Kansas Monks Fall 2021

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Fall 2021


St. Benedict’s Abbey Monastic Horarium

Unite your prayer s w ith those of the Monk s of St . Benedict’s Abbe y Sunday Vigils (Office of Readings) - 6:30 AM Lauds (Morning Prayer) - 6:45 AM Mass - 10:00 AM Midday Prayer - 12:05 PM Vespers (Evening Prayer) - 5:00 PM Compline (Night Prayer) - 7:45 PM Monday-Saturday Vigils - 5:45 AM Lauds - 6:00 AM Midday Prayer - 11:45 AM Mass - 12:10 PM Vespers Mon-Fri - 5:00 PM Vespers Saturday - 5:45 PM Compline - 7:45 PM Holy Hour for Vocations with Compline Saturday - 7:00 PM

Contents 4 - From the Abbot

Abbot James reflects on the teachings of Msgr. Lorenzo Albecete and invites us to Look Up & Beyond.

6 - Requiescat in Pace

We honor our benefactors who have passed away in the past year.

7 - Necrology

We look back at the life and service of our fifth father in Christ, Abbot Brendan Downey.

8 - Abbot’s Table VIII

We recount Abbot’s Table VIII and offer a hearty, “thank you!” to all who made it possible.

10 - The Ora in our Labora

Fr. Meinrad explores the concept of work and offers a few tips for incorporating our faith into our daily lives.

12 - The Lumen Vitae

Help us bring Christ to the world. Stability is central to the life of the monk – this vow keeps us rooted in this place and reminds us that, no matter where we are, our spirituality flows from St. Benedict’s Abbey. Our very lives are sustained by the perpetual prayer of the Abbey. One of our most important works is sharing the love of Christ with all those we serve – you can actively take part in bringing Christ to the world by becoming a Partner in Stability. Your monthly support is critical to making our prayer and work possible. For more information, visit our website:


The monks presented the Lumen Vitae Medal to Scott & Kimberly Hahn and to Sr. Irene Nowell, OSB – we take a deeper look at their life and ministry.

17 - Leaving a Legacy

Larry & Tresa Buessing share why they have left the monks of St. Benedict’s Abbey in their will.

18 - It Grows Green

Our newest brother, Br. Jean-Marie Hogan, explores the history of Monte Cassino and shares what we can learn from it.

20 - New Milestones

Br. Karel Soukup shares a few photos and reflects on his art.

22 - Communio

The monks are excited to announce a new Gregorian Chant video series.

25 - Thank you!

We thank all those that have made our prayer and work possible in the past year.


Kansas Monks

Obe die nc e Obedience – a difficult concept, one that all of us struggle with at some point in our lives (after all, how many times have you thought, “I won’t be told what to do!”) However, our Catholic faith lived well is just that: obedience. It is important to recognize that obedience is much more than simply following a set of guidelines – it means showing hospitality to all those that we encounter; it means listening when we disagree; it means following your mother and father – even when you’re the Son of the living God. Obedience offers us a new way of living. St. Benedict tells us that obedience “comes naturally for those who cherish Christ above all,” but why is this? It is because of Christ’s own example of humility and obedience, his way of manifesting the divine. While Mary and Joseph were likely awestruck by Jesus on countless occasions, perhaps their awareness of God’s presence was uniquely triggered when, after all that had occurred in their search for him, Jesus simply follows them home, “He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was obedient to them…” In our own fallen nature, it can seem easy to rebel when faced with the proposition of being obedient – to feel pulled and struggle like a fish fighting to stay in the water. But what we can learn from the Holy Family is that the Lord is placing before us a path: a journey on which He wishes to walk with us. His invitation to obedience is not one of discipline and hardship (though that is part of it) but one of friendship, one of guidance, one of companionship, one of love. This journey of obedience is made with Christ. By seeking after him who humbled himself for us, through obedience, we will find that which our hearts long for. St. Benedict proposes in his Rule that obedience is the path, “The labor of obedience will bring you back to him from whom you had drifted through the sloth of disobedience.” At our monastic home we have been blessed with a place of prayer dedicated to obedience – the physical rendering of Jesus reaching out to us, inviting us on the path with him. Let us, then, “run on the path of God’s commandments, our hearts overflowing with the inexpressible delight of love.” Below & on the cover: The Holy Family’s Return to Nazareth by Kate Marin - katemarinart.com

W H Y W E R E YO U LO O K I N G F O R M E ? D I D YO U N OT K N O W T H AT I M U S T B E I N M Y FAT H E R ’S H O U S E ? - LU K E 2:49 Fall 2021


F r om the A bb ot Looking Up & Beyond

As is typical in most monasteries we have the practice of table reading at our evening meal. We just recently finished The Relevence of the Stars; Christ, Culture, Destiny, a collection of essays by Monsignor Lorenzo Albecete. Monsignor Albecete (1941-2014) could be called a “man for all seasons,” who was able to engage just about anyone in conversation no matter the spectrum of his or her beliefs. A member of the Catholic movement Communion and Liberation (CL), and a priest of the Archdiocese of Washington DC, he taught at the John Paul II Institute, wrote for The New Yorker, The New Republic, and Slate; he appeared on CNN, PBS, and EWTN; and he provided commentary in the award-winning documentary The Human Experience. He authored the book God at the Ritz: Attraction to Infinity, in which he addressed the topics of science, sex, politics, and religion. Monsignor Albacete’s essay “The Relevance of the Stars” – also the title of the book – provided for me a deeper understanding of the foundation of the “encounter” and the “event” that are the crux of the spirituality of Communion and Liberation – a movement that holds St. Benedict in great esteem. In this essay, Monsignor Albecete relates a story of Monsignor Luigi Giussani, the founder of CL, coming upon a couple who were locked in a deep kiss. Giussani asks the couple, “Tell me one thing. What you are doing now, how is it related to the stars?” Albecete goes on to tell us that the stars stand for the infinite that all human hearts desire. This infinity that we desire, the thirst for that which is beyond measure, is what makes us human. Our desire for the infinite draws us into an encounter with Christ who simultaneously reveals the Mystery our hearts long for and frees our hearts to follow what they are made for. Freedom, our freely choosing, is what allows us to long for, to search for and, ultimately, arrive at our infinite destiny. True freedom is that which allows us to find and enjoy what 4

Kansas Monks

satisfies our hearts. When we are cut off from this infinity, or we have chosen a false infinity, we cease to be free. And, Albecete states, each free act links us to infinity – that which is beyond the stars. Being the homer that I am, truly a love of anything distinctly Kansas, Albacete’s words brought to mind the Kansas motto, ad astra per aspera – to the stars through difficulties. John James Ingalls, a “Free State” state senator from Atchison, proposed the motto for the State of Kansas. Ingalls felt that they were reaching for something beyond human capability—a freedom we cannot give but that comes from beyond us. How was Kansas’ struggle to enter the Union as a Free State related to the stars? How was the struggle related to the love – the love that is God – that is linked to the stars? I won’t draw direct connections; however, Albecete writes, “We must ask this of all that we do. Otherwise [what we are doing] is not worthy of us. This is the basis for a true morality. Our one moral obligation is to be fully human, that is, created for infinity.” Our lives in the monastery, as monks of St. Benedict’s Abbey, the lives of any baptized Christian must give witness to this link with the infinite mystery. Each of us should strive to enter more deeply into the reality that the infinite God took flesh and became man, that he suffered and died for us, and that he gave us the gift of his Spirit and his very Body and Blood, so we may encounter his grace and mercy. The Infinite One took a finite form in order to make himself a response to our need that we are able to experience, to encounter. From the moment in which the Word became flesh – through the “event” of the Incarnation, God fully immersed himself in the finite reality of humanity. The One who is infinite became finite that we might reach for infinity beyond the stars. And so we are brought back to that “one moral obligation” – “to be fully human.” Monsignor Albecete writes, “To be a prophet is to give witness to the truth that each truly human act, each act of human freedom, is linked to our infinite destiny. Otherwise, it is not worthy of us. We must give witness, we must proclaim this truth in all areas of human activity… we must remind this society and this culture

Do not be daunted immediately by fear and run away from the road that leads to salvation. It is bound to be narrow at the outset.

- rule of st. benedict, prologue: 48

that without our relation to the stars, human life makes no sense.” Pope Benedict XVI wrote during his pontificate, “…the truest dimension of human existence [is] life as a vocation. Everything—that is every relationship, every joy, as well as every difficulty, finds its ultimate reason in being an opportunity for a relationship with the Infinite, God’s voice that continually calls us and invites us to look up, to discover in adherence to him the complete fulfillment of our humanity.” As we listen to the voice of a Father who loves us, we “look up” beyond the stars to our home. What do we see, what do we long for, but our complete fulfillment – to be truly human in the Infinite Lord. What holds us back from infinity? Pride, greed, envy, jealousy, anger, lust, willful desire, slothfulness. What is our path to encounter with God? Living humility, modesty, charity, gratitude, patience, compassion, purity, and fer vor and life in the Spirit. Living the virtues places us in the presence of God who became man and remains with us. The center is our encounter with the event who is Jesus Christ. When I place a method or “my way ” ahead of God’s will for my vocation, my living my baptism and monastic consecration go off the rails. When speaking of the various charisms of the Spirit, of the Mystical Body, the Church, Monsignor Albecete ends by conversing on love, that which comes from God. God is Love into which we are called to imitate him, not at the point of my center, but in God’s center, in the event of our encounter with him. I must let go of all so that I might reach for the infinite in the One who is all.

let us rUn! M iles fo r mo nks

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OCTOBE R 2 -N OV EM BE R 2 Jo i n t he m o nks o n October 2 fo r an i n-perso n 5 K o r 1-Mile Wa lk -o rJo i n us f ro m wherever you a re fo r ‘M i les fo r Mo nks’ All pro ceeds f ro m t hese event s benef i t t he Abbey S ecu ri t y P ro j ect A cri t ical u pdate to t he m o nas ter y facili t ies, providing fo r t he h ealt h & safet y of t he mo nast ic co mm u n it y and o u r gu est s.

Learn Mo re & Regi ster at


Fall 2021


Eternal rest grant unto them... In the past year we have said farewell to some of our friends and benefactors. We would like to thank these people for supporting our ministry during their time here on Earth and ask that you join us in praying for them as they are united with our Father in Heaven.

Charles “Buck” Alberts Robert Albright Shirley Andrews William Baker Mary Baldwin Joseph Bartush Mike Begley James Berger Paul Bergman Bernard Braun Michael Breight Robert Bright Michael Browne John Bueltel Mary Bueltel Anthony Byk Lorene Clemens John Clinton William Clynes John Curran Josephine Danaher Virgil Dechant Dennis Diederich Carl Dekat Bernard Dierks Irene Dierks Joseph Dillon Carolyn Dolle William Dooley


Kansas Monks

David Drey John Ernst Louis Farshee John Ferry Anna Franke John Fridell Marlene Gellings Bill Giles Charlotte Giles James Golden Richard Gress Theola Guettermann William Hafeman Clarita Halling Gerald Harrington Joan Hennigh Doris Higa James Hofer George Holthaus Mary Intfen Kenneth James Albert Kocour Jean Lackey Mary Lee George Lingenfelser Robert Lippold Joseph Mazur Evelyn McCoy Ethel McGuire

Kevin McNicholas David Miller William Myers Henrietta Nowak William O’Connor Fred Orrino Leo Pimple Irma Pittroff Mark Poelzl Thomas Quinn Richard Quinn Daniel Riley Mark Schieber Dorothy Schletzbaum Bernard Schmanski Norbert Schmitz Dale Schneider Muriel Segerson William Stanton Emmett Tangeman Rosemary Tynan Stephen Vertin Frank Viscek Charles Wagner Greg Wagner Edna Mae Wolters Franklin Woodbury Bernard Zarda John Zook

r e m e m ber i n g o u r br o t h er s w h o h av e g o n e bef o r e u s


With the Sign of Faith

Abbot Brendan Downey was the community’s fifth abbot. Born near Perrin, Missouri on January 26, 1918, the first of 12 siblings, he made his profession of vows on July 11, 1938. On March 21, 1973, he was elected abbot at the age of 55. He is the only one of the community’s superiors who died in office. After a series of heart attacks he succumbed on September 4, 1980. There is no better way to summarize his life than to quote the first lines of a eulogy of Abbot Brendan preached by Father Gerard Senecal at the Abbey’s Conventual Mass on Sunday, September 7, 1980: “We have lost a dear friend, a father in Christ, a brilliant teacher and scholar, a courageous leader, an enthusiastic singer of Irish ballads, an avid sailor and Bridge player, a kind and gentle man.” After completing his college and theology studies and having been ordained a priest, Father Brendan began a teaching career in St. Benedict’s College. Known for his skills in writing, Father Brendan had been editor and writer for the monastery’s publication, The Raven Review since its inception. His busy life was interrupted by acquiring a degree in Literature from Oxford University in Great Britain. Upon returning, he resumed his teaching responsibilities and soon acquired the reputation of being one of the better teachers on the faculty. He combined this activity with editing The Raven Review, living in college residence halls for years as a prefect and, as Father Gerard recalled, “reforming and civilizing the habits of young men.” True to the example of his patron, St. Brendan, he kept a small sailboat and used it fearlessly. On a trip to Minnesota to visit family, the boat capsized leaving he and his passengers to spend a night exposed to the elements while clinging to the capsized boat, luckily drifting toward the shore. Father Brendan became the first non-abbatial president of St. Benedict’s College. He later became the chaplain of St. Lawrence Student Center at Kansas University while the Center was still in its infancy. He combined this ministry with teaching in the Kansas School of Religion. He developed an outreach to Catholic faculty members of the university and was especially solicitous to provide a faith home for young Catholic married graduate students.

This story is an excerpt from Kansas Monks: A Photo History by Fr. Denis Meade. This beautiful 128-page volume recounts the history of our monastic community, its foundation, and our brothers that have gone before us. Get your copy for $24.95 + S&H at Kansa smonk s .org/shop

Fall 2021




f pre o y e s b k b mon ict’s a e h t d ene he st. b

s ’ t o b ab ble ta t



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021 2 , ing il 10 apr tream e! ks s ldwid n o M wor , e v li presenting the lumen vitae medal to sr. irene nowell, osb and dr. scott & kimberly hahn

Tha nk you to o ur chair persons! Frank & Ann Uryasz Terry & Michelle Sexton Regional Chairs: Atchison: Joe & Chanda Koechner

Sharing the Word of God is the mission of every Christian – and on April 10, 2021, the monks of St. Benedict’s Abbey, with the help of friends in Kansas City and around the world, honored three people for answering Christ’s commission par excellence. At the eighth annual Abbot’s Table Abbot James Albers and the monks presented the Lumen Vitae Medal to Sr. Irene Nowell, OSB, of Mount St. Scholastica Monastery and to Dr. Scott and Kimberly Hahn, world-renowned theologians and speakers, for their work in evangelizing and educating the world about Sacred Scripture. Typically, the Abbot’s Table draws more than 800 guests who celebrate the accomplishments of the Lumen Vitae Medal recipients as well as the work of the monks, but COVID-19 presented new challenges. The friends of the Abbey responded by hosting watch parties across the country, including two at the Overland Park Convention Center. From there the Abbot’s Table was shared virtually on YouTube, Facebook, and CatholicTV. The event began with a new video from the Abbey, The Life of a Monk, a humorous take on the phases on monastic life (check out all the Abbot’s Table videos at kansasmonks.org/abbotstable2021). The monks then celebrated the lives and service of Fr. Denis Meade, Abbot Ralph Koehler, and Fr. Blaine Schultz – all who made tremendous contributions to the Abbey, its apostolates, and the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas. The first Lumen Vitae Medal recipient, Sr. Irene Nowell, OSB, was honored from afar, receiving her medal alongside 110 of her sisters at Mount St. Scholastica in Atchison. The monks honored Sr. Irene for her many accomplishments as an author, Benedictine College professor, and most especially for her work instructing the monks in formation at the Abbey on Sacred Scripture. Sr. Irene, in her remarks, shared that she was especially gratified to receive the award from one of her favorite students, Abbot James, who studied under Sr. Irene as an undergraduate student at Benedictine College. Sr. Irene has now retired from public ministry and resides at Mount St. Scholastica.

Denver: Dom & Maggie Cingoranelli St. Louis:

Scan to Stream Abbot’s Table VIII

Tom & Joni Kemlage


Kansas Monks

The Society of St. Benedict for Young Adults – young supporters of the monks of St. Benedict’s Abbey – held an Abbot’s Table watch party at the Overland Park Convention Center. (L to R) Br. Karel Soukup, OSB, Isabella Debenedetti, Br. Placidus Lee, OSB, Society member Madeline Abbot, and Fr. Jay Kythe, OSB.

Tha nk yo u to o u r E v e n t Unde rw r it e rs ! Kansas Monks Mike & Theresa Murphy Family Terry & Michelle Sexton The Sisters of Mount St. Scholastica hosted an Abbot’s Table watch party at their monastery; Prioress Esther Fangman, OSB (right) presented the Lumen Vitae medal to Sr. Irene on Abbot James’ behalf. The monks then celebrated the evangelical service of Dr. Scott and Kimberly Hahn. Converts to the Catholic faith, they were chosen to receive the Lumen Vitae Medal for their strong witness to the truth of the Gospel and their efforts in sharing the Catholic faith through their writing, talks, videos and much more. In receiving the award, Kimberly shared a powerful reflection on the Holy Spirit’s work in her life and in the world. Scott followed her, offering an incisive recounting of the Emmaus story from the Gospel. An indefatigable pair, Scott and Kimberly hosted two talks in the Metro area and participated in a live Q & A at St. Benedict’s Abbey the morning after the Abbot’s Table, sharing their story and working to evangelize people in our area – this is but one example of the great work that inspired the monks to celebrate their contributions to the Church at the Abbot’s Table. Finally, with the 2020 Abbot’s Table having been canceled, the monks looked back at the previous two years of prayer and work in Northeast Kansas and beyond. Abbot James announced the Abbey had received not one, but two, $200,000 challenge matching gifts – enabling donors to the Abbey to triple their impact on the mission of the monks. The friends and benefactors of the Abbey rose to meet the challenge, giving over 600 donations totalling just over $200,000! While they have met the challenge goal, the monks continue to raise funds for the One Legacy – One Future Fund. This fund provides for the education needs of the Abbey’s newest members, currently supporting five monks in formation, and provides for the healthcare and retirement needs of the Abbeys elder members, men who have spent their lives in service to Christ and his Church. To make a donation to the One Legacy - One Future Fund visit Kansasmonks.org or by mail with the enclosed envelope. The monks have already begun plans for Abbot’s Table IX where they will present the Lumen Vitae Medal to John and Terry Gillchrist and to the founders of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT) in Spring 2022.

Founder’s Ta bl e Michael R. & Marlys Haverty Family Foundation

A bbot ’s Ta bl e Benedictine College Sean & Julie Doherty John & Teresa Gillcrist Family Rosco Halsey & Jason Hupp Waddell & Reed Financial Advisors Loretto Foundation Randy & Mary Schrick Sisters of Mount St. Scholastica Monastery Uryasz Family Foundation

Prior’s Gu il d Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Ray & Mary Jo Becker Mark & Amy Begley Equitable Advisors Rich & Trudy Boynton Larry & Tresa Buessing Dr. Paul & Karen Camarata Country Club Bank Delta Innovative Services

Exchange Bank & Trust • Kompass Funding • Kuckelman Torline Kirkland Attorneys At Law Little Flower Foundation • MGP Friends of the Abbey • Jack & Kathy Newman JE Dunn Construction & Dunn Family Foundation • Kevin & Coco O’Malley O’Malley Beverage Robert G. Rooney • Stan & Karen Sluder • Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Straub Edward & Debra Trompeter • Bob & Janet Wholey • Frederick & Sydnnia Wulff Rewatch Abbot’s Table Episode VIII at Kansasmonks.org/Abbotstable2021 Table Sponsors listed on page xx Fall 2021


The Ora in L abora by Fr. Meinrad Miller

Work has always

held an important place in the daily lives of Christians. Since the foundation of our own monastic community in 1857, the monks have worked side by side with the people of God. When one thinks of life in Kansas in the early days of the monastery, there certainly were not many of the comforts we have come to expect, either for the monks, or the people we served. It was through a tenacious fidelity to the Gospel, and a love for those that they served, that the monks and the people toiled in this new territory, and within a few years after our foundation, this new state. What role has work played in our lives? Work is more than just bringing in a pay check, or staying occupied. Being made in the image and likeness of God, our life in God is lived in every aspect of daily life, and this includes our work. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, ¶1265, reminds us: Baptism not only purifies from all sins, but also makes neophyte “a new creature,” an adopted son of God, who become a “partaker of the divine nature,” (2 Cor 5:17; 2 Pet cf. Gal 4:5-7) member of Christ and coheir with him, (1 6:15; 12:27; Rom 8:17) and a temple of the Holy Spirit.(1 6:19.)

the has 1:4; Cor Cor

Our lives and our work are rooted in the revealed truth that all we do is not just our own work, but is indeed united to the work of God who has created everything out of nothing. As a new creature, we have a great role in sharing the life of the creator in all that we do. In his introduction to the abridged version of RB 1980, The Rule of St. Benedict in English, Fr. Timothy Fry, OSB, a monk of St. Benedict’s Abbey, describes the role the Rule of St. Benedict has had on forming culture He wrote his Rule primarily for monks, but its sound principles for working together and living together have proved relevant to people of all classes of society through fifteen hundred years. Over the years the work of the monks has included farming, gardening, building and taking care of the buildings on campus, serving as military chaplains, teaching and administering in the schools, serving as missionaries and monks in Brazil, serving as retreat masters, being scholars and authors, serving as chaplains at motherhouses of sisters, and many other roles. In this spirit of uniting our work with our Father in Heaven, I offer you five things we can learn about work, based on the above quote passage from the Catechism.

Father Meinrad Miller, OSB, has been a monk of St. Benedict’s Abbey since 1986. Currently he serves as Oblate Director and Choirmaster of the Abbey, Lecturer in Theology at Benedictine College, Associate State Chaplain of the Knights of Columbus of Kansas, and as a part time chaplain at Valley Hope of Atchison.


Kansas Monks

Five Tips to infuse your work with prayer Work is a gif t Our work is rooted in the fact that each of us is a “new creature.” We share in a special way in the life of the Creator. To look upon the tasks of my work not just as a drudgery or a burden to endure, but as a gift. God has given me talents to share in my work, not just because of what I do, but who I am. Hopefully when people see us at work they will see the peace and joy that come from our life in Christ.

Bring th e G ospel

People should see you as an adopted son, or daughter of God. Whether farming, teaching, in business, staying at home, in science, in whatever you do, bring the Gospel to the world. Today more and more people in our nation identify as “nones”, as those who have no religious affiliation. Their encounter with you as co-workers, or in the work you do may be the only contact they have with a believer. This is a wonderful way to evangelize, share the Good News with others – even if it is just by the serenity of your life, and the good work you do.

R adiate th e Divine

As partakers of the Divine life we radiate that life of God in our work and actions. When people see us at work, do they witness people who are good at what they do, and do it with enthusiasm? It is not faking it to truly believe that the life we receive in the Sacraments is extended into our work. When you work as an electrician, or whatever job you have, again without ever saying a word, people should sense that Divine Life in all you do.

Share Christ in deed

As members of Christ and co-heirs with him, when people see us, they should see Christ. The word “communion” comes from the Greek word, koinonia, and meant common ownership. The early believers in the risen Jesus realized that what they now held in common was not just some dilapidated fishing boats, but the very life of Christ given in Baptism, nourished in Holy Communion, and fortified in Confirmation. People should be able to see that you are members of Christ’s Body at work.

Be a Tem pl e

And finally, we are temples of the Holy Spirit. Most of us already are aware of it, and strive to witness to this fact in what we say and do. It can be easy to go along with conversation and attitudes that lessen the value of work or demean others. When people see a Christian at work, they truly see the Holy Spirit at work, for we are indeed temples of that Holy Spirit. It can be easy to join in murmuring and complaining or talk that does not see the value of every person. To say we are temples of the Holy Spirit is not just some theory – it is a fact. Fall 2021



Lumen Vitae What do e s it me an to r un w ith the lig ht of life? How c an we live in such a w ay that we c an authentic ally share the love of C hr i st w ith others? The monk s of St . B ene dic t ’s Abb e y s e ek to re co g ni ze tho s e who exemplif y the s e ide al s ; tho s e who, ab ove all el s e, have spre ad the lig ht of C hr i st to the world – whe ther throug h their mini str y, their genero sity, or simply by their live s . At f irst , it may s e em that the honore e s for the eig hth Abb ot ’s Table were cho s en for their s chol arship. Even still, one may pre sume that the y were s ele c te d for their exempl ar y work a s e duc ators and te achers . But inde e d, it i s their live s, the ver y manner in which the y live, that s e t s them ap ar t – in which the y tr uly exude thi s lumen v it ae, thi s lig ht that come s f rom C hr i st . Si ster Irene Nowell ha s share d the lig ht of C hr i st a s a si ster, e duc ator, and for mator – her love of s c r ipture come s throug h a s she share s the Word of G o d w ith an infe c tiou s j oy that ha s inspire d countle ss many throug h her cl a ss e s and b o ok s . Dr. S cott & Kimb erly Hahn’s conversion stor y and sub s e quent b o ok s , t alk s , and v ide o s have enlivene d the f aith of many C atholic s and inspire d many more to j oin the C atholic f aith. The example of the s e honore e s c annot b e underst ate d, and we fe el ble ss e d to pre s ent them w ith the Lumen Vit ae Me d al. E ach of their stor ie s i s unique but the y share a common thre ad – a const ant de dic ation to r unning w ith the Light of Life ...


Kansas Monks

2021 lumen vitae medal recipients

Dr. Scott & Kimberly Hahn

“I’m not writing a paper,” Scott Hahn told a student years ago, “I’m writing you!” While there are many reasons Scott and Kimberly Hahn are worthy recipients of the Lumen Vitae Medal their son Gabriel says that comment strikes at the heart of what they do best: share the light of Christ with everyone they encounter. “The greatest legacy my parents will leave is not the talks, the CDs and the books, but the people,” said Gabriel, who had a front row seat to his parents’ hospitality and evangelization, where dinner table discussions about an article or a doctrine would become lessons in discipleship. Countless people have been moved to change their lives after hearing Scott & Kimberly Hahn with their son, Michael, in 1983. Scott Hahn speak, whether in-person or via cassette tape in the 1990s, or Lighthouse Catholic Media CDs in the 21st century, or the other countless ways he and Kimberly have availed themselves to share Christ with others. Scott is estimated to have given 800 talks around the world on Catholic and Biblical topics, and appears regularly on the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN). Kimberly Hahn is also a speaker and author who co-wrote the first of Scott’s many books, Rome Sweet Home. Scott has had a lot of students, too, having taught at Franciscan University of Steubenville since 1990, as well as teaching at St. Vincent Archabbey and elsewhere. He is also president of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. Gabriel listed some of Hahn’s most influential students, including 2019 Lumen Vitae Medal recipient Ted Sri along with popular authors Jeff Cavins and Tim Gray. Cavins, whose Adventure Bible courses and materials have introduced many Catholics to Scripture, adds six more names to that list: the Hahns’ own children. “If you want to know what Scott and Kimberly teach, show up at their home and you’ll see it put into practice,” he said.

Conversion What the Hahns teach changed radically early in their relationship. The two converted to Catholicism after being deeply committed to the Presbyterian faith. Kimberly grew up the eldest daughter of noted Protestant minister Jerry Kirk. They met at the evangelical Christian Grove City College in Pennsylvania where they graduated in 1979. “He really brought the light of Christ in a very powerful way by challenging me to pray hard and to be generous with my time,” said Kimberly. The two began doing 20 hours of volunteer work a week and “as we spent time together we began to fall in love,” she said. Scott was smitten early on by Kimberly. “I knew that she was articulate, she was intelligent, witty, beautiful, radiant, but I also had this sense that she had an integrity that wasn’t just with me and others but first was with our Lord,” he said. The two got married the summer after graduation then went to seminary where he pursued his M.Div. degree graduating summa cum laude from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in 1982, while she earned a Masters in theology. Prominent convert Marcus Grodi, whose show, Journey Home, on EWTN shares Catholic conversion stories, was with Scott and Kimberly in the classes that laid the groundwork for their conversion. He describes how Kimberly started to share her discoveries about the Catholic Church’s teachings, particularly those on openness to life and contraception, and how he saw Scott begin to explore two key themes in his thought: God’s kingdom and covenant. “The last thing that I would ever have imagined is that he would become Catholic,” he said “For a while I jokingly thought that maybe Scott had snuck into the Catholic Church to try and convert Catholics out of the Catholic church. That made more sense to me.” Continued on next page Christ Stefanick (right) is among Scott Hahn’s long list of students who have gone on to work as apologists, authors, and evangelists.

Fall 2021


They have blessed our lives and our family. When we saw the depth of Scott’s love for Christ, we celebrated their coming together in marriage. In Kimberly’s life she has had an incredible capacity to serve. Both Scott and Kimberly share the faith in such a way that gives life...when they came together, God had an incredible pair of people to lift up the light of Christ. - Jerry Kirk, father of Kimberly Hahn Scott said that while his wife was simply non-Catholic he was anti-Catholic. Then Kimberly read Humanae Vitae. “She wasn’t even slightly predisposed to the Catholic faith or the authority of the Catholic pontiff, but she knew the truth when she read it,” he said. She “gently challenged me to open my eyes up to more light.” He began discovering more and more truths of the Catholic faith – ultimately entering the Church in 1986. Kimberly entered in 1990. Scott calls Kimberly’s conversion “four years later and four times greater.” Five years after that, Hahn received a doctorate in theology from Marquette University. Jeff Cavins met the Hahns as they were converting and became best friends with Scott. He said Scott’s scholarship was brilliant, but he was even more impressed by the light of the Hahns’ life. “I don’t know of anybody who has influenced more people with lifestyle evangelization, and their generosity with their time,” he said. One such person is Steubenville Mayor Jerry Barilla, who works with Kimberly on the city council. “Their influence and my respect for them is one major factor of why I chose to run for mayor,” he said. Scott brags about his wife’s public service. “She is the city councilman at large, the only one on the council that is elected by the entire city,” he said. “It was a three-way race the second round, and she got 60% of the vote. I think it’s because she’s a beacon of hope not only for me and the family, but also for this whole city.” Barilla praised Kimberly’s “moral courage” and her efforts “to make Steubenville a family-friendly place to grow up and raise children.”

Lives of Light The name of the Lumen Vitae Medal comes from the Rule of St. Benedict, which calls readers “To run with the light of life.” A few lines earlier, the Rule says “Let us get up then... for the Scriptures rouse us.” That fits the Hahns well, said Archabbot Douglas Nowicki of St. Vincent’s Archabbey in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, where Scott has taught scripture to monks in formation. But in addition to knowing Scripture so well, “Scott and Kimberly gave one of the most impressive if not the most impressive talks on marriage that I have ever heard,” he said. Kimberly’s parents, Jerry and Patricia Kirk, are thrilled with the way their grandchildren are being raised. “I’ve never known a person more focused, more passionate, more alive to the scripture than Scott Hahn,” he said. “Passionate” sums up her husband well, Kimberly agreed. He is “passionate and whole-hearted for Christ, first and foremost, for the truth of Sacred Scripture, and now definitely related to that, the Catholic Church.” But he also has “a passionate love for every one of our kids, and our inlaws and our grandchildren,” she said. For his part, Scott says Kimberly transformed his life. “There is not another woman on this planet that I could have married and enjoyed life with,” he said. “We’ve had ups and downs, to be sure, but I didn’t know that marriage and ministry could end up being this much fun, this much friendship, and this much fulfillment.” The many Catholics who have been touched by their lives agree.

Scott and Kimberly Hahn are a wonderful couple; they have been an inspiration to the Universal Church and certainly to the Benedictine community. They have been a light to the world by offering profound insights into the Gospel message; their work gives us courage and strength on our own journey of faith. - Archabbot Douglas Nowicki, OSB Archabbot Emeritus of St. Vincent Archabbey


Kansas Monks

2021 lumen vitae medal recipient

Sr. Mary Irene Nowell, OSB Atchison, Kansas is widely known as the home of a barrierbreaking, highly skilled woman (and we don’t mean Amelia Earhart!) This year the monks of St. Benedict’s Abbey presented Sr. Mary Irene Nowell, OSB with the Lumen Vitae Medal in recognition of her many contributions, “I’m kind of making a valiant attempt to retire,” said Sister Irene Nowell, “though with limited success.” Sister Irene is just too valuable to retire. The Lumen Vitae Medal is presented to figures who have left their mark on the Church. Sister Irene has not only made her mark on the Benedictines of Atchison, Kansas, but also on countless others. A Benedictine Sister of Mount St. Scholastica Monastery in Atchison, since 1957, Sister Irene taught the current prioress of the Mount, Sister Esther Fangman, in high school. She taught Abbot James Albers of St. Benedict’s Abbey as an undergraduate at Benedictine College. She has taught generations of monks, sisters, and students. Signs of her influence echo far away from Atchison, also. Dennis L. Okholm in his book Monk Habits for Everyday People uses Sister Irene’s description of coversatio to tell his reader to have a “daily willingness to turn and be turned together.”

Judith Valente in her book How to Live tells the story of how Sister Irene herself was “turned.” She came to the Mount wanting to be a cellist, but got “turned” when she got “hooked on Scripture” instead. Today she is “one of the world’s foremost Scripture scholars.” Looking back at the beginning of her monastic life, Sister Irene was sure she had her future figured out, “I thought I would be One of Sr. Irene’s earliest a musician forever,” she assignments was serving said. “But then we needed a as a prefect in the Mount German teacher, so I went St. Scholastica dormatory. off and got a degree in German and I thought, ‘that was it.’” She was wrong. Before long she discovered a specific interest in the Word, “I had fallen in love with Scripture,” she said. “So I went to St. John’s for a master’s degree, then came home and worked, [and] then went to Catholic University in Washington, D.C., to get a Ph.D. in Old Testament.” Sister Irene rose to the heights of her calling. She is a past president of the Catholic Biblical Association, served for more than 20 years on the editorial board of The Bible Today, and is the former editor and current editorial consultant for the Give Us This Day prayer resource for Catholics. But her hundreds of hundreds of students remember her as a teacher. She taught Scripture at Mount St. Scholastica College and Benedictine College for 20 years — and German and English as well at times. She was also a longtime adjunct professor of Saint John’s University School of Theology, where she taught on campus and online. “I used to have that big classroom up at Benedictine, and it was always full,” she fondly recalls.

Sacred Scripture Her students remember too. “She has been very influential in the Church,” Abbot James Albers said, “but she also gets down to the nitty gritty. She makes the Word come alive through her instruction. It’s not just a book knowledge. You can tell this is a personal knowledge with the Word of God, Jesus Christ, coming from her heart.” Among the many credits to her name, Sr. Irene served as the Dean of Students for Mount St. Scholastica College, pictured here with past Benedictine College Dean of Students and 2016 Lumen Vitae Medal recipient Elmer Fangman.

Sister Esther Fangman, prioress of Mount St. Scholastica says Sister Irene’s love for scripture is palpable. “She reads the reading sometimes at our Liturgy of the Hours,” she said. “When she reads it, it’s different, because Fall 2021


Sister Mary Irene saw something in me and believed in me at a time when I didn’t believe in myself – she literally saved me and set me on a whole different path. Through her example I began to see a whole different future. People say glibly that they owe everything they are to another person, but I believe in my case it’s really true. I don’t think I’ll ever come close to her in goodness and holiness, so I appreciate her every day of my life. - Sr. Judith Sutera, OSB sister of mount st. scholastica at left, right with sr. irene and her parents

she is so enthralled in what Scripture has to say, it comes out of her mouth in a different way. It’s not knowledge— somehow it got into her heart.” Books Sister Irene has authored include Sing a New Song : The Responsorial Psalm in the Sunday Liturgy, Women in the Old Testament, and Numbers (The Liturgical Press), and 101 Questions and Answers on Angels and Devils (Paulist Press). Her most recent books include Pleading, Cursing, Praising : Conversing with God through the Psalms. Sister Irene’s fascination with Scripture continues to this day. “The Psalms are amazingly adaptable. They fit here, where we are, in the 21st century. I don’t know how many mornings we come to pray and there’s that responsorial Psalm that fits the day,” she said. “There’s almost always a little zinger in there somewhere.” She said her love of Scripture grew out of her love for the monastic practice of the meditative reading of Scripture. “It’s my practice of lectio divina that fed into my Ph.D,” she said. “I have always approached Scripture as lectio divina. I have taught it that way too: What does this text say, what does it mean and why do we care?” Sister Irene explained how serendipity got her involved in one of the major projects of her life, the St. John’s Bible. In 1998, Saint John’s Abbey and University commissioned a team led by renowned calligrapher Donald Jackson to produce a hand-written, hand-illuminated Bible. “I happened to be at St. John’s the year the whole idea of St. John’s Bible kind of came to fruition,” said Sister Irene. But, more than that, she was uniquely suited to join a team of about 10 people who created the seven-volume work.

Grateful The name for the Lumen Vitae Medal comes from the Prologue of St. Benedict’s Rule. That makes Sister Irene the perfect recipient. “Anyone who is working with the Word of God, hopefully their main goal is to transmit the light of life, to transmit the word of Jesus Christ to the world, to be an evangelizer. And Sister Mary Irene is that, par excellence,” said Abbot James. Sister Susan Barber was grateful for Sister Irene on behalf of “those whose lives she has touched as a sister, friend, scholar, teacher, author, editor, retreat director, musician. and leader. Her love for God and Benedictine life is reflected in her love for her sisters and all who know her.” One of those sisters is Judith Sutera, who was assigned Sister Irene as a dorm prefect when she came to college. “[Sister] Irene’s patient love indeed turned my life around as she became my champion, mentor and friend,” said Sister Judith. “All that I have become as a Benedictine, teacher, preacher, writer, and scholar are merely extensions of her gifts.” Father Meinrad Miller said “Sister Irene has been a contemplative Benedictine sister, a scholar, an administrator, a professor — but most of all she’s been a friend, and that’s a treasure that’s hard to replace.” Sister Irene said one message she wants to convey in accepting the Lumen Vitae Medal is “how grateful I am for my community and also for the Abbey. The Abbey has been very good to us and they have been especially good for me for a lot of years,” she said, “and the Mount has been a true home for me.”

Sister Irene’s impact on our men in formation – I cannot offer my gratitude enough for her guidance of them – the love for the Word of God that she has instilled and sharing how we integrate that into our own lives is amazing to behold. She truly demonstrates what it means to run with the light of life. - Abbot James Albers, OSB

Former Student of Sr. Irene Nowell, OSB 16

Kansas Monks

Leave your Mark On the Future Start being remembered today! Do you want to leave a gift that will support the prayer and work of the monks of St. Benedict’s Abbey for years to come? Do it today - with a legacy gift through your will or life insurance policy.

P Costs you nothing during your lifetime. P Preserves your savings and cash flow. P Can be changed or revoked as needed. P Allows you to be far more generous than P

you ever thought possible. Easy to arrange. All it takes is a simple paragraph can be added to your will designating a portion to St. Benedict’s Abbey or naming the Abbey as a primary or contingent beneficiary of your life insurance.

Contact us or visit our website for more information.

kansasmonks.org/planned-giving We’re here to help you every step of the way.

How will you make your mark? Contact us today: Mark A. Reed, Sr. Director of Advancement Phone: 913-360-7897 Email: mreed@kansasmonks.org St. Benedict’s Abbey 1020 N. 2 nd St. Atchison, KS 66002- 1499

why I joined the

St. Benedict’s Abbey leg a cy society L a r r y & Tr e s a B u e s s i n g We were both born into communities where the monks were serving. Fr. Phil O’Connor came to St. Bridget, a country parish in Marshall County, Kansas, to prepare to go to World War II. After Mass he would work with the farmers to get into shape to serve as a military chaplain, so their model of prayer and work was instilled in us at an early age. That prayer and work is an example for all of us; that this is what we ought to be doing everyday. The monks were involved in establishing a lot of the parishes in the area, so they were very influential, but they were also very hospitable and very charitable. It was Fr. Columban Clinch, a St. Benedict’s College history professor and the college’s placement director, that helped me [Larry] get my start with Met Life, which turned into my life’s work. We’ve included the monks in our will because we feel that the prayer and work of the monks is very important to the community, not just the Catholic community but to the world as a whole. Once you’re gone, you can’t make your annual gift, so this is a great way to leave a lasting impact on the Abbey. Leaving the Abbey in our estate also enables us to make a much larger gift than what we’re able to do annually. The monks have been a light to our community for many years, they’re not some new idea, but they are a stable presence in our community. They’re focused on serving the people: offering the sacraments, serving at their college and high school, and creating the educational standards that continue today in our institutions. We’re happy and proud to support the monks today, and are glad we are able to leave a legacy gift through our estate to St. Benedict’s Abbey. Fall 2021


Cut it Down; It Grows Green by Br. Jean-Marie Hogan

On February 15th, 1944, at the height of Second World War, the Abbey of Monte Cassino was destroyed by a series of air raids. Up until that point, it had been held by German troops, but it came under attack as the Allied forces advanced through Italy. This famous abbey, where St. Benedict wrote his Rule, and where he died and was buried, had been destroyed several times before. In 590, not long after St. Benedict, it was sacked by the Lombards. The monks eventually returned, only to have their monastery attacked again in 883, this time by Saracens. The abbey was leveled by an earthquake in 1349, and subsequently rebuilt again. Today, if you look at the crest of the Abbey of Monte Cassino, you will see an image of a stump, with a green shoot growing out of it. Below the image is the motto, “Succisa Virescit,” which literally means, “Having been cut down, it grows green.” The crest represents the monastery as a tree, which has been cut down, but now has green shoots growing out from the stump. What does the history of Monte Cassino have to say to us? By way of answering this question, I would like to pose another one: Why did those monks keep rebuilding Monte Cassino? Pope Benedict XVI put it this way: “First and foremost, it must be frankly admitted straight away that it was not their intention to create a culture nor even to preserve a culture from the past. Their motivation was much more basic. Their goal was: quaerere Deum [to seek God]. Amid the confusion of the times, in which nothing seemed permanent, they wanted to do the essential – to make an effort to find what was perennially valid and lasting, life itself. They were searching for God.” Those monks who came to the mountain overlooking the town of Cassino were not there to develop a new culture. They were not there to save Western civilization. They simply responded to the question St. Benedict poses in the Prologue:

Monte Cassino was built in the sixth century under the guidance of St. Benedict. The site had been home to a Roman temple to Apollo before the Benedictine monks took it over. It has been destroyed and rebuilt many times, most recently during and after World War II. Photo from the Collection of the National WWII Museum, 2013.495.1681

“Who is there who desires life and wishes to see good days?” They came to the monastery, and even rebuilt it, to seek God. This might be the first lesson for us. If you ask yourself, “Why am I here?” you might have several answers. Some of those answers might be somewhat superficial, while others might be deeper and more personal. It’s worth taking some time to address the question, “What are my motivations, and which ones are truly lasting?” Going back for a moment to Monte Cassino, if the reason why the monks kept rebuilding the monastery was to seek God, I think it’s also worth asking the question: How did they go about doing it? St. John Henry Newman comments on this:

Holy Week Retreat 2021

T hi s ar ticle wa s ad apte d f rom Br. Je an-Mar ie’s conference at the 2021 Holy We ek Retre at . All Retre at Mater i al s and C onference s are avail able f re e at :

k a ns a sm o n k s.or g / tri d u um 2 02 1


Kansas Monks

M o nte C a s s i n o , l i k e th e a g e - o l d o a k p l a nt e d b y St . B en e di c t , “st r i p p e d o f i t s l e av e s ” b y the v i o l e n ce o f th e w a r, s p ra ng u p e v e n m o r e v igor o u s l y th an b e f o r e . - po pe b e n e d i c t xv i “When the bodily frame receives an injury, or is seized with some sudden malady, nature may be expected to set right the evil, if left to itself, but she requires time; science comes to shorten the process, and is violent that it may be certain. This may be taken to illustrate St. Benedict’s mode of counteracting the miseries of life. He found the world, physical and social, in ruins, and his mission was to restore it in the way, not of science, but of nature, not as if setting about to do it, nor professing to do it, by any set time or by any rare specific or by any series of strokes, but so quietly, patiently, gradually, that often, till the work was done, it was not known to be doing. It was a restoration rather than a visitation, correction, or conversion. The new world which he helped to create was a growth rather than a structure.” I would like to focus on these two words that Newman uses: “growth” and “structure.” Since they are somewhat metaphorical, let’s unpack the terms of the metaphor. First, what does it mean to construct something? Creating a physical structure usually requires drawing up a plan for whatever it is that you want to build, gathering the materials, and putting it together. At each of these steps, you are generating something. But what about growing? If you’re growing a vegetable garden, you have to water the plants; otherwise, they will wither. The difference is: you can’t make the plants grow. While your work does matter, ultimately, it isn’t you that’s causing the growth. According to Newman, St. Benedict went about his work in the mode of growing. While he did do a lot of work, his work was less about constructing something, and more about watering the garden. God was the one who made the growth happen. What does that mean for us? Just as with a garden, you have to be faithful in taking care of it, but you can’t make the plants grow, so our own spiritual growth is not something we can make happen. What we do matters, but the new life does not come from ourselves; it can only come from God. In my own experience, one place where I have seen this kind of growth happen has been through praying the psalms. Lately, I have been finding that when I am confronted with a temptation,

a line from the psalms sets me back on course. For example, one of my jobs at the Abbey is to clean the stairs. To be honest, I don’t look forward to cleaning the stairs, and I often don’t feel like doing it. But what comes to my mind is, “The threshold of the house of God I prefer to the dwellings of the wicked.” This verse The coat of arms of Monte reminds me that even Cassino is featured in stained if I don’t particularly glass in the monastic refectory enjoy what I am doing at St. Benedict’s Abbey. right now, this is still where I am meant to be—here, in the house of God. This experience of being re-directed by the psalms is clearly something that I did not generate. I didn’t go looking through the Bible for a verse that would help motivate me to clean the stairs. I did receive it through praying the psalms as part of the Divine Office with the monastic community. In this sense, praying the Office is like watering the plants. But it still wasn’t something that I brought about on my own. In the past year, there have been several times when I have felt like a stump. Something in me had been cut off; part of me had died, and I wasn’t sure if it would ever come back. While I wouldn’t have planned any of those painful moments for myself, the important thing for me to ask myself is: Do I trust that God has a plan for my good, to help me grow into the son my Father wants me to be, even if that happens in a way that I didn’t expect? Do I have confidence that He is there, generating new life in me, even when all I can see is the stump? These are questions I continue to wrestle with. In your own life, are there places where you feel “cut down”? I invite you to bring those before the Lord, and to ask Him for the grace to trust that He is at work.

Br. Jean-Marie Hogan is the newest member of St. Benedict’s Abbey, professing first vows on December 8, 2020. Coming to the Abbey from the Archdiocese of St. Louis, Br. Jean-Marie studied Classics at the University of Dallas, graduating in 2019. Currently Br. Jean-Marie serves the monastic community as a sacristan, takes classes at Benedictine College, and works at other tasks around the monastery.

Fall 2021


I c an’t imag ine b eing any thing other than a Kansa s Monk . In the p a st , I imag ine d my s elf b eing many thing s other than a monk : a ling ui st , a l aw yer, a dio ce san pr ie st . But my imag ination ha s alw ay s b e en in Kansa s . I’ve live d my whole life here, and other than the four ye ars I sp ent in s cho ol out e a st , all the mo st sig nif ic ant moment s of my life have b e en shap e d by it s p e ople and pl ace s . I’ve gotten to s e e and le ar n ab out almo st e ver y cor ner of the st ate. I w a s b or n in the middle in Gre at B end, g re w up in the s outhwe st in L ak in, went to col le ge in L aw rence, worke d in Wichit a , sp ent time w ith my sibling s while the y were in colle ge at Pitt sburg St ate. Now I’ve made a s olemn vow of st ability here in Atchi s on.

My cle are st memor ie s are outdo ors , hunting , f i shing , and explor ing at home and at my g randp a’s f ar m. The pl ant s and animal s I found c aptiv ate d me: w ide pl ains of sagebr u sh, y ucc a and pr ick ly p e ars inhabite d by herd s of mule de er, prair ie do g s and may b e an antelop e if your g l ance w a s quick enoug h to ke e p up. To s ome one ju st p a ssing by, it may all lo ok the same, e ach s qu are mile the same a s the l a st . But that p ers on do e sn’t k now ab out the clump of thick- tr unke d cottonwo o d s on the p ond d am wh ere we c amp e d, or the c att ail s in w ater s o shallow the c ar p almo st k no ck over the c ano e, or the sand pit dug out by the ro ad c re w and now g row ing pr ick ly p e ars and conef lowers . The y ’re not ju st pl ant s , but markers on a l and s c ap e of memor ie s . 20

Kansas Monks

I’m mak ing ne w memor ie s in a ne w pl ace, and explor ing the l and here ha s ere c te d ne w mile stone s . While I g row in the mona stic life, I s e t dow n ro ot s in thi s pl ace. Hik ing up and dow n the bluf f s w ith our do g , I di s cover a l and s c ap e s o clo s e and ye t a world aw ay f rom where I g re w up. Who k ne w there were fer ns in Kansa s? And blueb ell s and lilie s and may apple s . S o to o, tre ading throug h the up s and dow ns of my mona stic life, I di s cover a ne w l and s c ap e w ithin my s elf, s o clo s e and ye t a world aw ay f rom where I g re w up.

Br. Karel Soukup has been a monk of St. Benedict’s Abbey since 2014. Coming to the Abbey from Lakin, Kansas, Br. Karel has a passion for the arts and has been producing works in a variety of media including photography, metalwork, painting, and woodwork. To see Br. Karel’s work and more see his website: cloistercraft.com.

Fall 2021


A Refl ec tio n o n th e M usic of the Ma ss Ar ticle by Br. Angelu s Atk i son

C a nt ate D o m i no c antic um n o v um; c ant ate D omin o, omn i s ter ra . Sing a ne w song to th e L ord ; sing to the L ord all the e ar th . - Psalm 95:1 Q uid enim hab e t c a ntic um n o v um, n i si amorem n o v um? C a nt are am anti s e st . Vox huiu s c antor i s , f er vor e st san c ti amor i s . For wh a t do e s thi s n e w song hold , e xcept a n e w lov e? T h e o n e wh o l ov e s sing s . T h e v oice of thi s sing er i s the w ar mth of holy l ov e .


- S t . Augus tin e, Serm on 336, on the Dedic ation of a C hur c h -

magine it is your loved one’s birthday and all your friends and family have gathered to celebrate the life of this beloved person. At the height of the festivity the lights are dimmed, a hush falls on ever ybody, and a cake bright with flaming candles is brought for ward. What happens next? It is , of course, a silly question, because we do not have to think about what happens next : we sing. Imagine how odd it would be if we stood around and spoke, in a casual monotone, “Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you,” etc. It would be equally ridiculous if we solemnly chanted something unrelated, like the newspaper headline: “The Dow Jones is 33,876.97, +586.89, up 1.76%. Amen.” (At least it was at the time of writing this article, but the world’s fortunes are constantly shifting so by now these numbers are irrelevant to both the birthday party and the investor). This example can help us understand what St. Augustine is speaking about. We sing because our love for the beloved moves us to sing; and what we sing are words given to make present this reality. If this is true of something so simple as a birthday party (though by “simple” I do not mean “trivial”- because something deeply profound occurs when we sing Happy Birthday. When we sing , we are essentially expressing , I am happy that you are.), how much more must this be true of the most holy Liturgy of the Mass , the canticum novum, the new song revealed and sung by Christ and his Church to God our Father? 22

Kansas Monks

It can be fruitful to consider the Mass in this way : as a song of love. Or, more accurately, as a participation in the love song of the Holy Trinity. In the liturgy, as members of Christ’s Body, we are drawn up into the eternal song of the heavenly liturgy of Christ’s total offering of himself to the Father and the constant reception of the Father’s unfailing love in the Holy Spirit. In this case the love that moves us to sing is absolutely unique. It is the love that exists before time began, the love that brought the whole cosmos into

Communio is a Gegorian Chant video series dedicated to the Communion Antiphons of the Mass. In each video the monastic schola shares the chant followed by a reflection on the melody and text and their relation to one another. You can stream Communio on our Youtube Channel: Youtube.com/kansasmonks

b eing and by which the world and each one of us is patterne d, the love most f ully re veale d in the myster y of Jesus Christ ’s incarnation, life, death, resurre ction, and a scension. A s St . John said, “In this is love: not that we have love d G o d, but that he love d us and sent his S on a s expiation for our sins” (1 John 4:10). It is in this love – Love itself – that the ne w song of the Church is brought to life in histor y. It is the Church’s understanding that “in the ear thly liturg y we take par t in a foreta ste of that heavenly liturg y which is celebrate d in the holy city of Jer usalem toward which we journe y a s pilg rims …” (Sacrosanctum Concilium, §8). There are many moment s in the Ma ss which remind us of this profound reality. For example, b efore sing ing the Sanctus we hear the priest intone: And so, with Angels and Archangels , with Thrones and D ominions , and with all the host s and Powers of heaven, we sing the hymn of your glor y, a s without end we acclaim… And so we are reminde d that the Sanctus – that hymn of praise re veale d in the b o ok of Re velation – is , in fact , like the whole Ma ss , a par ticipation, with all the angels and saint s , in the eternal song of heaven’s praise. While most of us are familiar with those par t s in the ma ss that are ordinarily sung , such a s the Glor i a (“Glor y to G o d in the Highest ..”), the Sanctus (“Holy, Holy Holy…”), the Ag nus Dei (“L amb of G o d…”), less of us , p erhaps , are familiar with what are known a s the “prop ers” of the Ma ss . The “prop ers” refer to those Ma ss par t s g iven for a par ticular day, a s distinct from the “ordinar y ” of ma ss mentione d ab ove. Usually the “prop ers” desig nate the antiphons sung at the entrance, offer tor y, and at communion. O ver the centuries Gregorian chant s of pa ssages from scriptures usually relate d to the G osp el or fea st have de velop e d around these e vent s of the ma ss . S o, for example, on the S olemnity of the Most Holy B o dy and Blo o d of Christ (C or pus Chr isti) here at the Abb e y we sing the Q ui Manducat communion antiphon: “He who eat s my f lesh and drink s my blo o d, remains in me, and I in him, says the Lord” ( John 6:56). And the following Sunday, the 11th of Ordinar y Time, we sing a different antiphon, Unam Petii: “One thing I have a ske d of the Lord, this will I se ek ; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life” (Ps 27:4). There is something ab out the par ticular liturg ical e vent s which the antiphons accompany that can help us understand why such a rich tradition of chant de velop e d. This “something ” can, p erhaps , b e summe d up in one word: pilg r image. The entrance, the offer tor y, and the communion pro cessions are each a kind of a pilg rimage – a movement that draws us de ep er into the divine life, into our destiny, namely the “ne w love” name d by St . Aug ustine. B e cause of this each pro cession is also a moment of change, of

As a part of our study, we look back to the earliest chant manuscripts and the lineless neumes (markings above the letters) to better understand how these words have informed the melody throughout the centuries. transformation, and of sacrifice. St. Thomas Aquinas wrote: “A sacrifice, properly speaking , requires that something be done to the thing which is offered to God, for instance animals were slain and burnt, the bread is broken, eaten, blessed. The ver y word signifies this , since sacrifice is so called because a man does something sacred [facit sacrum].” This manifests itself in each moment. The entrance procession ushers us into the beginning of Mass (and really begins even earlier, whenever we depart from our home to travel to the church) and what was once a disparate scattering of persons is gathered together as a people, in the unity of the body of Christ offering himself to the Father. In the offertor y profession we bring to the altar the gifts of bread and wine – fruits of the earth and the vine already transformed by the work of human hands, and the priest in the Epiclesis (“invocation upon”) then “begs the Father to send the Holy Spirit, the Sanctifier, so that the offerings may become the body and blood of Christ and that the faithful, by receiving them, may themselves become Fall 2021


Gregorian chant can be a bit intimidating at first glance, but the beauty of the prayers and music opens up an even deeper relationship with the Lord through his word. The propers of the Mass prompt us to engage with the unique nature of that day in the life of the Church. On the Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady, the Communion antiphon calls us back to the Magnificat – the meeting of Mary and Elizabeth – in which Mary offers one of the great prayers of praise in the Gospel.

a living offering to God” (CCC, §1105). And, finally the great culminating pilgrimage of communion, a kind of double procession in which Christ the pilgrim-king comes down from the altar to give Himself to us and we beggarpilgrims approach to receive and unite ourselves to and in Him in his eternal self-offering to the Father. So, fittingly, the Church, over the ages, has raised her voice in song during these mysteries; the voice itself is changed, lifted, and transformed into song, becoming a literal sacrifice of praise (hostiam iubilationis), as Circuibo, the communion antiphon for the 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B) put it. These antiphons, sung over the ages, are particularly suited to a “pilgrimage song,” so to speak. Unlike the Sanctus or Gloria, which are hymns at which we are meant to stop any other action and sing them all the way through, an antiphon, which consists of a repeated refrain and verses, can be concluded easily at any point whenever the procession has stopped. It thus accompanies the liturgical action and expresses its deeper reality in a kind of sung lectio divina. The monks of St. Benedict’s Abbey have chanted English propers for years but recently, in the last year, we have begun chanting the Latin Gregorian Chant communion antiphon, followed by an English version and verses, and concluding with the Latin. For many of us though, this chant

can be quite strange and new, and so recently our monastic schola (choir) began a new video series called Communio: A Reflection on the Music of the Mass. The schola engages the communion chant for the upcoming Sunday, sharing what we have learned in our practice and preparation for the liturgy. Inspiration for this offering came from our Holy father St. Benedict, who says of prayer, “mens concordet voci,“ “let the mind be in harmony with the voice.” It’s our hope that this brief preparation—a recording of the antiphon, a translation of the Latin, and a meditation on the marriage of word and music—will invite each of us into deeper prayer and awareness of the great Mystery we encounter in the holy liturgy, where the Word made flesh meets us and draws us into the divine life of God. It seems best to leave the last word to St. Augustine, who profoundly understood why the pilgrim sings: As we walk along in Christ, pilgrims still until we arrive, sighing with desire for the unutterable peace that abides in that city- a peace concerning which we are promised what eye has not seen, nor ear has heard, not human heart conceived- as we walk, I say, let us so sing as to enkindle our longing. All who long for it are singing in their hearts, even if their tongues are silent… - Sermon on Psalm 87

Br. Angelus Atkinson has been a monk of St. Benedict’s Abbey since 2019. Having a background in music, Br. Angelus lends his voice to the monastic schola and helps to, along with Br. Florian Rumpza and Br. Leven Harton, produce the Communio series. Br. Angelus currently serves the monastic community as Asst. Retreat Master.

In the liturgical experience, Christ the Lord is the light which illumines the way and reveals the transparency of the cosmos, precisely as in Scripture. The events of the past find in Christ their meaning and fullness, and creation is revealed for what it is: a complex whole which finds its perfection, its purpose in the liturgy alone. This is why the liturgy is heaven on earth, and in it the Word who became flesh imbues matter with a saving potential which is fully manifest in the sacraments: there, creation communicates to each individual the power conferred on it by Christ.

- St. J ohn Paul I I


Kansas Monks



Pray and work – St. Benedict’s instructions are pretty straight foward. Each day, it is our mission to carry out this task; this mission is made possible through your generosity. Every confession we hear, every Mass we celebrate, every time we gather together to lift the needs of the world to God – it is all made possible through your support. All we can say is “thank you.” We hope, that as you partner with us in our ministry, that you know just how much of an impact you have made, not just on us as monks, but on our students, on our parishioners, on the prisoners we serve, and, indeed, on the world we live in. From all of us here at St. Benedict’s Abbey, thank you for your continued support. The following is a list of those who have supported our ministry in the past year; organizations and foundations are listed on page 39.


Jeffrey & Laurel Aaker Robert & Connie Aaron Alisa Abbo Madi Abbott Maureen Abkemeier Nestor & Kristina Abreu Kevin & Teresa Achilles Jacob & Heidi Ackerman Paul & Marsha Adair Mary Adam Christopher Adam Katie Adams Bryan & Christi Adams Chuck & Susan Adams Bob & Janet Adrian Jerry & Marsha Affolter John & Celeste Ahern Lucas & Sarah Aitchison Mary Jane Akin Lori Akscin Bob Albers Greg & Jennifer Albers Bob & Betty Albers Joe & Charlotte Albers Sr. Celeste Albers Ed & Dolores Albers Buck & Nancy Alberts Rosvi Albeza Glenn & Kathleen Albin Jennifer & Daniel Alcorn Elizabeth Allard Kay Allen James & Mary Lou Allen Paul & Judith Allen

Jim & Marigay Allen Johnathan & Mary Almeida Josephine Alvarado Stacie Alvarez Meredith Alvarez Madeline Alvarez Charlene Alvey Laura Ambro Emily Ambuul Roberta Amenell Marian Amrein Paula Amrein Vince & Carolyn Anch Oscar Andary Richard & Joyce Anderson Corynn Anderson Joseph & Jeanne Anderson Kris Anderson James Anderson T.J. & Kalen Anderson Joel & Kate Anderson Marie Anderson Rich & Dee Andra Bill & Michelle Andre Pamelia Andre Leon Andrews Tim & Lisa Andrews Joseph Andrews James & Sheila Antes Mary Lou Aragon Gerald Archer Kelly & Kyle Area Milton Arganbright David & Rebecca Argenti

John & Janet Arnold John & Jeannie Asher Robert Asher Mary Asher Martin & Aggie Asher Jim & Maureen Asher Pete & Kelley Asta Phyllis Asztalos Edward & Maile Atkinson Joseph & Nancy Atkinson Marvin & Betty Aubert Sr. Mary Ellen Auffert Mark & Mary August Deborah Austin Jesse Avila Oscar Aviles Yessenia Ayala Dennis & Virginia Ayer Ted & Marcia Ayres Ed & Francine Babcock Kevin & Laura Bachkora Roger & Barbara Backes Collin Backus Thomas Bacon John & Teresa Badgerow Mark Baehr Daniel Bagley Angie Bailey Sonia Baker Pat & Beverly Baker Dan & Fonda Baker Paul & Collene Baker Richard & Barbara Baker Rick & Terri Baker


Fr. Nicholas Baker Frank & Betty Baker Mary Baker Anna Baker Imelda Balane Allison Balderrama David & Julie Baltuska Miranda Baniewicz Phil & Lisa Baniewicz Dennis Baricevic John & Marti Baricevic Thomas & Emily Baril Mary Barnes Anastasia & Joseph Barnes Michael Barnes Joseph & Anastasia Barnes Fritz Barnett John Barry Rhonda Barry Greg & Mary Jo Barry Michael & Kindra Barten Madelyn Barten Barten Robert & Linda Bartkoski Paul & Kathleen Bastasch Margaret Bates Tory Baucum Lauren Bauer Sheila Bauer Andrea Bauer-Iseman Alexander Baugh Kenneth & Betty Bauman Virginia Baumgartner Barbara Baumgartner Fr. Henry Baxa

Fall 2021


Stephen Baxley Joe & Stavra Bayer Ronald & Linda Beare James & Martha Beasley Pat Beaton Diana Becchina Steve & Nancy Becherer Marty & Suzanne Bechina John & Mary Beck Judith Beck Robert Becker Raymond & Mary Jo Becker Michael & Susan Becker Tim & Kelli Becker Richard Beckwith Alex Bedinghaus Bob & Susan Bednar Stephen Beggs Mark & Amy Begley John Behrmann Marilyn Beiser Richard Belatti Joe Belden Diane Belken Dennis & Lisa Bell Steve & Marnie Bell Dan Beller Ben & Kathy Bellinder James & Joan Bellinghausen Julian & Margie Belman Elizabeth Benda Rachel Benda Kim Bennett Maria Bennett Dave & Deborah Benning JD & Lauren Benning Olivia Benz Kristi Beran Dan & Brenda Berardy William & Lois Berberich Barbara Berg Jerry & Norma Bergeman John Berger Joseph & Nicole Berlucchi Ken & Charlotte Berndt Alice Berning Wayne & Faith Berrier Michael & Sheila Berry Timothy Bersch Julia Betzig Terry Beutelschies Janet & Carl Beverley Karan Bevers Katie Biancalana Robert Bidon Bob & Carol Bieber Jane Biffinger Bryan & Lou Ann Biggs Ben & Vicki Biller Lois Bindel Bill & Judy Bing Ellis Bingham Archana Binoy Michael Bird Phil & Jane Bird William & Nancy Birmingham Norman & Carol Birzer Alex & Brandi Bishop Roger & Margaret Bishop Jennifer Bissex Bob & Luana Bitter Ronald & Mary Bittner


Kansas Monks

Ed & Holly Black David Black Faustina Blackwood Luke Blair Mark Blaise Leah Blake Kenny Blasi David Blong Mary & Scott Blonigen Augustine Blosser Benjamin & Danielle Blosser Mike & Lisa Boddicker Mark & Mary Bodenhausen Paul & Marilyn Boeding Rollie & Mary Boeding Thomas & Carol Boerner Brandon Boesch Joe Boever Celene Boggs Doris & Richard Boland Andy & Michelle Bolin Bob & Louise Bona Judith Bond Jim & Linda Bongers Dave & Joyce Boone Maggie Boone Martin Boos Mark & Lori Boos Larry & Sheila Boos George & Jane Boos Frank & Rebecca Boos Michael Boos Robert & Emily Booth Rupert Borman Lillian Bosch Nancy Bosse Richard & Karel Bost Ed Bott Denise Boucher Lendell & Joan Boudreau Greg & Rachel Boulanger Andre Bourgeois Hannah Bousquet Ron & Carolyn Bova Greg & Rhonda Bower Joseph & Patreen Bower Karmen Bower Alli Bowers Steven & Joyce Bowlin Timothy Boyle James Boyle Richard Boyle Rich & Trudy Boynton Caley Bradicich Terry Brady Bea Brady Mary & Andrew Brain Matthew Branch Katie Brandenburg Aaron & Adriane Brandenburg Larry & Ann Brandon Mary Anne Brant Kelvin & Nona Brath Joseph Brath Windy Bravo David Breda Shirley Breight Elizabeth Breneiser Lucille Brennan Stephen Brewer Rachel Brewer Joe & Connie Brickner

On March 21, 2020, just days after the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, our sixth Father in Christ, Abbot Ralph Koehler, passed from this life. He was a tremendous blessing to our community and his contributions were great. Robert & Mary Kay Bright Angela Broaddus Celeste Brodigan Karl & Melissa Brondell Edmund Brons Bill Brooke Brian Brophy Mark & Constance Broski Doug Brothers Donley & Melissa Brothers Ellen Brown Greg Brown Kaylene & Clarence Brown Terri Brown Jerry & Greta Brown Leo Brown Randy & Pam Brown Sarah Brown Michael & Jill Brown Thomas Brox Dan & Linda Brox Michael & Kimberly Brox Tony & Pat Brox Peter & Kristine Bruce Adam Bruce Elliot Bruce Rebecca Bruch Steve Brull Mark & Brenda Brull Fr. Matthew Brumleve Patricia Brunette Jerry & Cass Brungardt Diane Bruns Joe & Rita Buchanan John Buchanan Nicole Buchman Susan Buckley Barbara & Jack Buckley Leonard & Kitty Buddenbohm Larry & Tresa Buessing Mark F. Buhler Buhler

Adam & Anita Buhman-Wiggs Kevin Bulak Patricia Bullinger Betty Bunck Max Burbach Trudy Burenheide Will Burenheide Patrick Burger Msgr. Francis Burger Monica Burgess Roberta & Steven Burghart Anne & Paul Burghart Gary & Eileen Burkart Joseph & Bunny Burke John Burke Thomas & Carol Burke Tom & Betty Burke Evan & Jessica Burke Denise Burke James & Joanne Burns David & Sharon Busch Michael & Holly Buser Giuseppe & Kirsten Butera Sharon Butler Amanda Buttig Patrick Byrne Maureen Byrne Jeanie Byrne Joshua Caasi Giovani & Raquel Caasi Carmen Cabrera Olivia Cabrera Dorothy Cacioppo Brian & Melissa Cain Carl Cain Pat & Anna Cairney Rosa Calandra Bridgett Calia Dennis & Dianne Call Rose Callahan Paul & Michele Callahan


Sr. Anne Callahan Anna Camacho Paul & Karen Camarata Kim Cameron-Smith Teresa Campbell James & Wendy Campbell Valeria Campbell Monica Canez-Hamada Michael & Sandra Cannon Deborah Canter James Capp David Carey Adele Carey Elizabeth Carey Dan & Terri Carey Thomas Carey Robert & Colleen Carey Sam Carlson James Carmody John Carmody Dan & Allison Carney Nancy Carolan Frank & Cecilia Carpinelli Patrick & Kate Carr Joanne Carr Charley & Janelle Carrigan Pat & Kathy Carrigan Kevin & Donna Carril John & Marilyn Carroll Paul Carroll Rebecca Carter Adam Carter Susan Carter Adam Case Lucy Casey John & Clarita Casey Regina Casey Sarah Cash Thomas & DeDe Caspari Colette Cassar Joshua Castor Philip & Maria Cathell John Catlett Don Catron Becca Caudle Alietia Caughron Megan Caughron Tom Cavanagh Shirley Cavanaugh Amee Cave Dennis & Janet Cawley Warren Cawley Carlos Cerda Joe & Colleen Cernich Patricia Challacombe Brian & Michele Chambers Allison Channell Elizabeth Chaparro Donald Charboneau Rolland & Jessica Charpentier Devira Chartrand Frank & Barbara Chastain Maria Chastain-Brand Colleen Chaulk Bob & Shirley Chenoweth Gabriel & Luanne Chihoski Charles & Mary Ellen Childs Daniel Chinn Nalina Chinnasami Carolina Chirdon John & Angela Chladek Evelyn Chmidling

Paul Chopp Joel & Linda Christensen Ed Ciarniello Chad & Kristen Cilessen Mike & Jeanine Cindrich Dom & Maggie Cingoranelli Cheryl Ciociolo Linda Cirillo Elizabeth Ciskanik Lawrence & Paola Ciskanik Vicente & Regina Cisneros Michael Clark Isabelle Clark Jim & Anna Clark Julie Clark Mary Clarkin Ellen Cleary Daniel & Tracy Clegg Raymond & Julia Clem Lorene Clemens Alex & Maggie Clement Anne Clement Don & Kathy Clement Brian & Jeanne Cline John & Louise Clinton Joan Clous Laura Clouser Dennis & Rosemary Clyde Carmen Cobbett Maggie Coburn Mike & Susan Cochran Jennifer Coday Susan Coder Mary Coffelt Meredith Coil Melissa Colbern James Colbert Steven Cole Steve Cole Chuck & Tammy Coleman

Cody & Liz Coleman Raymond & Kathleen Colgan Mary Collantes Kathy Collicott John & Maureen Collins Stephanie Collins Jacobo Colon Gary & Patricia Colvin Tom & Joni Colwell Kitty Colwell Allie Comley Ty Compton Maria Compton-Hernandez Ryan Conklin Rebecca Conley Brennan Connelly Matt Conner Kevin Connor James Connor Lavinia Connors Rachel Conrad Charlie & Linda Contreras Mark & Kathie Cook Paul & Linda Cook Daniel Cook Tammy Cook Jessica Cook Daniel & Margaret Coon Kent & Lee Cooper Larry & Cathy Cooper Terry & Kathy Coots Brendan & Stacy Cope Michael Copple Anthony Cordie Richard & Shirley Corken Diane Corlett Paul Corpstein Bret & Jacqueline Cortright Jim & Barb Cosgrove Bob & Laura Cotter

Emma Coulter Elizabeth Counce Andrew & Desirae Cox Donna & Joe Cox Christopher & Kathryn Cox Cassie Coyle Lorraine Coyle Jack & Mary Cozadd Joyce Cram Piper L. Crane Brian & Laura Criddle Anthony & Claudia Crifasi John & Carolyn Crilly Fr. Joseph Criqui Joseph & Sydney Crnkovich Tim & Diane Crockett Bruce & Mindi Cromwell Jerry & Aileen Cronan Randy & Linda Cross Jerry & Laura Cross James & Judy Crossley Brad & Shannon Crouch Michael & Maggie Crulcich David & Michaela Culkin Katherine Culpepper Frank & Katie Cummings Laura Cummings Richard & Maureen Cummings Craig Cummins Denise Cunningham Bill & Kathy Cunningham Jeanne Curley Douglas & Peggy Curran Brian & Kristen Curran Thomas Curry Mike & Teresa Curtis Jim & Judy Curtis Penny Cutler Dennis & Carol Cutting Deborah Cwalina

On December 8, 2020, Br. Jean-Marie Hogan, having completed the 366 day novitiate, took the next step on his monastic journey professing first vows and becoming a member of the Order of St. Benedict. For the next 3 years Br. Jean-Marie will pray and work, continuing on the path toward monastic profession. He currently serves as Sacristan and studies at Benedictine College. Fall 2021


Mary Cwalina Angela & John Cybulski William & Sylvia Daletski Alexandra Daley Don & Margaret Dallao Tim & Carolyn Dalton Joseph Dalton Michael & Frances Dalton Jerry Daly Rick & Kathie Dalzell Chris & Donna Daniel Garrett Daniel Sophie Danner Hannah Danner Therese Danner Courtney Danze Monica Daos William Dapron Jim & Janet Dargin Paul Daudu Tim & Theresa Davenport Anna Davila John & Beverly Davis Robert Davis Max Davy Rece Dawson Charlie & Jolene De Carlo Ann Marie de Jong Lourdes De Leon Barry Dean Sophia DeBenedetti Isabella DeBenedetti Virgil & Ann Dechant Courtney DeCosmo Thomas & Joy DeCoursey Rebecca Dedonder Maria DeGroodt Doug & Sarah DeGroot Doug & Mary Degroot David & Barbara Dehaemers Rita Dehner Dan Deitchman Dick Deitchman Fr. Earl Dekat


Damian & Rae Dekat Jack Delphia Patrick & Patricia DeLuca Jerry & Laurel Demary Benjamin Demel Anna Demmer Thomas & Kirsten Dempsey Timothy & Barbara Dempsey Katey Dempsey Sara DenBraber Harry Dennison Jack Denomy Tod Densmore Cory & Michelle DePietro John & Sherry DeRossi Stephen Derrington Veronica Dersch Angela Desmarais Greg Desme Fred & Marlene Deters Audrey Deters Ben Deters Gilbert Deters Ethan & Elizabeth DeVader John Devine Maureen Devine Irma DeWeese Irma Di Renzo Lourdes Diaz Rich & Cindy Dickason Sr. Bridget Dickason Randy & Jane Dickinson Chantal Dickson Dickson Dean & Mary Ellen Diederich Dennis & Alice Diederich Kody Diekhans Maria Diers Richard Diers John & Patricia Diggins Janet Dillman David & Jennifer Dillner Brian & Susan Dillner Kristin Dillon Edward Dillon

The Return to Nazareth Garden was completed in 2020 – it features a monument to the Holy Family traveling back from the temple in Jerusalem (Full monument on cover). Pictured here is sculptor Kate Marin’s rendering of St. Joseph. For more from Kate see her website: katemarinart.com 28

Kansas Monks

Olivia DiMaggio David Dinneen Linda Dinsmore Jacqueline DiNubila Marisa Dionisio Paul Dirkes George & Nancy Dirnberger Greg & Jan Dixon Pawel Dlugosz Charlie & Cathy Dobihal Joseph & Dahrys Dobrynski Cathy Dodge Sean & Julie Doherty Linda Dohrman Donald Doleshal Tonia Dolf Joan Domann David & Libby Domann Joe & Sherry Domann Larry & Millie Donahue Sarah Donihoo Clifford & Clara Donnelly Michael Donnoe Doc Donovan Gerald Dooley Dick & Charlotte Dooley Gerald Dooley Ryan Dooley Theresa Dorrell Barry & Connie Doss Mary Dougherty Anne Dow Lori Dowell Katherine & Andrew Doyle Meredith Doyle Tim & Susan Draftz Linda Drees Felix Dreher Dreher Ivan & Marilyn Dressman David & Mary Drey Jeff Drost Jim Drotar John & Mary DuBois Lucy Duchesne Andrew Dudasko James Dugan William & Mary Jo Duggan Darlene DuLac Teresa Dumsky John Dunbar Jack Dundon Dennis Dunleavy Bill & Jean Dunn Steve & Anne Dunn Terry & Peggy Dunn Joseph & Sylvia Dunne Jane Dunne-Brady Darwin Dupree Arimeta Dupree Carol Dupuis Mandy Duque Christian Duran Kathy Durfee Paul & Gloria Durkin John Dutton Patrick & Ruth Dyer Roger & Mary Dykmann David & Polly Dykstra Aubry Dziak Mike & Mary Alice Easterday Jeffrey & Diane Eastman Robert Eastwood


Jessica Eberth Larry & Barbara Ebner Fr. Ivan Eck Michael & Amy Eckert Lee & Ruth Eckert Michael & Claudia Eddins Jim & Fareda Eddy Eileen Edgren Stephen & Ann Edmonds MaryAnn Egan Mike & Donna Egan Bob & Anne Egbert John & Anne Eggers Harry Eggleston Edward & Judy Egnatic Mick Eichholz Brad & Patricia Elder Jill Elfgren Mary Kay Elias Mike & Kelly Elias Joe & Joyce Elias Paulene Eling Roy & Mary Elliott Louis Ellis Caroline Ellis Darius Ellis Sharon Ells Nolan & Julie Ellsworth Rollie & Mary Jane Elpers Craig & Kathryn Elson Deborah Endres Clarence & Lillian Engelken Elizabeth & Terry Engelken Paul Engler John & Angie English Jim & Charlene Enneking Jane Enzbrenner Fr. Bryan Ernest Annette Ernst Carol Ernst Donna & Ron Erpelding Nicholas & JoAnn Ertz Duffy Eschmann Jerry & Jill Esfeld Alexander & Carolyn Espinosa Margaret Esposito Ronald Estep Jeanne Eubanks Lee Euler Gerry & Connie Euston Brian Evans Evans Jay & Ann Eveler Jerome & Dolores Ewald Jim & Norma Ewbank Lester & Janet Fangman Richard & Mary Fangman Dan & Dolly Fangman Elmer Fangman Tony Fangman Gregory & Leona Farano Rochelle Farmer Rachel Farmer Mike Farnet Russell Farrell James Farrell Lois & Mike Farrell Phillip Farris Sean & Laura Farson Megan & Matt Fassero Marty Fassero Gregory Faulkner Zach Favorite


Michael Favorite Tom & Patsy Fawcett Pierre & Maya Fayad Peter & Barbara Fayard John & Melanie Fechter Bill & Joyce Federhofer Michelle Fehrmann Anne & Anne Feise Spencer Feldkamp Jerry & Nancy Fennell Amy Fenner James & Mary Fern Robert & Kathleen Fernandez Carmen Fernandez Laura Ferrante Pat Ferriola Connie Ferro Nancy Ferro Ryan & Maureen Fesker Mitchell Fiala Paul & Annette Fiedler Rita Figueira Nicole Filipowski Matthew & Mary Filpovich Ray & Jean Finch Andrea Finch Father Jon Fincher Natalie Finn Jim & Kathy Finnegan Jerry & Pam Finnegan Amanda Fiore Theresa Fischer Gunther & Betty Fischer Brian & Elaine Fisher Mike & Kathy Fisher Isaac Fisher Robert & Victoria Fitzgerald Sandy & Tom Fitzmaurice Jack & Virginia Fitzsimons Jimmy Fiudo Maureen Fiudo Barbara Fleming Jim & Eleanor Fleming Sean & Mary Flynn Elizabeth Fogt Joseph & Kay Foht Scott & Sally Follett Chad & Amy Folsom Paul Foltz Kathleen Fontaine Michael Fontana Joseph & Marilyn Foos Steele & Genie Ford John & Rita Ford Dominic Ford Dick & Kathy Forge Duane Fortin Daniel Fortino Maria Fortuna Winston & Lillie Foster Marilynn Fowler Melissa Fowler Jean Fox Jonathan Fox Bridget Fox Kathleen Fox Kevin & Jolene Fox Glen Frakes Macie Frakes David & Karen France Chris & Anne Francescon Rachel Francis

Jacob Francois Katie Frandsen Sarah Frangenberg Linnea Frank John & Berneta Frank Derek & Kelly Franklin Frank & Linda Franko Bo & Terry Fraser Bob & Ada Frazier Evan Frazier Hannah Freeman Shannen Freeman Pamela & Carl Freidhoff Chris Frelack Phil Frerker Madeline Fric Anna Friday Judy Fridell Amie Friedl James & Susan Friend Joseph Froehle Mary Ann Froelich Richard Fry Susan Fugger Dain & Curt Fulcher Henry & Delores Fulk David & Catherine Fulmer James & Mary Fulton John & Linda Funk Cathy Funkhouser James Fuquay Philip Gage Michelle Gagne Mike Gaines Rob & Liz Galan Jim & Donna Gales Daniel Galindo Maria Galindo Matt & Juanita Galindo Mary Gall Larry & Fran Gallagher Christian Gamblin Mike & Susan Gangel Frances Garavuso Maria Garcia Eva Garcia Gerald & Maurine Gardner Judy Gardner Robert Gardner Amanda Garner Jeff Garrett David & Barbara Garstecki Charlie & Sheila Gartenmayer Richard Garvey Shelly Gaskill Logan & Bridget Gasper Nick & Janice Gaspers Carol Gaughan Rebecca Gaughenbaugh Sandra Gaul Tom & Kathleen Gaume Chris & Julie Gawarecki Jeanne Gawdun Gordon Gearhart Robert & Loretta Geck Tony & Sarah Geiger Robert & Therese Geise Joseph & Patricia Geisinger Joe Geist Robert Geist Brad & Ciera Geist Marlene Gellings


On August 6, 2021, the monks welcomed a new postulant, Jack Rueschhoff. Jack will pray and work under the guidance of Fr. Jay Kythe, discerning whether he is called to monastic life.

Kathy Gellings Anthony Gengenbach Craig & Jolene Gengler Renee & Richard Gengler Leo & Regina Gensweider Mike Gent James Gentile Theresa George Patrick George Isidor & Rose Gerdes Al Geritz Dan & Tina Gerker Bob & Rosemarie Gerlach Gabrielle Gerle Crosby & Jill Gernon Charlene Gernon Theresa Gerritzen Paul & Heidi Gerst Jude & Janet Gerstner William & Rosemary Gervais Nancy Gibson Todd & Diane Giefer Peggy Giefer Zach Gignal Kelly & Shane Gigstad Charlene Gigstad Todd & Barb Gigstad Paul & Alice Gilbert Cathy Gilewitch Daniel & Deborah Gilg Bill & Marilyn Gill Elizabeth Gill John & Terry Gillcrist Patrick Gillcrist Bob & Maria Gillcrist Mike Giller Giller Peter Girard John & Kathleen Gishpert Meagan Gitchell Isabella Giubileo Kathleen Giubileo John Giubileo James Gladbach John & Margie Gladbach James Glaser Steve Glaser Sharon Gleich Kenneth & Katie Glennon Dan & Karen Glennon Shannon Globensky

Lila Glotzbach Kerstin Glynn Fr. Nathan Goebel Molly Goedken Goedken Laura Goehner Moreno James Goethe James & Joyce Goetzinger Carol Goldermann Axel Gomez Jose & Linda Gonzales Marty & Joyce Gonzales Cristina Gonzalez Samantha Gonzalez William Gonzalez Carol Goodson Tiffany Goodvin David & Monica Goodwin Tom & Jill Gorman Nancy & Bob Gorman Roger & Esther Gormley Robert & Kathryn Gotcher John Gould Brian & Beth Gowasack Glen & Kristee Grable Richard & Linda Grable Rebecca Granado Jerome & Kathleen Graney Jill Granger Steve Granillo David & Nora Grant Edith Gravatt Hannah Graves Don & Jane Gray Rodney & Maria Gray Edmund & Teresa Green Michael Green Kenny Green Katarina Greenwood Rick & Dorothy Greer Wesley Greer Adelaide Gregor Sr. Evelyn Gregory Gerald & Gail Gregory Sr. Elaine Gregory Ann Gress Larry & Michele Gress Brian & Sabrina Grewe Roxanne Griefenhagen Bishop Roger Gries, OSB Raymond & Karen Griesedieck

Fall 2021


Fr. Daniel McCarthy released multiple books in 2020-21; learn more and order at kansasmonks.org/shop Thomas & Corrine Griffin Jody Grigsby Ed Grisnik Isabell Grisnik Clete & Mary Eileen Grosdidier Gary & Lonni Grosdidier William & Debra Gross Ryan & Kristin Gross Edward Gross Ruthie Gross Michael J. Grothoff Stephen & Bethel Gruba Kurt & Sylvia Gruenbacher Gene Gruenbacher Martha Gude Norm & Sharon Guettermann Frank Guido Yazmin Gutierrez Richard Gutierrez Robert & Jane Haas Jon & Barb Haden Bill Haegelin Michael & Nancy Haeger Paul & Kitty Haerle William & Wayona Hafeman Abby Hage Fred & Darlene Hagen Robert Haggerty Audrey Hahn Joe & Missy Hahn Charles & Jane Hahn Michael & Theresa Haire Michelle Hall Sean Halpin Ted & Lisa Halpin Joseph Halpin Rosco Halsey Michelle Hamel Brennan Hamman Roger & Judy Hammock Steve & Paula Handke Bob & Frances Handke Lauren Hankes Julia Hanrahan Carmen Hansen John & Cynthia Hanson Jami Haren Dolores Harkins Michael E. Harmon Judy Harness Bernadette Harney Eugene & Marcia Haroldson John & Lisa Harpole Dennis Harrington Gerald Harrington James & Andrea Harrington Raymond & Patricia Harrington Louis Harris

Michael Harris Paul & Mary Kay Harris Mary Harris David & Jackie Harris Damon & Penelope Harris Jeff Harris James & Gretchen Harris Michael Harris Terry & Sheryl Harris Jeremy & Laura Harrison Fr. Patrick Harrison Dale & Rita Harrison Mary Harsh Annie Hart John & Janet Hart Barb & Bill Hart Annie Hart Michelle Hartman Anna Hartman Bob & Diane Harton Dale & Deebra Hartung Philip Hasselback Robert Hasser John & Sharon Hassett Pamela Hatfield Joseph & Jan Hattrup Gil Haug John & Janell Haug Mildred Haug Michael & Doreen Haughton Nicholas & Amanda Hauman Carolyn Hauser William & Jacqueline Havener Dan & Sharon Haverkamp Mick & Marlys Haverty Dan & Becky Hawk Bill & Deb Hawk Breanna Hawkins James & Stacy Hawley Sundi Hayes Daniel Hayes Michael & Loretto Hayes Dennis Hazen Catherine Heath Daniel & Peggy Hebert Mark & Janelle Hegarty Fred & Geri Heideman Steve & Nancy Heideman Robert & Eleanor Heideman Jane Heideman James & Barbara Heili Don & Gerrianne Heim Morgan Heim Maurice Heiman Paul & Dianne Heinen Harold & Ruby Heinen David & Connie Heinen Larry & Rita Heintzelman



Kansas Monks

Terry Heintzelman Jon & Karen Heit Robert & Nancy Helget Adelaide Hellmuth Sharon Helms Tony & Beth Hemann Ed Hemberger Madison Hemenway Mary Hemman Richard Henderson Kevin & Lisa Henderson John & Betty Henderson Bill & Terri Hendricks Joan Hendrix Mark & Abby Henke Paul Henkels Theresa Henkle Joan Hennigh Mike & Karen Hennigh Patrick & Anne Henning JoAnn Henningsen Deb Henningsen Ryan Henningsen Steve & Carla Henningsgaard Gary & Susie Henry Rick & Joan Henry Jerry & Linda Henry Dennis & Joyce Henry Ed & Sally Henry Rich & Sheila Henry Will & Charity Henry Barry & Cathy Henry Paul Heppler Karl & Sarah Heppler Harry & Cathy Heppler Jennifer Herman Norbert & Marlene Hermes Fr. Michael Hermes Richard & Deborah Hermesch Phil & Megan Hernandez Evelyn Hernandez John Hernandez Carol Herold Timothy Heron Dorothy Herring Ralph Herrman Theresa & Roger Herting Keith & Kelly Hertling Sara Heselton John Heshion Michael Heslip Jerry & Laurie Hess Theresa Hess Lawrence & Jane Hesse Douglas & Stacy Hettinger Alexandra Hewitt Carol Hewitt Alanna Heyl Anne Hickerson Fr. Timothy Hickey Abigail Hickin Kenneth Hidenfelter Paul Highstrom Clara & Patrick Hilger Michael & Virginia Hill Mlada & Charles Hill Kevin & Ellen Hill Chuck & Millie Hill Joshua Hillier Steve & June Hillman Chris & Cari Hillyer John & Bridget Hilmes

Ellen Hilmes Daniel & Jean Himmel Robert Hinckley Ron & Karen Hindman John & Michele Hinds Teri Hines-Ramsey Bill & Jeannette Hinz Barb Hipp Patrick & Lisa Hirsch Mathew & Kathleen Hirt Louis Ho Michael & Deanna Hochstein Blaise Hockel William & Frances Hockensmith Mary Hodge Charles & Mary Hodge Clementine Hoeing Annie Hoelscher Carol Hofer Albert Hoff Thomas Hogan Edward & Jennifer Hogan Mary Hogan Vasquez Kevin Hogg Blaine & Barb Holder Katherine Hollcraft August & Diane Holly Lauren Holm Sophia Holm Christopher & Patty Holman Peter Holman Teresa Holman Robert & Sheila Holmes Jean Holmes Kathy Holthaus Leon & Arlene Holthaus Don & Gina Hommertzheim Dorothy Hoopes Benjamin Hoopes Tom & April Hoopes Rebecca Hoopes Lillian Hoover Frank Hopfinger John & Elizabeth Horigan AJ & Marjorie Horinek Theresa Horinek Michael & Mary Frances Horton Thomas & Patricia Horton John & Nancy Horton Therese Horvat Holly Hosler Paul Hosler Mary Jean Houlahan Sharon Houlahan John & Nancy Houlehan Sarah Howard Joseph Hromy Mike Hu Bill Hubble Janet Hubbul Randy & Debbie Huber Bruce & Tracy Hudson David Huelsmann Burton Huerter Ryan & Marissa Huerter Nancy Hughes Rita Hulsing Jeff & Angela Humburg John Huml Dinah Humphreys Joe & Connie Hund Dick & Ginger Hunninghake

Dietgard Hunsley John & Anita Hunter Richard & Claire Huntley Tom Huot Teresa Hupfauf John & Kathleen Hurley Mark & Sheryl Hurley Patricia Hurt Bob & Kathy Husband Craig & Susan Husting Lewis & Ashley Hutfles Mary Alice Hutley Seth Hutten Kathy Hylton Doug & Mary T. Hynek Madeline Hynes Douglas & Regina Ingalls Terry & Kirsten Ingalls Anthony & Joan Ingino Eric & Crystal Intfen Phil & Sandy Intfen Chris Intfen William & Mary Ann Irons Gladie Irwin Clark Isabelle Wyatt Iseman Dominic & Emma Ishmael Tess Iway Gretchen Jackson Dan & Nancy Jackson John & Patricia Jacobs Corky & Kathi Jacobs Anna Jacobs Mark & Teresa Jacobs Andy & Cacki Jaeger Mark Jaeger Dan & Amy James Larry & Patti Janacaro Jeff & Christine Janke Matthew Jarecki Brian & Gordana Jarmek Cyndi Jarvis Ed & Kathy Jaster Jeff Jaworski Mike & Maggie Jaworski Judith & Edwin Jaworski Kevin & Laura Jeffries Fred & Kay Jehle Rachell Jenkins Emily Jerger Steve Jerolaman Jonathan Jesik Benjamin Jett Joseph & Ruth Jilka Joe Jilka Guadalupe Jimenez Tina Jinkens Mark & Theresa Jirak Miriam Johll Gail Johll Matthew Johll Tamara Johll Paul & Tessa Johnson Alexandra Johnson Nick Johnson Janet Johnson Dennis & Theresa Johnson David & Nancy Johnson Kimberly Johnson Mary Johnson Charles & Margaret Johnson Michael & Debra Johnson

Debbie Johnson Krister Johnson Terry & Bert Johnson Mark & Mary Ann Johnson Ronald & Kathleen Johnson Richard Johnston Juliet Joly Darryl Jones Clyde & Catherine Jones R.D. & Kay Jones Quentin & Linda Jones Don & Ruth Jones Ruth Jones Linnane Joseph Martin & Amelia Joyce Dolores Jules Joe & Karen Jurasic Roger & Peggy Jurgensmeyer Nathan Kabat Robert & Cindy Kaemmerer Don Kaemmerer Msgr. Ralph Kaiser Andy Kaiser Kimberlee & Francis Kalaiwaa Mary Kalk Pamela Kallhof Albert C. Kalmbach Larry & Linda Kaminsky Mary Kanak Tom & Lisa Kane Tim Kane Emily Kane Ann-Mary Kapusta Philip & Michelle Kapusta Heather Karlin Roxanne Karney Matthew & Catherine Kassel Rosemary Kasten Ella Kasubke Janet Kauffman


Tom Kautz George & Jo Ann Kautz Frank & Carolyn Kavanaugh Laura Kazmer Richard & Francine Kean Julie & Jeffrey Kearns Dawn Keating Carrie Keating Brian & Courtney Keegan Ted & Norine Keeley Hank Keeley Claude & Mary Keithley H. B. & Carol Keithline Victor Kellen Chris Kelley Patrick & Mollie Kelly Mick & Jenni Kelly Michael & Kathleen Kelly Brian & Maria Kelly James & Catherine Kelly Patrick & Sally Kelly Ronald Kelly Tom & Joni Kemlage Lawrence & Lucille Kempenski Andy & Therese Kenkel Louise Kennedy Becky Kennedy Gene & Nancy Kermashek Mike & Theresa Kern John & Bonnie Kern Joe & Tara Kerr Mike & Cindy Kersley Alois & Molly Kertz Charles Kesse Lizann Kesse MaKenna Ketter James & Sharon Ketter Kim & Jane Keutzer Joanna Khng Ingrid Kiehl

Kristie Kietzman Patrick & Judi Kil Ken & Carrie Kilgore Don Kilkenny Chuck & Dee Kilmer Edward & Nikki Kilpatrick Raymond & Margaret Kimmes Paul & Mary King Stephen & Monika King Stacie Kingseed Erin Kirkland Andy & Annmarie Kirsch Brigid Kirsch Susan Kirtland Maryteresa Kissell Trisha Kitahara Hannah Klamerus Fr. George Klasinski John & Lisa Klebba Thomas Klein Eric & Mary Kay Klein Peter & Karol Kleine Jocelyne Kleinsmith Suzanne Klenke James & Kathleen Klenke Roger Kleopper Kristi Klepsa Phillip & Denise Klevorn Fr. Edmond Kline Eric & Sarah Klingele Gene & Joyce Klingele Greg & Pat Klinglesmith Catherine Kluempers Monica Klump John & Amy Kmetz Alaina Knapp John & Aggie Knapp Cecilia Knapp Gretchen Knapp Michelle Kneeland

Just after graduation, Fr. Luke Turner, Director of Benedictine College Ministry, led a mission trip with Benedictine College students, serving Catholic Charities Disaster Response Services in Texas. They assisted in the effort to provide clothing, hygiene, and food supplies to those in need. Fall 2021


Mary Kniaz Danna Knight Agnes Knipper Allison Knowles Beth Koch Julie Kocour Joe & Chanda Koechner Michael Koechner John & Mary Beth Kohake MeiLi Kok Bill & Colleen Kolich Crickett Koller Pamela Komarewich Gerry & Sherry Konjura Kenneth & Carol Kopp Kenneth Kops Kelly Koranda Dave & Yvette Korbelik Gerald Korson Yvonne Korting Haydee Kostecki Kevin & Judy Koster Marco Kouatly Julia Kovac Kovac Carrie Kovar Mark Krajewski Ed & Diane Krall Francis & Elizabeth Kram Jim & Mary Kram Andrew & Madlyn Kramer Larry & Jan Kramer Jenny Kraska Marty & Beth Krebs James & Catherine Krebsbach Duane & Nancy Kreiensieck Chloe Kreikemeier Donald & Jane Kreimer Larry Krema Philip Kress Larry & Susan Krische John Krishnan Myjak Mia Kroeter Alan Kroner Kale & Mary Kroupa

Troy Krupicka Isaac Kuchar Mike & Jo Kuckelman Greg & Lucy Kuhn Alvin Kuhn Alexander Kulik Brad & Sherrie Kunecke Fr. Kenneth Kuntz Judy Kvasnicka Therese Kwiatt Troy Kyle Prem Kythe Rochelle La Rosa Jeanie Lackey Lorraine Laeng Joe & Karen Laffleur Virginia Lafser Austin Lager Jim & Nancy Lahey Michael & Susan Lally Garry & Mary Pat Lambert Garrick & Eileen Lambert Bob & Mary Lambrechts Jerry & Anna Marie Lammers Glen & Patricia Lammers Marc & Emily Lampkin Norman & Carolyn Lampton Lisa Lancaster Robert & Ruth Lanciotti David & Linda Land Eric Lander Chris Lander Mary Landon Adam Landry Sarah Landry John Landwehr Dave & Linda Landwehr Roger Landwehr G. Lawrence & Betty Lane Ron & Mollie Lane Linda Lane Samantha Lane William & Janet Lange Sherry Lange


The monastic schola recorded a Christmas CD in 2020 – it is available, along with a remastered edition of our 2007 CD, to stream free online on all streaming services. 32

Kansas Monks

Gerald & Alice Lange Elise & Daniel Langenfeld James & Nancy Langley Justin Langlois Joseph & Chloe Langr Lisa LaNoue Sarah Lantz Mary Lantz Gregory & Tillie LaPlante Sarah LaPlante Carol Lark Dennis & Jean Larkin Colm Larkin Clare Larkin Kaitlin Larson Jerry & Kelly Lasater George Laslo Tom & Colleen Latz Christopher Lauderdale Sally Lauer Courtney Laurie Kyle Lauterwasser Mel & Rita Lavery Christal Lavery Adrian & Diantha Lavoie Dennis Lawlor Diana Layes Gene & Janelle Lazzo Thuy Le Julia Le Grand Carolyn Le Grand Lisa Leary Gabriel LeBeau Bernadette Ledbetter Tim & Sue Lednicky Tommie & Tad Lee John Lee Gary Lee Laurie Lehman Landis Lehman Bill Lehmann Ron Lehmann Darrell & Pamela Leiker Thomas & Susan Leitheiser Dennis Leman Steve & Marliyn Lemons Robert & Eileen Lenertz David & Elizabeth Lentz Mary Leonard Mary LeRoy Erik & Terri Leschuk Ed & Lisa Letourneau Paul & Brenda Levinsky Rick Lewandowski Jim & Dunrie Lewis Robert & Remy Lewis William Lewis Joe & Sue Ley Karl & Melissa Ley Christopher & Stella Liang Stella Liang Wayne & Dorothy Lickteig Jacqueline Lickteig Jacque Liebenthal Rich & Diane Liebsch Kris & Leslie Lien Rebecca Liffrig Aaron & Nancy Limon Yi Xin Lin Benedicta Lin Jessica Lincoln Bridget Lincoln

Annie Lind Janice & Rich Lind Delberta Lind Diane Linder Betty Lingenfelser Olaf & Therese Linman Larry & Carol Lintner Joshua Linton James Lipovac Bob & Norma Lippold Jo Lister Donald & Sara Lloyd Lynn Locke Taunia Locker Patricia Lockerby Bill & Jennifer Loechler Andrew Loecker Allison Loecker Jerry & Tammy Loew Sean & Marie Loew Ronald Lokites Joseph & Rose Ann Long George & Rosalind Long Robert & Jo Long Doug & Anna Longstaff David & Emily Lopez Adriana Lopez Martina Lorang Frank Lorenz Lee Lottes Steve & Barb Loughman Pete Louree Julie Love Smith Dennis Lowe Madeline Lubbers Lee Luebbe James & Donna Luebbers Elizabeth Luedtke James & Joan Lueger Don & Diane Lueger David & Diane Luetkenhaus Randy Lukasiewicz Matt & Emily Lund Fr. Cheryl Lunday Greg & Marci Lutz Mark Lutz Thomas Lutz Martin Luu Jim & Carole Lyke David Lyle Joseph Lynch Richard & Joan Lynch Teresa Lynch John Lynch Christine Lynch Gabe & Terry Lyssy Sue Mabry Robert Mace Lynda MacFarland Leah Machado James Maciag Maria Madden Jim & Nancy Madden Patrice & Brook Maese Cathy Magallanes Chuck & Wendy Maggiorotto Kelly & Derek Maghe Matt Maguire Maeve Maher Roseann Mahieu Jennifer Mai Stephen Makara


Sarah Makkawy Shirley Mallot Peter & Veronica Mallouk Rose Mary Malm Cheryl Maloney Siobhan Maloney Melissa Manaker Janet Mancusi-Gany Kimberly Mandelkow Heather Manganaro James Mangimelli Tom & Kay Mangimelli Michael Mangione Michael & Vicki Manly Joshua Mansfield Renee Mansingh Linda March Kelsey Marchand Brandi Marciniak Kate Marin Ed & Anita Marin Craig Mariner Giana Marino Sheila Markowitz Jeremia Markway Steve & Mary Marquard Addison & Mary Rose Marquart Alicia Marquez Kristen Marquis Darin Marshall Robert Marshall Olivia Martin Curtis & Michaelann Martin Brock & Hafner Martin Edward & Julie Martin Kenneth & Emilie Martin Katie Martin Denise Martin Douglas Martin Mark & Catherine Martinez Fermin Martinez Meraiah Martinez Donald & Barbara Marx Macy Marxman Ann Masse Arlin & Cathy Mast Linda Masters Denise Mastro Priscilla Mathena Monty & Patricia Matlock Jim Mattea Thomas & Sharon Mattern John & Karen Mauro Ray & Freida May Paula Mayhill Jerry & Julie Mayne Joe & Jean Mazur Norman Mazzola Pat & Mel McAnany Katelyn McAnany Jim & Teresa McAnerney Matthew McAvoy Mary McBride Dorothy McBride Steve & Peggy McBride Nolan McCall Joshua McCampbell Matthew McCann Margaret McCann Victoria McCargar Aine McCarthy Nancy McCarthy

Jack & Kathy McCarthy Barbara McCarthy Todd & Marianne McCartney Michael & Mary McCarty Michael McClain David McClain Sara McCluskey Bernarda McCormick Michael McCourt James & Kathleen McCoy Gary McCoy Leanna McCully Kevin & Theresa McDermed Zach & Megan McDermott Fr. Richard McDonald Steve McDonnell Tom & Mary McDonough Fr. Bill McEvoy Dcn. Timothy McEvoy Pat & BJ McFadden Michael & Linda McGargill David & Judy McGarry Gary & Judy McGinness Whitney McGinnis Regina McGovern Jonathan McGovern Joseph & Valerie McGrail Daniel & Margaret McGrath Gary & Frances McGrath Kristy McGregor Kourtney & Heather McGrew Mark McGuire Paul & Phyllis McGuire Mike & Debbie McGuire Larry & Patty McHugh Michael & Patti McInerney Martin McInerney Kienan & Cate McIntee Ann McIntire Gregory & Delois McKay Casey McKee Dolan McKelvy Anne McKenna Jim & Kathleen McKenzie Patricia McKenzie John & Joyce McKibben Patrick & Deborah McKinzie Thomas & Jan McKnew Joe & Janie McLiney Justin McLuckie Teresa McMahon Marie McManaman Bernard & LaVon McManaman Phil & Janet McManus Denis McNamara Thomas McNamee Timothy McNeill Tim & Anne McNulty Ed & Ann McShane Fr. Stephen McWhorter Doris Meade Kathleen Meade Mike Mealy Dan & Jo Ann Meara Sister Carol Mechtenberg Clara Mecum Ed & Catherine Medina Valerie Meehan Jim Mees Linc & Patti Meier Christine Mejia Arcadia Mejia

The Abbey acquired the Riverbend School property in 2021; located directly North of the Abbey – a land use study is underway to determine how to use the property.

George Mejicano Mel & Diane Melichar Kathleen Menzer Kyle & Taylor Merklein James Merrick Janice Merritt Norbert Mette Fr. David Metz Sr. Ann Metzen Linda Meyer Jay & Barbara Meyer Larry & Mary Meyers Christine Michaelis Zachary Michieli Janice Mickens Anne Midgley Natalie Mieras Janet Milan Monica Milana Emily Milana Robert & Lynne Millard Diane Miller Ronald & Anita Miller Lynne Miller Carol Miller Dean & Daisha Miller Dennis & Mary Miller Gabriella Miller Paul & Becky Miller Rosemary Miller Catherine Miller Skip & Traci Miller Albert & Deirdre Miller Todd & Faye Miller William & Jacqueline Miller Joe & Carrie Miller Ray & Theresa Miller Heather Miller Glenn Miller Sherry & Rick Miller Carla Mills Philip & Nancy Minarik Mike & Zoe Miner Katherine Minicky John & Kathy Minicky Regina Minner Robert Minner Alexandria Minner Matt & MK Minnis John & Angela Minnis

Steve & Amy Minnis Dee Minnis Steve & Elizabeth Mirarchi Caitlin Miskin Tyler Mitcham James & Josephine Mitchell Quentin & Sharon Mitchell Joe & Vicki Mitchell Kimberly Mitchell Jonathan & Shannon Mize Katera Moberg Kalani Moberg Karen Moeck Susan Moga Tibor & Michelle Mohácsi Jo Ellen Monahan Joe & Jo Ellen Monahan Arthur Monahan Tierney Monahan Mike Monares Matt Montazzoli Frances Montgomery Robert & Deborah Montgomery Abel & Diana Montiel Robert & Marilyn Montoya Connie Montoya Michael & Pat Mooney Elaine Moore Dan Moore Edward Moore Francine Morales William Morales Ariana Morales Michael Moran Joan Moran Bonnie Moran Sharon Morcos Michele Morek Liam Morel Erin Morel Timothy Moreland Cathy Moreno Sandra Morgan Robert & Rose Morin Mike & Julie Morrand Fr. Daniel Morris Sylvester Morris Travis Morrison Aidan Morrissey Tommy & Pamela Morse

Fall 2021


Susan Moylan Nina Mucha James & Theresa Muckenthaler Anna Mudd John & Joan Muehlberger Marguerite Mueller Morgan Mueller Greg & Joan Muenks Larry Muff Darrin & Dina Muggli Linda Mulcahy Fiona Mulholland Edward & Valerie Mulholland Msgr. Mullen Mullen Mark & Alice Mullin Robert Mullins Scott Mullins John Mulryan John & Anna Marie Mulvihill Kathleen Mumma Jaclyn Munson Laurie Murdock Grace Murphy Timothy Murphy Colleen Murphy Liam Murphy Emily Murphy Thomas & Gillispie Murphy Denny & Cheryl Murphy James & Lisa Murphy Mike & Theresa Murphy Kent & Sandy Murray Luke Murray Charles & Barbara Murrell Daniel Musso Tom Muth Quint & Angela Myers Mark & Therese Myzer Robert & Jo Ann Nadeau Dennis & Lisa Naeger Jack & Mimi Nagle Michael & Jeannie Nagle Mary Beth Nagorski Dolores Nangle James & Mary Napier Gemalyn Nardo Jim & Winnie Nass Frank Nedrow Kathleen Neely Michael & Linda Neenan Jim Neff Bob & Dolores Neidert Thomas & Patty Neis Monica Nelson Kimberly Nelson Mary Nelson Karen Nelson Linda Nelson Rebekah Nelson John Nestor Scott & Kary Newbolds Herbert & Karen Newbolds Nelson & Marcia Newcomer Jack & Kathy Newman Jana Newman Christina & James Newman John & Kathline Newton Loan Nguyen Peter Nguyen Eileen Nicholas Gerard & Ellen Nick Alvera Niebur

Dennis & Laurie Niehues Jared Nigrin Scott Niklason Peg Niles Katherine Nilles James Nistler David & Nancy Nivens J.C. Noel Stephen & Celia Noffke Deke Nolan Dan & Joyce Nolan Paul & Mary Kay Nold Luke & Jackie Nold Joseph Noletto Jeffrey Noll Lucille Noll Ramille Nomorosa Bernie & Mary Anne Noonan Ted & Trinh Noravong John & Bernice Nordhus Jim & Mary Nordhus Matthew Nordhus Olivia Nordhus Dan Northway Andrew Norton Thomas J. Noud Noud Helen Nowak Bob & Nancy Nowatzke Grace Nsor Michael Nuschy Christine Nykiel Timothy & Louise Oakeley Hedwig O’Bayley Sr. Zita Oberle Terrence Oberley Vincent O’Brien Tom & Katie O’Brien James & Maria O’Bryan Cliff & Kathy O’Bryan Ronald & Frances Occhiogrosso Pat & Mary O’Connell Rosalie O’Connell Bob & Edel O’Connell Joseph O’Connell Richard & Bernadine O’Connor William & Jeanne O’Connor Loren & Jimalee O’Connor Mark & Michelle O’Connor Gail & Walter O’Connor Jeffrey & Helen O’Connor Dale ODell Robert & Debra O’Dell Sean & Rachel O’Grady Hwa Oh Thomas & Joanne Ohmes Jerome Oidtman James & Carolyn O’Laughlin John & Janice O’Leary Tom & Diane O’Leary Thomas & Margaret Oliver Stanford Oliver Steven & Cynthia Olmstead Brandon Olson Brenda Olson Jay & Rita Oltjen Patrick & Jennifer O’Malley Kevin & Coco O’Malley Bobbie O’Malley Cheryl O’Neil Maria ONeill Brian & Tiffany O’Neill Jacques Orces

Thanks to the generosity of many the monastic infirmary was renovated in 2020 – a new whirlpool was added along with many other critical updates. Saundra Orlaski Patrick Orlich Patrick & Francine Orr Thomas & Janice Orrick Joseph Orrino Daniel Orsinger Anne Ortega Dinorah Ortiz Diana Ortiz Tim & Gina Osborn Jon & Kimberly O’Shaughnessy Leland & Irma Ostdiek Kristen Ostrowski Brett & Jamie Oswald Dave & Marian Oswald Dru Oswald Ken & Bernie Otke Theresa Ott Mary-Lynn Ott Lydia Oven John Owens Joan Oyerly Joseph & Megan Paciaroni Caroline Paciaroni Joel & Elizabeth Paddock Richard & Margie Palazzolo Elaine Palma Neal & Luann Palmer Michael & Christine Pankratz Russell & Gail Panza Anthony & Patricia Paolucci Dominic & Marilyn Paolucci John & Eileen Pappas Nancy Paradise-Donaldson Henry & Sharil Parente Dyann Parks Henny Parre Bill & Joyce Partin Kevin & Anne Passino Preston Passos Passos Connor Patten



Kansas Monks


Peter Patten Alyssa Patterson Steve & Theresa Paul John Paul Catherine Paul James & Patricia Paull Jim & Mary Ellen Paunovich Mary Pavich Deena Pavinato Robert & Cynthia Pavlu Suzanne Pavlus Greg & Katie Pavlyak Frederick & Catherine Pawlicki Erin & James Payne David Pearce Bill & Joan Pearson Mary Pearson Bill & Roxane Pecchio Brian Pecha Eugene S. Peck Patrick Peddecord Frank & Colette Peel Charlie & Sarah Peitsch Steve Pelland Sharon Peltzer Bill & Carol Peltzer Robert & Carol Penka Brian & Lynn Penner Tom & Theresa Penning Abe Perault Gordon & Suzanne Peredo John & Pat Perez Matt & Julie Perkins Nancy Perrin Matt & Meghan Pesely Michael Pesely Charles & Kathryn Peters Joseph & Laura Peters Marty & Cathie Peters Joseph Peterson Sandra Peterson

Arthur & Terese Peterson Terri Peterson David Petrunak Karen Pettit Allisyn Petty Steven Petullo Leslie Pfriem Anh Pham Duy Pham Lucy Philbin Jim & Margo Philbin Zach Philippi Sheryl Phillibert Long Mary Alice & Edward Phillips Maggie Phillips James Phillips Al & Deanna Pianalto Ann Pianka Eric & Shelly Pichler Joe & Cindi Pickert Camille Pickhinke Dorothy Pickman Tim & Janie Pickman Freda Pickman John & Mary Pierce Richard Piezuch Ryan & Cecilia Pigg John & Sylvia Pillar Ed & Jean Pillar Fr. Zachary Pinaire Peter & Tessa Piscitello Jack Pitre Boyd & Helen Plankinton Paloma Platas Rebecca Platz Cory & Ana Plotts Mary Jean Podrebarac Steve & Dorothy Podry Mike & Lynn Pollock Sandy Polocz Jackie Polus Pete & Regina Poncelet Dona Poole Joe Poole Thomas & Genevieve Potthast Gail Poulos Robert & Agnes Pouy Mark Powell Luke Powell Bill & Cathy Powers Warren & Joanne Powers Michael & Kathleen Powers Jenna Prather Dave & Victoria Prather Rosemary Pratt Denise Pratt Kelly Preiss Gary & Jill Prewo Everett Price Patricia Prior Lawrence & Mary Kay Prior Jerry & Jeneane Prisk Don & Alberta Prohaska Larry & Nancy Prohaska Joseph & Mary Pronechen Renz Pros Julius & Roberta Prosser John & Regina Prost Caroline Proulx Adler Pruett George & Anne Pruett Lalo & Jill Pruneda

Patricia Pugh Amanda Pugh Joshua & Jennifer Pugliese Kevin & Jennie Punswick John M. Purk Marie Putbrese Bill Putthoff David & Stephanie Pyne Jim & Rosemary Quaile Timothy & Lillian Quigley Juan Quiles Colleen Quinn Sean Quinn Tom & Mary Quinn Mary Quinn Dick & Patti Quinn Patti Quinn Nick Quintana Robin Racine Gary Racki Charles & Monica Racki Joan Rader Mark & Mary Radetic Marty Radetic Joe & Angela Radicia Robert & Deborah Rahman Stacey Rains Matt & Jen Ramage Ronald Ramberg Nicholas & Carroll Ramos Carroll Ramos Chuck & Margo Ramsey Patricia Randall Dorothy Randall Warren & Barbara Randolph Leonor Rangel Margaret Ranier Dominic Rankin Chuck & Marty Raplinger Shane & Megan Rapp John & Shannon Rasmussen Josh & Chelsea Ravnikar Catherine Rea Lewis & Lucinda Real Laura Reaume Allen & Sara Reavis Katrina Rebholz Laurie Rebholz Lia Reckmeyer Meghan Redd Nicholas Redd Wendy Redroad Mark & Penni Reed Steven & Janice Reed Marge Reed Tim & Sue Regan Gene & Sharon Regan Dustin & Michelle Reichart John & Jerri Reichenberger Jared Reichenberger John & Barbara Reilly Patrick & Karen Reilly Peter Reimer Benjamin Reimer Patricia Reinoehl Bob & Carolyn Reintjes Carrie Reiser Gregory Reising Brad Remy Monica Renaud Cecilia Resweber Barbara Rew


Jourdan Reynolds Joseph Reznik Michael & Mary Ann Ricchino Dean & Brenda Rice Barbara Rice Marianna Rice Matt & Brianna Rich Wayne & Lisa Rich Justine Richard Fr. Ryan Richardson Rori Richardson Judy Richmeier-Harney Lexi Ricke Chris & Diana Ricketts Elmer & Helen Ridder Mary Riedel John Riley Rose Mary Riley Susan Rinella Raymond & Mary Ring Maurene Rinker Charles & Bernadette Riordan Robert & Maureen Riordan Jean & Maria Rioux Travis & Lisa Risvold John Ritter Doug & Joanna Rivard Elsa Riverol Ronald & Linda Rizzo Mary Roache Judy & William Roads Robert & Meighan Roberson Harold Roberts Kaylon Roberts Peggy Roberts Frank Roberts Janis Roberts Mary Robertson Jane Robinson Nicole Robinson

Peggy Robinson Tom & Frances Robinson Earl & Mary Roche Patrick Roche Fr. Al Rockers Celestino Rodriguez Paul & Joy Rodriguez Jenny Rodriguez Manuel Rodriguez Don & Bonnie Roeder Jerome Roehm Charles Rogers Timothy & Linda Roggenkamp Jack & Kathi Rohr Barbara Romani-Carroll Bill & Penny Rombach Rick & Leann Romero Gina Ronnebaum Elmer Ronnebaum Audrey Ronnfeldt Bob Rooney Robert & Diana Rooney Theresa Root Harvey & Vicky Roseberry Anna Ross Jenna Ross Carol Rost Elizabeth Roth Kent & Joann Roth David & Gina Roth Clifford Roth Elmer & Nancy Rottinghaus Emmett & Kathleen Rottinghaus Gerald & Paula Rottinghaus Gerald Rottinghaus Lisa Roush Ken Rowan Kyle Rowan Anne Rowland Kenneth & Juliet Roy

The monastic infirmary is located on the Abbey’s main floor, allowing our elder brothers stair-free access to the Church and dining room and allowing constant interaction with the whole monastic community. (L to R, Br. Peter Karasz, Br. Maxmillian Mary Anderson, Br. Angelus Atkinson. Fall 2021


Rodney & Christi Roy Roger Roy Rizza Ruaya Dominic & Connie Rucereto Ken Ruda Ken & Shirley Ruda Duane Rueb Donald & Suzann Rueschhoff Mary Margaret Ruhlman William Rumble Anthony Rumpza Mike & Anne Rumpza Clyde & Patricia Rumpza Bob & Rosemary Runnebaum Nicholas & Jenny Ruppert Danielle Rush Mary Ellen Russell Angelica Russell Pete & Maureen Russo David & Rosanne Rutkowski Catherine Ryan John Ryan Christian & Megan Ryan Fr. Thomas Ryan Willa Ryan Debra Ryan Shannon Ryan Polly Ryan-Larock Patrick & Tassie Ryland Christopher Rziha Michael Rziha John & Jeanne Rziha Janice Sabin Terri Sabosky Loretta Sadler Neil & Susanne Saettele Claudia Sahm Michael Salemi Alan & Florence Salisbury Andrew & Sabitha Salzmann Jose & Judy Samayoa Amy Sammoury Ashley Sanders Victoria Sanders


Ann Sandhorst Craig & Jennifer Sanger John & Nancy Santa Jose Santa-Maria Edward Santoro David & Karen Sapenoff Noah Sattler Mike & Eddie Saunders Ginny Savage Courtney & Patrick Savageau Emma Savageau Tasha Tranbarger Mark & Melanie Savner Grace Sayers Douglas & Susan Scalard Robert & Mary Schaefer Katherine Schaefer Joe & Joyce Schaefer Abby Schallenkamp Laura Schawe George & Joyce Scheckel Fred & Margaret Schellenberg Harold & Mary Lou Scheopner John & Deanna Scherer Art & Erla Scherschligt David & Cheri Scheu Alison Schieber Andrew & Rita Schieber Syl & Vicki Schieber Mark & Denise Schieber Janet Schierholz Karen Schierholz Joseph & Constance Schleeper Heather Schlehuber Joe & Mary Schleicher Dan & Lucy Schletzbaum Gerald & Nina Schletzbaum Kimberly Schlichter Thom & Jan Schliem Kevin & Kelly Schmelzle Denis Schmidt Stan & Katie Schmidt Kathleen Schmidt John & Elsa Schmidt

Abbot James has carried on Abbot Barnabas’ tradition of offering the Sacrament of Confirmation.


Kansas Monks

David & Karen Schmidt Leon Schmidt Kyle & Julie Schmidt Elaine Schmidtberger Joseph & Melissa Schmit Patrick & Emily Schmitt Catherine Schmittling Gordon Schmitz Richard Schmitz Ray & Joan Schmitz Charles & Elaine Schmitz Norbert Schmitz Gene Schnake Todd & Tracy Schneider Paul & Kathryn Schneider Ed & Deborah Schneider Joe & Norma Schneider John & Julie Schneller Stephen & Mary Schnitker Tom Schnurr Matthew & Natalie Schock Daniel & Susan Schoenecker Maggie Schoening Dorothy Scholz Robert & Mary Schopp Joseph Schopp Charles & Mary Schrader Kenneth Schrage Ralph & Mary Kay Schramp Mark & Melissa Schramp Martha Schreck Andrew & Trâm Schreffler Fr. William Schreiber Patte Schreihofer Gene & Sharon Schreiner Harold & Virginia Schrick Randy & Mary Schrick Tony Schrick Phil & Jean Schroeder Ryan & Nadia Schroeder Dolores & Stephen Schroff Kelly Schuck Matthew & Cathryn Schuck Tom & Pauline Schuele Karl & Jane Schuele Diane Schuetz Carl & Nancy Schuetz Lisa Schuetz Marie Schuler Wil & Gail Schuler Anne Schuller Josephine Schulte Larry & Barbara Schulte Neil & Marsha Schulte Emmett & Mary Ann Schulte James & Dorothy Schultz Diana Schultz Jim & Ana Schuster Jackie Schuster Myron & Chris Schwery Helen Schwinn Schwinn Jason & Jillian Scott Sarah Seaton Sandra Sebastian David & Ellen Sedeno Jerome Seeger Bruce Seekins Paul Segura Gary & Gloria Seib Larry & Mary Seibolt Katherine Seiwert Cheryl Sellstrom

Wladimir & Diane Senutovitch Laura Sereduck Larry Servaes Nicholas Servi Nancy Serwint Jerry Setter John & Janet Settich Fr. George Seuferling Maureen Severance Jim & Bobbie Sexton Terry & Michelle Sexton Paul Seymour Doug & Kristin Shaffer Michael & Elaine Shaffer Dave & Mary Beth Shagena John & Mary Shamet Deborah Shanahan Don & Kim Shankman Don Shannon Steve & Sue Sharpe Fr. James Shaugnessy John & Rose Shaw Patricia Shaw Frank & Sandra Sheble Fran Sheehan Marla Sheil Gary Sherlock Sherlock Rachel Sherry Chris & Anna Shingledecker John Shingledecker Carol Shomin George & Joyce Shomin Tom & Becky Shrimplin Tom & Celina Shriwise Leoncio Sia Jr Jim & Jane Sidoni Larry & Rita Siebenmorgen Frank & Jeanne Siebert Jeremy & Catherine Sienkiewicz Ronald & Kathleen Sieve Gary & Helen Sigmeth Mary Silva Balthazar Simoes McKenna Simpson Tom & Jan Simpson Marlene Sinnott Ella Sipe Dennis & Margie Sipkin Peter & Carolyn Sittenauer Curt & Jill Sittenauer George & JoAnn Sittenauer Michael & Aracely Sitzmann Linda Sizemore James & Vicki Skahan Jim & Martha Skain Helen Skidmore Michael & Virginia Skoch Jay & Kandace Skolaut Bob Slater Jim & Linda Slattery Leo Slief William & Bonnie Slinger Matthew Sluder Najla Sluder Stan & Karen Sluder Steve & LuAnn Small Samuel Smeltzer Kathy Smilie Annie Smilie Mark & Maria Emma Smith Steve & Mary Beth Smith Pat & Judy Smith

Carey Smith Wade & Frances Smith Heather Smith Melanie Smith Kevin & Ramona Smith Kathy Snider Bruce & Mona Snider Joshua Snow Terry & Becky Solander Deborah Sonnenmoser Nathan Sotebeer Frank & Jeanette Soukup John & Patricia Sowinski Jerry & Arlene Spanier Maddie Sparks Susan Specht Bob & Kelly Specht Mary Spellmeier Dan & Jessica Spencer John & Cheryl Spiegelhalter Jamie Spiering Brian & Kim Spini Stephen Spinner Bernadette Spradling Charles & Tricia Sprouse Linda Squire Ted & Beth Sri Gwendolyn Staab Carol Ann Stachura Ron Stack Matthew & Laura Stallbaumer Thomas & Deborah Stallbaumer Anne Stamper John & Connie Stanley Mark & Anna Stapleton Jerry & Margie Starke Cynthia Stasevich David Stecher JohnPaul Stedwill Juliann Stedwill Deborah Steedle Daniel & Marianne Steele David Steelman Mary Stein Roger & Lisa Steiner Michael Steinert Robert & Nancy Steingreaber Don & Carol Steingreaber Aaron Steinlage Alex Stenberg James & Rosemary Stephan Anne Stephens Josh & Misty Stephenson Dwight & Ellen Stephenson Dave & Alice Stephenson Carolyn Sterner Michael Stevens Kathy Stevenson Dan & Lili Stewart James & Jo Ann Stigall Bonnie Stine Suzanne Stinson Jesse Stokes David & Marilyn Stolwyk Stephen & Susan Stone Ian Stone Danny Stotzer Andrew Strabala Mark Stranczek Joseph Strandquist Troy Strange Jim & Jane Strathman

Don & Julie Strathman Lyle & Bernie Strathman William Strathman Ernie & Susan Straub Torin Straub Ann Strecker James Strenski Sally Stricca Jerry & Patricia Strohmeyer Emily Strom Christina Stropes Don Strout Leo & Gayle Stuart Mike & Wanda Studer Corky & Molle Stueve Sheila Stueve Patrick & Janna Stueve Mark & Kim Stukel Maureen Sturdevant James Sturm William & Lina Sublette Bob Sueper Kendall Suhr Gerard & Cathleen Sulli Barry & Michele Sullivan Darla Sullivan Gunnar & Debbie Sundby Michelle Susinko Daniel Sutcliffe Jim Suther Dan & Mary Sutherland Samantha Sutherland Jim & Patty Sutterer Linda Suttlehan Thomas Swafford Andy & Sarah Swafford Lon & Rebecca Swanson Teresa Swarts Maura Sweeney John & Margaret Swenson John Swift Robert & Maria Swift Michael & Cynthia Swingle Monica Swingle Jenna Swords Clarence Synakiewicz David & Patty Szott Jamie Taberna Mary Jane Tabor Blake Tamez Emmett Tangeman Mary Jo Tangeman Msgr. Tank Tank James Tank Fr. Joseph Taphorn Maximilian Tavarez Grant Tavarez Megan Tay Raymond & Joan Taylor Michelle Taylor Spencer & Denise Taylor Phyllis Taylor Rick Teahan Derek & Holly Teeter Barbara Tekip Jose Tenas Jacobus & Kathleen tenBroek Patrick & Fran Tentinger Joe & Brooke Terick Janie Thacker Carl & Ruth Tharman Mary Fran Tharp


COVID-19 presented many challenges, but one blessing was the hosting of streaming retreats, allowing us to share the love of Christ with those unable to come to the Abbey in person.

Robert & Patricia Thedinger Father Jeremy Theis Alan & Cynthia Thibault Stanley & June Thibault Jeff & Elizabeth Thiede Adam Thiede Joseph Thimes Claire Thoemke Kevan Thoman Donna & Terry Thomas Judy Thomason Nicki Thompson Robert & Katie Thompson Paul & Mary Thompson Scott & Alexandra Thompson Anne Thompson Donna Thompson Tim & Susan Thompson Frank & Sherry Thompson Misty Thors Gloria Throne Michael & Cheri Throop John & Mary Thundiyil Hannah Tichy Tony & Patrice Tighe Carl Tillery Katherine Tillinghast Thomas & Rosalie Timlin Lindsay Tinberg Dave & Lucille Tobben Fr. Chuck Tobin Tony & Phyllis Tocco Bill Todhunter Reagen & Katie Toews Nicholas & Karolyn Tomasic Martin & Martha Tomasko Holley F. Tomlin John & Marlene Toms William & Leslie Toner Bernard & Ellen Tonquest Jim & Joan Toplicar Tony & Ginny Torchia Gus & Josie Torrez Mark Torrez John & Susan Traffas Susan Traffas Hieu Tran Quyen Tran Sr. Mary-Claire Tran Michelle Tranckino

Anthony & Mary Tremmel Therese Tremmel Loren & Anne Trimble Maggie Tritsch Anthony Trojacek Mike & Susan Trojacek Ed & Debbie Trompeter Santiago & Cecilia Trujillo Eileen Trujillo Milton & Mickie Trujillo Greg & Barb Trum Deacon Truss Truss Bernhard Tschullih John & Barbara Tull Fr. Tunink Tunink Alyssa Turenne Doug & Patricia Turner Jane & Herbert Tuttle Michael Twombly Joseph Tynan Molly Tynan Matt & Peggy Tynan Sean Tynan Tynan Ed & Julie Tynan Carl Uchytil Charlotte Ueland Fernando & Ines Ugarte Alice Umugiraneza George & Delores Underwood Katie & Anthony Unruh Adam & Ana Upah Kenneth & Mary Uphaus Frank & Ann Uryasz Timothy Uryasz Michaela Vahling Fran & Linda Van Nieuwenhuyse Ken & Julie Van Speybroeck Katlin & Eddie VanBuskirk Kathy Vandeloo Victoria Vannest Dena VanWalleghem Gregory & Cathleen Varoz Mary Vartia Mario Vassallo Steven Vaughan Jim Vaughn Rafael Velasquez Kevin & Lori Vertin Marianne Vespa Sr. Mariam Vianney


Fall 2021


Aldo Videa Innes Villalpando Carolina Villanueva Steven & Zildete Vilvens Beatriz Vincent Eugene & Verna Vinduska Jenny & Lewis Vine Denis Viscek Leo Vitt Michael Vitt Christa Vizner Richard Vogt Bill & Moira Vogt Keith & Theresa Vogts Judy Vohs Gemma Volkmer Naomi von Spakovsky Tim Vonderbrink Walter & Renee Voorhies Leo & Linda Vorwerk Ralph & Jerry Voss Claire Vouk Kelly Vowels Helen Wack Gregory & Rachelle Waddle Angela Waddle Christian Wade Paul Wagle Larry Wagner John & Lois Wagner Jeff & Bev Wagner Dennis & Marlene Wagner Mike & Darlene Wagner Tim & Carrie Wagner Robert & Amy Wagoner A.G. & Laura Waite James & Linda Walburn Richard Walden William Wallace William Wallace Fr. Scott Wallisch Michael & Katie Walsh Patrick & Nancy Walsh Brice Walsten Kate Walter Joe Walter Robert Walter Tina Walterscheid Dean & Nina Walton Joseph Wandishin Ben & Jill Wano Robert Wapenski Jack Ward Ward James & Rose Warhurst Christina Warmoth Marlene Warren Leon Wash James & Carol Washington Ruthanne Wasko Douglas & Patricia Waters Sheryl Watkins Mark & Laurel Watney and Margaret Watson Courtney Watson Denny & Linda Watson Marilyn Watson Denny Watson Caleb & Diane Wayne Mary Lou Weatherford Thomas & Mary Weathers Elena Weaver James & Barbara Weaver

Michael & Nancy Weaver Alvin & Janet Weber Joe & Jennifer Weber Fred & Mary Wee Gregory & Ruth Wegener Philip Wegeng Walter & Christine Weglarz Erich & Judith Weidner Cecilia Weigel Nick & Claire Weimann Paul & Karen Weinewuth Paul & Darlene Weinmann William & Marjorie Weis Caroline Weis Jay & Christine Weis Kathleen Weishaar Dcn. John & Zena Weist Jared & PJ Welch Rick & Coleen Weller Cara Weller Nicole Wellington William & Lois Welliver Henry & Evelyn Wellman Chuck & Lynn Welte Piper & Michael Wentz Janelle Wenzl Wenzl Joanne Wenzl Rick & Janelle Wenzl Mel & Judy Werner Lawrence Werner Kate Werring Werring Kate Werring Andrew & Leslie Werring James Werth John & Karen Wertin Paul Wessel Karen West Beth & Justin West Justin West West Lené Westerman Stan & Marikay Westhoff Paul & Yvonne Westhoff Alan Westhoff Mark & Barbara Wetta Dan & Lynette Wetta Dennis & Carolyn Wetta Jim & Bonnie Wetzel Tom & Carmen Whalen Roger Whetsell Thomas Whisenant John & MariAnna White Dave & Gretchen White Ed & Janet White Richard & Phyllis White Mikail & Anne Whitfield Fernanda Whitmer Rodney Whittington Bob & Janet Wholey Denise Wicker Cynthia Wickstrom Katherine Wiegand Olivia Wieger Debra Wieger Angie Wieser Annie Wiggs Richard & Denise Wikiera Anne Wilber Jerry & Marie Wilburn Larry & Janet Wilcox Sara Wilcoxson Emma Wildeson Mike & Linda Wildgen



Kansas Monks

Les & Rosemary Wilkerson Brandon & Jessica Wilkes Sydney Wilkinson Berdean Wilkinson William & Valerie Wilkus Emily Williams Joseph Williams Williams Dwight & Toni Ann Williams Michael & Victoria Williams Fr. Williams Williams Don & Carol Williams Mark & Maisy Williams Gerald & Donna Williamson Bryan & Lisa Willie Simeon & Leah Willis Wendell & Kathleen Willis Barry Wills Mary Wilson James Wilson Jim Wilson Carolyn Wilson Dave & Deborah Wilson Ginger Winder Matthew Winston Carina Winters Delores Winters Robert & Ollie Winzer Kerryleen Wirth Sarah Wise Karen Witry Grace Witry Paul Wittenberg Wittenberg Peter & Betty Ann Wittenberg Pamela Wittmeyer Jerry & Theresa Wohletz Gregory & Melanie Wolf Sydney Wolf Larry & Kay Wolfe Charles & Karen Wolken Roberta Wolters Edna Mae Wolters John Wolters Susie Woltkamp Bill & Patty Wolvington John & Karen Wood Alvin & Barbara Wood Richard Wood Alma Wood Francine Wood Yvonne Wood Joseph Wood

Theresa Woolley Daniel Wulff Fred & Sydnnia Wulff Charles & Rebecca Wulke Jonn Wullschleger Joe & Megan Wurtz Joe & Rosemarie Wurtz Steve & Jeannine Wyatt Marcee Yager Anna Yager Harold & Alice Yanow John Yasinsac Edward & Janet Yaugo Mark & Catherine Yobbi Jarrod Youk James & Meggan Young Bill & Marilyn Young Frank & Mary Young Richard & Margo Young Edward Young Lindsay Young Shirley Youngberg Gary Zachman Vincent & Peggy Zarlengo Wesley Zboril Mike Zboyovski Raymond Zepeda Richard & Kelly Zepp Mark & Julia Zia Luca Zia Barb Zielinski Ramon & Jennifer Zielinski Henry & Mary Zigtema Stanley Zimcosky Peter Zinman Pat & Mary Zogelman Doug & Susan Zubradt John Zugschwert Walter & Eleanor Zuk Michael & Mary Zuzolo


Thank you for your support; you make our lives of prayer and work possible. Please know of our daily prayers for you.

Or g aniz ations & Fo u n d atio ns Thank you to these organizations and foudations for their support: Adair-Exchange Bank Foundation Missionary Benedictine Sisters Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth National Religious Retirement Office Arensberg-Pruett Funeral Home, Inc. Knights of Columbus #723 The Westerman Foundation JE Dunn Construction Company Knights of Columbus #818-St. Patrick’s Council Sacred Heart Church Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Knights of Columbus #9532 Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George Holy Name Church Immaculate Conception Church Sacred Heart Church St Benedict Parish St Francis De Sales Church St Francis Xavier Church Sisters of Mount St. Scholastica FOCUS W.T. Jochems Knights of Columbus 4th Degree #1716 Marty’s Coaches Corner Inc. Unipro Graphics Inc. John J. Sullivan, Jr. Charitable Trust Jayhawk Plastics, Inc. Knights of Columbus #7909 Knights of Columbus Assembly #1716 Holy Spirit Catholic Church Holy Angels Church Michael R. and Marlys Haverty Family Foundation Stevenson Family Pharmacy Country Club Bank Little Flower Foundation Fund Kuckelman, Torline, Kirkland & Lewis LLC McAnany Construction, Inc. Villa St. Francis Constance M. Cooper Charitable Foundation Kenecreek Ascension Investment Management Exchange Bank Catholic Mutual Group Lucille Albers Trust Network for Good Kompass Funding

Kex Rx Gratia Plena, Inc. Diane Woltkamp Bruening & Family St. Thomas the Apostle Divine Mercy Parish Society for the Propagation of the Faith The De Jong Charitable Fund City of Overland Park in memory of William Fleming Loretto Foundation LLC St. Michael the Archangel Assisi Farms St. Paul Catholic Church Roman Catholic Diocese of Tulsa Holy Rosary Church & Priory Parrot Heads of the Prairie Inc Knights of Columbus Harman-Rohde Funeral Homes St. Vincent De Paul Church Holy Cross Abbey Holy Trinity Catholic Church Larned State Hospital Saint Rose of Lima Parish St. Thomas More Center Lundgren Family Foundation Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish Center for Mission Janus Henderson Foundation Delta Innovative Services, Inc. Immaculate Conception Saint Joseph Catholic Church Church of the Nativity Thrivent Choice Dollars Missionary Benedictine Sisters Atchison Account Management, LLC Iowa Catholic Radio DST Systems, Inc., Matching Gifts Program Kompass Kapital Foundation Catholic Worldview Fellowship, Inc. Kansas Fourth Degree Facebook Donations St. Michael Catholic Church Prince of Peace Catholic Church Queen of the Holy Rosary Church Support Our Aging Religious (SOAR) St. Stephen Catholic Church

Fall 2021


St. Benedict’s Abbey Atchison, Kansas 1020 N. 2nd Street, Atchison, KS 66002 Kansas Monks USPS 290-760 Abbey Advancement Office 913.360.7908 KansasMonks.org

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On the cover: The Holy Family’s Return to Nazareth by Kate Marin - katemarinart.com

Fall 2021 | Volume 14 | Number 3


’ ’ April’ 23, 2022 presenting the lumen vitae medal to the founders of the society of our lady of the most holy trinity and john & terri gillcrist

streaming live and featuring in-person events in: Atchison | Kansas City | St. Louis | Denver or host your own – call 913.360.7908




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