Tuesday •
1. O
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Compline • 21
even - ing
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through the
From phantom shapes that haunt our sleep, And evil dreams, make us secure. Defeat our ancient enemy, And from defilement keep us pure.
Almighty Father, hear our prayer, Through Jesus Christ, your only Son, Who with the Spirit, reigns with you, Eternal Trinity in One.
Continued on next page
22 • Compline • Tuesday
P salm 143: 1 - 1 1 Prayer in distress
Only by faith in Jesus Christ is a man made holy in God’s sight. No observance of the law can achieve this. - Galatians 2:16
Antiphon: (1) Do not hide your face from me; + (6) in you I put my trust. Easter Antiphon: (6) Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia Choir 1 (1) Lórd, lísten to my práyer: (2) túrn your éar to my appéal. (3) You are fáithful, you are júst; give ánswer. (4) Do not cáll your sérvant to júdgment (6) for nó one is júst in your síght. Choir 2 The énemy pursúes my sóul; he has crúshed my lífe to the gróund; he has máde me dwéll in dárkness like the déad, lóng forgótten. Thérefore my spírit fáils; my héart is númb withín me. Choir 1 (1) I remémber the dáys that are pást: (2) I pónder áll your wórks. (3) I múse on what your hánd has wróught (4) and to yóu I strétch out my hánds. (6) Like a párched land my sóul thirsts for yóu Choir 2 (1) Lórd, make háste and ánswer; (2) for my spírit fáils withín me. (5) Dó not híde your fáce (6) lest I becóme like thóse in the gráve.
Tuesday •
Compline • 23
Choir 1 (1) In the mórning let me knów your lóve (2) for I pút my trúst in yóu. (5) Make me knów the wáy I should wálk: (6) to yóu I líft up my sóul. Choir 2 Réscue me, Lórd, from my énemies; I have fléd to yóu for réfuge. Téach me to dó your wíll for yóu, O Lórd, are my Gód. Let yóur good spírit guíde me in wáys that are lével and smóoth. Choir 1 (1) For your náme’s sake, Lórd, save my lífe; (6) in your jústice save my sóul from distréss. All (1) Glóry to the Fáther, and to the Són, (2) and to the Hóly Spírit: (5) as it wás in the begínning, (6) is nów, and wíll be for éver. Amén. Antiphon: (1) Do not hide your face from me; + (6) in you I put my trust. Easter Antiphon: (6) Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia Responsory and Canticle on pages 33-34. Closing Prayer and Conclusion Leader: Let us pray. Lord, fill this night with your radiance. May we sleep in peace and rise with joy to welcome the light of a new day in your name. We ask this through Christ our Lord. All: Amen. Leader: May the all-powerful Lord grant us a restful night and a peaceful death. All: Amen. Antiphon of the Blessed Virgin Mary follows on pages 35-38.
responsory Advent / Christmas / Lent / Ordinary Time
Easter Octave
Compline • 33
34 • Compline
Gospel Canticle - Luke 2: 29-32
Repeat Antiphon
Marian Antiphons • Compline • 37
Alma Redemptoris (Advent and Christmas)
Sweet Mother of the Redeemer, that passage to heaven, gate of the morning, and star of the sea: Assist the fallen, lift up, you who cure, the people: you who bore to the wonderment of nature, your holy Creator. Virgin before and after, who received from Gabriel that joyful greeting, have mercy on us sinners.