Steel City News September 2016

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Most Outstanding Regular Local Publication 2016

Steel City News

We Slept Out!

Read 3 member’s experience of the Cathedral Archer Project Sleep Out


Make YouTube Pay

Take a look at how you can use YouTube to expand your reach and your income!

Read a graduate’s experience of the national academy

Master Motivation

How to always ensure you are motivated and ready for the challenge

September 2016

Hello There Welcome Its been another jam packed month for JCI Sheffield: we have travelled to Swindon for the national JCI UK AGM; members have slept rough outside the Cathedral to fundraise for the Archer Project; we have met many of the latest graduate interns from the RISE project who can benefit from trial membership; we have run our first Business Academy just to name but a few highlights in one month! Wow! As if all this couldn’t get better, I was incredibly proud that JCI Sheffield received 6 regional awards at the JCI Yorkshire! A massive well done in particular, to our fabulous member Anne Homer for scooping the most outstanding new member award in the region, after joining at the start of the year. Anne is a perfect example of what JCI is all about - literally throwing herself outside of her comfort zone, on a mission to develop her confidence and skills, especially in the area of public speaking and to be active citizen. Other areas recognised at the Yorkshire awards included: our community empowerment program; this very magazine and our very strong partnership with twin chamber JCI Mayo as well as the RISE graduate program and I was over the moon to be awarded most outstanding President in Yorkshire! Speaking of which, we can’t wait to welcome several members from Mayo, Westport over to Sheffield for their annual twinning visit at the end of the month and hope many of you will be able to join us for at least some of the program. Leading JCI Sheffield this year as your President has been an absolute honour and really a once in a life time opportunity. As we approach the final quarter of the year, it is now time to develop the ideas, plans and ambitions for the chamber going into 2017 when Deputy President Neal Stirk, takes on the baton so to speak. I know he is very keen to hear your thoughts on what you would like the Chamber to be doing next year, in the 90th anniversary year since JCI Sheffield started in the City. I look forward to joining many of you on 8th October at the JCI Sheffield black tie and diamonds annual dinner to further celebrate our successes and development this year. Keep achieving awesome!

Gareth Carson 2016 JCI Sheffield President

Contents Feature


Events Diary Deputy’s Corner Around Yorkshire Are You For or Against? David Weir at JCI UK National Convention My LEAP 5 Ways to Prepare for World Peace Day Meet National Board How to Become Mr Motivation Your Guide to Making YouTube Pay Brand Audit Checklist We Mean Business Cathedral Archer Project Sleepout JCI Sheffield Annual Dinner

1 2 3 4 5 6-8 9 10 - 11 12 13 14 15 - 17 18 19

Designer - Ryan Pilkington Editor - Mark Smith

Most Outstanding Regular Local Publication 2016 - JCI Yorkshire Awards 2016 Most Outstanding Regular Local Publication 2015 - JCI UK National Awards 2015

Events Diary

28 Sep

8 Oct

21 Oct

26 Oct

1 Nov

Networking Wednesday Event Type: Business Venue: Showroom, Sheffield TBC Date: 28th September, 2016 Price: £5 JCI Sheffield Annual Dinner 2016 Event Type: Social Venue: Holiday Inn Royal Victoria Date: 8th Oct, 2016 JCI Ireland National Convention 2016 Event Type: International Venue: Galway, Ireland Date: 21st Oct, 2016 JCI Networking Training Event Type: Training Venue: Showroom Cinema Date: 26th Oct, 2016 IT Training Event Type: Training Venue: Showroom Cinema Date: 1st Nov, 2016

28 Sep

18 Oct

22 Oct

30 Oct

3 Nov

Twinning Weekend Event Type: International Venue: Sheffield Date: 30th Sep - 2nd Oct, 2016 Meet JCI Sheffield Event Type: Social Venue: Showroom Cinema Date: 18th Oct, 2016 Spa Fundraising Evening Event Type: Community Venue: Spa 1877, Sheffield Date: 22nd Oct, 2016 JCI World Congress 2016 Event Type: International Venue: Quebec, Canada Date: 30th Oct, 2016 Alumni vs Current Members Debate Contest Event Type: Social Venue: Showroom Cinema Date: 3rd Nov, 2016

For more information head to our website

Deputy’s Corner Let me first talk about LEAP 2016, the JCI UK Leadership Academy. Last year I attended as a delegate and this year I helped Gareth and the team organise and deliver the weekend. Which in short is an absolute honour as I’ve got to see members develop and push themselves. I also learnt that so much work and passion is put into organising LEAP by the trainers and organising committee which makes it such an incredible experience. Next year my plan is to hopefully go back to LEAP as a trainer and help delegates even more by giving JCI members confidence and skills. I also attended JCI Sheffield’s first business academy which Mark Smith brilliantly put together. We had some excellent trainers and got a real insight into grassroots business and how to start one or work out if you have a good idea to begin with. We had fantastic sessions from some of our region’s finest business leaders including Julie Kenney, Richard Wright, Natalie Fletcher, Ben Hawley and our own Gareth Carson. The weekend gave all the delegates the confidence and some of the skills needed when thinking about setting up your own business. I’ve also been stepping up prep on our Annual Dinner on the 8th of October at the Royal Victoria (time is running out if you’re still yet to book). Being the biggest event I’ve had the pleasure to organise its a bit nerve racking but an experience I’d never say no too. The night promises to be brilliant and a fantastic celebration of Gareth’s year as president I can’t wait to see you all there and you lucky people get to see me on the stage again MCing (not rapping however!). Tickets are priced at £42 pp and it will be an amazing event. I have also been stepping up my prep work for 2017 and let me tell I’m excited for the plans we have in place already. I’m also still looking for a few more people to join me on the council team so if you want to really push yourself to the next level for work or making that CV look brilliant get in touch as we have opportunities to develop you and make a splash in business or the community! I would also invite everyone to join me at the 2017 planning focus group I’ve set up for Tues 13th Oct. Feel free to email me of you have any questions.

Neal Stirk 2016 JCI Sheffield Deputy President

2017 Planning Session Holiday Inn Express 13th October 2016

Around Yorkshire Twinning Weekend 30 September - 3 October 2016 Sheffield

JCI Barnsley visit Ardagh Glass 19th October, 2016 Ardagh Glass Ltd (Barnsley) 18:30

Conservation Volunteering with Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods 23rd September, 2016 Gledlow Valley Woods 9:45 - 12:00

More information on the events can be found on each Chambers Facebook pages.

Are You For Or Against? Debating is more than just saying yes or no... Debating for me was one of my most feared and hated of public speaking activities. The thought of having to put forward an argument and deal with any points of information that may spring up at any time gave me shaky knees and a butterfly filled stomach. I’ve tackled debating before with JCI and taken part in various show debates to get myself used to the format and to push myself to grow and develop a new skill. Each time petrified and scared I would bumble and stumble over my words.

The session allowed us to slowly get used to the format of debating and try out different roles within the debating team. Thanks to the interactiveness of the session the information and techniques became more than just words on paper. After a couple of activities it was time to put all we had learnt into a final show debate. We had to decide on which roles we would be within out teams and a coin flip decided who would be the opposition and the government for the argument “Eastenders is better than Coronation Street”. A highly serious debate of course. The session was one of the most relaxed for debating I’ve had and one that I would recommend to anyone. Debating allows you to build skills on thinking fast on your feet using structure and the basics of public speaking. All of these skills I know I will use later on in my career both as a student and as a designer. Ryan Pilkington 2016 JCI Sheffield Marketing Director


After attending a training session delivered by JCI debating wonder pair Charlotte Scothern and Mark Smith this changed. After starting the session with Extempore, a skill I have come to enjoy now, I decided to keep an open mind with the thought of debating. Previous training sessions allowed me to know the basic ins and outs of debating, the basic rules etc and allowed me to put them into practice and I was ready for a refresher.

British Paralympic Wheelchair Athlete David Weir MBE to speak at JCI UK National Convention 2016 David Weir has to date won a total of 6 gold medals at the 2008 and 2012 Paralympic Games and has also won the London Marathon on 6 occasions. Following his return from the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio we hope he will have even more medals to his already impressive collection. David will be joining us on Saturday afternoon for a live interview hosted by award winning entrepreneur, strategist and educator, Professor Vikas Shah. In his journal, ‘Thought Economics” Vikas has interviewed many of the world’s most influential thinkers including Sir Richard Branson, Buzz Aldrin, Maya Angelou, Noam Chomsky and more than 12 Nobel Laureates (a person or organization awarded the Nobel Prize) in economics, sciences and peace building. What is set to be a truly inspirational interview Vikas will explore all the challenges and adventures David has endured throughout his professional sporting career. The audience will be invited to send their questions to in advance of the convention and the best questions will be included into the live interview. The JCI UK National Convention will also feature all the usual JCI activities that you would expect from a jam packed convention weekend. You’ll get involved in the national competitions in public speaking, debating and extempore, you’ll have a variety of training sessions and key note speakers and of course an abundance of social activities and the grand finale at the National Awards Dinner. With plenty of surprises in store we’re certain you’ll have a ball at this year’s convention hosted by JCI Manchester. Keep up to date by joining the Facebook event and following us on twitter @JCIUKNC2016. Tickets are now on sale and the EARLY BIRD RATE has been EXTENDED to 12th August 2016. So buy your tickets fast!

My LEAP Journey Anne Homer Since becoming a member of JCI Sheffield in January this year, I have attended events that, so far, have been invaluable, allowing me to further my personal development, meet new like-minded people and be open to more opportunities… So when ‘Leap’ was recommended to me by every other member I had spoken to who had attended in previous years - I just knew I had to go. If I’m honest - apart from knowing that the Academy involved leadership training - I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect from the weekend because previous graduates are sworn to secrecy in order not to spoil the experience for future attendees. I went into it with my eyes wide shut but with the willingness to throw myself into whatever the experience entailed. As someone who is quiet I find ‘leadership’ doesn’t come naturally to me and it wasn’t something I had really thought about before but as the weekend went on I realised ‘Leap’ taught me that there is more to leadership than being in charge. The course was fast paced, exciting, enlightening and exhausting, allowing me to: jump out of my comfort zone; learn how to lead by improving my time management skills; how to motivate/inspire others and work successfully as a team; how to engage others to ensure they are genuinely interested in what I have to say; how to delegate workload to save time as well as giving others opportunities; how to give feedback to others (something I used to tend to shy away from); practice in public speaking and how to set achievable goals for the future. I was encouraged and inspired by others and made lifelong friends who encouraged and supported me. I was given insight into the type of person I am and how I can approach others in different situations. The trainers were second to none and were inspiring in explaining the qualities of different Leadership styles. This training has boosted my confidence and changed the way I view my relationships with others. Already I am using what I learnt within the workplace re-evaluating how I interact, what I like about myself and what I can improve on. A truly empowering weekend. Anne Homer, JCI Sheffield Member

Find out what our next training session is at

5 Ways JCI Members Prepared for Peace Day On September 21, global citizens from around the world will joined together to celebrate the International Day of Peace by creating awareness, advocating, taking action and committing to an everlasting world peace. As this celebratory day quickly approached JCI members joined in a movement spanning nations and going beyond borders. Joining the global movement and participating in the following initiatives, spreading the message that Peace is Possible. Even though the day has passed share your support too and keep the movement going!

that advances the Global Goals most relevant to your community’s needs or create a giant human peace sign— the options to create impact are endless! 5. Join JCI’s Twitter Chat for Peace Discuss the barriers to peace and how we as global citizens can work to create the world we want to see. There will be more information to come on this exciting online conversation, so be sure to follow @jcinews on Twitter!

1. Participate in the Global #Search4Peace Mobilize your network to participate in The Global Search for Peace, an interactive scavenger hunt that took place around the world September 16–21. This activity required its participants to create awareness of the Peace is Possible campaign and take action for peace through the framework of the Global Goals for Sustainable Development. Learn more about The Global Search for Peace and download the action guide and toolkit to prepare for this international event. 2. Amplify Peace is Possible on Thunderclap Help us reach our goal of 500 supporters on Thunderclap! If we succeed, a pre-set message will be posted on all of our supporters’ pages at the same exact moment on the International Day of Peace to amplify the campaign message across social media. Are you active on Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr? Support Peace is Possible today! 3. Share Your Vision of PeaceSubmit a 10–20 second video illustrating your vision of peace. When you create your video, please state your name and country and complete the following sentence: Peace is possible when _______________. While making your video, we encourage you to display your completed “Peace is Possible When______ card” as well as explore your community’s greatest needs—examine the Global Goals for ideas!! Make sure to submit your video to for the chance to be featured in future Peace is Possible promotional materials. 4. Check out the Peace is Possible Peace Day Activities Visit the Peace is Possible website to learn more about what peacemakers around the world are doing and how you can get involved. Host a peace event, create a project


Meet National Board As a member of JCI Sheffield you get the opportuntiy to build your network throughout not only Sheffield but around the UK and the world. In this monthly feature we will be talking to a member of the JCI UK National Board so that you can understand who does what role, a little about them and what their goals are for this year. Name Abdulkader Aljandali Local Chamber: JCI London How long have you been a JCI member? 2 years What made you become a JCI member? A family member mentioned JCI few times so I decided to give it a go What is your role on National Board? International Director What made you want to take on this role? I was JCI London International Director in 2015 and enjoyed every bit of it so I decided to take my passion to the next level by joining the national board. What positions have you held within JCI prior to National Board? JCI London Deputy Finance Director 2012 JCI London International Director 2015 What advice would you give to members who are thinking to take on roles within their local council? Go for it and Make sure you learn as much as you can from people around you. Do not hesitate to asked questions! If you could choose one national JCI event to attend in 2016 which would you choose? Inspiration Day

Do you have a goal for 2016? Yes, visit all local chambers in the UK to promote JCI international events

Master Motivation You’re too tired If you’re eye lids are feeling heavy then it’ll be impossible to keep motivated.

Take care of yourself physically as well as mentally. Take the time to exercise and meditate. These activities will allow you to take some ‘you time’ and allow you to get some headspace. Allowing that stressful sensation to leave you. Be sure to evaluate your sleep pattern too and ensure you are getting So what is motivation? Motivation is the drive to enough rest. move forward and achieve. Motivation is said to have three main components. The first being Activation. You just have too much to do This is the initial decision to get something done or How can you put the effort into something when you to achieve something. The second is Intensity. This have so many other things to do? means how much effort it takes to get the task at hand completed. The third and final component is Get rid of any unnecessary commitments. Every Perseverance. This is how long you can keep that commitment you make will use up some of your finite effort and drive going. Achieving your goal will require willpower. It’s nice to be that person who can please all three of these components. everyone and get things done but each task will come with it’s own stress. All adding up and weighing There are two types of motivation. Intrinsic Motivation you down. Learn to say ‘no’ to tasks and focus on and Extrinsic Motivation. what is truly important. If it’s the size of a task that is overwhelming you then divide this task into smaller Intrinsic motivation comes from inside the individual. ones and work your way through. For example this will be things such as solving a puzzle simply because you want to. This type of Do you recognise any of those excuses? Are you motivatiom is easy to maintain and you will do this ready to fix them and get motivated? Remember, task regardless of any possible reward at completion. Dreams get you started, discipline keeps you going However this type is easily subject to moods meaning - Jim Rohn. that you may have to ‘feel like doing it’. Extrinsic Motivation comes from outside the individual. For example solving a problem for a financial reward, recognition or praise. This type of motivation is easy to maintain thanks to rewards and can make a difficult or mundane task more bearable. However these types of tasks can be prone to procrastination. If you’re feeling apathetic or keep putting a task off then get motivated by eliminating your excuses. We all use them and sometimes we don’t actually know we are procrastinating. Here are some well known and well used excuses and how to beat them. You just don’t feel like it Feeling lazy? You can’t plan your moods but you can plan your day. Think about your average day. When is your most productive time? Are you a morning person? Or do you prefer to work more during the afternoon? Think about this for a moment and plan around this time. If you’re still feeling lazy then why not try the ‘Count Down’ method? Simply countdown from 10 and start. No hesitating. Once you’re in the zone you’ll be surprised how much you can get done.


We all have those times when we feel in a slump and every task seems to take a mammoth amount of effort. These times naturally come and they can become a major hinderance in both personal and professional lives. These slumps can also create unnecessary stress and worry. But that ends here. In this article we will share with you the two types of motivation and how you can ensure you are always on track and become Mr (or Mrs) Motivation!

How to Make YouTube Pay YouTube. It has become an icon of modern day life and provides us with endless hours of tutorials, promotional videos, funny fail videos and of course videos of cats doing funny things. But YouTube can be a businesses opportunity to build a new audience, build your existing ones and give your audience a new channel to follow you on and gives them more content to share and like. So, how can you make YouTube pay? Whether you are a small business, a large enterprise or a freelancer you can benefit from using YouTube. Take a look at the stats below. YouTube is a hub for all things on the internet. With it generating nearly 5 billion views everyday just think of the business you could be bringing in from those views. Vloggers (video bloggers) have become celebrities in their own right and have become the social icons of the modern age. Thanks to YouTube these icons pull in thousands of subscribers and millions in income from people simply viewing their videos.

and sharing videos and there are loads of apps out there now, both free and paid, that will help you make stunning videos. You could also enlist the help of someone with video making experience or that knows how to use professional software to edit the video for you. Giving your video a crisp and clean appearance. Top tip, try to keep your videos to a maximum time of 3 minutes if you can. This will encourage more people to watch as it’s quick. What are the benefits? 01 - Low barriers to distributing your content 02 - No one between you and your audience. A direct line of communication 03 - Utilizing a medium that is becoming hugely popular There you go, an insight into how YouTubers have become millionaires and icons and how you can make YouTube your business hub for brining in new customers.

YouTube was founded in 2005 It is now the worlds second largest search engine, second to Google 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute More than half of YouTube views come from mobile devices YouTube has 4,950,000,000 videos viewed everyday. Thats a lot of funny cats being viewed. Owned by Google Once you hit a certain amount views and a certain amount of subscribers you can earn income through the channel. Youtube takes about 45% of advertising revenues. But the cost of 1000+ views is good. Top 1000 bloggers out there average +900,00 view = +$23, 000 per month On average you could earn $0.3 - $2.50 per thousand views. Up to $10 per thousand. Now it may be hard to think of your promotional video gaining you thousands of subscribers and millions in revenue but your video could bring you website leads which will in turn bring in income. You don’t have to have previous knowledge of creating


YouTube Stats:

Brand Audit Checklist Get the connections you want, the business success you want and become a LinkedIn All Star with this simple check list! Check out the article too in this issue and you’ll be on your way to the perfect profile! Basics Name Strapline


Mission Statement Values Email Address Phone number Advanced Elevator Pitch Website Social Media Presence Business Cards Letterhead Roller Banner Evaluations Marketing Strategy Networks Evaluation Advertisment Channels Evaluated Legal Documents Evaluated Income and Expenditure Evaluated

JCI Members Sleep Out for Cathedral Archer Project On Friday 2nd September, with other JCI Sheffield members, I slept outside Sheffield Cathedral to raise funds and awareness for the Cathedral Archer Project - ‘helping homeless people find their own fulfilling lives’ - to support the great work they do.

enough to tell us about how they ended up on the streets due to relationship breakdown, that caused them to be depressed, lose their job and ultimately the roof over their head. That could so easily happen to one of us. Between the 3 of us, I am pleased that we raised over £550 for the project. Thank you to everyone who sponsored us.

It was noisy with trams, delivery lorries and drunk passersby, but I was in a warm sleeping bag, the weather was fine and - Mark Smith, JCI Sheffield 2016 IPP I was safe with people around me. It really hit home when I was walking back to my car this morning and saw someone who had spent their night on a concrete doorway floor without a bed, a sleeping bag or the comfort of people around them to keep them safe. Rain or snow there are thousands of people living homeless in the UK. I got to go home and I know that last night was the closest I hope I will ever get to living on the street. It opened my eyes to what we can do: whether it’s donating money, simply giving clothing/food or going to help out at the project. Thank you so much to everyone who has donated to this worthwhile cause. Many little things we worry about on a daily basis are nothing in comparison to what others have to deal with. The basics we take for granted can mean everything to someone else. - Anne Homer, JCI Sheffield member Doing the Cathedral Archer Project Sleep Out was a brilliant experience. It amazing how the small things in life we take for granted. The small things such as laundry and eye contact. Snuggled up in my sleeping bag with Mark and Anne beside me I was prepared for the night ahead. It was noisy, chilly and slightly scary with strangers walking around throughout the night whilst I was in the open. Trying to grab some hope of sleep whilst my belongings lie beside my head. I would recommend this experience to anyone. Try sleeping as the homeless do. It makes you be grateful for the little things in life. - Ryan Pilkington, JCI Sheffield 2016 Marketing Director I have done several rough sleeps over the last few years but this was the first one I did with the Archer Project. Before we bedded down for the night outside the iconic Cathedral, members of the project talked about the important services it offers and the positive impact it makes on local homeless people. A couple of current service users were brave

We Mean Business On the 10th and 11th September we launched our pilot of the JCI Business Academy. Delegates went on a journey from business newbies to budding business leaders. The weekend was filled with inspiring talks, practical sessions and a dragons den style pitch putting all of what the delegates learnt into practice. (The only thing missing was the huge stack of money next to our dragons!) Julie Kenny gave the delegates a look into her inspiring story of her humble beginnings to being a multimilllion pound business leader amongst other roles. The highs and lows of success and life all came together and inspired our delegates to think about their future and where they want to be. Natalie Fletcher from Business Sheffield talked about the support that is available from the city, the communities that are available and the free talk and seminars that are run each month by Business Sheffield. Some members have gone on to arrange meetings with Business Sheffield to see how they can get involved and how they can progress their business idea further with support. Marketing plays a huge role in business and our next session with Bob and Sarah Brown from Inspire2Aspire talked us through traditional and new marketing funnels and the top ten traits of a successes entrepreneur. These sessions allowed our delegates to think about what their values are personally and in business. Something that is easily looked over. Sarah then shared tips and ideas for our delegates ideas that could be used for easy, cheap and effective marketing. Creating a business plan can seem daunting and it definitely did to some of our delegates but Ben Hawley shared LEAN Canvas with us. A simple and effective way of creating a more visual and interactive business plan that can be changed as your business idea develops. Delegates got to work section by section and built up their business plan ready for what was to come on day two. Bob Brown then gave a small session on naming a business and what to look out for. Definitely one of the funny sessions from the weekend! Day two brought us more great food from Inox with the day starting with Making the Connection training with Auriel Majumdar. Auriel shared her experience of networking and the various ways to perceive it. Our delegates learnt about the new styles of networking that are taking form in business and personal brands not only your business

brand. This session was also featured live on our Facebook page ! If you missed it be sure to check it out. Paul Bamford gave finance tips about pensions and insurance. Richard Wright from the Sheffield Chamber of Commerce shared what lessons he would have told his younger self. Giving the delegates a look into his success story and gave food for thought for the delegates about where they want to be and how that may potentially change through time. 2016 JCI Sheffield President Gareth Carson shared his top tips for a great pitch which helped calm the delegates nerves about pitching their business idea to our dragons den style panel made up of Gareth Carson, Julie Kenny and Richard Wright. After the dragons den pitches our delegates were ready for graduation! Certificates, and branded mugs were given to the delegates and a winning pitch, decided by the dragons, was awarded to Neal Stirk from JCI Sheffield! We can’t wait to see how our budding businesses leaders get on with their ideas!


Book Your Places Today

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