St. Benedict’s Abbey The Liturgies of the Triduum 2020 A Guide for Singing
Mens concordet voci Let the mind or spirit be in harmony with the voice. (Rule of St. Benedict 19:7)
Holy Thursday, The Mass of the Lord’s Supper St. Benedict’s Abbey – Atchison, Kansas
Lord, Who at Your First Eucharist
Text: William H. Turton, 1859 –1938, alt. Tune: UNDE ET MEMORES, 10 10 10 10 with refrain; William H. Monk, 1823 –1889, alt.
Readings Responsorial Psalm
VERSE BEFORE Gospel THE GOSPEL Acclamation �
⌦ /1 �� ⌦
¿ ¿
6⌃ ª 6⌃
Lo-ry and praise to you, Lord Je-sus Christ.
6⌃ 1/ ⌃6 . ø ⌃6 ø @ø@
OFFERTORY ANTIPHON Preparation of Gifts
John ��: �� Here true char- i- ty is dwelling, God is present there. v I give you a new commandment, says the Lord: * love one another as I have loved you.
. ø
ø @ø@
Holy, Holy, Holy.
- bi cá- ri- tas
est ve- ra, De- us i- bi
�e Washing of Feet
Verse �:
��, ��
. ø
6⌃ ø @ø@
A�er the Homily the Washing of Feet may follow. Meanwhile some of the following antiphons or other appropriate chants are sung.
-v By the love of Christ we have been brought to-gether: ANTIPHON �Memorial Acclamation
. ø �� ⌦
Postquam surrexit
6⌃ ø @ø@
✓ .
Cf. Jn ��: �, �, �� · ��, ��
S F- ter the Lord * had ris- en from sup-per, he poured . . ∫ @∫@ ø ø @ø@
v let us �nd in him our glad-ness and our pleasure;
v may we love him and re- vere him, God the liv-ing,
wa- ter in- to a ba- sin and be- gan to wash the feet of his
In the final night at the supper, reclining with [His] brethren, with the law having been fully observed in foods according to the law, He gave himself as Great Amen food to the group of Twelve with his own hands.
Bbb dz zvdÝ vz bvb bzfvbvzesb z b vgß vb zgzb vzbvb IH vb zkbv/ bz b[b bvOK vbz b kb z vzbkâ v zb jb z zbvhà zb b kb vb7z^%b, bv]zb õ Bzb gzbv bvhà v bzkvz bv bjá vzbv z zb hvbvßgvbvbvhb zbvgbv, bz[bzvhà v zb jvb vßgv vzbgb bvbvÝdbvb hb bvÌyÎsbm.vb ]vb dvzõ Bzbvgß zb zb zbgbz bvzvdÝ vz b b z b gb zbv hà vz b hbvbvgbv, zvb[b vzhzb zb já vbz b gb vbvygvbz rdvb sb vdbmv }zóvb vbxvb 4.
Verbum ca-ro, panemLamb ve-rum Verbo carnem éffi-cit: of God
Fitque sanguis Christi me-rum, Et si sensus dé-fi-cit,
Communion Antiphon
4firmándum cor sincé-rum So-la fi-des súffi-cit. &b 4 ˙ œ œ w œ œ ˙ œ œ ˙ œ œ ˙ œ œ œ œ œ œ ˙
The Word-made-flesh makes, by a word, true bread flesh: and the [pure] wine Lord, Je - sus! You are here with us. This we do in me - mo - ry of you. becomes the blood of Christ; and if perception falls short, for the strengthening C. Alexander Peloquin of the sincere heart faith alone suffices.
Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament:
Hymn before Benediction
Bzbdzb z b z vdÝ vbz b vfvzb zvzesb bz vßgvzb gb vbvIH vbz b zkb/vbz bz[bz bzvKOvbvkbzvzbkâ v bzjz bz bzvhà zbv bzkv b7z^%b, bz]zõ Bbbgbz bvhà b b bkbz b z já vzbv zvzhbvzb gß zvb vhzb bvgbv, bvb[bvbvhà vbz jzb v ßgvb gz bv Ýdbvbz hzb vÌyÎsbm. b zb]b zbvdv vgß vb õ Bbz bgb v dÝ v vb gbvbvbvz hà z bvz hb zv gb,v b[bzvzhzbvbz bjá vbvbgvzbv zvzygzb z rdvbzsb zb dbvm zb }zóxxvb
T ANTUM ERGO Sacraméntum Vene-rémur cérnu- i:
Et antíquum do-cuméntum Novo cedat rí-tu- i:
fi-des suppleméntum Sensu- um de- féctu- i.
Therefore such a great Sacrament let us venerate with bowed heads: and let the ancient teaching give way to the new rite: let faith supplement the incapacity of the senses.
The Parish Book of Chant
Bzb dz b vdÝ vbvfvbvzesb bz vgß vzb gbvbvHIvbz b zkbv/ bz [zb vOK vbvb kbz vzbkâ v zjzb vhà zb zbkv b7z^%b, bz b]zb bgbz bvhà bz bø Bbb bkb b z já vzb vzvz hbvzb gß vz zb vb zhz bz bvgbv, bz[zbvhà vbz bjzb bv gß vb gz b vdÝ bvb hzb vyÌ Îsb.m bz]b zvdv gß vbvgv zbdÝ bz õ Bbz bgbvbvbzhà z bz hbz v gbv, b[bzvzhzbvb zb já vb bvbgvzb zvygzb z rdvb zsb z bdbvm zb }z b bdfdbz b ES bMN z b}xcvb Ge-ni-tó-ri, Ge-ni-tóque Laus et ju-bi-lá-ti- o,
ho-nor, virtus quoque
ab utróque
Sa- lus,
Sit et bene-dícti- o: Procedénti
Compar sit lau-dá- ti- o.
A- men.
To the Begetter and to the Begotten praise and jubilation, salvation, honor, and virtue and also benediction let there be; to the One proceeding from both let there be an equal praising.
P ANIS ANGELICUS , in Honor of the Blessed Sacrament
ã Bz b z Y Ø S 7 v b h b v z b v y g v z b h I Å v z b 7 z ^ % b v b h b v . z b [ z h v z b v f Þ b v g v b z v g ß v z f b v d b v m z b { b z v f Þ v b z b g b z ô P Bzzb fYG bz b zfÞ vbvdvb vsbvm bz[bz b fbzv Üsvbvav z RD v vb svzb vsbmv bz ]zb zvhzb vz jv vbvb ijvbvßgvzb zbhzv gb,vz b[bz÷ Bzbzvuhvbvzjvz bijbz b zbvhà vzb zgbz v hb.vz vb{bv\vØSYã 7vzb vhà v v zbgv bz4z#@Ü vzvbdbv zb vTF vbvzfb vz dbmz bz}zòcvb IV
A-nis angé- li- cus fit pa-nis hómi-num; Dat pa-
nis c ǽ-li-cus
fi-gú-ris térmi-num:
O res mi- rá-bi- lis!
mandú-cat Dómi-num Pau-per, servus, et húmi- lis.
The angelic bread becomes the bread of men; the celestial bread puts an end to figures; O wondrous thing! The poor, the slave and the humble one eats the Lord.
BbzvSYØã 7vzbvzhvzbvygzvzvzhIÅ vbv7z^%zbvhbv. zb[bz bhvbz vÞfv bzvgbzv zb ßgvzvfzv dbmv zb{bzv Þfv v bgv bvzfYG zb ô BzbvfÞ vbvdbv sbvm [zvfbvzvsÜ v bvbav vRD bvzvsvzvsbvm zb]bv hvzb vzjz bvzijzb v gß vzvhzv gbv, b[zb vuhvzb vzjbz bø 2.
Te tri-na Dé- i- tas
ú-naque póscimus: Sic nos tu
Antiphons & Responsorial Psalm, courtesy of: Hymns and Communion Antiphon: OneLicense #A728812 Mass Parts: Fr. Blaine Schultz, OSB © 2016 St. Benedict’s Abbey, Atchison, KS Pange Lingua from Parish Book of Chant, (© 2012 CMAA)
ví-si-ta, sic-ut te có- limus; Per tu- as sémi-tas duc nos
Good Friday The Celebration of the Passion of the Lord St. Benedict’s Abbey – Atchison, Kansas
������ �� ��� ������� �� ��� ���� The ministers go to the altar in silence and, a�er making a reverence to the altar, prostrate themselves or, if appropriate, kneel and pray in silence for a while. All others kneel. Then all stand for the prayer.
Responsorial Psalm
S ø
Lk ��: ��
A- ther, in- to your hands I commend my spir- it.
BEFORE THE GOSPEL / 1 Gospel Acclamation ⌘ VERSE 1/ �
⌦ Psalm �� (��): 6⌃�ªand �,6⌃ ��-��, ��-��,¿�� and¿ �� @@∫
Lo-ry and praise to you, Lord Je-sus Christ.
�. In you, O ����, I take refuge. † Let me never be put to shame. * In your justice, set me free. Solemn Intercessions Into your hands I commend my spirit. * You will redeem me, O ����, O faithful God.
⌦ 1/
6⌃ 1/ 6⌃
John ��: ��
�. Because of all my foes * v IIhave give become you a new commandment, says the Lord: * a reproach, love one another as I have loved you. an object of scorn to my neighbors * and of fear to my friends.
Showing of the Holy Cross
Adoration of the Holy Cross The Reproaches
Both Choirs:
6⌃ @↵ F F
S Y people, what have I done to you? Or how @ø@
I grieved you? Answer me! During Communion, Psalm �� (��) or another appropriate chant may be sung.
Communion Antiphon
ø ⌘ F ¿ @↵ @ ∫ . Y God, my God, why have you for-sak- en me? M v I led you out from Egypt as Pharoah lay sunk in ⌦ ⌘ 1/ ¿ /1 ¿ ↵ . Two cantors in Choir I: ��
Cf. Ps �� (��): �
Antiphons & Responsorial Psalm, courtesy of: Mass Parts: Fr. Blaine Schultz, OSB © 2016 St. Benedict’s Abbey, Atchison, KS
the Red Sea,
and youPsalm hand ��ed(��)me o-ver to the chief
⌦ �. My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? † are you far �om saving me, * ↵ Why . so far from my words of anguish?
the waters stood higher than the mountains. �. You make springs gush forth in the valleys; * The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night they �ow in St. Benedict’s Abbey – Atchison, Kansas between the hills. �ere the birds of heaven build their nests; * from the branches they sing their song.
�. By the word of the ���� the heavens were made, * thedwelling breath you of his mouth all their host. �. Fromby your water the hills; * by your works he thecollects earth hasthe its �ll. As in a �ask, waves of the ocean; * You make the grass growdepths for theofcattle † he stores up the the sea. and plants to serve mankind’s need. * �at he may bring forth bread from �. Blessed the nation whose God is the theearth. ����, *
the people he has chosen as his heritage.
�. How many are your works, O ����! * From the heavens ���� In wisdom you havethe made themlooks all. forth; * he sees all ofthe children of *men. �e earth is full your creatures. Bless the ����, O my soul. Liturgy the Word �. Our soul is waiting for theof ����. *
Readings He is our help and our shield. Or: May Response after First Psalm your merciful loveReading: be upon us, * 33:4-5, 6-7, 12-13 Ps �� (��): �b �� as we hope in you, O ����.
⌦ 1/ ��
HE earth is full of the goodness of the Lord.
RESPONSORIAL PSALM (A�er the Second Reading)
Response after Second Reading: Psalm 16:5. 8. 9-10, 11 Cf. Ps �� (��): �a
/ 1 ⌘ ⌦
Psalm �� (��): �-�, �-�, ��-��, �� and ��
OU are my in- her- it- ance, O Lord.
�. For the word of theThird ���� Reading: isthe faithful, *Psalm 15:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 17-18 RESPONSORIAL PSALM (A�er Third Reading) ET us sing to Response after Ex ��: �a and all his works to be trusted. ���� �e ���� loves justice and right, * and his merciful love �lls the earth. ET us sing to the Psalm Lord;��he(��): has� and covered him��self in glo-ry. �, �-��, RESPONSORIAL PSALM (A�er thePsalm Fourth30:2, Reading) Response after Fourth Reading: 4, 5-6, 11-12, 13 Exod Ps �� (��): �a
. ⌦ @ @ 1/
⌦ @ @ �. O1/ ����, it1/is you who are my portion and cup; * �� ⌦ you yourself ø who secure my lot. ¿ glo-ry. I keep the ���� before me always; *
�. Let us sing to the ���� horse and rider he ha withwill him at my right hand, I��-�� shall be moved. praise you, younot have rescued me. �e ���� is my strength Exodus ��: �-�, Lord, �-�, �-�,for he has become my sal �. Let us�. sing to the for he has gloriously triumphed; And so,���� my heart rejoices, my soul is glad; * * �is is my God, and I w horse andeven ridermy he has hurled into the sea. my father’s God, and �esh shall rest in hope.
⌦ 1/
O ���� my God, I will thank you forever. proclaim that his name is exalted.
. F
�. Sing to the Lord for he has wrought wonders; * RESPONSORIAL PSALMafter (A�erFifth the Fi�h Reading)Isaiah 12:2-3, 4, 5-6 Response Reading: let this be known through all the earth. Is ��: � ��� Shout aloud and sing praise, you who dwell in Sion, * for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.
. F
OU will draw wa-
OU will draw wa- ter joy- ful- ly from the springs of sal- va- tion.
�. And will PSALM come altartheofSixth God,Reading) * 1/ to IGod, 1my/ joytoandthe(A�er ∫RESPONSORIAL gladness. �� ⌦ ⇡⇡ you will I give thanks on the harp, * F of sal- va- tion. To O God, my God.
Response after Sixth Reading: Psalm 19:8, 9, 10, 11
⌦ 1/
Jn �: ��c
Ord, you have the words of ev- er- last- ing life.
When Baptism is not celebrated (the Responsorial Psalm a�er the ��h reading may also Response after Seventh Reading; Psalm 51:12-13, 14-15, 18-19 be used): Ps �� (��): ��a A�er the last reading �om the Old Testament with its Responsorial Psalm and its prayer, ��� the altar candles are lit, and the Priest intones the hymn Gloria in excelsis Deo (Glory to God in the highest), which is taken up by all, while bells are rung, according to local custom.
∫ ∫
Psalm �� (��): �, �, ��, �� Re-ate a clean heart in me, O Lord. A�er the epistle has been read, all rise, then the Priest solemnly intones the Alleluia three �. �e law ofraising the ���� is perfect; * time, with all repeating it. times, his voice by a Gloria: step each it revives the soul.
⌦ 1/
Then the psalmist or cantor proclaims Psalm ��� (���) with the people responding Alleluia. �e decrees of the ���� are steadfast; * they give wisdom to the simple. Psalm �� (��): ��-��, ��-��, ��-�� ALLELUIA Alleluia �. Createofa pure heartare for right; me, O *God; * �. �e precepts the ���� renew the a steadfast they ���� gladden heart. spirit within me. Do not cast me���� away isfrom your �e command of the clear; * presence; * your holy spirit me. it gives take lightnot toL-the le- eyes. lú-�om ia.
G @ø@ G .Q ∫ ø 1/
The Alleluia is intoned by �. theRestore Abbot, and then sung by the salvation; people times, each time at a higher pitch. in me the joy ofall your *��-��, Psalm ��� (���): 3�-�, ��-�� Then, the Alleluia is sung with Psalm 118 as both a response to the Epistle and introduction to the Gospel. sustain in me a willing spirit.
�. IGive praisetransgressors to the ����, forways, he is *good; * will teach your his sinners mercy endures forever. that may return to you. Let the house of Israel say, * mercyyou endures forever.” �. For “His in sacri�ce take no delight; * burnt o�ering from me would not please you. �. My hissacri�ce right hand is exalted. * spirit: † to God, a broken ����’s right hand has done mighty deeds.” a�e broken and humbled heart, * O God, not live spurn. I shall notyou die,will I shall * and recount the deeds of the ����. �. �e stone that the builders rejected * has become the cornerstone. By the ���� has this been done, *
Offertory Hymn: At the Lamb’s High Feast
the Lamb’s high 1. At 2. Where the Pas chal vic tim 3. Might y tri umph, 4. Eas ter
1. to rious King, 2. sheathes his sword; 3. neath you lie; 4. sin de stroy;
1. Flow ing 2. Through the 3. You have 4. New born
1. 2. 3. 4.
love blood death songs
feast blood from Eas
we sing Praise to our vic is poured, Death’s dark an gel the sky, Hell’s fierce pow’rs be ter joy, This a lone can
Who has washed us in Is rael’s hosts tri um You have con quered in From sin’s pow’r, Lord, set
from his wound ed side; Praise wave that drowns the foe. Praise brought us life and light: Now souls in you to be. Hymns
the tide phant go the fight, us free,
we him, whose we Christ whose no more can of glo ry,
di vine Gives his sa cred blood for wine, was shed, Pas chal vic tim, Pas chal bread! ap pall, Now no more the grave en thrall; of praise, Fa ther, un to you we raise:
1. bod y for the feast, Christ the vic 2. cer i ty and love Eat we man 3. o pened Par a dise, And in you 4. you, our ris en King, With the Spir
tim, na the it,
Gives his With sin You have And to
Christ the priest. from a bove. saints shall rise. praise we sing.
Text: 77 77 D; Ad regias Agni dapes; Latin, 4th cent., tr. by Robert Campbell, 1814–1868, alt. Music: Jakob Hintze, 1622–1702; adapt. by Johann Sebastian Bach, 1685–1750.
Holy, Holy, Holy.
Memorial Acclamation
Great Amen
Lamb of God
The Parish Book of Chant
Communion Antiphon:
Vv z f b z v z f b v z b g v z r d v b v z f v b v y g b v z f b v z a b n v b { v b z g v z b h v b g v z f b v , z } z ô b v c b x xv b A Vbz bfz bv hvzbjzb vijz b z bhv vuhzb vgvzbvfbv, zb{bz zbfvbvbv hvzb jbv ijv zb zbhvbvbzv uhbvb zgb vzbfbz, b{zô Vbv fzbv fzbv zbgvzbvrdz bzfz bv vygzbv fbz bvabvn b{vzbgbvz bhv bgv zfbv, zb}zôxxxcvzb II
L-le-lú-ia, alle- lú- ia,
Repeat: Allelúia.
O fí- li- i
et fí- li- æ,
Morte surré- xit hó- di- e,
Rex cæ-léstis, Rex gló- ri- æ,
R. Allelúia.
O sons and daughters, the celestial King, the glorious King, from death arose today.
nostrum. R. Amen.
Through the same Christ our Lord. R. Amen.
B\zbfv bïkâ v v zKOzokv vzbuhvbztfvb YG bvz hb.vz [vzjzjzuä ÏgvjkÐÎÞfztfbMvb[z bjzjzuä ÏgvjkÐÎÞfztfbMvghYbvzbvìfgìfbz bzfb,vb[b÷ B\Rvbuvh bztfBbzYG z YFfzv%ß b$vbgz bvRD bvfvbzfbv,gb}vbvbhzbjv. zb \kâ vjvzob hkbzvibzjgb,vzbkzb\v/ z[jbvz khzvb zbfÞgvzvb fzbv,gbvzb{zbfv,zbf[bvz buhvkbv/ zvGU8vzibkÐÎfvz b zvtf vzbvflb,z b}øzø B\Bbvzbkzb z\kvjvbzfbzvhb vzb zbYGfvbvbgubvhzvbhvb.5vz$b #\vjbvztbfhv bvfbgv, b bv{fbzv, bfzbv]b YFvzklb kvzb8kz&vz%zhlbzv. 8bzk&b^v/ z$Þ bzvtfb kvM bz {fzbvYFz bvkzlbgkzbv8zbf&bzv,%zhb õv. bø vjvbz vhv vzb zgbv bfbv, zv vbdvbvgvbvbgzgbv zbfbv, }zxb zb B\Bbvzgb8vz&b^hzbÞ$\ztvfjbMvzbv[bkzbGUv/ zà^b{%vzhzbkzb ìfvgzìfvbvfvb, gv}b\xxxxxxxcz Quia quem ru- Tone ísti Recessional porR EGINA CÆLIme, Simple
tá- re,
alle- E-gína lú-ia: Resurréxit,alle-lú-ia: sic-ut di-xit, lú-ia: cæ-li * lætá-re, Qui- allea quem me-
ruportá-re, alle-lú-ia: Re-surré-xit, sic-ut O- ísti ra pro no-bis Deum, alle* di-xit,
alle- lú-ia: **
Opro no-bis De- um, alle-lú- ia. lú-ra ia.
Queen of heaven, rejoice, for He whom thou didst merit to bear, hath risen, , ad God lib. (from the Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary on R EGINA even as HeCÆLI said: pray for us.
Saturdays in Paschal Time, Benedictus and Magnificat antiphon) Versicle, Response, and Prayer, ad lib.
Bb b z w a b v b f b v b T F v b t f b v b w é a v b z v b v f v b b Ý d b v b z f b v z b v g v b v r d v z b s b m v z b v s b m v b v b z { z b z v b E S z @ Ü ! b v b a b v v z b v $ D v õ R Bbbgbv fvb vrdv wavbvfzbv dÝ vbvfv zbgvbvrdvz bsbvm zbvsbvm bz ]zbvzhv b gß v bhv bïkâ v vb lv zivj vz bhvbvhjàhízb õ BbvgvzbYG v zbhv zbhb.v b{v í6z%Þ$vbvgvz zbvghgb v rdbv waz bvz bfvzbvçRD v v zgvbvrdbz zbsbmvzbvsbmvbz }xb ID
Antiphons & Responsorial courtesy V. Gáude et lætáre VírgoPsalms, María, V.of:Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Offertory Hymn: OneLicense #A728812 allelúia.Mass Parts: Fr. Blaine Schultz, OSB © 2016 Mary, alleluia. St. Benedict’s Abbey, Atchison, KS Regina Caeli, Communion Antiphon from R. Parish Chant, hath (© 2012 CMAA) R. Quia surréxit vere, ForBook theofLord risen indeed, E- gínaDóminus cæ- li * læ-tá-re, allelú- ia: Quia quem allelúia. alleluia.
me-ru- í-sti portá-re, alle- lú- ia: Re-surré-xit, sic-ut di-xit,
alle- lú-ia:
O- ra pro no- bis De- um, alle- lú- ia.
Easter Sunday Mass During the Day Entrance Hymn
Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
Text: St. 1, Surrexit Christus hodie, Latin, 14th C.; para. in Lyra Davidica, 1708, alt.; st. 2, 3, The Compleat Psalmodist, c.1750, alt.; st. 4, Charles Wesley, 1707–1788, alt. Tune: EASTER HYMN, 77 77 with alleluias; Lyra Davidica, 1708
Readings † SEQUENCES Easter Sequence: Victimae Paschali Laudes
Bb s v b a ß v v s v b v b f v v b g v f v b v b d z v b s b v m z b [ z b v b h v b v z b g v b v d v v v v b g v b f v b v d v z b s b m b } b ö V I
Ictimæ paschá-li laudes * ímmo-lent Christi- áni.
To the Paschal Victim, Christians, offer a sacrifice of praise.
Bbb hv v kvzbv blvzb bhv b gvzvbhv bhbv. vb{bv vhv b gzvbvbhvbv bgv bfv v bz bdv bsbmvzb [zbvzbfvb gb zb ò Bbszb bdzbvbsb vbabvn bvbzvbdvbvb fbvzbvdb vb sbmv z}bvz b bhv v kv bvblvb vbhv b gvbz bhbv hb.vz b [zbvzbhv zb bgvzbö Bvbhb vbgvzv b fvb dvbvb bsbvm bv{vbzfv vbvgvzvsv bv bdv vsvbvbabvn bv bdv vbfv v dvzbvbsbvm z}zñv v vb
Agnus re-démit oves: Chrístus ínnocens Patri
ci-li- á-vit pecca-tó-res. 3. Mors et vi- ta du- éllo
xé-re mi-rándo: dux vi-tæ mórtu- us, regnat vi-vus. The Lamb has ransomed his sheep; the innocent Christ has reconciled sinners with the Father. Death and life confronted each other in a prodigious battle; the Prince of life who died, now reigns living.
BbvbZv b vazbv bsv v b fvzb gbvb eê szb zb[z vbav vzbfvzb dbv bsvzb dv vb av bsbvm z }vz bz fvbvhvzbv bgv ö Bvvbhv bfbv bgvzb vrd bz b sbvm zb {bvzsv v b gv bfvb bgv v vhvzb gzbv bfvzb gv bvrd vzb bsbvm bz}zñvccvvb 4.
Dic no-bis Ma-rí- a, quid vi-dísti in vi- a? 5. Sepúlcrum
Christi vi-véntis,
et gló-ri- am vi-di re-surgéntis:
Tell us, Mary, what did you see upon the way? I saw the sepulcher of the living Christ; I saw the glory of the Risen One. † In the Ordinary Form, the Sequence precedes, rather than follows, the Alleluia chant, in which case the “Amen. Alleluia.” at the end of the Sequence is omitted. The translations given are literal, and are not intended for liturgical use.
Bbb Zv vzabv sbvbz fcbvbgvbvbeê sz b z[bzvbavbz b fbv bdbzvbsv v b dzb z vav zbsbvm z }z bvb fv zhzb vgv ö Bzbv bhv bfvcvzbgv v b rdb zb sbvm bz b{bzvzsv b gv bfv b bgvb zbhvbvzbgv bv bfb vgvbz rdvbvsbvm z}zöcvb 6.
Angé- li- cos testes, su-dá- ri- um, et vestes. 7. Surré-xit
Christus spes me- a: præ-cédet su- os in Ga-li-lǽ- am.
I saw the angels, his witnesses, the shroud and the garments. Christ, my Hope, is risen; he will go before his own into Galilee.
A�er the last reading �om the Old Testament with its Responsorial Psalm and its pra the altar candles are lit, and the Priest intones the hymn Gloria in excelsis Deo (Glor God in the highest), which is taken up by all, while bells are rung, according to local cust
Bvbzhv b kv v v vblbv bhv v bvhv bzgvzb hv bhbv. zb [bz hv vb kv vgvbvbfvzb b dvbz bsbvm bz{bvbav bvfzb ó Bbbvbdv v bgv b hv v b hbv. bz[v fv bgv brdv zsbvm zb}b vbsdsv bWA bnvm zb[bvbav bfv b evs b z bsbvm bz }xb 8.
Scimus Christum surre-xísse
a mórtu- is ve-re:
tu no-
A�er the epistle has been read, all rise, then the Priest solemnly intones the Alleluia t times, raising his voice by a step each time, with all repeating it.
bis,the victor Rex, or mi-se-rére. A-men. lú- ia.with the people responding Allel Then psalmist cantor proclaims PsalmAlle��� (���) We know that Christ is truly risen from the dead; O Victorious King, have mercy on us.
⌦Bvbavzbvsvzbv dv vz fGvbv vzesbvz a@øz v@bsbvm bz {bz bvGfzbv bgvbz hv.Q ∫ b\zjvzvzb6z%$Þ vbzøgv zhbv. zb{bvñ1/
���� I
E-ni Sancte Spí- ri-tus,
Et emít-te cǽ- li-tus
Bzzbavbvzsv bvzbfzbvzgv v4z#@Ü vzb av zsbvm v}vzb v azb vzszvbvbzdbz vzfv zvz esbz bz abvzb sbvm vb{zv fbvzb gbvö Bzz hb \vjzbvz z b6z%$Þ vz gbz vzhbv. z {bzv babvzbzsvzvzbfbv zgvbv v4z#Ü@b vzbav zsbmv }zöxxcbb L-le-
Psalm ��� (���): �-�, ��-��, ��-��
Lu-cis tu- æ rá- di- um. 2. Ve-ni pa-ter páupe-rum, Ve-ni
�. Give praise to the ����, for he is good; * his mercy endures forever. da-tor mú- ne-rum, Ve-ni lumen cór- di- um. Let the house of Israel say, * Come, Holy Spirit, and send forth from heaven the rays of thy light. 2. Come, Father “His of the poor; come, giver of gifts; come, light of hearts. mercy endures forever.” �. his right hand is exalted. * �e ����’s right hand has done mighty deeds.” I shall not die, I shall live * and recount the deeds of the ����. �. �e stone that the builders rejected * has become the cornerstone.
Liturgy of the Eucharist Offertory Hymn
1. Al le lu ia! Al le lu ia! Let the ho ly an them rise, And the 2. Al le lu ia! Al le lu ia! Like the sun from out the wave, He has 3. Al le lu ia! Al le lu ia! Bless ed Je sus, make us rise From the
1. choirs of heav en chant it In the tem ple of the skies; Let the 2. ris en up in tri umph From the dark ness of the grave. He’s the 3. life of this cor rup tion To the life that nev er dies. May your
1. moun tains skip with glad ness, And the joy ful val leys ring With ho 2. splen dor of the na tions, He’s the lamp of end less day; He’s the 3. glo ry be our por tion, When the days of time are past, And the
1. san 2. ver 3. dead
nas in the high est To our Sav y Lord of glo ry Who is ris shall be a wak ened By the trum
ior and our King! en up to day! pet’s might y blast!
Text: 87 87 D; Anon.; probably American, ca 1887, alt. Music: St Basil’s Hymnal, 1889.
Holy, Holy, Holy
Memorial Acclamation
Great Amen
Lamb of God
Communion Antiphon
⌦ ¿ . .
Pascha nostrum
⌦ ⌦
. ø
� Cor �: �-� · ��, ��
Hrist our Pass- o- ver has been sac- ri�ced; therefore
let us keep the feast with the un-leavened bread of pu- ri- ty
. @ @ 1/
and truth, al- le- lu- ia. Simple Response: ��
⌦ 1/
@ .
L- le- lu- ia,
al- le- lu- ia,
Psalm ��� (���) �. Give praise to the ����, for he is good; * his mercy endures forever. Let the house of Israel say, * “His mercy endures forever.”
. ∫ @
al- le- lu- ia.
B\zbfv bïkâ v v zKOzokv vzbuhvbztfvb YG bvz hb.vz [vzjzjzuä ÏgvjkÐÎÞfztfbMvb[z bjzjzuä ÏgvjkÐÎÞfztfbMvghYbvzbvìfgìfbz bzfb,vb[b÷ B\Rvbuvh bztfBbzYG z YFfzv%ß b$vbgz bvRD bvfvbzfbv,gb}vbvbhzbjv. bz b\kâ vjvzbohkbzvibzjgb,vzbkz\bv/ zj[vbz khzvb zbfÞgvzvb fzbv,gbvzb{zbfv,zbf[bvz buhvkbv/ zGUv8zibkÐÎfvz b zvtf vzbvflb,zb}øzø B\Bbvzbkzbkz\kvjvbzfbzvhb vzb zbYGfvbvbgubvhzvbhvb.5vz$b #\vjvbztbfhv bvfbgv,b bv{fbzv, bfz bv]b YFvzkblkvzb8kz&vz%zhlbzv. 8bzk&b^v/ z$Þ bvztbfkvM bz {fzbvYFz bvkzblgkzbv8zbf&bzv,%zhb õv. bø vjvbz vhv vzb zgbv bfbv, zv vbdvbvgvbvbgzgbv zbfbv, }zxb zb B\Bbvzgb8vz&b^hzbÞ$\ztvfjbMvzbv[bkzbv/GUzà^b{%vzhzbkzb ìfvgzìfvbvfvb, gv}b\xxxxxxxcz R. Amen.
Quia quem ru- Tone ísti Recessional porR EGINA CÆLIme, Simple
tá- re,
alle- E-gína lú-ia: Resurréxit,alle-lú-ia: sic-ut di-xit, lú-ia: cæ-li * lætá-re, Qui- allea quem me-
O- ísti ra pro no-bis Deum, alle* di-xit, ruportá-re, alle-lú-ia: Re-surré-xit, sic-ut
alle- lú-ia: **
Opro no-bis De- um, alle-lú- ia. lú-ra ia.
Queen of heaven, rejoice, for He whom thou didst merit to bear, hath risen, , ad God lib. (from the Office of the Blessed Virgin Mary on R EGINA even as HeCÆLI said: pray for us.
Saturdays in Paschal Time, Benedictus and Magnificat antiphon) Antiphons Versicle, Response, and courtesy Prayer,of:ad lib.
Bb b z w a b v b f b v b T F v b t f b v b w é a v b z v b v f v b b Ý d b v b z f b v z b v g v b v r d v z b s b m v z b v s b m v b v b z { z b z v b E S z @ Ü ! b v b a b v v z b v $ D v õ R Bbbgbv fvb vrdv wavbvfzbv dÝ vbvfv zbgvbvrdvz bsbvm zbvsbvm bz ]zbvzhv b gß v bhv bïkâ v vb lv zivj vz bhvbvhjàhízb õ BbvgvzbYG v zbhv zbhb.v b{v í6z%Þ$vbvgvz zbvghgb v rdbv waz bvz bfvzbvçRD v v zgvbvrdbz zbsbmvzbvsbmvbz }xb
V. Gáude lætáre Vírgo María, V. St. Rejoice and beAtchison, glad, KS O Virgin 217 Masset Parts: Fr. Blaine Schultz, OSB © 2016 Benedict’s Abbey, Bookalleluia. of Chant, (© 2012 CMAA) allelúia. Easter Sequence & Regina Caeli from Parish Mary, ID
Entrance & Offertory Hymn: OneLicense #A728812
R. Quia surréxit Dóminus vere, R. For the Lord hath risen indeed, E- gína cæ- li * læ-tá-re, alle- lú- ia: Qui- a quem allelúia. alleluia.
me-ru- í-sti portá-re, alle- lú- ia: Re-surré-xit, sic-ut di-xit,
alle- lú-ia:
O- ra pro no- bis De- um, alle- lú- ia.