Page 1


Critical Justification James Harr



01 03 05

Introduction Pages 01 - 08

Post-Interim Pages 19 - 26

Remote Pages 57 - 78

02 04 06

Pre-Interim Pages 09 - 18

Console Pages 27 - 56

Games Pages 79 - 94

07 09 11

Interfaces Pages 95 - 110

Video Pages 135 - 146

Validation Pages 155 - 158

08 10 12

Packaging Pages 111 - 134

Deliverables Pages 147 - 154

Reflection Pages 159 - 162






Critical Justification

Critical Justification What I think it is...

I struggled with the last critical justification as I didn’t really understand what was expected of me. From what I gather, it was meant to show a lot of iterations and show what you have done and who you have spoken to. Dyslexia makes it harder for me to understand briefs that are not written in the most simple of ways. From what I have seen of previous CJ2s and from the brief, this to me seems to be a more behind the making and answering questions like: What you have done? Why you have done it? What you have learnt from it? Thoughts while doing it? Where this has led your project? Self reflection of how the project has gone? I feel as though it is almost showing the journey while justifying each step? Due to my Dyslexia I struggle with projects like this and I am often told I have been too naive with what I have written and I merely skim the surface. I hope that is not the case with this as I have tried to go into detail. I also hope and I have managed to interpret the brief correctly.



Change Of Layout

Change of Layout After looking back over my last critical justification it was clear that my last document didn’t flow and it was hard to follow.

The layout for this document is different and each component is in its own section, making the document easier to follow and more engaging for the reader. This is opposed to my original layout that jumped from component to component making it hard for the reader to keep track of whats going on.



Navigation Understanding The Booklet


Key Insights

Moving Forward

Design Process

Looking at what activities have told me about my project, how it has helped me focus more.

Key information gained from speaking to people about the project and things that have helped with ideas.

Things that have helped the project and will be moving the project in a certain direction.

Why I did things... I did this to see... This has led me to look at... This was successful because...

Anything written in this font is also reflection



Peer Group Speaking to people within my peer group or people at university in general that have any useful feedback on my work

Tutors Guidance from a tutor that has been a particularly helpful insight

Success This highlights when a certain activity within the project has been useful and successful

Failure This highlights when a certain activity within the project has been useless and unsuccessful


Where We Left Off...

Where We Left Off... End Of CJ 1

At the end of the last CJ I was looking at exercise for the elderly to improve strength and balance to reduce the risk of falls. I was focussing on Exergaming and my research was pushing me towards doing a more service based project. Service design is something I have never really done and something I was worried about doing, it was very much out of my comfort zone and to be in this position for my final project didn’t seem a good idea.

I needed to get my head around where my project was going and if I was to do a complete service design I needed to speak to David Parkinson


Where We Left Off...

Home Workout Kit

Elderly Falls Exercise Packaging Design

Bathroom Safety

Fall Prevention

Fall Sensors


Smart Technology



Designing Making

How long each section took

Interim - 15th March

Console CJ 1 - 10th March


Remote Games



Interfaces Packaging Video Final Boards



CJ2 - May 19th


Final Hand In - 12th May


Final Project





Tutor Meeting

Tutor Meeting Ian Hewitt

Ian was happy that my idea was taking shape. I was still behind due to exploration and I needed to make sure I did well in the next interim in order to have a clear direction in which I was heading.

I was happy to get positive feedback however I knew there was a lot of work ahead in order to do well in the interim.

The positive feedback towards my work gave me motivation as I felt like the idea was nearly there and this was a good confidence boost.

Tutor Meeting


Your idea is taking shape but it is really important you get the idea across very clearly at the interim.



My idea is quite complicated to explain so this was something very important for my project


Logo Development

Logo Development STABLE

I came up with the name STABLE, which stands for Strength Training and Balance - Lets Exercise. As well as meaning “not likely to give way or overturn� which suits the product/service well. I was really happy with the name I chose along with the logo design, Ian gave me positive feedback for the logo and he liked the name so that was a good confidence booster.

STABLE Font - Adam

Danger sign as falling is a danger

Footprint as the idea is based around being balance on your feet


Logo Development

Final Logo Design’s I created a full logo and a stamp, these were both a combination of all the elements I wanted, to build up a simple and effective logo for the brand



Interim Ian, Anthony and Dave

The interim was very useful as the tutors gave me some ideas which were very beneficial to my work, this helped to join a lot of dots in my project. This was a real confidence booster as I had been helped with the project, however I was still worried that I hadn’t done enough due to being behind because of exploration.

Dave suggested that I should look at creating a console and remote for the service, adding a more product design element to the project - this is something that got me excited in the project again.

Need to look at designing a console and remote to go along side the service this is the key feedback given from the interim.



Interim Idea Pitch: The idea presented was that STABLE is a software you would install on your computer, you would log into this software and your exercise plan would be loaded on there. You would play along the games using the kinect camera which would track your movements.





Interim Feedback

Interim Feedback Ian Hewitt

My interim feedback was a very positive and I had got a better grade than I had expected. After being so behind and doing poor in exploration I was very happy to get a good grade. I am actually doing work to a good standard now, this has helped to motivate me to keep working hard and to get completely back on track.

Ian thinks this isn’t strictly a service design project, this is something that I wanted to hear as I didn’t want to do a strictly service design based project.

Follow the feedback from the interim and look into designing a console and remote to go along with the service, this could be like a package you buy or get?


Interim Feedback



Reflection Journey so far...

The journey so far through major project has been hard, a poor start with exploration has led to me being behind for final project. After the interim though I feel like I am almost back on track and if I keep working at this rate I hope I can end up doing well. The interim has gone well so keep going at this pace and I will be back on track and can start to enjoy the course again.

The interim gave me guidance and more focus, with the interim notes refine the idea and get feedback from Ian once this has been done.



How the project is looking now - Post interim

User goes to the doctor and is asked if they would like to use STABLE?

They are shown how to use it if they are interested and given an assessment Doctor Interface

The information is looked at and the exercise program is changed accordingly

Doctor Interface

The information from the device is fed through the Wi-Fi to the database and to the doctor Doctor Interface

Profile created based on the assessment is loaded into the database Doctor Interface

STABLE is turned on and the games are played by the user Console Remote User Interface

STABLE is taken home by the user.

Console Remote

The device is then set up and ready to use


Refining My Idea

Refining My Idea What do I want to produce?

It was important after the interim to focus and refine my idea. I narrowed down what I needed to design and worked out the service from start to finish.

I was glad my idea was becoming more refined and for the first time since the start of exploration I could see where my project was going and what I needed to do.

Ian was happy I was more focused and seemed to have more confidence in the idea after the interim.

I have now finalised what I need to do and need to start designing each aspect of the project.


Refining My Idea



STABLE Console


Initial Concepts

Initial Concepts STABLE Console

I had an idea of what I wanted the console to look like so I began sketching, however sketching is not something that I find overly helpful for development. Once I have an idea and a few sketch iterations I like to move onto model making and CAD models to bring the ideas more to life. I find changing physical models much more useful than re-sketching something constantly as sketching is one of my weaker attributes, so I prefer to play to my strengths.

Sketching is always a hard part of the process for me but I had a shape and design I liked so now I could move on to model making and putting the idea through Solidworks.

I needs to make a Solidworks model of the design and also a card model to get a physical feel for the product.


Initial Concepts


CAD Model

CAD Model Console #1

I created a Solidworks model of the console to get an idea if how well proportioned my model is with the measurements I have suggested. I measured the size of the USB, HDMI and power females that needed to fit to see how much space they would occupy.

I liked the size of the product and liked the sizes of the USB’s and HDMI in relation to the overall design.

I need to put the model through Keyshot to get an idea of what material choices would suit the product best

USB Measurements

HDMI Measurements

Power Port Measurements


CAD Render

CAD Render Photoshop and Keyshot Render

Using Keyshot and Photoshop I rendered the console to see what the model looked like with the correct materials.

I was happy with the overall aesthetics of the product, it needed to be simple

Ian liked the size of the product but was unsure with some of the material that I had chosen

Make a mock up model based on the dimensions of the CAD model to get a feel of the size the product will be.


CAD Render

The product needs to be easy to use for the elderly so the interaction with the product is very simple. The product only contains 4 cable ports. - USB - Remote Charging Port - USB - Kinect Port - HDMI - TV Connection - Power

Top bar is the On/Off Switch


Test Model 1

Test Model 1 Cardboard Model

Using the Solidworks dimensions I created a card mock up to see how big the product would be. I build it up in layers as this meant the ports could be cut out before assembly. I left the corners on as I wanted this to be a quick exercise. The size of the model in my opinion was a bit small, this is something that I need to have a think about and talk to Ian about.

Make a bigger mock up model by increasing the sizes slightly to see if that is a better size


Test Model 1


Test Model 2

Test Model 2 Pink Foam Model

I thought the model needed to be taller as it seemed too small. This model was also built in layers so I could cut out the port slots beforehand. To get the corners curved I would have had to sand the piece and the curves would not be the same, I need to think of a way to do this so they are all exact.

This model seems too big, I need to make it in-between the size of the two or go back to the original, this is far too bulky!

Make another CAD Model


Test Model 2


Tutor Meeting

Tutor Meeting Ian Hewitt

When seeing Ian I had 3 main questions I needed to ask him and he managed to answer them all and also give extra advice... 1) How can I get the curves all the same if I am making this out of foam? Don’t use foam get it laser cut out of Acrylic and then it will be all the same profiles. Doing it this way you can also cut the port slots out for the USB, HDMI and power. You can then glue the layers together and use P38 to make the edges smooth. 2) Which size model would work best? Definitely the first model, the dimensions are fine, it is similar to a Intel NUC which is what your product will be like. 3) Would colour coordinating the slots and cables be a good idea? That’s a great idea, it will make installing much easier for the user!


Tutor Meeting

Ian made a very good point of asking what each port was. A USB on the back was for charging so he suggested moving it to the front to make it easier.

Make the model using layers of acrylic, then the ports can be cut out. Move one of the USB slots from the front to the back. Colour Coordinate the cables with the slots they plug into

This is one of the best tutor meetings I have had for ideas, I now have a good idea of how to make the product and it has also been changed to be more user friendly.

Re-design the model and move the USB port. Re-make in CAD and use the dimensions to create an Illustrator document to be laser cut


CAD Model

CAD Model Console #2

After speaking to Ian about the dimensions and the change of positioning of one of the USB slots I made a Solidworks model to see how it would look. The model must be a multiple of 3 as the material being used is 3mm. This works well as the USB and HDMI are both around 6mm wide, however the power is over 9mm, work will need to be done with that.

From the CAD model I can get the correct dimensions and transfer these into Illustrator in order to have the right size pieces cut on the laser cutter to make a final test model.

Use the model dimensions to create an Illustrator drawing for the laser cutter.


CAD Render

CAD Print Screen


Illustrator Drawing

Illustrator Drawing Laser Cut Drawing

In Illustrator I created the shapes I needed to be cut from the Acrylic, this included parts to be cut out for the ports

Get the pieces laser cut and assembled.


CAD Render


Test Model 3

Test Model 3 3mm Acrylic

The model was cut out of 3mm Acrylic. The pieces were glued together using Epoxy resin, to fill in the gaps I used P38 which I applied too thickly. Due to the copious amounts of P38 on the model I had to use the belt sander to get a smooth finish. The model was then sanded using Wet and Dry and then sprayed with Primer.

The model is a good size and it looks how I imagine the final console, even at this early stage

Finish the model off


Too much P38 used on the model!


Belt sander to smooth the model down again


Model sprayed with primer


Test Model 3

Test Model 3 3mm Acrylic

I sprayed the body of the model with Matte Black spray paint and then sprayed the details in primer then in blue. The model was then attached together using Epoxy Resin. The components were then added BUT I didn’t leave any tolerance for the spray paint so this split the model. I am really happy with the way the model has turned out, I am annoyed that the model split but it was a good lesson to learn before making the final one.

When making the final model I need to leave a tolerance for spray paint as it will split the model otherwise. Show the model to course mates to get some feedback on the model, even if it is broken


Spray with Black spray and paint other parts


Assemble all the parts together and glue with Epoxy


Break It!!! Yes... I Broke It



Feedback Peer Group Feedback

I showed my model to some of my course mates to get their opinions on how the model looks and if anything needs to be changed.

The feedback I was getting was very positive, I was glad people liked it.



“I like the weight to the model, it feels how you imagine the real product would feel” Jacob Stokes

“The size and weight are really nice, have you thought about putting feet on the bottom?” Joe Linden

“It looks really professional, you must be happy with that!” Sam Geddes


Parts List:

Final Model

Final Model 3mm Acrylic

X7 pieces of 100mm x 100mm Acrylic X2 USB Female Ports X1 HDMI Female X1 Power Port Acrylic logo for the top X4 feet for the base

I learnt from the past model I had made that there is three things that I must do differently in order to get a better final model. 1 & 3 are to ensure that the ports holes are big enough to ensure the model doesn’t crack again and number 2 is to save time on sanding by reducing the amount of P38 needed.

I was confident after doing the previous test model that I could now make my final model to a high and professional standard. The only worry I had was spraying the colour around the ports to colour coordinate the with the cables

Spray the model black and then colour around the ports, assemble and add the feet to it


Checking the ports fit before assembly


Glueing and sanding down the body then adding P38


Model primed and the slots needle filed



Manufacturing Costs

Manufacturing What the console is made up of

The Console is very similar to the Intel NUC apart from the outside appearance. It would work in a similar way and cost a similar price. An Intel NUC currently costs around $140* which is around £95. If these were to be bought in mass though the price would obviously go down. With falls costing the NHS £4.6 Million per day I don’t think that a £95 console that will ultimately reduce this cost would be a bad investment. If the NHS spent the £4.6 million on consoles that would be over 45,000 consoles.

The basic costing of this has made me believe that this could be a good investment



Manufacturing Costs

Blue LED Ring

Blue LED around the outside

On/Off Button and LED Triangle Injection Moulded Polypropylene body

Internals similar to the Intel NUC Front USB Rubber feet

Back of Console

Power Port


USB Port



Reflection Overall feeling with the Remote

Overall I am very happy with the outcome of the final console model. It is a good size and by adding the ports it looks like a believable product. The feedback I have been given on the finish and weight has been very positive. If I could change a few things about the final model it would be the spraying around the ports, I would have got laser cut inserts instead, I would also be more patient with the overall spraying. Secondly the button on the top of the model would have worked, meaning that you can feel the full interaction. Lastly, if I had enough time I would have got vinyl names cut out to go over the top of each port

Ian was happy with the model and thought it was a professional representation of my design.







Initial Concepts

Initial Concepts STABLE Console

I looked at the size of remotes for elderly people to get an idea of what size the remote would be, I then broke down what the remote would need to do and put those functions into button form:





I did a bit of sketch work however once I had got in my head what I wanted the remote to look like I wanted to move on quickly to model making so I could hold the physical product.

Navigation Start making mock up models


Test Model

Test Model Foam Remote

The remote was made using Pink foam. The top and side profiles were drawn on and then cut around. The model was then sanded to create a smoother finish.

I am happy with the outcome of the model however it is a little small so I need to upscale but the overall shape was good.


Test Model



Feedback Feedback from Model

It was a good test model to make as now in my head I knew how I would be making the final one. I also got a few course mates to hold the remote and the response for the shape was very positive. I also took the remote home to let my Grandma hold it and she liked the way it fit in her hand.

Ian thought the buttons should be flatter to the model and suggested laser cutting the top with the buttons cut out, this could then be attached to the foam piece.

Start Planning and making the final model

The body of the remote has been shaped to fit comfortably into the users hand. Elderly people often use one hand to hold the remote and the other to press buttons with so the remote has been designed in this way

The remote uses oversized buttons so interacting is as simple as possible for the user.


Final Model

Parts List:

Final Model Stable Remote

X1 Acrylic Remote Top X1 Pink Foam Body X1 USB Mini Female Port

To create the body from foam I printed the top profile and side profile out and cut around them on the band saw, this left me with the basic shape, this was sanded down and gaps were filled with P38.

The model is not as accurate as the console however using foam and sanding by hand it means that a much more organic and ergonomic remote.


Attach profiles to the foam to cut around


Cut the lines on the Band Saw


Sand down and use P38 to smooth model



Spraying Stable Remote

Spray painting is something that I am terrible at as I have no patience and on the first few attempts I was spraying too close. Spray painting ended up costing me a lot of money and wasting a lot of my time due to my impatience.

I thought the more I put on the smoother the finish, I was wrong, I was putting far too much on, I should have been a lot more patience and then I wouldn’t have wasted so much time and money

Get the top piece laser cut


Spray with Primer


Spray with Black Gloss Spray Paint


Spray the top Blue


Making The Top

Making the Top Stable Remote

The top piece was laser cut from black acrylic as this would mean the console and remote have a similar feel to them. I put masking tape on the remote when picking it out of the laser cutter in order to make sure I get each small piece.

The word “OK” on the button was too thin and was lost on the laser cutter, meaning that the letters couldn’t be sprayed.

The remote top came out well apart from the “OK” button, it is now going to be tricky to spray the smaller parts blue.


Laser Cutting the Top


Finishing Touches

Finishing Touches Stable Remote

Once again, I rushed the spray painting which meant the part around the port needed to be sanded down and resprayed black, this was something that wasted time and was purely down to impatience. The smaller parts were stuck on masking tape and then sprayed, this was to keep the pieces together and not blow them away when they are being sprayed, this worked really well. The whole model was stuck together using epoxy resin as I was told super glue can often discolour acrylic.

I am really happy with how the making of the remote went apart from the spray painting which I should have been more patient with.


Rushed colour coordinating


Glueing Parts together


Spraying Details and Glueing



Feedback What People Thought?

I asked some older people to hold the remote as I wanted to see how they interact with it. It has been designed to be held with one hand and the buttons pressed with the other, All three of the people I showed held it this way.

“I like the feel of the remote and also the size of the buttons, it is much easier to hold than the remote I have at home” Liz Harr - 84

“I like the colours and the size of the buttons, it’s also comfortable in my hand” Joan Pearson - 82 “It’s like my Sky remote but smaller so it’s much easier to hold” Terry Simpson - 80

Everyone held the remote with one hand and pretended to press the buttons with the other, that is the way it was designed from my research so that was great to see.



Manufacturing Costs

Manufacturing What the remote is made up of

The Remote would have the same internals as a normal television remote. A Sky TV remote costs around $3* which is around £2. Much like the console if these were to be bought in mass though the price would obviously go down. The outer body is different and would be injection moulded from polypropylene, an LED layer would also be added under the buttons to make them easier to see.

I can’t believe you can get a Sky remote off Alibaba for $3



Manufacturing Costs

On/Off Switch LED Behind Home Button LED Behind

Blue LED

Navigation LED Behind Return Button LED Behind

Injection Moulded Polypropylene body

Remote Internals USB Mini



Reflection Overall feeling with the Remote

The remote has turned out nearly as well as I would have liked. The shape of the top and the bottom were hard to get the same as the sanding of the foam meant the shape changed so the acrylic top didnt fit exactly. The loss of the word OK due to its size means that the button is quite hard to read, however if this was to be manufactured that wouldn’t be like that. Overall without being too critical I am happy with the outcome, the shape works well and this was proven by letting older people use the remote. I believe that the remote fulfils what it is meant to do and is a good model that communicates my idea well.

Ian was happy with the remote and seemed to be less critical than me which was a positive.







Tutor Meeting

Tutor Meeting Ian Hewitt

Having to design products is something I am comfortable with, having to design a service I am not so comfortable with but designing Games is something I have no idea about, luckily for me and my project game design was something that I had to do and it panicked me.

I really don’t have any idea how to design a game or what to do, I can come up with the concepts but how am I going to show them? I haven’t been taught this.

Speak to Dr Gill Berry again and speak to a personal trainer to get three main exercises to fulfil in the games

The gaming part is quite essential (IMHO) to your project – this is the insight that you have found so needs to be carefully considered

I had a few ideas but how to show the ideas was something I was very worried about...


Will Harr

Will Harr Personal Trainer

I spoke to a Personal Trainer in order to get a better idea of the type of exercise that would work best on the games.

The exercises seem simple and should be easily transferable into a game using the Kinect

It was good to get information from a professional who know more on what he is doing than me. He also said he would give me feedback on the game designs I do to see how well he thinks they would work.


Key Exercises

The 3 exercises I was given to focus my game designs around Moving your base of support e.g. side stepping is a good way to improve your balance.

Knee Bends are good for improving strength, these can be done stood up of by doing sit to stand exercises.

Standing on one leg for short amounts of time is a very good way to improve balance as well as strength.


Game Ideas

Game Ideas Stable Remote

Based on the movements given I came up with a number of game ideas

Ian wanted me to create an animation of one of the games to go in my video.

Coming up with game ideas was harder than I expected and now on top of everything I have to make an animation of a game (something I have never done). On top of all the work I already had this really made me start pulling my hair out.



Will The Games Work?

Will The Games Work? Dr Gill Berry - Sports Science

I emailed across some of my ideas to Dr Gill Berry who specialises in Exergaming and strength and balance. I found her feedback useful as it reassured me that I was heading in the right direction. Gill particularly liked the Skiing game I designed, this was my favourite too however there is no way I would be able to create that in an animation with the lack of experience I have in it.

Game design was not something I wanted to do but I am glad I have now as it seems to be going well. I am disappointed I can’t make the skiing game but I will settle for Football.

Need to begin to get my head around how to make an animation

Sticky Notes


Illustrator Frames

Illustrator Frames Football Animation

I made a penalty shoot out vector in Illustrator, for each frame I slightly moved the ball, meaning when it was moved into iMovie it would look as though the ball is animated. The idea was the user would kick the football which means they must stand on one leg and it would improve their balance. I read online that an animation contains between 24fps and 48fps, Ian told me that I didn’t need to do that and it didn’t matter if there was jolts, it was only going to be briefly shown in my video anyway. This is tedious and I am fairly sure the results won’t be as good as I want them to be.

Export each Artboard as a JPEG and put them into iMovie


Animating in iMovie

Animating in iMovie Football Animation

I used iMovie as it was already installed on my computer and I was told it was the easiest software to use for videos and animation. I dragged the JPEGS into iMovie and set the time of each one to 0.1 of a second, meaning it was 10fps which was jolty but got across the idea of the game. iMovie is a simple and effective way to produce videos and animations, I will definitely be making my video using this

I would have been happier if it was a bit smoother but with the time I have got and the lack of experience I have it will work fine to get the idea across for my video

Export the Video



Reflection Overall feeling with the Game As something that will only be briefly shown in the video to get the idea across the animation is sufficient, however if this was in the video for longer I would want to do a lot more work on it. The feedback I have received from my game designs has been very useful and has led me to create a range of games that would actually work if made correctly. Game design is not something I have ever done and neither is animation, if I were to do this again I would try and get someone with animation skills to help me so I could create the Skiing game that I ideally would have wanted.



STABLE Interfaces


User Interface

User Interface Planning The User Interface

To understand what I needed for the user interfaces I used sticky notes to plan each section, this was the best way to do it as I could move around and swap notes.

For my animation in the video I only needed to show one route of the user interface and that was to get from the on screen to the end of the game.

Start designing the interface pages


User Interface

User Interface Designing the Interface #1

The first interface I designed was very basic looking and it did not look believable

I was not happy with this so it was back to the drawing board

Ian agreed the interface did not look good and wanted me to make something more believable and simple, he suggested using 4-5 colours throughout

Start designing the interface pages

The interface did not look good, I tried to use the triangle throughout to link to the Logo but I soon learnt that this was not the best way to do it


User Interface

User Interface Designing the Interface #2

The second attempt on the User Interface was much better and the result looked a lot more believable and clean. I made each section in Illustrator as then I could animate it again in the same way as the game. It did not matter if this was jolty as movements would be as if the user was doing it. I was really happy with the outcome, the use of a 4-5 colours as Ian suggested works very well

Ian was happier with this and thought it looked a lot better

Put this into iMovie to animate it for the Video



Animating User Interface #2

There was in total 71 separate images in the animation for the User interface, this also included a video of setting up the camera and then the animation of the game. The length of the video is 48 seconds - this would need to be shortened for the video as the video is only going to be around 2 minutes. Animating this was much easier than the game and looks a lot better.

Export the animation and get it ready for the video


Doctor Interface

Doctor Interface Planning the Doctor Interface

I planned the interface layout like the User interface using sticky notes. For the video I only needed 5 stages of the doctors interface.

The doctor interface is the most simple part of my whole project in my opinion but I still need to make sure it looks professional

Start making the Website on wix.com


Doctor Interface

Doctor Interface Making the Interface on wix.com

I needed the website to look as real as possible for my video, to do this I used wix.com. You can create website designs using this without the need to code, it is also really simple to link page to page meaning the website would actually flow. I simply layed out the pages how I wanted them, added necessary JPEGs and it was ready to use.

Using wix.com was a very quick and effective way to get a good representation of what the website would look like, along with the key feature that it worked.

Write down the steps to follow ready for the video.

Creating the User profile

Creating the exercise program

Keeping track of patients

Information on Patient Progress



Reflection Overall feeling with the Interfaces The user interface is an integral part of the project, it must be simple to use and easy to understand. The final animation of the interface looks believable which is exactly what I need for my video so I am really happy with that. In terms of changing anything about the interface animation there isn’t anything I would change, it is 48 seconds long so too long at the moment but when I begin video editing this will be sorted.

The doctor interface needed to look professional and needed to work like a website, by using wix.com this was possible. To communicate how the website would work wix.com was the best tool to use.



STABLE Packaging


Tutor Meeting

Tutor Meeting Ian Hewitt

I had the idea of packaging in my head but with my high work load, I didn’t think it was viable for me to finish the project as well as make packaging for the product.

Ian was insistent on me making packaging, I needed it for my video as well as my final hand in, there was no way I couldn’t make it. He told me that by the end of the day I should have mock up one finished. I now have so much on, this really is pushing me! But I can completely see why I have to do it, I just need to get this done.

Start making mock ups straight away


Packaging is key to this. When your making your video how do you expect to show the product unless there is packaging with it? How will you present it?


This was literally the last thing I wanted to hear, I was already stressed enough


Layered Packaging

Layered Packaging Packaging For the Wires

I laser cut the wire shapes out of card and built it up in layers to try and create a professional and clean packaging design.

Ian liked the idea however in terms of the amount of material it would use and how long it would take to laser cut it all it is not an effective way to make this.

I liked the packaging like this however realistically it is not the most effective way to do it. If this was to be mass produced then this could be made from foam which would be more cost effective and have the same effect.


Test Packaging 1

Test Packaging 1 Book Style Packaging

I was given a day to make a test box, the test I created was good for helping me realise what I needed to do. The design has layed out the cables to show where they plug into the device making instillation easier for the user. Ian was glad I had managed to get a basic idea of what the box would look like, he now wanted me to make this into a net that I can work from, as most of the dimensions are already correct. I’m happy with the box but I now need to take it apart and measure it to make a net. Make a half scale box to save time and materials.


Test Packaging 2

Test Packaging 2 Half Scale Net

I made a half scale net based on the measurements. I wanted to make the box out of one sheet of cardboard meaning it was just bends and cuts, however after creating this I realised that the laser cutter bed was not big enough to do this, there was also a lot of wasted material in doing this. Ian was glad that I had made the box and worked out the net in a day, he was confident the box would be finished by the end of the week

I am glad I have made the net, however the box needs to be broken up, I imagine this will make the net a lot more complicated, so to have finished it by the end of the week could be a push.


Test Packaging 3

Test Packaging 3 Breaking Down Into Parts

The box was broken down into sections in order to make sure it could be laser cut. - Outer Box - Kinect Holding Area - Insert Tray to hold the console, remote & wires I made numerous different mock ups before I got to the final box design which like the first box, needed to be taken apart to make a net.

Building it in sections won’t be as neat however I need to in order to use the laser cutter,


Test Packaging 3

Test Packaging 3 How will the cables sit?

Using card I created different ways for the cables to be held in the box. Due to the design of the box, this meant that the cables needed to be visible (this is in order to make user installing easier). This was hard as the cables did not bend the ways that I wanted them to and often broke what they were attached to. However after a lot of testing a final cable holder was created. Ian suggested using a shelf to go under that could hold the cables, I was insistent on the console and remote insert tray holding the cables so when the tray is removed everything would come out of the box.

Packaging design takes a lot more time than I had expected


Test Packaging 3

Test Packaging 3 Final Mock Up

The final test model did everything that it needed to, it held all the products and had the wires positioned how they would connect to the devices. The wires underneath were messy which needed to be resolved. Ian was happy with the packaging and said I could cut the wires and just have it as a presentation box which was a big relief.

I was happy with the packaging, It was bulkier than I would have liked but it needed to be due to the depth of the Kinect, I now need to make a neater laser cut version


Final Packaging

Final Packaging Illustrator

The net was split into sections and had to be made in 2 layers, one for cuts and one for scores. This took much more time than I expected and then the added problem of their being no room on the laser cutter became apparent. The 2mm card was taken along with the illustrator to lasercutouts.co.uk in Washington where it was cut. The box was then glued together and ready to have the wrap made.

Thank god I found lasercutouts.co.uk otherwise I would have had to make it by hand and the illustrator file would have been pointless


The Box Wrap

The Box Wrap Designing the Wrap

The box was designed to work like a matchbox as it was the most efficient way for the box to open. I did a number of sketches and a test sleeve followed by some Illustrator ideas. Based on what is on console boxes on the market already, it was clear that a photograph of what is inside is on the cover, I then put a basic description on the back of the box along with the slogan “Play it, Enjoy it, Stable it� as I believe it fit the product well. The wrap was printed on card and was 880 X 425, it was bent to shape and the tab was glued down to create a seamless finish.

The wrap looked really professional and the images and text came out really well, I am really happy with this.

Wrap the box


Instruction Booklet

Instruction Booklet Designing the Instruction Booklet

An A5 instruction booklet was needed in the box to help the user set up STABLE. This booklet was designed A5 and made in InDesign. I used line drawings of the products (shown to the right) as this was the best way to make all the images look the same, it was also easy to understand. A test print showed the font was too thin so this was altered before being sent to the printers

Adding the instruction booklet makes the product seem even more believable

Ian liked it and agreed that it was a simple booklet to follow



Reflection Overall feeling with the Box As a way to demonstrate what the box would look like the final model partly reflected that. The card I chose to use did not laser cut as well as I would have liked it to and after laser cutting the edges were a lot scruffier than I intended. The design for the box was bulkier than I had hoped and if I was doing it again I may have considered doing a box that didn’t contain the Kinect as that is what made the box so wide and deep. The que for the laser cutter was a big problem and stalled my project greatly, so in hindsight I should have got the box made quicker so I wasn’t rushing to finish it for my video. The wrap for the box worked out really well and the finish and fit were as I imagined them to be. Overall I am happy with the wrap for the box and the overall design of the box but the final model did let me down due to poor material choices.





Story Boarding

Story Boarding Stable Video

Using sticky note I planned out each section of the video and what needed to be done in the section, this was to help break down what I needed and give me an idea in my head of what I need to film.

This took longer than expected and was something that was constantly changing.

While storyboarding I went onto SISO to rent a camera from uni, they had none available till May 16th! Luckily Ian came to the rescue and lent me a camera.

Story Boarding



Filming Stale Video

I had a storyboard of what needed filming, now I had to complete it. Trying to get good lighting and good angles is something I found really hard, to compensate this I just shot a lot of footage and hoped it could get edited into something good. Lighting and Angles are so hard to get right

To show the user interfaces I linked my laptop to my TV and played the animation on repeat, I then told my Gran what to do while I was filming her in order to make it look like an interaction was happening. This worked really well. I’m really happy with how good the animations look in the video.



Editing Stale Video

To edit the footage I used iMovie. I had a basic knowledge of what to do from the animation. The first problem I had was that I had over 2 hours of shot footage from over 3 days of filming and needed to condense it down into a 2 minute video. I was also weary of using some of the video transitions as they don’t look professional.

I cut the videos up into sections that showed what I needed, put them into an order and kept playing it through until I had a rough basic. I then added in better filmed clips and even re-filmed some of it.

I don’t have the patience to ever be a film maker


Voice Over

Voice Over Stale Video

To record the voice over I used QuickTime Audio Recording on my Mac. To make things easier to voice over, I put the text that needed to be spoken into the video, so as I needed to speak the text appeared and I could read it. This was really useful for getting the audio recording in time. Once the recording had been done the text was deleted and the voice clip was layed over the video. For the first voice recording half was done in my kitchen and half was done in my bedroom and the sound was completely different. To try and get an echo-less sound I went and recorded my voice over in my car as it was quiet and free from distraction and background noise. I don’t really like my voice so I didn’t really want to do this but I knew I had to. If I was to do it again I would have got a microphone to ensure better quality.

Export the video



Reflection Overall feeling with the Video For a first time video I am really happy with what I produced. The video tells the story of the product/service well and the cinematography isn’t too bad. The voice over is in time, however I would have preferred not to have used my own voice and if I was to do it again I would use a microphone rather than just my Mac. The interfaces used in the video worked well and the backing music suits the video nicely. The main purpose of the video was to explain the story of the product from start to finish and this does that.



Final Deliverables


Final Board

Final Board Test Print and Planning Space

I used Illustrator to make my final boards as I am more comfortable using it against InDesign. I chose to do my board A0 - 841 X 1169 as this fit the space nicely. I tested this by making my artboard 1600 X 1000 and seeing how it fit in the space we are given.

Filling a board of this size is very intimidating and not being able to really talk to a tutor made it hard. Getting my hero image was hard due to lighting and background objects, when I got something I liked I text Ian and he “quite� liked it too.


Space Planning

Space Planning Test Print and Planning Space

To ensure I filled the space I had been given in the best possible way, I planned out how I was going to lay things out using Illustrator. I also did a test print of my final board to check my image sizes and to see how big the text was. The test print was crucial as some of the fonts I had were too small and some of the images were slightly pixelated, however after the test print I altered the board and did another test print and everything was ok.

To the printers to get the final board and back up booklets printed


Final Hand In

Final Hand In What I handed in

For the final hand in I submitted 3 boxes of back up material as it was important to show the processes of how I got to that point. I also submitted X2 boxes, the console, the remote, the final board, three back up booklets, my video and the instruction booklet.

I was really happy with my final presentation, I felt as though it was a fair reflection of all the work I put in.






Validation My Validators

“After being a part of the video and gaining an in depth understanding of what your project is I think it is a really good idea that I could see working. I work with a company called InHealthCare, they use digital technology to monitor patients, very similar to what you have proposed, and they are the UK digital health specialists and work along side the NHS. I think this is a project they would be interested in, if you like I can have a word with them and when you finish university I will see if there is a date you could go and see them to just have a talk over the idea?” David Marshall - Entrepreneur “Thank you for showing me your project. I think your idea is great, I am not certain the elderly ‘technophobes’ of this generation would use it much but this is something I could see working well in the future. The thing I really like about it is the exercise monitoring, this is great for ensuring safety, which is crucial with the elderly.” James Tapster - Physiotherapist

“Strength and balance are really important in maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle, it is even more crucial for the elderly as muscle deterioration from age causes weakness in the lower body. The project is something I can see working well with elderly people as they can do it when they want within their own homes.” Will Harr - Personal Trainer

“As a GP I see a high influx of elderly patients who have sustained injuries as a result of a fall. On the NHS the only real treatments we can provide are exercise sheets, fall clinic appointments and district nurse visits. The sheets given to the patients are often seen as tedious and a chore for the patients to complete and there is no real way to ensure that they have completed these tasks. With the introduction of Stable into our falls rehabilitation procedure, this will enable us to monitor our patients and ensure they are receiving the appropriate course of action. Also, the gaming side of Stable will take away the aspect of the ‘boring’ exercise sheets that the NHS use now.” David Geddes - GP

The feedback I have received has been very positive, particularly the potential meeting with InHealthCare, which I am likely to follow up after graduation.





Project Outcome

Project Outcome Statement of Final Design Outcome

What is it? STABLE is an fun and interactive way to improve strength and balance for the elderly. What it does? STABLE uses interactive games instead of exercises, using skeletal tracking from a Kinect Camera your body movements are tracked and your body is the game remote. Following a STABLE exercise program which consists of 5 games a day will reduce your risk of falling by up to 54% and will help to promote a healthier and more active lifestyle How STABLE Works? When visiting your doctor you will be asked if you’d like to try STABLE, if you want to try it you will be given a demo, if you enjoy the demo you can opt to get STABLE. A strength and balance test will be performed, using the assessment scores, from this a profile will be made for you and synced to your device. This creates a tailored exercise program for you that you follow daily. Once a game has been played the doctor can check your performance through the database to watch your progress, this way the program is always tailored. Feedback can also be given and after 90 days you will be re-assessed and your strength and balance rating should have improved. Possible Opportunities - An App that family members could use to track their loved ones progress, classes to play along with at home, STABLE Classes in local commnuity centres


Personal Reflection

Personal Reflection How I found the process

My personal reflection of the overall project is that I believe STABLE is a product/service that could actually benefit peoples lives if developed further. From start to finish the project has not been at all easy, one of the main struggles I had throughout the project was decision making. Before I got to my final project brief of looking at exergaming to help reduce the risk of falls for the elderly I had already looked into doing packaging, bathroom safety and a home workout kit. That was a lot of time wasted and brings me onto the other thing I struggled with, time management. I managed my time in a very unorthodox way and even after telling myself I won’t be doing all nighters at the end of this year, I still have had to and I’ve still wondered why I have ended up in that position. From starting the final project and thinking I was looking at doing a service design, my project changed greatly and more and more elements seemed to get added to it. This left me juggling between sections that I also found really hard to keep on top of, I would see people designing one product and that was it and I was making 2 products, packaging, 2 interfaces, a video and a game animation. Overall I did enjoy the project even if the work load did seem to grow and grow towards the end. I am happy with the final outcome of the project and the deliverables that I submitted. If there is one thing that I have learnt from the project it is that time management is key.

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