed foods out there.

a&E | ISSUE 2| novEMBER 2016

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PACKIN’ PROTEIN Are enough athletes knowledgeable about dietary supplements?

Q&A | Jarrett Hernandez

by Kassondra green | SPORTS writer On a mission to outdo their competition, many student athletes have turned to a variety of supplements to enhance their performance. Many of the supplements student-athletes are taking have one thing in common, and that’s protein. “I drink protein every day, sometimes twice a day to enhance my athletic performance,” freshmen Kim Whetstone said. Senior Alex Morales has also used protein supplements and says that when he was drinking protein regularly his muscular gains were greater than when he stopped drinking it. “When you drink protein you can see your body developing quicker. You can tell just by looking in the mirror,” Morales said. Experts say the number of teens using protein supplements is on the rise in both athletes and non-athletes wanting to enhance their appearances. A recent survey by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) reports that 30 percent of high school boys and 18


Photo | JEnna mcdonnell

percent of girls say that they use such supplements. So do the athletes that are consuming protein on a daily basis know what their products are made of? “Me, not so much, but my parents for sure know what’s in it,” senior Parker Capehart said. Experts like Dr. David Thorstad, from St. David’s Children’s Hospital, warn that protein supplements are not regulated by the Food and Drug Administration and may contain heavy contaminants like metals, stimulates and anabolic steroids. Thorstad says that consuming chocolate milk, chicken and eggs can often times fulfill an athlete’s protein intake needs. “The protein you can get from a protein supplement is not better protein that you can get from food,” Thorstad said in a CBS news online article, on July 29. In the end, the decision to take supplements lies between the athlete, the parents of the athletes and the athlete’s coaches.


Digests 9 grams per hour Takes 3 hours to digest one serving What you get from a 28 gram serving: —3 grams of sugar ­—100 calories —0 grams of fat —20 grams of protein

Paraprofessional and assistant football coach, Jarrett Hernandez is a kinesiology major and lifetime athlete. How many athletes do you think consume protein at Bonner Springs High? I don’t think enough do. I think the importance of protein is very overlooked. What kind of protein do you think athletes should be taking? Any type of protein is good. [The football coaches] have been trying to push protein on our players. Even drinking chocolate milk is great as a post-workout routine. How do you feel about artificial protein? I like it. If you have the money to buy it then more power to you. Do you think enough athletes are educated on what is in their supplements? I don’t think so. I didn’t truly learn what was in them or how to differentiate between the types of protein until I went to school for kinesiology. Would you recommend athletes drink artificial or natural protein? If you have the sources to get pure ISO protein then go for it, but if you don’t, other sources of protein are just as good for you. In the end protein is protein in your body. ­—Sayra Serrano, Sports Editor


Digests 6 grams per hour Takes 5.5 hours to digest one serving What you get from a 33 gram serving: —0 grams of sugar —120 calories —1 gram of fat —24 grams of protein Source:


sports | ISSUE 2 | novEMBER 2016

Photo | jacky burnett

By lifting early in the year, senior Paris Forshey prepares for the powerlifting season ahead.

Power hour

Powerlifting team brings new spirit of competition to winter sports

by KALEB HIGHTOWER | Sports WRITER As fall sports are coming to an end, a new winter sport emerges: powerlifting. “Any student at the high school or at Clark Middle School can join the powerlifting team,” new coach Chad Eaddy said. Powerlifting involves three lifts: clean, squat and bench. When athletes arrive at the powerlifting meets, they are weighed. This way athletes are only competing with people within nine pounds of their weight. Weight classes begin at 105 pounds for women and 115 pounds for men. After the weight classifications are finished, athletes move into the competition area. For most schools, this means the gym or the weight room. Athletes can medal in four different categories, including bench, squat, clean and overall lifter. The overall lifter medals are given to the athletes with the highest combined weight lifted. For the first year, Eaddy’s goal is to compete with schools in our area, including Piper, Tonganoxie and Basehor.

sportS | ISSUE 2 | novEMBER 2016

Eaddy was motivated to start the powerlifting team when he arrived this summer and learned that there was no powerlifting team at the high school. “I listened to the community,” Eaddy said. “I heard that several of our rivals had teams and that we needed to be competing with them. I wanted to give students who don’t wrestle or play basketball [a chance] to compete,” Eaddy said. Coach Eaddy got the sport approved from athletic director Doug Hitchcock and principal Rick Moulin. The team is set to start practicing the week of Nov. 22. Student-athletes will be required to practice at least three times a week. There are currently eight meets on the schedule, with the first one being an intra-squad meet on Dec. 10. The team does not currently have a budget for equipment, but they plan on fundraising to buy uniforms. “I have very high expectations for the powerlifting team,” Eaddy said.



number of students who attended the informational meeting on Oct. 27

projected number of students on both the boys’ and girls’ teams


I’m very excited and anxious to be a part of [the powerlifting team] and grow physically and mentally. —Cylysce Garcia, sophomore



number of meets scheduled

projected number of weight classes offered


The new powerlifting program will assist students with making strengthtraining gains and goal-setting, but more importantly gaining selfdiscipline in the classroom. —Chad Eaddy, coach









Favorite season?







Favorite pizza place?





’S O N





Percent of students said they would rather be older than they are.

Percent of students said they would rather have a nice car over a nice house.



Percent of students said they would rather be smart instead of good looking.

Percent of students said they would rather be the passenger than the driver.



We surveyed 180 students on random questions to get to know our student body better. Here’s what we found.




Percent of students said they prefer the beach over the mountains.


Percent of students said they are introverts rather than extroverts.



a&E | ISSUE 2 | novEMBER 2016

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