Steel City News January 2016

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Most Outstanding Regular Local Publication 2015

Steel City News


Our First Events for 2016

Inspiration Day

The 2016 President

Meet the 2016 JCI Sheffield Council Team Need some inspiration? Why you should come along to JCI UK Inspiration Day 2016

Dairies at the ready! We have some brliiant events for you! The new Plan of Impact, the new events and more!

January 2016

Contents Feature




Act, local, think national, unite globally Events Diary


Deputies Corner



Meet the 2016 Council Team 8 Around Yorkshire


Meet National Board

10 -11

The Plan of Impact

12 - 15

Charity of the Year 2016 INAS Charity of the Year 2016 Cathedral Archer Project

16 - 17

JCI UK Inspiration Day

18 - 19 20 - 21

Hello There Welcome to the 2016 first edition of the award winning Steel City News. I am very excited to be leading the organisation this year. This our 89th year and I am looking forward to developing and increasing awareness of our fantastic local organisation ready for an amazing 90th year. This year I am asking our Members, Past Members, Past Presidents and Senators to Achieve Awesome. I want this to be the year that we all join together and to make Sheffield one of the Best Chambers in the world. This organisation has had an impact on everyone’s life who has been part of the incredible journey this chamber has been on. I want you to share those impacts with our current membership and your network. As a chamber we need you all, lets find out what you did in your time, lets find out what you currently love about been a sheffield member, lets tap into those contacts you have and lets take this chamber further than we have ever been before. You have the chance to make your impact this year and to get involved in every aspect of JCI. We are also pleased to announce that we will be bidding to hold National Convention in 2017 as part of our 90th birthday celebrations. If you can help support us in any way or share any stories you have from previous ones we have held that would be very helpful please get in touch. This year I am very proud to say that we have an awesome council team. Mark Smith is our Immediate Past President (IPP) and has left some very big shoes to fill. Neal Stirk has stepped up to be Deputy President and I know JCI has been a major factor in his own personal journey so far. We have continued support from Amy Melody who will be taking on the new role of Public Relations Director. If you have any contacts you can share with Amy please feel free to get in touch. Chrissie Lewis will be keeping up her fantastic job of looking after all our Finance and Administration tasks. Brogan O’Callahan will be taking up the role of Growth and Membership director this year she has some fantastic Ideas. Ryan Stutchbury will be leading our Business and Strategic Partnerships this year and I know he has a fantastic track record and will really look at developing this for the chamber. I would also like to welcome Steph Smith who will be our Social and Relationship Director this year so if you have an idea of something to do, don’t hesitate to contact her. Ryan Pilkington will be staying on to look after our Marketing and Communications and I am really please he has chosen to as his skills are amazing. I would like to wish 3 members of Sheffield the best of luck as well as they take their skills development to the next level by joining national board. Mark Smith as National Finance Director, Katie Jackson as National Community Director and Ryan Pilkington as National Marketing Director. I hope you have a fantastic time working under our National President Sarah Beckworth. I am pleased to announce that our Charity Partners for 2016 will be The Cathedral Archer Project and INAS. Find out more about these fantastic charities further in our magazine. Enjoy this months Magazine and hopefully I will see you at Inspiration day Don’t forget achieve awesome Gareth

2016 JCI Sheffield President


JCI is a nonprofit organization of young active citizens age 18 to 40 who are engaged and committed to creating impact in their communities. Active citizens are individuals invested in the future of our world. JCI gathers active citizens from all sectors of society. We develop the skills, knowledge and understanding to make informed decisions and take action. As globally minded young people, we all have rights, responsibilities and share goals. We find targeted solutions to local issues benefitting our communities, our world and our future. Embracing new ideas, collaboration and diversity, we have the passion and courage to address the critical challenges of our time.

Events Diary 14 Jan

Speaking to an Audience Event Type: Training Venue: Holiday Inn Express Date: 14th Jan, 2016 Price: Free

15 Jan

JCI Barnsley’s Annual Dinner Event Type: Social Venue: Holiday Inn Barnsley Date: 15th Jan 2016 Price: £45

27 Jan

Networking Wednesday Event Type: Business Venue: Bloo88, West Street, Sheffield Date: 27th Jan 2016 Price: £5

For more information head to our website

30 Jan

JCI UK Inspiration Day Event Type: National Venue: South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service Command Headquarters, S1 3FG Date: 31st Jan, 2016 Price: Starting from £33

25 Jan

Come and Improve Your Health With Us Event Type: Training Venue: Carlton Park, Rotherham, S60 2BG Date: 25th Jan 2016 Price: Free

15 Jan

JCI Rotherham’s Annual Dinner Event Type: Social Venue: Carlton Park Hotel, Rotherham Date: 6h Feb 2016 Price: £40

Deputy’s Corner Well what a year 2015 was here in sunny Sheffield. We raised money for charity, had some laughs, won awards at National level, made an impact in our community and also stepped well beyond our comfort zones. In 2015 I was Community Action Director and was so incredibly proud of all the hard work that was done and also not just in Sheffield but also in the whole of the UK. It was an inspiring year and one I’ll look back on with great fondness. 2015 was also the year that I challenged myself to step out of my cosy comfort zone and push away from my normally quiet, nervous self and start being more assertive, confident and in new situations less nervous. So I set myself a challenge to arrange an event, go on JCI LEAP, JCI Public Speaking Academy and then speak at our annual dinner at Cutlers Hall. I went on all of the courses, spoke at the dinner as planned and then arranged a ‘bake off’ competition. It was tough in parts and hugely rewarding Whilst doing all of that I had the best people around me which made the task even easier. So what next? I decided to wave off my comfort zone completely and go for the role of Deputy President! And here I am in 2016 helping Gareth #achieveawesome and helping the council team and our members on their journeys. I’ll also be looking to push myself further still this year hopefully pushing on with my running which I started at the end of last year, volunteering more hours to our charity partners, and looking to push myself even further. I’m excited with the plans we have already but I’m even more excited about the fun parts I don’t know yet know about. Thanks

Neal Stirk 2016 JCI Sheffield Deputy President

Meet the 2016 Council Team

2016 JCI Sheffield President Gareth Carson

2016 JCI Sheffield Deputy President Neal Stirk

2016 JCI Sheffield Immediate Past President Mark Smith

2016 Marketing Director 2016 Growth and Membership Director 2016 Finance & Administration Director Ryan Pilkington Chrissie Lewis Brogan O’Callaghan

2016 Public Relations Director Amy Melody

2016 Business & Strategic Parnerships Director Ryan Stuchbury

2016 Social Director Stephanie Smith

Around Yorkshire

6th February 2016 Carlton Park Hotel 18:30

21st January 2016 18:30 Revolution De Cuba JCI Leeds - Launch Party

Meet National Board As a member of JCI Sheffield you get the opportuntiy to build your network throughout not only Sheffield but around the UK and the world. In this new feature we will be talking to a member of the JCI UK National Board so that you can understand who does what role, a little about them and what their goals are for the coming year. Name Ben Hawley Local Chamber JCI Barnsley How long have you been a JCI member? I joined JCI in early 2012 What made you become a JCI member? I was looking to expand my social life and met a member at a networking event. They invited me along to one of their socials and everyone was really nice. I joined up and went to a few more events and relised there was so much I could get out of the organization. What is your role on National Board? I’m the JCI UK Membership Director 2016 What made you want to take on this role?

On a local level, I started as Business Director, then Deputy Local President followed by Local President in 2014. In 2015 I was local Immediate Past President and also Conference Director for the JCI UK National Convention. What advice would you give to members thinking about taking on roles on their local council teams? Do it. Don’t wait. Don’t ask yourself ‘Can I do this role?’, ask yourself ‘What’s stopping me doing this role?’. The whole point of JCI is learning by doing, yes some things can seem daunting, but the support is there for you. Push yourself outside your limits, as that’s where the fun stuff happens. If you could choose one national JCI event to attend in 2016 which would you choose? That’s really tough. If it had to be just one, I’d have to go for National Convention. There are members from not just across the UK, but all over Europe as well. Big national events like that really open your eyes as to what’s available. Even if you can’t make any national event, make sure you visit at least one other chamber you wouldn’t normally. It will allow you share ideas, make new friends but most importantly, have fun. Do you have a goal for 2016?

I’ve got so much out of the organization since I joined. I want to help others benefit from it, that’s for both existing members and new members alike. There is so much JCI can allow you to do, but a lot of people don’t know exactly what’s available to them. I see membership as helping current members find something new and helping new members understand what options there are out there.

Hard to pick just one, so going with two. The first one is to increase membership by 20%. I think this is very doable for all local chambers and I’ll be working with all chamber’s to help them achieve this. The second one is reduce the turnover of membership by increasing engagement with existing members. Both recruitment and retention is needed for JCI UK to grow.

What positions have you held within JCI prior to National Board?

If you would like to contact Ben then please email

The Plan of


With the new year sees a new plan put in place. The plan was put together with imput from our members. The plan ensures the effectiveness of the chamber’s efforts throughout the year, maintains a focus for the chamber and allows members to learn about how the chamber is making a positive change in their community for the year. 2016 JCI Sheffield President Gareth Carson has put together his Plan of Impact for 2016. You can read the plan on the following pages. You can keep up to date with how the chamber is making an impact this year by keeping an eye on our social media such as Facebook and Twitter, this monthly magazine which will bring you the latest news for JCI Sheffield and also our website ( where all of our events, blogs and more are available for you. The plan was shared at the 2015 Annual General Meeting where we saw the 2015 President Mark Smith hand over the chain of office to Gareth Carson along with the passing of the Deputy Pesident chain to Neal Stirk. Members got the chance to see the new 2016 Council Team be voted in and see awards handed out to the 2015 team. INAS and Cathedral Archer Project were confirmed as the 2016 charity partners and you can read about their work on the coming pages. Start the new year the right way with us. Make a positive change in your life in 2016. Be an active citizen. Join the movement. Be part of a multi award winning chamber. Achieve Awesome with us.

Charity Partners 2016

Cathedral Archer Project One of our charity partners this year is the Cathedral Archer Project. This local chairty help homeless people achieve a better life by supporting them to develop their independence, improve their ability to tackle setbacks, improve their ability to identify and change negative behaviour and improve their wellbeing.

In the end the aim is for people to live stable, fulfilling and enjoyable lives The charity offers a wide range of services and activities ensuring that everyoens needs are met. These include: • Assessment and signposting to appropriate service providers • 1:1 support • In-house nurse and dental clinics • Access to hot food, drinks and food parcels • Showers and laundry • A programme of activities to help people learn skills and enjoy new experiences • The chance to gain accredited awards • A structured volunteer programme which helps people to gain structure in their lives. • Support to attend drug and alcoholic treatment services • Access to computers and telephones Learning and doing activities builds confidence and improves health, volunteering gives people responsibility and a sense of purpose, and 1:1 support from a project worker means specific issues can be tackled. In some cases they introduce people to other service providers who will also help them make progress. 1980’s Sheffield was a decade of decline. Its industry reduced at an alarming rate leaving in its wake rising levels of unemployment, poverty and poor health. By 1989 Sheffield Cathedral had become a regular place of shelter for people who had nowhere else to go and nothing to do. The congregation responded by providing them with a basic breakfast. Alan Turner, a Church Army Captain, was tasked with overseeing the breakfast and working with those who attended. The Archer Project quickly established itself as a city centre venue where homeless people felt welcome. What started as tea and toast served by members of the Cathedral congregation has developed and expanded into a holistic service designed to help homeless people to improve their lives. In 2007 the charity moved into their own purpose build premises within the Cathedral containing showers and laundry services, interview rooms for 1-1 work, a lounge area with computers, a professional kitchen, a medical room and an education/activity room. It has allowed them to work with many other agencies and provided a service of greater breadth and depth than which were previously capable of.

Today we continue to think carefully about the best ways to help homeless people to lead fulfilling, stable and enjoyable lives. The basic services include 1-1 support and signposting, provision of in-house nurse and dental clinics, and access to hot food and showers. They run a programme of activities to help people learn skills and enjoy new experiences and gain accreditation and offer a structured volunteer programme to help people to grow their confidence and increase their employability. They also received Investing in Volunteers status in 2013. JCI Sheffield this year will be working with the Cathedral Archer Project to raise funds, awareness and help for the homeless people of Sheffield. Keep an eye out for our next events, magazines and on our social media for more information on how you can get involved with our latest community projects and on our website www.jcisheffield. Find out more on Join us to make an impact in 2016 and to Achieve Awesome.

Charity Partners 2016


Our second charity partner for 2016 is Inas. Inas is an international charity and the recognised International Federation (IOSD) for athletes with an intellectual disability. It is a global organisation that promotes inclusion through sport and is a full member of the International Paralympic Committee representing intellectual disability. Inas was formed in 1986 and has grown to a membership of more than 75 nations across the World, representing more than 130,000 athletes with an intellectual disability.

“Inas is inspired by a belief that an intellectual disability should not be a barrier to enjoying and being the best in sport. Inas’ vision is that athletes with an intellectual disability across the World have the opportunity to achieve excellence in sport and high-level competition” They manage an annual programme of more than 15 Regional and World Championship competitions working closely with the International Federations for sport, maintain Regional and World records/rankings, and manage the eligibility process (part of athlete classification) for athletes with an intellectual disability. “Inas works through its members organisations and partners to change attitudes, create opportunities and develop pathways in sport to ensure that athletes with an intellectual disability can compete at the highest possible level” Every 4 years Inas hosts the Inas Global Games – a celebration of sport for elite athletes with an intellectual disability that includes World Championship competition in 7 sports. Inas has an office base in England, but is supported by a huge volunteer workforce around the World. Inas (originally called INAS-FMH) was established in 1986 by professionals in the Netherlands who were involved in sport and wanted to promote the participation of athletes with “mental handicap”. The founding meeting and first Executive were appointed in January 1986 and Inas became a member of the ICC – the International Coordinating Committee – which in 1992 became the International Paralympic Committee. Inas’ original membership was just 14 nations which has steadily grown to more than 70 nations today. The organisations first General Assembly was held in November 1988 in Madrid, Spain, at which time the first full Executive was elected, and in 1989, the ‘1st World Games for Athletes with an Intellectual Disability’ were held in Harnosand, Sweden In September 1991 ahead of the Barcelona Olympic Games in 1992, the first

Paralympic Games for ‘Persons with mental handicap’ were held in Madrid, at which 70 nations competed. In 1994, INASFMH became INAS-FID – the ‘International Sports Federation for Persons with Intellectual Disability’. In 1996, a small programme for athletes with an intellectual disability was included in the Paralympic Games in Atlanta before a larger programme including Athletics, Swimming and Basketball was included in Sydney 2000. During this period, the sport programme grew considerably to incorporate more than 10 sports whilst its membership and reach grew to cover 5 continents. Today’s sport programme includes some 15 annual events, more than 3500 athletes are registered to compete at an international level, whilst more than 120,000 thousand people with an intellectual disability worldwide have the opportunity to enjoy sport through the work of our member organisations. Following a period of absence from the Paralympic programme, events for athletes with an intellectual disability were re-instated by the IPC General Assembly in November 2009. 120 athletes went on to compete in athletics, swimming and table tennis in London in 2012. JCI Sheffield have partnered with Inas to provide volunteers, fundraising opportunties and to raise the profile around Sheffield. To find out more at and look our for the latest community events on our website

30th January 2016 Inspiration Day JCI Sheffield


Book your tickets using the link

Fire is catching; spark your inspiration

Inspiration Day 2016 Inspiration Day is just around the corner! We catch up with 2016 JCI UK National President Sarah Beckwith to find out why she’s excited, what members can expect and what she’s most excited for! It’s the first national event of the year! Are you excited? Oh yes very excited. There is such a buzz amongst members about what is going to happen in JCI UK in 2016 and this event is the chance to spread the excitement and get inspired for the year to come. What can we expect from JCI UK Inspiration Day? Inspiration Day is our kick-start to the year. It is a chance to meet the National Board team and find out about what is on offer throughout the year in terms of events, projects and international opportunities. There will also be fantastic training sessions and speeches to get everyone inspired What are you most excited about? Simon Bucknall is one of our trainers. I first met Simon in 2007, only about six months after I joined JCI. He was an invited trainer giving a series of three workshops on public speaking. At this time I was terrified of public speaking and almost didn’t sign up, but fortunately with encouragement from fellow JCI members, I did go and the workshops really helped me get over my fear of public speaking and I have come a very long way since! Simon went on to join JCI, set up his own business and was President of JCI London the year after me in 2012. He is a fantastic trainer and I always learn something from his sessions. Why should members attend? What opportunities can this present members with? Inspiration Day will have something for everyone: New members can find out more about the organisation and the opportunities to get involved. More experienced members can find out about national and international events and projects that they can experience throughout the year to further make the most of their JCI membership. Local council team members can meet the national board team and find out how they can get support throughout the year. Everyone will be inspired by our fantastic speakers and have the opportunity to meet other members from chambers across the country.

What makes this event different to other national events?

Inspiration Day sets the tone for the year. We have big plans for JCI UK this year and this is the opportunity for members to find out how they can get involved and really make the most of their membership in 2016. It is a great showcase for what JCI is all about all in one day. As a member what have you taken from past JCI UK Inspiration Days? It’s always great to meet other members, both when I was a member myself meeting the national board team and as a national board member meeting the members we are there to help. Every Inspiration Day is different and I’ve listened to inspiring speakers on creativity, goal-setting, vision and focusing on being the best you can be; I’ve watched magicians, taken part in Samba Drumming and raced around the host city on a treasure hunt. This year we have an outstanding venue in the Sheffield Fire Station, which certainly promises to offer something different and exciting again! JCI Presenter is being run on the Sunday, what can members expect from the session? JCI Presenter is a fantastic course for those wanting to increase their confidence in public speaking. It is a one-day course covering many of the core elements of becoming a good public speaker including structure, body-language and use of voice. As with all JCI courses, there is plenty of opportunity to practice in a supportive environment and participants will really notice the difference as they progress throughout the day. Book your tickets now by heading to the web address on the left or head to our Facebook page or website to find out more !

Sarah Beckwith JCI UK 2016 National President

Your chamber needs


What we need YOU to do: Share your stories Tell people about JCI Attend events Promote to your current network

To take part in this growth and development project aimed at past members, senators and past presidents ask Gareth or any of the council team for some generic business cards or promotional material to use to help increase membership numbers in sheffield Gareth Carson 2016 JCI Sheffield President 07999 179 791




June 15th - 18th 2016



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Our 2015 awards

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