The Pow Wow|Vol. 81|Issue 2

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pow wow

vol. 81 | issue 2 Bonner springs high school | november 2018

a pawsitive impact

See pages 7-10 for a look at how our pets affect our lives.

Q & A | Jan Madlock What’s the biggest challenge of not having a classroom? Not having all my things organized and not being able to find what I need because I have boxes in Ms. Martin’s storage. My stuff is all over the place.

construction now A whole new look is coming to BSHS

Trinity jones | photo

darrah lane | staff writer When students return from winter break in January, they can expect to find the west wing construction completed with two new science classrooms and athletic locker rooms below. Then after spring break, students can expect a new and ready B-Tech building. “We are hoping to make the transition to the B-Tech over spring break. The administration would like the seniors to have the opportunity to experience the new building,” HTK head architect Charley Sexton said. The building will house print and video journalism, industrial technology, and business and materialism processing programs. “We’re going to have state-ofthe-art equipment and technology and shared spaces, so kids are going to have more opportunities to collaborate,” principal Rick Moulin said. “I’ve walked through the building and looked at the layout and things like that. It’s going to be amazing.” Moulin said flexible seating will be a unique feature of the

2  news | november 2018

building, with furniture that is easily moved to recreate new spaces. Many students have wondered how passing period will work since the building will not be attached to the main building. “What the board is talking about is having the building unlocked during passing period and then have some kind of buzzin system once passing period is over,” Moulin said. Once the B-Tech building is ready and open, phase two of the construction will begin in the basement. Sexton said there will be “massive” changes and that the majority of the basement will be walled off from stairwell to stairwell from mid-March on. Current PE students will relocate to the new athletic locker rooms due to renovation of the bathrooms and old locker rooms. The current wood shop will be converted into a new shared suite for the FACS program while the welding shop and AV classroom spaces will become a commons area.

The upstairs will also be seeing changes over the summer once school is out. The library will be renovated, with more comfortable seating, like booths, and a new conference room. The serving area in the cafeteria will have a new look and will include a U-shaped serving area, a specialty food bar, a new à la carte space­—all with the hope of making the set-up more functional. The FACS classrooms will be renovated for the life skills program to better meet the needs of students. The current life skills room will also be remodeled. “That space is going to be renovated and is going to house our CNA program and our law and public safety program,” Moulin said. The cost of renovations at the high school is approximately $18.9 million. “It’s pretty exiting,” Sexton said. See for a complete look at the plans.

How do you adjust to all the different classrooms? There are some classrooms that have some limitations where I can’t do science labs in, so when I have labs, I have to take a cart of water and my beakers and everything down. How do you feel about not having a classroom? I’m okay with it because I’m getting a brand new classroom. This temporary time of traveling around, I can do. I’m already halfway through the semester. What’s your favorite part of your cart? My bell is pretty fun. I just wanted it to be fun because It could be a drag if you don’t have a classroom. How can students keep track of you if they might need to speak to you? That can be a little tricky. I am here before school by about 7:10 a.m and now that volleyball is over I stay after in the storage closet, which is my ”office.” What are you looking forward to with your new classroom? Just planning for some really awesome labs that we haven’t been able to do. How might having a new classroom change your teaching? My teaching style is a little bit different because I’m traveling right now. I don’t feel like I know my students as well as I normally would if I was in my own classroom.

isabella colorado | staff writer

The Addams Family OPENS TONIGHT Television and movie classic will run through Sunday evening “They’re creepy and they’re kooky, mysterious and spooky, they’re altogether ooky, the Addams Family.” The iconic oddballs will take the stage tonight at 7 p.m. as part of the fall musical. If you can’t catch the action then, there will be a Saturday night 7 p.m. show and a Sunday 2 p.m. matinee. Tickets are $7 for students and $10 for adults. Director Kelli Jo Henderson chose this play because she was drawn to the many positive themes. “I love the family message behind the Addams Family,” Henderson said. “I’m always preaching to my theater students about how we are a family and we try to live that and embody that and this musical just has that message of being a family and embracing who you are and being true to yourself.” Senior Bambi McCasted has been cast in a lead role as Martica Addams. “I wanted to play Morticia because there’s something about

Senior Claire Gurley

her that’s regal, there’s something about her that makes people stop and stare in awe of her,” McCasted said. McCasted also appreciates her character’s dry sense of humor. “She makes saltine crackers look like water,” McCasted said. The audience can look forward to seeing some Addams Family staples on the stage as well. “We are going to be having a really notable couch, a coffin bed, a crypt, the iconic Addams family gate that the ancestors are going to be coming in and out from and a torture wall,” Henderson said. The infamous “Thing” (the hand) will also be making an appearance in the play, but Henderson isn’t revealing any details on that. Henderson is hoping that the audience enjoys the show as much as she and the cast do. “I’m hoping that the audience will love the message and just come out of there with high energy and feel-good feelings,” Henderson said.

aja hubbard | news editor


Claire Gurley

as Gomez Addams

as Wednesday Addams

Bella DeLeon-Knapp

Faith Trahan

as Fester Addams

Zack Stoddard as Lurch

as Pugsley Addams

Alyssa McCasted as Morticia Addams

Chloe Freeman as Grandma

november 2018 | news 3

never stop...

A collection of mini-editorials in response to the phrase “Never Stop”

Taking chances

I believe in taking chances. As cheesy as that probably sounds, I think that taking chances is a key part of living a happy and full life. A lot of us are taught that our failures and mistakes are the end of the world. We’re told that it’s better to just not try at all rather than to risk messing up. I think that this whole idea is absolutely ridiculous. If you walk through the world constantly turning down all the opportunities that come your way, you’re not only avoiding the bad experiences, but the great ones as well. If you confine yourself to a box and never leave your comfort zone, you’ll never gain a true understanding of your full potential. As a kid, I spent a good portion of my life avoiding things because I was afraid to get out there and risk being disliked or failing somehow. I was so anxious about not being good

enough that I didn’t even bother to reach for the things that I wanted and strive for my goals. Ultimately, it led me to a really bad place. I couldn’t handle social situations because I was so terrified of taking a chance and doing something that made me uncomfortable. When I stopped holding myself back and started forcing myself into new scenarios where I had to be uncomfortable, it changed my life. I made new friends, got new opportunities and learned a lot about myself along the way. Learning to take chances and live life fully has made me into the outspoken, carefree, happy person that I am now. So stop holding yourself back. Never ever stop taking chances, go out there, try something that scares you, and find out what you’re truly capable of.

angelina willoughby | staff writer

= always remember Always remember those who helped so often with good ideas and solutions; those who bring joy, learning, and reassurance; those who support you in so many ways! Parents, family, teachers, coaches, employers, friends­—and more to come in the future. Look up from your phone for a bit and see nature around us. Right now, it’s all-day sunrise, with autumn glory, and then we’ll have crystal beauty in winter, and await spring’s colorful awakening, and

4  opinions | november 2018

summer’s openings. And your next assignment? Remember that “the devil’s in the house of the rising sun,” but he’s not in charge. You are! Face with fortitude each day­, no matter what the challenges, and make decisions with forethought. And enjoy the good stuff. Smile! As a hymn states, “Let there be light,” and let it be incoming from the world around and from you to others. Blessings!

Chris wood | quiz bowl sponsor


My love of reading has always been clear as day. In elementary school, I once wet my pants to avoid having to put my books down because I was so worried about someone taking them. Books are a huge part of my life, and although I have less time to read compared to when I was younger, I still believe that you should never stop reading. In our generation, many of us haven’t stepped into a library in years for anything besides printing, which is honestly quite sad. Books have taught me many things, ranging from signs of a toxic relationship to learning how to take risks. There are many different types of books, which makes me certain that there is a book out there for everyone. Although this generation is all about Netflix, and the internet itself, taking some time out of your day to read for pleasure is important. Reading could help you open your mind up­—whether it helps your imagination grow or your awareness. Take a risk and open up a book because you never know what answers it will contain.

jennifer saldivar | staff writer

caring for yourself

It’s important to take care of your mind, body, and spirit. Being more aware of these things is something you should begin to practice in your day-to-day life. Start your day with saying three things you are grateful for; begin the day with feeding your mind something positive. Go on a walk; this helps with stress and anxiety, but sometimes you also need a breath of fresh air. It’s a great day to start or even end your day, as well as getting in some physical activity. Whenever you are feeling negative, consider buying a journal from the dollar store or open up your notes

in your phone and let your thoughts and emotions roam free. Don’t always be dependent on people for your happiness, because you never know if they are always going to be in your life. However, surrounding yourself with uplifting people who see things the way you do is nice too. Putting yourself first is big part of your happiness. Loving yourself takes time, but the more time you are spending alone, the more you’ll find your way to realizing what things you need to fix to better yourself and your everyday life.

cylysce garcia |staff writer

inspiring others Anyone, at any stage in their life, can be inspiring to someone. Imagine the beautiful world we could create if more people demonstrated kindness and inspired others to be kind. The more advanced our technology becomes, the smaller the world begins to feel. Technology allows us to inspire people we have never met; in places we have never been. We can challenge ideas and articulate our own beliefs on a global scale or a much more local scale. When you have integrity in your actions, you will often find your action has a positive reaction to those around you. Simply caring for those around you can be inspiring for someone who watches you act kindly towards others. Demonstrating that you have the courage to be yourself­—the courage to change your path regardless of your age or life circumstances­—and the courage to try new things can also inspire people. Often people inspire me without

even realizing it. I find myself inspired as I walk down our crowded hallways and see students laughing and enjoying their day. I am inspired by how many of our students volunteer to help make our community a better place. I am inspired when I see students helping each other in class without being asked or expecting an accolade. I was blown away by how inspired I was when I watched the BSHS volleyball teams this year­—talk about inspiring! I am inspired when I see our school teams wear Bonner uniforms with pride, determination and team spirit. I am inspired by the school spirit Orange Crush demonstrates during games. I am constantly finding myself inspired by those around me; I hope that every now and then I too spark someone around me and light a tiny inspirational fire that they can cultivate, grow, and pass on to those around them.

being a kid

Everyone knows we have to grow up and become adults, but that doesn’t mean we have to stop having fun just like we did as kids. Kids are always running around and having fun and laughing. They aren’t worried about how they look or stressed about that job interview next week. Too many adults seem so stressed out so much of the time, and you wonder what would happen if they just cut loose and acted like a kid again, even just for a few minutes. I love the couples who have been together for 50 plus years and are still pulling pranks and jokes on each other. We need more of them. There are still rules we have to follow and a job we have to work, but that shouldn’t stop us from being a kid every once in awhile and having a good laugh with our friends. Be that person who still prank calls their friends at the age of 70 and not the person that is grumpy all the time. Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.

james reno | Features editor

JenniFer stricherz |Teacher

november 2018 | opinions 5

What's your sign?

jennifer saldivar | staff writer

aries | Mar 21-Apr 19 Taurus | Apr 20-May 20

Gemini | May 21-Jun 20 Cancer | Jun 21- jul 22 Leo | Jul 23-aug 22 Virgo | Aug 23-Sep 22 Libra | Sep 23-Oct 22 Scorpio | Oct 23-Nov 21 Sagittarius | Nov 22-Dec 21 Capricorn | Dec 22- Jan 19 Aquarius | Jan 20-Feb 18 Pisces | Feb 19-mar 20



You achieve harmony with everyone you come into contact with. You may develop a new creative venture or a new romance depending on what you wish for. Expect opportunities for creativity in all its forms.



You may not have your usual energy but despite this, others will regard you positively. People in authority will recognize your ready cooperation and respond by being agreeable. You will attract people & circumstances that will help your work during this time.

You have been very busy lately and because of this you won’t quite have your usual energy. It's a good time to meet people from different walks of life. You will have opportunities to experience personal growth through your close relationships.

This is a very good time for a new beginning. Perhaps you will find a new job or promotion in your workplace and possibly develop a new attitude towards your health or diet, depending on the choice you make.





It is suggested that you may make a new beginning in some way where your home or family is concerned. Opportunities for growth in this area of your life like expanded family or better living conditions will occur.



It is time for learning and for gaining new experiences and the new moon encourages you to get started in some way by turning a fresh page in your life. Your social life and interaction with friends this month will be fun.





You have an opportunity to make a new start, perhaps in a new place or with new friends and neighbors. It may seem like things are never going to be resolved, but your patience will be rewarded.


Although you continue to suffer tension, the situation should improve. Try to be careful about communication this month, there could be misunderstandings. You will learn a great deal about yourself through your empathy with the suffering of others.



Try something new in the form of travel, languages, education or even philosophy. Beneficial changes in your personal life will occur. Your world is beginning to open up which is why you will become impatient with your old routine.




You have no doubt been fighting for what you feel is rightfully yours where shared resources are concerned, but you shouldn't worry, it will be solved in December. It is a good time to make a fresh start where your income is concerned.



Your whole personality will be more warm. You will make a positive impression on everybody. Your friends will benefit you and you'll probably get more involved in group activities. New friends is on the menu this month.



The world will begin to see you a in different light and you will be helped to get ahead in whatever you attempt. Beneficial changes that could affect your financial status will occur. source |

6  A & E | november 2018

a PAWsitive impact

Our pets do a lot more for us than you think james reno | Features editor Whether you’re playing fetch, chasing them in the yard or cuddling up next to them, our pets are often so much more than just some animal in our homes. There are 144 million pet owners in the U.S., and those pets often play a vital role in their owner’s life, bringing love and companionship and in some cases health benefits. Some animals have bigger roles than just being our cute pets at home. Many dogs are used as seeing-eye dogs and can be trained to detect seizures. Animals can also be used in speech, occupational and physical rehabilitation to help patients recover. Sophomore Jase Hadley experienced many different types of therapy after a terrifying auto accident this past summer that left him with two broken legs, bruised ribs and other serious injuries. While in the hospital, Hadley went through musical therapy, animal therapy and physical therapy so he could learn to walk again. Hadley had three dogs during his therapy, and he said all three were some mix of golden retriever. Two of the dogs were named Bodie and Hunter. Hadley said he couldn’t remember the third dog’s name because he was still in a daze when that dog was with him. “They would lay with me, they would play

with me and they were really nice. What I liked about them was that they would pay attention to my legs and made sure they weren’t sitting on them,” Hadley said. The dogs would visit Jase every Wednesday and Sunday, twice a day, for about 30 minutes each visit. “It was the happiest time I had in that hospital bed,” Hadley said.

“My pets have given me something to be excited about when I go home. They have also made me happier in general.” Alexis Lister|9 Aside from the therapeutic roles that these animals had with Jase, animals are also cherished companions, which can certainly affect the quality of our lives. Is the companionship of our pets beneficial to our health? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institute of Health (NIH) both have conducted studies for heart-related problems on people who have pets. The studies show that the

people who have pets have lower cholesterol, triglyceride levels and decreased blood pressure, which can all lead to lower chances of having a heart attack later on down the road. These studies also show that patients who have suffered from a heart attack have shown better recovery rates when having a dog or cat with them. This is to be believed through the tendency that pets help reduce the owner’s overall stress level. Pediatrician James E. Gern at the University of Wisconsin has conducted several studies that show having a pet in the household can help prevent animal-related allergies. Having pets at home can actually lower a child’s likelihood of developing allergies by as much as 33 percent, according to Gern’s work. Another benefit is the emotional support that our pets give us all the time. “My dog, Honey, really helps me when I am feeling lonely or upset,” freshman Faith Trahan said. “Whenever I’m sad, she usually comes over and sits next to me or on me, especially when I’m in bed.” Senior Grace Tsen said her pets­—two rats, two dogs and two cats—give her something to look forward to and make her feel loved. “It’s comforting to know someone is waiting for you at home,” Tsen said.

november 2018 | features 7

Bonner Springs Animal Rescue angelina willoughby | staff writer

Since the Bonner Springs Animal Rescue was first founded in 2010 by sisters Darla Hicks and Susan Dean, the non-profit organization has managed to become a staple here in the Bonner Springs community. Their mission as described on their website is to provide temporary care and treatment for stray animals, promote spay and neuter programs, help curve the population of strays in the area and provide a no kill alternative for impounded or abandoned pets. Having placed thousands of animals since its beginning, the shelter’s mission seems to be a massive success.



“It’s greatly helped the community in reducing the number of stray animals and saved the city of Bonner a lot of money since they no longer have to spend so much money on getting strays fixed,” said Tim Christoff, a senior volunteer who has been working with the shelter alongside his family for nearly seven years. According to Christoff, the shelter has had a big part in helping those who are struggling to care for their animals by giving pet food and extra donations to those who can’t afford it. Due to such a good response from the community, the shelter has not only been able to support

Volunteer, Angie Thomas

itself but been able to help support others who are less fortunate as well. “We get lots of food and supplies donated by kids who have birthday parties and ask for donations as gifts,” Christoff said. “We also have a lot of people who donate money or have left money in their wills for the shelter; our washer and dryer were actually donated to us that way.” With such a big outreach from the community, it’s no surprise so many were willing to step up and help when the shelter’s future was in question. If you keep up with the shelter, then you likely heard about their

Facebook post circulating around online in August. Due to an aging staff and a lack of new volunteers willing to follow in their footsteps, the shelter’s future seemed grim and there was talk of them possibly closing their doors for good But even with all the help received and people who came forward, it hasn’t been quite enough. “A lot of people responded but not many people actually came through,” Christoff said, “They aren’t ready to commit to it.” If you’re willing to dedicate the time and effort needed and are interested in volunteering, you can find more information on their website at

The cats below are all available for adoption at the Animal Rescue Center at 104 Forest Avenue in Bonner Springs





Age: Adult Breed: Domestic Medium

Age: Young Breed: Domestic Short Hair &

Age: Adult Breed: Domestic Medium

Manx Mix

Hair & Tabby Mix

Calico Mix

Hair & Calico Mix

Age: Senior Breed: Domestic Short Hair &

“Pets have a positive impact on me because they teach me discipline and they are a stress reliever for me.“ Caden DeMoss | 10

8  features | october 2018

“Pets are companions that will always love you and be there for you.” Clayton Millison |11

“She makes me laugh and is always there when I need snuggles.” Ginny Hartley | 12

small dogs


christopher adams | staff writer

Reese bacon | 11

Ali barnett | 12

BIg dogs Pets name: Simon Age: Three Breed: Yorkie Poo (Yorkie and Poodle mix) Height: About one foot Weight: Seven pounds Tricks: He can sit, shake, lay down and that’s about it. Interesting Facts: He is named Simon because if my mom would have had a boy, his name would have been Simon. Advantages of having a small dog: I can take him places and he doesn’t shed. Disadvantages of having a small dog: He is so small that sometimes I can’t see him and I step on him; he can’t go on very long walks because he gets tired easily. What kind of clothes does your dog wear? How many pairs? He has 12 different types of clothing­, one for each of the KC sports teams­, a camo shirt for hunting season and a couple of Hawaiian shirts for summer.

Pets name: Olaf Age: One Breed: Full Mask Saint Bernard Height: About 5-feet, 10 inches Weight: About 170 pounds Tricks: He can do all the simple commands: sit, lay down, speak, roll over, and is very talented at getting on the counter to enjoy our dinners before we get to eat! One night he ate several pounds of hamburger thawing out on the counter. Interesting Facts: He stinks, but he’s very sweet for as big of a dog as he is, and he loves car rides. Advantages of having a big dog: He’s huge, so he’s the best guard dog ever, and he’s fluffy so I love to cuddle with him. Disadvantages of having a big dog: He loves swimming in the pond, but it makes him stink terribly. He also sheds worse than a cat would, and he also drools so much that we have to change his water multiple times a day due to the amount of slobber in there.

Kaspien Stogner | 12 How many pets do you have? 11 What type of pets do you have? Rats, mice, a snake and a cat How long have you had each of them? I have had the cat for three years and the others for two years. Is it difficult to take care of so many pets? Yes, because for the snake we have to drive far to get his food. Cleaning the rat cages takes a lot of time. With so many pets, do you plan to work with animals as a career? Yes, I’m interested in herpetology, zoology, or possibly becoming a veterinarian because I am really passionate about animals and enjoy learning about them. I connect more with animals than people. Do you have any advice for people considering adopting pets? If you want a pet, you need to research it­—especially if it is an exotic pet, so you can know what they need. You also need to research vets and prepare before you get an animal.

US Pet Numbers:

60.2 million households have a dog

47.1 million households have a cat

12.5 million households have a freshwater fish

7.9 million households have a bird SOURCE | 2017-2018 National Pet owner survey

“I love chasing my chickens; they’re good for a laugh. My cats are fun to hold and cuddle with, along with my dogs too.” Lexi Cofer | 12

“Pets give you something to look forward to and someone who always loves you” Grace Tsen|12

“My pets keep me calm and smiling all the time.” Randy Craig | 10

october 2018 | features9

but first, let me take a selfie




Owner: Athena Dunkel-Lappe | 10 Age: 2 years old Breed: Ring-necked dove Something I hate: When other people touch me Favorite place to be scratched: Under the neck and wings Name origin: From Harry Potter

Owners: Hayden McArthur | 12, Jackson McArthur | 11 Age: 9 yeas old Breed: Boxer Favorite toy: Squeaky toys Something I hate: Vegetables

Owner: Darrah Lane | 10 Age: 18 years old Breed: American Paint Horse Favorite thing to do: Boss other horses around. Name origin: My original name is Ruper and my nick name is Cisco.




Owner: Sasha Welicky | 10 Age: 9 years old Breed: Pembroke Welsh Corgi Tricks: I can roll over. Favorite place to be scratched: On the belly Name origin: From Charlie Brown

Owner: Kyra Duwe | 11 Age: Less than a year old Breed: Holland Lop rabbit Something I hate: Carrots Favorite thing to eat: Hay Fears: Dogs

Owner: Alexis Cofer | 12 Age: 1 year old Breed: Tabby Favorite place to be scratched: Behind the ears

10  Features | november 2018

Happy Fall Y’all! from your friends at Price Chopper! 501 S. Commercial Drive Bonner Springs 913-441-6988

Terri’s Home Daycare (913) 439-0398

Did You Know? We start recruiting for Summer Employment in January!

When it comes to any sport, athletes often get carried away with grinding to the point where their bodies give out. What they fail to realize is that rest and recovery is actually a vital aspect of training. Wrestling head coach Brandon Jobe focuses his athletes’ training on strenuous conditioning to prepare them for the endurance of the season, but he does so safely and with a purpose. “I sometimes purposely overtrain my athletes,” Jobe said. “And I don’t know if I’d call it overtraining, but how we’re going to train the entire season. They’re just not ready for it and their bodies aren’t used to it yet.” Despite the intensity of training, some wrestlers often feel the need to push themselves past the limits set by their coaches. “We lift, we run, we work out before school, we work out after school and I have guys that still think they need to do more on their own, which a lot of times is the case, but sometimes it’s not when we have two to three workouts a day,” Jobe said. “Guys need to rest.” Jobe feels that recovery, along with nutrition, are areas that make significant impacts on performance improvement or regression. “Everybody can come in and work hard, but if you’re not recovering and not putting the right stuff in your body so you can work harder and longer, then you’re behind the game,” Jobe said. Jobe said athletes must take a balanced approach to their training. “Recovery and nutrition are two of the most overlooked things with high school athletes especially,” Jobe said. “If you never let yourself fully recover and you’re just beat down all the time, that affects your physical performance, but more importantly it affects you mentally to where you don’t want to put in the effort or you don’t want to train like you should.” Jobe also stressed nutrition and

blake best| staff writer

12  sports | november 2018

putting the right things into your body for all athletes. “Nutrition is a big part of that for us obviously because they have to make weight but also that’s the fuel that you’re running on so if you’re trying to perform at a high level and you’re running on Snickers that doesn’t work,” Jobe said. With the proper tools for training in place, Coach Jobe believes his athletes’ performance will follow. “I’m not most concerned about results, I’m concerned about performance­—you being the best version of you that you possibly can be. I don’t care about whatever Basehor’s doing or anybody else across the state; we do what we do,” Jobe said. Under Jobe’s carefully planned training guidelines, he is confident that his guys will be able to compete at a high level. “If they do the right things and take care of themselves, they will peak and be ready to go,” said Jobe, whose team finished third at state last year. Unfortunately for some, overtraining does get the best of them. Junior Mykael White had exceeded his limits during his sophomore track season. Despite not running all winter, White resisted easing into track following his swim season. “I started with 9 miles days, then I did a 7 miles run on my own and another couple miles later with my friend. I felt good and then I kept going and it hurt me. By the end of the season, it hurt to walk,” White said. Distance coach Jacob Wike didn’t exactly agree with White’s training plan. “Coach Wike was mad at me; he was just like come on, be smarter, you’ve got to be smarter with your training,” White said. Starting off his season too hard, White had injured himself to the point of no return. “I had to take a couple weeks off in the middle of the season and then I just never got back to the full potential I could’ve had if I didn’t start way too hard and overtrain,” White said.

pushed to the limit

A look at how athletes can neglect recovery

jake wike | coach When did you overtrain? I personally overtrained my fourth year being at Wichita State and it was during my indoor track season. What caused your overtraining? I had been working out at an extremely high level for about two and a half months without a day off at all­—basically 6 to 9-mile runs and weights, swimming and all that stuff. How did that impact your season? I fractured the lower part of my tibia, which is right above my ankle on the inside of my left leg, and that basically sat me out almost my entire senior track season at WSU. As a coach, how do you prevent overtraining? I think part of it is educating kids about what it is; it’s this concept of the more I work out, the worse I get. The other side of it is just warning them of the dangers of it and planning rest days.

Joe Tapia | 12 When did you overtrain? Towards the middle or later at the end of my junior season. I started working really hard and probably did not rest enough. What caused your overtraining? I didn’t see that I was improving enough and I thought I needed to be better. How did that impact your performance? I was really tired. I didn’t give my muscles or my body time to heal up and get a break, so I just kept on destroying my body. What do you do to prevent that from happening now? I still train, but I take rest days and I know I need to let my body heal. I put the correct fuel in my body to heal up.

signs you are overtraining

1. Always having sore muscles 2. Experiencing excessive fatigue 3. Irritability and mood swings 4. Lack of sleep 5. Loss of appetite 6. More prone to face minor strains and injuries

Paying the Price As a highly competitive athlete, you have to train non-stop to make it to the top. The desire and drive to become the best at your respective sport can consume you, but something that is often overlooked is that you can take your training too far. That is exactly what happened to me my junior cross country season and it impacted my performance at state. The beginning of my season started off as a fairly normal season. I ran a time close to my previous best and good things appeared to be coming. As the season progressed, my times were getting better but not at the rate that I had wanted or expected. So, I decided that I needed to take my training to another level and pushed myself to the point where I took no days off for over a month. Initially, the results I got were amazing. I dropped over 40 seconds within three meets. But while my times were getting faster, my legs were increasingly more fatigued and being affected by lackluster energy. Thankfully, it didn’t hold me back at regionals and I was able to punch my ticket into state. But at the state meet, all of the overtraining caught up to me. My legs started to immediately fatigue after running a 5:10 first mile. The rest of the race was complete pain as I was trying to push through the fatigue. Although I didn’t finish with too bad of a time, I wasn’t able to peak at the state meet as we had wanted. Even though as a highly competitive athlete you have to push your limits, failing to take ample recovery can wash it all away.

VIEWPOINT | kaleb wilson

november 2018 | sports 13

from the kitchen of room 101 alex rivers | staff writer

pumpkin spice sausage with Vice Principal DON Hilliard

Q&A Vice Principal Don Hilliard, aka Papa Brat, has been making brats for the past six years. Here’s a look at his hobby. How did you start getting into making brats? Obviously, it starts with the love of food in general, but specifically brats and burgers. I had been into making my own burgers for awhile and then my wife bought me a grinder for my birthday and I started making burgers and thought, “Well, I can make brats too


PUMPKIN SPICE SAUSAGE “I was worried about how these elements would taste combined together, but I was pleasantly surprised. The pumpkin spice flavor was very subtle. Yum!” Jennifer Saldivar


Why do you like making brats? The thing that I enjoy is that every time you make them, it’s different.

2-1/2 lbs ground pork 3-1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp white pepper 1/2 tsp pumpkin spice 1/4 tsp mace 1/4 cup dry milk Ice water

Ice water to make an emulsion Stuff into casings, or form patties

“The taste of pumpkin spice wasn’t overpowering and ultimately added a nice sweetness to the brats. I wouldn’t mind eating them again.” Bella Colorado

“I thought they were going to be gross, but they were actually pretty good.” Aja Hubbard

14  A & E | november 2018

pumpkin spice mac & cheese

What is your favorite part of making brats? Probably giving them to other people to try; for the most part it’s not that difficult of a process once you understand some basic concepts What is your favorite type of brat that you have made? A replica of Johnsonville brats. That is the only reason I got into making them in the first place. How difficult was it to make the pumpkin spice brats? Not difficult at all. I used the same process as making an actual brat and for experimental sake, I put them in patty form, which just made it easier and quicker. I think they are a great breakfast sausage too. How difficult is it when you are trying a new recipe without guidelines to follow? Most recipes have a basic guideline to follow and then I add my ingredients from there.

Overall, we didn’t fall in love with this macaroni and cheese, but the taste was definitely unique. The pumpkin element didn’t make a huge difference, but you could still taste it. From a scale of 1-10, this recipe definitely earned a strong 5.

Visit BSHSNEWS.COM for Ingredients and recipe

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Sit down, BE GRATEFUL Students comment on the little things in life that they are grateful for

I was grateful about a week ago when I got home and my leftovers I forgot about were still in the fridge.

I’m grateful for Third Spce coffee. carly coleman| 11


I’m grateful for music. Caraline Crowley | 10

Keyon thomas | 12

I’m grateful for being surrounded by all of the people around me at BSHS. principal rick moulin

I’m grateful for sports and my clothes. Meghan billings | 9

I’m grateful for the sacrifices people make for me.

I’m grateful for my family. Gabbie chavez| 11

I’m grateful for my grandmother’s cooking. Cortland hervey| 10

I’m grateful for my fish. Scout dilday | 10

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