All Souls Compline

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Compline • 1

S t. Be ne dict ’s Abbe y

All Souls Commemoration

atc hi s on , k a n s a s

2 • Compline

Introduction Leader: God, come to my assistance. All: Lord, make haste to help me. All: Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen. Alleluia. A brief examination of conscience is made, followed by the Penitential Rite

Penitential Rite Leader: Lord Jesus, you have shown us the way to the Father: Lord, have mercy. All: Lord, have mercy. Leader: Lord Jesus, you have given us the consolation of the truth: Christ, have mercy. All: Christ, have mercy. Leader: Lord Jesus, you are the Good Shepherd, leading us into everlasting life: Lord, have mercy. All: Lord, have mercy. Leader: May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. All: Amen.


1. O ra - d’ant Light, O Sun di - vine 2. O Son of God, the source of life, 3. Lord Je - sus Christ, as day - light fades, 1. Fa - ther’s death-less face, 2. due by night and day. 3. lights of e - ven- tide, 1. lime 2. strain 3. Son,

Of God the Praise is your As shine the

O im - age of the Light sub Our hap - py lips must raise the We praise the Fa - ther with the

That fills the heav’n - ly dwell - ing place. Of your es -teemed and splen - did name. The Spir - it blest, and with them one.

Compline • 3

Psa l m 3 1 : 1 - 6

Trustful prayer in adversity Father, into your hands I commend my spirit. - Luke 23:46

Antiphon 1: sung by schola (4) Lord God, be my refuge and my strength. Schola In yóu, O Lórd, I take réfuge. Let me néver be pút to sháme. In your jústice, sét me frée, héar me and spéedily réscue me. Choir Be a róck of réfuge fór me, a míghty strónghold to sáve me, for yóu are my róck, my strónghold. For your náme's sake, léad me and guíde me. Schola Reléase me from the snáres they have hídden for yóu are my réfuge, Lórd. Into your hánds I comménd my spírit. It is yóu who will redeém me, Lórd. All Glóry to the Fáther, and to the Són, and to the Hóly Spírit: as it wás in the begínning, is nów, and wíll be for éver. Amén. Antiphon 1: (4) Lord God, be my refuge and my strength.

Continued on next page

4 • Compline

Psal m 1 3 0

A cry from the depths He will save his people from their sins. - Matthew 1:21

Antiphon 2: sung by schola (1) Out of the depths (4) I cry to you, Lord. Schola Out of the dépths I cry to you, O Lórd, Lórd, hear my vóice! O lét your éars be atténtive to the vóice of my pléading. Choir If you, O Lórd, should márk our guílt, Lórd, who would survíve? But with yóu is fóund forgíveness; for thís we revére you. Schola My sóul is wáiting for the Lórd, * I cóunt on his wórd. My sóul is lónging for the Lórd * more than wátchman for dáybreak. Let the wátchman cóunt on dáybreak and Ísrael on the Lórd. Choir Becáuse with the Lórd there is mércy and fúllness of redémption, Ísrael indéed he will redéem from áll its iníquity. All Glóry to the Fáther, and to the Són, and to the Hóly Spírit: as it wás in the begínning, is nów, and wíll be for éver. Amén. Antiphon 2: (1) Out of the depths (4) I cry to you, Lord.

Compline • 5


homily gospel canticle (on next page) Closing Prayer and Conclusion Leader:

Let us pray.

Lord Jesus Christ, you have given your followers an example of gentleness and humility, a task that is easy, a burden that is light. Accept the prayers and work of this day, and give us the rest that will strengthen us to render more faithful service to you who live and reign for ever and ever.




May the all-powerful Lord grant us a restful night and a peaceful death.



Antiphon of the Blessed Virgin Mary follows

Continued on next page

6 • Compline

Gospel Canticle - Luke 2: 29-32

Repeat Antiphon

Compline • 7

Marian Antiphons Salve Regina

Procession in silence to cemetery

8 • Compline

U . I .O .G . D .

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