Architecture for Liturgy Brochure

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Fill out an online form available here

$ 385 per person; this includes the event fee, lunch, supper, and refreshments.


Because this experience is of a whole, it’s best that participants attend all the presentations. Thus, no discount is given for those who cannot attend the entire experience.

Fill out the form on the reverse side and send it to the address given below with a check for the full amount, or a $50.00 non-refundable deposit (by December 13), made out to: Catholic Diocese of Wichita, with a memo of “liturgy week.” OR Contact Sister John Patrick at: Catholic Diocese of Wichita Office of Worship 424 North Broadway Wichita KS 67202 (316) 440-1701

QUESTIONS? Contact Sister John Patrick (see above) MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Dates for WEEK 2: 22-26 January 2018

We are limited to 30 participants, so don’t wait too long!

Payment in full may be made upon registration OR a non-refundable $50.00 deposit is due at registration to guarantee a place for the Liturgy Week. We are able to accept only 30 registrations. Payment in full is due by January 16, 2017. HOTEL: A block of rooms has been reserved at Northrock Suites, if you need accommodations. The address is 7856 E 36th St N, Wichita, KS 67226. Please make arrangements directly with the hotel: 316-634-2303 / 1-800-881-0067; be sure to specify that you’re registering with the “Architecture Week” group or mention the Catholic Diocese of Wichita. The group rate is $79.99 per night for either a King bed or 2 queen or double beds. A hot breakfast buffet is included. The DEADLINE to reserve is room is December 13, 2016. After that date, the rate will remain the same, but availability is NOT guaranteed. The hotel is an easy drive of only 2.7 miles from the Spiritual Life Center. Transportation to and from the hotel may be arranged, if desired. AIRPORT: The local airport is the Wichita Dwight D. Eisenhower National Airport. It is a 21-minute drive from the Spiritual Life Center. Please indicate needs for transportation from and to the airport when you register.

WORDS OF PAST PARTICIPANTS “I thought Fr. Daniel’s presentations were insightful, fascinating and scholarly. He challenged my design and faith approach. His research on the foundation of church art, architecture and liturgy are truly refreshingly liberating.” Dan Sabatini | AIA, LEED AP, NCARB sabatini architects inc - Lawrence, Kansas

“Father Daniel’s Architecture in Liturgy week has brought insight and clarity to my design for places of worship. The depth of scholarship and the liturgically rigorous discussions helped me to understand the history of church design but more importantly brought forth a model for design and liturgical integration that, while steeped in precedent, is usable and exciting in its depth of meaning and applicability to today’s design challenges.” John E Freshnock | AIA, NCARB, LEED AP Williams Spurgeon Kuhl & Freshnock Architects, Inc. – Kansas City, Missouri

“The Architecture for Liturgy program is a valuable, deep read into the story of the worship space. Ever since, I have found myself in a worship setting noticing aspects of the architecture or the service that may seem minor, but have a rich heritage and history. The course showed how worship space has, from the start, been a dynamic, fluid story, a process in which we now are the most recent participants.” Jay M. Price | Department of History Wichita State University – Wichita, Kansas

“Fr. McCarthy’s week-long courses on Architecture for Liturgy helped me to see how the construction of churches and their furnishings have influenced the way Christians worship from the earliest house-churches to the churches being built today. I would encourage everyone to participate in Liturgy Week.” Jan Robitscher | Instructor Episcopal School for Deacons - Berkeley, CA

ARCHITECTURE FOR LITURGY Liturgy Weeks Designing church architecture and art for a fuller celebration of liturgy

WEEK ONE 16-20 January 2017 Monday – Friday Spiritual Life Center 7100 E. 45th St N. Wichita, Kansas 67226

The Liturgy Week Architecture for Liturgy is under the patronage of the Pontifical Liturgy Institute, Rome

• Ecumenical partners seeking our common tradition, sharing the recent liturgical renewal and considering our differentiated practices.

Included is my o full payment of $385 OR o non-refundable deposit of $50 made payable to Catholic Diocese of Wichita.

Or, if you wish, you can contact the Customer Service Department of the U.S. distributor: Customer_service@wjkbooks. com OR (800) 523-1631 OR Fax: (800) 5415113 (toll-free in USA and Canada).

• Liturgists wishing to develop the ritual narration of celebrating liturgy;

Yes, I will you need transportation from or to the airport.

Father will indicate corresponding chapters throughout the Liturgy Week that you may find helpful. We hope to have some copies available during the Liturgy Week for those interested.

• Parish planning and liturgical committees involved in building or renovating;

o o

Come into the Light* is a collection of Father McCarthy’s articles for The Tablet on ritual, art, and architecture. See: http://

• Pastors wishing a more universal, historical, and thus, Catholic, perspective for the design phase of building or renovating a church;

Diocese and/or Parish: Occupation:

Father Daniel McCarthy, OSB, SLD: • Monk of St. Benedict’s Abbey - Atchison, Kansas • Instructor at the Pontifical Liturgy Institute, Rome, Italy • Co-author of Come into the Light: Church Interiors for the Celebration of Liturgy* • Co-founder of the Liturgy Institute, London, England • Guest professor at KU Leuven, Belgium

• Diocesan personnel and building commission members responsible for the design of new and renovated churches and chapels;

Email: Phone:

About the Presenter

• Diocesan directors of Worship and Liturgy Offices and liturgical commission members;

City, ST, Zip:

For a fuller description of “Architecture for Liturgy,” please visit Father Daniel McCarthy’s website:

• Those seeking inspiration from dimensions inherent to the bodily celebration of rites for more integrated liturgical action;


Visits to four parish churches within the Diocese of Wichita which illustrate the liturgical principles presented and prompt creative discussion: Church of the Resurrection, Bel Aire; Church of the Blessed Sacrament, Wichita; Christ the King, Wichita; St Vincent de Paul, Andover.

• Architects and Artists preparing commissions and designing churches that support a fuller ritual narrative and better integrated artistic program;

Full Name:

A pictorial tour of the ancient basilicas of Rome, Vatican II discussions about places for renewed liturgy, and Pontifical Liturgy Institute Professor Crispino Valenziano’s work: Personal illumination ... in the baptistery and font, Ongoing maturation ... in the hall from the ambo, Inter-personal communion ... at the altar-ciborium.

Who would benefit from this Liturgy Week?

Architecture for Liturgy Registration Information


imensions of liturgical actions are expressed through art, architecture, and the arrangement of churches, beyond the functional requirements of liturgy.

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