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Information Function Audit M.C. Juan Carlos Olivares Rojas Department of Computer and System Instituto Tecnol贸gico de Morelia jcolivar@itmorelia.edu.mx 19.72388 lat, -101.1848 long

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Outline Compilation of Organizational Information Human Resources Assesment Interviews with Informatic Personal Budget and financial Situation. Budgets Financial and material Resources.

Objectives of the Session • The students will know the basis of Informatic Function Audit

Compilation of Organizational Information • It’s important for the correct management of Auditing Process. • Before of making a Report is necessary the information that sustain the ideas. This information is knowed such as Evidence. • Remeber the first step is organizational context of a Firm.



Compilation of Organizational Information

• It’s important to manage an eficient way to recollect information such as logs, databases, control sheet and cross-documents. • The retrieval information must be the most quickly as posible. • In the research process this activity is highlyconsumer of time (Theoretical Frame and State-of-Art)

Human Resources Assesment • This action is very important because some firms have and excelente organization and planning but in practice have a bad execution and directions (CONTROL) • There are two kinds of human resources evalution: • Activity and Resposability of a Employee in an organization (For Example a Bad Director or Boss).

Human Resources Assesment • Assesment of Organization about their People (asking about a good working conditions). • One technique of Human Resources Assesment is the elaboration and application of questionaries. • Questionaries are a good option when there are not enough time, but are dificult because it needs a correct design and processing.

Interviews with Informatic Personal • Interview is a vital process inside auditing. • We must recollect and store this information such as Evidence but in most of the time is dificult because it’s not a legal process and some Employee can’t or doesn’t like talking about some topic in these circunstances. • Interviews are dificult in design and application but are crucial.

Interviews with Informatic Personal • Interviews provide the correct specification about a process. Auditors could be aimed by Personal in some process which are dficult to understand. • There are a lot of kinds of Interviews. The most important thing in Interview Process is the script. The interviewer should be and excelent improviser and carismatic person.

Activity • Example of Human Resource Assement* • Make a control sheet (check list) indicating the elements which are present. • Compare the control list with the control sheet and define what elements are present such as Evidence are not registred in the Documentation. • Pairs, thirds or quatrains (Delivery a Report)

Homework • Make a Interview with some Person in Digital way such as: audio (podcasting) and video over Internet (videocasting). • The interview must contain a script (duplex way) • It contains a Syndication RSS • You can interview a classmate (pair) about their future job.

Budget and Financial Situation • Budget is an important element because Auditors have some constraints, and the most important is Financial. • Ideally, the audit budget should be created after the audit schedule is determined.

API BruteForce • Develop a Java program which can access in a System with Login Screen (Username and Password). • The user must indicate the initial point or area of the first field. Must indicate the max length of words (update it for variable length*) • Probe it with a Real Program or Simulate Program. If the screen changed the program has entered (consider a delay for

API Brute Force • Optional make a statistic module for calculating iterations and time of obtaininig pasword. • Optional Include a (depends of Language).



Jawa.awt.Robot M.C. Juan Carlos Olivares Rojas

Introducción • La clase java.awt.Robot permite definir un objeto que puede realizar acciones de manera automatizada sobre la interfaz gráfica del sistema. • Cuenta en general con métodos para mover el ratón, presionar botones del ratón, presionar teclas, capturar imágenes, entre otras funcionalidades.

Ejemplo import java.awt.AWTException; import java.awt.Robot; import java.awt.event.InputEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; public class Aplicacion { public static void main (String args []) { Aplicacion(); }


Ejemplo Aplicacion() { try { Robot robot = new Robot(); // Simula un click con el rat贸n robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK) ; robot.mouseRelease(InputEvent.BUTTON1_M ASK); // Simula presionar una tecla

Ejemplo robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_O); robot.keyRelease(KeyEvent.VK_O); } catch (AWTException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }

API • La clase cuenta con dos constructores: • Robot() sin argumentos crea un objeto que opera en toda la pantalla. • Robot(GraphicsDevice screen) Construye un objeto Robot en las coordenadas indicadas. • A continuación se describe cada uno de los

API • java.awt.image.BufferedImage createScreenCapture(Rectangle s) Crea una imagen de las coordenadas indicadas. • void delay(int ms) El objeto se duerme un tiempo especificado de ms milisegundos. • int getAutoDelay() Obtiene el tiempo en que el Robot se está durmiendo.

API • Color getPixelColor(int x, int y) Reegresa el color del punto señalado. • boolean isAutowaitForIdle() Checa si el Robot ejecuta waitForIdle() después de un evento. • void keyPress(int keycode) Presiona una tecla.

API • void keyRelease(int keycode) Libera una tecla.

• void mouseMove(int x, int y) Mueve el puntero del ratón a las coordenadas indicadas. • void mousePress(int buttons) Presiona uno o más botones del ratón.

API • void mouseRelease(int buttons) cuando se libera un botón del ratón.


• void mouseWheel(int wheelAmt) cuando gira la rueda del ratón.


• void setAutoDelay(int ms) Configura el tiempo de retardo que existe entre cada evento del Robot.

API • void setAutowaitForIdle(boolean isOn) Configura el tiempo en que el Robot ejecuta un waitForIdle(). • java.lang.String toString() Convierte el Robot en una cadena de texto. • void waitForIdle() Espera a que todos los eventos de la cola de eventos hayan sido despacahdos.

Brute Force Attack • Moodle Case • http://antares.itmorelia.edu.mx/~jcolivar/moodle • Exist many user created by machines (spam) • Solutions? • What happend with Eco Server Audit Case?

Budgets  The most coordination.





 Budget is an important constraint tha auditor should considered in the assesment. For example a small ofice (PyME) doesn’t have enough money to buy a Hardware Firewall and the small company only implement a individual Firewall through Operating System.

Financial and material Resources. • Those elements are important because we need it for working in auditing. • Material Resources used by an Auditor could be: Papers Formats (collection), PDA, Mobile Phone, Laptop or Notebook (paper). • Depending of the information assest the tools are variable for example a cable testing in Computer Network Audits.

ERP Case • Reading the papers “RECREATION, INC. AN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY RISK ASSESSMENT CASE STUDYOF ENTERPRISE RESOURCE PLANNING (ERP) SYSTEMS” and IT Audit Basics Auditing Security and Privacy in ERP Applications • In 3-Person Teams redacts a Wiki (paper format). The wiki must contain 5 good ideas and 5 bad ideas. •

ERP Case

Exam • Finish the Planning and Organization of Audit Project in ITM. • The exam is individual and must include: • WBS/ Time Matrix / Gantt Chart • Estimation time, resources, cost (budget) • Organization • Indicate in complete form how will assesment each information assest.

Exam • Grading: • Planning and Organization 50% • Assesment Methodology 50% • Deadline: Monday, March 30 • Document Printed

Rubric • Una rúbrica es un elemento que nos permite definir en forma tabular los requisitos que debe tener un producto en general y evaluarlos en base a un criterio determinado.

Ejemplo de RĂşbrica

Actividad • Definir una rúbrica para evaluar galletas de chispas de chocolate, definir al menos 5 características, ubicar porcentajes a cada una. • Distribuir la rúbrica a sus demás compañeros para que puedan evaluar y sacar un promedio de las especificaciones. • Competencias a Desarrollar: Trabajo en Equipo, Análisis y Síntesis, Evaluación cuantitativa y cualitativa, Redacción.

References • Senft, S. And Gallegos, F. (2008) Information Technology Control and Audit, Third Edition, CRC Press, United States


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