The Saga

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Saga The

MONDAY may 13, 2013


First Presbyterian Day School, Macon, Georgia

Teams shooting for postseason success.

Page 11.

Around campus

in 60 seconds Senior honors night, graduation upcoming

The 39th FPD commencement ceremony will be held Saturday, May 25 at Ingleside Baptist Church at noon. Baccalaureate will be Sunday, May 19 at First Presbyterian Church at 7 p.m. Senior honors night is scheduled for Friday, May 24 at FPC. Of the 79 candidates PRIESTER for graduation who will march across the stage, 30 of them are honor graduates. Davy Priester is the school valedictorian. Earlier this year, Priester also was named HUMPHRIES STAR Student and recognized as a National Merit Commended Student. Priester, an Eagle Scout who also is a member of FPD’s symphonic band, plans to attend Vanderbilt and study engineering. Bennett Humphries has been named school salutatorian. A member of the school’s honor council, Mu Alpha Theta and football and wrestling teams, Humphries also was named by his classmates as a senior superlative. He plans to attend Georgia Tech and study engineering. For a full list of graduates, see page 4.

Mary Helen Douglas/The Saga Seniors Grace Tinkey, Corrie Peake. Kinsey Cutright, Connor Jones, Alec Martin and Daniel Strawn (shown above in their 4K portraits) re-enact a moment from their early days.

Leaving a Legacy

A handful of seniors reminisce about a lifetime at FPD.



n a few days, the class of 2013 will be graduating from FPD. However, some of them will be leaving behind a permanent legacy. Fourteen years ago, six students of the current graduating class pushed their tiny hands into mushy, cold concrete and added their initials in the sidewalk in front of the kindergarten building. The children put their handprints in along with the phrase, “Give thanks to the Lord,” and “Class of 2013.” The pre-kindergarten class had just returned from a fall field trip to the Pumpkin Patch and the sidewalk outside of the kindergarten building was being repaired. When the children

were getting out of their cars, the concrete was just being poured. The teachers and adults both thought it would be a good idea for the children to permanently leave their mark. “I remember (parent) Lori Harden was the one who said, ‘Oh, they’ve got to put their hands in!’” said Carol Adams, FPD pre-K teacher. A month later, Harden’s son, Ben, a classmate of the six, passed away in an accident. The school dedicated the baseball field in his honor in 2007. “The most precious thing was after we had such a trauma with losing our little Ben we remembered that his little handprints were right

Please see HANDPRINTS, page 8


The Saga

Monday, May 13, 2013 Page 2

Junior year can only be what you make it

Cartoon by Emily Goldin


Time moves on quickly

As this year is coming to a close, the realization hit The Saga staff that we will all be seniors next year. It seems like just yesterday we were the little kids screaming in the bleachers thrilled to be with the high school students at pep rallies and fighting over whose turn it was to be the line leader. This will be the last year for high school sports, spring musicals with our friends and Friday pep rallies. Soon we will enter the college world and leave high school behind us, as our current seniors are about to do. That’s why it’s important to cherish every moment. Instead of wishing high school away, it’s important that we remember to enjoy the remaning days we have at FPD. There is something special about

being at FPD for so long that makes the last year a little harder than all the others. FPD has become home to us, all of us. For further proof, check out our front page story on the six seniors who started here together. For an even greater study in devotion to school, we invite you to read our center spread feature on longtime English teacher David Walton, who started here in 1971, the second year of the school, and is retiring in just a few days. Mr. Walton represents all that is good about FPD, and he leaves behind a legacy of love, devotion and a passion for the English language. We hope you enjoy this final issue of The Saga as much as we enjoyed putting it together.

Saga The

First Presbyterian Day School, Macon, Georgia

Staff Directory Editors ............................... Mary Helen Douglas, Olivia Taylor Staff Writers ..................... Emily Goldin, Westin Kosater Adviser ............................. Mr. Cal Powell The Saga is the student-produced newspaper of First Presbyterian Day School in Macon, Ga. It is printed locally by Judd Publishing. Letters to the editor and guest editorials are welcome. Submit them in person to staff adviser Cal Powell or e-mail Phone (478) 477-6505, Ext.121. Member organization Journalism Education Association Rated Superior by the GSPA, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Winner of the GSPA Turnaround Award 2006-07 Winner of the GSPA General Excellence Award 2007-08 Winner of the GSPA Perseverance Award 2007-08

Let’s face it. For the most part, junior year has only negative connotations. From the time the eighth graders become freshmen to their sophomore year, they are pounded with redundant lectures about how impossible junior year is. It is the year of multiple AP classes and Fall Festival and Prom and the year that the college search begins. OLIVIA TAYLOR By the end of their sophomore Co-Editor year, students are pale-faced and wide-eyed at the impending doom that is their third year of high school. days in advance versus the night before. It would be naïve to say that I was one of those terrified students. I had heard horror stories of ruined junior year is easy. It is a somewhat stressful year, but as long as you’re GPAs and sleepless nights full of prepared, it can be conquered. cramming for an impossible AP 2. Junior year Calculus test the next will be the year day. Needless to say, Looking back on that ruins your I was scared out of transcript. my mind, but who my year, it’s easy Myth. This wasn’t? I was starting to tell what the could technically school thinking that I go either way. If was going to fail my myths and facts you don’t study at classes and just do about junior year all, then this could poorly all around. very well be a fact, are. It doesn’t So, I went to but if you actually the auditorium that necessarily have apply yourself, it’s morning thinking that definitely a myth. to be the year this year was going to It’s obviously be difficult in every that ruins your not easy, but way. I had already it’s certainly GPA or chances had an issue with manageable if you procrastination and at going to your try. I figured that would favorite college. 3. There’s too contribute to the much going on insurmountable woes I have learned junior year for me of junior year. that junior year is to focus on school. After my first day While junior was over, I figured what you make it. Myth. year does include everyone was right. Fall Festival There were too many and Prom, these AP exams to worry shouldn’t be too overwhelming. about all year, and I was sure that Fall Festival is actually very Fall Festival and prom workshops manageable. You just have a few would be the end of me. And now here I am. More than 200 meetings and have to set up and clean up but it’s not bad at all! days later, I have survived! Prom is set up so you attend three Looking back on my year, it’s easy workshops on dates of your choice to tell what the myths and facts about and then you set up on the day of junior year are. It doesn’t necessarily prom, but since you can select the have to be the year that ruins your dates, that shouldn’t be a huge issue. GPA or chances at going to your Overall, there are some definite favorite college. I have learned that misplaced fears regarding junior year. junior year is what you make it. It is a hard year, possibly the hardest 1. Junior year is the hardest year year of high school, but it’s doable. of high school. Fact. Most likely, If you go into knowing it’s difficult students will be taking at least two to and that it will require more of your three AP classes and with that comes time, junior year can end just as an increased workload. Homework is successfully as your first two years of more frequent, and tests and quizzes high school! are harder, requiring studying a few


The Saga

Wise words from a soon-to-be-senior

Ten life lessons from a rising senior: 10. Manage your time. I get it; if a project is assigned a month in advance, you aren’t going to immediately start on it. However, waiting till the night before honestly just hurts you. The work isn’t as neat or as accurate. Maybe put a reminder in your phone for a week in advance, and start on it then. If it’s a larger project, start sooner. It’ll pay off more in the end when you have quality work and a low amount of stress. 9. Go to school (and set your alarm). We’re all tardy sometimes, most teachers know that. That’s why the policy at FPD is three tardies, then a pink slip. However, something often overlooked is the amount of days you miss. If a student misses 10 class periods in a certain class, one point is deducted from her average every day after that. Sleeping through first period weekly isn’t good. Trust me, I’m living proof. 8. And with that, avoid pink slips as much as possible. Detention is a waste of time, for both you and the teacher advising it, so don’t get yourself stuck there. That time could be spent at sports practice, fine arts rehearsal, on homework, or with friends. Try to resist sneakily texting your friend three seats down from you. Also, mints are a good alternative to gum. They work just as well and they won’t land you in detention. 7. Teachers are people too. As I’ve gotten older I’ve realized that everyone has real feelings and real problems, even our teachers. So before you make that scathing remark or roll your eyes, think about how that would make you feel. Don’t forget, these are the people you need recommendation letters from! 6. Principal Joe Child is awesome,

Monday, May 13, 2013 Page 3


“Hang out with my friends and get tan.”

Anna Griggers 9th grade

KATHRYN KOSTOVETSKY Guest Columnist enough said. 5. Driving is awesome, so don’t take that privilege for granted. It’s rough if that gets taken away. 4. Go to events and participate in school functions. One of the main points of high school is to make memories. Something that may sound “lame” in theory might actually be really fun, especially if there’s participation. Few things are more awesome than a huge student section filled with spirited students. 3. Although modern day technology is incredible, face to face communication is the absolute best form of communication. 2. Be forgiving, but don’t be a doormat. Have respect for yourself and respect for others. Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself, and stand up for others because no one deserves to be walked all over. Be forgiving as you would want to be forgiven. Note: The Girl Code and the Guy Code are things worth researching. That stuff is legit. 1. Be bold. Things can be scary, but it’s better to look back and say, “I can’t believe I did that” as opposed to saying “I wish I did that.” You never know what you can learn from facing your fears; you could make incredible memories and learn incredible lessons (or get a really awesome prom date!). J

Be bold. Things can be scary, but it’s better to look back and say ‘I can’t believe I did that,” as opposed to ‘I wish I did that.’ You never know what you can learn from facing your fears, you could make incredible memories and learn incredible lessons.

“I am going to Alabama to train for football, and then come back and hang out with my friends.” Darron Moore 12th grade “I am going to St. Simons with my family.”

Julia Peavy 10th grade

“I am going to Project Sweat, Atlanta with Project LEAD, and Colorado with Young Life.” Taylor Chapman 11th grade “Go to the lake, visit colleges and take the SAT again.” Callie Wilson 11th grade “Hopefully I’ll find a job and in July I am going to summer college at UGA.” Jeremy Overman 12th grade


The Saga

Little things you can do to protect the environment

environmental Helping the effects of plastic, environment is perhaps more not as difficult people would as some people support it. think. Not using In addition styrofoam is to being one example. harmful to the Styrofoam, ecosystem, made from plastic is polystyrene, WESTIN KOSATER harmful to your which is not body. In 2011, biodegradable, Staff Writer The National never breaks down Center For in landfills. Once it goes to a landfill, it stays there forever. Biotechnology Information reported that “almost all plastic products” FPD was a former user of Styrofoam that were sampled tested positive for cups. BPA. BPA is an “endocrine disruptor” The cafeteria disposed of hundreds meaning that it can of Styrofoam cups interfere with the for years until they human endocrine were finally replaced system. That is by a system of why you have reusable plastic cups. probably seen a Currently, the system “BPA Free” sticker works. on someone’s It was not just Camelbak bottle. styrofoam cups that When one thinks were a problem. of school, he or she Styrofoam plates may think of sitting were just as big of an in class taking issue. Like the cups, notes on paper. the plates will never Thankfully, that decompose and the view of school will school used hundreds soon be changed. of them every day Thanks to the since Styrofoam 1-to-1 program coming to FPD for the obviously can not be washed and 2013-14 academic year, use of paper reused. will drop significantly. Replacing plastic silverware with With laptops, you can take as many metallic silverware is an important pages of notes as you wish without step towards a greener school. Plastic cutting down a single tree. is a petrochemical, which means it is With this environmentally friendly derived from petroleum, or oil. initiative coming next year, FPD will One of the problems with plastic no longer contribute to deforestation. is the same with Styrofoam. It is not Not to mention the amount of energy very biodegradable. It takes plastic an required in the manufacture of paper. average of 450 years to decompose. The industry that consumes the most That means in the year 2463 A.D., water for production out of any other that plastic fork you threw away will industry is the paper industry. finally decompose, but not before Being a good Earthling is not as the chemicals added to the plastic difficult as some people make it contaminate the groundwater. out to be. Regulating the amount of Have you ever heard of the Great styrofoam, plastic, and paper that you Pacific Garbage Patch? In the Pacific Ocean there is an area that contains an use daily is very simple. Instead of single-use plastic bottles, extremely high level of garbage. The use glass bottles or a reusable water main type of garbage in this patch is, bottle. of course, plastic. Plastic that can not Especially be mindful of your paper be broken down and will probably be consumption. Paper has not even ingested by marine life. been necessary since the invention of Currently there is a movement in the portable computer. Start taking California to ban plastic bags. If more advantage of it. people were aware of the harmful

One of the problems with plastic is is the same with Styrofoam. It is not very biodegradable.

Monday, May 13, 2013 Page 4

Congratulations CLASS OF 2013

Conner Richard Albright* Alysha Mary Katherine Amerson Victoria Madison Arnett Nancy Katherine Berkner Jackson Pierce Busbee Jenna Jackson Byrd* Kristen Amber Callaway Carter Dean Casebeer Maxwell Kenneth Chandler Garrett Colin Childers Brandon Davis Clausen Tyler Ray Colter Rebekah Elizabeth Coon Claire Haden Crawford MacKinsey Raye Cutright Alexandria Catherine Davis Hannah Kristen Davis* Abigail Elaine Deckbar* Caleb Steven Dupree Lauren Claire Ellard* Danielle Nicole Ferro Kristin Louise Fillingim* Kaleb Elliott Fuller Lily Elizabeth Garnett Antonio Darrelle Garvin, Jr. Conner Jay Gettmann* Patrick Arthur Hague Kathryn Ann Hall Sierra Wynn Herndon* Hunter Wayne Hotchkiss* Bennett Price Humphries* Collin Preston Humphries* Robert Tanner Johnston Connor Bennett Jones* Daniel Paul Jones Samuel Curtis Joyce Allison Brooke Lange* Mary Hannah Lanphier* William Allen Letson Dylan Smith Liles

Kathryn Emily Lyles Alexander Craig Martin Joseph Scott McCormick* Carolyn Grace McDonald Michael William Money* Austin DeWayne Moore* Darron Jameel Moore Alexander Paul Nelsen Alex Harris Newberry Lindsey Raye O›Quinn Jeremy Liam Overman* Macy Elizabeth Pam Heidi Sumi Park* Corrie Lynne Peake Megan Christine Pittman* Samuel Thompson Pope David Cobb Priester, Jr.* Timothy Yair Ramdin Atalia Naomi Ramirez Brittany Lee Rogers Meredith Scott Rogers* Addison Blake Ruble Maury Jean Saitow* Anne Bondurant Scurry Tangkangfu Nicholas Shao* Emmalyne Sarah Smith* Ian Chandler Blair Smith Nicolle Rae Smith Dylan Laredo Stokes Loy Daniel Strawn, Jr. Brooks Ashmore Stroud* Jonathan William Thompson Grace Elizabeth Tinkey* Pierce Connor Tolbert* Joseph Winthrop Watwood Joshua Boyd Weaver Summer Lynn Willingham* Lauren Emily Wilson Grace Cooper Young* *Denotes Honors Graduate

The Saga


Monday, May 13, 2013 Page 5

Of mental health and scary cats

I like a girl who says that I am too smart. She says she only likes ‘normal guys.’ What should I do? First off, let me ask you a question. I have failed miserably in every romantic scenario that I have ever been placed in. Did you guys know that I was the one writing this advice column? So please, allow me to edit a quote of John Green, a man who seems slightly more equipped to advise you than I do: There are only a few things that turn me into a Giant Squid of Anger. One of those things begins with “This person thinks I am too smart for him/her.” The Venn diagram of people you don’t want to date and people who think you’re too smart for them is a circle.

I keep struggling with my weight. It seems like all the other girls are pretty and thin, but I’m not. All right, this is an easy one, because there are multiple solutions. Solution A: Exercise and eat well. Cut out sodas and fried foods, eat leafy things, you know — just follow the food pyramid they taught you. Solution B: Try one of those ridiculously unhealthy fad diets. (I’m just kidding. Don’t try this. Ever. If you’re already trying it, you need to stop). Solution C: Get clothes that work for your body type and give you the appearance you desire. Solution D: Be positive about your body. There’s nothing “wrong” with it. A human body cannot look “incorrect.” There is nothing that guarantees a thin body will work better than a “fat” one. Did you know that some bodies naturally store more fat, despite diet/exercise? It doesn’t make you a glutton or unhealthy. Stop holding yourself to harmful standards of acquaintances and strangers. These standards are all about physical appearance and have no relevance to your worth as a human being. Realize that no matter how you look now, one day you will — sorry about this — become old, wrinkly, stiff, and saggy (unless you get plastic surgery, in which case you will look old … and shallow, for intentionally trying to make your face resemble that of a melted Barbie doll). The qualities that make a person valuable include, but are not limited to: honesty, integrity, intelligence, courage, compassion, and understanding. The good thing about these qualities (unlike physical beauty) is that they stay with you as you age. Please focus on these; they make you a stronger person. Because no matter how “beautiful” and skinny you are, you won’t feel better about yourself with your current mindset. What do you do when you know you need psychological help, but can’t talk to your parents? First off, let me tell you how proud I am of you for realizing that you have a problem. Selfanalysis isn’t a skill many people have — you clearly do. Even more, you are responsible enough to seek help even though you feel it isn’t available at home. You’re amazing. Seriously. Now, I’m not sure what you’re going through. It could be anxiety, depression, anorexia, schizophrenia,

MAISY MCDONALD Guest Columnist or rage or something else. Even though outside circumstances may have led you to this state, you can take action to help get yourself better. Mental health is just as important as physical health, and being ill mentally doesn’t make you any different from somebody with a physical illness. But who knows? You might not even be mentally “ill” and you could just be going through a really rough time. I would suggest that you talk to another adult you trust (teacher, coach, church member, relative, etc.). If you don’t have a trusted adult, never fear! There are other options. Depending on your needs, there are multiple support groups available. I trust you know your symptoms enough to figure out a ballpark of where the issue is, and can find a group that suits you. There are support groups in town and online. A simple Google search will provide a list of online resources, including some local agencies that could be of help.

I have a really intense fear of cats. My best friend has two. She keeps inviting me over, and I don’t want to tell her why I keep declining. Really? Afraid of cats? As somebody who wears cat stickers and meows at people randomly, I can’t really say that I understand. Not that I’m judging. I’m horrified of anything with tentacles. My friend touched me with a plastic octopus and I cried on the floor by her coffee table for a good 10 minutes. And who could blame me? Tentacles are absolutely disgusting. They’re like giant ugly tongues with suction cups that suck all the happiness from your life. And they’re slimy and squishy. The most disgusting thing is that an octopus can turn itself inside out. What sort of satanic magic is that? If my friend had a pet squid, I would end the friendship immediately. I would never talk to that person again. To be completely honest with you, I’d probably just tell that chick to lock her cats up or put them in a pillowcase or some other restraining device so they can’t eat you while you sleep over. Cats can be scary (not that I need to tell you). Tell her you’re allergic to cats. Fibbing is wonderful when you’re ashamed of your fears.

Cartoon by Megan Sparks

50 years

and no regrets



As a young middle schooler, David Walton knew he wanted to be a teacher. His desire came from three outstanding teachers who inspired him to want to give back to students and their families. In 1963, Walton’s dream of teaching came true when he entered the Bibb County Public School System as a seventh grade teacher. Eight years later, the former principal of Riley School, Russell Floyd, encouraged Walton to apply for a position at FPD where Floyd was working as assistant headmaster and Latin teacher. In 1971, the headmaster at FPD, Henry Middlebrooks, offered Walton a position as a seventh grade English teacher. Mr. Walton has been teaching at FPD ever since. Later this month, when the final bell sounds, the most tenured faculty member in school history will retire after a 50-year career in education. A calling he felt as a young boy that evolved into years of faithful, consistent devotion, will end. The impact he has made on the students, the families and faculty is difficult to overstate. “His love for the students (is what stands out),” middle school principal Molly Pearson said. “He will say right straight up that he will do anything he can for every student that comes into his classroom to be able to learn English. It doesn’t matter what kind of abilities you have, he’s going to help you love English and learn English and in the process the students end up loving him. That’s what makes him so successful. He puts the students first.”

you up with parents, the parents always f children’s best intere Diane Hattaway, wh was just such a won for, kind, thoughtful our personal needs.” For the 21 years h with teachers and pa with students. So when the seven

“The only sad part about retiring is I day, but I will always be a part of this

Back to his roots From 1981-2002, Walton was principal of FPD’s elementary school. Being principal was a completely different environment than teaching, but as with everything he did, Walton did it with an open heart and a keen mind, colleagues say. “He was supportive of all of the teachers, always backing

decided to go back t Eleven years later where his predecess fulfilled his ambition The essence of a g enjoy learning, love love people. There is a major d teaching students a s English is Walton alumni may know. H he loves words and “I love to see chil then they begin to e speaking as they ex a way English teach in all of their course on.”

Cal Powell/The Saga David Walton, FPD’s seventh grade English teacher, is retiring this year after 50 years in education, including the last 42 at FPD.

, and felt like he had their best interest and their ests at heart,” said sixth grade teacher ho taught fourth grade under Walton. “He nderful principal, a wonderful guy to work l, and so considerate of every one of us and ” he was principal, Walton enjoyed working arents, but he missed working one on one

nth grade English teacher retired, Walton

I won’t be here every single school.”

to where it all began for him, the classroom. r, Walton still remains in the same room sor, Mrs. Fuchs, retired, and he will have n of ending his career in the classroom. great teacher, according to Walton, is to e the subject you teach, and most of all to

distinction between teaching a subject and subject, he noted. n’s passion as many FPD students and He considers himself a wordsmith because stresses sentence structure in the classroom. ldren who understand patterns, and employ that in their writing and in their xpand their horizons,” Walton said. “So in hers are preparing students to be successful e work that they take even in college later

Seventh graders always keep Walton on his toes because there is never a dull moment, he said, laughing. “The only thing that has changed is society, and as a result students have adjusted to society,” Walton said. “But overall the best thing in the world is just to be able to shut my door, teach my heart out, and watch my students grow from the beginning of the year, and that’s such a satisfying experience for me as a teacher.”

The Jabberwocky One of Walton’s trademarks is his recitation of the Jabberwocky, a poem written by Lewis Carroll. It all started when one of Walton’s literature professors told his students they had to memorize a piece of literature and then promise him that they would use it with every class they taught. Walton has kept that promise, noting that students he hasn’t seen in years will stop him and ask him if he still recites it to his classes.

A calling from God Those who know Walton, as a teacher or friend, know his enthusiasm. He says that according to God’s Word, he is supposed to be enthusiastic and give it his all. He recalled the time he broke his ankle last year, a very difficult time, and he kept telling himself that he had to give it his best even though he was in a wheelchair. In public school, Walton had to teach a self-contained classroom his first year, which he recalls as quite a chore and challenge. After that he told himself that if he could make it under the conditions of teaching all subjects to 40 students, he could make it no matter what came along. “That’s just me, that’s just the way I am, and I think that most teachers are that way,” he said. “I know that I couldn’t

just half-heartedly do something. I just could not do that. “He calls what he does ‘old school, and I always felt like ‘Yes, that’s me too, Mr. Walton; I’m going to do just like that’ ” Hattaway said. “He has been a big influence just in if you say it, do it. Stick to your guns. Let the children know you care, but these are the rules, we’re going to follow the rules, and then, you have so few problems.”

No regrets This year’s graduating class will make Walton’s 38th graduation ceremony. In the 42 years since Walton first set foot on FPD’s campus, school has grown from a tiny campus with about 200 students to an enrollment of nearly 1,000. The way he gives to his students and cares for people is something FPD people will never forget, colleagues say. “He is the gentlest person and always gives details when he’s talking to you,” sixth grade teacher Nancy Massey said. “He doesn’t just ask how you are, he will stand there and actually have a conversation with you for several minutes and ask details and not only say I am praying for you but he will say what he is praying for, and that just warms my heart. “I’m not sure what his magic recipe is but he inspires me to exude that same kind of calmness he shows.” In his 50 years of educating students, Walton summed it up by saying he has no regrets. “It’s been fun to know I am a part of this, and then to have some great teachers and students that have gone through here that have become such great citizens in our community and even our world so to speak,” Walton said. “I am just very proud of what this school has done and is doing and what it will continue to do in the future. The only sad part about retiring is I won’t be here every single day, but I will always be a part of this school.”


The Saga

Mary Helen Douglas/The Saga The six seniors are joined by 4K teachers, Nina Fleming, Tee George, and Carol Adams. Below, Cutright and Martin smile for the camera.

HANDPRINTS From page 1

out there in front of the building,” said Tammy Viviani, kindergarten teacher. “That was just one of those unplanned coincidences.” Not only was it a way to remember a classmate, but the six seniors will always have a sweet memory of their prekindergarten years. For Corrie Peake, seeing the handprints brought back some of her favorite FPD memories. She is one of the six seniors who plunged her hands into the cement that day. The others are Kinsey Cutright, Connor Jones, Alec Martin, Daniel Strawn and Grace Tinkey. “My favorite memory at FPD would have to be when Kinsey and I would come into pre-K every morning and every day after snack time we would play house and Alec Martin would always be our dog,” Peake said. Peake plans to attend Mercer University in the fall and major in nursing. Cutright will either attend UGA or GCSU and would like to major in early childhood education. “I’m so thankful for those of us that have gone through 4K to 12th together,” Cutright said. “I know we will remain friends past high school.” Tinkey is attending the United States Air Force Academy, starting basic training this summer. Tinkey said she’ll miss the teachers

at FPD the most. “I’ll miss the faculty who have become like a second family to me,” she said. Martin is planning on going to the University of Alabama and is considering becoming a doctor. “The main thing I’ll miss about FPD is sports,” Martin said. “Not really the sports themselves, but the bonds you make with friends that you know will never be forgotten.” Jones plans to attend either Kentucky or UGA to major in Business and Agriculture. “I’d say (my favorite memory) is Mrs. Lucas’ third grade class and that year altogether including VFL football,” Jones said. Daniel Strawn is the final senior remaining at FPD who also put his handprints in the cement. He plans on playing college tennis at Clemson. “I’ll miss the atmosphere at FPD,” Strawn said, “(It) feels like home to me.”

“The main thing I’ll miss about FPD is sports. Not really the sports themselves, but the bonds you make with friends that you know will never be forgotten.”

Monday, May 13, 2013 Page 8

Congratulations on your retirement, Mr. Walton! The Saga staff thanks you for your service (and for being our founder back in 1974!).

-Alec Martin, Senior

Saga The

First Presbyterian Day School, Macon, Georgia


The Saga


Monday, May 13, 2013 Page 9

ooking up some creativity

The Saga staffers whip up some Pinterest-inspired dishes.


When you log on to Pinterest, your screen is instantly filled with hundreds of clothes, home décor ideas, recipes, and much more. Pinners are endlessly clicking the “Repin” button to add it to one of their boards. The question is, are these mouthwatering recipes and DIY projects as great as they seem? We decided to find out. For our dinner, I made the Crispy Parmesan Asparagus Sticks and Cheesy Potato Casserole. The pictures looked delicious, and that’s why we chose these recipes. They were also both fairly simple and seemed easy to make. All the asparagus required was dipping them into egg whites and then rolling each one in a mixture of salt and pepper, Parmesan cheese, flour, and seasoned panko breadcrumbs. The asparagus were then baked in the oven. Seems easy enough, right? In reality, I had a very hard time getting the mixture to stick to the asparagus. I would coat each stick in egg whites, but only the flour was really sticking. As a result, I was forced to just lay the asaparagus in the baking dish and sprinkle the mix over them. After baking them, I tasted one and was very disappointed. All I ended up with was a somewhat crispy asparagus stick with a hard, flavorless, crunchy coating. That’s why we gave the asparagus a four out of 10. Next was the Cheesy Potato Casserole. For this, all I did was mix together cheese, frozen hashbrowns, sour cream, and onions and topped it with crushed cornflakes and butter. It was a very simple recipe and very easy to assemble. If you decide to make this dish, BUY A PRECHOPPED ONION. I made the mistake of buying a whole one and was forced to finely chop it up manually when I could have saved a lot of time and tears. After our meal, we agreed that the potatoes were the best dish. It came out looking almost exactly like the picture and tasted as good as we were hoping. That’s we gave the potatoes a 10 out of 10.


If I have learned anything from my addiction to Pinterest, it is this: There is a vast difference between expectation and reality. For our dinner date, I was assigned to make “Brown Sugar and Garlic Chicken” and “Easy Parmesan Bread Knots.” The oh-so-yummy-sounding chicken dish promised way more than it actually delivered. I followed the instructions EXACTLY the way I supposed to, and instead of a crispy, yummy, brown-sugary glazed chicken, I came out with more of a pork chops and gravy look. Not so picture perfect, eh? The taste wasn’t terrible, but it wasn’t great either. I would describe it as your everyday sweet and sour chicken from drive through Chinese place. Not exactly what I had hoped. I would score that recipe a 5 out of a scale of 10. Olivia and Emily would’ve scored it a few notches higher, but I’m convinced they were just being polite. The recipe was fairly easy and super quick, but it it didn’t look so pretty and the taste was, in my opinion, a little funky. The parmesan knots were just OK. They are not your heavenly Ingleside Village Pizza dough knots smothered in garlic and butter. It took me a couple of minutes to figure out how to tie the dough into knots, and they certainly weren’t as cute as the pictures potrayed them to be! I would have gladly settled with easy-peasy frozen Sister Schubert rolls if I had had the option, but you can’t always get what you want. I would rate the knots a 6. Overall, the dinner was fun and we had a good time laughing at our mistakes. In the end, I have lost all confidence in my cooking ability, and maybe in Pinterest itself.


Pinterest is kind of a girl thing. Sorry guys, but it gives us girls something to get excited about while y’all chat about sports and hunting or whatever. But, for those of us who enjoy it, is it all that it’s cracked up to be? That is what Olivia, Mary Helen and I were trying to find out. So we took some scrumptious-looking recipes and put them to the test one day. Pictures can be deceiving, and to tell you the truth, not all the good-looking dishes are all they are cracked up to be. For example, crusted asparagus is not the best idea if you’re trying to impress someone with your cooking skills. My job for the dinner was to make a red velvet poke cake. On the screen it looked divine, and even when I made it, it looked just like the picture. But I cannot express this enough: READ ALL OF THE DIRECTIONS. Truth is this girl didn’t follow the directions like she should have (of course). So here is a helpful hint that will mean ALL the difference: When it says four cups of milk for the pudding mix, make sure you have either two small pudding mixes or one large one. If you decide to do just one pudding mix, then use two cups of milk. Otherwise, you will have one soggy red velvet cake that seems a bit unappetizing (not that I’m talking from experience or anything). Other than that minor little tidbit, this cake is amazing (I have had the cake with the right ratio of pudding to milk before)! I recommend you try the recipe; don’t be scared to attempt it, because it’s actually quite straightforward. I wish you the best in your quest for finding the perfect ratio of milk and pudding mix!


The Saga

Monday, May 13, 2013 Page 10 Seniors Michael Money and Lily Garnett were cast in leading roles in FPD’s spring musical, “Crazy For You.” Below, Garnett begins her solo. Tyler Shores/ The Saga

Seniors bid farewell to FPD theatre Seniors Michael Money and Lily Garnett paired up for their final musical at FPD. BY MARY HELEN DOUGLAS Co-Editor Between costume changes, dress rehearsals and hours of learning special choreography to complex melodies, Michael Money and Lily Garnett have learned to balance it all. The two seniors have definitely worked their way to the top as they recently took on lead roles in the spring musical, “Crazy For You.” Growing up on the stage, Money has been a faithful member of FPD theatre ever since he came to FPD in the eighth grade, serving as a cast member in the oneact play, “30 Reasons Not To Be in a Play.” “It was just a very relaxed show because everyone worked together,” Money said. “There were no lead roles, which made it a really fun show.” After winning region, it was no surprise Money decided to try out for the next play. Garnett began dabbling in FPD theatre in middle school as well, where she performed in FPD’s middle school play, “The Hobbit,” and later found herself cast in her first FPD musical, “Lil’ Abner.” “I remember being scared to death,” Garnett said. “I walked into the audition and it was all these highschoolers, and they were already so much like a big family, but it was really easy to just slip in. The older kids were so accepting.”

For Garnett, theatre became more than just a hobby after she was cast in FPD’s musical, “Fiddler on The Roof” in 2008. After much anticipation and success with the show, it finally “clicked” for Garnett. “This is where I’m supposed to be, and it’s definitely where I want to stay,” Garnett said. Though the duo has been in countless theatre hits at FPD, they will always have their favorite shows close to heart. For Garnett, FPD’s 2012 spring musical, “Godspell” where she was cast as Joanne was one for the books. For Money, “Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat” was his favorite. “That show has been a part of my life forever,” he said. “I have known that soundtrack since before I could walk, and the fact that I got to be Joseph and just get to live everything I’d seen on stage, I knew that show before I even got cast. That was the only show I’ve ever cried over. It was such a good experience.” The two have decided to take their turn on the big

“Not only are they leaders on the stage, but also backstage. They make our group work better.” - Andrew Strickland, FPD Theatre Director

stage as they head off to college in the fall. Money plans to attend Pace University in New York. Garnett will attend Rollins College in Florida, a school known for its fine arts department. FPD fine arts director Andrew Strickland knows the theatre will be losing two strong performers. “Not only are they leaders on stage, but also backstage,” Strickland said. “They make our group work better. They both take direction really well. They both actively look for ways to improve themselves. “They are all in for all our shows. That’s what makes the younger folks who come in want to stay. They really look up to Michael and Lily.”


The Saga

Monday, May 13, 2013 Page 11

Soccer way of life for star Ramirez By EMILY GOLDIN Staff Writer

Chandler Lee/The Saga Conner Albright takes practice swings on the driving range.

Quick Study

Senior Conner Albright took to golf instantly. By WESTIN KOSATER Staff Writer When you think of talented golfers, you most likely think of someone who has been playing since shortly after he learned how to walk. This is not the case with senior Conner Albright. Albright’s golf career actually began in his friend’s backyard during middle school. “One of my closest friends, Brooks Stroud, was on my baseball team and I would go over to his house a lot,” Albright said. “Brooks had been playing golf for a while and one time at his house in his backyard he introduced me to golf. Ever since, I’ve been hooked and have a passion for the game.” His passion for the game does not just include playing golf, but experiencing golf tournaments such as the Masters. “Going to Augusta National was a surreal experience,” he said. “Just to see the history and scenery was incredible. Seeing the best golfers in the world play and have fun was one of my favorite experiences ever.” “Conner is a very driven individual,” golf coach Matt Kitchell

said. “I think he has some natural gifts that God has blessed him with, so he has done very well these past few years.” One of the more difficult aspects of the sport, Albright said, is not so much the physical challenge. Dealing with frustration is equally important. “The mental part of golf is just as important as the swing,” Albright said. “Overcoming slumps and frustrating situations is something all golfers must do.” Albright added that self-control is a critical part of improving. “I try to show self control when I mess up, knowing that getting mad only makes your score worse,” he said. Albright’s drive and performance on the golf course caught the attention of Georgia College, where he will be playing golf next year. “It is an amazing opportunity for me and I’m looking forward to achieving new goals on my golf game,” Albright said. “Georgia College has an excellent program and I’m thrilled to be a part of it.” “I think he’s just getting started,” Kitchell added. “His ceiling is very high.”

From a very young age, Atalia Ramirez started playing soccer. The people at her father’s church taught her how to play, and as a toddler she would play with the big guys from the church. When Ramirez hit sixth grade, she decided to start taking soccer more seriously. She began to commute to Atlanta, driving two hours three times a week to practice soccer with her team. Her skills she acquired through years of hard work and dedication to the sport have paid off tremendously. Ramirez has scored more than 100 goals in her FPD career, an amazing accomplishment. She credits a lot of people with her success, including her first travel coach in Atlanta who taught her toughness. “He is probably one of the most straightforward people you will ever meet in your entire life,” she said. “He kicked me out of practice twice, but he also helped me play through everything.” Her family also has supported her greatly through the years, Ramirez said. Ramirez said the best part of playing soccer is simply sharing the field with her teammates. Her favorite memory is scoring the winning goal for the state championship game two years ago. “The thing that makes her special is she brings her own unique style of play to our team,” FPD coach Josh Trieste said. “She’s one of those players who understands the basics but she’s also got some special skills and things you can’t teach.” Ramirez said she also soccer because it keeps her in shape and gives her something to do outside

Cal Powell/The Saga Atalia Ramirez winds up to take a shot earlier this year. school. “I don’t know what I’d do without it,” Ramirez said. “Sometimes when I don’t have practice and I’m supposed to go home, I’m like ‘This is weird.’ ” Soccer is also going to help pay for Ramirez’s college education. Several schools offered Ramirez an opportunity to play, but she ended up signing with Georgia Southern University last month. Ramirez says she is very excited but also really nervous about the fitness routine she will be required to do. While playing in college won’t be like playing outside her dad’s church, Ramirez’s hard work has gotten her this far and her coaches and teammates seem to think it will carry her to even greather heights in college. For now, Ramirez is enjoying her last high school season of soccer. “Every game we have grown more and more, and our chemistry is getting better,” Ramirez said. “I think we actually have a chance at state again.”

Spring sports teams having a record-breaking season Staff reports

The baseball team set a record for consecutive wins to start a season (17), won the region and entered Wednesday’s second-round playoff series against Darlington with a record of 22-1. Check for details.

Track & Field

Christian Moore finished third in the state 110

hurdles. The girls were set to compete at the state meet as The Saga went to press.


Both teams were in the middle of the GHSA state tournament at press time. The girls (16-1-2) were set to play at Calvary Day on Friday in the third round while the boys (11-61) faced Athens Academy in Wednesday’s second round.


The boys won the sectional and will compete for a state title on May 20. Heidi Park will compete at state as an individual.


The girls team fell to Pace in the first round of the state playoffs. The boys team was set to compete in the state Final Four against host Pace as The Saga went to press.

The Saga

Looking back

As the year winds down, The Saga staff wanted to take a moment to remember some of the highlights of the school year. The students and faculty were all smiles on the first day of school (top left) and we all enjoyed the emotional day of Mr. Walton’s yearbook dedication (right). The FPD baseball team enjoyed an exciting game at Turner Field in April, and who can forget the Fields of Faith event (top right) when students from all over Macon came together to pray for the community? And, of course, Spirit Week and Powder Puff and all of the great fine arts performances. What a year, indeed.

Monday, May 13, 2013 Page 12

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