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賽馬會共融藝術工房是香港主流藝術場館裡,首個配合殘疾人士需要的藝術工作室──它擔綱了「促進者」、「使能者」和「衍生者」的角色,為社區裡的每一個人提供一個共融創意空間,讓各界人士匯合交流後,再回到社區傳遞共融訊息。 ---------------------------------------------- Jockey Club Inclusive Arts Studio is Hong Kong’s first-ever arts studio with an inclusive setting at a mainstream arts venue. The Studio acts as a ‘facilitator’, ‘enabler’ and ‘multiplier’ to provide a platform for the arts development of and exchange among people with or without disabilities, and to promote social inclusion through the arts.
