BRITEG - 3D Formworks

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3D Formworks

Special formworks for the Elbphilharmonie, Hamburg, germany by Herzog & de Meuron architects

Special formwork „Just in time“ Through the application of the computer as a draft tool, new possibilities for generating and visualizing highly complicated, multiply bent forms and surfaces as well as whole buildings are originated. The unusual design requires completely new approaches in planning and construction in many areas. By applicating the newest 3D modeling software as well as multiaxial CNC mills we are able to realize a completely and consistently carried out realization planning of complicated geometry – based on a spatial model. By the architects/planners merely the geometry is provided as a body or surface model including defined inner and exterior surfaces.

These are converted into structural edges and new surfaces are generated as edge-defined surfaces. Since these aren’t constructed conventionally any more by the designer and since the underlying mathematics remain concealed, conceptualizing is more and more decoupled from the construction process. This has led to the fact that up to now only comparatively few of these drafts could be implemented in a bigger scale. As a logical consequence of the forms generated at the computer, the realization of this architecture seems to be the computer-aided manufacturing. At this point we offer you a seamless realization of the virtual draft into a concrete implementation plan including the planning, realization and delivery of the ready to be installed formwork. Just in time !

MARTa, Herford, by Gehry Partners, LLP

Concrete Formwork Depending on the design requirements as well as the geometry of the building element, different concrete form sides are possible: e.g. from Betoplan, hardboards or with a leveled out fiberglass surface. The latter being recommended especially for surfaces which must do justice to facing concrete requirements. For instance very smooth and bright surfaces can only be build with non-absorbing concrete form types as for instance Betoplan or fiberglass.

If requested, the joint formation can be altered or defined for optical stress or structuring of the surface by formwork inserts in the element pushes. Facing Concrete If a facing concrete requirement is demanded for the concrete surfaces, the formwork can be provided with a four-ply epoxy coating including a fiberglass geomembrane insert which is superimposed in several working steps complete with inter and final grinding. The arrangement of joints is already defined when planning the formwork plan – also the horizontal and vertical working segments for concreting result from it. An additional optical stress or structuring of the surface is also possible by false joints (formwork inserts by trapezoid-shaped or triangular-shaped throats).



MARTa, Herford, by Gehry Partners, LLP

Winding up of free form surfaces Another important component of planning with free form surfaces is the winding up of uneven surfaces. Especially for the division of formwork pictures or for the laying of reinforced steel a projection or winding up on a level surface is very helpful. Besides programs developed for the automobile industry for the winding up of laminations the Rhino module is used here for surface modeling. Because this program was developed for the comprehensive treatment of free form surfaces, single "roads" can also be calculated, e.g., to be able to generate the formwork picture with a formwork board width of approximately 2 meters.

A big advantage of direct implementation is the access to the full surface definitions without loss of information by conversion into another format. Changes in the model can be integrated into the statics through a new generation of the net. Due to the mathematical description of the surfaces data can be also generated for CNC (Computer-Numeric-Controlled) machines. For example, for the formwork of the museum project "MARTa" in Herford in frequent intervals, the geometric of spades were generated from the surface data which were then sawed out with a CNC-mill. Covered with a formwork generated from winding up and division of the surface, thus there originate the single formwork segments which illustrate every possible geometry precisely. Therefore high requirements for the homogeneity as well as the surface state of a concrete component can also be fulfilled very precisely.

Elbphilharmonie, Hamburg, germany by Herzog & de Meuron architects

MARTa, Herford by Frank Gehry

Special formworks for the Merkez-mosque, Duisburg, Marxloh

advantages of planning:

advantages at the building site:

Even the most demanding design defaults and geometry can be realized

Manufacturing and delivery of the formwork occurs „Just in Time“ The assembly of the formwork can occur directly from the truck – without temporary storage on the building site

Free of loss data takeover of the 3D surface model made available already from draft planning Development of the formwork solution optimum for every single module High precision of the formwork by digital and CNCsupported prefabrication – Exact by the millimeter! Manufacturing independent of weather and storage of the formwork at every season Early planning to the economic construction and assembly ability and observance of the maximum transport dimensions

Reduction of construction time and lowering of costs by the substantially lower formwork expenditure on site Low personnel expenditure for the formwork-installation and with the striking Assembly and application drawings for fast and precise positioning of the formwork on the building site Consideration of adjoining components, beddings, anchor positions etc. Economically combinable with every system formwork

Special formworks for the Elbphilharmonie, Hamburg, germany by Herzog & de Meuron architects

persons in charge: Ralf Tegethoff managing director

Tim Dressler graduate engineer, architect

phone: +49 [52 50] 77 88

phone: +49 [5 21] 21 58 4

Special formworks for the Elbphilharmonie, Hamburg, germany by Herzog & de Meuron architects

3D Formworks corporate division of tegethoff carpenters lindenweg 10 33129 delbrĂźck, germany tel. +49 [5250] 77 88 fax. +49 [5250] 93 01 63 in association with: jonek + dressler engineers anton-bruckner-straĂ&#x;e 12 336o4 bielefeld, germany tel +49 [5 21] 21 58 4 fax +49 [5 21] 21 58 7

j+d engineers

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