Urinetown playbill

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JCHS Perfo rming Arts Center Jewish Co mmunity High Scho o l Of The Bay San Francisco , CA

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JCHS Drama Depart ment



Music and Lyrics

Mark Hollmann

Greg Kotis

URINETOWN was produced on Broadway on September 30, 2001 by the Araca Group and Dodger Theatricals in association with TheaterDreams, Inc., and Lauren Mitchell


So nja Dale

Light ing Design

Sound Design

Jo e McDo nald

Ophir Weisberg

Set Design

St age Manager

Cost ume Design

Jeremy Co le

Amanda Maso n

Co urt ney Flo res

Musical Direct io n Natan Kuchar

Direct ed by Dylan Russell

Urine town is pre se nte d through spe cia l a rra nge me nt with Music The a tre Inte rna tiona l (MTI). All a uthorize d pe rforma nce ma te ria ls a re a lso supplie d by MTI. 421 We st 54th S tre e t, Ne w York, NY 10019 P hone : 212-541-4684 Fa x: 212-397-4684 www.MTIS hows.com

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SONGS ACT I Overture

Urineto wn Players

To o Much Expo sitio n

Lo cksto ck, the Po o r

Urineto wn

Full Co mpany

It's a Privilege to Pee

Pennywise, the Po o r

Mr. Cladwell

Cladwell, Ho pe, the Staff o f UGC

The Co p So ng

Lo cksto ck, Barrel, Co ps

Fo llo w Yo ur Heart

Ho pe, Bo bby

Lo o k at the Sky

Bo bby, the Po o r

Do n't Be the Bunny

Cladwell, the Staff o f UGC

Act One Finale

Bo bby, Cladwell, Ho pe, Co mpany

Musical Interlude in Theater Lo bby

The Lo bby Players

ACT II What is Urineto wn?

Bo bby, Cladwell, Little Sally, Lo cksto ck, Ho t Blades Harry, Little Becky Two Sho es, the Po o r

Snuff That Girl

Ho t Blades Harry, Little Becky Two Sho es, the Po o r

Run, Freedo m, Run! +

Bo bby, the Po o r

Fo llo w Yo ur Heart (Reprise)

Ho pe

Why Did I Listen to That Man?

Bo bby, Ho pe, Pennywise, Lo cksto ck, Barrel, Fipp

Tell Her I Lo ve Her We're No t So rry

Little Sally, Bo bby Little Sally, Ho t Blades Harry, Co mpany

We're No t So rry (Reprise)

Cladwell, Pennywise

I See a River

Ho pe, Co mpany


Co mpany

+ Run Freedom Run is choreographed by Sophia Salesky ('18) and Julia Perlov ('16)

T he Urine t o wn Playe rs Co nducto r - Natan Kuchar* Keybo ard - Grace Renaud** Drums - David Dieni** Wo o dwind - Amar Khalsa** Tro mbo ne - Greg Stephens** Bass - Christo pher Bastian** * Indicates JCHS Pro fessio nal Co mmunity ** Indicates Guest Artist

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THE COMPANY Cast Officer Lo cksto ck Penelo pe Pennywise Bo bby Stro ng

Tessa Zitter ('17) Emma Simo no ff ('17) Nate Kreeger ('16 )

Little Sally

Ho di Miller ('18 )

McQueen - Asst. Cho reo .

Julia Perlo v ('16 )

Senato r Fipp

Sasha Manus ('17)

Officer Barrel

Zo la Ro senfeld ('18 )

Ho pe Cladwell

Emilia Bekkerman ('16 )

Jo seph "Old Man" Stro ng / UGC Exec

Michael Pilo vsky ('18 )

Tiny To m

Maya Menachem ('19 )

So upy Sue / Mrs. Millenium Little Becky Two -Sho es Ro bby the Sto ckfish Ho t Blades Harry - Asst. Cho reo . Jo sephine "Ma" Stro ng Caldwell B. Cladwell

Masha Sunduko vskiy ('17) Becky Grintsaig ('17) Ellie Grintsaig ('19 ) So phia Salesky ('18 ) Jo nes Bealum ('16 ) Jo seph Bo riso n ('17)

Dancer / Co p

Eliana Aiken ('17)

Dancer / Co p

Jackie Milter ('19 )

Dancer / Co p

Leehie Shamia ('19 )

Dancer / Co p

Sabrina Katz ('19 )

Lo bby Band - Piano Lo bby Band - Bass Lo bby Band - Saxo pho ne Lo bby Band - Drums Lo bby Band - Percussio n

Steven Lazarevsky ('18 ) Gabriel Feiner ('19 ) Misha Lubich ('19 ) Jo sh Burg ('16 ) Idan Sharabi ('19 )

Lo bby Band - Piano

Ben Michelso n ('18 )

Lo bby Band - Guitar

Jo rdan Ko chavi ('16 )

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THE COMPANY Cre at ive Te am Directo r

Dylan Russell*

Musical Directo r

Natan Kuchar *

Scenic Design

Jeremy Co le*

Lighting Design

Jo e McDo nald*

So und Design

Ophir Weisberg ('16 )

Cho reo graphy

So nja Dale **

Co stume Design

Co urtney Flo res **

Fight Cho reo graphy

Kai Mo rriso n **

Stage Manager

Amanda Warner **

Additio nal Scenic Design

So phia Brady **, Reenie Charriere*, Martin Pike **, Debo rah Stuckgo ld*, Kerri Warner**

Assistant Lighting Design

Max Simo n ('16 )

Running Crew

Ari Denberg ('16 )

Running Crew

Sco ttie Hanna ('16 )

Running Crew

Olivia Rudd ('16 )

Running Crew

Rebecca Wahba ('16 )

Hang Crew

Hannah Hellerstein ('17)

Hang Crew

Yo ni Sadi ('16 )

Co nstructio n

No ah Kramer ('0 9 ) **

Scenic Painters

Alex Alo uf ('18 ), Lio ra Ami ('18 ), So phia Bro dieWeisberg ('18 ), Kayla Buki ('18 ), Mo riah Chedekel ('18 ), Avery Cruz ('18 ), Avigayil Edelman ('16 ), Shmuel Edelman ('18 ), Mya Elkins ('18 ), Emma Go ldbrener ('18 ), Mila Go ldburt ('18 ), Ellie Grintsaig ('19 ), Alex Ingberman ('18 ), Leeo r Israeli ('16 ), Mira Kittner ('18 ), Sam Klapo w ('16 ), Jesse Lieberman ('18 ), Sam Weinstein ('16 ), Isaac Wo o d ('17), Mitchell Zvagelskiy ('18 )

* Indicates JCHS Pro fessio nal Co mmunity ** Indicates Guest Artist

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WHO'S WHO Tessa Zitter ('17)

as Officer Lockstock

Tessa is so excited to be in her seventh pro ductio n at JCHS! Previo us sho ws are "Pippin," "The Dro wsy Chapero ne," "Hearts Like Fists," "Mo o n Over Buffalo ," "Hedda Gabler," and "A Seco nd Skin." She wo uld like to thank the entire cast, crew, and pro ductio n team fo r making the sho w co me to life.

Emma Simonof f ('17)

as Penelope Pennywise

This is Emma's fo urth sho w acting at JCHS. She has had so much fun being in "Urineto wn" and is so glad to finally get to play a female character! She has really enjo yed being Penny and will truly miss singing abo ut peeing when the sho w is o ver. She wo uld like to thank the cast and crew fo r being bo mb individuals.

Nate Kreeger ('16)

as Bobby Strong

This is Nathaniel's ninth sho w at JCHS, which still startles him every time he thinks abo ut it as he is still o verwhelmed with gratitude that he gets to be part o f this amazing co mpany. A favo rite ro le was Man in Chair in "The Dro wsy Chapero ne." He's very excited to start a revo lutio n (a lo ngtime life go al)!

Hodi Miller ('18)

as Little Sally

Ho di is o verjo yed to be a part o f the amazing JCHS theatre co mpany fo r her seco nd musical! She lo ves the spirit o n stage and is grateful fo r everyo ne's suppo rt. Enjo y the sho w!

Julia Perlov ('16)

as McQueen - Asst. Choreo.

Julia is thrilled to be a part o f her fo urth sho w at JCHS and very excited to be playing the part o f Ms. McQueen! She wo uld like to thank her friends, family, and cast fo r being so suppo rtive and ho pes yo u enjo y the sho w!

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WHO'S WHO Sasha Manus ('17)

as Senator Fipp

Sasha is thrilled to be taking part o f "Urineto wn!" This is her sixth sho w at JCHS, with prio r credits including: "Pippin," "The Dro wsy Chapero ne," and "Mo o n Over Buffalo ." She wo uld like to thank the cast and crew fo r all o f their hard wo rk and lo ng ho urs spent during the pro cess o f creating and cultivating this pro ductio n. She ho pes yo u enjo y the sho w!

Zola Rosenf eld ('18)

as Officer Barrel

This is Zo la's seco nd sho w at JCHS, the first being 20 14's "Dro wsy Chapero ne" in which she played the titular character. She wants to thank the who le go sh darn wo nderful co mpany as well as Diamo nd Dave, fo r making all o f this po ssible. And, o f co urse, big thanks to who mever is reading this! Thank YOU fo r co ming to the sho w! Welco me...to "Urineto wn!"

Emilia Bekkerman ('16)

as Hope Cladwell

Emilia "Mika" is very excited to be in her seco nd JCHS musical. She has been in o ther musicals such as "Aida" and JCHS's pro ductio n o f "Pippin." Emilia has had previo us training in cho ral singing and dance. She wo uld like to thank the cast and crew o f this pro ductio n as well as her friends and family fo r their undying suppo rt.

Michael Pilovsky ('18) as Joseph "Old Man" Strong / UGC Exec This is Michael's first appearance in a JCHS sho w! He is extremely excited and ho no red to have a ro le in this pheno menal pro ductio n o f "Urineto wn." He thanks bo th his family and So phia Salesky fo r pushing him to take part!

Maya Menachem ('19)

as Tiny Tom

Maya is very excited to be in her first pro ductio n. She wo uld like to thank everyo ne who made this pro ductio n po ssible. Special thanks to Ms. Russell, Ms. Maso n and Mr. McDo nald fo r all their hard wo rk. She wo uld also like to thank the incredible cast fo r always making rehearsal fun and fo r sharing many laughs. Maya ho pes that yo u will enjo y the sho w!

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WHO'S WHO Masha Sundukovskiy ('17) as Soupy Sue / Mrs. Millenium Masha is thrilled to be participating in her first JCHS musical. She wo uld like to thank Julia and Mika fo r pushing her to share this experience with them. Masha wo uld like to thank her cast mates and the crew as well the adults in the department fo r making this experience so memo rable.

Becky Grintsaig ('17)

as Little Becky Two-Shoes

This is Becky's sixth sho w here at JCHS and she is so excited to be in mo re sho ws in the years to co me. She wo uld like to thank her father fo r driving her to scho o l and picking her up after all the late rehearsals. She ho pes that yo u enjo y the sho w.

Ellie Grintsaig ('19)

as Robby the Stockfish

Ellie is super excited to be in her first sho w at JCHS. She's had so much fun wo rking o n this musical and can't wait to be in mo re sho ws in the future. Ellie thanks the academy fo r this amazing o ppo rtunity...o h, and her parents.

Sophia Salesky ('18) as Hot Blades Harry - Asst. Choreo. So phia is so excited to be in ano ther o ne o f the JCHS pro ductio ns! She has do ne two previo us sho ws, "The Dro wsy Chapero ne" and "A Seco nd Skin." She wo uld lo ve to thank the cast and crew fo r helping make this pro ductio n thrive and she ho pes yo u enjo y the sho w!

Jones Bealum ('16)

as Josephine "Ma" Strong

Jo nes is bo th excited and verklempt to be acting in her third and final JCHS musical. As always, she wo uld like to send lo ve to her family and friends who have suppo rted her unco nditio nally thro ugh late night rehearsals and Sunday mo rning dashes o ut o f the ho use.

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WHO'S WHO Joseph Borison ('17)

as Caldwell B. Cladwell

Jo seph is very excited to be participating in his third pro ductio n here at JCHS. As a freshman he participated in the fall musical "Pippin." Last year he po rtrayed the scandalo us, but hilario us, Aldo lpho in "The Dro wsy Chapero ne." He is very thankful fo r the challenging ro le he has been given fo r this pro ductio n and ho pes that the audience will enjo y.

Eliana Aiken ('17)

as Dancer / Cop

This is Eliana's first JCHS pro ductio n and she is thrilled to be part o f this amazing sho w. She is also excited to have helped Ms. Flo res with the co stume design. Eliana wo uld like to thank Ms. Russell, Ms. Maso n, Mr. Kuchar, Ms. Dale and the entire cast and crew o f "Urineto wn" fo r their hard wo rk and dedicatio n to this sho w.

Jackie Milter ('19)

as Dancer / Cop

Jackie is very excited to be part o f this pro ductio n o f "Urineto wn." This is her very first musical and she co uld no t have enjo yed the experience mo re. She wo uld like to thank Ms. Russell, Ms. Maso n and Ms. Dale fo r putting their time and effo rt into making her so co mfo rtable o n stage. And o f co urse, she needs to thank her family fo r enco uraging her to be part o f this incredible pro ductio n.

Leehie Shamia ('19)

as Dancer / Cop

Leehie has training in jazz, lyrical, hip-ho p, and ballet. She recently mo ved to San Francisco fro m Lo s Alto s. Her favo rite subject is English and she lo ves to write. She ho pes yo u enjo y yo ur visit to "Urineto wn!"

Sabrina Katz ('19)

as Dancer / Cop

This is Sabrina's first JCHS drama experience and she has had a great time learning the dances and bo nding with her fello w cast mates. She remembers receiving the email fro m Admissio ns asking her to be a part o f "Urineto wn," and is very glad she accepted. She wo uld like to thank her mo m fo r enco uraging to jo in the pro ductio n.

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WHO'S WHO Steven Lazarevsky ('18)

as Lobby Band - Piano

This is Steven's seco nd sho w here at JCHS. He played in the band in last fall's "The Dro wsy Chapero ne." He has been playing the piano fo r 10 years no w. He mo stly plays classical with a little bit o f jazz. He thinks it has been a lo t o f fun wo rking in this ensemble, and ho pes yo u enjo y it.

Gabriel Feiner ('19)

as Lobby Band - Bass

Gabriel Feiner is the bass player fo r the JCHS ensemble, and has been playing fo r fo ur years. He is excited to co ntinue playing o ver his fo ur years in high scho o l, and is lo o king fo rward to participating in vario us perfo rmances.

Misha Lubich ('19)

as Lobby Band - Saxophone

Misha is pro ud to be the saxo pho ne player in the band. Altho ugh he cho se to play the sax fo r this sho w, he can also play the keys and reco rder. He ho pes that yo u will enjo y the sho w the rest o f his fello w band members and he put to gether.

Josh Burg ('16)

as Lobby Band - Drums

This is Jo sh's fo urth and final year being invo lved in the musical. Jo sh has been playing drums since the first grade. He wo uld like to thank his parents fo r enco uraging him to excel at all aspects o f his life. And also , he wo uld like to welco me everybo dy to the magic o f "Urineto wn"!

Idan Sharabi ('19)

as Lobby Band - Percussion

Idan has been playing drums fo r six years and is very excited to play in his first sho w at JCHS. It has been an exciting adventure wo rking with the ensemble and he ho pes yo u enjo y the sho w!

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WHO'S WHO Ben Michelson ('18)

as Lobby Band - Piano

Ben lo ves music and hates adverbs. In his free time he practices jazz piano , plays chess rather well, and enjo ys the o ccasio nal game o f ho o ps. He is lo o king fo rward to the next three years o f Instrumental Ensemble, and ho pes yo u enjo y yo ur trip to "Urineto wn!"

Jordan Kochavi ('16)

as Lobby Band - Guitar

Jo rdan wo uld like to welco me everybo dy to "Urineto wn"! While Jo rdan is mainly a guitar player, he has been playing bass fo r eight years. He spent five years playing in his middle scho o l band and two years in the Stanfo rd Jazz Wo rksho p. Jo rdan previo usly was in the o rchestra fo r "Into the Wo o ds" and "The Dro wsy Chapero ne."

Acknowledgment s We would like t o t hank t he f ollowing people and organizat ions who have assist ed us in our product ion of "Urinet own." Gary Crandell and Crandell Arts for lighting and sound equipment; Michael Shapero and the JCHS kitchen professionals for snacks and dinners to keep us energized; Douglas Morrison Theatre for furniture, prop and costume rentals; Golden Thread Productions; Chris McDonald for his Photoshop expertise; Martin Pike for technical advice and assistance; California State University - East Bay for costumes; Jay Yamada for production photography; Officers Rudy Dumandan, Nate Green and Mitch Schlachterman for helping us on late nights; Flying Moose Video for all they do; Edi Manus for managing our wonderful parent organization, and the entire JCHS community for their support and consideration of our production of "Urinetown."

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CREW WHO'S WHO Ophir Weisberg ('16)

Sound Design

Ophir is excited to be the So und Designer fo r this sho w. He wo uld like to thank his friends and family fo r the suppo rt and lo ve, which go t Ophir where he is to day. He ho pes everyo ne enjo ys listening to the sho w!

Max Simon ('16)

Assistant Lighting Design

Max Simo n Is very excited to be participating in his eleventh JCHS theater pro ductio n. First he wo uld like to thank the entire cast and crew fo r wo rking hard to put this sho w to gether. And he wo uld also like to extend a big thank yo u to Mr. McDo nald fo r his leadership in the tech crew.

Ari Denberg ('16)

Running Crew

This is Ariel's third sho w as a member o f JCHS tech crew. She is excited to be part o f such an incredible perfo rmance, and wo uld like to thank the wo nderful cast and crew fo r making this experience amazing.

Olivia Rudd ('16)

Running Crew

Olivia is delighted to co ntinue to basically live in the theater department. She wo uld like to co ngratulate the cast and crew o f "Urineto wn" o n a fun and interesting sho w. She wo uld also like to thank Ms. Russell and Mr. McDo nald fo r putting up with her near co nstant presence, and being there and up fo r whatever strange adventures o ccur.

Rebecca Wahba ('16)

Running Crew

This is Rebecca's eighth sho w with JCHS. She has had many experiences thro ugho ut her career here. She wo uld like to thank her grandmo ther Rachel fo r intro ducing her to the wo nderful realm o f theatre. She wo uld also like to give a sho uto ut to Mr. McDo nald fo r guiding her and teaching her many different things in the Tech department.

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CREW WHO'S WHO Scottie Hanna ('16)

Running Crew

Yo u tho ught yo u co uld get rid o f him, didn't yo u? To o bad, because he's back. And while he can't be in the sho w, he fo und so mething else to do to participate. Take that, busy schedule! He's really excited to try o ut ho use managing and wants to thank everyo ne in the cast and crew fo r putting to gether an amazing sho w. Also his do g Natalie. Wo o f, bark!!

Hannah Hellerstein ('17)

Hang Crew

This has been her seco nd time participating o n Tech Crew, and bo th times she wo uld say she has had a to n o f fun. She ho pes yo u enjo y the sho w!

Yoni Sadi ('16)

Hang Crew

This year is Yo natan's first sho w o n tech. As a senio r he wanted to try so mething new and tech was the perfect o ppo rtunity, especially since he already had experience hanging and wo rking with lights. He has had a great experience wo rking with the veteran crew. He was eager to learn all o f the behind the scenes theater magic and appreciated the o ppo rtunity to co ntribute to "Urineto wn"!

“Hail Malt hus!” At the end of "Urinetown," the people cry "Hail Malthus!" Who is Malthus and why is he being brought up for the first time at the end of "Urinetown?" Thomas Malthus was a 19th century economist and pioneer in population growth theory. He believed that as population growth occurs faster than the means of subsistence, poverty and disease are unavoidable. Many of his predictions have proved false and his ideas for solving problems have been deemed too politically incorrect to be taken seriously. However, his emphasis on population growth as a major issue was prescient. By hailing Malthus, the people of Urinetown, in their typically iconoclastic way, are reminding us that even predictions that seem too dire or absurd can become reality. (excerpt fro m http://hhsdrama.co m/do cuments/Urineto wn_StageNo tes.pdf)

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Tessa Zitter as Janet in "The Dro wsy Chapero ne"

Danielle Elbaz and Sasha Manus in "Mo o n Over Buffalo "

Laura Aucar in "A Seco nd Skin"

Tayla Sandel in "A Seco nd Skin"

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Copyright © 2016 Playbill Online Inc. All marks used by permission.


Copyright © 2016 Playbill Online Inc. All marks used by permission.


Mark Hollmann won a Tony Award f or writing the music and lyrics f or Broadway’s URINET OWN: T HE MUSICAL. He is currently writing music and lyrics f or the Broadway musicals based on the f ilms SOAPDISH and MY MAN GODFREY. He is also developing two new musicals with Greg Kotis: YEAST NAT ION (the triumph of lif e), an original story that tells the tale of the dawn of lif e on Earth, and T HE MAN IN T HE WHIT E SUIT, a musical version of the 1951 Alec Guiness f ilm. He recently wrote the music and lyrics and starred with Greg Kotis in EAT T HE TAST E at New York’s Barrow Street T heatre. A f ormer member of the Cardif f Giant T heatre Company in Chicago, he played trombone f or the Chicago art-rock band Maestro Subgum and the Whole and played piano f or the Second City national touring company and Chicago City Limits. He attended the Making Tuners Workshop at New Tuners T heatre in Chicago and the BMI Lehman Engel Musical T heatre workshop in New York. A member of the Dramatists Guild and ASCAP, he lives in Manhattan with his wif e Jillian, and their son Oliver. Biography of Greg Kot is

Greg Kotis wrote the book and co-wrote the lyrics f or URINET OWN T HE MUSICAL, f or which he won two Tony Awards in 2002. His new play, PIG FARM, opened at T he Roundabout T heatre in New York City and at T he Old Globe T heatre in San Diego in 2006. Currently, he is developing two new musicals with Mark Hollmann: YEAST NAT ION (the triumph of lif e), an original story that tells the tale of the dawn of lif e on Earth, and T HE MAN IN T HE WHIT E SUIT, a musical version of the 1951 Alec Guiness f ilm. Other plays include EAT T HE TAST E (at New York’s Barrow Street T heatre), JOBEY AND KAT HERINE, BARON von SIEBENBURG MELT S T HROUGH T HE FLOORBOARDS, and GIVE T HE PEOPLE WHAT T HEY WANT. Greg lives in Brooklyn with his wif e Ayun, his daughter India, and his son Milo. Dylan Russell*


Dylan is a prof essional director/actor/playwright and teaching artist. She is chair of the Visual and Perf orming Arts Department at Jewish Community High School of the Bay as well as head of the Drama Department. At JCHS, she directs and produces three f ull productions as well and teaches T heatre Lab and Playwriting/Screenwriting. She has taught at Cal Shakes, Actors Lab AZ , Northwestern University's National High School Institute, Marin T heatre Company and New Conservatory T heatre Center. Dylan has directed productions f or the American Conservatory T heatre Conservatory, T heatreFirst, Calif ornia Conservatory T heatre, Alchemy Works, New Conservatory T heatre Educational Programs, Cassandra’s Call, and Actors Lab Arizona. Favorite productions include "Future Me" (T heatreFIRST ), "Cassandra" (A.C.T. Conservatory), "Persistent Vegetative State" (Dog² Productions), and "Speed-the-Play" (BRT ). She is a proud member of Actors' Equity, T CG and SDC. *Indicates member of JCHS Professional Community

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GENESIS OF URINETOWN, THE MUSICAL (Excerpted fro m Greg Ko tis' intro ductio n to URINETOWN, THE MUSICAL)

T he idea f or URINETOWN, THE MUSICAL f irst came to me during what might generously be described as a poorly planned trip to Europe during the late winter/early spring of 1995. On our return f light, I decided to extend an overnight layover in Paris to spend two weeks bumming around Western Europe by myself , to see the sights, and also try to decide whether I would propose to my girlf riend. For some reason, I thought $300 would cover my expenses, and …I ran out of money almost immediately. What I had intended to be a meditative, economy-style backpacker excursion through the capitals of France, Germany, England, and Spain quickly devolved into a grim test of endurance, (with) the def ining question … "How can I not spend any money until I can reclaim my ticket to the States and go home?" For me, the answer involved sleeping in the train stations, eating cheap but belly-f illing f oods, and, strangely enough, avoiding going to the bathroom as much as possible. Public bathrooms in Europe are pay-per-use. Some are old buildings in parks complete with towel-distributing attendants; some are state-of -the-art, self cleaning, toilet-pods set proudly near city crossroads. Each involves a f ee of some kind, some more expensive than others, all the time prohibitive to me… And so it was that on one particularly cold, rainy af ternoon in Paris, while I was making my way past the Luxembourg Gardens, trying to determine how badly I needed to go to the bathroom … that the notion of a city where all the public amenities in town were controlled by a single, malevolent, monopolizing corporation came to me. And not only would the corporation control all the public bathrooms but, being malevolent and monopolizing, it would somehow ensure the prohibition of private toilets, thus guaranteeing a steady f low of customers to its overpriced comf ort stations. With its wealth and inf luence on the rise, it would pay of f politicians and police, outlaw going in the bushes (and between parked cars), and generally employ all available tools of persuasion to maintain its hammerlock on power. At its head would be an evil capitalist genius controlling the world f rom behind his corporate desk. But would he really be so evil? For the world he was controlling was suf f ering f rom a nearly uncontrollable ecological disaster - a drought that, at the beginning of our story, had already entered its twentieth year. I stood there on the sidewalk f or a moment or two, thinking the thing through. T he notion seemed like a patently awf ul one, grand and ridiculous, a career (such as it was) ending embarrassment. And yet, at its core, it would also be a grand, ridiculous ref lection of the world as we know it to be, complete with rich and poor, the powerf ul and the powerless, a government controlled by industry and an industry that exists apart f rom and above us all. And driving it all would be the disaster, in this case the drought, a f act that trumped all the other f acts: the love, the rage, the greed, everything. It would be a musical, yes, a very big musical, and it would be called URINETOWN, THE MUSICAL . It might not be perf ormed, but it would be called URINETOWN, THE MUSICAL , and it would take place in a town where everybody had to pay to pee. Such is the thinking that comes f rom being too homesick, too broke, and too f ull of belly-f illing f oods, while inhibiting natural bodily f unctions f or too long.

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Copyright © 2016 Playbill Online Inc. All marks used by permission.

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