Hcc calendar rev oct 11,2013 (2) (1) (2) (1)

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Holocaust Community Commemoration Events 2013-2014 as of August 9, 2013 Date and Time Sponsoring Organization SUN. AUG. 18 2013 Georgia Commission on the 1 PM Holocaust Anne Frank in the World

Program Location / FEE Movie Matinee: "Papa Said, We Ann Frank 5920 Roswell Road Suite Should Never Forget� A209 Sandy Springs

TUE. SEPT. 10, 2013 KSU Museum of History and at TOURS 5:30 PM Holocaust Education MOVIE AT 6;00 PM

Pizza, Movie and a Tour -"The Last Days"

WED. SEPT. 18 2013 KSU Museum of History and at 9:30 AM-12:30 Holocaust Education PM

Homeschool Day: Resistance in Museum of History and Holocaust the Holocaust Education KSU

SUN. SEPT. 22, 2013 at 1:00 PM

Georgia Commission on the Holocaust Anne Frank in the World

Movie Matinee: "One Survivor Remembers"

Through SEPT. 25, 2013

Georgia Commission on the Holocaust Anne Frank in the World

Reflections Through the Lens Ann Frank 5920 Roswell Road Suite and Back - Exhibits at the Anne A209 Sandy Springs Frank in the World Exhibit 192945 Parallel Journeys - Exhibits at Ann Frank 5920 Roswell Road Suite the Anne Frank in the World A209 Sandy Springs Exhibit 1929-45 YIZKOR- The night of Shemini Atzeret (the 8th night of Sukkot) "Dangerous Music: Music the Bailey Performance Center, Nazis Thought No One Should Kennesaw State University FREE Hear" Petr Nouzovsky, cello and Patricia Goodson, piano Performing artists from Prague, Czech Republic on a tour of the eastern U.S. ( Degenerate Music Concert)

SEPT. 25 - OCT. 30, Georgia Commission on the 2013 Holocaust Anne Frank in the World THURS. SEPT. 26, 2013 SAT. OCT. 5, 2013 at KSU Museum of History and 8:00 PM Holocaust Education

Museum of History and Holocaust Education KSU

Ann Frank 5920 Roswell Road Suite A209 Sandy Springs

Holocaust Community Commemoration Events 2013-2014 as of August 9, 2013 SUN. OCT. 13, 2013 KSU Museum of History and at 4 PM Holocaust Education

"Dangerous Music" (Same as above)

SUN. OCT. 6, 2013 at 2:00 - 3:30 PM

Bearing Witness Robbie Friedmann (Hungary, Palestine)

Weinberg Center for Holocaust Education at the Breman

MON. OCT. 20, 2013 Georgia Commission on the at 1:00 PM Holocaust Anne Frank in the World THURS. OCT. 24, KSU Museum of History and 2013 at 5:00-7:00 Holocaust Education PM OCT. 30 - DEC. 9, Georgia Commission on the 2013 Holocaust Anne Frank in the World SAT. NOV. 2, 2013 at 7:00 PM MON. NOV. 4, 2013 at 10 AM

KSU Museum of History and Holocaust Education Georgia Commission on the Holocaust Anne Frank in the World

MON. NOV. 4, 2013 Marcus Jewish Community at 7PM Center of Atlanta SUN. NOV. 10, 2013 Weinberg Center for Holocaust at 11:30 AM - 1:30 Education at the Breman PM SUN. NOV. 10, 2013 Am Yisrael Chai SUN. NOV. 10, 2013 Weinberg Center for Holocaust at 2;00 - 3:30 PM Education at the Breman

Congregation Shearith Israel (Midtown) $10 The Sylvia Breman Auditorium

Movie Matinee: "Nicholas Winton, The Power of Good"

Ann Frank 5920 Roswell Road Suite A209 Sandy Springs

Paragraph 175- Movie and Discussion

Kennesaw State University Prillaman 1101

Beyond Rosie: Women in World Ann Frank 5920 Roswell Road Suite War II- Exhibits at the Anne A209 Sandy Springs Frank in the World Exhibit 192945 Annual 1940's Swing Dance Museum of History and Holocaust Education KSU Yom Hashoah first Planning The Breman Committee Meeting. Invitation to those that are interested in participating in our planning process by serving on 1 of our 13 committees Kristallnacht Commemoration Besser Holocaust Memorial Garden featuring author, Harry Rosenfeld 75th Anniversary Kristallnacht TBD Program Honoring Atlanta (& Georgia) Survivors Planting Daffodils in memory of Blue Ridge, Georgia children killed in the Holocaust Bearing Witness Kristallnacht TBD Program

Holocaust Community Commemoration Events 2013-2014 as of August 9, 2013 WED. NOV. 13, 2013 9:30 AM12:30 PM SUN. NOV. 17, 2013 at 1:00 PM NOV. 17-20, 2013

KSU Museum of History and Holocaust Education

Homeschool Day: Hollywood Goes to War

Museum of History and Holocaust Education KSU

Georgia Commission on the Holocaust Anne Frank in the World Anti Defamation League of Atlanta

Movie Matinee: "From Hitler to Hollywood"

Ann Frank 5920 Roswell Road Suite A209 Sandy Springs

TUES DEC 10, 2013 Atlanta Jewish Committee 7:00-9:00pm SUN. JAN. 5, 2014 Weinberg Center for Holocaust Education at the Breman MON. JAN. 20, 2014 Anti Defamation League of Atlanta

SUN. JAN. 26 at 2:00-3:30 PM

Weinberg Center for Holocaust Education at the Breman

SUN. JAN. 26, 2014 Am Yisrael Chai SUN. FEB. 16, 2014 Weinberg Center for Holocaust Education at the Breman THURS. FEB. 20, KSU Museum of History and 2014 at 12:00 PM Holocaust Education MAR. through APR. Marcus Jewish Community 2014 Center of Atlanta

National Youth Leadership US Holocaust Memorial Museum Mission to the US Holocaust Museum International Holocaust Chaddick Center for the Arts, The Remembrance Galloway School Bearing Witness Elizabeth The Sylvia Breman Auditorium Lefkovits (Hungary/Venezuela) UN No Place for Hate Summit A one-ALLIANCE THEATRE day leadership program for teens in metro Atlanta to take the lessons of the Holocaust to fight prejudice and discrimination today. The program is co-sponsored with The Woodruff Arts Center and the Alliance Theatre. Bearing Witness U.N. INT’L The Sylvia Breman Auditorium HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY PROGRAM ON GENOCIDE Holocaust Commemoration TBD Event Bearing Witness – Steven Low The Sylvia Breman Auditorium (Germany, Shanghai) Lecture: Eric Muller Japanese - Kennesaw State University Social American Internment Science Building Letters to Sala: A Young Katz Family Mainstreet Gallery at Woman's Life in Nazi Labor the MJCCA/Zaban Park Camps

Holocaust Community Commemoration Events 2013-2014 as of August 9, 2013 WED. MAR. 12, 2014 at 9:30 AM 12:30 PM THURS. MAR 20, 2013

KSU Museum of History and Holocaust Education

Homeschool Day: America at War

Museum of History and Holocaust Education KSU

Freda Goodman

Talking Kites Around the World Project

TBD. Students with their teachers and youth groups are invited to participate in the Global Project, Talking Kites Around the World. This project is in memory of Januscz Korczak. Classes learn lessons about Korczak and his legacy between January and March. Students around the world plan local programs to fly their decorated Kites on March 20, 2014 or a date during that week. The students create and share a multimedia or video presentation of their program and view presentations from students around the world.

Bearing Witness– HERSHEL GREENBLAT (POLAND) Daffodil Dash

JFGA Auditorium

SUN. MAR. 23, 2014 Weinberg Center for Holocaust Education at the Breman SUN. MARCH 30, Am Yisrael Chai 2014 TUE. APR. 22, 2014 APR. 23-27, 2014

Marcus Jewish Community Center of Atlanta WED. APR. 23, 2014 KSU Museum of History and Holocaust Education THU APR. 24, 2014 KSU Museum of History and TIME TBD Holocaust Education

YIZKOR- The second night of Shavuot Letters to Sala play by Arlene Hutton Homeschool Day: Children in the Holocaust Opening of Japanese American Internment Exhibit


Morris and Rae Frank at the MJCCA/ Zaban Park Museum of History and Holocaust Education KSU Museum of History and Holocaust Education KSU

Holocaust Community Commemoration Events 2013-2014 as of August 9, 2013 APRIL TBD

AJC and Ahavath Achim

APRIL Genocide Prevention Coalition SUN. APR. 27, 2014 Marcus Jewish Community at 4 – 5:00 PM Center of Atlanta

SUN. APR. 27, 2014 at 3 - 5 PM SUN. APR. 27, 2014 at 11:00 AM (rain or shine)

Congregation Dor Tamid

SUN. MAY 4 2014 at 4:00 PM

Eternal-Life Hemshech , Weinberg Center for Holocaust Education at the Breman and Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta Georgia Commission on the Holocaust Anne Frank in the World KSU Museum of History and Holocaust Education

THURS. JUNE 5, 2014 SUN JUNE 8- 11, 2014

KSU Museum of History and Holocaust Education

WED. MAY 2, 2014

JUNE 15-20, 2014

Weinberg Center for Holocaust Education at the Breman

Young Adult development committee ACCESS on a Holocaust Education/Genocide prevention program Genocide Prevention Month YOM HASHOAH Observance


State Capitol Besser Holocaust Memorial Garden at MJCCA/Zaban Park


Congregation Dor Tamid, Johns Creek YOM HASHOAH - 49th Annual Memorial to Six Million GREENWOOD Community Commemoration CEMETERY

Annual Day of Remembrance

State Capitol

Imagine World Without Hate Awards Ceremony/ Holocaust Survivor Talk YIZKOR-The second night of Shavuot Summer Institute for Holocaust Studies- Open to all rising high school juniors and seniors.

Museum of History and Holocaust Education KSU

23rd Annual Summer Institute on Teaching Holocaust

The Breman/Feldman Hall

Museum of History and Holocaust Education KSU

Holocaust Community Commemoration Events 2013-2014 as of August 9, 2013 ALL YEAR

Anti Defamation League of Atlanta

Echoes and Reflections: Holocaust Education for the 21st Century

MAY 2014 - NOV. 2014

Georgia Commission on the Holocaust Anne Frank in the World

"Witness to the Holocaust: WWII Veteran William Alexander Scott III at Buchenwald" Holocaust Learning Trunk Show: Educators interested in using a trunk in his or her classroom can request a trunk on-line. Trunks remain at a school for a maximum of three weeks unless other arrangements have been made. By utilizing the materials in a trunk, educators are able to teach the lessons of the Holocaust to all students in Georgia. Once an educator has finished his or her unit, the trunk returns to the respective Holocaust Learning Trunk Project District Contact.

2014 Georgia Commission on the Holocaust Anne Frank in the World

This is a comprehensive, multimedia curriculum designed for middle and high school Social Studies and Language Arts teachers. Using visual history testimony integrated into 10 multi-part lessons, this educational resource offers curriculum connections to contemporary issues of diversity, prejudice and bigotry, and modernday genocide. It includes maps, photos, timeline, glossary and primary resources. Libraries throughout Georgia

Trunks are available for check-out to all middle school educators in the State of Georgia either through a local RESA (Regional Educational Service Agency) or district media specialist.

Holocaust Community Commemoration Events 2013-2014 as of August 9, 2013 TUE. SEPT 2, 2014

Sabra Riders Atlanta/Jewish Motorcyclists Alliance

Three City Pledge Ride 2014. CENTENNIAL OLYMPIC PARK PA, ATLANTA, BOCA RATON. ATL is 9-2-2014. By VE Day May 8th 1945, 11,000,000 men, woman, and children had been slaughtered in the Nazi death camps. Innocent souls brutalized by Hitler's "1000 year" Reich. We are Christian and Jewish Bikers traveling from all over the world to Stroudsburg, Atlanta, and Boca Raton in 2014, United by the Pledge Ride. Pledging "NEVER AGAIN!"

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