FPD Annual Report 2011-12

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Gregg Thompson Headmaster

“This has got to be the best place in the world to go to school! Everyone’s always happy.” - Amerson Construction Worker What an affirmation about our school community! The above remark was shared with Carl Amerson by one of the workers assisting with the fine arts addition. Carl relayed his worker’s perspective to me – the worker noted our students are EXCITED to be here!

What an encouragement to get a view of life at the Day School from a “hidden observer” who noticed a difference as students come and go between classes, in carpool, and while interacting with teachers on campus. We have a very special place here. National recognition as a Blue Ribbon Middle School attests to the rigor and exceptional level of work that is accomplished by our students. Within that high level of challenge and expectation there is a

joy of learning and community that makes FPD the “best place in the world to go to school!” That sense of place begins with a commitment to honor Christ with our best; it includes a celebration of the unique gifts and talents of our peers; and it is lived out daily by extraordinary teachers who care for their students’ learning as they care for the “hidden curriculum” of respect, dignity, kindness, perseverance and the many other life lessons that are evidence of the Spirit of Christ growing and maturing in us. As we look back at the blessings of God and the family and friends of our school, I want to express my appreciation to each individual who has made our school possible through your financial investment and sacrificial giving to provide a campus of resources that host the lives being impacted daily. Thank you to those who have stepped forward to help make these new spaces possible – the weight room, the fine arts addition under construction and (prayerfully soon) full funding to complete the additional athletic field space south of Calvin Drive – as part of the Investing in Our Future Campaign. And, thank you students, faculty and parents for your witness to these workers who get a taste of the love of Christ by observing your joy for life at the Day School.

2011-12 Annual Report Administration & Staff Headmaster Gregg Thompson Assistant Headmaster Dr. Barry E. Shealy High School Principal Joe Childs Middle School Principal Molly Pearson

Visions and Values Bond Family profile FPD Fund donors Jessica Murnan testimonial Tyler Shores Testimonial GOAL Contributors Honorariums/Memorials Chairman of the Board letter Financial Report

3 4 6 10 15 16 17 21 22

Elementary School Principal Wade Putnal Dean of Students Pat Rabun College Counselor Brad Thompson Chief Financial Officer Charlie O. Parrish Development Director Chris K. Childers Alumni Director Carol Sawyer Admissions Director ChÉri Frame


Fine Arts Director Andrew Strickland Athletic Director Greg Moore Communications Director Cal Powell Technology Director David Bass 2011-12 Board of Trustees Kevin Watson (12) Dan Slagle (12) Rob Danner (12) Charles Scurry (12) Cole Tidwell (13) Lara Carlton (13) Saynor Foshee (13) Vice Chair Danny Smith, Chair (13) Rick Bonfim (14) Paul Cable (14) Patti Martin (14) Jay Strickland (14) Gregg Thompson, ex-officio Chip Miller, ex-officio

10 10 Our visions & values


First Presbyterian Day School exists for the purpose of educating and equipping students to change the world for God’s glory. We pursue this purpose while holding fast to a set of core values that we will not compromise. These values include: Seeking to glorify God in everything we do and say; Teaching a Biblical world life view; Supporting families; Pursuing excellence; Maintaining integrity; and a continual commitment to advancing God’s kingdom in all of our pursuits.

The FPD 2011-12 Annual Report is published by the Development Office. Every effort has been made to publish an accurate report. If you feel any information is incorrect, please contact Chris Childers at (478) 477-6505, Ext. 178, or email chris.childers@fpdmacon.org Design by Cal Powell. Photography by Cal Powell & Tyler Shores. On the cover: Back - DeWayne Banks, Jackson Fillingim, Maury Saitow, Vivianna Chang, Taylor Burns. Front - Tate Garrison and Izael Rios.


‘It truly is a family’ Jim and Nichole Bond’s devotion to FPD runs deep.


Story and photos by Cal Powell ot long after Jim and Nichole Bond’s first daughter was born, they received a visit from a

friend. Mike Hall, father of two FPD graduates, husband of an FPD faculty member and 4

former board chairman, encouraged the young couple to consider the school when Marah, their little girl, got a little older. “When your child is first born, you’re not thinking about school,” Nichole remembered, smiling at the memory. “It

seemed so far away.” Today, the Bonds are forever grateful for Hall’s suggestion. Marah is now a junior cheerleader at FPD and Mallory, her little sister, is a fifth grader, and sometimes the years seem like they’ve flown by, Nichole said. “Now I know why he talked to us so early,” she said. Jim said the couple decided upon FPD immediately after their initial visit to the school shortly after Marah turned 3.

“When we left, there wasn’t a question about where we were going to go. We just felt like this was the place where we wanted to raise our kids.”

“As soon as we walked in the door, we were welcomed,” Jim said. “Everything about the school was just warm. When we left, there wasn’t a question about where we were going to go. We just felt like this was the place where we wanted to raise our kids.” The Bond’s attachment to FPD grew even deeper when Mallory was born a few years later. Mallory was just six days old when she was diagnosed with congenital heart defects the day before Thanksgiving in 2001. Stunned by the news, the Bonds leaned heavily on their new friends at FPD. “I felt like a lot of the reasons we chose to come here were really reflected in people’s actions (following the diagnosis),” Nichole said. “It truly is a family here. People we didn’t even know reached out to us. It took a lot of people to get Marah through kindergarten that year, but we made it.” One of the friendships that developed out of the ordeal was with Larry Kemper, grandfather of Zach Morton, an FPD student who passed away at the age of 18 in December 2003 due to a heart condition. Zach is the son of FPD Bible teacher Johnny Morton. “I would be walking the halls (at church) and he would

come out and talk to me and just really supported me,” Jim said of Kemper. “He was there for us because his family had been through similar experiences to what we were going through. He has stayed in touch with us, checking on Mallory’s progress through the years. Really, it’s hard to thank just one person. There has just been so much love and support throughout the time we’ve been at FPD. It has been overwhelming.” Mallory’s condition has improved considerably since those harrowing days as a newborn, and the Bonds’ devotion to FPD has only grown. The couple say they support the school’s annual fund because they believe in FPD’s mission and have experienced firsthand the blessings of being a part of the FPD family. “We believe in the core of the school,” Nichole said. “We’ve always given to the annual fund as long as I can remember. I don’t know that we make a big contribution, but to me it’s not about the amount. If you can give back and help make your school better, that’s just how we feel about it. Sometimes you can do more as a group than you can individually.”

FPD Annual Report 2011-12


2 0 1 1 -1 2 F P D AN N UAL R E P O R T Contributors (June 1, 2011-May 31, 2012)

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Adams Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Wade Adams Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Perry F. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Scott Adams Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Adams ‘03 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Timothy K. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Craig Albright American Express (Members Give) Ameriprise Financial Mr. Frank C. Amerson, Jr. * and Mrs. Mary Amerson Mrs. Debra Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. Andress Dr. and Mrs. Victor J. Andress Mr. and Mrs. Richard Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Archer Mr. and Mrs. Rennie Atkinson AXA Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Baker Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bakkar Mr. and Mrs. Rob Ballard ‘83 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Barfield, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robin N. Bargeron Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barnes ‘05 Mrs. Kati Barnett Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Barry III Mr. and Mrs. David Bass Ms. Edna Bateman ‘91 Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Bateman III ‘93 Mr. Oliver C. Bateman * Mr. and Mrs. Carter Bates III BB & T Company Mr. and Mrs. Jon D. Beall Mr. and Mrs. James Bealle Mr. William J. Becham, Jr. ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. J.E. Beeland Mr. and Mrs. John (Lisa Williams ‘85) Bellwin Dr. and Mrs. Emmett R. Berry Mr. B. Sandford Birdsey III ‘84


Mr. Conrad Bishop Mr. and Mrs. David S. Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Don B. Blackburn Mr. and Mrs. Randy Blizzard Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Bloodworth Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Bolles Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Bolles, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Bond Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Bonfim Mr. and Mrs. Rick H. Bonfim Ms. Mary Elois Bothe Box Tops for Education Mr. Charles E. Boyce, Jr. Mr. Seth Boyett Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Braddy

Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Bradley Mrs. Annie Bragg Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey (Elizabeth Harper ‘01) Brannen Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brassel Mrs. Barbara Brennan Mrs. Patricia C. Brewer Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bridges Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Waverly Brittain Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brooker Dr. and Mrs. Dempsey Brown, Jr. Ms. Melissa Brown Mr. and Mrs. Tony (Holly Duggan ‘81) Broyles Mrs. Patricia W. Buce

2 0 1 1 -1 2 F P D AN N UAL R E P O R T Contributors (June 1, 2011-May 31, 2012)

Mr. and Mrs. Dan Buckley Mr. and Mrs. Jon W. Bullington Mr. and Mrs. David Butler Mr. and Mrs. James Byers Mr. Tommy Byrd Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cabe ‘04 Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Cable Dr. Grady Campbell COL (Ret.) and Mrs. James A. B. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Peter Campo Mr. and Mrs. Josh T. Cannon Dr. and Mrs. Brian M. Cardis Dr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Carlton Dr. and Mrs. Michael Carreker Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Carter Mrs. Stella Cartwright Dr. and Mrs. Frank Casey Mr. and Mrs. Cass Cassell Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cauley Mr. and Mrs. Scot E. Cauley Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Causey Mr. and Mrs. Robert Causey Dr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Cawley Central Georgia Marina Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Chambless, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tilmon Chamlee Mr. and Mrs. Kwang M. Chang Charles H. Jones Family Foundation Rev. and Mrs. Charley Chase Chick-fil-A Mr. Austin C. Childers ‘09 Mr. and Mrs. Chris K. Childers Mr. and Mrs. Alan Childs Mr. and Mrs. Joe Childs Mrs. Patricia Childs Ms. Melanie W. Clark Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Clausen Miss Anna Clegg Coca-Cola Company Mr. and Mrs. Doug Cole Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. Cole, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bradford W. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Jack Colter

Mrs. Harriet Comer Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Comer II ‘79 Community Foundation of Central Georgia Conditioned Air, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Pete (Amanda Cook ‘91) Cook Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cook Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Coon, Sr. Dr. and Mrs. Alejandro J. Correa Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Cox Crane Foundation, Inc. Ms. Amy Crews ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. John Crook ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Cundiff Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cutright Mr. and Mrs. Robert Danner III ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Danner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Conie Mac Darnell Dr. and Mrs. William (Aimee Adams‘90) Dasher Dr. and Mrs. William B. Dasher, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Brandon R. Davis Dr. and Mrs. Brent Davis Mr. and Mrs. Harley H. Davis Mr. Malcolm C. Davis

Ms. Paige Deaver Mr. and Mrs. James David (Bland Moody ‘81) DeShong Mrs. Robin Dixon Mr. and Mrs. William Dobson Mr. and Mrs. Carr G. Dodson Mr. and Mrs. David M. Donner Mr. and Mrs. Steve Douglas Mrs. Laura Drinkwater Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. DuBose Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Duggan III ‘76 Mr. and Mrs. R. Carlton Dumas Mr. and Mrs. William (Catharine Avary Johnson ‘84) Dunlap Mr. and Mrs. Chris M. Durham Mr. Garrick A. Durst ‘11 Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Durst Mr. and Mrs. William W. Ennis Mr. and Mrs. William H. Epps, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ethridge, Jr. Mr. Peyton Ethridge ‘04 Mr. and Mrs. Stanton Eversole Exxon Mobil Corp FPD Annual Report 2011-12


2 0 1 1 -1 2 F P D AN N UAL R E P O R T Contributors (June 1, 2011-May 31, 2012)

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony H. Farmer Mr. and Mrs. Charles Farr Dr. and Mrs. William V. Fassbender Ms. Jeanna G. Fennell Rev. Stephen A. Fennell Mr. Jack Fife First Presbyterian Church of Macon Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan S. Floyd Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Floyd Mr. and Mrs. David T. Foil Mr. and Mrs. Harold (Saynor Ponder‘86) Foshee III Dr. and Mrs. Jim Foster Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Fountain FPD Band Parents FPD Class of 1981 FPD Elementary Parents Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Frame Mr. and Mrs. Rick (Cheri Gunnells ‘89) Frame ‘85 The Fruetel Family Mr. and Mrs. Steven Fuerniss Mr. and Mrs. Eric Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Richard Funk Dr. and Mrs. Turner P. Gaines, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas DeWitt Gaither, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Phillip K. Gammons Mrs. Nancy W. Garnett Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Garrison Mr. and Mrs. Ken Garvin Mr. and Mrs. Bobby George Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gettmann Dr. and Mrs. John Gibson Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gilbert IV Mr. and Mrs. Tony E. Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. William E. Gleaton III Miss Kelsey Goodman ‘08 Mr. and Mrs. Jeff D. Graham Mr. and Mrs. James M. Grant Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grant Dr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Grant Dr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Gray, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Gray Mr. Jeremy G. Greene ‘11


Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Greenwood Mr. and Mrs. Grant Greenwood Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gregory Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Grice Mr. and Mrs. Chuck E. Griggers Mr. Duke Groover and Dr. Catherine Bomberger Mr. and Mrs. William T. Hahn Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hale Mr. and Mrs. Ellsworth Hall III Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hall, Sr. Mr. Shane Hall Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ham Mr. and Mrs. William Ham Hamlin Air Conditioning & Sheetmetal Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Michael (Sally Quattlebaum ‘04) Hammock Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Hanson Mr. and Mrs. Oren H. Harden III Dr. and Mrs. Wade Hardy Ms. Stephanie Harrell Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Bobby L. Hartley, Jr. ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. Mike (Leigh Freeman ‘86) Hartley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas (Brandi Smith ‘90) Hartness Mr. and Mrs. Todd (Kristy Walker ‘89) Hatcher Mr. and Mrs. R. Allan Hattaway Dr. and Mrs. Chuck Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Preston (Denby Baxter ‘02) Heard Ms. Katrina Hegeman Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Helms Mr. and Mrs. S.K. Henley Mr. and Mrs. James R. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Rick W. Herndon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Al E. Herron Mr. and Mrs. Keith R. Hetes Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hill Mr. and Mrs. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hill Mr. and Mrs. Alex L. Hinson Historic Macon Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Joel V. Hobbs III

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hoffman Dr. and Mrs. Sid H. Holcomb Mr. and Mrs. David Hollingsworth Mr. and Mrs. Russ (Nancy Anderson‘88) Honeycutt Mr. and Mrs. John P. Howard Mrs. Mildred Howard Howard, Moore & McDuffie PC Howard’s Pawn and Jewelry Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Huggins Mr. and Mrs. Ronny Hulsey Mr. and Mrs. Steve Humphries

2 0 1 1 -1 2 F P D AN N UAL R E P O R T Contributors (June 1, 2011-May 31, 2012)

Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Hurt IM-PEDS Primary Care, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Buddy (Sissy Swann ‘76) Ivey Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Jerles Dr. William R. Jerles * and Mrs. Peggy Jerles John Fripp Villas Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Johnny L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson

Mr. and Mrs. Dale S. Joiner Mr. Anderson O. Jones ‘03 Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Jones Mr. Casey Jones Mrs. Dallis Jones Mr. and Mrs. Dwight C. Jones Mr. and Mrs. George Jones Mr. and Mrs. George E. Jones Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George L. Jones Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Jones Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy L. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Sy Jones Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Jones Mrs. Juanita Jordan Miss Kaley Jordan Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Kelley Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Kemper Ms. Amy E. Kenney Mr. and Mrs. Bo King Mr. and Mrs. Matt Kitchell

FPD Annual Report 2011-12


Q: A:

“What does my gift do?” Gifts to the FPD Fund help provide revenue for high-impact resources and opportunities not covered by tuition dollars. One of the recent benefactors of the FPD Fund is the school’s competition cheer team, which received new uniforms.

“The girls love their new uniforms! They are so thankful and truly blessed by the generous donation that was given to the FPD Fund to purchase them! In the past, the girls would notice that their uniforms did not ‘fit in’ with the design of all of the other competitive teams. They were more for their spirit squad and not for performing in front of a panel of judges. The new uniforms have all of the necessities in a cheerleading uniform, while adding that sparkle and shine of the competitive side. This year the girls have received numerous compliments and praises of how awesome they look in their new uniforms. We are so excited to have them and thank the FPD Fund and its generous donors.” - Competition cheer coach Jessica Murnan

2 0 1 1 -1 2 F P D AN N UAL R E P O R T Contributors(June 1, 2011-May 31, 2012)

Mr. and Mrs. Joel Knight Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kross Dr. and Mrs. Brian Kunzelmann Dr. and Mrs. Steven Lako Mr. Andrew Lambert ‘04 Dr. and Mrs. Larry Landers Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Lanning Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. LaPradd Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Lashley Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Lavender Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Law Mrs. Leslie Girardeau Lee Mr. and Mrs. Jimbo Liipfert Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lindsey Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Lindsey Dr. and Mrs. W C. Lisenby Mr. and Mrs. Alan (Kathy Kemper ‘83) Little Mr. and Mrs. James Lowery, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Coyet (Sally Kite ‘78) Lowery Jr. Ms. Allison Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Justin (Kendall Dressner ‘03) Lyles ‘03 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin W. Lyles Mr. and Mrs. Sunny Lyu Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Mancin, Sr. ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. William T. Marbut Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Markel Dr. and Mrs. A. Keith Martin Mr. and Mrs. Rob Martin Mr. Clay Martin ‘11 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin ‘79 Mr. Taylor Martin ‘08 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Sam A. Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Roger Marxsen Mr. and Mrs. Rad (Nancy Marshall ‘88) Massey ‘92 Mr. and Mrs. Gene (Sanford Jones ‘76) McAllister Mr. and Mrs. Rodney McCart Mr. Kary and Dr. Darlene McClain Mr. and Mrs. Darin McClure ‘84 Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence McCurdy Mr. Joseph K. McCutchen

Mr. and Mrs. Chad (Stephanie Mitchell ‘91) McDaniel Dr. and Dr. James K. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Larry McFall Mr. and Mrs. Tim McGinn Mr. and Mrs. Brian McGinnis Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. McKay Jr. Mr. Dennis and Dr. Mary Evelyn McKinley Mr. Philip McLeroy Dr. and Mrs. Donnie McMickle Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer F. Meadors Mr. and Mrs. Andy Mealor Mr. and Mrs. Newt L. Metz Mr. Edward H. Metzger III Mr. and Mrs. Greg Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Ed Middlebrooks ‘75 Mr. James G. Middleton Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Mixon, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Rick Mixon Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Mixon, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Moody Ms. Melinda M. Moody Mr. Rodie A. Moody Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas Moody Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moody ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. Greg Moore ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Moore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Moreau Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Nick Morgan ‘01 Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Mr. and Mrs. Tate Morris Mr. and Mrs. Johnny (Carla Kemper‘80) Morton Dr. and Mrs. Earl N. Mullis, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. David K. Murnan Mrs. Anne W. Murphey

FPD Annual Report 2011-12


2 0 1 1 -1 2 F P D AN N UAL R E P O R T Contributors (June 1, 2011-May 31, 2012)

Mr. and Mrs. Roger Murphey Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Muse ‘86 Museum of Aviation Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Earl D. Myers Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Myhand National Christian Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Jeff L. Neisler Dr. and Mrs. Homer Nelson Mr. and Mrs. David (Jennifer Richardson ‘89) Nelson Ms. Nicki L. Neufeld Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Newberry Mr. and Mrs. Mike Newsome Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Newton Dr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Newton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Neyman Mr. and Mrs. J. Randolph Nichols Dr. Stephen and Dr. Robin Noe Northwestern Mutual Foundation Mr. Ed Norwood Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ochs Mr. and Mrs. Mike O’Dillon Mr. Matthew O’Dillon ‘06 Mr. Michael O’Dillon ‘03 Ms. Laurie H. Oliver Mr. and Mrs. Burt (Eleanor Ponder ‘81)Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Scott Park ‘86 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Parmater Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Parrish Mr. and Mrs. Mark Patterson ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. N. Felton Patterson, Jr. PCA Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Allen (Betsy Middlebrooks ‘80) Peake ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. Sam (Molly McCurdy ‘87)Pearson Mrs. Shelly (Pearson) Hendricks Mr. and Mrs. Dean Phillips Dr. and Mrs. John D. Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow (Megan delaRosa ‘05) Pipkin Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Polstra Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ponder ‘79


Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Ponder, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William L. Ponder ‘91 Mr. Bobby Pope Ms. Cathy T. Pope Mr. David A. Pope Mr. and Mrs. Brad Powell ‘86 Mrs. Bren Powell Mr. and Mrs. Cal Powell Mr. and Mrs. David C. Priester Public Service Towers, Inc. Publix Super Markets, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Putnal Mr. and Mrs. Pat Rabun Mrs. Betty Ragland Mr. and Mrs. William Raines Jr. Ms. Dawn Rakich Mr. and Mrs. Duke Rakich Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Ramos Mr. and Mrs. Jason I. Reaves Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Reed Mr. and Mrs. James C. Rehberg, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Renfroe Mr. and Mrs. John E. Renfroe Reynolds American Foundation Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Richardson Mr. Vic Riden ‘78 Mr. Art Riley Mr. and Mrs. Clayton N. Roberts ‘02 Mr. and Mrs. Woody Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Todd Robertson ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Johnny (Leigh Thomas‘93) Robinson Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Roddenberry Dr. and Mrs. Eric Roddenberry ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. James Rogers Mrs. Eula Rollins Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Rollins Mr. and Mrs. Matthew (Mary Bennet Dunwody ‘90) Rose Mrs. Eleanor Futch Rosen Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Ross ‘86 Mrs. Jean Long Roten Mr. and Mrs. William Rousseau Mr. and Mrs. Mark Rowland

Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Royal Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rozier ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Rule Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Rutledge Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Ryder Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ryle Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Saitow Mr. and Mrs. T.J. Samples Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Sawyer Dr. and Mrs. Carl Schuessler Mr. and Mrs. Scott Schultz Dr. and Mrs. Tom Scott Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scurry Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Seneker Mr. Thomas and Dr. Edwina Shealy Dr. and Mrs. Barry Shealy Mr. and Mrs. James Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Scott (Brannen Greene ‘01) Sheppard Mr. and Mrs Ted (Dawn Sparks ‘77) Shields Mr. and Mrs. James T. Shores Mr. and Mrs. Mark Simmons Dr. and Mrs. John M. Simmons, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William P. Simmons, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David R. Skillen Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Slocumb Mr. and Mrs. Daly Smith Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. David L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jeff W. Smith Mr. John-Mark Smith ‘08 Mr. and Mrs. R. Chris Smith Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan Smith Dr. and Mrs. Charlie Snow ‘84 Southeastern Urology Association Mr. and Mrs. Buck Sowers Ms. Lisa M. Spear Ms. Jean Spinks Mr. and Mrs. Mark Spivey ‘87 Mr. and Mrs. Scott (Jacki Frame ‘86) Spivey ‘85 Mrs. Deanna Squires Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stembridge ‘99

2 0 1 1 -1 2 F P D AN N UAL R E P O R T Contributors (June 1, 2011-May 31, 2012)

Stifel Nicolaus & Company Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stokes Mr. Ralph H. Stokes Mr. and Mrs. Brian Stone Mrs. Claire Strawn Dr. and Mrs. Loy D. Strawn Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Jay Strickland, Jr. ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Joel L. Strickland Mr. and Mrs. John Strickland Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strickland

Mr. and Mrs. Spencer L. Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Stroud Mr. Claude M. Stubbs, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. James I. Suit Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Surles Mr. William Sutton ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Swann, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Tacy Mr. and Mrs. Jeff S. Takac Mr. and Mrs. Frank Talbot ‘86 Mr. John W. Tanner

Target Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Steve Taylor Mr. and Mrs. John L. Teipel Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Terrell Mr. and Mrs. John (Rana Ballard‘85) Thigpin, Sr. Mrs. Cheryl Y. Thomas Mrs. Rosemary Thomas Mrs. Vickie Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Brad (Katherine Tribble ‘95) Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Thompson Mr. and Mrs. John C. Tidwell, Jr. ‘88 FPD Annual Report 2011-12


Dr. and Mrs. William L. Tift Mr. and Mrs. David G. Tinkey ‘81 Miss Grace Tinkey Mr. and Mrs. Todd M. Tolbert Mr. and Mrs. Joshua (Christy Knight ‘94) Trieste Mr. and Mrs. Jim Turner Unilever Mr. and Mrs. Greg Ussery Mr. Ken Vance Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Veal III Rev. and Mrs. Bob Veazey Mr. and Mrs. Philip Viviani Mr. and Mrs. Greg Vogel Ms. Allison Wakefield Mr. Jake Wakefield Dr. and Mrs. Ash Walker Mr. and Mrs. William Walker Mrs. Betty Wall Mr. and Mrs. Tuck Wall Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wall ‘91 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Wall

Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Norris Wallace Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Walthall Oil Company Mr. and Mrs. David Walton Ms. Laura Wanamaker Mr. L. Steve Wansley Mr. and Mrs. Kevin A. Ware Mr. Randy Warren ‘81 Mrs. Jean Watkins Mr. and Mrs. Kevin (Scarlett Rives ‘88) Watson ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Weatherford Mr. and Mrs. Joey (Lally Boyd ‘83) Weaver ‘82 Mr. and Mrs. Brant Weems ‘89 Mrs. Joyce Weigle Wells Fargo MAJ GEN (Ret.) and Mrs. Jack C. Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. White, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert (Melisa Crook ‘87) White, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Alton E. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Randy Williams Mr. and Mrs. Theron Williams Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Williams III Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Willingham Mr. and Mrs. Chris (Hope James ‘94) Wilson ‘93 Ms. Katherine Windsor Mrs. Linda W. Wingate Mr. and Mrs. Tyler (Catherine Rader ‘91) Wood Mr. and Mrs. David E. Woodard Miss Whitney Woodard ‘04 Mr. and Mrs. Billy Woods Mr. and Mrs. Chris (Lauren Guest ‘94) Wrabel Mr. Charles E. Wright Mr. and Mrs. Kirby Yawn ‘96 Dr. and Mrs. Edward H. Young Dr. Frank and Dr. Elizabeth Young Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yount Ms. Belinda Yu * Deceased

did you know? FPD’s middle school was named a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence by the U.S. Department of Education in September 2012. Only eight schools in the entire state of Georgia received this honor, and only 49 private schools nationwide. FPD was the only Georgia private school recognized. The National Blue Ribbon Schools program honors public and private elementary, middle and high schools where students perform at very high levels or where dramatic improvements are being made in students’ levels of achievement. FPD was recognized as an “Exemplary High Performing” school. These are schools that are recognized among the nation’s highest performing schools, as measured by nationally-normed tests.

“We couldn’t do it without you.” Your contributions to the FPD Fund helped provide webcasting equipment that allows us to broadcast school functions live. “The broadcasting equipment allows students to gain professional experience in media production. They are privileged to learn important aspects of video production as well as non-linear editing and broadcast journalism. The production equipment really helps prepare our students for college level and professional video production. Thank you so very much for your continued support of the FPD Fund. We couldn’t do it without you.” - Visual Media Coordinator Tyler Shores FPD Annual Report 2011-12



nder a Georgia state law established in 2008, you are now able to re-direct a portion of your state income tax payment to provide need-based tuition assistance. FPD has partnered with the Georgia GOAL (Greater Opportunities for Access to Learning) Scholarship Program to help facilitate the provisions of the law. This program allows us to provide need-based

financial assistance to students who are currently enrolled in a Georgia public school who desire a Christ-centered education at FPD. The GOAL program has extended our capacity to help existing families with tuition assistance funded internally. Please see Chris Childers, Development Director, for more information. A list of 2011-12 GOAL participants is below.

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Adams Mr. and Mrs. Craig Albright Mr. Frank Amerson * and Mrs. Mary Amerson Mr. David Anderson ‘06 Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Rennie Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Baker Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barnes ‘05 Mr. and Mrs. Randy Blizzard Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bolles, Sr. Mr. Seth Boyett Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Brannen Mr. and Mrs. Waverly Brittain Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brooker Ms. Melissa Brown Dr. and Mrs. Bruce T. Burns Sr Mr. and Mrs. David Butler Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cabe ‘04 Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Cable Dr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Carlton Dr. and Mrs. Michael Carreker Mr. and Mrs. Cass Cassell Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Causey The Rev. and Mrs. Charley Chase Mr. and Mrs. Chris K. Childers Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Clausen Miss Anna Clegg Mr. and Mrs. Doug Cole Mr. and Mrs. Jack Colter Mr. and Mrs. John W. Culves Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cutright Mr. and Mrs. Robert Danner III ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Danner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D. Dark Mr. and Mrs. Conie Mac Darnell Dr. and Mrs. Brent Davis Mr. and Mrs. Steve Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Randall Douthit Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Duggan Jr.

Mrs. Leslie Girardeau Lee Mr. and Mrs. Justin Leslein Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Lindsey Ms. Allison Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Rob Martin Mr. and Mrs. William J. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. T. Baldwin Martin Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Marxsen Mr. and Mrs. Rad (Nancy Marshall‘88) Massey‘92 Mr. and Mrs. Darin McClure ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. McKay Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Middlebrooks ‘75 Mr. and Mrs. Greg Moore ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Nick Morgan ‘01 Mr. and Mrs. Johnny (Carla Kemper ‘80) Morton Dr. and Mrs. David K. Murnan Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Newberry Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Neyman Ocmulgee Fields Inc Mr. and Mrs. Brandon A. Oren Mr. and Mrs. Terry Parker Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Parrish Mr. and Mrs. Allen (Betsy Middlebrooks ‘80) Peake ‘79 Mrs. Shelly (Pearson) Hendricks Mr. and Mrs. Louis Philhower Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Ponder, Jr. Ms. Cathy T. Pope Mr. and Mrs. Cal Powell Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Putnal Mr. and Mrs. Woody Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Todd Robertson ‘85 Dr. and Mrs. Eric Roddenberry ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. James Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Matthew (Mary Bennet Dunwody ‘90) Rose Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Royal Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rumford ‘99

Mr. Robert Easter and Dr. Linda Brennan Easter Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ethridge, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Dale Evans Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fleming Mr. and Mrs. David T. Foil Mr. and Mrs. Harold (Saynor Ponder‘86) Foshee III Mr. and Mrs. Rick (Cheri Gunnells ‘89) Frame ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gaither, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Garrison Mr. and Mrs. Ken Garvin Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gettmann Mr. and Mrs. Andy Gray Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hall, Sr. Mr. Shane Hall Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ham Miss Stephanie Harrell Mr. and Mrs. John Harris Mr. and Mrs. R. Allan Hattaway Mr. and Mrs. S.K. Henley Mr. and Mrs. James R. Henry Hi-Boy Group, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Hicks II Mr. and Mrs. Alex L. Hinson Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Huggins Mr. and Mrs. Ronny Hulsey Mr. and Mrs. Steve Humphries Mr. and Mrs. Stan Hutchinson Dr. and Mrs. Matthew Jerles Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Jones Mr. Casey Jones Mrs. Dallis Jones Mr. and Mrs. Dwight C. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Sy Jones Miss Amy E. Kenney Mr. and Mrs. Matt Kitchell Mr. and Mrs. Joel Knight Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laurens ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Law

Sage Dining Services Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Saitow Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Sawyer Mr. and Mrs. Scott Schultz Dr. and Mrs. Tom Scott Judge and Mrs. Tilman Self III Dr. and Mrs. Barry Shealy Mr. and Mrs. James T. Shores Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Glenn B. Smith Mr. and Mrs. James A. Smith III State Bank & Trust Company Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stembridge ‘99 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Stone Mr. and Mrs. Jay Strickland, Jr. ‘81 Mr. and Mrs. Spencer L. Strickland Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Jeff S. Takac Mr. and Mrs. Brad (Katherine Tribble ‘95) Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Thompson Mr. and Mrs. John C. Tidwell, Jr. ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. H. Lowry Tribble Mr. and Mrs. Joshua (Christy Knight ‘94) Trieste Mr. and Mrs. Jim Turner The Rev. and Mrs. Bob Veazey Mr. and Mrs. Philip Viviani Mr. and Mrs. Greg Vogel Waites & Foshee Insurance, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Ash Walker Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Wall Mr. and Mrs. David Walton Mr. and Mrs. Kevin (Scarlett Rives ‘88) Watson ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Williams III Ms. Belinda Yu * Deceased

2 0 11- 12 F PD A NNU A L RE PORT

Honorariums In Honor of Given By Miss Kim Caitlin Alderman ‘12 Mrs. Anne W. Murphey

Rev. Charley Chase Mr. Austin C. Childers ‘09

Mr. Rennie Atkinson Mr. Austin C. Childers ‘09

Mrs. Ashley Childers Mr. Austin C. Childers ‘09

Mr. Dick Frame Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Bradley Mr. Jack Fife Mr. Bobby Pope

Mr. Jonathan Baker Mr. and Mrs. Rick (Cheri Gunnells ‘89) Frame ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. David C. Priester

Mr. Garrett Childers Mr. Austin C. Childers ‘09

Mr. Trey Futch ‘82 Mrs. Eleanor Futch Rosen

Mr. Austin C. Childers ‘09 Mr. Philip McLeroy Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ryle

Ken and Paige Garvin Mr. Austin C. Childers ‘09

Mr. Oliver C. Bateman* Ms. Edna Bateman ‘91 Miss Samantha Belote Dr. and Mrs. William V. Fassbender Dr. and Mrs. Emmett Berry Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Lanning Mrs. Laura Bonfim Mr. and Mrs. Rick (Cheri Gunnells ‘89) Frame ‘85 Ms. Melissa Brown Dr. and Mrs. Jim Foster Brandon Brown Mr. and Mrs. Theron Williams Miss Lana S. Buckley Mr. and Mrs. Dan Buckley Mrs. Becky Cabe Dr. and Mrs. Jim Foster Carla Spivey Mr. Austin C. Childers ‘09 Lauren and Megan Casey Dr. and Mrs. Frank Casey Mrs. April Cassell Mr. Philip McLeroy Kennedy and Cole Cauley Mr. and Mrs. Scot E. Cauley Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cauley Mrs. Laurie Futch Chapman ‘77 Mrs. Eleanor Futch Rosen

Mr. Chris Childers Mr. and Mrs. James T. Shores

McKenzie and Morgan Gleaton Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Myhand Mr. Thomas and Dr. Edwina Shealy

Mr. Joe Childs Mr. and Mrs. David C. Priester

Noah and Pearce Groover Mrs. Betty Ragland

Miss Megan Childs ‘12 Mrs. Cheryl Y. Thomas

Mrs. Carol Hall Mr. and Mrs. Rick (Cheri Gunnells ‘89) Frame ‘85

Chase and Cole Clay Mrs. Cheryl Y. Thomas Miss Anna Clegg Dr. and Mrs. Jim Foster Mrs. Harriett Comer Mr. and Mrs. James Sheehan Miss Kinsey Cutright Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cutright Colton Dixon Mrs. Robin Dixon Henry and Peter Dobson Mr. and Mrs. William Dobson Mr. Jonathan Easter ‘12 Mrs. Barbara Brennan Pete and Charlie Fennell Rev. Stephen A. Fennell Ms. Jeanna G. Fennell Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gregory Mrs. Saynor Foshee Mr. and Mrs. Rick (Cheri Gunnells ‘89) Frame ‘85

Ms. Kris Hattaway ‘04 Historic Macon Foundation, Inc. Ms. Katrina Hegeman Mr. and Mrs. Rick (Cheri Gunnells ‘89) Frame ‘85

Emily and Lainey Jones Mr. and Mrs. George L. Jones Mr. Dwight Jones Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. John C. Tidwell, Jr. ‘88 Mrs. Jesse Kite, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. Coyet (Sally Kite “78) Lowery Jr. Mr. Derek Lashley Mr. Austin C. Childers ‘09 Camden Lashley Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Lashley Coach Elizabeth Leslein Mr. and Mrs. Rick (Cheri Gunnells ‘89) Frame ‘85 Ms. Allison Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Wall Noah Lyu Mr. and Mrs. Sunny Lyu Mr. Philip “Coach Mac” McLeroy Mr. Austin C. Childers ‘09

Mrs. Shelly (Pearson) Hendricks Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Barfield, Jr.

Michael Money Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson

Carson, Wyatt & Griffin Hicks Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hale

Mr. Greg Moore ‘84 Mr. Austin C. Childers ‘09 Mr. and Mrs. Rick (Cheri Gunnells ‘89) Frame ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. Bobby L. Hartley, Jr. ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. Justin (Kendall Dressner ‘03) Lyles ‘03 Mr. Taylor Martin ‘08 Mr. Clay Martin ‘11 Dr. and Mrs. A. Keith Martin Mr. Philip McLeroy Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ochs

Eden and Saylor Hill Mr. and Mrs. James R. Hill Mrs. Tami Jerles Mr. and Mrs. Rick (Cheri Gunnells ‘89) Frame ‘85 Chef Joe Woolfork Mr. Austin C. Childers ‘09 Brooks and Lucas Johnson Mrs. Joyce Weigle Mr. Casey Jones Mr. Austin C. Childers ‘09

Mr. Nick Morgan ‘01 Mr. and Mrs. Rick (Cheri Gunnells ‘89) Frame ‘85 Johnny, Carla, Kemper & Cole Morton Mr. Austin C. Childers ‘09

Honorariums (June 1, 2011-May 31, 2012)


Miss Kendall Patterson ‘12 Mr. Pat and Mrs. Ann* Patterson Mrs. Molly Pearson Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence McCurdy Mr. Herbert Ponder’s Birthday Mr. and Mrs. Harold (Saynor Ponder ‘86) Foshee III Mr. and Mrs. Burt (Eleanor Ponder ‘81) Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ponder ‘79 Mr. and Mrs. William L. Ponder ‘91 Brad and Emmie Cate Powell Mrs. Bren Powell Mrs. Wade Putnal Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Mixon, Sr. Coach Rex Putnal Mr. Vic Riden ‘78 Mr. Pat Rabun Mr. and Mrs. Rick (Cheri Gunnells ‘89) Frame ‘85 Mr. Philip McLeroy Miss Maury Saitow Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Johnson Ms. Lisa Spear Mr. Philip McLeroy Mr. Andrew Strickland Mr. and Mrs. Rick (Cheri Gunnells ‘89) Frame ‘85 Mrs. Lynn Strickland & our grandchildren Mr. and Mrs. Joel L. Strickland Mrs. Becky Takac Dr. and Mrs. Jim Foster Dalton Taylor Mrs. Cheryl Y. Thomas


Longtime English teacher David Walton began his career at FPD in 1971. He began his 50th year as an educator in August and will be retiring at the end of this school year. Opposite page: Zach Morton was an avid FPD sports fan and a member of FPD’s Class of 2004 who passed away in December 2003 at the age of 18. The new gymnasium was dedicated to him in 2006. Dr. William Taylor Rev. and Mrs. Bob Veazey

Bob and Nora Veazey Mr. Austin C. Childers ‘09

Summer and Mac Willingham Dr. and Mrs. Carl Schuessler

Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Perry F. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Rick (Cheri Gunnells ‘89) Frame ‘85

Viking Football Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wall ‘91

Josh, Brynna and Law Wilson Mrs. Bren Powell

Mrs. Carrie Beth Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Rick (Cheri Gunnells ‘89) Frame ‘85

Lola Grace and Maddie James Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Chris (Hope James ‘94) Wilson ‘93

Mr. and Mrs. J. Coleman Sr. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Tidwell, Jr. ‘88 Coach Jim Turner Mr. Oliver C. Bateman* Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ochs Mr. Austin C. Childers ‘09

Mr. David Walton Mr. Philip McLeroy Katie and Robert White Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. White, Sr.

Miss Ansley Woodard ‘07 and Miss Whitney Woodard ‘04 Mr. and Mrs. David E. Woodard * Deceased

201 1 - 12 F P D ANNUAL REP ORT

In Memory of Given By


Mrs. Janie Lindsey Bryan Mr. and Mrs. Woody Roberts

Mrs. Nettie Dekle Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Wall

Mrs. Betty Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Anderson

Mr. Howard C. Derrick Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Anderson

Mrs. Mary Jane Bateman Ms. Edna Bateman ‘91

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fincher PCA Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Comer II ‘79

Mrs. William Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Anderson James William “Bo” Berg Mr. and Mrs. Wade Adams Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Tony E. Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Chad (Stephanie Mitchell ‘91) McDaniel Mr. and Mrs. Woody Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Thompson

Thurston Futch, Jr. Mrs. Eleanor Futch Rosen

Mr. John T. Clark COL (Ret.) and Mrs. James A. B. Campbell

Mr. Robert “Maurice” Hammock Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cook Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Adams Mr. Oliver C. Bateman* Mrs. Patricia C. Brewer Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bridges Mrs. Patricia W. Buce Mr. Tommy Byrd Mrs. Stella Cartwright Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Danner, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William B. Dasher, Jr. Mr. Malcolm C. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Fountain Dr. and Mrs. Turner P. Gaines, Jr. Mrs. Dallis Jones Mr. and Mrs. William T. Marbut Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer F. Meadors Dr. and Mrs. Ralph G. Newton Mr. and Mrs. Herbert M. Ponder, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William P. Simmons, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daly Smith Jr. Dr. and Mrs. James I. Suit Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. William Walker Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wall ‘91 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Wall Mrs. Betty Wall Dr. and Mrs. Edward H. Young Mr. and Mrs. Elton L. Wall

Miss Lea Lane Coleman ‘90 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brassel

Mrs. Vivian Hammock Mr. and Mrs. Larry Landers

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Comer PCA Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M. Comer II ‘79

Oma and Papa Hammond Mr. and Mrs. Alton E. Williams

Kim Bohan Mr. and Mrs. Rick (Cheri Gunnells ‘89) Frame ‘85 Ben Bowden Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Thompson Mary Boyce Mr. Charles E. Boyce, Jr. F. Don Bradford and Frances C. Bradford Mr. and Mrs. Buddy (Sissy Swann‘76) Ivey Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Swann, Jr. Andy Bridges Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Bridges Mr. and Mrs. R. Chris Smith

Mrs. Avey Cook Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Anderson


Mrs. Mary Rosalyn Harden Howard, Moore & McDuffie PC Mr. Claude M. Stubbs, Jr.

MAJ Cole Hogan ‘78 Mr. and Mrs. Rick (Cheri Gunnells ‘89) Frame ‘85 Dr. and Mrs. Homer Nelson Belle McKinzey Dr. and Mrs. Earl N. Mullis, Jr. Mrs. Jean Middleton Mr. James G. Middleton Mrs. Nell Moore Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Anderson Zach Morton Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ethridge, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Kemper Mr. and Mrs. Jimbo Liipfert Mr. and Mrs. Johnny (Carla Kemper ‘80) Morton Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Slocumb

Mr. James Edward Muse III John Fripp Villas Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Bateman III ‘93 Dr. and Mrs. Dempsey Brown, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Byers Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cook Mr. and Mrs. Harold (Saynor Ponder ‘86) Foshee III Mr. and Mrs. Rick (Cheri Gunnells ‘89) Frame ‘85 Mr. and Mrs. James M. Grant Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grant Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Helms Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Jones Mr. and Mrs. Larry McFall Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moody ‘89 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Newton Mrs. Betty Ragland Mr. and Mrs. William Raines Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Duke Rakich Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Ramos Mr. Art Riley

FPD Annual Report 2011-12


Memorials (June 1, 2011-May 31, 2012) Mrs. Eleanor Futch Rosen Mr. and Mrs. Buck Sowers Ms. Jean Spinks Mrs. Claire Strawn Dr. and Mrs. William L. Tift Mr. Ken Vance Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Wall Mr. L. Steve Wansley Mrs. Linda W. Wingate Mrs. Alice Faye Newsome Mr. and Mrs. Richard Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Peter G. Coon, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Lavender Mr. and Mrs. Mike Newsome Mrs. Warren Raffield Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Anderson

Mr. Shay Sellers ‘84 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy K. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Rick (Cheri Gunnells ‘89) Frame ‘85 Mrs. Ester Sparks Mr. and Mrs Ted (Dawn Sparks ‘77) Shields Mr. Michael Sparrow ‘01 Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ethridge, Jr. Mr. Glenn Stokes Mr. Kary and Dr. Darlene McClain Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stokes Mr. Robert M. Thomas Mrs. Rosemary Thomas

Dr. Les Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yount Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Cable Dr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Carlton Mr. and Mrs. Chris K. Childers Mrs. Harriet Comer Mr. and Mrs. Harold (Saynor Ponder ‘86) Foshee III Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Fountain Mr. and Mrs. Rick (Cheri Gunnells ‘89) Frame ‘85 Mrs. Dallis Jones Dr. and Mrs. A. Keith Martin Mr. and Mrs. Mark Patterson ‘77 Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Thompson Mr. and Mrs. John C. Tidwell, Jr. ‘88 Mr. and Mrs. David Walton Dr. and Mrs. Edward H. Young

The John E. Richards Society

Mrs. Julia Tinkey Mr. and Mrs. Rick (Cheri Gunnells ‘89) Frame ‘85 Mr. James Tyler Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Wall Mrs. Mabel Wright Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Anderson * Deceased

The John E. Richards Society was established to glorify God and to honor Richards’ role in the founding of FPD. Dr. Richards was the pastor of First Presbyterian Church from 1956-72. He and several visionaries had a dream to open a Christ-centered college preparatory school. The John E. Richards Society will provide financial resources to FPD through planned gifts. Making a planned gift is a simple way to help ensure that the vision of FPD will become reality not only today but also for generations to come. There are six easy ways to join: 1. Prepare a will with a bequest, remainder trust, gift annuity, lead trust and/ or retained life estate plan. 2. Leave a gift in your will for FPD. 3. Consider using assets such as stocks, bonds and investments other than cash for your charitable gift. Such gifts may provide additional tax advantages. 4. Name FPD as the beneficiary of your individual retirement account or pension plan. 5. Name FPD as the beneficiary of a new or existing life insurance policy. 6. Remember deceased loved ones with endowed memorial gifts to FPD.

Danny Smith Chairman of the Board

We have much about which to be thankful. The Board of Trustees devoted a portion of its recent retreat to the Lord’s Blessings on FPD. I’d like to share some of these with you.

FPD’s Mission: to educate and equipment children to change the world for God’s Glory. It is the cornerstone of who we are as a school. FPD reaches a broad spectrum of families from various socio-economic, ethnic and spiritual diversities. Academic Excellence: As evidenced in part by: AP Scholars: A record number of 51 AP scholars this year continues a multi-year trend of year over year increases in this objective measure of academic performance. College acceptances to the school of our students’ choices including unsurpassed levels of early admissions to Georgia’s research universities. FPD’s Middle School was named a National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence by the U.S. Department of Education in September 2012. In 2003, our elementary school also received a Blue Ribbon designation. It is believed FPD is the only school in the state to earn Blue Ribbon awards for multiple schools. The 1 to 1 Initiative: It will be a transformative project and unique in the Middle Georgia area. We believe it will provide a giant leap forward for FPD’s existing rigorous academic program. Headmaster Gregg Thompson is the longest-serving head of school in the area, now in his 16th year of service. In October, Mr. Thompson received the Frank E. Gaebelein Award for “Leadership as Head of School.” This is a national honor presented by Paideia, a consulting firm providing a comprehensive range of services for

not-for-profit schools, colleges and universities all over the world for more than four decades. Incredible faculty: we are blessed with a faculty that is loyal and goes “above and beyond” to provide a quality education to our students, as well as successful alumni who are indeed changing the world for God’s glory. Our Fine Arts program continues to amaze and excel! Construction is now well under way on the fine arts building expansion. The 20,000 square foot expansion is in response to the growth and success in our fine arts programs. Completion is expected early Spring 2013. FPD’s Athletic Teams: Our experience in the GHSA has resulted in lives being touched for Christ as well as multiple region and even state championships. Student athletes appreciate the highly competitive league and have committed to raising their level of play. To God’s glory, competing in the GHSA has been a very positive experience for FPD. Christ-Centered School: FPD recently hosted Fields of Faith, sponsored by the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. More than 1,500 student athletes from public and private schools attended the life-changing event in September 2012. First Presbyterian Church provided the vision for FPD’s founding as well as very generous financial support over the years. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, thank you for your continued support of FPD. Generous gifts have made the above blessings and many, many more possible at FPD. The financial position of our school is solid and provides a firm foundation for the future. FPD’s brightest days are ahead with the Lord’s blessing and your continued prayer, service and support. We continue to be honored that you have entrusted your child’s education to FPD. FPD Annual Report 2010-11




Tuition & Fees Program Revenues Designated Giving Net Ancillary Revenue Miscellaneous Total Revenues


Use of Funds

9,412,771 93.13 69,839 0.69 541,978 5.36 2,008 0.02 80,632 0.80 10,107,228 100.0

Salaries & benefits Need & merit based assistance Academics Student life Faculty development Development Facilities Debt Business Fees & Dues Office Supplies & Postage Miscellaneous Deferred contingency Total

Sources of Funds

6,612,158 65.42% 956,564 9.46 380,414 3.76 193,918 1.92 77,492 0.77 95,994 0.95 748,439 7.40 665,516 6.58 159,172 1.57 88,166 0.87 22,264 0.22 107,130 1.06 10,107,228 100.0

Program Revenues Designated Giving Net Ancillary Revenue Miscellaneous

Use of Funds

Office Supplies & Postage Business Fees & Dues

Facilities Development Faculty Development Student Life Academics

Need & Merit-Based Assistance


Miscellaneous Deferred Contingency

Charlie Parrish Chief Financial Officer

If you asked just about any of our teaching faculty, staff members or administration about FPD’s mission statement, you would receive the prompt response, “to educate and equip children to change the world for God’s glory.”

FPD’s unique mission is a focus for new teachers at their orientation, is printed in classrooms throughout the campus, and drives every major school decision. The stories of how God uses FPD graduates to accomplish this mission are as diverse as they are powerful. Dr. Bill Terrell (’81) draws on his orthopedic training from the Medical College of Georgia to provide life changing care for those with bone deformities out of his office in Marietta, and boldly proclaims God as the one who healed them. Caleb Foxworth (’08) is using his construction management degree from Georgia Southern to help build roads in his mission work in Jinja, Uganda where he also serves as director of an orphanage for abandoned kids with HIV/AIDS. These are just two stories, and there are hundreds of them, that are evidence of the world changing

work that God is doing at FPD. Today’s students are being supported by the same mission, and new stories about current students are being formed in today’s FPD classroom. Much effort goes into our being mission-focused to invest in the areas that have the greatest impact. We desire to retain and attract the most qualified Christian educators available, by dedicating 65 cents of every dollar to salaries and benefits. We are placing a heavy emphasis on employing 21st century technology to effectively prepare our students to excel in the college of their choice. We acknowledge a challenging economic climate and assist FPD families with tuition, where there is a legitimate financial need. Today, 31% of FPD students receive some level of need-based tuition assistance. We place a priority on long-term stability, by the building of reserves, so that today’s kindergarteners can be assured of the same Christ-centered, college preparatory education that our graduates enjoyed. We believe that these efforts are some of the critical pieces needed to pursue FPD’s special mission. Stories like those of Bill and Caleb are evidence of that. I can’t help but to look forward to the new stories that tomorrow’s FPD graduates will tell. Thank you for your sacrificial commitment toward this effort. May God get the glory!

a national Blue Ribbon School of Excellence

5671 Calvin Drive Macon, GA 31210 www.fpdmacon.org

educating and equipping students to

change the world for God’s glory

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