The Saga

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Saga The


February 1, 2013


First Presbyterian Day School, Macon, Georgia

Winter sports season winding down. Page 10.

Around campus

in 60 seconds Faculty technology training in full swing

With the launch of the 1-to-1 initiative this summer, the program in which FPD will provide Lenovo tablet PCs to all students in grades 5-12, faculty members have been showing up to work early for mandatory training sessions on Wednesdays. Sessions run from 7:30-8:30 a.m. and cover a variety of topics, from introduction to software such as OneNote and DyKnow to creating blogs and Twitter pages. Faculty members receive training from administrators and other faculty members who have experience with the software and techniques. “Late Start Wednesday gives us the opportunity to have faculty meetings and training within the school day because it’s difficult to have meetings after school with everything going on,” assistant headmaster Dr. Barry Shealy said, adding that instructional time has been productive and faculty members have expressed optimism about the initiative. As for the students, they seem to be enjoying the extra hour of sleep on Wednesdays.

File photo Principals Molly Pearson and Joe Childs participate in a technology training class this summer.

Mary Helen Douglas/The Saga Daniel Jones goes to OrthoGeorgia for rehab two times a week after his surgery.


Daniel Jones is healing after a season-ending injury. By OLIVIA TAYLOR Co-Editor


aniel Jones spent the summer leading up to his senior football season following a grueling preseason schedule that involved tough weights sessions three

days a week. He was excited about the season, and had set some personal goals for himself including leading his team to state and being named allregion. On August 31 in the season opener, Jones and the football team traveled to Monroe to face George Walton. Early in the game, Jones, the team’s starting center, ran up the side of the field to make a block and saw an outside linebacker from the opposing team running up to him. “The next thing I know, he gets out of my sight, and my leg goes completely numb,” Jones said. “I try to step on it, scream, and fall to the ground.” Jones’ mother, Tammy Jones, was watching from the bleachers. “I went down when we realized he wasn’t getting any better,” she said. “I just started praying, and what was amazing was people we

Mary Helen Douglas/The Saga Jones finds something to laugh about. didn’t even know were praying for him.” Head coach Greg Moore was also watching when Jones got injured. “I was heartbroken,” Moore said. “I know how

Please see JONES, page 10


The Saga

Friday, Feb. 1, 2013 Page 2

Don’t allow fear to dictate how you live your life

Cartoon by Olivia Taylor


Music a big part of Macon I was born and raised in Macon. I have lived in middle Georgia for 17 years and counting, but there is so much more to our city than what meets the eye. The Saga staff had the unique experience of going on a private tour with Rock Candy Tours of downtown Macon. We spent our morning being driven around downtown by FPD grad Jessica Walden, co-founder of Rock Candy Tours along with her husband, Jamie Weatherford, also an FPD alum. Our eyes were opened to the incredible music history of our city. On almost every street are historic locations where rock ’n roll greats used to hang out. Like H&H Restaurant where the Allman Brothers went for a good traditional Southern meal. Or old offices where

Otis Redding himself used to work. There’s even an original lounge and bar where anybody who wanted to be big in music played. On the tour, we realized that Macon used to be a thriving location of music. Instead of going to Nashville or out to California to “make it big,” people came to Macon. We were made to appreciate Macon more after the tour. If people valued downtown like they used to, then it could return to its former, more glorious state. Go check out a closer look at Rock Candy Tours on pages 6 and 7. If you’re interested, you should take the Rock Candy Tour for yourself and really get a feel for Macon’s musical history. - Olivia Taylor

Saga The

First Presbyterian Day School, Macon, Georgia

Staff Directory Editors ............................... Mary Helen Douglas, Olivia Taylor Staff Writers ..................... Emily Goldin, Westin Kosater Adviser ............................. Mr. Cal Powell The Saga is the student-produced newspaper of First Presbyterian Day School in Macon, Ga. It is printed locally by Judd Publishing. Letters to the editor and guest editorials are welcome. Submit them in person to staff adviser Cal Powell or e-mail Phone (478) 477-6505, Ext.121. Member organization Journalism Education Association Rated Superior by the GSPA, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Winner of the GSPA Turnaround Award 2006-07 Winner of the GSPA General Excellence Award 2007-08 Winner of the GSPA Perseverance Award 2007-08

We live in a world where fear attacks every fiber and cell of all of us. People are dying, the economy is struggling, friends move away, etc. Sometimes it may feel as if everything is going all wrong, and finding peace of mind about anything is so difficult. Our natural instinct is to be fearful and immediately look for a quick solution. The problem is, it doesn’t exist. There are no quick fix solutions. We aren’t in control, even though we think we are. We can’t control the weather or if we will get into the college we want or whether or not today is a good day for our cars to break down. There are not enough doctors and pills in the world to make fear disappear. We can’t control our lives. We can only try to prepare and cope as best we can when things we don’t like happen. Although we can tighten security in our airports and schools and talk about amending gun laws and help for the mentally ill, we essentially aren’t going to get anywhere. Yes, we may prevent a handful of shootings and preserve the sanity of parents sending their kids to school, but we aren’t ever going to get to a place where anywhere in this world is absolutely, 100 percent safe. There is no speech or book that can give us a foolproof way on how to live the safest life, even living underground and refusing to come out until we deem that all danger has left us. We can watch movies about the world ending and the downfall of North America, but we can’t live that way. Does this leave us in a state of

MARY HELEN DOUGLAS Co-Editor hopelessness and crippling fear? Absolutely not. It doesn’t point us toward a lifestyle of living life to the full, which is what the Bible tells us to do. I believe we have a God in heaven who sent his only son to die on a rugged cross for us - to save our souls and give us eternal peace in heaven. He has promised us that he is making a place for us one day to be reunited with him. It is only then that we will finally be completely, 100 percent safe. I think security and taking precautionary measures are a good thing, and certainly need to be practiced, but I do believe that it is ultimately Jesus who holds me. Today, I am choosing to trust him when my body tells me to hide under fear. I know that my mind is limited, and I surrender my fears to Jesus, knowing that he will fulfill his purpose for me. I refuse to let my fears rule the way I choose to live my life. The encouragement lies in this: Even though we live in a world where horrible things happen that we can’t explain and it leaves us feeling lost and forgotten, ultimately it doesn’t matter what someone can do to our physical bodies because they can’t take away our salvation. And that is where I’m choosing to place my hope.

“I believe we have a God in heaven who sent his only son to die on a rugged cross for us - to save our souls and give us eternal peace in heaven. He has promised us that he is making a place for us one day to be reunited with him. It is only then that we will finally be completely, 100 percent safe.”


The Saga

A few fun ideas for V-Day whether you’re single or not

One of the most amplified days of the year is approaching fast. No, not President’s day - I’m referring to Valentine’s Day! Whether you’re looking forward to it or dreading it, it has crossed your mind at least once. I’m here to help you fellow students have one of the best Valentine’s Days ever, whether you’re “sailing solo” or “tied up!” Here are my top eight ideas: 8. Ladies, if you look on Pinterest you will most definitely be able to find a DIY craft that involves flowers. There are approximately $416 million worth of flowers grown for Valentine’s Day, so put them to good use. Get your closest gal pals together and make it a group effort! 7. A simple way to make it memorable is to go out to dinner at a favorite restaurant. Whether you’re single or in a relationship, be sure to MAKE RESERVATIONS! If you’re single, get a group of your friends with similar relationship statuses together. You don’t have to be coupled up to make a fun night of it. Couples, make it a memorable occasion, just you and your special someone. Be sure to dress nicely, and if matching outfits are your thing then own it! (and send pictures to The Saga staff). 6. Although it’s still a little early to ask someone to Prom, it’s a great time to start thinking about whom you should ask. Spend a little time deciding which lucky person gets to be your date. Plus, you can begin brainstorming a creative way to ask. 5. If you’re feeling generous, give your parents the night off and offer to watch your younger siblings. This also could apply to your neighbors, family friends or teachers with kids. (You can never have too many brownie points!).

Friday, Feb. 1, 2013 Page 3


“A youth pastor because I’d get to hang out with kids and talk about Jesus.” Brooks Hanson 10th grade “I want to be an applied physicist because I like physics and I like fixing things.”

KATHRYN KOSTOVETSKY Guest Columnist 4. Approximately $14 billion worth of chocolate products are sold on Valentine’s Day. If you’re in a baking mood, it’s the perfect night to bake your favorite dessert. Call your friends, make it an activity. Have a bake-off, try new recipes and just enjoy each other’s company! 3. For people who dread Valentine’s Day, try planning an Anti-Valentine’s Day night. Wear your darkest clothes, listen to your antirelationship playlist, but don’t take it too seriously, just have fun! 2. An idea often overlooked since elementary school is bringing your friends Valentines. They still sell them, and homemade ones work too. Cards, candy, baked goods and other goodies all have the ability to make someone’s day a little brighter! 1. If you’re feeling bold, you could write an anonymous Valentine to your crush. This is a good time to put your creative skills to work. Write a funny haiku, make a small craft or go as simple as a single flower. It’ll be on their mind all day! Best of luck!

Approximately $14 billion worth of chocolate products are sold on Valentine’s Day. If you’re in a baking mood, it’s the perfect night to bake your favorite dessert. Call your friends, make it an activity. Have a bake-off, try new recipes and just enjoy each other’s company!

Addison Ruble 12th Grade

“A physical therapist because I’ve gone through physical therapy before and it always seemed interesting to me.” Emily Garnett 10th grade “A teen psychologist because I want to help teens get through hard things.” Jill Rogers 9th grade

“I want to work for the FBI or CIA because I want to change the world without anyone knowing what I’m doing.” Luke Thomas 10th grade “I want to be a rapper because I’d get to spit lines and make bank.” Sam Anderskow 11th grade

The Saga


Friday, Feb. 1, 2013 Page 4

Twitter or Facebook?

Facebook’s versatility puts it on top.

Twitter: less clutter, less annoying.

Social networking has become one of the most important concepts in our lifetime. There are countless ways for somebody to get connected to their friends as well as the rest of the world. Facebook is a great website for staying connected, and, unlike Twitter, users are not limited to 140 characters. It would be difficult for users on Twitter to organize an event or a group. Luckily, Facebook is useful for groups such as student organizations or extracurricular activities. Facebook also allows users to invite people to events. If someone has a video WESTIN KOSATER to share, Facebook is more Staff Writer convenient. The video can be viewed on the website and you don’t have to click on a link wondering what kind of website the TinyUrl or link will send you to. Pictures on Facebook are similar to videos. You are not required to go to a website such as TwitPic to view them. Pictures on Facebook are more private as well. Most users on Facebook only allow you to view pictures if you are their friend. With TwitPic, anyone can view photos. The fan pages on Facebook give you much more information than pages on Twitter. Some have information directly from Wikipedia. Have you ever tried describing a band or a famous figure in 140 characters or less? Facebook is a good way to find friends or family. If you find a family member on Facebook, you can send them a friend request and they would know that you found them. On Twitter, they may not notice if you simply start following them. Facebook has an instant message feature, which is something that Twitter lacks. Someone may not be around their cell phone when you text them. If they are around their computer, they can be instant messaged. This is useful if you need to say something to somebody quickly. Much like the rest of Twitter, its “direct message” feature has a limit of 140 characters or less. Much like Macs and PCs, Facebook and Twitter are both useful for different purposes. Twitter is more useful for getting bits of information quickly. However, when it comes to organizing events and groups, finding old friends and family, viewing videos and pictures quickly, fan pages, and instant messaging, Facebook is the clear winner.

Why is Twitter better than Facebook, you may ask? Or how come no human being on this earth likes mayonnaise? I don’t know the answer to that question but I can tell you why I like Twitter better than Facebook. Reason number one, you have to say what you want to say in 140 characters or less. This means you have to get straight to the point. This cuts out all the wannabe writers who post novels for Facebook statuses that no one wants to read. Get to the point people! I really don’t think that not “sharing” your post means that I don’t care about children MARY HELEN DOUGLAS starving in Africa. Seriously, Co-Editor kids. Reason number two, say goodbye to awkward Facebook chat. There is nothing worse than getting chatted up by an old man (don’t ask) or some annoying person from your childhood you haven’t spoken to in years. Of course this always happens to you when you’re just about to log off to go study for your big exam and then they pop up exploding into a storm of HEY. HEY. HEY! leaving you with no choice but to tell your chat bud you are late for your date with your non-existent boyfriend, Joe. Also, what about relationships? What on earth is more annoying than people with relationships on Facebook? Absolutely nothing. That’s why Twitter is better. Say goodbye to albums and albums of “us” and sappy posts. Gag me. With Twitter you have no idea who is in a relationship because you can’t confess your undying love for someone in such a short amount of characters. Trust me. Moving on to my next point, Facebook is too cluttered. Who really wants to buy a Christian T-shirt that says God doesn’t like you, he loves you? Not me. Or sign up for Buddy’s Lawn Care business emails? Yeah, no thanks. Oh let’s talk about the middle schoolers who send you game requests. What the heck is that? GET A LIFE PEOPLE. THERE IS MORE TO LIFE THAN SUBWAY SURFERS. Besides, those games are virus catchers. Pokes. Are you kidding me? Poking is the single most form of annoyingness and creepy harassment that you could ever dream or wish upon yourself. Why does it even exist? Let’s talk about awkward friend requests. Who really wants to be friends with your grandmother’s best friend? That’s basically voluntarily signing up to get wall posts and picture comments saying, “Awwww look how much you’ve grown Bobby!” Seriously. This is high school, not first grade. But then again if you ignore it, and Granny’s BFF sees you at Kroger and asks you why you haven’t accepted her request? Yeah, awkward.

Art by Megan Sparks

The Saga


Friday, Feb. 1, 2013 Page 5

Weather has slowed fine arts addition Staff reports

Photo by Bekah Cope/Special to The Saga Mackenzie Scott recently launched a career in music with the release of her debut album.

Scott’s love of performing set stage for music career By MARY HELEN DOUGLAS Co-Editor

Even at a young age, Mackenzie Scott always felt drawn toward music. Little did she know she was already setting the stage for what was to come. Even before venturing into the fine arts at FPD, Scott was introduced to music at a young age starting with piano lessons at age 7 and guitar at 16. “I just really wanted to play so I taught myself,” she said. “I did eventually get some classical lessons. I had always written poems and short stories and I think that when I started playing the guitar is when I started actually writing.” Scott, a recent graduate of Belmont University, has found a name for herself in the music hub of Nashville. Her debut album, Torres, was released last week. It’s available for purchase on CD, digital and vinyl. The record’s central focus is around the themes of deception, betrayal and getting left behind. Scott is quick to remember her humble beginnings at FPD. It’s no wonder she says she found her niche for performing after participating in various shows such as Fiddler on the Roof and A Midsummer’s Night Dream as part of the FPD Theatre program. “The theatre program is really what got me going,” she said. “I’ve always done music privately for myself, but being in shows at FPD really encouraged me to perform. I discovered that I really have a strong love of performance. I realized that I really like sharing with people. I like being on the stage, I feed off of that. I think that’s what opened my eyes and helped get rid of my stage fright.”


Although she couldn’t tell you what her style is, her tunes are a mixture of her influences, including Brandi Carlile, St. Vincent, Album release date: and Johnny Jan. 26, 2013 Cash. Scott Available for purchase on CD, encourages high school vinyl and in iTunes musicians to pursue Website their dreams and move to where the Album release date: January music is. “I think that it’s really important to go where the music is happening, and by that I mean, Nashville, L.A. or New York,” she said. “If people really want to do it, they need to get to one of the music hubs because that’s their best chance. Not only that, but surrounding themselves with people who are going to help them grow musically and help them be seen.”

While recent rains have slowed the pace of construction on the addition to the Clark Fine Arts Center, the school is anticipating a completion date sometime in mid-April. “It’s exciting to see the spaces taking shape,” headmaster Gregg Thompson said. Crews were working earlier in the week on placing the steel for the roof of the second floor. Groundbreaking on the space began with the demolition of the old kindergarten building last summer, and the foundation was poured not long after. The 20,000 square foot addition will house new offices for the Instructional Support, community service and counseling staffs as well as space for the chorus, elementary music, dance and communications departments. The second floor will include a large common study area, individual and small group study rooms and a small computer lab. The addition is part of the $3,260,000 Investing In Our Future capital campaign that was approved by the FPD board of trustees in 2010.


Cal Powell/Special to The Saga Construction workers look over plans while standing on the second floor of the fine arts addition last week.


FPD graduates Jessica Walden and Jamie Weatherford have found a way to express their passion for musical history in Macon. They started Rock Candy Tours as a way to let others know about the little known beginnings of music legends who got their start in Macon. The quirky name “Rock Candy Tours” comes from her rock n’ roll roots and his family’s candy factory, and began in June 2011. There are two different tour options. One is the Rock Roll and Stroll Tour. You can see the favorite locations of Macon’s musicians. It’s every Saturday, and begins in Washington Park at 1 p.m.

The second is the Freebirds and Nig Tour. It features the downtown landm sical history and Macon, and ends in Grant’s Lounge. They hope that by giving tours peop ize how much of a music hot spot Ma work together to restore it to its glory “Music doesn’t have to live in a build here in front of us,” Walden said. “It’s street. We walk by it every day.” To book a tour, call (478) 955-5997 Tours are $10-1 RCT also has a Facebook page.

The Douglass Theatre became the largest venue for African-American entertainment. It was opened in 1912 by Charles Douglass. The theatre became a showcase for rising artists such as Little Richard, James Brown and Otis Redding. Today, it hosts a variety of performances and films. 355 MLK Boulevard

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me to one of the first integrated office s in Macon, including Phil Walden and Redding. The hit song, “When a Man es a Woman” was born in this building. ay, it is mistakenly called the “Robert ee building” thought to be named after Confederate general, when in fact it first named after Robert Lee, the origiowner. 830 Mulberry Street

Capricorn Records was built in 1969 as the recording studio for Macon’s upcoming musicians, The Allman Brothers, along with many others. It is known as the “Citadel of Southern Rock.” It earned a reputation as the South’s most successful independent record label in the 1970s. 535 Cotton Avenue


The Saga

Friday, Feb. 1, 2013 Page 8


Barberitos a decent option for burrito fans By MARY HELEN DOUGLAS Co-Editor

Emily Goldin/The Saga Sophomore Regan Strickland pays for her riding lessons by working in the barn.

Paying the bills

Several FPD students balance work with school. By EMILY GOLDIN Staff Writer

When Katie O’Quinn leaves campus, she enters a different world. As a beauty advisor at Merle Norman on Zebulon Road, her job ranges from cashier to helping customers figure out the best makeup for their skin type while providing skincare suggestions and techniques. O’Quinn works on Fridays for a couple of hours and for eight hours on Saturdays. She is one of several FPD students who hold part-time jobs after school. “It really hasn’t been that much of a struggle to balance,” O’Quinn said. “I still have Saturday nights off to hang out with my friends and do whatever I want to do. I also work during the summer a couple days a week, so it is really flexible. I enjoy it because I don’t think I could do it during the week.” While the extra spending money is nice, for O’Quinn, she is looking into the future. Her primary reason for having a job in high school is so she doesn’t have to have one in college. “I know that it’s going to be really rigorous, and I’m not going to have time for a job,” she said. Working has taught her a little about the “real world,” especially the sales and business side of things. O’Quinn is very careful with how she spends her money these days. “I do not see myself going into sales, but I definitely see how businesses on Zebulon and in general are working,” she said. “The products that we sell are retail, so I am getting a glimpse of what retail is really like and how prices are really marked.” Junior Noah Lefholz is one of the many students who has to use his own money to pay for gas. Lefholz cuts grass for about 12 customers in

Gray. He cuts the grass, trims the hedges, and whatever else his customers request. He and his older brother started the company. “It’s nice to have extra money, because I have to pay for my own gas and I live in Gray,” he said. “I don’t have a hybrid or anything, so I am putting a lot of money in my tank all the time. And then I’m buying all the equipment and stuff. It’s nice to have the extra money. I think (having a job) is worth it.” Lefholz usually starts cutting grass once a week in the spring because the grass is growing a lot. However, in the winter he competes on the wrestling team because that’s the only offseason he has. Once his brother left for college, balancing work with school was a struggle, Lefholz said. “I mean my grades did drop at the end of the semester last year just because I was having to work until dark,” he said. “It got dark at 8 o’clock in the spring, so I was just tired, and I went to bed. I didn’t study so my grades started dropping, but usually I could handle it.” Not all students with jobs do it strictly for the money. Regan Strickland, a sophomore, works at Royal Salute farm in Bolingbroke. Instead of getting paid in dollar bills, Strickland gets paid in horseback riding lessons. Usually Strickland works two to three times a week. In order to complete all of her school assignments and work, she figures out what she has to do and does them in advance if time allows. “Sometimes it’s hard, but usually I can figure out a way to balance things out. Most of the time it’s easy,” Strickland said. To work off her lessons, Strickland cleans out the stalls, gives hay to horses, and takes them down to the pasture. Sometimes she works the horses and trains them. Strickland has been working at the farm for about

Much like Calientes, Barberitos, one of the newest restaurants in north Macon, serves up burritos, tacos and quesadillas exactly the way you like it. The counter is filled with an assortment of options you can use to fill your burrito such as chicken, rice and black beans. They also offer their very own mango salsa. Barberitos strives to keep everything fresh and healthy, which explains why when you ask for avocado on your burrito they cut it in front of you. The restaurant’s lively music and bright, light-hearted decor keeps your spirits upbeat while you wait for the friendly staff to assist you. My only objections to Macon’s newest burrito place are cost and location relative to campus and where I live. I spent roughly $7 on a burrito, drink, and queso, and had to drive 15 minutes from my house. Contrast that with Calientes can’t-beatit $3 kids meal, which includes drink and queso, and its five-minute commute from the Douglas house and I’m pretty sure it has got Barberitos beat. But if you’re looking for a place where you’re likely to see fewer people you know and just see a different part of town than the usual Zebulon Road area, then Barberitos is a great dining option.

Mary Helen Douglas/The Saga Barberitos is located on Riverside Drive across from the Shoppes at River Crossing.

The Saga


Friday, Feb. 1, 2013 Page 9

Capturing images inspiring for Walsh By EMILY GOLDIN Staff Writer

Photos by Tyler Shores/The Saga Junior Megan Sparks adds a finishing touch to her project for AP art.

A Gift for Expression

Junior Megan Sparks uses art as a vehicle for expression. By EMILY GOLDIN Staff Writer

Drawing has always been a passion for Megan Sparks, and it was people in particular who sparked it. For many years, Sparks drew people, but recently she began her first portrait painting of a boy in kindergarten. “I was scared,” she said. “I didn’t think I could make it.” But she kept at it, and slowly but surely she finished and, eventually, was pleased with the end result. “I was getting frustrated because it didn’t look like him,” she said, “but then I kept working on it and I really, really am happy with the outcome. I don’t know if it’s my favorite, but it’s up there.” When Sparks was little she’d thought, like any kid, that she might be a soccer player or a surgeon when she was older. However, art was always around the house for her to do. Her mom and aunt, both painters, encouraged Sparks to pursue it. Once she got the opportunity to take art classes in middle and high school, she began to realize there were actual careers she could do with art. “It’s just like my gift,” Sparks said. “I like sports, but I have never found fulfillment in it. I get bored

with other stuff, but I never get bored with art. It’s just like when I imagine my future I imagine art being the center of it. If I have this gift, why would I not use it?” Sparks’ paintings and drawings have not gone unnoticed. People come to Sparks when they need artwork or a unique T-shirt design, for example. She says it’s satisfying and fun knowing that she can make people happy by doing art for them. FPD nominated her for Governor’s Honors, a program for talented high school artists in the summer. Though she hasn’t interviewed for it yet, she hopes for it to be a great experience. She doesn’t know where she sees herself going in the future, but her dreams would be to make a name for herself. She wants to be seen and make an impact in the world because of her art and her passion for it. In the meantime, Sparks said she’s always wanted to do something “really, really large just because I think it would be fun.” She’d also like to try working with different mediums such as glass or wood working. “There are a lot of things that I haven’t tried yet that I want to try,” she said. “(When you) get outside the boundaries, there’s a lot you can do.”

Sara Walsh easily recalls the time she received her first camera. It was three years ago at Christmas when Walsh, a junior at FPD, got started with photography. “I just like taking pictures. I have always liked cameras,” Walsh said as she shaded with pastels in the school’s art room. Stephanie Garrison, the middle school art teacher at FPD, was an influence WALSH on Walsh. Garrison pushed Walsh to try different things with art like taking more classes and trying new things with her camera. One moment stuck out more than others to her. A year ago, Garrison and Walsh used a cardboard box to make a pinhole camera to take black and white images. Walsh says that was pretty much when her love for photography took off. Nancy Butler, Walsh’s current art teacher, told Walsh about a great experience she could have with a photography exhibit in downtown Macon. The exhibit displayed pictures that were taken and edited with iPhones. Walsh used popular photo editing apps like Instagram to edit her photos. The SoChi Gallery, located on Second Street, displayed four of Walsh’s photos last November. Her photos were of a horse, shotgun shells, a turtle and swings from the fair. Walsh said that she learned how to frame and crop photos from taking the pictures for the gallery. Walsh’s love for photography paid off in the end. She ended up winning a prize for her photographs. “I won $50 worth of dog food and dog wash,” Walsh said, laughing. “But I don’t even have a dog!” Walsh continues her love for art and photography by taking art classes at school.

The Saga


Friday, Feb. 1, 2013 Page 10


From page 1

Mary Helen Douglas/The Saga Fans in the background hold up a TJ Sams cutout as the junior prepares to make a free throw.

A HEART FOR THE GAME Junior TJ Sams has been playing basketball since age 4.

By OLIVIA TAYLOR Co-Editor For TJ Sams, basketball has always been a way of life. “He started ever since he was born,” TJ father Terry Sams said. “I was a basketball player in high school, so I put a ball in his hand.” At the age of 4, TJ was playing with a team on Warner Robins Air Force Base coached by his dad, who was stationed there at the time. TJ began to be well known due to the basketball championships he was winning on the base, but basketball hasn’t always been his only sport. “He chose to stick with basketball after playing football, basketball and baseball,” Terry said. “That’s been his love ever since.” Sams said that he chose basketball because it was an indoor sport and it seemed more competitive, even though he admits he was better at baseball. TJ transferred from Peach County High School, and said that playing basketball has helped him adjust to FPD. “The first guys I met were the guys on the basketball team,” Sams said. Head coach Michael Brooker described TJ as being quiet, unassuming and reserved, but TJ admitted that he has a different personality on the court and around his team. “I’m a lot different when I play,” he said. “On the court, things just change.” Sams has already added a lot to the FPD team, Brooker said. “He brings a lot of things: quickness, athleticism,

“He brings a lot of things: quickness, athleticism, scoring. He’s averaging close to 22 points a game, which has been a huge boost for our offense.” - Head coach Michael Brooker scoring,” Brooker said. “He’s averaging close to 22 points a game, which has been a huge boost for our offense.” According to Brooker, TJ is also aggressive offensively and attacks the basket. TJ’s teammates agree that he has been an important addition to the team. “He’s really great to have on the team and is just a fun guy to be around,” junior teammate Taylor Burns said. TJ’s goal is to play on a collegiate level, but he hasn’t committed anywhere yet. Right now, he would like to play at the University of Alabama. “Going to a professional level, that’s like a dream,” Terry said. “I don’t put that on him, but if he wants to try for that, I’m behind him 100 percent.”

hard he had worked and prepared for the season and I know how excited he was.” Jones instinctively knew that his high school football career was over. He had suffered from a posterior lateral corner tear, and three ligaments had been torn. Prior to surgery, Jones was put in an immobilizer and was on crutches for three weeks. “Coach Garvin and everybody else that knew what was going on were pretty much hoping that it was a hyperextension,” Jones said. “But I’ve had a hyperextension in my leg before, and it was not. I was sad when (Dr. Richard Thomas) told me, but I was more sad when it happened to me and I realized it.” During surgery, no nerve damage discovered, and his ligaments were repaired. One of the hardest parts of this experience has been the recovery process. “(Trainer) Coach (Garrett) Law told him that the recovery would be long and difficult, but that he would be a different young man when he finished,” Tammy Jones said. After the surgery, Jones found himself dependent on his parents. “My parents did everything for me,” he said. “They brought me food, helped me out of the bed, helped me off the couch.” For roughly three months, Jones couldn’t put any weight on his leg. After those months, he began an intense rehab regimen. “The rehab is awful compared to (football workouts),” Jones said. “I could barely walk, stand up, sit down.” Jones has made progress in his recovery and has begun to do activities that he hadn’t done for a long time, like running. Jones says he has changed in other ways as well. Before his injury, he had the reputation on the team of being a pessimist. The coaches would jokingly ask him before practice “Is your glass half empty or half full?” Jones said that since his injury, he likes to think of himself as an optimist. During the recovery period, Jones had a long, heartfelt conversation with Moore. “I just reminded him that the value and merit in your life does not come from something he does,” Moore said. “It comes from who he is.” The team was also able to learn from Jones’ injury. Moore said that by seeing the injury, other players realized the importance of being grateful for their health and abilities. The injury has also led Jones to alter his future plans. Before his injury, Jones had goals of possibly playing in college as a walk-on. Now, he’s considering trying out various intramural sports in college. For now, Jones says he is just focusing on “getting this brace off and getting everything back to normal.”


The Saga

Friday, Feb. 1, 2013 Page 11

Spring sports practices under way Staff reports

Mary Helen Douglas/The Saga Senior Bonnie Scurry looks to drive to the basket in a game against Hancock Central.

Basketball teams eager for chance at playoffs

Teams hopeful grueling schedule will pay off in postseason.

Staff reports The varsity girls and boys basketball teams are heading down the stretch run of the 2012-13 season with key region games ahead. The Lady Vikings (10-10 through the weekend) have been led by junior guard Savannah Phillips, who averages more than 10 points per game. FPD has posted region wins against Twiggs County twice and GMC, posting at least 50 points in all three. The team also beat ELCA on Saturday. The Vikings’ boys team (11-10 after last weekend’s wins over Twiggs County and ELCA) has been paced by junior guard TJ Sams, who is averaging 21.4 points per game. The Vikings have two other players posting doublefigures in scoring: senior forward Caleb Dupree (16.7 points per game) and freshman guard O’Showen Williams with 14. Dupree is also averaging 9.4 rebounds per game.


The FPD varsity girls and boys swimming teams have had impressive finishes in multiple meets this season. The girls have finished fourth or better in all meets this season. The highest finish for the Lady Vikings came on Nov. 27, taking home second place at The Lovett School. The boys swimming team has seen success all year long, finishing no lower than fourth place on the year. FPD took home first place at The Lovett School on Nov. 27.

Prior to the meet on Jan. 26, the Vikings have finished in third place in the last three meets. Junior Gerald Johnson qualified for the GHSA state meet on Jan. 18, the first swimmer to do so in the past two years for the Vikings.


CALENDAR Basketball Today Wilkinson County at FPD, 6/7:30 p.m. Wrestling Today Area Traditionals at Landmark Christian

FPD varsity spring sports are just around the corner, with a total of nine varsity sports in action over a fourmonth period. The varsity girls soccer team returns to the field looking to defend its 2012 state title run on Feb. 14 at Dublin High School. The FPD boys soccer squad opens the 2013 season two days earlier, hosting Strong Rock Christian on Feb. 12 at 7 p.m.

Track & Field

Both varsity girls and boys track & field teams have already begun practice for the upcoming season and start the season on Feb. 23 with a meet at Landmark Christian.


The Viking girls and boys tennis teams are less than a month away from competition, competing in three away matches, from Feb. 7-11, beginning with Mary Persons on Feb. 7.


Head boys baseball coach Jim Turner and his Vikings start the season on Feb. 19, traveling to Perry High School. The 2013 home opener is Feb. 22 vs. Crawford County at 5:55 p.m. For more information on spring sports and varsity athletic teams at FPD, including schedules and rosters, visit


The varsity Feb. 7-8 wrestling team State championships, competed this Georgia Tech past Saturday at the Bibb County Championships hosted by Northeast High School. Junior Martin Wilson took home first place in an event, posting 24 points for the Vikings. Altogether, FPD tallied 71 points on the day. Wilson also finished in third place at the Clinch Gear Prep Slam on Jan. 18-19. After this weekend’s area traditionals, the Vikings wrestle in the Area Sectionals Feb. 8-9 at Darlington. The state meet takes place Feb. 14-16 at the Macon Centreplex.

File photo Atalia Ramirez and Katey Griggs are two of several returning starters for Josh Trieste’s girls soccer team.

The Saga

Spirit Week Recap

Friday, Feb. 1, 2013 Page 12

From a British “invasion� that featured a royal wedding to a cameo by a kilt-clad William Wallace, Spirit Week 2013 had a little bit of everything. The seniors took the big prize, fending off the sophomores and juniors in another closely-contested week of fun and games. Photos by The Saga staff

The seniors, led by Conner Gettmann, storm the court after being named winners of the Spirit Week competition last Friday.

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