Past Divisional winners
a hallmark
B Baptist Medical Center
C Missouri Public Service
D Cerner Corporation
E nCaa
a hallmark
B Lawyers association
C 20th Century
D Cerner Corporation
E nCaa
a hallmark
B yellow Freight
C Cerner Corporation
D arthur andersen
E Baird, kurtz & Dobson
1993 a hallmark
B 20th Century
C Cerner Corporation
D Lee apparel
E Seaboard Corporation
1994 a hallmark
B 20th Century
C Cerner Corporation
D arthur andersen
a Black & Veatch
B Cerner Corporation
C Winning Ways
D nCaa
E Seaboard Corporation
a Saint Luke’s health System
B Cerner Corporation
C Winning Ways/Gear For Sports
D nCaa
E Seaboard Corporation
a hallmark
B Cerner Corporation
C uS army Corps of Engineers
D nCaa
E Seaboard Corporation
F Barkley & Evergreen
a hallmark
B Cerner Corporation
C Worldspan
D hnTB Corporation
E Seaboard Corporation
F root Dental Lab
a hallmark
B Cerner Corporation
C uS army Corps of Engineers
D Skillpath Seminars
E Seaboard Corporation
F Fort Dodge animal health
a Sprint
B yellow Corporation
C uS army Corps of Engineers
D Midwest research Institute
E Geoaccess, Inc.
F Seaboard Corporation
G Westlake ace hardware
a hallmark Cards, Inc.
B yellow Corporation
C u.S. army Corps of Engineers
D Midwest research Institute
F Seaboard Corporation
G Bridge Information Systems
a Cerner
B universal underwriters Group
C Worldspan
D Midwest research Institute
E u.S. Central Credit union
F Westlake ace hardware
G reuters america
a hallmark Cards, Inc.
B Labone
C hnTB Corporation
D Midwest research Institute
E u.S. Central Credit union
G reuters america
h Mercer human resources Consulting
a hallmark Cards, Inc.
B Burns & McDonnell
C Procter & Gamble
D uS Central
E henderson Engineers
G reuters america
h Mercer human resource Consulting
a Sprint
B Burns & McDonnell
C kC Marines
D Midwest research Institute
E henderson Engineers
G reuters
h SMG/Threewide
50 | Kansas City Corporate Challenge • 2024
a Sprint nextel Corporation
B Burns & McDonnell
C GE Insurance Solutions
E henderson Engineers
F Perceptive Software
G Boice-raidl rhea
h xenoTech
a Sprint nextel Corporation
B Burns & McDonnell
C Lockton Companies
D Swiss re
E Perceptive Software
F Brr architecture
G Service Management Group
h SunGard
a Sprint
B Burns & McDonnell
C Lockton
D Ferrellgas
E John Deere
F Brr architecture
h athletic rehabilitation Center
a Sprint nextel
B Burns & McDonnell
C hnTB Corporation
D Swiss re
E applebee’s
F Brr architecture
G Turner Construction
h athletic rehabilitation Center (arC)
a Cerner
B Burns & McDonnell
C Swiss re
D Perceptive Software
E applebee’s Services, Inc.
F Brr architecture
G Turner Construction
h athletic rehabilitation Center
a Cerner Corporation
B Burns & McDonnell
C Swiss re
D MrIGlobal
F Service Management Group
G Turner Construction
h Balance Innovation
a Cerner Corporation
B Burns & McDonnell
C Swiss re
D MrIGlobal
F kC underdogs
G Service Management Group
h Pro athlete, Inc.
a Cerner Corporation
C Perceptive Software
D MrIGlobal
E Ferrellgas
F Service Management Group
G Pro athlete, Inc.
h xenometrics, LLC
a Cerner Corporation
B Freightquote
C Swiss re
D Ferrellgas
F Brr architecture, Inc.
G kC underdogs
h Pro athlete, Inc.
a Cerner Corporation
B Freightquote
C aMC Theatres
D Ferrellgas
E Service Management Group, Inc.
F Pain Train
G xenometrics, LLC/Vitalograph
h Pro athlete, Inc.
a Cerner
B Freightquote/C.h robinson
C Lexmark
D henderson Engineers, Inc.
E Ferrellgas
F Pain Train
G Sega, Inc.
h xenometrics/Vitalograph
I Pro athlete, Inc.
a Cerner
B Farmers Insurance Group
C JE Dunn Construction Company
D henderson Engineers
E Pain Train
F Service Management Group
G Brr architecture
h Marine Corps Information Technology Center
I Pro athlete
a Cerner Corporation
B Freightquote
C aMC Theatres
D henderson Engineers
E Pain Train
F MrIGlobal
G Design resources, Inc.
h Marine Corps Information Technology Center
I Pro athlete, Inc.
a Garmin International
B Farmers Insurance Group
C aMC Theatres
D Pain Train
E Service Management Group
G Design resources, Inc
h Citoxlab
I Pro athlete, Inc.
Due to CoVID-19 Pandemic, k ansas City Corporate Challenge Games were cancelled.
a Burns & McDonnell
B naIC & nIPr
C MrIGlobal
D hoefer Welker
a Garmin
B Pain Train
C naIC & nIPr
D MrIGlobal
E Service Management Group
F PayIt
G Intrepid Direct Insurance
a Garmin
B kiewit
C naIC & nIPr
D nbkc bank
E MrIGlobal
F PoWEr Engineers
G kC Power Pack
h Bungii
Kansas City Corporate Challenge • 2024 | 51
Men’s 3-on-3 Basketball
Division a: Burns & McDonnell
Division B: kiewit
Division C: JE Dunn Construction
Division D: SelectQuote Insurance Services
Division E: Populous
Division F: Truhome Solutions
Division G: QTS realty Trust
Division h: Bungii
women’s 3-on-3 Basketball
Division a: Garmin
Division B: Pain Train
Division C: huhtamaki, Inc.
Division D: MrIGlobal
Division E: Service Management Group
Division F: rally house
Division G: ECCo Select Division h: Bungii
Men’s Bike race
18-24: Ian Williamson, Garmin
25-29: Jordan Miller, Garmin
30-34: Walter Summars, Garmin ...........
35-39: Michael Drackert, PPS Services Group
40-44: Joe riedesel, BnSF railway 6:26
45-49: Patrick orrick, Children’s Mercy k ansas City ........
50-54: tige lamb, City of Shawnee ..........
60-64: Brent roper, naIC & nIPr
65+: Terry Crawford, aMC Theatres
women’s Bike race
18-24: hailey Smith, rally house ........... 9:00
25-29: kirsten Dusterhoft, rally house ..... 6:53
30-34: Sarah napolitano, ECCo Select 7:19
35-39: Megan albin, Federal reserve Bank of k ansas City 7:22
40-44: Layne anonsen, Service Management Group ........ 7:49
45-49: Teri Stewart, City of overland Park 7:57
50-54: Janine herling, Dh Pace 8:18
55-59: Lisa Schmucker, naIC & nIPr 8:26
60-64: Teresa Jarzemkoski, BlueScope Buildings ................ 8:06
65+: k atherine Pickering, h&r Block 9:08
52 | Kansas City Corporate Challenge • 2024
55-59: Bernd abele,
Men’s team Bowling Division a: uMB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,451 Division B: h&r Block 2,337 Division C: associated Wholesale Grocers, Inc. 2,267 Division D: McCown Gordon Construction 2,256 Division E: Cboe Global Markets 1,826 Division F: harcros ........................... 2,220 Division G: ad astra 2,025 Division h: Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline, Inc 2,065 women’s team Bowling Division a: Commerce Bank 1,909 Division B: h&r Block 1,904 Division C: naIC & nIPr ....................... 1,822 Division D: huhtamaki, Inc. 1,501 Division E: MrIGlobal......................... 1,710 Division F: Design resources, Inc 1,623 Division G: Trabon 1,504 Division h: optiv Security ..................... 1,454 Coed team Bowling Division a: Burns & McDonnell ................ 2,307 Division B: Spectrum/ Charter Communications .......... 2,388 Division C: Dh Pace 2,178 Division D: Seaboard 2,006 Division E: Cboe Global Markets 1,638 Division F: Veterans united home Loans 2,041 Division G: SCor Global Life americas ......... 1,826 Division h: optiv Security 1,741 Men’s individual Bowling Division a: anthony Santoyo, uMB 741 Division B: Teon hogan, Spectrum/ Charger Communications 682 Division C: Bryan Fields, Dh Pace 685 Division D: Travis Lambert, Travelers Insurance... 726 Division E: howard rupard, MilliporeSigma 610 Division F: Mark Benkkovich, harcros ........... 676 Division G: Don Glasscock, new york Life Insurance Co 614 Division h: Southern Star Gas Pipeline, Inc –Freddy Patrida 692 women’s individual Bowling Division a: kara roberts, Black & Veatch 642 Division B: karen herrin, GEha .................. 622 Division C: Stephanie Chapman, Dh Pace 613 Division D: Susan koetters, nbkc bank 621 Division E: MeiLing Billingsley, MrIGlobal ....... 555 Division F: allyson Ware, unite Private networks .............. 521 Division G: Stacy Steinhauer, TranSystems 537 Division h: Julie McCook, The robert E Miller Insurance agency ................... 517
results by event KCCC
2023 results by event (continued)
Division a: Burns & McDonnell
Division B: kiewit
Division C: henderson Engineers
Division D: SelectQuote Insurance Services
Division E: Cboe Global Markets
Division F: P1 Group, Inc.
Division G: hoefer Welker
Division h: optiv Security
Division a: Vincent Smith, City of k ansas City, Missouri Division
45-49: Michael Bartkowki, nbkc bank 1:25:19.80
50-54: David Tarvin, Burns & McDonnell ............1:29:44.60
55-59: anthony Graves, MhC (Murphy-hoffman Company) 1:51:18.80
60-64: Brent roper, naIC & nIPr ......1:31:44.90
65+: robert harber, Garmin 1:39:21.30
women’s half Marathon
18-24: Chloe Webb, new york Life Insurance Co 2:04:27.90
25-29: Chandler Carreon, Children’s Mercy k ansas City 1:25:58.60
30-34: Tonya Williams, Garmin 1:45:21.70
35-39: Claire Elson, Children’s Mercy k ansas City 1:31:20.80
40-44: Debra Wray, Burns & McDonnell 1:50:07.60
45-49: nicole Dingley, ad astra 1:52:14.60
50-54: Shannon Zanelli, SelectQuote Insurance Services 1:39:33.20
55-59: Jenny Wilson, Evergy ..........2:03:07.90
60-64: Maria Brown, naIC & nIPr 1:54:52.70
65+: kim olson, EPa region 7 2:09:40.00
Men’s horseshoes
Division a: Paul Camarata, City of k ansas City, Missouri .... 52 r7 Lr4
Division B: Brent Champion, Communityamerica Credit union .................. 39 r1 Lr1
Division C: George hanson, BlueScope Buildings 62 r15 Lr4
Division D: Dennis Bales, Fike Corporation 61 r15 Lr3
Division E: Joe Garcia, MilliporeSigma ..... 31 r9 Lr2
Division F: Tom Dwyer, unite Private networks 45 r4 Lr2
Division G: Bill Cooper, Trabon ............ 43 r7 Lr3
Division h: George higgins, nSPT architects ............... 29 r2 Lr1
women’s horseshoes
Division a: Lori k ane, Children’s Mercy k ansas City 31 r4 Lr2
Division B: kait Fox, Communityamerica Credit union .................. 34 r2 Lr1
Division C: Julie Gann, naIC & nIPr 40 r5 Lr2
Division D: Lauren Boal, nbkc bank ........ 31 r3 Lr2
Division E: Sue Campbell, City of Shawnee 63 r13 Lr4
Division F: ashley Essman, Dimensional Innovations 39 r5 Lr2
Division G: Becky Bingman, Grundfos ..... 26 r1 Lr1
Division h: Missy Fisher, keyhole Software 20 r3 Lr1
Division a: Garmin
Division B: kiewit
Division C: naIC & nIPr
Division D: SeletQuote Insurance Services
Division E: northPoint Development
Division F: Service Management Group
Division G: kC Power Pack
Division h: Trident Co. Kansas City Corporate Challenge • 2024 | 53
B: Mariano
Division C: Scott Grummert, henderson Engineers, Inc. Division D: James Punches, nbkc bank Division E: Bill Mattucks, MuLTIVaC Division F: Scott Sibson, PoWEr Engineers Division G: Steve osborn, Trabon Division h: Michael allenbrand, optiv Security women’s Darts
Ella, kiewit
a: Tonya Wels, Commerce
B: Jennifer Madsen, Custom Truck one Source Division C: Sarah Lagrece, PnC Bank Division D: Terri Goble, Deloitte LLP Division E: Meghan Maher, rally house Division F: Madison Gordon, PoWEr Engineers Division G: kim Greiner, Go Local Interactive Division h: rachel White, Trident Co. Men’s Disc golf Division a: Garmin 41 Division B: Freightquote & C.h robinson 43 Division C: MhC (Murphy-hoffman Company)/ Spire ................................. 46 Division D: Missouri Department of Transportation 40 Division E: JCPrD 41 Division F: Veterans united home Loans 45 Division G: PayIt ................................. 44 Division h: regal Distributing & WinPro Solutions ..................... 48 women’s Disc golf Division a: Black & Veatch ....................... 57 Division B: kiewit 63 Division C: hnTB Corporation 65 Division D: huhtamaki, Inc........................ 69 Division E: John Deere 57 Division F: Service Management Group .......... 59 Division G: Trabon 58 Division h: nSPJ architects 77 fishing Division a: Garmin ........................ 25.49 lbs Division B: yellow ......................... 20.88 lbs Division C: EPa region 7 13.67 lbs Division D: Fike Corporation 10.95 lbs Division E: Cboe Global Investments ....... 15.23 lbs Division F: Dimensional Innovations 15.23 lbs Division G: Trabon 9.17 lbs Division h: PPS Services Group ............. 10.19 lbs
Division a: Burns & McDonnell Division B: kiewit Division C: Dh Pace Division D: nbkc bank Division E: northPoint Development Division F: Service Management Group Division G: ad astra Division h: Bungii Men’s golf Division a: Commerce Bank 64 Division B: h&r Block 60 Division C: BlueScope Buildings .................. 62 Division D: C2Fo 63 Division E: helzberg Diamonds 66 Division F: Brr architecture, Inc. ................. 64 Division G: rubinBrown, LLP 65 Division h: renaissance Festival 65 women’s golf Division a: Children’s Mercy k ansas City 72 Division B: american Century Investments 71 Division C: Edward Jones ........................ 79 Division D: Zurich Insurance Group .............. 75 Division E: ForVIS 34 Division F: Spotlight analyst relations 37 Division G: IMa .................................. 80 Division h: renaissance Financial 73
half Marathon
Bank Division
flag football
Gabe Luebbert, Black & Veatch 1:42:52.60
William Graham, Burns & McDonnell ............1:14:19.80
Joshua Inman, Federal reserve Bank of k ansas City 1:18:06.30
addison albin, kiewit 1:18:24.40
Justin Lyons,
2023 results by event (continued)
Men’s Doubles Pickelball
Division a: Federal reserve Bank of k ansas City
Division B: Freightquote & C.h robinson
Division C: aMC Theatres
Division D: SelectQuote Insurance Services
Division E: ForVIS
Division F: Service Management Group
Division G: Palmer Square & kC Current
Division h: Bungii
women’s Doubles Pickelball
Division a: Garmin
Division B: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of k ansas City
Division C: aMC Theatres
Division D: Stowers Institute for Medical research
Division E: northPoint Development
Division F: CrossFirst Bank
Division G: Children’s hospital association
Division h: newkirk novak Construction Partners
Mixed Doubles Pickelball
Division a: Children’s Mercy k ansas City
Division B: Custom Truck one Source
Division C: hnTB Corporation
Division D: Deloitte LLP
Division E: helzberg Diamonds
Division F: Brr architecture, Inc.
Division G: Grundfos
Division h: renaissance Financial
Men’s Pool
Division a: robert Becker, City of k ansas City, Missouri
Division B: Mike Burney, City of overland Park
Division C: Zach Fatool, Bayer
Division D: Brian Walker, Fike Corporation
Division E: richard Petty, MuLTIVaC
Division F: keith Pipkin, Truhome Solutions
Division G: aaron Moore, TranSystems
Division h: Jonas henkensiefken, onspring
women’s Pool
Division a: Laura Langham, Black & Veatch
Division B: Eryn Williams, yellow
Division C: Tiffany Doenges, naIC & nIPr
Division D: Donna Craven, SelectQuote Insurance Services
Division E: alana Dean, northPoint Development
Division F: april Green, Imperial PFS
Division G: Bryna Vibar, Cloud Inventory
Division h: kim Ellis, optiv Security
4v4 Coed Soccer
Division a: Burns & McDonnell
Division B: h&r Block
Division C: naIC & nIPr
Division D: McCownGordon Construction
Division E: northPoint Development
Division F: CrossFirst Bank
Division G: Palmer Square & kC Current
Division h: Bungii
Coed Softball
Division a: Burns & McDonnell
Division B: kiewit
Division C: hnTB Corporation
Division D: McCownGordon Construction
Division E: City of Shawnee
Division F: Veterans united home Loans
Division G: QTS realty Trust
Division h: renaissance Financial
Men’s Swimming 50-Yard freestyle
18-24: noah Witzki, american Century Investments .... 21.57
25-29: Brian Stiles, Grundfos 20.96
30-34: uldis Tazans, JCPrD ................ 21.99
35-39: J.r. Pyle, Swiss re 24.43
40-44: Michael Groff, Communityamerica Credit union 25.27
45-49: Brian Johnston, Sogeti & Garver 25.02
50-54: Pete Deardorff, MrIGlobal ......... 25.72
55-59: John rosson, Johnson County, kS 27.84
60-64: Doyt Ladd, uMB ................... 26.91
65+ : Bill Sherman, Mazuma Credit union 25.18
women’s Swimming 50-Yard freestyle
18-24: kylie Miller, Federal reserve Bank of k ansas City ................ 28.86
25-29: Brianna McCullough, Burns & McDonnell 25.70
30-34: Samantha Feulner, Garmin 26.71
35-39: Cara Belcher, Veterans united home Loans ...... 28.82
40-44: Erin olaughlin, Sunflower Medical Group .......... 29.02
45-49: ana nixon, Federal reserve Bank of k ansas City 30.69
50-54: kirby McDaniel, WellSky ........... 31.74
55-59: Lori Terzopoulos, american Century Investments .... 30.94
60-64: Linda Cosgrove, associated Wholesale Grocers, Inc. 40.91
65+ : Linda Sharp, Children’s Mercy k ansas City 41.31
Men’s Swimming 50-Yard Backstroke
18-24: noah Witzki, american Century Investment 23.22
25-29: Griffin Schaetzle, Garmin 23.60
30-34: uldis Tazans, JCPrD 25.05
35-39: J.r. Pyle, Swiss re 27.51
40-44: Eric Falk, City of k ansas City, Missouri 31.21
45-49: kevin ringo, Johnson County, kS ... 33.64
50-54: Tony rezek, Burns & McDonnell 29.48
55-59: Brian Gillespie, Dh Pace 36.51
60-64: Jeff Chase, Walz Tetrick advertising 31.72
65+ : Bill Sherman, Mazuma Credit union 31.65
women’s Swimming 50-Yard Backstroke
18-24: Steph Platt, accenture 32.12
25-29: Brianna McCullough, Burns & McDonnell ................ 28.84
30-34: Samantha Feulner, Garmin 31.25
35-39: Cara Belcher, Veterans united home Loans 34.41
40-44: Sarah Lagergren, Children’s Mercy k ansas City ....... 32.84
45-49: ana nixon, Federal reserve Bank of k ansas City ................ 37.42
50-54: kirby McDaniel, WellSky 37.94
55-59: Lori Terzopoulos, american Century Investments .... 37.84
60-64: Linda Cosgrove, associated Wholesale Grocers, Inc. ............ 49.08
65+ : Lu Bever, Burns & McDonnell 55.74
Men’s Swimming 50-Yard Breaststroke
18-24: Joseph McLean, Stowers Institute for Medical research 28.38
25-29: Dan Maynard, Burns & McDonnell .. 28.69
30-34: uldis Tazans, JCPrD 26.96
35-39: J.r. Pyle, Swiss re .................. 32.73
40-44: Steven kern, Burns & McDonnell 32.69
45-49: Ted Mabie, Garmin 35.36
50-54: Tony rezek, Burns & McDonnell 29.28
55-59: rob Poste, Garmin 35.40
60-64: Pete Lund, naIC & nIPr ............ 36.43
65+ : Bill Sherman, Mazuma Credit union ............. 34.50 54 | Kansas City Corporate Challenge • 2024
2023 results by event (continued)
women’s Swimming 50-Yard Breaststroke
18-24: kylie Miller, Federal reserve Bank of k ansas City 38.02
25-29: Samantha See, u.S. army Corps of Engineers 35.81
30-34: Jean Bray, Burns & McDonnell 33.73
35-39: Cara Belcher, Veterans united home Loans ...... 37.61
40-44: kelli Teson, Children’s Mercy k ansas City ....... 37.52
45-49: ann Crosby, MrIGlobal ............ 47.78
50-54: Carolyn Walters, GEha ............. 44.41
55-59: Lori Terzopoulos, american Century Investments .... 44.11
60-64: Bridget Breen, unite Private networks 48.95
65+ : Sheila Moe, Communityamerica Credit union 56.71
Men’s Swimming 50-Yard Butterfly
18-24: noah Witzki, american Century Investments 22.89
25-29: Brian Stiles, Grundfos 23.56
30-34: Ben Bravence, uMB 23.58
35-39: J.r. Pyle, Swiss re 24.96
40-44: William Lichtenberger, PayIt 29.14
45-49: Chris Deffenbaugh, hDr ........... 30.53
50-54: Tony rezek, Burns & McDonnell .... 27.58
55-59: John hutchinson, WellSky ......... 30.84
60-64: Doyt Ladd, uMB ................... 30.08
65+ : Bill Sherman, Mazuma Credit union ............. 29.87
women’s Swimming 50-Yard Butterfly
18-24: kylie Miller, Federal reserve Bank of k ansas City 29.61
25-29: Bonnie Longan, Garmin 29.64
30-34: Margaret, Bourquin, WellSky 33.03
35-39: Cara Belcher, Veterans united home Loans 31.44
40-44: kelli Teson, Children’s Mercy k ansas City 30.88
45-49: Summer kesinger, Mars Petcare 39.12
50-54: kirby McDaniel, WellSky 35.88
55-59: Lori Terzopoulos, american Century Investments .... 33.74
60-64: Linda Cosgrove, associated Wholesale Grocers, Inc. . 51.95
65+ : Cheryl Perkins, k ansas City Va Medical Center ..... 55.63
Men’s Swimming 100-Yard freestyle
18-24: noah Witzki, american Century Investments 48.12
25-29: Brian Stiles, Grundfos 46.67
30-34: Ben Bravence, uMB 48.08
35-39: J.r. Pyle, Swiss re 52.84
40-44: Michael Groff, Communityamerica Credit union 56.61
45-49: Brian Johnston, Sogeti & Garver 56.46
50-54: Tony rezek, Burns & McDonnell .... 57.80
55-59: Jim Genis, Spotlight analyst relations ...... 1:04.14
60-64: Jeff Chase, Walz Tetrick advertising 1:02.08
65+ : Bill Sherman, Mazuma Credit union 57.46
women’s Swimming 100-Yard freestyle
18-24: kylie Miller, Federal reserve Bank of k ansas City 1:02.71
25-29: rachel nordstrom, Swiss re 1:01.88
30-34: Samantha Feulner, Garmin 59.40
35-39: Cara Belcher, Veterans united home Loans 1:02.97
40-44: kelli Teson, Children’s Mercy k ansas City ..... 1:03.65
45-49: Summer kesinger, Mars Petcare... 1:12.54
50-54: kirby McDaniel, WellSky ......... 1:10.97
55-59: Lori Terzopoulos, american Century Investments .. 1:09.68
60-64: Linda Cosgrove, associated Wholesale Grocers, Inc. 1:33.97
65+ : Sheila Moe, Communityamerica Credit union 1:48.23
Men’s Swimming 100-Yard individual Medley
18-24: noah Witzki, american Century Investments 54.25
25-29: Brian Stiles, Grundfos 55.64
30-34: uldis Tazans, JCPrD 53.55
35-39: J.r. Pyle, Swiss re 59.90
40-44: Michael Groff, Communityamerica Credit union .................... 1:06.07
45-49: Chris Collins, Populous........... 1:15.03
50-54: Tony rezek, Burns & McDonnell .. 1:02.91
55-59: rob Poste, Garmin ............... 1:11.33
60-64: Doyt Ladd, uMB 1:10.29
65+ : Bill Sherman, Mazuma Credit union 1:07.83
women’s Swimming 100-Yard individual Medley
18-24: kylie Miller, Federal reserve Bank of k ansas City 1:11.49
25-29: Brianna McCullough, Burns & McDonnell 1:05.31
30-34: Samantha Feulner, Garmin 1:13.86
35-39: Cara Belcher, Veterans united home Loans .... 1:12.81
40-44: kelli Teson, Children’s Mercy k ansas City ..... 1:11.69
45-49: allison Dickeson, Travelers Insurance 1:26.76
50-54: kirby McDaniel, WellSky 1:22.56
55-59: Lori Terzopoulos, american Century Investments 1:22.22
60-64: Linda Cosgrove, associated Wholesale Grocers, Inc. 1:50.16
65+ : Sheila Moe, Communityamerica Credit union 2:06.18
Coed Swimming 200-Yard freestyle relay
Division B: Communityamerica
Men’s table tennis Singles
Division B: yellow
Division C: aMC Theatres
Division D: americo
Division E: Swiss re
Division F: auto alert
Division G: IMa
Division h: Multi Service Fuel Card
women’s table tennis Singles
Division a: Burns & McDonnell
Division B: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of k ansas City
Division C: aMC Theatres
Division D: Stowers Institute for Medical research
Division E: northPoint Development
Division F: rxSavings Solutions
Division G: Intrepid Direct Insurance
Division h: rosnet
table tennis Mixed Doubles
Division a: Garmin
Division B: yellow
Division C: aMC Theatres
Division D: Stowers Institute for Medical research
Division E: northPoint Development
Division F: rxSavings Solutions
Division G: Grundfos
Division h: Multi Service Fuel Card Kansas City Corporate Challenge • 2024 | 55
a: Burns & McDonnell ..............
1:59.89 Division C: JE Dunn Construction 1:55.91 Division D: WellSky 2:00.59 Division E: northPoint Development ........ 1:49.98 Division F: Dimensional Innovations 2:10.09 Division G: Signal Theory ................... 2:05.43 Division h: renaissance Financial 2:11.70
Medley relay Division a: Burns & McDonnell 1:49.33 Division B: Communityamerica Credit union .................... 2:11.35 Division C: JE Dunn Construction 2:16.99 Division D: WellSky ......................... 2:17.45 Division E: Swiss re 2:16.10 Division F: Dimensional Innovations 2:28.74 Division G: Signal Theory ................... 2:26.07 Division h: nSPJ architects 2:31.95
Coed Swimming 200-Yard
results by event (continued)
Men’s tennis Singles
Division a: anil Patel, Garmin
Division B: yaswanth Mylavarapu, netsmart
Division C: austin Brooks, JE Dunn Construction
Division D: Collin klumb, SelectQuote Insurance Services
Division E: Mike Merchant, rally house
Division F: Stewart Waters, Veterans united home Loans
Division G: Farham Sadique, Go Local Interactive
Division h: Joe Ibarra, Falcon Wealth advisors
women’s tennis Singles
Division a: Jennifer Love, Johnson County, kS
Division B: Michelle hall, Freightquote & C.h robinson
Division C: amalie nolan, BlueScope Buildings
Division D: kate Mullen, Stowers Institute for Medical research
Division E: Caroline Pozo, northPoint Development
Division F: Jordan holt, Service Management Group
Division G: Vicki Mckeone, IMa
Division h: no Entrant
60-64: Gary Wheeler, Burns & McDonnell 14.034
65-69: Clint Jones, Burns & McDonnell ... 15.044
70+ : Bruce Duffin, City of k ansas City, Missouri 16.568
women’s track & field 100 Meter Dash
18-24: Justine ambrosio, american Century Investments 15.112
25-29: halle hamilton, Burns & McDonnell 14.266
30-34: Melody Johnson, kC Power Park 14.887
35-39: Tikia Constantine, EPa region 7 ... 13.904
40-44: Brittany knight, MrIGlobal 14.945
45-49: nikki holladay, PnC Bank ......... 15.249
50-54: Melanie Gross, SelectQuote Insurance Services 17.278
55-59: k athi Smith, Commerce Bank ..... 16.140
60-64: Valerie hill, Burns & McDonnell 16.620
65-69: Brenda Myles, Commerce Bank ... 20.134
70+ : hope Green, MrIGlobal 23.594
Men’s track & field 400 Meter run
18-24: Cameron Fasenmyer, Burns & McDonnell 53.522
25-29: nick Bartels, Garmin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.577
30-34: Jacob Schultze, Black & Veatch 53.511
35-39: Matt Ponzer, Garmin .............. 55.894
40-44: John kenkel, Garmin 59.390
45-49: Christopher Isaacson, Cboe Global Markets ............. 57.358
50-54: Phil ratterman, Cboe Global Markets ............. 58.615
55-59: Joe ratterman, Cboe Global Markets 1:01.980
60-64: Brent roper, naIC & nIPr 1:09.138
65-69: Stan McCormack, Evergy 1:15.377
70+ : Gayle Van Durme, Black & Veatch 1:18.493
women’s track & field 400 Meter run
18-24: robyn MacDonald, Veterans united home Loans 1:05.556
25-29: alex koschel, MhC (Murphy-hoffman Company) 1:07.866
30-34: Jenna Gonzales, Veterans united home Loans 1:09.299
35-39: abbey Breshears, russell Stover Chocolates ....... 1:07.148
40-44: Marcia Espinosa-Gore, Populous ...................... 1:18.613
45-49: Liz Eblen, Garmin 1:09.424
50-54: Dallas Perry, aMC Theatres 1:28.705
55-59: Lisa Schmucker, naIC & nIPr 1:28.773
60-64: Maria Brown, naIC & nIPr 1:21.757
65-69: Linda Sharp, Children’s Mercy k ansas City 1:27.662
70+ : hope Green, MrIGlobal ......... 2:09.258
Men’s track & field Mile run
18-24: Joseph Dicke, Garmin........... 4:39.690
25-29: Luke Salsbury, Black & Veatch 4:47.000
30-34: Ben Garrison, americo 4:54.600
35-39: Matt Ponzer, Garmin 5:04.700
40-44: Jeremiah Estes, Garmin 5:10.500
45-49: Michael Barkoski, nbkc bank .... 4:52.100
50-54: Bob Zuch, Garmin 5:38.200
55-59: Joe ratterman, Cboe Global Markets 6:16.800
60-64: Brent roper, naIC & nIPr 5:42.800
65-69: Stan McCormack, Evergy........ 5:53.400
70+ : Gayle Van Durme, Black & Veatch ................. 6:29.300
women’s track & field Mile run
18-24: k atie Stapleton, Garmin ......... 5:40.00
25-29: Camryn McDonald, Burns & McDonnell 6:09.400
30-34: kristina keehn, JCPrD .......... 6:33.900
35-39: Brett nickisch, k ansas City Va Medical Center .. 5:43.700
40-44: k aren Watkins, Garmin 6:11.400
45-49: Cara adreon, Black & Veatch 6:52.300
50-54: Dallas Perry, aMC Theaters ...... 7:56.500
55-59: Lisa Schmucker, naIC & nIPr 7:36.200
60-64: Maria Brown, naIC & nIPr ...... 6:47.900
65-69: Linda Sharp, Children’s Mercy k ansas City 7:32.500
70+ : hope Green, MrIGlobal 11:18.200
track & field Sprint Medley relay
Division a: Garmin ........................ 1:46.319
Division B: kiewit 2:09.162
Division C: naIC & nIPr .................... 1:58.999
Division D: nbkc bank 1:57.347
Division E: Cboe Global Markets ........... 1:56.898
Division F: hDr 1:56.014
Division G: QTS realty Trust 2:00.651
Division h: Bungii ......................... 2:06.894
track & field Distance Medley relay
Division a: Garmin ........................ 7:52.787
Division B: kiewit 9:26.482
Division C: MhC (Murphy-hoffman Company) 9:25.766
Division D: nbkc bank 9:07.236
Division E: helzberg Diamonds ............ 9:23.288
Division F: Spotlight analyst relations 8:43.196
Division G: kC Power Pack ................. 9:50.600
Division h: Trident Co. 10:08.800 56 | Kansas City Corporate Challenge • 2024
a: Garmin ........................... 36:58 Division B: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of k ansas City 41:09 Division C: naIC & nIPr 43:28 Division D: SelectQuote Insurance Services 42:41 Division E: MilliporeSigma .................... 44:58 Division F: hDr 45:49 Division G: kC Power Pack .................... 44:37 Division h: Bungii 47:22
team Duathlon Division
18-24: Brett Sheehy, Garmin 11.514
nick Bartels, Garmin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.278
Men’s track & field 100 Meter Dash
Jacob Schultze, Black & Veatch 11.386
ray Campbell, Travelers Insurance 12.091
John Drake, Garmin 12.630
Erick haggins, City of k ansas City, Missouri 13.452
Mark Quinn,
Joe ratterman, Cboe Global Markets 13.700
track & field Mile relay
Division C: MhC (Murphy-hoffman Company) 4:38.699
Division D:
Men’s Long Jump
women’s Long Jump
Men’s Shot Put
18-29: nathaniel Cummings, kiewit
30-39: Scott Fischer, Burns & McDonnell 45-11
40-49: Mike nannings, h&r Block 43-9 3/4
50+: Wayman Caldwell, yellow ...... 40-11 1/4
women’s Shot Put
18-29: Desarae Silvers, k ansas City Va Medical Center 33-11
30-39: Megan Crutchfield, Travelers Insurance ............. 31-1 1/4
40-49: Michelle Carter, hDr ................ 35-4
50+: robin kloster, Dh Pace 23-8
Men’s 5K run
18-24: Joseph Dicke, Garmin 15:57.60
25-29: William Graham, Burns & McDonnell ............. 15:30.20
30-34: Joshua Inman, Federal reserve Bank of k ansas City 16:10.00
35-39: Matt Ponzer, Garmin 16:54.20
40-44: Matt Schmidt, City of overland Park, kS ........ 17:20.10
45-49: Mike Bonham, Federal reserve Bank of k ansas City 16:57.80
50-54: herb Mason, nbkc bank 18:48.90
55-59: Stan ujka, BnSF railway 21:12.00
60-64: Brent roper, naIC & nIPr 19:15.30
65-69: Stan McCormack, Evergy........ 19:12.50
70+ : Gayle Van Durme, Black & Veatch 23:12.40
women’s 5K run
18-24: k atie Stapleton, Garmin ........ 18:58.50
25-29: amy regan, Garmin 17:55.50
30-34: Sydney Tremaine, Garmin 20:23.90
35-39: Emily hurley, Children’s Mercy k ansas City 19:11.10
40-44: k aren Watkins, Garmin.......... 20:26.00
45-49: Liz Eblen, Garmin 23:06.90
50-54: rebecca Sommers, Garmin ..... 20:25.70
55-59: Lisa Schmucker, naIC & nIPr 23:53.70
60-64: Maria Brown, naIC & nIPr 23:20.40
65-69: Linda Sharp, Children’s Mercy k ansas City 25:04.90
70+: hope Green, MrIGlobal ......... 39:56.70
Men’s trapshooting
Division a: Josh Frasher, Burns & McDonnell 48 lr 26
Division B: Dana huffer, Freightquote & C.h. robinson ................... 47 lr 24
Division C: albert Sheldon, MhC (Murphy-hoffman Company) .... 48 lr 24
Division D: Matthew Cromer, Dairy Farmers of america 43 lr 22
Division E: Todd albers, helzberg Diamonds 49 lr 46
Division F: Joe Waldeier, harcros ............ 49 lr 41
Division G: Corey Parr, kC Power Pack 34 lr 8
Division h: Travis Walborn, optiv Security 41 lr 11
women’s trapshooting
Division a: annique Mullins, Children’s Mercy k ansas City ..... 46 lr 22
Division B: Miranda Coffey, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of k ansas City........ 43 lr 14
Division C: Cheryl (Cheri) Pickett, aMC Theatres 42 lr 16
Division D: Sharenda Birts, TreviPay............23 lr 6
Division E: kelli Broers, Cboe Global Markets ............ 33 lr 12
Division F: Jessica Lackey, Community Blood Center 46 lr 24
Division G: kristy Fishburn, Grundfos 28 lr 8
Division h: keil unsderfer, Bungii 41 lr 16
team tug-of-war
Division a: Burns & McDonnell
Division B: Custom Truck one Source
Division C: naIC & nIPr
Division D: nbkc bank
Division E: MrIGlobal
Division F: PoWEr Engineers
Division G: hoefer Welker
Division h: Bungii
2023 results by event (continued)
Men’s volleyball
Division a: Garmin
Division B: kiewit
Division C: Dh Pace
Division D: SelectQuote Insurance Services
Division E: MrIGlobal
Division F: Service Management Group
Division G: kC Power Pack
Division h: Falcon Wealth advisors
women’s volleyball
Division a: Garmin
Division B: h&r Block
Division C: henderson Engineers
Division D: McCownGordon Construction
Division E: northPoint Development
Division F: PoWEr Engineers
Division G: kC Power Pack
Division h: renaissance Financial
team weightlifting
Division a: Burns & McDonnell
Division B: yellow ..........................
Division C: aMC
Division D: Travelers Insurance .............126.6088
Division E:
Division F:
Division G: The Scoular Company
Division h: keyhole Software
Men’s individual weightlifting
Division a: Brian Dickason, Garmin
Division B: Brian harmon, yellow ............
Division C: Mark ramos, aMC Theatres 48.7255
Division D: ryan Baylark, Travelers Insurance 98.1278
Division E: Gabriel Figueroa, MilliporeSigma ..................
Division F: arland Cunningham, CrossFirst Bank ..................
Division G: Jayme Singleton, The Scoular Company
Division h: Jake Morris, newkirk novak
women’s individual weightlifting
Division a: Tarena Terry, Commerce Bank
Division B: ada Gudex, netsmart ............
Division C: Cydney Bushue, Dh Pace 33.4405
Division D: Jessica Clark, TreviPay 14.7615
Division E: rachel nordstrome, Swiss re...... 8.3846
Division F: Mia hannah, Imperial PFS 5.6300
Division G: rachel anstaett, Grundfos ........ 7.7912
Division h: Cristina Duncan, optiv Security 8.4289 Kansas City Corporate Challenge • 2024 | 57
a: Burns & McDonnell
B: netsmart....................... 4:56.832
SelectQuote Insurance Services 4:44.445
E: northPoint Development 4:42.761
hDr ...........................
G: kC Power
................. 4:53.576 Division h: Trident Co. 4:52.840
Burns & McDonnell
21-0 1/2 30-39: Jacob
...... 21-7 40-49: Brardley Dicus, Evergy 18-5 3/4 50+: Gary Louis, Seaboard 18-6
18-29: Peter Mascal,
Schultze, Black & Veatch
15-11 1/4 30-39: Paige rockers, netsmart 15-5 1/2 40-49: Jennifer
Children’s Mercy k
13-8 1/2 50+: k
18-29: Brittany Schultze, Black & Veatch ................
ansas City
athi Smith,
63-0 1/2
Theatres 81.3513
Men’s 5K run (Since 1992)
18-24: Joffroi holcombe, Sprint nextel, 2009 15:43
25-29: Dmitry Drozdov, Quintiles, 2001 ........ 15:16
30-34: Dmitry Drozdov, Quintiles, 2002 15:00
35-39: randy Wasinger, Pain Train, 2014 15:55.20
40-44: Mark Curp, american Century, 1999 .... 15:23
45-49: Charlie Gray, utiliCorp united, 1999 15:45
50-54: Charlie Gray, aquila, Inc., 2006 .......... 16:54
55-59: rick hogan, Blue Cross & Blue Shield, 2000 17:47
60-64: Paul heitzman, SM Schools, 1995 ....... 19:12
65-69: Stan McCormack, Evergy, 2023 19:12.50
70+: Tim Wigger, Pain Train, 2019 22:32.30
women’s 5K run (Since 1992)
18-24: k atie Mona, Cerner Corporation, 2013 ........... 18:08.40
25-29: Mindy Warner, Saint Luke’s health, 1994 17:45
30-34: Barb rinne, Commerce Bank, 1994 17:38
35-39: Connie Teague, Pain Train, 2022 18:08.80
40-44: Jennifer kultala, Cerner Corporation, 2012 18:26.60
45-49: Jennifer kultala, Cerner, 2016 ........ 19:51.10
50-54: rebecca Sommers, Garmin, 2023 20:25.70
55-59: Diana Fitch, hallmark Cards, Inc., 2010 .. 21:13
60-64: Maria Brown, naIC & nIPr, 2023 23:20.40
65-69: Linda Sharp, Children’s Mercy k ansas City, 2023 25:04.90
70+: Carol hafeman, Children’s Mercy hospital 30:48.50
Men’s Basketball Shoot-out (1999-2006)
67 Morgan Day, Black & Veatch, 2000
Men’s Basketball Shoot-out (1987-1998)
112 John hoppenrath, alliedSignal, 1991
women’s Basketball Shoot-out (1999-2006)
58 Jill McCrea, Pfizer animal health, 1999
58 aspen Burrow, kPMG, 2004
women’s Basketball Shoot-out (1987-1998)
99 kimberly Whittaker, JCCC, 1992
Men’s Bike race (2011, 2013-Current)
18-24: Jordan Miller, Garmin, 2017 6:09.96
25-29: Jordan Miller, Garmin International, 2019 ........... 5:45.50
30-34: kent Woermann, Pain Train, 2019 5:52.40
35-39: kent Woermann, Pain Train, 2022 5:51.00
40-44: John arenson, Cerner Corporation, 2018 ............ 5:59.54
45-49: Barry ogden, Waddell & reed/Ivy Funds, 2014 6:09.00
50-54: Steve auchterlonie, EPa, 2011 ........ 6:15.30
55-59: Bernd abele, MuLTIVaC, 2023 6:26.00
60-64: Barry rejai, SaIC, 2018 ............... 6:39.63
65+: W.T. (Bill) Mason, Black & Veatch, 2011 7:13.74
Men’s Bike race (2012)
18-24: Lars Ellingson, Burns & McDonnell, 2012 7:27.60
25-29: nicholas Coil, TradeWind Energy, LLC, 2012 ......... 6:34.60
30-34: Brian Gillespie, Cerner Corporation, 2012 6:58.00
35-39: Brian Jensen, TradeWind Energy, LLC, 2012 ......... 6:40.50
40-44: Bently harper, Garmin, 2012 6:54.20
45-49: kelly ricke, City of overland Park, 2012 6:50.70
50-54: a.J. White, harley-Davidson, 2012 ..... 6:14.70
55-59: David Ebelke, north k ansas City hospital, 2012 7:24.10
60-64: Brad Vaughan, Black & Veatch, 2012 .. 7:39.40
65+: W.T. (Bill) Mason, Black & Veatch, 2012 7:37.70
Men’s Bike race (2003-2010)
18-24: adrian o’hara, Lockton, 2004 5:06.99
25-29: adrian o’hara, Lockton, 2005 ......... 4:56.53
30-34: Lynn neir, Sprint, 2003 5:06.11
35-39: Phillip Gronniger, Financial Counselors Inc/ Midwest Trust Co., 2008 .............. 4:55.31
40-44: Thomas Grobelny, Saint Luke’s health System, 2005 5:02.13
45-49: David reynolds, hallmark, 2007 5:02.81
50-54: Steve auchterlonie, EPa, 2008 ........ 5:07.00
55-59: h ralph Boehm, Jr., Black & Veatch, 2006 5:28.23
60+: James Conway, Waddell & reed, 2008 ................ 5:24.25
Men’s Bike race (2001-2002)
18-24: Matt heimsoth, arthur andersen, 2001 4:31.69
25-29: Stephen rouff, Black & Veatch, 2002 4:12.53
30-34: Lynn neir, Sprint, 2002 4:16.59
35-39: kenneth W. o tis, Quintiles, 2002 4:25.31
40-44: David reynolds, hallmark Cards, Inc., 2001 4:07.22
45-49: ron henkhaus, IBM Corporation, 2002 ............... 4:37.87
50-54: ralph Boehm, kCPL, 2001 ............ 4:35.69
55-59: Bill Mackey, u.S. Department of Transportation, 2001 5:15.31
60+: John o’Donnell, Burns & McDonnell, 2002 5:21.56
Men’s Bike race (1995-2000)
18-29: Thad Whalen, 20th Century, 1995 4:13.00
30-39: David reynolds, hallmark Cards, 1999 4:07.15
40-49: David Conrad, hoechst Marion roussel, 1997........ 4:14.87
50-59: ralph Boehm, k ansas City Power & Light, 1999 4:27.16
60+: Charles Cox, Trans World airline, 1999 5:35.66
Men’s Bike race (1989-1994)
18-29: Doug hayden, Grainger, 1990 33:20
30-39: Dave Conrad, Marion Merrell Dow, 1993 32:25
40-49: ralph Boehm, kCP&L, 1993 32:17
50+: J.D. Gattermeir, aT&T, 1992 35:26
Men’s Bike race (1981-1988)
18-29: ken Short, Black & Veatch, 1987 44:15
30-39: Michael Sapasap, Bendix, 1986 46:07
40+: Bob Carroll, kC Star, 1985 49:06
women’s Bike race (2011, 2013-Current)
18-24: Emily reimer, henderson Engineers, 2011 .......... 7:32.62
25-29: kirsten Dusterhoft, rally house, 2023 6:53.00
30-34: Lynsey Fugate, north k ansas City hospital, 2013 ..... 7:11.30
35-39: Lettie Ebbs, Sprint nextel, 2011 ....... 7:01.85
40-44: k alletta Caldwell, Sprint, 2018 ........ 6:52.52
45-49: anissa Skiles, uBC, 2016 .............. 6:19.78
50-54: renae Weaver, Cerner, 2016 .......... 6:51.07
55-59: kelly Dippold, Lockton Companies, 2019 7:24.23
60-64: Debra Wood, DST Systems, Inc., 2014 8:04.31
65+: Carol adams, uS army Corps of Engineers, 2017 .... 8:33.76
58 | Kansas City Corporate Challenge • 2024
archives • individual K ANSAS C ITY C ORPORATE C HALLENGE
women’s Bike race (2012)
18-24: Charity Fluharty, hallmark Cards, Inc., 2012 8:37.90
25-29: nichole ahlers, Children’s Mercy hospitals & Clinics, 2012 7:36.90
30-34: Lynsey Fugate, north k ansas City hospital, 2012 ..... 7:39.70
35-39: Teri Stewart, City of overland Park, 2012 7:52.60
40-44: allison adams, Sprint, 2012 7:33.20
45-49: Teresa Jarzemkoski, Butler Manufacturing, 2012 .......... 7:53.10
50-54: kelly Dippold, Lockton Companies, 2012 7:23.00
55-59: Debra Wood, DST Systems, Inc., 2012 8:37.20
60-64: Patricia Brinker, honeywell FM&T, 2012 .............. 10:06.00
65+: Marilyn Brewster, hnTB Corporation, 2012 10:45.70
women’s Bike race (2003-2010)
18-24: Sarah o tto, Burns & McDonnell, 2007 6:20.75
25-29: Megan Mansfield, Sprint, 2003 5:51.19
30-34: Juli Watkins, Sprint, 2003 5:42.91
35-39: allison Baker, Sprint, 2008 5:56.14
40-44: Teresa Jarzernkoski, Butler Manufacturing, 2007 5:58.47
45-49: kelly Dippols, Embarq Corporation, 2009 ........... 5:50.59
50-54: Tammy Spray, hallmark, 2006 ........ 5:52.27
55-59: Debra Wood, DST, 2009 .............. 6:33.75
60+: Mary Linda McDonnell, Saint Luke’s health System, 2003 7:06.95
women’s Bike race (2001-2002)
18-24: Christina Posnachiwsky, Seaboard Corporation, 2001 5:41.47
25-29: allison adams, Sprint, 2001 5:10.38
30-34: Juli Watkins, Sprint, 2001 4:42.64
35-39: Teresa Jarzemokski, Butler Manufacturing, 2002 5:25.00
40-44: Cara Windsor, DST Systems, Inc., 2001............... 5:18.44
45-49: Carol adams, u.S. army Corps of Engineers, 2001 5:12.22
50-54 Lyn neven, aaFP, 2001 5:24.59
55-59: Mary Linda McDonnell, Saint Luke’s –Shawnee Mission hS, 2002 6:02.81
60+: Lana Minnegrode, health Midwest, 2002 ................ 6:26.80
women’s Bike race (1995-2000)
18-29: Christie McMahon, SLSM, 1998 5:01.42
30-39: Juli Watkins, Sprint, 2000 4:59.38
40-49: nancy Ensley, SLSM, 1999 4:48.47
50-59: Mary Linda McDonnell, SLSM health, 1997 ................... 5:43.96
60+: Joan Brown, ku Medical Center, 1999 .. 6:39.95
women’s Bike race (1989-1994)
18-29: Gail Goede, Baptist Medical, 1990 39:38
30-39: k arlie Speicher, St. Luke’s hospital, 1990 ................ 38:33
40-49: Linda amebag, SM Schools, 1993 41:16
50+: Mary Linda McDonnell, Saint Luke’s health, 1994 40:50
women’s Bike race (1981-1988)
18-29: rochelle Schleicher, hallmark, 1986..... 53:02
30+: Suzanne Milburn, Saint Luke’s hospital, 1986 55:00
Men’s Bowling
800 Vincent Guerra, Shook hardy & Bacon, L.L.P., 2011
women’s Bowling
740 Meiling Billingsley, MrIGlobal, 2015
Men’s Duathlon (2013-2019)
18-29: Brett agee, Black & Veatch, 2016 ...... 1:10:15
30-39: Caleb Teague, Pain Train, 2016 1:12:17
40-49: Bently harper, Garmin International, 2018 ........... 1:19:19
50-59: Tom Marshall, hallmark Cards, Inc., 2019 1:22:24
60+: Jim Gutsch, Seaboard Foods, 2019 1:31:26
Men’s Duathlon (1995-2012)
18-29: kevin Sampson, aventis Pharmaceuticals, 2000 ....... 1:05:10
30-39: kevin Sampson, aventis Pharmaceuticals, 2002 1:03:43
30-39: kevin Sampson, Sanofi-aventis, 2005 ................. 1:03:43
40-49: Charlie Gray, utiliCorp, 1995 1:02:24
50+: Charlie Gray, aquila, Inc., 2006 1:07:41
Men’s Duathlon (1993)
18-29: Thad Whalen, 20th Century, 1993 ....... 58.47
30-39: Charlie Gray, Missouri Public Service, 1993 52.26
40-49: Bob kochersperger, Marion Merrell Dow, 1993 .............. 59.44
50+: Joe Struemph, house of Lloyd, 1993 1:02.46
Men’s Duathlon (1985-1992)
18-29: Brian Franke, Missouri Public Service, 1990 1:11.35
30-39: Charlie Gray, Missouri Public Service, 1992 ......... 1:10.00
40-49: Greg harman, Saint Luke’s health, 1992 1:18.23
50+: J.D. Gattermeir, aT&T, 1992 1:21.46
women’s Duathlon (2013-2019)
18-29: Meghan Comiskey, Black & Veatch, 2015 1:29:58
30-39: nicole Schile, Cerner Corporation, 2015 ............ 1:23:40
40-49: Meghan ridgway, Pain Train, 2019 1:30:25
50-59: kelly Dippold, Lockton Companies, 2013 1:24:35
60+: Linda Duderstadt, Swiss re, 2019 ..... 2:07:12
women’s Duathlon (1995-2012)
18-29: Megan Mansfield, Sprint, 2002 1:19:08
30-39: ashleigh Sumner, Va Mortgage, 2011 1:12:32
40-49: Laura Luckert, Black & Veatch, 1999 1:19:36
50+: Deb Wood, DST, 2006 1:23:38
women’s Duathlon (1993)
18-29: Connie White, Mobil oil Credit Corp., 1993 .......... 1:05.37
30-39: Julie Worthington, health Midwest, 1993 1:07.32
40-49: Michelle Stine, alliedSignal, 1992 1:36.01
50+: Joan Brown, ku Medical Center, 1993 1:29.45
women’s Duathlon (1985-1992)
18-29: Julie Worthington, Baptist Medical, 1990 1:30.37
30-39: Barb rinee, Commerce Bank, 1992 .... 1:22.26
40-49: Vicki acri, Sprint, 1992 1:36.01
Men’s football throw (2000-2003)
190 kelly hamons, Marine Corps, 2003
190 Dan ryan, yellow Corporation, 2003
women’s football throw (2000-2003)
190 Dorinda Burton, Quintiles, 2003
Men’s half Marathon run (Since 2012)
18-24: William Graham, Burns & McDonnell, 2019 1:15:16.70
25-29: nate Guthals, Farmers Insurance Group, 2019.....1:14:02.90
30-34: nick Caprario, Populous, 2019 1:07:48.00
35-39: Jeremiah Estes, Garmin International, 2019 1:13:35.40
40-44: Jeremiah Estes, Garmin, 2022.......1:19:18.20
45-49: rick Garey, Sprint, 2019 1:18:52.40
50-54: Matt Stegman, GlynnDevins advertising and Marketing, 2019 ...1:18:46.70
55-59: Pat Merrigan, Federal reserve Bank of k ansas City, 2016 1:24:40.10
60-64: Brent roper, naIC & nIPr, 2023 .....1:31:44.90
65+: harold Molloy, MrIGlobal, 2014 1:37:51.00 archives • individual (continued) Kansas City Corporate Challenge • 2024 | 59
women’s half Marathon run (Since 2012)
18-24: Chandler Carreon, Children’s Mercy hospital, 2019 1:24:20.60
25-29: amy regan, Garmin International, 2019 .........1:20:22.30
30-34: Cate holston, EPa, 2014 1:27:50.80
35-39: nicole Schile, Cerner Corporation, 2015 1:28:28.50
40-44: Jennifer kultala, Cerner Corporation, 2013 ..........1:28:04.60
45-49: kimberly Gudenkauf, Freightquote, 2015 1:33:16.50
50-54: kelly Dippold, Lockton Companies, 2016 ..........1:31:59.50
55-59: Laura Luckert, MrIGlobal, 2014 1:43:44.90
60-64: k aye McCormick, Garmin International, 2016 .........1:50:34.10
65+: k aye McCormick, Garmin International, 2019 2:05:28.70
Men’s horseshoes (Since 1986)
116 Dave kincaid, Procter & Gamble, 1991
116 Mo Turner, alliedSignal, 1995
women’s horseshoes (Since 1986)
104 roena Branson, Sprint, 2005
Men’s Softball throw (1986-2003)
332 ft. 0 in. neal Daney, utiliCorp united, 2000
women’s Softball throw (1986-2003)
209 ft. 5 in. Cathy Tramposh, General heating, 1990
Men’s Swimming 50-Yard freestyle (Since 2001)
18-24: Max Dittmer, John Deere, 2012 ......... 21.53
25-29: Brian Stiles, Grundfos, 2023 20.96
30-34: Tony Diers, Burns & McDonnell, 2014 20.40
35-39: Tony Diers, Burns & McDonnell, 2015 20.86
40-44: Doug hayden, north k ansas City Community Center, 2006 23.18
45-49: Douglas hayden, DST Systems, Inc., 2011................. 22.81
50-54: Douglas hayden, SelectQuote Insurance Services, 2016 23.60
55-59: Bill Sherman, Mazuma Credit union, 2017 ............ 23.59
60-64: Bill Sherman, Mazuma Credit union, 2018 23.61
65+: Bill Sherman, Mazuma Credit union, 2023 25.18
Men’s Swimming 50-Yard freestyle (1981-2000)
18-29: Ted Fisher, harris Chemical, 1996 21.57
30-39: Dru Shiner, MhM Business Services, 1999 .......... 22.36
40-49: Eric Steinhouse, h&r Block, 1998 23.46
50-59: Steve Trombold, Carondelet health, 1999 25.60
60+: Mike Trevino, k ansas City Life, 2000 .................. 31.00
women’s Swimming 50-Yard freestyle (Since 2001)
18-24: Caroline Baldwin, Spotlight analyst relations/ aD Predictive/DivvyhQ, 2019 23.58
25-29: anne Simmons, BkD, LLP, 2011 ......... 24.24
30-34: Erica norgren, State Street Corporation, 2016 25.02
35-39: Erica norgren, State Street Corporation, 2018 25.26
40-44: Tracye Laun, Pinnacle Career Institute, 2011 ......... 26.92
45-49: Maria Mann, JP Morgan, 2009 27.24
50-54: Maria Mann, J.P. Morgan, 2012 .......... 27.50
55-59: Maria Mann, DST, 2017 27.98
60-64: Laurie Bisogno, ambrose Companies/Mr. Goodcents Franchise Systems, 2013 ............... 33.45
65+: Laurie Bisogno r., Goodcents and Company, 2018 33.31
women’s Swimming 50-Yard freestyle (1981-2000)
18-29: Louise keogh, kCkCC, 1995 25.66
30-39: kim Staab, Midland Loan Services, 1998 ........... 25.44
40-49: Teresa McGiverin, IBM, 1997 28.34
50-59: Barbara Zaremski, Bethany Medical, 1992 32.16
60+: ann howie, american Century, 2000 42.14
Men’s Swimming 50-Yard Breaststroke (2001-2017, 2019-Current)
18-24: Max Dittmer, John Deere, 2012 26.51
25-29: Mark Conroy, Sprint, 2019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.10
30-34: Chris Mudfeldt, Cerner Corporation, 2011 26.34
35-39: Chris Bundy, netsmart, 2014 27.18
40-44: Tony rezek, Burns & McDonnell, 2012 .. 27.27
45-49: Tony rezek, Burns & McDonnell, 2017 28.84
50-54: Tony rezek, Burns & McDonnell, 2023 .. 29.28
55-59: Bill Sherman, Mazuma Credit union, 2017 31.34
60-64: Bill Sherman, Mazuma Credit union, 2019 ............ 32.33
65+: Bill Sherman, Mazuma Credit union, 2023 34.50
Men’s Swimming 50-Yard Breaststroke (1985-2000)
18-29: Tony rezek, MW Mechanical, 1997 27.37
30-39: Todd ZumMallen, hallmark Cards, 1999 .................. 28.99
40-49: Eric Steinhouse, h&r Block, 1998 30.11
50-59: Paul Lehatto, Black & Veatch, 2000 33.25
60+: Mike Trevino, k ansas City, Life, 2000..... 42.89
women’s Swimming 50-Yard Breaststroke (2001-2017, 2019-Current)
18-24: Joann overton, GE ErC, 2002 33.31
25-29: Danielle rider, SPx Cooling Technologies, 2011 32.41
30-34: Louise Martin, k ansas City k ansas Comm College, 2001 32.43
35-39: Febekka rohrback, BaTS Global Markets, 2014 33.76
40-44: Tracye Laun, Pinnacle Career Institute, 2011 ......... 34.81
45-49: Vicki Gregg, Sprint nextel, 2009 36.88
50-54: kelly Dippold, Lockton Companies, 2013 .............. 37.35
55-59: Maria Mann, DST, 2017 39.92
60-64: Laurie Bisogno, Goodcents Deli Fresh Subs, 2015 43.85
65+: Laurie Bisogno r., Goodcents Deli Fresh Subs, 2017 46.19
women’s Swimming 50-Yard Breaststroke (1985-2000)
18-29: Louise Martin, kCkCC, 1998 30.54
30-39: Louise Martin, kCkCC, 2000 ............ 31.30
40-49: Christine Franz, DST Systems, Inc., 2000 37.61
50-59: Barbara Zaremski, Bethany Medical, 1992 44.76
60+: Carol Flynn, Pembroke hill School, 1999 54.45
Men’s Swimming 50-Yard Butterfly (Since 2001)
18-24: noah Witzki, american Century Investments, 2023 22.89
25-29: Mark Conroy, Sprint, 2018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.68
30-34: Scott Goldblatt, adknowledge, 2012 23.21
35-39: Chris Bundy, netsmart, 2014 23.73
40-44: Doug hayden, DST, 2009 ............... 25.32
45-49: Douglas hayden, DST Systems, Inc., 2010 25.55
50-54: Brad Wells, union Broadcasting, 2011 ... 25.67
55-59: Brad Wells, Players’ union, 2017 26.21
60-64: Bill Sherman, Mazuma Credit union, 2019 ............ 27.97
65+: Bill Sherman, Mazuma Credit union, 2023 29.87
60 | Kansas City Corporate Challenge • 2024
archives • individual (continued)
Men’s Swimming 50-Yard Butterfly (1981-1992, 1997-2000)
18-29: Mike Malony, hallmark Cards, 1988 24.07
30-39: Mike Malony, hallmark Cards, 1987 . . . . . 24.50
40-49: roland Sabates, Baptist Medical, 1991 26.28
50-59: Greg Martin, IBM, 2000
60+: Bob Wagner, Gear for Sports, 2000 ......
women’s Swimming 50-Yard Butterfly (Since 2001)
18-24: Caroline Baldwin, Spotlight analyst relations/aD Predictive/DivvyhQ 26.46
25-29: Julia Comodeca, Burns & McDonnell, 2018 27.39
30-34: Erica norgran, State Street Corporation, 2016 28.85
35-39: Paige Miller, SelectQuote Insurance Services, 2018 27.39
40-44: Paige Miller, SelectQuote Insurance Services, 2021 .. 29.95
45-49: Lori Terzopoulos, american Century Investments, 2011
50-54: Susan Blattner, City of Lenexa, 2010 ....
55-59: Susan Blattner, City of Lenexa, 2012 30.93
60-64: rebecca Ettien, Cerner Corporation, 2022 37.38
65+: Laurie Bisogno r., Goodcents and Company, 2018 40.35
women’s Swimming 50-Yard Butterfly (1981-1992, 1997-2000)
18-29: Stephanie Lavin, hallmark Cards, 1987 28.44
30-39: kim Staab, Midland Loan Services, 1998 ...........
40-49: Christine Franz, DST Systems, Inc.
50-59: Barbara Zaremski, Bethany Medical, 1992
60+: k atie rieman, Carondelet health, 1998 1:09.14
Men’s Swimming 50-Yard Backstroke (Since 2001)
18-24: noah Witzki, american Century Investments, 2023 23.22
25-29: Griffin Schaetzle, Garmin, 2023 . . . . . . . . . 23.60
30-34: uldis Tazans, JCPrD, 2023
35-39: Chris Bundy, netsmart, 2014
40-44: Matt Wiewel, Cerner Corporation, 2009 .............. 27.64
45-49: Brad Wells, StoreFinancial/PSC Group, 2009 26.95
50-54: Brad Wells, union/oC/PSC/Pulaski, 2013 ........... 27.10
55-59: Brad Wells, Players’ union, 2017 27.59
60-64: Bill Sherman, Mazuma Credit union, 2018 ............ 29.95
65+: Bill Sherman, Mazuma Credit union, 2023 31.65
Men’s Swimming 50-Yard Backstroke (1981-2000)
18-29: robert Sturman, 20th Century, 1995 25.08
30-39: Mike Malony, hallmark Cards, 1990 26.77
40-49: Steve Trumbold, SLSM health, 1997 28.00
50-59: Steve Trumbold, Carondelet health, 1999 29.11
60+: andy Gharavi, hnTB Corporation, 2000 38.70
women’s Swimming 50-Yard Backstroke (Since 2001)
18-24: Caroline Baldwin, Spotlight analyst relations/ aD Predictive/DivvyhQ, 2019 27.45
25-29: Caroline Baldwin, Spotlight analyst relations, 2021 27.25
30-34: Jen Channell, Perceptive Software, 2014 29.41
35-39: Paige Miller, SelectQuote Insurance Services, 2018 28.92
40-44: Joy halgren, VinSolutions, 2017 31.31
45-49: Maria Mann, JP Morgan, 2008 32.12
50-54: Susan Blattner, City of Lenexa, 2008 32.93
55-59: Susan Blattner, City of Lenexa, 2012 33.31
60-64: Laurie Bisogno, ambrose Companies/Mr. Goodcents Franchise Systems, 2013 38.39
65+: Laurie Bisogno r., Goodcents and Company, 2018 38.47
women’s Swimming 50-Yard Backstroke (1981-2000)
18-29: Janis Worth, andersen Consulting, 1992 30.21
30-39: Jennifer Fisher, J.E. Dunn Construction, 2000 . . . . . . . . . . . 30.49
40-49: Teresa McGiverin, IBM, 1997 ............ 34.91
50-59: Barbara Zaremski, Bethany Medical, 1992 40.99
60+: Sheila Wood, Bayer Corporation, 2000 56.45
Men’s Swimming 100-Yard freestyle (Since 2019)
18-24: kevin McPherson, Burns & McDonnell, 2021 47.47
25-29: Brian Stiles, Grundfos, 2023 46.67
30-34: Ben Bravence, uMB, 2023 48.08
35-39: Jr Pyle, Swiss re, 2023 52.84
40-44: Eric Falk, City of k ansas City, Missouri, 2021 ...... 55.97
45-49: Brent Magnusson, ScriptPro LLC, 2019 .. 54.41
50-54: Doug hayden, SelectQuote Insurance Services, 2019 54.50
55-59: Doug hayden, SelectQuote Insurance Services, 2021 .. 54.71
60-64: Bill Sherman, Mazuma Credit union, 2019 53.54
65+: Bill Sherman, Mazuma Credit union, 2023 57.46
Kansas City Corporate Challenge • 2024 | 61
individual (continued)
women’s Swimming 100-Yard freestyle (Since 2019)
18-24: Caroline Baldwin, Spotlight analyst relations/ aD Predictive/DivvyhQ, 2019 .......... 53.84
25-29: haley Molden, Johnson County Community College, 2022 54.31
30-34: Julie Dugan, hallmark Cards, Inc., 2019 58.59
35-39: Paige Miller, SelectQuote Insurance Services, 2019 .. 56.51
40-44: Paige Miller, SelectQuote Insurance Services, 2021 58.95
45-49: Jennifer Botha, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of k ansas City, 2022 1:10.00
50-54: Lori Terzopoulos, american Century Investments, 2019 ........... 1:06.79
55-59: Lori Terzopoulos, american Century Investments, 2023 1:09.68
60-64: rebecca Ettien, Cerner Corporation, 2022 1:17.97
65+: Laurie Bisogno r., Goodcents and Company, 2019 1:19.05
Men’s Swimming 100-Yard individual Medley (Since 2001)
18-24: Max Dittmer, John Deere, 2012 ......... 52.03
25-29: yaniv Shnaider, Cerner Corporation, 2014 51.20
30-34: Tony Diers, Burns & McDonnell, 2013 52.24
35-39: Tony Diers, Burns & McDonnell, 2015 52.59
40-44: Tony rezek, Burns & McDonnell, 2013 58.12
45-49: Brad Wells, PSC Group, 2006 59.50
50-54: Brad Wells, union/oC/PSC/Pulaski, 2013 1:00.05
55-59: Brad Wells, Players’ union, 2019 1:02.89
60-64: Bill Sherman, Mazuma Credit union, 2018 .......... 1:02.54
65+: Bill Sherman, Mazuma Credit union, 2023 1:07.83
Men’s Swimming 100-Yard individual Medley (1993-2000)
18-29: robert Sturman, 20th Century, 1995 54.53
30-39: Dave Swenson, Vance Publishing, 1995 ................ 57.27
40-49: Eric Steinhouse, h&r Block, 1998 1:00.81
50-59: Steve Trombold, Carondelet health, 1999 1:05.82
60+: Mike Trevino, k ansas City Life, 2000 ... 1:31.25
women’s Swimming 100-Yard individual Medley (Since 2001)
18-24: Caroline Baldwin, Spotlight analyst relations/ aD Predictive/DivvyhQ, 2019 1:02.21
25-29: haley Molden, Johnson County Community College, 2022 ............ 1:03.44
30-34: Lynsey Fugate, north k ansas City hospital, 2013 1:04.09
35-39: Paige Miller, SelectQuote Insurance Services, 2018 1:03.78
40-44: Paige Miller, SelectQuote Insurance Services, 2021 ............. 1:07.83
45-49: Maria Mann, JP Morgan, 2009 1:08.93
50-54: Maria Mann, J.P. Morgan, 2012 ........ 1:10.06
55-59: Maria Mann, DST Systems, 2018 1:12.33
60-64: Laurie Bisogno, Goodcents Deli Fresh Subs, 2015 ..... 1:26.54
65+: Laurie Bisogno r., Goodcents and Company, 2018 1:26.77
women’s Swimming 100-Yard individual Medley (1993-2000)
18-29: Louise Martin, kCkCC, 1995 1:02.80
30-39: Louise Martin, kCkCC, 2000 .......... 1:04.41
40-49: Teresa McGiverin, IBM, 1997 1:14.22
50-59: Lana Minnigerode, Social Security, 1998 1:42.42
60+: Mary Lou niebling, ku Medical, 1996 2:34.77
Men’s Swimming 200-Yard freestyle (2001-2017)
18-24: J.r. Pyle, Cerner, 2009 1:46.14
25-29: yaniv Shnaider, Cerner Corporation, 2014 ............ 1:41.80
30-34: Scott Goldblatt, adknowledge, 2012 1:41.39
35-39: Chris Bundy, netsmart, 2014 1:44.57
40-44: Jared kuntz, J.P. Morgan, 2014 ........ 1:53.06
45-49: Douglas hayden, DST Systems, Inc., 2011 1:55.05
50-54: Douglas hayden, SelectQuote Insurance Services, 2015 ............. 1:56.46
55-59: Bill Sherman, Mazuma Credit union, 2017 2:00.80
60-64: Bob Welchlin, Players’ union, 2017 .... 2:11.73
65+: Bruce Banister, Burns & McDonnell, 2016 2:37.84
Men’s Swimming 200-Yard freestyle (1984-2000)
18-29: Darcy Paul, ku Med. Ctr., 2000 1:47.43
30-39: Dave Swenson, Vance Publishing, 1995 .............. 1:52.22
40-49: Terry Inch, Sprint, 2000 1:59.13
50-59: Larry Farnham, harmon Industries, 1995 2:14.14
60+: Wayne rose, Bayer Corporation, 1995 ............. 3:00.18
women’s Swimming 200-Yard freestyle (2001-2017)
18-24: Caroline Johnson, State Street Corporation, 2010 2:02.35
25-29: Joy Stover, h&r Block, 2005 .......... 2:02.57
30-34: Lynsey Fugate, north k ansas City hospital, 2013 1:59.83
35-39: Paige Miller, SelectQuote Insurance Services, 2017 2:04.86
40-44: Joy halgren, VinSolutions, 2017 ...... 2:07.87
45-49: Maria Mann, JP Morgan, 2009 2:09.27
50-54: Maria Mann, J.P. Morgan, 2012 ........ 2:12.98
55-59: Maria Mann, DST, 2017 2:16.19
60-64: Laurie Bisogno, ambrose Companies, Mr. Goodcents Franchise Systems, 2013 2:54.40
65+: Laurie Bisogno r., Goodcents Deli Fresh Subs, 2017 2:54.84
women’s Swimming 200-Yard freestyle (1984-2000)
18-29: Louise Martin, kCkCC, 1998 2:02.33
30-39: Louise Martin, kCkCC, 2000 .......... 2:03.83
40-49: Teresa McGiverin, IBM, 1997 2:25.50
50-59: Barbara Zaremski, Bethany Medical, 1992 2:44.06
60+: ann howie, american Century, 2000 3:59.50
Men’s track & field 100-Meter Dash (Since 2001)
18-24: Mike Myer, Farmers Insurance Group, 2010 10.786
25-29: Jon house, honeywell, 2002 ........... 10.510
30-34: roger hawkins, Black & Veatch, 2006 10.490
35-39: Chris allison, Sprint, 2008 11.029
40-44: Dave McCormick, DST Systems, Inc., 2004................ 11.611
45-49: Tim Griffin, Sysco, 2008 11.788
50-54: James hilliard, Labone, 2005 .......... 12.229
55-59: herb Davis, GE ErC, 2002 12.264
60-64: herbert Davis, IBT, 2007 12.617
65-69: Tim Wigger, Pain Train, 2015 15.016
70+ : Tim Wigger, Pain Train, 2021 15.937
archives • individual (continued)
Men’s track & field 100-Meter Dash (1983-2000)
18-29: Clifton Jackson, SMPo, 1983 10.58
30-39: Johnny Brackins, Social Security, 1997 .. 10.59
40-49: Clifton Jackson, SMPo, 1992 11.31
50-59: Ike Murphy, ku Medical Center, 2000 12.177
60+: Ernest henning, u.S. army Corps of Engineers, 1999 ..... 14.38
women’s track & field 100-Meter Dash (Since 2001)
18-24: Stephanie Dyke, hCa Midwest, 2004 12.509
25-29: nicole Brune, kC Life Insurance, 2008 12.595
30-34: kimela West, Polsinelli Shughart, 2009 13.023
35-39: Monica Joannes, Jack henry & associates, 2019 13.200
40-44: Mary Taylor, axcet hr Solutions, 2007 .. 13.629
45-49: amy Barnard, Saint Luke’s health System, 2005 13.930
50-54: Deb Wood, DST Systems, Inc., 2004 .... 14.677
55-59: Mary Taylor, Country Club Bank, 2019 15.403
60-64: Debra Wood, DST, 2014 16.101
65-69: Laura Langham, Black & Veatch, 2014 18.165
70+ : Gayle Freeman, Black & Veatch, 2021 20.427
women’s track & field 100-Meter Dash (1983-2000)
18-29: Conanese roberts, uMkC, 2000 ....... 11.894
30-39: Sheila Sheridan, City of olathe, 2000 12.530
40-49: Betty keating, Marion Labs, 1988 13.11
50-59: Julee Shields, 20th Century, 1990 ....... 15.78
60+: nancy Larson, Westlake hardware, 2000 19.110
Men’s track & field 400-Meter run (Since 2001)
18-24: Mike Myer, Farmers Insurance Group, 2011 51.132
25-29: keyshawn Lugrand, EPa, 2005 48.726
30-34: roger hawkins, Black & Veatch, 2007 50.460
35-39: James Coster, Saint Luke’s –Shawnee Mission, 2001 ............... 52.074
40-44: James Coster, Saint Luke’s –Shawnee Mission hS, 2002 53.091
45-49: Phil ratterman, Cboe Global Markets, 2018 ............ 55.640
50-54: Tony Sumler, kCP&L, 2010 57.418
55-59: Tony Sumler, kCP&L, 2012 58.270
60-64: Tony Sumler, kCP&L, 2016 59.676
65-69: Gayle Van Durme, Black & Veatch, 2017 1:07.950
70+ : Gayle Van Durme, Black & Veatch, 2021 ................ 1:12.910
Men’s track & field 400-Meter run (1983-2000)
18-29: Mark Gregory, kCSI, 1987 48.82
30-39: ron Chisolm, Seaboard, 1994 ........... 50.40
40-49: Vance Freeman, uS Postal, 1999 54.09
50-59: Ike Murphy, ku Medical Center, 1998 58.35
60+: Paul heitzman, SM Schools, 1995 ..... 1:03.72
women’s track & field 400-Meter run (Since 2001)
18-24: k atie McGovern, Cerner Corporation, 2014 1:01.556
25-29: Trisa nickoley, CBIZ, 2013 59.849
30-34: Liz Johnston, american Italian Pasta Company, 2012 1:03.070
35-39: Liz Johnston, Garmin International, 2013 1:02.632
40-44: Jennifer kultala, Cerner Corporation, 2012 ........... 1:07.350
45-49: Jennifer kultala, Cerner, 2016 1:09.062
50-54: Deb Wood, DST Systems, Inc., 2004 .. 1:13.509
55-59: Debra Wood, DST, 2009 1:15.501
60-64: Debra Wood, DST Systems, Inc., 2014 1:21.022
65-69: Linda Sharp, Children’s Mercy k ansas City, 2023 1:27.662
70+ : Gayle Freeman, Black & Veatch, 2021 1:55.339
women’s track & field 400-Meter run (1983-2000)
18-29: Susan rehn, health Midwest, 1993 ..... 57.35
30-39: Shiela Sheridan, City of olathe, 1999 1:00.63
40-49: Betty keating, Marion Merrell Dow, 1994 1:07.20
50-59: Mary Linda McDonnell, Saint Luke’s health, 1995 ............. 1:19.41
60+: nancy Larson, Westlake hardware, 2000 1:41.656
Men’s track & field 800-Meter run (2001-2013)
18-24: Craig Cartier, Sprint nextel Corporation, 2006 ..... 1:58.798
25-29: Dmitry Drozdov, Quintiles, 2001 1:54.950
30-34: Dmitry Drozdov, Quintiles, 2002 1:54.350
35-39: randy Wasinger, Wasinger Tech, LLC, 2011 ............ 2:01.340
40-44: Bret Evans, GE Insurance Solutions, 2005 2:04.965
45-49: alan reimer, honeywell olathe, 2005 ............. 2:09.500
50-54: alan reimer, honeywell-olathe, 2010 2:12.800
55-59: Tim Wigger, Pain Train, 2006 ......... 2:18.545
60-64: Tim Wigger, Pain Train, 2009 2:22.998
65+ : Tim Wigger, Pain Train, 2013 2:31.480
Men’s track & field 800-Meter run (1997-2000)
18-29: ryan Strong, Sprint, 2000 1:59.201
30-39: Paul Ceesay, uMkC, 1998 ............ 2:03.387
40-49: Mark Curp, american Century, 1999 2:08.615
50-59: Joe Lechner, alliedSignal, 1997 2:21.979
60+: Bobby kincaid, uS army Corps, 1998 ................ 2:37.447
women’s track & field 800-Meter run (2001-2013)
18-24: k atie Mona, Cerner Corporation, 2013 2:19.390
25-29: Trisa nickoley, CBIZ, 2013 2:18.860
30-34: Julieanne Gooden, Sprint, 2001 2:19.933
35-39: Liz Johnston, Garmin International, 2013 2:32.840
40-44: Suzie Scheer, Sprint, 2004 ........... 2:34.701
45-49: Suzie Scheer, Sprint nextel, 2009 2:41.025
50-54: kelly Dippold, Lockton Companies, 2012 ........... 2:49.300
55-59: Debra Wood, DST, 2009 2:53.064
60-64: Emily Massey, Cerner Corporation, 2012 3:16.610
65+ : Carol hafeman, Children’s Mercy hospitals & Clinics, 2013 3:41.850
women’s track & field 800-Meter run (1997-2000)
18-29: Melissa Swartz, St Luke’s –Shawnee Mission, 2000 2:23.275
30-39: Barb rinne, Commerce Bank, 1999... 2:30.653
40-49: k athleen Johnson, Cna Group Benefits, 2000 2:42.660
50-59: Michelle Stine, honeywell, 2000 3:05.880
60+: nancy Larson, Westlake hardware, 2000 4:10.530
Men’s track & field Mile run (Since 2001)
18-24: Drew Bell, Garmin International, 2015 4:30.170
25-29: Dmitry Drozdov, Quintiles, 2001 ..... 4:13.429
30-34: Dmitry Drozdov, Quintiles, 2004 4:13.400
35-39: randy Wasinger, Pain Train, 2014 4:26.960
40-44: randy Wasinger, Pain Train, 2016 .... 4:21.320
45-49: Mark Curp, american Century Investments, 2004 4:40.774
50-54: Matt Stegman, GlynnDevins advertising and Marketing, 2019 .... 4:54.300
55-59: Gayle Van Durme, Black & Veatch, 2006 5:11.265
60-64: Gayle Van Durme, Black & Veatch, 2012 ................ 5:23.270
65-69: Gayle Van Durme, Black & Veatch, 2018 5:37.110
70+ : Tim Wigger, Pain Train, 2021 6:06.690
Kansas City Corporate Challenge • 2024 | 63
archives • individual (continued)
women’s track & field Mile run (Since 2001)
18-24: amy regan, Garmin International, 2018 5:09.950
25-29: Jennifer Prim, Cerner, 2002 5:14.997
30-34: Jennifer Prim, Cerner, 2004 5:12.258
35-39: Suzie Scheer, Sprint, 2001 5:30.685
40-44: Jennifer kultala, Cerner Corporation, 2012 5:26.930
45-49: Jennifer kultala, Cerner, 2016 5:43.470
50-54: kelly Dippold, Lockton Companies, 2015 ........... 5:58.150
55-59: Maria Brown, naIC & nIPr, 2021 ..... 5:36.990
60-64: Maria Brown, naIC & nIPr, 2023 ..... 6:47.900
65-69: Linda Sharp, Children’s Mercy k ansas City, 2023 7:32.500
70+ : hope Green, MrIGlobal, 2021 9:43.990
Men’s track & field 1600-Meter run (1981-2000; 2003 (55-59 Men and 60+ Men))
18-29: Charlie Gray, Missouri Public Service, 1989 4:17.61
30-39: Charlie Gray, Missouri Public Service, 1992 ......... 4:26.88
40-49: Mark Curp, american Century, 1999 4:24.852
50-59: rick hogan, Blue Cross & Blue Shield, 1995 ........ 5:08.00
55-59: Mike Fitzgerland, honeywell, 2003 5:19.415
60+: Mel yoder, JCCC, 1997 5:41.98
women’s track & field 1600-Meter run (1981-2000)
18-29: Joy Meyen, hallmark Cards, 1986 4:59.88
30-39: Barb rinne, Commerce Bank, 1993 5:06.58
40-49: Marcia Dowling, Pembroke hill School, 1999 ......... 5:52.107
50-59: Mary McDonnell, Saint Luke’s health, 1994 6:46.95
60+: nancy Larson, Westlake hardware, 2000 ........... 9:16.551
Men’s track & field 10K run (1981-83 & 1988-91)
18-29: Gary Thompson, TWa, 1982 31:26
30-39: Charlie Gray, Missouri Public Service, 1988 ........... 30:35
40-49: Bob Busby, harmon Industries, 1990 33:44
50+: Dick Grauer, aT&T, 1988 37:19
women’s track & field 10K run (1981-83 & 1988-91)
18-29: Joy Meyen, hallmark Cards, 1988 ....... 35:34
30-39: Laura Luckert, Black & Veatch, 1991 37:55
40-49: anita olshanski, ParS, 1990 43:40
50+: ann Williams, Black & Veatch, 1990 47:57
Men’s track & field 4-Mile run (1984-1987)
18-29: Brian Franke, Missouri Public Service, 1986 20:00
30-39: Charlie Gray, Missouri Public Service, 1986 ........... 20:00
40-49: L. roth, TWa, 1984 22:34
50+: Jerry Morrison, TWa, 1984 25:11
women’s track & field 4-Mile run (1984-1987)
18-29: Joy Meyen, hallmark Cards, 1986 ....... 22:33
30-39: Susan ng, hallmark Cards, 1985 26:35
40+: Beth Carlton, Marion Labs, 1986 ........ 32:15
Men’s track & field Long Jump (Since 2001)
18-29: Blaise Gassman, Burns & McDonnell, 2021 ............... 25-3
30-39: roger hawkins, Black & Veatch, 2007 22-8 1/2
40-49: Brian holecek, Sprint, 2019 ............................ 20-2
50+: Lorenzo hammond, Sysco k ansas City, 2018 19-11 1/2
women’s track & field Long Jump (Since 2001)
18-29: Christal Waters, DST, 2008 17-10
30-39: nicole Brune, Swiss re, 2018 ........ 16-10 3/4
40-49: nicole Brune, Swiss re, 2022 15-5 1/2
50+: Mary Taylor, Country Club Bank, 2019 ........... 12-11 1/2
Men’s track & field Long Jump (1982-2001)
23 ft. 8.25 in. Damon Jackson, SM Post office, 1993
women’s track & field Long Jump (1982-2001)
17 ft. 4.25 in. Sherri Pewitte, uMkC, 2000
Men’s track & field Shot Put (Since 2009)
18-29: nathaniel Cummings, kiewit, 2023 .. 63-0 1/2
30-39: Daniel Mckim, keyBank real Estate Capital, 2012 58-4
40-49: Wayman Caldwell, yrC Freight, 2017 46-8 3/4
50+: Clint Johnson, VML, 2012 57-3
women’s track & field Shot Put (Since 2009)
18-29: k ayla Muyskens, Cerner Corporation 45-11 3/4
30-39: k ayla Tarr, hyland, 2019 48-1 1/4
40-49: Michelle Carter, hDr, 2022 37-4 1/4
50+: Shirley Molitor-kirsch, Children’s Mercy hospital, 2017 ......... 35-2
Men’s triathlon (2013-2017)
18-29: kevin Denny, Black & Veatch, 2016 46:16
30-39: Jared kuntz, J.P. Morgan, 2013 51:49
40-49: Bently harper, Garmin International, 2015 ............. 53:36
50+: Scott Bolen, Quest Diagnostics, 2015 ... 56:30
Men’s triathlon (1992-2012)
18-29: Mark Carey, Cerner Corporation, 1999 43:35
30-39: Pat McCormick, ku Med Center, 1992 45:50
30-39: Chris Fugate, hallmark, 2006 45:50
40-49: James o’keefe, SLSM health’s, 1999 45:44
50+: James o’keefe, Saint Luke’s health System, 2006 48:40
women’s triathlon (2013-2017)
18-29: Charity Fluharty, hallmark Cards, Inc., 2013 1:00:19
30-39: k alletta Caldwell, Sprint, 2013 56:26
40-49: Carolyn Walters, h&r Block, 2016 1:09:39
50+: kelly Dippold, Lockton Companies, 2015 .............. 56:21
women’s triathlon (1992-2012)
18-29: Christine McMahon, SLSM health, 1997 ..................... 53:17
30-39: k alletta Caldwell, Sprint, 2012 .......... 50:50
40-49: kelly Dippold, Sprint nextel, 2009 ...... 52:08
50+: kelly Dippold, Lockton Companies, 2012 50:48
Men’s weightlifting (Since 2023)
98.1278 ryan Baylark, Travelers Insurance, 2023
Men’s weightlifting (1993-2022)
625.00 Chris Mcknight, Sprint, 2014
women’s weightlifting (Since 2023)
33.4405 Cydney Bushue, Dh Pace, 2023
women’s weightlifting (1993-2022)
321.30 krista McGowan, u.S. army Corps of Engineers, 2010
64 | Kansas City Corporate Challenge • 2024
archives • individual (continued)
Division a (Since 1981)
Men’s Bowling (Since 1984)
2,878 Sprint, 2010
2,781 Waddell & reed/Ivy Funds, 2015
2,706 honeywell, 2017
women’s Bowling (Since 1984)
2,428 Sprint nextel Corporation, 2006
2,292 aT&T, 1996
2,287 Black & Veatch, 2018
Coed Bowling (Since 1984)
2,618 Cerner Corporation, 2012
2,576 Farmers Insurance Group, 2010
2,575 Farmers Insurance Group, 2015
Swimming 200-Yard freestyle relay (Since 1985)
1:34.43 Cerner, 2016
1:35.31 Burns & McDonnell, 2015
1:35.85 Burns & McDonnell, 2016
Swimming 200-Yard Medley relay (Since 1997)
1:45.33 Cerner, 2016
1:45.84 Burns & McDonnell, 2015
1:45.91 Burns & McDonnell, 2016
track & field Medley relay (Since 1981)
1:41.125 Cerner, 2007
1:41.34 Bendix, 1986
1:41.766 Cerner Corporation, 2014
track & field 800-Meter relay (1981-2010)
1:38.53 uMkC, 2000
1:40.52 Black & Veatch, 1992
1:40.62 hallmark Cards, 1985
track & field Mile relay (Since 2002)
3:54.670 Garmin International , 2015
3:56.44 Cerner Corporation, 2003
3:58.340 Garmin International, 2016
track & field 1600-Meter relay (1986-2001)
3:54.27 hallmark Cards, 1986
3:54.55 hallmark Cards, 1987
3:56.39 Sprint, 2000
track & field Pyramid relay (1981-1995)
9:49.87 Sprint, 1990
9:49.88 hallmark Cards, 1991
9:54.13 aT&T, 1989
track & field Distance Medley relay (Since 1996)
7:21.22 hallmark Cards, 1996
7:27.16 hallmark Cards, 1997
7:27.39 DST, 1997
team Duathlon (Since 2018)
1:10:18 Burns & McDonnell, 2019
1:16:45 Cerner Corporation, 2018
1:17:00 Garmin, 2022
team triathlon (1984-2017)
1:24:20 hallmark Cards, 1996
1:25:20 american Century, 2000
1:26:25 hallmark Cards, Inc., 2003
team weightlifting (Since 2023)
98.5162 Burns & McDonnell, 2023
89.1475 Garmin, 2023
85.0264 City of k ansas City, Missouri, 2023
team weightlifting (1992-2022)
1,242.98 Sprint, 2014
1,212.40 honeywell FM&T, 2012
1,205.76 DST Systems, Inc., 2001
Division B (Since 1982)
Men’s Bowling (Since 1986)
2,688 h&r Block, 2018
2,660 honeywell FM&T, 2010
2,656 Waddell & reed/Ivy Investments, 2017
women’s Bowling (Since 1986)
2,262 Quest Diagnostics, 2012
2,238 BMa, 1993
2,235 nkC hospital, 1992
Coed Bowling (Since 1986)
2,611 Lockton Companies, 2016
2,486 Farmers Insurance Group, 2017
2,447 Waddell & reed/Ivy Funds, 2014
Swimming 200-Yard freestyle relay (Since 1986) 1:41.76
Swimming 200-Yard Medley relay (Since 1997) 1:50.84
track & field Medley relay (Since 1986)
1:17:28 Pain Train, 2021
1:22:29 h&r Block, 2018
team triathlon (1986-2017)
1:30:06 Lawyers association, 1988
1:32:37 Lawyers association, 1990
1:33:00 h&r Block, 2003
team weightlifting (Since 2023)
72.7046 yellow, 2023
71.9560 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of k ansas City, 2023
49.4501 h&r Block, 2023
team weightlifting (1992-2022)
1,213.35 Bayer, 2006
1,163.20 Bayer, 2008
1,149.59 Bayer Corporation, 2005
Division C (Since 1984)
Men’s Bowling (Since 1986)
2,601 Marine Corps, 2003
2,544 harley-Davidson, 2009
2,526 IBM, 2000
2,526 kellogg Company, 2016 women’s Bowling (Since 1986)
2,227 k ansas City Life, 2000
2,216 associated Wholesale Grocers, 2007
2,198 Butler Manufacturing, 2007
Coed Bowling (Since 1986)
2,508 Spectrum, 2018
2,426 aMC Entertainment, Inc., 2012
2,422 GEha, 2010
Swimming 200-Yard freestyle relay (Since 1986)
1:43.89 Perceptive Software, 2012
1:46.76 Perceptive Software, 2013
1:49.66 kC Marines, 2005
Swimming 200-Yard Medley relay (Since 1997)
1:57.38 Perceptive Software, 2012
2:05.46 Perceptive Software, 2013
2:07.91 JPMorgan, 2009
track & field Medley relay (Since 1986)
1:42.64 kC Marines, 2000
1:44.26 Cerner Corporation, 1993
1:45.68, 2009
track & field 800-Meter relay (1986-2010)
1:43.18 Cerner Corporation, 1994
1:45.13 Cerner Corporation, 1993
1:46.34 City of olathe, 1994
track & field Mile relay (Since 2002)
3:59.630 PnC real Estate/ Midland Loan Services, 2012
4:01.450 PnC real Estate/ Midland Loan Services, 2013
4:07.395 hnTB, 2005
track & field 1600-Meter relay (1986-2001)
3:53.23 Cerner Corporation, 1994
3:56.13 kC Marines, 2000
4:02.87 Marley Company, 1990
track & field Pyramid relay (1986-1995)
9:54.05 Missouri Public Service, 1988
10:08.15 Missouri Public Service, 1990
10:20.45 Metmor, 1993
Kansas City Corporate Challenge • 2024 | 65
& McDonnell, 2008 1:42.39 Lockton Companies, 2013 1:43.11
& McDonnell, 2007
& McDonnell, 2008
& McDonnell, 2007
& McDonnell, 2007
Missouri Public Service, 1994, 2012
Burns & McDonnell, 2010
& field 800-Meter relay
20th Century, 1992 1:45.44 Cerner Corporation, 1996 1:45.69 Cerner Corporation, 1997 track & field Mile relay (Since 2002)
Burns & McDonnell, 2011
Burns & McDonnell, 2012
Quintiles, 2004 track & field 1600-Meter relay (1986-2001)
20th Century, 1994
20th Century, 1993
(1986-2010) 1:45.24
Bethany Medical, 1989 track & field Pyramid relay (1986-1995)
Missouri Public Service, 1986 9:53.83 Missouri Public Service, 1989
20th Century, 1994 track & field Distance relay (Since 1996)
utiliCorp united, 1997
american Century, 1997
20th Century, 1996 team Duathlon (Since 2018)
Farmers Insurance Group, 2019
archives • team K
track & field Distance relay (Since 1996)
7:53.543 hnTB, 2005
8:01.25 hnTB Corporation, 2000
8:06.83 GEar for Sports, 1997
team Duathlon (Since 2018)
1:23:29 CkD CPas & advisors, 2021
1:28:27 ScriptPro LLC, 2019
1:29:29 SelectQuote Insurance Services, 2019
team triathlon (1986-2017)
1:32:11 EPa, 2009
1:34:43 Missouri Public Service, 1991
1:37:52 GE Insurance Solutions, 2005
team weightlifting (Since 2023)
81.3513 aMC Theatres, 2023
65.1574 henderson Engineers, Inc., 2023
45.3242 hnTB Corporation, 2023
team weightlifting (1992-2022)
1,128.11 City of overland Park, 1994
1,089.03 City of overland Park, 1997
1,084.00 City of overland Park, 1999
Division D (Since 1988)
Men’s Bowling (Since 1988)
2,474 Pfizer, Inc., 2000
2,444 Pfizer, Inc., 2001
2,443 Ferrellgas, 2010
women’s Bowling (Since 1988)
2,125 Waddell & reed, 1991
2,053 Mellon Mortgage, 1996
2,049 BMa, 2001
Coed Bowling (Since 1988)
2,423 Stowers Institute for Medical research, 2016
2,305 Swiss re, 2008
2,303 Pfizer, Inc., 2001
Swimming 200-Yard freestyle relay (Since 1988)
1:42.54 Perceptive Software, 2011
1:48.45 henderson Engineers, 2019
1:48.82 Intouch Solutions, 2015
Swimming 200-Yard Medley relay (Since 1997)
2:01.34 Perceptive Software, 2011
2:04.20 SelectQuote Insurance Services, 2018
2:04.39 Perceptive Software, 2010
track & field Medley relay (Since 1988)
1:46.56 hnTB Corporation, 1995
1:46.60 hnTB Corporation, 1994
1:46.66 andersen Consulting, 1992
track & field 800-Meter relay (1988-2010)
1:45.00 hnTB Corporation, 1995
1:45.41 andersen Consulting, 1992
1:46.06 hnTB Corporation, 1996
track & field Mile relay (Since 2002)
4:16.860 henderson Engineers, Inc., 2014
4:17.780 VML, 2010
4:22.000 Swiss re, 2009
track & field 1600-Meter relay (1988-2001)
4:01.72 hnTB Corporation, 1995
4:02.09 hnTB Corporation, 1994
4:07.34 hnTB Corporation, 1996
track & field Pyramid relay (1988-1995)
10:04.56 hnTB Corporation, 1995
10:08.97 k ansas City Life Insurance, 1990
10:15.56 Cerner Corporation, 1990
track & field Distance relay (Since 1996)
7:18.79 hnTB Corporation, 1996
7:37.78 hnTB Corporation, 1997
7:47.48 Marine Corps Support activity, 1997 team Duathlon (Since 2018)
1:16:31 Pain Train, 2019
1:24:23 henderson Engineers, Inc., 2019
1:26:00 MhC (Murphy-hoffman Company), 2019 team triathlon (1988-2017)
1:38:14 J.E. Dunn, 2003
1:39:53 JE Dunn, 2004
1:41:39 harmon Industries, 1992
team weightlifting (Since 2023)
126.6088 Travelers Insurance, 2023
67.0680 Missouri Department of Transportation, 2023
64.6103 McCownGordon Construction, 2023 team weightlifting (1992-2022)
1,090.57 City of overland Park, 1993
1,072.05 City of overland Park, 1992
1,068.16 Enterprise rent-a-Car, 2019
Division e (Since 1990)
Men’s Bowling (Since 1990) 2,563 Terracon, 2008 2,504 Skillpath Seminars, 2004
2,499 SelectQuote Insurance Services, 2016
women’s Bowling (Since 1990)
2,128 Bank Midwest, 2004
2,064 union Carbide, 1992
2,030 americo, 2018
Coed Bowling (Since 1990)
2,293 ruskin Manufacturing, 1996
2,265 Perceptive Software, 2007
2,255 Pfizer, 2003
Swimming 200-Yard freestyle relay (Since 1990)
1:47.25 SelectQuote Insurance Services, 2017
1:48.90 MrIGlobal, 2019
1:49.50 VML, 2011
Swimming 200-Yard Medley relay (Since 1997)
(Since 1990)
1:46.14 Seaboard Corporation, 1994 1:46.70 Seaboard Corporation, 1993
1:48.54 BkD, LLP, 2002
track & field 800-Meter relay (1990-2010)
1:47.73 Seaboard Corporation, 1993
1:48.45 nCaa, 1990
1:51.57 Baird, kurtz & Dobson, 1991
track & field Mile relay (Since 2002)
4:12.10 BkD, LLP, 2002
4:18.500 Pain Train, 2018
4:18.697 Deloitte, 2006
track & field 1600-Meter relay (1990-2001)
4:08.48 Seaboard Corporation, 1993
4:11.21 Baird, kurtz & Dobson, 1991
4:13.55 nCaa, 1990
track & field Pyramid relay (1990-1995)
10:12.99 Baird, kurtz & Dobson, 1990
10:29.16 Seaboard Corporation, 1994
10:33.72 Baird, kurtz & Dobson, 1993
track & field Distance relay (Since 1996)
7:47.850 Pain Train, 2018
8:05.170 Pain Train, 2017
8:05.61 Baird, kurtz & Dobson, 1997
team Duathlon (Since 2018)
1:22:54 Populous, 2019
1:24:57 Pain Train, 2018
1:29:02 hDr, 2022
team triathlon (1990-2017)
1:34:02 Seaboard Corporation, 1996
1:38:39 Baird, kurtz & Dobson, 1996
1:39:14 hantover, 1992
team weightlifting (Since 2023)
70.1803 ForVIS, 2023
64.1102 Populous, 2023
45.1048 Cboe Global Markets, 2023
team weightlifting (1992-2022)
1,009.72 Covansys, 2008
1,006.51 Procter & Gamble, 1997
978.35 Pain Train, 2018
Division f (Since 1997)
Men’s Bowling (Since 1997)
2,501 CP Commercial Specialists, 2000
2,451 EarP Distribution Center, 2005
2,438 IBT, Inc., 2003
women’s Bowling (Since 1997)
2,193 Bank Midwest, 2003
2,060 Gemaco, 2003
1,983 Gemaco, 2001
Coed Bowling (Since 1997)
2,251 SkillPath, 2007
2,222 Covansys, 2007
2,188 FnIS, 2003
Swimming 200-Yard freestyle relay (Since 1997)
1:49.59 DEG, 2015
1:50.48 Dimensional Innovations, 2019
1:52.23 BkD, LLP, 2012
Swimming 200-Yard Medley relay (Since 1997)
2:00.13 Dimensional Innovations, 2019
2:05.76 Service Management Group, 2017
2:09.68 Touchnet Information Systems, Inc., 2015 track & field Medley relay (Since 1997)
1:48.29 BkD, LLP, 2003
1:48.46 Ellerbe Becket, 2002
1:51.64 Ellerbe Becket, 2001 track & field 800-Meter relay (1997-2010)
1:52.89 BkD, LLP, 2003
1:53.40 BkD, LLP, 2004
1:53.85 Geoaccess, 1998
track & field Mile relay (Since 2002)
4:05.53 BkD, LLP, 2003
4:19.920 Pain Train, 2016
4:22.93 BkD, LLP, 2004
track & field 1600-Meter relay (1997-2001)
4:28.75 Ellerbe Becket, 1998
4:32.13 Seaboard Corporation, 2000
4:33.21 Geoaccess, 1998
66 | Kansas City Corporate Challenge • 2024
2:03.32 kPMG LLP, 2013
kPMG LLP, 2012
2:07.68 Bushnell, 2012 track & field Medley relay
archives • team (continued)
track & field Distance relay (Since 1996)
7:50.430 Pain Train, 2015
7:55.820 Pain Train, 2016
7:56.12 Ellerbe Becket, 1997
team Duathlon (Since 2018)
1:15:14 Engaged Companies, 2019
1:23:36 Populous, 2018
1:26:54 Procter & Gamble, 2018
team triathlon (1997-2017)
1:44:30 Pain Train, 2015
1:45:24 Fort Dodge animal health, 1998
1:45:35 Seaboard Corporation, 2001
team weightlifting (Since 2023)
44.4908 CrossFirst Bank, 2023
35.8457 Imperial PFS, 2023
35.7277 harcros, 2023
team weightlifting (1997-2022)
1,083.97 r.F. Fisher Electric, 2009
1,029.08 Covansys, 2006
999.98 Georgia-Pacific, 2015
Division g (Since 2000)
Men’s Bowling (Since 2000)
2,557 Sega, 2006
2,482 archer Technologies, 2010
2,426 Sega, Inc., 2011
women’s Bowling (Since 2000)
1,843 SCor Global Life americas reinsurance Company, 2014
1,804 CP CS, 2003
1,800 Westlake ace hardware, 2006
Coed Bowling (Since 2000)
2,158 GlynnDevins advertising & Marketing, 2016
2,152 William M. Mercer, Incorporated, 2000
2,151 Cartwright & CaM, 2010
Swimming 200-Yard freestyle relay (Since 2000)
1:52.81 Touchnet Information Systems, Inc., 2013
1:54.04 aaI, 2004
1:54.65 DEG, 2016
Swimming 200-Yard Medley relay (Since 2000)
2:12.02 Team Global, 2004
2:12.29 StoreFinancial/PSC Group, 2009
2:12.62 Morgan hunter/Pivot/MCEITS, 2011
track & field Medley relay (Since 2000)
1:49.35 Bridge Information Systems, 2000
1:49.53 Pioneer Financial Services, 2003
1:50.10 Bridge Information Systems, 2001
track & field 800-Meter relay (2000-2010)
1:50.43 Pioneer Financial Services, 2003
1:51.14 Pioneer Financial Services, 2004
1:54.85 Ellerbe Becket, 2003
track & field Mile relay (Since 2002)
4:16.89 Pioneer Financial Services, 2004
4:18.30 Pioneer Financial Services, 2003
4:18.84 DEMDaCo, 2004
track & field 1600-Meter relay (2000-2001)
4:27.32 Bridge Information Systems, 2000
4:31.75 Bridge Information Systems, 2001
4:32.03 kC adbrewductions, 2001
track & field Distance relay (Since 2000)
8:20.36 Cna Group Benefits, 2000
8:22.010 kC underdogs, 2013
8:30.010 Pain Train, 2013
team Duathlon (Since 2018)
1:21:37 Engaged Companies, 2018
1:31:09 Touchnet, 2019
1:40:05 optiv Security, 2022
team triathlon (2000-2017)
1:42:32 BaTS Global Markets, 2013
1:46:06 relco/reliable, 2005
1:46:17 kC Power Pack, 2001
team weightlifting (Since 2023)
57.7521 The Scoular Company, 2023
42.1978 Grundfos, 2023
41.1587 Cloud Inventory, 2023
team weightlifting (2000-2022)
1,141.08 r.F. Fisher Electric, 2008
1,006.30 r.F. Fisher, 2010
983.18 Michelin aircraft Tire, 2004
Division h (Since 2003)
Men’s Bowling (Since 2003)
2,597 Blue Valley recreation Commission, 2011 2,469 Blue Valley
women’s Bowling (Since 2003)
Coed Bowling (Since 2003)
2005 1:57.95 ChCa, 2005
(Since 2003)
Swimming 200-Yard Medley relay (Since 2003)
2:14.57 north k ansas City Community Center, 2006
2:14.77 Team Global, 2005
2:16.81 Marksnelson, 2019
& field Medley relay (Since 2003)
1:58.54 Cellnet, 2004
team Duathlon (Since 2018)
1:24:59 ad astra, 2019
1:30:15 Citoxlab, 2019
1:30:54 Trane, 2018
team triathlon (2003-2017)
1:42:54 kC Power Pack, 2003
1:46:52 xenometrics, LLC, 2012
1:47:41 north k ansas City Community Center, 2006
team weightlifting (Since 2023)
63.8856 keyhole Software, 2023
55.7107 newkirk novak Construction Partners, 2023
38.4513 Verimore Bank, 2023
team weightlifting (2003-2022)
1,001.90 new England Financial, 2010
887.04 SkC Communication Products, 2003
880.20 athletic & rehabilitation Center, 2010
Division i (Since 2016)
Men’s Bowling (Since 2016)
2,218 new york Life advanced Markets network, 2016
2,183 Southern Star Central Gas Pipeline, Inc, 2019
2,180 Blue Valley recreation Commission, 2017
women’s Bowling (Since 2016)
1,488 ad astra Information Systems, LLC, 2017
1,478 national Cable Television Cooperative, 2019
1,460 Tortoise Capital advisors, LLC
Coed Bowling (Since 2016)
2,191 Pro athlete, Inc., 2106
1,974 Jack Cooper Transport, 2016
1,786 Jack Cooper Transport, 2017
Swimming 200-Yard freestyle relay (Since 2016)
2:06.19 TranSystems, 2019
2:06.97 Centriq Training, 2016
2:08.24 hoefer Wysocki, 2019
Swimming 200-Yard Medley relay (Since 2016)
2:32.68 Citoxlab, 2019
2:36.06 Signal Theory, 2019
2:37.55 The frank agency, 2016
track & field Medley relay (Since 2016)
1:54.621 Jack Cooper Transport, 2016
1:54.665 Pro athlete, Inc., 2016
1:55.091 Sekisui xenotech, LLC, 2017
track & field Mile relay (Since 2016)
4:39.540 aPEx Sports Medicine, 2018
4:42.780 InQuest Marketing, 2017
4:43.290 aPEx orthopedics and Sports Medicine Team, 2019
track & field Distance relay (Since 2016)
8:52.920 Pro athlete, Inc., 2018
9:03.800 Pro athlete, Inc., 2016
9:18.570 aPEx Sports Medicine, 2018 team Duathlon (Since 2018)
1:39:32 Pro athlete, Inc., 2018
1:39:43 xenometrics, 2018
1:40:50 aPEx Sports Medicine, 2018 team weightlifting (Since 2016)
835.40 Centriq Training, 2016
834.50 Pro athlete, Inc., 2016
829.78 CoS/FIT, 2016
Kansas City Corporate Challenge • 2024 | 67
recreation Commission, 2010
2,295 ad astra, 2019
1,908 SCor Global Life americas,
1,779 SCor Global Life americas reinsurance Company, 2016 1,746 SCor Global Life americas,
Jack Cooper Transport,
Pro athlete, Inc.,
hostess Brands,
2013 2,148
2012 2,115
200-Yard freestyle relay
Global Connections,
Inc., 2014 1:55.36 Team Global,
Pro athlete, Inc., 2015
Wasinger Tech, LLC, 2011
Pro athlete, Inc., 2014
& field 800-Meter relay
Schneider Electric/Gardner Dental, 2010
track &
athletic & rehabilitation Center, 2010
field Mile relay (Since 2003)
athletic & rehabilitation Center,
track & field
Distance relay (Since 2003)
TaC, 2007
Marksnelson, LLC, 2016
archives • team (continued)