Kansas Monks Winter 2016

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Also I n sid e: B r. Timo thy ’s S o lem n Profe ssi on Fr. R o d eric ’s Pr i son M i ni st r y a nd more. . . Society of St. Benedict




5 - Practical Steps

4 - From the Abbot

Fr. Gabriel Landis offers five tips to improve your daily encounter with Christ.

Abbot James discusses that which is critical to our faith an authentic encounter with Christ.

14 - Living Celibacy

Br. Leven Harton explains monastic celibacy.

16 - Profession of Br. Timothy Br. Timothy discusses his vocation and what led him to make a life-long commitment to monastic life.

We take a look at Fr. Roderic’s ministry of mercy.

20 - Writing with Reggie

8 - Encountering Christ

Monks discuss how they encounter Christ in those they are assigned to serve.

12 - Serving the Imprisoned

6 - Let Us Adore Him

Fr. Jay Kythe reflects on the beauty of Adoration.

7 - Why I Support the Monks Benedictine College Alumna Katlin Clancy explains why she is grateful to the monks.

Fr. Daniel reflects on his work with Fr. Reginald Foster, the world’s foremost expert in the Latin language.

22 - Thanks to You

Our ministry is made possible by the generosity of people like you. In these pages we list those we are thankful for and look back at the many blessings of the recent past.

in the next Kansas Monks • 2 0 1 7 A b b o t ’s Ta b l e H o n o r e e s B i s h o p R o b e r t B a r r o n & E l m e r F a n g m a n • Wo r k i n g O u t s i d e t h e Wa l l s - F r. M a t t h e w ’s Wo r k w i t h P r i s o n O b l a t e s • a n d m u c h m o r e . . .


Kansas Monks

The Sear ch W h at are you lo ok in g for? A n ebu lou s q u e stion, I k now, but one that st r ike s at a ll of our h e ar t s : wh at are we lo ok ing for? Happine ss? I ima g ine that w ou ld b e th e m o st common a ns w e r, but how do w e go ab out ge ttin g th ere? Th rou g h our exp e r ie nce s? Throug h our w ork? W h at i s th e ke y to h ap pine ss? S e ek and you w ill f in d . St . Matthe w ha s p ointe d the w ay for u s i n h i s G o sp el: th e ke y to sat i at ing that long ing , that de sire in e a ch of u s , i s cle ar : love . For 160 ye ars th e m onk s hav e pray e d a nd w orke d, a ll the t ime s e ek in g th at love, th e lov e that come s f rom G o d. I n that d a ily p r ayer th e y s e ek an encounte r – a n e ncounte r w ith the lov e th at c am e f rom th e Fathe r w he n he s e nt hi s S on, a n e ncounte r w ith th e love th at th e S on p oure d out for e a ch of u s on the c ro ss , an en cou nter w i th the lov e of the Spir it that dw ell s in e a ch of ou r h e ar t s . To f in d th at love, to fe el that e ncounte r, w e ne e d only to lo ok to th e m onk s – to th e ir d a ily exa mple of pray e r a nd w ork – th at we mig ht b e able to st r ike that sa me b a l a nce , that sa me h a r mony in ou r ow n live s . We a re ble ss e d to hav e the ir exa mple ; j o in m e in su p p or tin g the s e me n of our C hurch throug h y our o w n o ra e t l ab o ra . - J .D. B enn in g E d itor, K ansa s Mon k s , B C ’ 08

A s k a n d it w i l l b e g i v e n to yo u ; s e e k a n d yo u w i l l fi n d ; k n o c k a n d t h e d o o r w i l l b e o p e n e d to yo u. - m at t h e w 7 : 7 Society of St. Benedict


F r om the A bb ot

Encountering Christ

I invite all Christians, everywhere, at this very moment, to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ, or at least an openness to letting him encounter them; I ask all of you to do this unfailingly each day. No one should think that this invitation is not for him or her. - pope francis, evangelii gaudium The Holy Father’s teaching to us is one of evangelism. He understands that all should speak of the joy of the Gospel, but we can only know this joy for ourselves by knowing the person of Jesus. The joy of the Gospel is only experienced by establishing an intimate relationship with Jesus, person to person, and sharing that relationship in the context of the Body of Christ, the Church. We have been called into relationship with Jesus by Jesus himself. God desired a renewal of an encounter with us to the extent that he became one with us in his Son. Christ desired this personal encounter with his disciples and with us to the point of giving his own body. St. Paul preached of this encounter and the Acts of the Apostles shares the story of the first Christian community living out this encounter. The writings of many holy men and women, saint after saint, have echoed this call to encounter Jesus in our interactions with others and in the person of Jesus present in the Holy Eucharist. We follow this Rule of St. Benedict that calls us into an encounter with Jesus through life in community, and by way of external labors in our educational and pastoral ministries. St. Benedict writes of these encounters with Christ in the poor, the sick, in the guest, and through mutual obedience to each other. What is evident in the teachings of the Rule, pulled by St. Benedict from the rich treasure of the scriptures, is that this encounter God desires, that Jesus calls us into, is all about relationship. Relationship with God himself, yes, but also lived out in our encounter with Christ in others. The joy that Pope Francis speaks of in Evangelii Gaudium is a joy that is to be shared, a joy into which others are to be brought. In assisting Archbishop Naumann with the sacrament of Confirmation in the Archdiocese I am blessed to take part in a unique encounter with Christ. Ministering to confIrmandi in 20 parishes each year provides the opportunity to share my encounter with Christ in my monastic community with those parish communities. Of course, this sharing is reciprocal as I bring back my experience of this encounter to share with my confreres in the Abbey. I have witnessed this encounter with Jesus in a variety of ways – this relationship of living as the Body of Christ. I recently confirmed three “siblings” with a unique story – a brother and sister along with a “brother” taken into the family. The pastor shared with me that the one young man’s mother had died of cancer a few years back, and this family took in the young man while his family regrouped. Now the father has been diagnosed with stage-four cancer, and this young man has been welcomed back into the family. Whether it is St. Paul, St. Benedict, or Pope Francis who is urging us toward this encounter with Jesus, the result needs to be the same. Our encounter with Jesus, if lived authentically, will lead to evangelism and good works. Pope Francis has shared with us the analogy of equating our relationship with Christ to human breathing. “Through prayer, meditation on the Word of God, the sacraments, mortification, and silence, we inhale the oxygen that is the Holy Spirit; we diffuse the Spirit when we go out towards others in the proclamation of the faith and in works of charity.” As we say farewell to the Year of Mercy, we are being called by the Church to continue to place our focus on the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. Jesus is calling us to encounter him in our prayer and our works, in our adoration and our service. This is authentic faith lived through authentic community. In the spirit of Saint Benedict,

Abbot James R. Albers, OSB 4

Kansas Monks

for improving your daily encounter with Christ by Prior Gabriel Landis

G i ve Tha nk s Begin each day thinking of Jesus, get in the habit of saying a good morning to him. Find something small or little to thank God for. For example, my morning routine starts out with my morning coffee at 4:15am. I silently pray, “Thank you, Lord, that Father Maurice has made the coffee. And THANK YOU for the half-and-half.” Thanks begets thanks, and this act of beginning our day with gratitude can serve as a reminder that all the persons and events we encounter in our lives are gifts from God.

Re ad & Pr ay Before going to work or school, set aside 15-30 minutes each day to read the scriptures and for silent prayer. The Holy Spirit will often speak to you with a word or phrase from your reading. Use that word or phrase as a prayer often throughout the day. For example, “O God, come to my assistance. O Lord, make haste to help me,” (Ps. 70:1) was a favorite prayer of the Desert Fathers. Applying these simple phrases to our activities and interactions can help us orient all that we do toward God, trying to make our lives a constant prayer.

Le nd a Hand Respond to the needs of your neighbor throughout the day. St. Benedict reminds us in the Rule: “All guests who present themselves are to be welcomed as Christ, for he himself will say: I was a stranger and you welcomed me” (RB 53:1). Not only will assisting others make you feel good, it also offers them an opportunity to encounter the person of Christ in you, and you in them.

A sk F or giveness If you sin, quickly seek out Christ’s forgiveness. We must understand that, try as we might, we will all fall short of perfection (there was only one Immaculate Conception, after all!) and God understands that we are imperfect beings. Asking his forgiveness immediately will begin to heal our relationship with him. We have been blessed with a great gift in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and God’s Mercy is always available to us. If you have been sinned against, be quick to forgive as Christ has forgiven you. As hard as it may be at times, ask the Lord to give you the gift of seeing him in someone who has offended you.

A Daily Re vie w A day does not go by in which the Lord has not given us blessings – in which he has not revealed his presence. Take time before you go to bed to examine your day for these blessings. Joyfully express your gratitude to God for these blessings. As you reflect on those blessings, also go through a daily examination of conscience, recalling your own successes and failures throughout the day, and set a goal to make tomorrow just a little bit better than today.

Society of St. Benedict


le t

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a d or e hi m

by Fr. Jay Kythe

Imagine entering into a beautiful church, adorned with splendid art, mosaics, statues, and excellent woodwork. The architecture leads you to focus on the altar and the sacred beauty surrounding the ornate tabernacle. There are six glowing candles on the altar along with the monstrance, the resting place of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. You genuflect and kneel, in awe of the beauty of the surroundings. What would you say is the most beautiful thing in this Church? Once your eyes settle on it, you behold the answer. The spotless white host is more beautiful than the surrounding gold and jewels of the monstrance. All the beauty of the church pales in comparison to the simplicity of the God who is veiled by the host. And it is as it should be. You have left the complicated and noisy world outside and entered into something other-worldly. All the adornment of the church is our feeble attempt to mirror the beauty of the heavenly kingdom where God is present. We are mere children drawing pictures of something we can only imagine. We are children who simply want to honor God. So we take noble materials from the earth and place them in ways to honor Him. It pleases us, and God is pleased because His children are pleased. Exalting Him exalts us in the process. In return He gives a share in His life. This is a God who confounds the noise of the world with His “still small whisper” (I Kings 19:11). We expect immense majesty and instead encounter a spotless white host. And we desire to play beautiful music to our Lord, but sometimes silence is the only appropriate hymn. The complexity of your life is “out there.” This Blessed Sacrament, beautiful in its simplicity, calls you to be “right here.” So you close your eyes to the beauty of the church in order to be here with Him. For He is present before you, enveloped in silence by the privation of noise He commands. “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). This may be the hardest thing to do for active people, to command yourself to be still and silent in His presence. Yet it is a worthy task, for He cannot whisper to a noisy soul and expect to be heard. Why is this so difficult? Why should kneeling before an unthreatening white host make us so nervous? Because we might just encounter the God of the universe . . . and our fallen humanity with it. In each of us there is the good, the bad, and the ugly. We are afraid to face our brokenness. The weight of our humanity is so large that it could crush us. And this Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is a mirror, inviting us to go where we do not wish to go. But He came to us, first as man and then under the appearance of mere food. He will not let you be crushed, for He will accompany you to the depths of your soul. He will shed His light in those dark places and set you free. For He came to “proclaim release to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed” (Luke 4:18). He desires to do so for you, to wrench you away from the distractions of the world by way of the simplicity of a spotless white host, and take you on a journey into yourself, in order to set you free. Stay with Him there, in the silence. Adore Him. Enter into Him, for He enters into you. Rest in the silence. Listen to Him in the silence. Behold the beauty of the silence. Then open your eyes and see the beauty of the world through His. The whole world will look different, for you will see Him everywhere, once you have seen Him in the spotless white host. 6

Kansas Monks

Leaving a Leg a c y f or

St. Benedict’s Abbey Have y ou con sidere d le av ing the monk s in y our w ill or e st ate pl an s?

why I joined the

-A p l ann e d g i f t t o th e m o n k s o f S t . B e n e di c t’s Abb e y c r e a t e s a l a s t ing l e g a c y th a t w ill all o w th e m t o c o n t inu e th e ir mi s si o n o f p ray e r an d w o rk f o r th e s an c t i f i c a t i o n o f th e w o rl d .

for young professionals by Katlin Clancy - BC ’13 As an alumna and friend of Benedictine College, I am extremely familiar with the awe and wonder that comes from the campus. It’s captivating. Just setting foot on campus brings a feeling of peace and beauty that this world lacks. In the years since I graduated I have come up with a long list of people to whom I owe my gratitude and thanks for every big and small thing I experienced as a student. But I am ashamed to say that, all of this time, I’ve left out a very important group who deserve more gratitude than anyone.

Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a c t o u r Director of Advancement -

Matt Kemnitz info@kansasmonk s.org - or - 913.360.7897

I sat at the Mass that kicked off the 2016 Abbot’s Table, and my perspective changed on my postsecondary education and why I had chosen to attend Benedictine College. As a 2013 graduate of the college, I adamantly believe that B.C. is the greatest college in America; yet I had never realized quite how much of an impact the monks of St. Benedict’s Abbey had on my time as a student. Since 1858, the monks have lived as men of devout prayer, joyful service, and unending hospitality. These practices were instilled in me and each Benedictine student during our time on campus and we see the great reward that comes from living this way. And that is something we each strive to continue long after we cross the stage for our graduation. For this reason I chose to join the Society of St. Benedict and have dedicated many hours to helping the Society grow. The impact the monks had on my college career and continue to have on the way I choose to live, work, and pray on a daily basis is something I will never be able to repay. Serving this group of young professionals with a mission of bringing awareness to the beautiful vocation of religious life is only a small step in showing the monks the thanks they are due. This wonderful community of monks help form so many lives in prayer and do an incredible job of instilling a life of virtue into the hearts they encounter every day. These men are the reason Benedictine College exists today. They are the reason so many students and families are captivated as soon as they step onto campus. It is with complete joy that I support the monks through the Society of St. Benedict and I invite all of my peers to join me in this life of gratitude for these men.

-If you have already included St. Benedict’s Abb e y in y our w ill or if y ou have any questions, please contact our Advancement Office . Society of St. Benedict


Encoun Christ St . B ene dic t instr uc t s u s in hi s Rule that all who pre s ent thems elve s should b e tre ate d a s C hr i st . A fe w monk s share how the y encounter C hr i st in tho s e the y s er ve.

get in the mud with them by Fr. Jeremy Heppler ­– Pastor, St. Benedict Parish “Get in the mud with them.” Over and over in seminary, this was drilled into us. As priests, we need to get into the mud with our parishioners. We needed to meet them where they are – in their joys, in their sorrows, and in each step of their encounter with Christ. While serving as a high school chaplain and as the Prior, these words from seminary frequently came to mind. And even more so since July, when I was appointed pastor of St. Benedict Parish in Atchison. I am often moved by how Jesus lived out “getting in the mud” in his ministry – caring for children, reaching out to the sick and rejected, modifying his method of teaching for the audience present, and even bringing a message of hope and healing from the cross. So, when I see parishioners encountering Jesus in their lives, it motivates me to better reach out to them. Seeing a mother lovingly caring for her children leads me to better recognize the great gift of baptism and the beauty of Jesus’ words, “let the children come to me.” The profound wisdom of the gradeschoolers places in me a burning desire to reach out to the children and their parents who have fallen away from their faith. The faith of the one who covers an adoration hour for a neighbor encourages me to see the face of Jesus in the sick and dying. The joyfulness in the midst of suffering of one battling cancer drives me to prayer. In their care for their families, for the church through their service in various ministries and groups, and for the community through their hours of volunteering, the parishioners show how they put their faith into practice. Parish life shows me that I have a privileged place to encounter Jesus, and to invite the parishioners to do likewise. “Getting in the mud” is a minute-by-minute reality. One minute I bring Jesus through the sacraments, the next by consoling a grieving family, followed by caring for goods of the parish or ministering merely by my presence. Truly, their lives shape my preaching and aid my faith. Most importantly, meeting each person where he or she is challenges me to see Jesus in the present moment. 8

Kansas Monks


in those we serve

seeing them rise above by Br. Placidus Lee – Religion Teacher, Maur Hill-Mount Academy As monks of St. Benedict’s Abbey, we spend our lives in community in prayer and in working at home or in various apostolates in education and pastoral work. Something I am always keen to pass on to others is how our work in the apostolate should feed into our monastic life. Most days during the school year you can find me across town at Maur Hill–Mount Academy where I teach religion to high school upperclassmen. I really love what I get to do there: help educate and guide the next generation of Christians as they go through one of the most difficult periods in their lives. Many people will look back on their high school years and not want to relive them. It is true that high school can be a time of frustration, selfishness, and exclusion, but there are times in which I see my students rise above the small things and really shine. Maybe it’s the way they rally to help a fellow student who is going through a difficult time. Or maybe something small like helping another student pick up the books they dropped in the hallway. As our students come to terms with being part of a greater world, I am amazed by the depth of compassion and charity they can pull from a world that is increasingly selfish and hateful. In the passages from the Gospels I pray with during my Lectio Divina, I am often reminded by the actions of Christ of something my students taught me recently. At the end of my day, usually before Compline (Night Prayer), I take my experiences from throughout the day to prayer and see what I can find. You’d expect me to pull the most fruit from other monks or saintly books I’m reading, but honestly, that’s not the case. Time and time again I am shocked by how much my students have given me that spurs me on. In them I find the image of Christ suffering, Christ the student, Christ the compassionate healer, Christ the seeker of truth. It is then my job to make those images part of my own monastic identity!

Society of St. Benedict


at the heart of it all by Fr. Meinrad Miller ­– BC Instructor, MH-MA Chaplain, Oblate Director The heart of the Rule of Saint Benedict is an encounter with Jesus Christ. St. Benedict awakens within us a desire to listen with the ear of our heart. Throughout the Prologue of his Rule, Saint Benedict calls for us to rise from sleep, and be alert to the presence of Christ at every moment. Each morning the monks begin the day together in Vigils, aware of the One who has called us by name, and who loves us to the core of our being. We are encouraged to support each other in this task by the words of the Rule, “On arising for the Work of God, they will quietly encourage each other, for the sleepy like to make excuses.”


This Work of God, or the Liturgy, is what we do by gathering together. More importantly it is the work that God does in us, his Mystical Body, as we, together with Christ the Head of the Body, gather together for worship. The rest of the day is punctuated by time with God in Liturgical Prayer and Lectio Divina (spiritual reading.)

Since 1857 our monks have seen it as our duty not only to encourage each other to grow in our love for the Work of God, but also to encourage the students of our schools. From the beginning, students are taught how faith in God and an encounter with Jesus relates to all of life. My own experience of this has been a blessed one. Before going off to seminary studies I taught Freshman Religion at Maur Hill-Mount Academy for two years (1988-1990). During the second year of teaching I also served as Director of Student Activities at Benedictine College. In many ways I saw these two jobs as “impossible tasks.” I tried to convey something of the Rule of St. Benedict in my teaching. Following my priestly ordination in 1994, I was appointed Chaplain of Benedictine College, and Vocation Director of the Abbey. Within a year I was also teaching a theology class in the college. The Abbey had few vocations that stayed in the previous 30 years; the college ministry was rather small; and teaching seemed overwhelming. But when one is obedient to the will of God, as given by the Abbot, there is always a blessing. Soon we had monks joining the Abbey. We started having Eucharistic Adoration and daily confession at the college. In 1998 FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) was born on our campus. FOCUS is very Benedictine in the way it introduces students to scripture as a foundation of life. I see in the duties Abbot James has assigned me this year another great blessing: • As Chaplain of Maur Hill-Mount Academy I have the privilege of working with a fine faculty, staff, and student body who want to grow in the spiritual life. We have daily Mass at the school, once a week for the entire student body. I also have the joy of helping with confessions, retreats, the March for Life, and being present for events at the school. • As a teacher at Benedictine College, I teach Benedictine Spirituality with Sr. Cecilia from Mount St. Scholastica Monastery. We wanted to offer a course on the Rule and its meaning for life. I am sure that many students take the course simply to get a Theology credit. But I also know many of them have a desire to live by the ancient wisdom of St. Benedict. • As Oblate Director I teach, but in a different way. Some oblates have gone to our schools; many others are hungering for an encounter with Christ. We meet regularly. The struggle now is to see how the Oblates keep from becoming “formalistic.” In addition to coming to meetings when possible, they’re invited to fully live the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. Like being a monk, this is something the Oblate has to say “yes” to every day. In closing, I am reminded of the words of Pope Francis. Jesus has no house, because his house is the people; it is we who are his dwelling place. His mission is to open God’s doors to all, to be the presence of God’s love. When I look at the students and oblates I see the presence of God’s love. That is what awaits us every morning when we gather for Vigils, and follows us all the way to eternity.


Kansas Monks

untering Christ standing with them by Br. Christopher Start ­– St. Benedict Catholic School Teacher “You teach middle school?” is normally said with an air of disbelief, pity, and astonishment. That astonishment doubles when I confirm that I really can’t imagine teaching any other age group. The truth is, you are missing out in life if you don’t know how to interact with this age group. Middle school, 11-13 years old, is one of the greatest challenges to teach because of the incredible growth humans accomplish in that short time. It’s comparable to what we do as toddlers: the brain does a rewire, but this time as we begin the transition from childhood to eventual adulthood. Middle school is the closing window of childhood innocence and trust. I stand with them, then, at this pivotal moment of wonder, trust, angst, and trepidation. My students are learning to challenge, to see that good isn’t assured, and that the very people who are supposed to safeguard the good can fall short, even fail. Yet, they insist that things ought to be fair and just. They can see the world with fresh eyes, untroubled by the nuances we adults weave to excuse, pardon, and rationalize. Although they are too quick to apply their childish lies and begin weaving their own rationalizations – this is by no means a simply innocent age. Yet, in their better moments, my students challenge me to strive to see things clearly, to see the wonder of the world around us, even as they hurry on to lose that vision for a more pragmatic, grown-up one. And this challenge works both ways: to teach middle school means I have to guard and prosper a view to wonder, in hopes that they too might retain clear sight. I think it is this right vision that Jesus had in mind when he chastised the apostles for chasing off the children. I find myself in this go-between spot: my students challenge me to see with wonder, to teach to wonder and I safeguard that same wonder from their own cynicism. In that vision we can see the marvels God has wrought through his Son.

Society of St. Benedict


Reaching Out to those ‘inside’

story & photos by J.D. Benning It’s 4:45 a.m. The alarm sounds, and he’s awake. He quickly puts on his black slacks and white clerical shirt with its distinctive Roman collar. The abbey grounds are quiet, and most of the world around him is still fast asleep. He quietly makes his way out the back door of the monastery, and he’s on the road. “It’s exciting,” he says. “It’s one thing that I never thought I’d want to do, but now that I’m doing it, I always look forward to it.” In the passenger seat, the questions are rolling through my head a mile-a-minute: What was going through your head when you first started? Do you get nervous? Are you ever frightened? But, behind the wheel, he’s as cool as the morning dew – and he’s on his way to prison. As we enter the security area he is greeted with an enthusiastic “Hello!” or “How ya doin’ Father?” from the prison staff. After they check our bags and we pass through the metal detector it’s through one security door, and another, and another, and another; like passing through the looking glass we are led into a new world. As you enter the prison yard, the walls are so tall that all you can see is sky; a sort of fish bowl feeling of captivity has started to sink in. Razor-wire rests atop the fences and walls that separate each area – an intimidating reminder of what happens to anyone who flirts with breaking the rule of law. Any possibility of empathy has vanished from my own mind; prison is an intimidating place to visit and I’m not sure that I could ever understand what these men are experiencing. But, as we turn the corner and enter the room that has been prepared for Mass, we are greeted with smiles. Suddenly the stressful haze that clouded our walk to this point has been lifted and one thing is abundantly clear: these men love this priest. Not just because he is there to offer Mass for them, but simply how he treats them, “We’re lucky to have Fr. Roderic, he’s a great man,” one inmate said, “he treats us with respect, just like he would anybody else.” And that’s true – he just wants them to know that he cares, “We’re all children of God, all pilgrims on a journey, you know? My task is to reach out with the love of Christ – to let them know that I care about them, that I want to listen to them and provide counsel...along with the sacraments.” One thing is for sure, Fr. Roderic has a very warm, pastoral way about him; from his gentle voice and mannerisms to his wit, he is endearing to everyone he engages. Those men who find themselves incarcerated, they are often looking for a ray of hope. “Fr. Roderic brings Jesus to us, teaches us, helps us to be better people...we can’t ask for much more than that.” Fr. Roderic classifies the prison culture as one of anger and grieving, but with the right environment he is hopeful change can occur, “I want to help create a culture of acceptance through conversion; coming to these men and sharing our Benedictine values, I just want to make a lasting impact. Many times they get back out into the world, and they have a hard time adapting, I hope that my work will help them while they’re in prison and after they’re released.” When he is visiting the various detention facilities that he is assigned to, Fr. Roderic feels that he is engaged in grassroots ministry, that he has been blessed with a great opportunity to share the love of Christ with the incarcerated. Often they’ve had little exposure to scripture or haven’t had much of a faith life – this leads to a lot of questions, but also a lot of discussions – how can they apply the word of God and the Sacraments to their own lives? Though


Kansas Monks

“They might not know it, but I get a lot more from them than they get f r o m m e . . .”

the inmates are not permitted to evangelize themselves, one man went from being somewhat hostile to being a great help to Fr. Roderic, inviting his fellow inmates to join him for Mass, offering them counsel, and growing in his own faith. We’re reminded, “there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance.” A veteran himself, he feels a special kinship with the men in the two disciplinary barracks he serves at Fort Leavenworth. “Their saying is ‘Our Mission is Your Future’ and I really believe that’s my mission. A lot of these guys are good men who made a bad decision, and I just hope I can lift their spirits. I never want to know what they’ve done, I just want to share the gift of mercy with them...they might not know it, but I get a lot more from them than they get from me...seeing growth is the most satisfying thing.” Fr. Roderic pointed out that, when it comes to priests, the U.S. Army is woefully understaffed, having only 96 serving when over 350 are needed. Other priests and deacons in the area, like Fr. Bill McAvoy and Deacons John Stanley and Guy Berry, serve the prisoners throughout the diocese, but still more help is needed going forward. “It’s a work of mercy and I consider myself lucky to do it; when I see someone make a 180 degree turn, it’s an inspiration.” When we return to the Abbey at the end of the day, I tell him that I’ve got a lot of respect for him doing all of this, “I’m not sure I’d be up to going to prison all the time.” And with a wry smile, Fr. Roderic turns to me and says, “I don’t mind going to prison, they let me out every time.” Look for more on the Abbey’s Prison Ministry in the next issue of Kansas Monks

Society of St. Benedict


Celibacy Celibacy is not attractive. In a culture where sexuality is so consistently and vehemently glorified, a lifestyle that is determined by celibacy is not attractive. Many Catholics today are enthusiastic about promoting vocations. Thanks be to God! This interest is a wonderful response on the part of many faithful lay people. However, we face an uphill battle in promoting a culture of vocations. Much in contemporary society stifles the desire for religious life in young people. I would like to call attention to one particular negative influence: celibacy is not attractive. For most serious Catholics, I think we would pride ourselves on our resistance against the ideology of the secular world. And if we speak about how to approach one’s sexuality, indeed, many young people are waking up more and more to the fact that the secular dream of sexual freedom has not led to freedom at all. However, I think the impact of the larger culture has another layer of influence: most young men and women have an unconscious, unarticulated, and un-chosen, aversion to celibacy as a serious life option. Even amongst serious young Catholics, a half-realized judgment seems to have been made: “Celibacy for the Kingdom really can’t give me satisfaction in this life like marriage can.” This proposition, resting in one’s interior, remains untested for the vast majority of Catholic young people. This is a strange phenomenon amidst the revitalization of the Church in the era of the New Evangelization, for celibacy has always been the counterpoise of the Church’s offerings to the human person in the twin vocational paths. The proposal is simple: commit your life to another person and you will find joy. Rather than spending your life seeking the next thing that your anxious heart proposes, walking past and leaving behind whoever happens to be inadequate to your fancy of the moment, settle down and commit to giving yourself away. It takes time and it takes work. But through it you gain your life back, trading the misery of selfishness for the peace and freedom of holiness. This fundamental tenant that committing to another person is good has always been envisaged in one of two paths: stable marriage or stable celibacy. Give yourself away one way or another. And this makes a lot of sense. The answer one makes to that question determines everything. If I give myself entirely to my wife and my kids, my life will be determined by that dynamic. If I give myself entirely to God in a commitment of celibate love, my life will be determined by Him. Saint John Paul II teaches us the same in his Apostolic Exhortation Vita Consecrata: “The Church has always taught the preeminence of perfect chastity for the sake of the Kingdom, and rightly considers it the ‘door’ of the whole consecrated life.” The entryway, as it were, for the religious vocation is the commitment to celibacy, because it is a commitment to reserve for God alone what is so mysteriously vital and personal to one’s sense of identity. Poverty and obedience (the other two evangelical counsels) seem to stand back from one’s core, just a little bit. Celibacy issues from the heart and determines one’s life. So if we want, in the Church, to build a culture of vocations, perhaps an emphasis needs to be placed more on values that flow into the celibate option. Of course identifying joyful religious communities and proposing specific charisms are fine ways of “showing off ” celibate living. But the deeper reality of reserving one’s innermost self for an encounter with God, in order to give oneself to God, requires much more than an attraction to ministry. After all, doing most types of ministry is no longer a privilege only of consecrated b y B r. L e v e n H a r t o n Vocations Director • vocations@kansasmonks.org


Kansas Monks

Chastity is a difficult, long- term matter; one must wait patiently for it to bear fruit...But at the same time, chastity is the sure way to happiness. - s t. j o h n p a u l i i

persons; in the twenty-first century lay people do almost every kind of service work that the Church accomplishes. And this is fitting. The consecrated life then, is not distinguished by ministry. Rather, it is distinctive in the primacy of encountering Christ as the orientation of one’s whole life. The determining impact of celibacy is what is most central to religious consecration. Thus, engendering a deep prayer life in young people is much more important for attracting vocations than getting involved in ministry. Do young people see Jesus Christ as person? Are they fascinated by the nearness of God in the Incarnation? Have they recognized the need for a Savior in their own lives? If Jesus really is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, if He answers our most basic and most urgent desires, then helping young people see the beauty of consecrated life should be an education in understanding their own hearts. Helping young people encounter the living God will generate more vocations. Let us all recommit to pursuing a deep prayer life so that we can help engender this same desire in others. This kind of work will help develop a culture that leads to religious vocations.

This ar ticle ha s b e en adapte d f rom the late st issue of Ob scult a, a dis cer nment public ation f rom St . B ene dict ’s Abb e y. For more s e e

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Society of St. Benedict


there is no place like home by Clare Kolars

A short drive from Home, Kan., where he grew up, Br. Timothy McMillan is prepared to profess solemn vows at St. Benedict’s Abbey. With his profession, Br. Timothy will bind himself for life to the abbey, professing stability in Atchison until death. There is no place like home, and Br. Timothy will promise that this place, this community of men seeking Christ, will be his earthly home forever. Although he was raised Catholic, he, like many students at Benedictine College, encountered monastic life for the first time when he arrived at BC. “I had never met any male religious before [aside from priests,]” Br. Timothy said. “My first exposure was reading the Rule of St. Benedict in Intro to Theology. “As I began college, I was growing in my understanding of the Catholic faith, in prayer, and in my relationship with God,” he said. “I remember reading the Rule and being struck by St. Benedict’s wisdom. St. Benedict seemed to have the Christian life figured out – to be centered on Christ in this specific monastic way,” he said. continued on next page


Kansas Monks

Society of St. Benedict


from there, a strong attraction developed and Br. Timothy knew he would continue to return to the Rule as a help in his spiritual life, but the desire to truly pursue the religious life had not yet surfaced. “I had no intention of discerning the monastic life,” Br. Timothy said. “It was a gradual transition where I appreciated Benedictine monasticism, but I was still focused on finishing college, dating, getting married and having a family. “I thought it was great, but not for me,” Br. Timothy laughed. However, the Holy Spirit had different ideas for the young man, who began to open up his heart. Among the many busy and loud activities surrounding the young man in college, there began to be a mysterious and gentle tug in his heart. It was at the end of his junior year in college that this tug peaked into an interest, and Br. Timothy began to pay attention to the mystery unfolding before him. “I knew I wanted to do God’s will and no matter what it was it would require discernment and detachment,” he said. Over spring break during his junior year of college Br. Timothy went with 11 other Benedictine students to visit a variety of religious communities. “It was around this time that I started to let go of my ideas of what I thought my life would or should look like,” he said. “I began to take seriously the possibility of a religious vocation.” “I visited the community here and other places, but decided that if God was calling me it would be as a Benedictine,” he said. “I figured as long as I’m a student at Benedictine, I should discern with the monks on campus.”

death to self On October 22, 2016, Br. Timothy professed solemn vows at St. Benedict’s Abbey with a ceremony designed to reflect Good Friday and Easter Sunday.

After multiple visits, Br. Timothy started to feel connected to the community and in his final semester, felt confident that he was being called, joining the monastic community in August following his graduation.

“St. Benedict says in the Rule to remind yourself daily that you’re going to die, and to live in that state of preparedness,” Br. Timothy said. “In the ceremony, during the prayer of consecration, I’ll be lying prostrate on the floor and covered with a funeral pall (above) as a reminder that it’s a point of death.

“I have had doubts and struggles since joining; there have been a lot of times when another life looks more attractive, and I am tempted to give up the whole thing,” Br. Timothy said. “But this life demands that we deny ourselves and put others before ourselves.”

“There is a balance to where we die to ourselves so that we can have life in Christ through His Resurrection.”

“The ceremony brings our attention to the fact we are called to die with Christ in His suffering, but that it’s not for its own end.

In preparation for this solemn day, Br Timothy meditated on the significance of one of the most beautiful parts of the ceremony – the singing of the Suscipe. “I sing the verse ‘Receive me O Lord as you have promised and I shall live, do not disappoint me in my hope’ three times, standing before the altar with my arms outstretched,” Br. Timothy explained. “This is similar to what the priest does on Good Friday with the relic of the True Cross as well as with the Easter Candle at the Easter Vigil.” He said this duality signifies dying to sin and a rebirth in Christ, which is constantly reflected within the Church. “This profession of vows is a consecration and commitment to serving God wholeheartedly and unreservedly,” he said. 18

Kansas Monks

“ The C hr i sti an l ife i s a p il g r im a ge to our home w ith the Fath er in He av en . I fe el bl e ss e d to l ive th i s j o u r n e y he re w ith my brother s in C h r i st .”

joys and challenges As humans, we were made for a life of community and the shared experience. As a major part of the Benedictine charism, Br. Timothy explains what a strength (and challenge) it is. “I wouldn’t be able to do this life on my own at all, or even the Christian life on my own,” he said. “The community is essential, but it can also be a great struggle. “Take any group of people and there will be struggles that are good because they’re opportunities for growth,” he explained. “As you interact with others more and more, you realize this life is about a death to self,” he said. “I can’t be focused on ‘me’ – I have to be willing to love my brothers and that often means setting aside my own interests and saying I will focus on the good of the other, even when it’s painful.” This has provided him with the most growth and experience of God’s love through other people giving and receiving that love.

the shared experience “We’re all called to this vocation of being a monk and we all struggle to some degree with balance of the desire for a contemplative life and the demands of the real world,” Br. Timothy said. “We’re all in the shared struggle and I’ve gained a lot of wisdom from what my brothers have already figured out. “With poverty and chastity as daily struggles for anyone, being able to have people of all ages at your side to relate and help you along the road is one of the most beautiful aspects of the monastic community,” he continued.

living the journey Br. Timothy’s roles within the monastic community include sacristan of the Abbey, kitchen master and community shopper. God willing, Br. Timothy hopes to pursue seminary studies within the next four years. “The Christian life is a pilgrimage to our home with the Father in Heaven. I feel blessed to live this journey here with my brothers in Christ.”

Society of St. Benedict


Why I


w i t h Re g g ie by Fr. D aniel McC ar thy

As the sixth of seven children , I have seen my

brothers and sisters develop in their vocation of marriage, first as spouse, then as parent, next as professional, then as grandparent; our eldest is a widow now sharing loving memories of her husband with their adoring grandchildren, and we all have survived the passing of our parents. In each stage of life my siblings have come into a new identity to share in a fuller communion, ever generative, ever nurturing new life in all their developing capacities, while remaining true to one another and to their own vocations in marriage. It is curious then when people view the monastic vocation simply as becoming a member of a community. After the novelty wears off, the further question of what I shall do arises anew at different times in life. Like the marriages of my siblings, my monastic vocation also evolves in each stage of life. When I went to Rome to pursue advanced studies in liturgy, I had already studied the Latin language, but my proficiency exam did not go as well as hoped, so I decided to start over with the teacher I had just met, Father Reginald Foster, OCD, the papal Latinist who taught for free at the Gregorian University. Reggie was formidable, the lion king of Latin with a roar that demanded I acquiesce to a written contract issuing the conditions he required of me. I stuck with Reggie over the years, because he could lead me far into the understanding of language. After years of studying with Reggie, he took ill and lay in the Intensive Care Unit on Tiber Island, Rome. My colleague Father James Leachman, OSB, watched as the doctors applied electric shock to resuscitate him – twice. Life is precious, so I went daily and held up before him my translations of prayer texts, and from his limp body he groaned until I corrected them. We were both aware of his fragility, so we worked while he had yet life. We were becoming colleagues then, for our translations would be published weekly in The Tablet of London. When poor health eventually required him to return to Milwaukee, and I was planning my departure from Rome, I knew that the sadness of leaving such a beautiful, historic city of international reference would best be calmed by creating new contributions, so we decided to write together his method for teaching Latin. Reggie’s life-long work was to develop his own method of teaching the Latin language, which I could help preserve for future generations of students. Reggie’s gift lies in the immediate encounter with students and texts of Latin authors of every age, whereas my gift lies in an ability to explain things clearly in writing, preserving Reggie’s voice so personal, so fresh. I have been privileged to study with Reggie for years, to get to know him and let his voice sink in, and now to spend my energies presenting his life’s contribution to further generations of Latin students. Now that the first of five books is available, I have been asked the difficult question: why? Why did I spend the past six years of sustained consideration to bring this book to publication, spending nearly a year and a half in Milwaukee working with Reggie in person and more time from afar? The only answer, really, is my vocation, my calling. One element of monastic life set me apart among Reggie’s students: leisure. I do not mean lounging around during spring break or a life of luxury. Rather, leisure is the root of personal freedom to pursue the love of learning and the desire for God.

Ossa Latinitatis Sola the f irst v o l u m e f ro m Fr. D an i el & Fr. R e g i n al d Fo s te r i s av a il ab le no w at Ka nsa sm o n k s . o rg / sh o p other books including Fr. Daniel’s newest book Come into the Light also available!


Kansas Monks

“[L ati n i s still r el e v ant b e c au s e] it i s t h e b a si s for ne a rl y t hr e e qu ar t er s o f w e s t e r n l an g u a ge s , the b a s i s f o r o u r t ho ug ht s , i de a s , pr ayer s ... - Fr. Reg i n al d “ Regg i e ” Fo s t e r Monastic life in Atchison is busied by many different commitments to serve the students in the schools we sponsor together with Mount St. Scholastica Monastery. Monks serving in the parishes dedicate themselves to caring for people in their pastoral needs. While these more pastoral and evangelical commitments to the local church occupy much of the time and energy of my confréres, I have been afforded a different monastic path. My path was trod previously by Father Timothy Fry of the abbey. He was a scholar whose lasting contribution is RB 1980, an edition of the Rule of St. Benedict with commentary produced for the 1,500th anniversary of the birth of the holy twins: St. Benedict & St. Scholastica. Like him, I have taken encouragement to pursue studies and to conduct my own research for years on end, which is now bearing fruit in books and many articles on Latin, liturgy, and architecture. Like the gift I have received, I have begun nurturing others by moderating my master’s and doctoral students’ own research. I realize that I do not teach Latin; rather I teach people the Latin language, and this personal encounter makes all the difference. I have chosen to simplify my life and rely upon the community so that my prayer may not be preoccupied by daily needs, but can move on to contemplative appreciation. Freedom from struggling with daily needs is the basis of leisure that allows me to contribute in different ways proper to monastic life. Such freedom from distraction coupled with monastic awareness of mind and simplicity of life provide the leisure to pursue and offer my contribution with dedicated focus, while letting all else go by the wayside. I am writing this while a guest at Keizersberg Abbey, Belgium, where there is no phone, no television, no hot water in the sink. Shaving with cold water is an apt metaphor: the skin braces, the blade cuts; I am focused. Monastic leisure has afforded me the freedom of mind to apply myself in a focused way over an extended period of time to allow a discourse to emerge and expand and to produce what may be a lasting contribution to the teaching of the Latin language for the good of the world and of the church. This is why I have taken to writing with Reggie. Exercising personal freedom in communion with others to offer my unique contribution is to be a human person fully alive, a human way of being a person in communion proper to the Divine. I see this reflected in Reggie and discover it unfolding within myself. One of the highest recognitions I have received from Reggie was that he could see in my translations that I had been meditating on the prayers. I like to think that this, too, is due to monastic leisure. I have been privileged by my monastic community with the time and resources necessary to pursue these contributions at length. In return I offer to my community the gratitude of a monastic life well spent and words of heartfelt appreciation. I hope that others recognize the monastic character and way of life that makes my contribution possible.

the St. Benedict Chair in Liturgy Yo u r i nv e stm ent in the St . B ene dic t C h a i r i n L i turg y b ui l d s a l a sti ng en dow m ent to supp or t Fr. D aniel’s wo rk w i th R e g i na l d Fo ste r, p u b l i sh i n g the f ive b o ok s of the L at init at i s co r pu s , “ B o d y o f L at i n,” an d to su pp or t hi s re s e arch, publi shing a nd te a ch i ng s tud e nt s at th e ma ster ’s l e vel and mentor ing do c to ra l stud ent s i n th e f i el d s o f l i turg y a n d archite c ture for liturg y. Fath er D a ni el’s f a mi l y h a s do n ate d a n i n i t i al found at ion for thi s ch a i r i n memo r y o f h i s p a re nt s , G e orge and Anne tte. You are i nv i te d to co ns i d er i nve st i ng i n th i s i mp or t a nt work . S e e k an s a s m o n k s .org/ch a i r-i n-l it u rg y /

Dr. Michael McCarthy, Fr. Daniel’s brother, hosts their web pages: thel atinl ang u age.org • liturg y institute.org • archite c tureforliturg y.com w w w.d anielmcc ar thyo sb.com • w w w.liturg yhome.org

Society of St. Benedict


our ministry is made possible by you

T h a n k Yo u ! Our monastic lives are made possible through the generosity of many kind persons: those who pray for us, those assist us with their time and talent, and those who provide financial support. Listed on these pages are all those who have contributed in the past year – we cannot thank you enough. If you do not find your name listed, please contact us so we can check our own records. May God bless you abundantly for y o u r g e n e r o s i t y.

Adair/Exchange Bank Foundation Conception Abbey Abbey of Our Lady of the Holy Trinity

Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth Knights of Columbus #1769 Arensberg-Pruett Funeral Home, Knights of Columbus #723 Knights of Columbus #834 The Westerman Foundation JE Dunn Construction Company Mission Center Wiley Rein LLP DST Systems Inc. K. of C. #818-St. Patrick’s Easterday Charitable Foundation Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Knights of Columbus #9532 St. Wenceslaus Church MGP Ingredients, Inc. Sisters of Mount St. Scholastica Daughters of Isabella FOCUS Aegon Transamerica Foundation W.T. Jochems K. of C. 4th Deg. #1716 Koch Foundation, Inc. Apostles of the Interior Life Smith Bros., Inc. Marty’s Coaches Corner Inc. Forte Plastics Company Kil Construction Company 22

Kansas Monks

Unipro Graphics Inc. Kelly Youth Rally R. E. Baker Contracting The Scanlon Family Trust Lathrop & Gage LLP Serra Club of Johnson County Serra Club of Kansas City Mo. The Trinity Foundation John J. Sullivan, Jr. Charitable Trust Chinchillas.com E-Store Henry Crown & Company Jayhawk Plastics, Inc. Knights of Columbus #7781 Marian Sisters Knights of Columbus #4708 Knights of Columbus #1163 Knights of Columbus #11067 Knights of Columbus #834 K. of C. Assembly #1716 St. Ann St. Stanislaus Catholic Church Immaculate Conception Church Amino Brothers Company, Inc. Michael R. & Marlys Haverty Family Foundation Blish-Mize Co. Stevenson Family Pharmacy O’Malley Beverage, Inc. Country Club Bank Little Flower Foundation Fund

Shook, Hardy & Bacon L.L.P. Kuckelman, Torline, Kirkland & Lewis Concrete Accessories Co., Inc. Mitchell Capital Management Co. Sabatini Family Foundation Carey Family Foundation Gallagher Family Foundation Baird Foundation, Inc. Zielinski Companies, Inc. A.L. Huber, Inc. Super Saver Oil Co, Inc. Jirak Family Produce Hausman Metal Works & Roofing Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program Diocese of Des Moines Catholic Charities

Holy Trinity Youth Group Werring Law Office, LLC Saint Jude Hospice Catholic Cemeteries of NE Kansas Daughters of Isabella Trinity House Catholic Books & Gifts Multivac, Inc. Knights of Columbus #1269 AIG Matching Grants Program St. James Academy McAnany Construction, Inc. Treanor Architects Kinstler & Associates Latimer, Sommers & Associates

Hoefer Custom Stained Glass AGP, Inc. Catholic Charities of NE Kansas Tony’s Market - Avie Rosacci The Pew Charitable Trusts Double Check Ranch Knights of Columbus #11700 Bessemer Trust Company Queen of Peace Benedictines McCarthy Family Trust Academy Kennel Court Services Atchison & Leavenworth Andover - Green The Robert R. Wippel Family Trust Villa St. Francis Knights of Columbus #10834 Knight of Columbus 13087 Knight of Columbus 1769 Orscheln Knights Of Columbus #10407 Catholic Diocese of Wichita Colwich Knights of Columbus Knights Of Columbus #3034 Knights Of Columbus 902 Knights Of Columbus #3141 Bank Midwest Saint Leo Parish North Country Villa Association Farris & Fresh Zazzali

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Aaker Ms. Mary A. Aaron Mr. & Mrs. Henry G. Aaron, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Aaron, Jr. Ms. Kathryn M. Abels Mr. Kevin H. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Adams Mrs. Gloria C. Adamski Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Adrian Rev. Thomas Adrians Mr. Matthew Advent Mr. & Mrs. Farooq Agha Mr. & Mrs. John V. Ahern Mrs. & Mr. Jean M. Aho Mr. Joseph T. Airey Lucas Aitchison Rev. Gerard Alba Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Albers Mrs. Delores E. Albers Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Albers Mr. Robert Albers Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Albers Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Albers Sr. Celeste Albers, O.P. Mr. Donald R. Albers Mr. & Mrs. Ed Albers Ms. Kathy Albers Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Albers Mr. Charles R. Alberts Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Albin Mrs. Pamela Albrecht Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Albright Mr. Bob Alexander Mr. & Mrs. James Allen Mr. & Mrs. James M. Allen Dr. & Mrs. Paul W. Allen Mr. Eric Allison Mr. & Mrs. William Altenhofen Mr. & Mrs. John N. Altman Mrs. Roberta J. Amenell Mr. Edwin J. Amrein Lt. Col. Marian Amrein Rev. Bryan C. Amthor Ms. Marie Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Joel Anderson Ms. Anna M. Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Andra Mr. & Mrs. William P. Andre Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Andrews Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Andrews Dr. Vincent A. Aniello Anonymous Donors Mr. & Mrs. James L. Antes Col. (Ret.) & Mrs. Richard Anthony Ms. Kirsten Antonacci Mrs. & Mr. Cynthia Apple Rev. Gary P. Applegate Ms. Mary Lou Aragon Ms. Annette M. Aragon Ms. Elsie J. Arbach Mr. Gerald A. Archer Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. Archer Mr. & Mrs. Lee C. Arensberg Mr. & Mrs. Peter M. Arensberg Mr. Milton D. Arganbright Mr. & Mrs. David Argenti Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Aringdale Mr. & Mrs. John C. Arman Mr. & Mrs. James L. Armour

Mr. & Mrs. James C. Armstrong Ms. Madeline Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Mark Armstrong Sharon Asher Mr. Robert M. Asher Ms. Mary M. Asher The Hon. & Mrs. Martin J. Asher Mr. James Asher Mr. & Mrs. James W. Asher Mr. & Mrs. John P. Asher Mr. & Mrs. Keith Atlakson Mr. & Mrs. Marvin J. Aubert Mr. & Mrs. Daryl Augustine Billie Averist Dr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Ayer Mr. & Mrs. Ted D. Ayres Dcn. Ronald Aziere Mr. Todd R. Bachamp Mr. & Mrs. Kevin B. Bachkora Ms. Rosita M. Bachmann Dr. Paul Bader, D.V.M. Mr. Mark Baehr Mr. Zach Bagby Dr. & Mrs. Randal Bagby Mrs. Patti Bahorich Mr. & Mrs. Marvin F. Bahr Mr. & Mrs. Kevin A. Bailey Mr. & Mrs. James C. Baker Mr. Douglas Baker Adam Baker Ms. Liz Baker Mr. & Mrs. William J. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Baker Dcn. & Mrs. Richard L. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Frank Baker Mrs. Rita A. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Rick E. Baker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William L. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Phil T. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Baker, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Pat Baker Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Edward P. Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. Philip A. Baniewicz Mr. & Mrs. Bryce Banion Rev. Christopher L. Barak Mr. & Mrs. Herbert H. Barber Mr. & Mrs. Dave Barber Mr. & Mrs. Raul Barcena Ms. Deborah Barclay Mr. & Mrs. John Baricevic Mr. Dennis P. Baricevic Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Baril Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Barker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Scott L. Barnes, IV Ms. Mary F. Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Barnes Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Barnett, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gene L. Barrett Mr. & Mrs. Gregory D. Barry Mr. John K. Barry Ms. Rhonda Barry Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Bartkoski Mr. Fred J. Bartlett Dr. & Mrs. Mike J. Bartoletti Ms. Regina Bauer Ms. Sheila Bauer Dcn. & Mrs. Charles A. Baughman

Fr. Brendan Rolling serves as a national chaplain for the Fellowship of Catholic University Students, travelling to universities across the country and leading mission trips abroad. Mr. & Mrs. Mark M. Bauman Dr. & Mrs. George J. Baumgartner Ms. Virginia A. Baumgartner Mr. & Mrs. Vern H. Baumhover Mr. & Mrs. Doug Bax Rev. Henry R. Baxa Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Bayer Mr. Bill Beagle Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Beattie, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Steven D. Becherer Dr. & Mrs. John R. Beck Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Becka Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Becker Mr. & Mrs. Myron G. Becker Mr. & Mrs. Larry Becker Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Becker Mr. & Ms. Paul Becker Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Becker Mr. Regis J. Becker Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Becker Mr. Richard A. Beckwith Mr. & Mrs. Craig Bedke Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bednar Mr. Stephen W. Beggs Mr. & Mrs. Michael Begler Mr. Stephen H. Behnke Mr. John A. Behrmann Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Beier Mr. & Mrs. Dan Beingessner Mr. Joseph E. Belden Ms. Catherine E. Belden Mrs. Diane L. Belken Mr. James Bell Mr. & Mrs. Rexford A. Bell Mr. Dennis Bell Mr. & Mrs. Ronald K. Bell Mrs. Mary Bem Mr. Ron Benjamin Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Bennett Mr. & Mrs. David Bennier Mr. & Mrs. John D. Benning Mr. & Mrs. J. David Benning Ms. Laura Benson Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Bequette Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Berardy Br. Brandon R. Berg, O.F.M.Cap.

Ms. Barbara C. Berg Col. & Mrs. Jerry M. Bergeman Mr. James J. Berger Mr. John A. Berger Mr. Elmer A. Bergman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Bergschneider Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Berko Mr. & Mrs. Harlan L. Berland Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bernasek Mr. & Mrs. Ken Berndt Rev. Michael Berner Ms. Evelyn L. Bernica Ms. Sue Bernica Mrs. Alice B. Berning Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Berrier Dcn. Guy Berry Ms. Joan Berryman Mr. Timothy R. Bersch Rev. George Bertels Kenzie Berwald Mrs. Jean M. Bessenbacher Mr. & Mrs. David J. Betzen Mr. & Mrs. Albert M. Beuerlein Mr. Dean E. Bevan Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. Bianco Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Bieber Ms. Billie L. Biel Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Biggs Mrs. Patricia Bildzok Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Biller Ms. Amy Biller Mrs. Helen A. Billiard Mr. & Mrs. Alexander D. Binder Mr. & Mrs. William M. Bing COL Ellis D. Bingham, USA (Ret.) Mr. Michael J. Bird Mr. & Mrs. Greg Birket Lt. Col. & Mrs. Edward Birzer, USMC (Ret.)

Mr. & Mrs. Norman W. Birzer Mr. & Mrs. Roger D. Bishop Mr. Andrew B. Bishop Mr. & Mrs. James Bishop Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Bitter Mr. & Mrs. Ronald R. Bittner Mr. & Mrs. Donald Blackman, Jr. Mr. Mark Blaise

Society of St. Benedict


Mr. & Mrs. Patrick D. Carrigan Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Carril Mr. & Mrs. John E. Carroll, Jr. Capt. & Mrs. Paul F. Carroll Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Carroll Mrs. Janice L. Carson Ms. Jennifer Carter Mr. & Mrs. David T. Case Mr. & Mrs. James N. Caskey Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Caspari Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Casper Mr. William R. Casserly, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William H. Castle Mrs. Judith Catanzaro Mr. Philip Cathell Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Catrambone Ms. Becca Caudle The monks presented the Lumen Vitae medal to Virgil & Mr. & Mrs. John Caulfield Ann Dechant at the 2016 Abbot’s Table in recognition of Mr. & Mrs. Leo F. Cavanaugh their lifetime of service to the Catholic Church through the Mr. & Mrs. Dennis G. Cawley Mr. Warren D. Cawley Knights of Columbus. Lourmafe Celis Mr. Pius K. Chao Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell Chapel Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Blasco Mr. & Mrs. William T. Bowler, III Mr. James H. Chappell Mr. Richard Connelly & Ms. Melodee Blobaum Mr. Richard L. Boyle Mr. Donald L. Charboneau Mr. Timothy Boyle Mr. Gerald R. Blocher Mr. Milton Charboneau Mr. & Mrs. Richard Boynton Mr. & Mrs. Paul Blodig Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Charbonneau Mr. & Mrs. David Bradley Mr. & Mrs. George B. Blodig Msgr. William G. Charnoki Timothy Brady Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Blohm Ms. Maria E. Chastain-Brand Mr. & Mrs. George M. Brady Mr. Brian T. Bloomquist Mr. Anthony Chavez Mr. & Mrs. Austin J. Braithwait Mr. Warren E. Boazman Mr. Alfredo Chavez Mr. & Mrs. John E. Braman Mr. & Mrs. Allan Bockrath Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Chenoweth Mr. & Mrs. Scott Brandon Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Boddicker Mr. & Mrs. Charles Childs Mr. & Mrs. Larry L. Brandon Mr. & Mrs. Paul Boeding Janet Chism Mrs. & Mr. Debora Branecky Mr. & Mrs. Roland J. Boeding Mr. Robert E. Chisolm Mr. & Mrs. Dennis E. Branson Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Boerner, Sr. Mr. Leonard Chmelka Ms. Mary Anne Brant Rev. Marvin J. Boes Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. Chopp Mr. & Mrs. Kelvin R. Brath Mr. Brandon A. Boesch Dr. Donald O. Christy Mr. & Mrs. Robert R. Breen, II Celene Boggs Mr. Edmond R. Ciarniello, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Brehany Mr. & Mrs. Ryan P. Boh Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Cindrich, Jr. Fred Breidt Mr. & Mrs. Matt Bohnen Mr. & Mrs. Dominic Cingoranelli Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Breight, Jr. Mr. Tom Hughes & Mrs. Maureen Byrne Mr. & Mrs. Vicente Cisneros Mr. & Mrs. John Bohovic Dr. & Mrs. Dale A. Bremmer Dr. & Mrs. Michael F. Boland Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Claas Ms. Jean M. Byrne Mrs. Lucille F. Brennan Mrs. Doris J. Boland Ms. Katlin Clancy Mr. Patrick M. Byrne Ms. Susan Breon Mr. & Mrs. John J. Bolders Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin J. Clark Mr. & Mrs. Giovani Caasi Mr. James Boldt & Mrs. Kathleen O’Malley-Boldt Ms. Elizabeth C. Breting Mr. Michael Clark Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Cacciatore Dr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Brickner Mr. & Mrs. Andrew W. Bolin Dr. & Mrs. John F. Clarkin Mrs. Dorothy Cacioppo Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Bright Mr. Richard Bollig Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Cleary Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Caffrey Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Brinkman Mrs. Jacqueline P. Bommarito Mrs. Ellen J. Cleary Mr. & Mrs. Patrick W. Cairney Mrs. Janice A. Brissette Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Bona Ms. Bernadette Cleary Mr. & Mrs. Carl Calcara Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Britton Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Bond Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Clem Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Camarata Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Brodersen Ms. Agnes Camilleri Mr. Ronald Bonesteel Ms. Lorene F. Clemens Ms. Marian C. Brodigan Dr. & Mrs. James K. Bongers Mr. Joe Clemens Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Karl M. Brondell Rev. James R. Bonke Mr. Andrew J. Clement Mrs. Valeria A. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Brooke Mr. & Mrs. David H. Boone Dr. & Mrs. Donald J. Clement Mr. & Mrs. Richard Campin Dr. William O. Brooke, Jr. Mr. Martin Boos Mr. & Mrs. Kevin M. Clements Dr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Cappo Mrs. Mary Jane Brooke Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Boos Mr. & Mrs. Marty Clements Mrs. Alice Carey Mr. Robert L. Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Phil Boos Mr. & Mrs. Stephen M. Clifford Dr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Carey Lt. Col. & Mrs. Edward Brophy, Jr. Dr. Thomas E. Carey Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Boos Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Cline Dr. & Mrs. Alfred D. Brothers Mr. Michael Boos Mr. & Mrs. John R. Clinton Mr. & Mrs. James R. Carley Mr. & Mrs. Hal Brown Ms. Leslie Bosslet Mr. & Mrs. James M. Clossick Mrs. Barbara J. Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Jerome F. Brown Mrs. Denise A. Boucher Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Clune Mr. & Mrs. Jon F. Carmain Dr. & Mrs. Randal L. Brown, M.D. Mr. John A. Carmody Mr. & Mrs. Lendell F. Boudreau Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Clune Lt. Col. & Mrs. Archille Bourque, Jr. Mr. John Brown Mr. & Mrs. Kevin F. Clune Mr. & Mrs. Juan Carmona Mr. & Mrs. Dan Browne Mr. & Mrs. Joseph H. Boutte Ms. Connie M. Clune Dr. & Mrs. Francis P. Carpinelli Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Brox Mr. & Mrs. Ron V. Bova Mr. & Mrs. Peter Clune Mr. & Mrs. Patrick M. Carr Col. & Mrs. Michael Brox, USAF Ms. Ann Carrigan Mr. & Mrs. Gregory M. Bower Mr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Clyde Mr. & Mrs. Anton R. Brox Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Bower Mr. & Mrs. Norman J. Coakley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Carrigan Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Brox Mrs. Marlene Bowers Mr. & Mrs. Mike Cochran Ms. Gere Carrigan Mr. Louis Brtek Mr. JonElliott Brubaker Ms. Missy Bruhn Rev. Matthew Brumleve Mrs. Patricia R. Brunette Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Brungardt Dr. & Mrs. Gerard S. Brungardt Mr. & Mrs. Kerry N. Brungardt Most Rev. John B. Brungardt Mr. John G. Brungardt Mr. & Mrs. Greg Bruning Mr. & Mrs. John A. Buckley Mr. James T. Buckley Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Buddenbohm Mr. & Mrs. Richard Buessing Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Buessing Mr. Charles F. Buhler Dr. & Mrs. Adam Buhman-Wiggs Karen Bullion Mr. & Mrs. Ron Bullock Mr. & Mrs. Joe Bunck Ms. Elizabeth E. Bunck Mrs. & Mr. Elizabeth A. Bunker Mr. Max J. Burbach Mr. James Burditt Mr. Matthew Burgardt Rev. Msgr. Raymond E. Burger Ms. Monica E. Burgess Mr. James L. Burival Dr. & Mrs. Gary P. Burkart Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Burke Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Burke Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Burke Rev. Paul A. Burke Mr. & Mrs. James M. Burns Mr. Alan Burns Mr. & Mrs. Morris U. Burns Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Burns Mr. Joseph V. Burns Mr. & Mrs. Michael Buser Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Bussell Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Butler


Kansas Monks

Mr. & Mrs. James T. Cody Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Coe Ms. Mary Ellen Coffelt Ms. Katherine R. Coffman Ms. Mara Cohara Mrs. Nancy Cohen Mrs. Winifred Colby Mr. & Mrs. Christopher S. Cole Mr. Stephen V. Cole Mrs. Rita I. Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Forest J. Coleman Mr. Jesse D. Coleman Mr. & Mrs. R. Mark Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Raymond E. Colgan Ms. Kathleen Collicott Mrs. Berdene Collins Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Colombatto Mr. & Mrs. Gary Colvin Ms. Nora Maureen Colwell Ms. Margaret Mae Colwell Mrs. Katherine E. Colwell Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Colwell, Jr. Mr. Morton B. Comer Mr. Ty Compton Mrs. Gertrude C. Compton Mr. Andrew Conard Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Concannon Mr. & Mrs. Raymond N. Conley Most Rev. James D. Conley Mr. James Connor Mr. Kevin M. Connor Mr. & Mrs. Mike Conrad Ms. Erin E. Conry Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Contreras, Jr. Ms. Gail Conwell Mr. & Mrs. Mark G. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Cook Mr. R. L. Cook Rev. Thomas E. Cook Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Coon Mr. & Mrs. Kent Cooper Mr. William W. Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Terry Coots Mr. Richard P. Cordero Mr. Anthony J. Cordie Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Cordry Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Corken Ms. Judith A. Corley Dr. & Mrs. Richard Coronado Mr. & Mrs. Pete Corpstein Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Cosby Mr. & Mrs. James J. Cosgrove Mr. Alejandro Costilla Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cota Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Cotter Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cotter Ms. Rita Coupe Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Cox Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Cox Mr. & Mrs. Christopher B. Cox Mr. Eugene P. Coyle Most Rev. Andrew H. Cozzens Mr. & Mrs. Michael Crahan Mr. & Mrs. John H. Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. Crawford Mr. & Mrs. David Crawley Mr. Cloud L. Cray, Jr. Mr. David Cresswell Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Creten Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Crevoiserat

Mr. & Mrs. John H. Crilly Rev. Joseph K. Criqui Mr. & Mrs. Tim Crockett Mr. & Mrs. Jerome J. Cronan Dr. John J. Cronin Mr. & Mrs. John R. Cross Mr. & Mrs. James A. Crossley Mr. & Mrs. Brad Crouch Ms. Anne-Marie Crouch Mr. & Mrs. Ron Crowe Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Crowley Mr. & Mrs. John M. Crulcich Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Cryan Mr. & Mrs. Carl Cuda Mr. & Mrs. David Culkin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Cullan Mr. & Mrs. Mohammed Cummings Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cummings Mr. & Mrs. William J. Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. Curran Jennifer Curran Ms. Kathy Curry Mr. & Mrs. James M. Curtis Mr. & Mrs. Salvatore J. Cusumano Ms. Penny S. Cutler Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cyr Mr. Philip A. Daddona Mrs. Mary Faith Dalinghaus Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Dallao Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Dallavis Dr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Dalton Mr. & Mrs. Mike R. Dalton Mr. & Mrs. John M. Daly Mr. Gerald Daly Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Dalzell Mr. Joseph D’Amato Mr. & Mrs. Gene Dames Mr. Paul Dankoski Ms. Holly Dao Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. DaPra Mr. Alex Darger Mr. & Mrs. James D. Dargin Mr. & Mrs. Alex Darvishi Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Davenport Mr. & Mrs. Richard Davis Mr. & Mrs. John L. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Gary Davis Mr. & Mrs. James Davis Mr. & Mrs. Louis A. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Paul E. Davison Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Dawson, Jr. Mrs. Virginia A. Day Ms. Louise Daylor Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. De Carlo Mrs. Flora G. DeBacker Mr. & Mrs. Theodore L. Debauge Dr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Debrecht Mr. & Mrs. Thomas V. Dechant Mr. & Mrs. Virgil C. Dechant Ann Dechant Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. DeCoursey Ms. Becky DeDonder Mr. & Mrs. Robert DeFelice Mr. & Mrs. Douglas A. DeGroot Mr. & Mrs. David G. Dehaemers, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Steve DeHaven Mr. & Mrs. Peter Dehner Mrs. Rita Dehner Mrs. Dorothy J. Deitchan Mr. Richard P. Deitchman

Mr. Richard C. Deitchman Mrs. Patricia Deitchman Mr. & Mrs. Damian F. Dekat Rev. Carl M. Dekat Rev. Earl Dekat Mr. John Delaney Ms. Theresa Delavan Dr. John M. Delphia Mr. Benjamin J. Demel Mr. Leo A. Demmer Ms. Anna L. Demmer Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Dempsey Mr. & Mrs. Michael Denice Col. & Mrs. Gary M. Denning Mr. & Mrs. John A. Denomy Mr. Steven J. Denson Mr. John D. Denzer Mr. & Mrs. John DePhillips Marcus Dery Mrs. Judith M. Deters Mr. & Mrs. Ferdinand Deters Ms. Audrey A. Deters Mr. Ben Deters, Jr. Ms. Shirley G. Deters Mr. Dorus J. Deters Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. DeVilbiss Mr. John D. DeWitt Mrs. Aileen Diaz Meador Sr. Bridget E. Dickason, OSB Mr. & Mrs. Richard R. Dickason, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Randy Dickinson Mr. & Mrs. A. Randal Dickinson Mr. William Dickinson Mr. & Mrs. Dean B. Diederich Dr. & Mrs. Dennis A. Diederich Mrs. Margaret B. Diedrich Mr. Robert A. Dierker Mr. & Mrs. Bernard D. Dierks Mrs. Irene C. Dierks Mr. & Mrs. John J. Diggins Ms. Janet Dillman Mr. & Mrs. David B. Dillner Mr. Edward H. Dillon Mr. David A. Dinneen Ms. Linda F. Dinsmore Mr. & Mrs. George M. Dirnberger Mr. & Mrs. Greg D. Dixon Dr. Arthur G. Dobbelaere Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dobihal Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Dobrynski Mr. Joseph Docksey Mr. William R. Dodd Mr. & Mrs. Sean M. Doherty Ms. Linda Dohrman Mr. & Mrs. John F. Dolan Ms. Rita M. Doll Lt. Col. (Ret.) & Mrs. Charles Dollard Mr. Robert J. Domann Mr. Lawrence Domann Mr. & Mrs. Joe Domann Mr. & Mrs. David Domann Ms. Patricia Domann Mr. & Mrs. Charles Domann Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Donahue Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Donaldson Dr. & Mrs. Frank A. Donovan Mr. & Mrs. Sal Donze Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Dooley Mr. & Mrs. William A. Dooley Mrs. Sarah Dooley

Cynthia L. Dooley Mrs. Wilma R. Dooley Mr. & Mrs. John D. Dooling, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Doring Mr. Michael Dorn Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Dort Mrs. Mary J. Dougherty Mr. & Mrs. David J. Dover Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Downey Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Doyle Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Draftz Mr. & Mrs. Jay Draper Mr. Paul J. Drees Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Dressman Mr. & Mrs. David E. Drey

Brother Luke Turner professed solemn vows on December 12, 2015. He began seminary studies at St. Meinrad Archabbey in August 2016 after serving as an instructor in the Benedictine College business department.

Society of St. Benedict


Mrs. Margaret Ebel Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ebel Mr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Ebner Mr. & Mrs. William Eck Rev. Ivan Eck Mr. & Mrs. Lee Eckert Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Eddins Mr. & Mrs. James Eddy Ms. Eileen Edgren Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Edmonds Mr. Kelly Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Michael Egan Mr. & Dr. Bob Egbert Mr. & Mrs. John Eggers Dr. Harry C. Eggleston Mr. Mark J. Eichholz Mr. & Mrs. Bradley R. Elder Ms. Mary K. Elias Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Ellington Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Elliott Lt. Col. & Mrs. Roy P. Elliott, Jr. Mr. Louis T. Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Roland Elpers Mr. & Mrs. Craig E. Elson Mr. & Mrs. James K. Emerson Mr. & Mrs. Clarence R. Engelken Lt. Col. & Mrs. Edward Dyer, USMC (Ret.) Mr. & Mrs. Michael Engeman Mr. Paul F. Engler Mr. & Mrs. David E. Dykstra Mr. & Mrs. John M. English Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Dytrych Mr. Damian W. Enneking Mr. & Mrs. Elliott L. Eagle Mr. & Mrs. James A. Enneking Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Easterday Ms. Connie L. Enzbrenner Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Eastman Dr. & Mrs. John R. Eplee Rev. Bryan Ernest Mrs. Shirley A. Ernzen Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Erpelding Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas E. Ertz Mrs. Mary Ann Eschmann LTJG & Mrs. Matthew D. Eshnaur Mr. Eric Eskina Mr. & Mrs. Ramiro Espinosa Mrs. Marie T. Esselmann Mr. Leroy E. Euler Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Euston Mr. & Mrs. John W. Eveler Ms. Opal Every Mr. & Mrs. James Ewbank Ms. Lourdes Ewing Mr. & Mrs. George J. Fagg Mr. Joseph Falco Mrs. Billie J. Falk Mr. & Mrs. Richard Falk Mr. & Mrs. John G. Fangman Mr. Elmer G. Fangman Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Fangman Mr. & Mrs. Myron Fanton Mr. & Mrs. John J. Farrell Mr. Phillip F. Farris Mr. & Mrs. Sean T. Farson Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Fassero Mr. Marty Fassero Mr. John W. Fassler Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Fawcett Fr. Kieran McInerney Mr. & Mrs. Peter Fayard passed to his eternal Mr. & Mrs. John F. Fechter Mr. & Mrs. William E. Federhofer reward on March 12, Mr. & Mrs. Bud Feichtinger 2016, after a lifetime of Mr. & Mrs. Duane L. Feldkamp service to the poor in Mr. Robert A. Feldmann Atchison and Brazil. Marilyn Fellows Mr. & Mrs. Richard B. Driscoll Mr. Michael Driver Mr. James J. Drotar Mr. & Mrs. Francis Drouhard Mr. & Mrs. Anthony G. Drummond Mr. & Mrs. William F. Dubey Mr. & Mrs. John G. DuBois Mr. & Mrs. William M. Duggan Mrs. Darlene DuLac Ms. Bernice T. Duletski Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Dummermuth Mrs. Teresa M. Dumsky Mr. Jack W. Dundon Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Dunn Mr. & Mrs. William H. Dunn, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Terry Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dunne Dr. & Mrs. Carlyle Dunshee Mrs. Carol Dupuis Col. & Mrs. Paul Durkin USMC (Ret) Mrs. Susan Durkin Mr. Antone L. Dusil Ms. Michelle L. Dyer Mr. & Mrs. Patrick H. Dyer


Kansas Monks

Mr. & Mrs. Jerold V. Fennell Mary Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. James P. Fern, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Fernandez Mr. & Mrs. James Ferrell Mr. John C. Ferry Mr. & Mrs. Ryan D. Fesker Mr. Mitchell L. Fiala Mr. & Mrs. Raymond C. Finch, III Mr. Jon Fincher Mr. John Finders Mr. & Mrs. Leo G. Fink Mr. Richard L. Finn Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Finnegan Ms. Frances M. Finnegan Mr. Adam Finocchario Mr. & Mrs. Gunther Fischer Mr. Lawrence Fisher Mr. & Mrs. James M. Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. James R. Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Fitzgerald Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Fitzmaurice Mr. & Mrs. James P. Flanagan Mr. Scott A. Flater Mr. Joseph T T. Flatley Dr. & Mrs. James L. Fleming Mr. Robert Flint Mr. Paul Floersch Mr. & Mrs. Mark Floersch Mr. & Mrs. Frank Flores Mr. William Flynn Patty Flynn Mr. & Mrs. John M. Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Sean Flynn Mr. John J. Flynn Mr. & Mrs. William Focke Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Foos Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Ford Mr. & Mrs. Dale Forge, Sr. Dr. & Mrs. Henry L. Forge Mr. & Mrs. Richard Forge Mr. & Mrs. Tom Forge Mr. & Mrs. James L. Forst Mr. Duane L. Fortin Mr. Gerry Fosdick Mrs. Catherine Foster Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Foster Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Fournier Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Fowler Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Fox Mr. Jerry Fox Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Fox Mrs. Marion Fraley Mr. & Mrs. David France Mr. & Mrs. John P. Frank Ms. Linnea A. Frank Mr. & Mrs. Frank Franko Mr. & Mrs. Buford M. Fraser Mr. Robert J. Fraser Mr. & Mrs. William J. Freeburn Mr. Randall D. Freehling Mr. & Mrs. Tom Freeman Mr. John R. Fridell Mrs. Judy Fridell Mr. & Mrs. James R. Friend Luke Friess Mr. & Mrs. W. L. Fry, II Mr. & Mrs. James P. Fugere Mrs. Katherine Fullington

Mr. & Mrs. James W. Fulton Mr. & Mrs. John R. Funk Mr. & Mrs. Craig Gaffney Mr. John A. Gages Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Gaigals Capt. (Ret.) & Mrs. Terrance Gainer Mr. & Mrs. James B. Gales Mr. & Mrs. Matthew A. Galindo Mrs. Maria A. Galindo Mrs. Maria A. Galindo Mr. Kelly Gallagher Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Gallagher Mrs. Elaine Galliart Noelle Gallic Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Gangel Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Garbach Rafaela Garcia Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Gardner Rev. Daniel L. Gardner Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Garrett Mr. & Mrs. Ronald M. Garrison Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Gartenmayer Mr. Richard J. Garvey Kimberly Garvey Mr. Leon Gaschen Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas J. Gaspers Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Gates Mr. Michael W. Gaughan Ms. Sandra K. Gaul Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Gaume Mr. & Mrs. Chris N. Gawarecki Capt. & Mrs. Robert Geck USN (Ret) Mr. & Mrs. Sebastian Geffre Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D. Geiger Mr. Jack Geiger Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Geise Mr. Alfred Geiselhardt Mr. & Mrs. John P. Geismann Dr. Joseph E. Geist Mr. Robert L. Geist Mr. Bradley Geist Mr. & Mrs. Gene Geist Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Gellings Ms. M. Kathryn Gellings Mr. & Mrs. Craig A. Gengler Mr. & Mrs. Leo T. Gensweider Mr. Isidor Sittenauer & Mrs. Rose Gerdes

Mr. John Gering Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Geris, Sr. Dr. Albert Geritz Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Gerner Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Gerst Dr. & Mrs. William C. Gerst Mr. & Mrs. William J. Gervais Mr. Anthony Gettler Ms. Nancy Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Gideon Mr. & Mrs. Todd A. Gigstad Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Gigstad Mr. Chris Giles Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Gilg Mr. & Mrs. William E. Gill Mr. & Mrs. John G. Gillcrist Mr. Patrick Gillcrist Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Gillcrist Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Giller Mr. Paul H. Giller Mr. & Mrs. Tom Giller Dr. & Mrs. Joel A. Gillespie Mr. John J. Gioia, II

Mr. & Mrs. John F. Gishpert Meagan Gitchell Mr. & Mrs. John J. Gladbach Mr. James E. Gladbach Mr. & Mrs. James Glaser Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Glaser Mr. & Mrs. Louis R. Glavan, Jr. Mrs. Stella E. Glennon Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Glennon LMSW Ms. Catherine Glennon Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Glennon Mr. James Glowaski Ms. Sharon A. Goding Mr. & Mrs. James D. Goetzinger Mr. & Mrs. Jose U. Gonzales Mr. & Mrs. Mariano Gonzales Mr. & Mrs. Ruben Gonzalez, Jr. Mrs. Ilene M. Good Mr. & Mrs. Virgil J. Goracke Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Gorczyca Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Gorman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gorman Mr. & Mrs. Roger Gormley Ms. Jocelyn Gosman Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Gosselin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gotcher Mr. John E. Gould, Jr. Mr. Kenneth Gouwens Mr. & Mrs. Brian J. Gowasack Mr. Philip Graeve Ms. Jacqueline A. Graham Ms. Kathleen Graham Mr. & Mrs. Philip L. Graham Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gramer Mr. & Mrs. Jerome T. Graney Mr. & Mrs. Jake Graves Mr. & Mrs. Tom Gravette Mr. & Mrs. Neal Gray Mr. & Mrs. Don E. Gray Mr. & Mrs. George R. Gray Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Green Ms. Christina C. Green Mr. Michael Green Kenny Green Mr. Thomas Green Mr. & Mrs. Denis L. Greene Ms. Mary A. Greer Mr. & Mrs. Rick A. Greer Mr. & Mrs. Conrad J. Gregoire Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Greil Mr. Patrick Greise Rev. Lawrence E. Grennan Mr. & Mrs. William J. Grennan Mr. & Mrs. Tom Grennan Mrs. Ann Gress Mr. Norbert Gress Mrs. Barbara Gress Dr. & Mrs. Terence E. Grewe Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Griesedieck Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Griffin Mr. Ed Grisnik Mr. Joseph H. Gronniger Mr. & Mrs. Cletus G. Grosdidier Mr. & Mrs. Gary Grosdidier Mr. & Mrs. William M. Gross, Jr. Ms. Theresa M. Gross Mr. Edward F. Gross Mr. & Mrs. Charles Grote Dr. & Mrs. John T. Growney Dr. Stephen B. Gruba

Mr. & Mrs. Kurt E. Gruenbacher Mr. Eugene J. Gruenbacher Mr. & Mrs. Norman C. Guettermann Ms. Rita Guettermann Most Rev. Robert E. Guglielmone Mrs. Juanita A. Guilmette Mrs. Claire Haag Mr. & Mrs. Charles Haake Mr. & Mrs. Robert Haas Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Haase Mr. & Mrs. Benedict Habiger Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan R. Haden Mr. Joel Hadfield Mr. William M. Haegelin Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Haeger Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Haerle Mr. & Mrs. William C. Hafeman Mr. W. Mark Hafeman Mr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Hagen Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Hahn Ms. Kathie Hahn Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hahn Mr. & Mrs. Timothy M. Hair Mr. & Mrs. Michael Haire Mr. & Mrs. Melvyn W. Hall Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Hall Mrs. Clarita Halling Mr. James F. Halling Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Halpin, Jr. Sean Halpin Mr. Ross W. Halsey Mr. & Mrs. Wayne L. Hammersla Rev. Gregory J. Hammes Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Hammock Mr. & Mrs. John F. Hanan Mr. & Mrs. Timothy R. Hand Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Handke Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hanf Mr. & Mrs. Ted M. Hankes Mr. & Mrs. Keith Hankinson Mr. & Mrs. James Hanley Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Hannon Ms. Lindsey M. Hansen Mr. & Mrs. Ronald L. Hansen Mr. & Mrs. T. Scott Hanson, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Elbie Hapes Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas B. Hardesty Ms. Dolores L. Harkins Mr. & Mrs. Patrick R. Harper Mr. & Mrs. John A. Harpole Col. (Ret.) Dennis P. Harrington Mr. Gerald Harrington Mr. & Mrs. James A. Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Raymond S. Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Vincent C. Harrington Mr. & Mrs. Daniel G. Harrington Mr. Stephen R. Harrington Dr. & Mrs. David Harris Mr. Louis L. Harris Mr. Michael J. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Paul I. Harris Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Harris Michael Harris Col. & Mrs. Kent E. Harrison Mr. & Mrs. John D. Harrison Mr. Thomas F. Harrison Ms. Cecilia Harry Mr. & Mrs. Franklin D. Harsh Mr. & Mrs. John F. Hart Mrs. Joanne Hart

The monks presented the Lumen Vitae medal to Dr. Daniel & Terri Carey at the 2016 Abbot’s Table in recognition of their service to Benedictine College. Mr. & Mrs. John F. Hart, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles V. Hartman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Harton Rev. Robert W. Hasenkamp Ms. Liz Hatcher Ms. Jayne Hatton Mr. Joseph M. Hattrup Mr. Frank C. Hauber Mr. & Mrs. John V. Haug Mr. Gilbert A. Haug Mrs. Mildred M. Haug Mr. & Mrs. Mark G. Haug Mr. & Mrs. Michael Haughton Ms. Carolyn F. Hauser Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Haverkamp Rev. Nathan P. Haverland Mr. Ryan M. Haverty Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Haverty Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Hawk Regina Hawk Mr. Daniel Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hayes Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. Hayes Mrs. Carol S. Hazlett Hon. & Mrs. Daniel L. Hebert Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Hefel Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Heffernan Mr. & Mrs. Matthew F. Heffron Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hegarty Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Hegarty Mr. & Mrs. Tim C. Hegarty Mrs. Angela M. Hegarty Ms. Jane M. Heideman Mr. & Mrs. Wayne H. Heideman Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Heideman Mr. & Mrs. Stephen A. Heideman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Heideman Mr. & Mrs. Hubert L. Heideman Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Heier Mr. & Mrs. James E. Heili Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Heim Mr. Maurice Heiman Mr. & Mrs. Don T. Heiman Mr. Justin R. Hein Mr. & Mrs. David L. Heinen Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Heinen

Mr. & Mrs. Harold Heinen Rev. Gregory A. Heinlein Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Heintzelman Mr. Terrence S. Heintzelman Mr. & Mrs. Darcy W. Heitmann Mr. Patrick Helfrich Mr. & Mrs. Pete Helgesen Mr. & Mrs. Robert G. Helget Mr. & Mrs. Ryan P. Hellmer Ms. Toni Hellums Mr. & Mrs. Kelby Hellwig Mr. & Mrs. Carl Helm Dr. & Mrs. O.Z. Helmer Elizabeth Hemann Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Hemann Dr. Judith Hemberger Mr. Edwin J. Hemberger Mr. & Mrs. Ryan Hembree Madison Hemenway Mr. Aaron D. Henderson Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Henderson Mr. & Mrs. John A. Henderson Mr. & Mrs. James H. Hendricks Ms. Laura T. Hendricks Mr. & Mrs. William J. Hendricks Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Henke Mr. & Mrs. John H. Henke Mr. & Mrs. Harry D. Hennigh, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dan Hennigh Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Henning Mrs. Jo Ann Henningsen Mr. Ryan J. Henningsen Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Henry Mr. & Mrs. Rick Henry Mr. & Mrs. Gerald T. Henry Mrs. Dorothy A. Henry Mr. & Mrs. Edgar C. Henry Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Henry Mr. & Mrs. Elmer F. Henry Mr. & Mrs. Richard Henry Mr. & Mrs. Will Henry Mr. & Mrs. Robert Henson Mr. James A. Hepp Mr. Paul Heppler Mr. & Mrs. H Heppler Mr. John F. Herbst

Society of St. Benedict


Despite the inclement weather, Abbot James Albers and Fr. Simon Baker were able to participate in the 2016 March for Life. We ask you to join us in praying for a successful march this coming January and an end to abortion.

Rev. Michael Hermes Dr. Jerome H. Hermes Mr. & Mrs. Norbert E. Hermes Mr. Alan L. Hermesch Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Hermesch Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Hermesch Mrs. Inez Hermesch Mr. & Mrs. Gustavo A. Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. Albert Hernandez Mr. David D. Herne Mr. Joseph E. Heron Mr. & Mrs. Glen A. Heron, Sr. Mrs. Kathryn M. Herriage Mr. & Mrs. Brett Herrman Dr. Ralph Herrman, D.D.S. Mr. & Mrs. Roger R. Herting Mr. & Mrs. Keith G. Hertling Ms. Ann Heschmeyer Mr. John B. Heshion Mr. Michael L. Heslip Mr. & Mrs. Jerry E. Hess Mrs. Tommie Sue Hess Rev. Thomas N. Hesse Mr. & Mrs. John Hewitt Ms. Stephanie C. Hewitt Mr. & Mrs. Don Hiatt Mr. & Mrs. Doug D. Hickerson Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Hickert Rev. Timothy S. Hickey Mr. & Mrs. Jack L. Hickman Mr. & Mrs. Tim Hicks Ms. Anna Hicks Dr. & Mrs. Dennis Higginbotham John Higgins & Mary Jane Niles Mr. Paul Highstrom Mrs. Josephine Hildman Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Hilger Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hill Mr. & Mrs. Steve Hillman Carolyn Hillyer Mr. & Mrs. Stephen P. Hiltibidal Col. (Ret.) & Mrs. Daniel Himmel CAPT & Mrs. Ronald Hindman, USCG (Ret.)

Mr. & Mrs. Mike Hinds Mr. & Mrs. Herbert L. Hiner Mr. & Mrs. William F. Hinz


Kansas Monks

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Hirsch Mr. & Mrs. Mathew P. Hirt, II Ms. Bernadette Hockel Mr. & Mrs. William Hodes Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hoefer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Hoenig Mr. & Mrs. Albert A. Hoff, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. William B. Hofmann Mrs. Ruth A. Hogan Mr. & Mrs. Brad Hokanson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Holek Dcn. & Mrs. Stuart Holland Mr. & Mrs. Fred B. Holley, III Mr. August Holly Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Holmes Mr. George Holthaus Mr. & Mrs. Leon Holthaus Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Homan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Homan Mr. & Mrs. Donald Hommertzheim Mr. Robert Homolka Mr. & Mrs. Harold Homrighausen Ms. Terri Honeycutt Ms. Maria Hoopes Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Hoopes Mr. & Mrs. James J. Hoover Mr. & Mrs. Frank T. Hopfinger Mr. & Mrs. Gerald M. Horgan Dr. & Mrs. John W. Horigan Mr. & Mrs. Clinton T. Horinek Mr. & Mrs. Aaron M. Horinek Mr. & Mrs. Adolph J. Horinek Mr. & Mrs. Michael Horton Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Horvath Crysta Hostetler Mr. Paul L. Howard Mr. John Hubbard Mr. & Mrs. Randy K. Huber Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Huber Mr. & Mrs. Dennis G. Huber Mr. & Mrs. Richard Huelsing Mr. David A. Huelsmann Dr. & Mrs. Quentin C. Huerter Mr. Burton P. Huerter Dr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Huerter Maggie Huggins

Ms. Rita F. Hulsing Mr. & Mrs. Jeff D. Humburg Mr. & Mrs. John T. Huml Rev. Francis J. Hund Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Hund Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Hundley Mr. & Mrs. Shane M. Hundley Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hunninghake Mr. & Mrs. Lamar Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Robert K. Hunter Mr. & Mrs. John A. Hunter Mr. & Mrs. Richard Huntley Mr. & Mrs. John P. Hurley Mr. & Mrs. Herbert E. Huseth Mr. & Mrs. Jamie Huston Ms. Kathy Hutchinson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Hutchison Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Hutfles Ms. Mary Alice Hutley Ms. Janet M. Hutsell Daniela Iglesias Dr. Kathryn Iliff Mr. & Mrs. Donald Indra Mrs. Ina E. Ingram Mr. & Mrs. Eric J. Intfen Mr. & Mrs. Daniel P. Intfen Mr. & Mrs. Corey W. Iqbal Mr. & Mrs. Mark Irelan Mrs. Gladie M. Irwin Mr. & Mrs. Jesse W. Ivy Mrs. Marcia M. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Anthony D. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Dan Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Jackson Mr. & Mrs. John E. Jacobs Mrs. Rita M. Jacobs Dr. & Mrs. C.H. Jacobs Mrs. Margie Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Ken Jacquinot Dr. & Mrs. Thomas O. James Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. James Ms. Carolyn J. James Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Janacaro Mr. & Mrs. Larry Janacaro Mr. & Mrs. James G. Jandrain Mr. William A. Januszewski Mr. & Mrs. Ed Jaster Mr. Jeff Jaworski Mr. Gary Jeffords Mr. & Mrs. Fred F. Jehle Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Jirak Mr. & Mrs. John C. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Ronald S. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. David L. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. David F. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Johnson Mr. Nick Johnson Ms. Cara L. Johnson Ms. Paige Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Roy F. Joiner Mrs. Lois M. Joiner Dr. & Mrs. Irvin J. Jones Mr. William C. Jones Mr. Darryl Jones Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Jones Rev. & Mrs. Quentin B. Jones Mrs. Nancy L. Jones Mr. & Mrs. R.D. Jones

Mr. & Mrs. Clyde W. Jones COL William J. Joyce, USAF (Ret.) Mr. & Mrs. Gerald W. Joyce Mr. & Mrs. Nikola Jurasic Mrs. Mary J. Jurgensmeier Mr. & Mrs. Roger S. Jurgensmeyer Mr. Michael Justin Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Kaemmerer Mr. & Mrs. Warren E. Kaemmerer Mr. & Mrs. Albert Kaine, Jr. Rev. Ralph L. Kaiser Mr. & Mrs. Clayton J. Kaiser Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert Kaiser Robert Kalis Mr. & Mrs. James J. Kaminski Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence S. Kaminsky Mr. Charles R. Kamp Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kampeter Mr. & Mrs. Daniel L. Kanatzar, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Kane CDR & Mrs. Philip E. Kapusta Br. Peter Karasz, OSB Mr. & Mrs. Dewayne H. Kasl Mr. & Mrs. Jesse M. Kasler Mr. & Mrs. John Kasper Dr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Kassel Mr. William H. Kastens Mrs. Janet J. Kauffman Mr. & Mrs. George R. Kautz Mr. & Mrs. Frank G. Kavanaugh Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. Kearney Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kearney, Jr. Rev. Thomas Kearns Mr. & Mrs. Robert Keefe Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Keefer Mr. & Mrs. Brian L. Keegan Mr. & Mrs. Henry E. Keeley Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Keeley Mr. & Mrs. Theodore P. Keeley Mrs. Susan Keith Mr. & Mrs. Jerold D. Keithline Mr. & Mrs. Herschel B. Keithline Most Rev. James P. Keleher Ms. Judith L. Keller Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Kelly Drs. Brian & Maria Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Patrick D. Kelly Mr. Ronald V. Kelly Mr. Theodore Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Darrel A. Kelsey Dr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Kemlage Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Kenkel Rev. Leonard A. Kenkel Mrs. Louise A. Kennedy Mary Kennedy Mrs. Mary Kenney Mr. & Mrs. Eugene L. Kermashek Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Kern Mr. & Mrs. John J. Kern Mr. & Mrs. Joseph I. Kerr Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Kerr Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Kerschen Mr. & Mrs. Greg Kerschen Mr. Charles B. Kesse Ms. Lizann Kesse Mrs. & Mr. Margaret E. Kesse Mrs. Mildred J. Ketter Mr. & Mrs. David W. Ketter Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Ketter

Mr. & Mrs. Kim J. Keutzer Mr. James A. Kew Mrs. Genevieve C. Kiefer Mr. & Mrs. Patrick L. Kil Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Kilmer Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. Kilpatrick, Jr. Mrs. & Mr. Teresa Kimminau Mr. & Mrs. Stephen King Mr. & Mrs. John P. King Beth Kinsky Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kinslow Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Kinstler Hannah Klamerus Mr. & Mrs. John A. Klebba Mrs. Celeste Klebba Mr. Peter L. Klebba Mr. Thomas R. Klein Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Kleine Mr. & Mrs. James R. Klenke Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Klenke Mr. & Mrs. Phillip M. Klevorn Mr. & Mrs. Eric M. Klingele Mr. & Mrs. Greg Klinglesmith Mr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Kloppenberg Mr. & Mrs. Craig Klos Mrs. Marcia Kluckner Mr. & Mrs. Jerome W. Knapczyk Mr. & Mrs. Roger E. Knapp Mr. & Mrs. Harold E. Knapp Sr. Kieran Kneaves Mr. & Mrs. Lee Knigge Mrs. Anna M. Knowles Dr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Kobos Mr. Richard L. Koca Mr. & Mrs. Aloysius D. Koch Mrs. Julie A. Kocour Mr. & Mrs. Albert B. Kocour Mr. Frank G. Kodell Mr. & Mrs. Joseph P. Koechner Mrs. Margaret Ann Koechner Mr. Michael C. Koechner Mr. & Mrs. Mark Koechner LTC Walter L. Koehler, (Ret.) Mr. & Mrs. Tom Koehler Mr. John Koelzer Mr. & Mrs. Alexander A. Koenen Mr. Daniel J. Koenitz Mr. & Mrs. Scott Koerper Dorothy Kohake Dr. & Mrs. Cecil B. Kohake Mr. Leonard Kohake Mrs. Joan M. Kohake Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Kohake Mr. & Mrs. John Kohake Mrs. Grace Kohake Ms. Katherine R. Kohler Mr. & Mrs. Al Kolarik Mr. & Mrs. Paul C. Kolars Mr. & Mrs. Joe J. Kolich Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Komarewich Mr. George M. Komo Mr. & Mrs. David Koncak Mr. & Mrs. Gerry Konjura Mr. Christopher Kopecky Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Kopp Mrs. Haydee A. Kostecki Mr. Albert P. Kovac Ms. Carrie L. Kovar Mr. & Mrs. Theodore G. Kozan Mr. Timothy Kraemer

Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Krall Mr. & Mrs. Francis L. Kram Mr. & Mrs. James J. Kram Mr. & Mrs. Andrew H. Kramer Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Kramer Sr. Mary L. Kramer, O.S.B. Mr. & Mrs. Kevin E. Kramer Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Kramer Ms. Bernice K. Krasovec Ms. Kathryn Kraus Dr. Festus Krebs, III Mr. & Mrs. James J. Krebsbach Mr. & Mrs. Jon V. Krebsbach Mr. & Mrs. Duane Kreiensieck Rev. Msgr. Vincent E. Krische Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. Krische Mr. Eugene G. Kristof Ms. Lauren Krizmanic Mr. Robert H. Krogmeier Mr. & Mrs. Andrew A. Krohn Rev. Robert Kroll, SJ Mr. & Mrs. James Krone Mr. & Mrs. Dave Kronoshek Mr. & Mrs. Kale Kroupa Mildred Kruger Mr. & Mrs. Lucas A. Krusemark Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Kuckelman Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Kuckelman Mr. & Mrs. Gregory B. Kuhn Mr. & Mrs. Steve Kummer Mr. & Mrs. Brad Kunecke Mr. Joshua Kunert Mr. & Mrs. George J. Kutey Dr. Prem K. Kythe Mr. & Mrs. Dave Kythe Mrs. Martha E. La Van Mr. Richard Labelle Mr. Donald A. Lackamp Mr. Larry L. Lackamp Mr. Micah Lacunza Mr. & Mrs. Vincent P. Lacy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Laffleur Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Lahey Mrs. Kathryn M. Laird Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Laird, Jr. Jamie L. Lambrecht Mr. Pierre Lameh Mr. & Mrs. Gerald A. Lammers Mr. & Mrs. Glen R. Lammers Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Lanciotti Mr. & Mrs. David Land Ms. Charlene A. Landers Mrs. Mary E. Landon Mr. & Mrs. Phillip J. Landon Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Landon CDR & Mrs. John Landon USN (Ret) Mr. & Mrs. Roger G. Landwehr Mr. & Mrs. David A. Landwehr Mr. John R. Landwehr Mr. & Mrs. Steve Landwehr Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Landwehr Mrs. Betty A. Lane Mr. & Mrs. Ron Lane Mr. & Mrs. William H. Lange Mrs. Sherry A. Lange Dr. & Mrs. James W. Langley, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Lynn P. LaNoue Ms. Mary L. LaNoue Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Larkin Ms. Clare Larkin

In 2016 we were proud to host Army Chaplains from Fort Leavenworth for a retreat. We would like to extend a special thank you for their visit as well as our prayers for them and for all those who defend our freedom at home and abroad. Mr. Roger Larkowski Mr. David J. Larsen Mr. & Mrs. Richard Larson Mrs. Gertrude R. Larzalere Mr. & Mrs. Gerald D. Lasater Col. George S. Laslo Mr. & Mrs. John R. Latenser Mr. & Mrs. William S. Latz Mrs. Margaret Latz Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Latz Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Latz Mrs. Sally A. Lauer Mrs. Courtney M. Laurie Mr. & Mrs. Mel Lavery Mr. & Mrs. Adrian P. Lavoie Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Lawless Mr. Steve Lawrence Mr. & Mrs. David Lebeau Mr. & Mrs. Calvin D. Ledbetter Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Lednicky Mr. Matthew Ledom Mr. & Mrs. John T. Lee Mr. Arthur Lee Mr. & Mrs. William R. LeFevers Mr. Ronald W. Lehmann Mr. & Mrs. James G. Leibrecht Mr. Douglas J. Leikam, Sr. Mr. Kenneth A. Leitner Mr. Dennis J. Leman Mr. & Mrs. Erik Leschuk Dr. & Mrs. Edward N. Letourneau Mr. & Mrs. James S. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. James N. Lewis, III Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lewis Mr. Francis W. Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Joseph G. Ley, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Karl Ley Mr. Anthony Liang Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Liang Mr. Jack Libolt Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Lickteig Mr. & Mrs. Jacob M. Lickteig Ms. Phyllis A. Lieb Mr. & Mrs. David Liebenthal Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Liebsch, Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. Joe M. Lienemann Mr. & Mrs. Keith Lilek Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Lillis Mr. & Mrs. Carl V. Lind Mr. & Mrs. Tracy R. Lind Mr. & Mrs. Howard Lindberg Ms. Janice L. Lingan Mr. & Mrs. George C. Lingenfelser Mr. & Mrs. Larry Linville Mrs. Judy L. Lipe Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Lippold Ret. Col. & Mrs. Francis Lipsinic Mr. & Mrs. Harold Lister Mrs. Josephine F. Lister Mr. & Mrs. Jacob T. Livingston Mr. & Mrs. J.R. Loch Mr. & Mrs. James F. Loehr Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Loew Marie Loew Mr. & Mrs. Gary Loftis Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Lofy Mr. & Mrs. Steve Logan Mr. & Mrs. Tim Lohse Ms. Heidi A. Loiseau Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Lomshek Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Lomshek Mr. & Mrs. David Long Mr. & Mrs. George Long Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Long Mr. Robert B. Long Cynthia Lonidier Mr. Jeremy Lopez Mr. & Mrs. David M. Lopez Mrs. Meridith L. Lopez Mr. & Mrs. Clinton G. Lord Cmdr. Frank A. Lorenz Mr. Mike Lorenz Mr. & Mrs. James F. Losey Mr. Richard L. Lottes Mrs. Patricia A. Louko Mr. & Mrs. Ralph P. Lowder Mr. & Mrs. Steve Loya Dr. & Mrs. Robert Luchi Dr. & Mrs. John P. Luebbe Rev. Philip Luebbert

Society of St. Benedict


Dr. & Mrs. James J. Lueger Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Lueger Mr. & Mrs. David Luetkenhaus Mr. & Mrs. William J. Luff, Jr. Maria Lui Mr. Frank R. Luke Mr. & Mrs. Craig Lundgren Mr. & Mrs. Tom R. Lutrey Ms. Abbie E. Lyden Mr. & Mrs. James S. Lyke Mr. David Lyle Mr. & Mrs. James Lynch Mr. & Mrs. James M. Lynch Mr. John J. Lynch, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James S. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Gary Lyons Mrs. Margaret S. Mabry Mr. & Mrs. John W. Mabry, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Macan Mr. Robert Mace, Jr. Ms. Jane A. Macke Mr. & Mrs. James L. Madden, Jr. Mrs. Jacqueline A. Madden Mr. & Mrs. William B. Madden Mr. & Mrs. Mike Maddock Mr. & Mrs. Brook D. Maese Fr. Sean Magnuson Mr. & Mrs. Robert Magri Mr. & Mrs. Greg Maher Ms. Roseann Mahieu Mr. & Mrs. Stan Mahoney

Fr. Jay Kythe serves the monastic community as retreat master, guiding the Abbey’s retreat program, and serves as Associate Chaplain at Benedictine College. 30

Kansas Monks

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Majerus Mr. & Mrs. James H. Malkus, Jr. Ms. Rose Mary Malm Mr. & Mrs. Greg Malmgren Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Malone Kelsey L. Malotte Mr. Joshua Mammen Mr. & Mrs. Michael G. Manly Ms. Darlene Mansfield Mr. Thomas Marcetti Mr. & Mrs. Curtis L. Marchand, III Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Marconis Judy Marcoux Mr. & Mrs. William R. Markey Mr. Jeremia Markway Mr. & Mrs. Tom Marlatt Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Marquard Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Marquart Mr. & Mrs. Addison W. Marquart Mr. & Mrs. Gideon Marsal Mrs. Clara R. Martin Kathryn Martin Mr. & Mrs. Curtis A. Martin Mr. & Mrs. Brock Martin Mr. & Mrs. Edward W. Martin Mr. & Mrs. John R. Martin Mr. Michael J. Martin Dr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Martin Mrs. Dona Martinez Mr. & Mrs. Don Marts Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Marx Dr. & Mrs. Donald L. Marx Mr. & Mrs. Arlin Mast Mr. & Mrs. Montgomery E. Matlock Dr. James F. Mattea Mr. & Mrs. Tom Matthews Mr. William T. Matzeder Mr. Michael R. Maude Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Maune Mr. Michael C. Maurer Mr. & Mrs. John Mauro Mr. & Mrs. Jerry E. Mayne Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Mazur Mr. & Mrs. John A. Mazurek Mr. & Mrs. Ronald S. McAdams Mr. Ben McAnany Mr. & Mrs. James P. McAnerney Mr. & Mrs. Jim McAuliffe Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. McAvoy Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. McAvoy Mrs. Dorothy L. McBride Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. McBride Ms. Mary A. McBride Mr. & Mrs. James P. McCann Ms. Pamela K. McCann Mr. & Mrs. Stephen T. McCann Mr. Matthew F. McCann Mr. Thomas H. McCarthy Mrs. Marian McCarthy Ms. Shannon McCarthy Dr. Aine E. McCarthy Mr. Charles J. McCarthy Ms. Jane G. McCarthy Rev. Donald P. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. John F. McCarthy, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Todd McCartney Mr. & Mrs. Ryan McCarty Mr. & Mrs. Karl McCarty

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Meier Mr. Colby Meier Mr. Eugene G. Meiners Mr. John B. Meiners Col. (Ret.) & Mrs. Harry Meinhardt Mr. & Mrs. Eric Melgaard Dr. & Mrs. Richard P. Melichar Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Melichar Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Mendenhall CMSAF & Mrs. James McCoy, USAF (Ret.) Mr. & Mrs. Rodney J. Mense Kathleen Menzer Mr. & Mrs. Bill McCullough Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Mercure Ms. Sarah McCullough Mrs. Patricia A. Messbarger Mrs. Leanna K. McCully Col. (Ret.) & Mrs. James D. McDade Rev. David J. Metz Mr. Roger Metz Mr. & Mrs. Kevin T. McDermed Mr. & Mrs. Zachary M. McDermott Sr. Ann Metzen, O.P. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Metzger Dr. & Mrs. Kerry S. McDonald Mr. Glen J. Meyer Rev. Richard McDonald Mr. & Mrs. George F. Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Tom McDonough Mr. & Mrs. Jay A. Meyer Karen McDow Mr. & Mrs. Eric M. Meyer Ms. Sarah M. McEnerney Mr. Jerry Meyer Dcn. Timothy McEvoy Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Meyers Mr. & Mrs. Patrick D. McFadden Ms. Christine A. Michaelis Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McGargill Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Michaelis Ms. Jordan McGarrity Mr. & Mrs. Joe Mika Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. McGinness Ms. Gabriella Miller Mrs. & Mr. Marge McGinnis Ms. Veronica Miller Rev. Msgr. Charles McGlinn Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Miller Mr. & Mrs. John P. McGovern Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Miller Mr. Donal McGrail Mr. & Mrs. William J. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. McGrath Ms. Rosemary Miller Mr. & Mrs. Kourtney E. McGrew Mr. & Mrs. Greg L. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. McGrew Mr. & Mrs. Craig Miller Mr. Mark L. McGuire Mr. Richard Miller Mr. & Mrs. Michael T. McGuire Mr. & Mrs. David A. Miller Mrs. Marita A. McGurk Mr. & Mrs. Todd Miller Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence D. McHugh Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Miller Mr. & Mrs. Jerry F. McInerney Mr. & Mrs. Albert R. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. McInerney Mr. & Mrs. David D. Miller Mr. & Mrs. Peter J. McInerney Mr. & Mrs. William L. Miller, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. James McIntosh Mr. & Mrs. Joseph M. Miller Mr. Dolan M. McKelvy Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. Miller Ms. Kathleen M. McKelvy Mr. & Mrs. Raymond L. Miller Mr. & Mrs. James A. McKenzie Mr. & Mrs. Steve Miller Mr. John McKenzie Ms. Carla K. Mills Mr. & Mrs. Leonard B. McKinzie Dr. & Mrs. Michael D. Milroy Mr. & Mrs. Patrick K. McKinzie The Hon. & Mrs. Thomas McKnew, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Mike Miner Mr. & Mrs. John S. Minicky Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. John P. Minnis, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. McLiney Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Minnis Ms. Karen McLoughlin Mr. & Mrs. Dee A. Minnis Mrs. Leona M. McManaman Mr. & Mrs. Matthew D. Minnis Mr. & Mrs. Bernard McManaman Mr. & Mrs. Alfred F. Miossi, III Mr. & Mrs. Phillip D. McManus Carlos Mireles Mr. & Mrs. Kurt McMillan Ms. Mary Miro Mr. & Mrs. Kyle A. McMillian Mr. & Mrs. Howard Mischlich Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. McNally Mr. Daniel W. Misener Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. McNally Mr. & Mrs. Michael Miskin Mr. J. Kevin McNeill Mr. & Mrs. Quentin R. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McNicholas Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. McReynolds Mrs. Patricia A. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. McShane, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Paul A. Moccia Rev. Stephen McWhorter Mr. & Mrs. Gordan Moffitt Ms. Kathleen Meade Dr. & Mrs. Tibor G. Mohacsi Mr. Leo W. Meade Rev. Timothy Monahan Mr. & Mrs. Daniel F. Meara Mr. Arthur Monahan Ms. Valerie Meehan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Montgomery Mr. James L. Mees Mr. & Mrs. Abel Montiel Mr. & Mrs. Russ Megargle Mr. Linc Mitchell & Mrs. Patti Meier Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Montoya Ms. Barbara J. McCauley Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. McCauley Mr. & Mrs. Theodore McClard Mr. Donald W. McConachie Mrs. Bernarda A. McCormick Mr. & Mrs. Timothy P. McCormick Mr. & Mrs. Russell McCort Mrs. Evelyn V. McCoy Mr. Gary E. McCoy

Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Mooney, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ron Moore Mr. Cody Moore Mrs. Mary Moorhead Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Moos Mr. William A. Morales Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Moran Mrs. Brenda A. Moran Mr. & Mrs. Michael Morehead Mr. & Mrs. Tom Moreland Dr. Timothy J. Moreland Mr. Daniel Moreno Rev. James P. Morgan Dr. & Mrs. Donald W. Moriarty Mr. Charles M. Moritz Mr. & Mrs. David L. Moritz Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Morley Mr. Sylvester C. Morris Mr. Andrew C. Morris Mr. & Mrs. Tommy M. Morse Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Motz Mr. Guilherme Moufarrige Mr. & Mrs. Keith Mouton Ms. Bailee Moylan Mr. & Mrs. James F. Muckenthaler Mr. & Mrs. John C. Muehlberger, Jr. Mr. John Muehlberger Sr. Mrs. Marguerite Mueller Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Muenks Dr. & Mrs. Darrin Muggli Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Mullen Mr. & Mrs. Arthur F. Muller Dr. & Mrs. Michael D. Mullican Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Mullin Mr. & Mrs. Jerry M. Mulloy Mr. & Mrs. John Mulryan Mr. & Mrs. John G. Mulvihill Col. & Mrs. William Mundie Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Muraski Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Murphy Drs. W. Rory & Glynis Murphy Mrs. Jane B. Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Murphy Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Murray Dr. & Mrs. Kent B. Murray Lt. Col. (Ret.) & Mrs. Charles Murrell Mr. Daniel Musso Mr. & Mrs. Daniel M. Muzyka Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Myers Mrs. Patricia Mykins Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Myzer Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Nadeau Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Nagle Mr. & Mrs. John B. Nagle Ms. Dolores I. Nangle Mr. & Mrs. James V. Napier Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Nasche Mr. & Mrs. James W. Nass Mrs. Mary A. Nass Most Reverend Joseph F. Naumann Mrs. Louise Naumann Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Navinsky Mr. Anthony Nebelsick Mr. Frank J. Nedrow Mr. Carey Needham Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Neenan Mr. James Neff Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Neidert Mr. James D. Neighbors

Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Neis Mr. & Mrs. Walter G. Nelson Mr. Wayne E. Nelson Ms. Lorna Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Nerney Mr. Scott Nett Mr. & Mrs. David Neumann Mr. Richard Neumann Dr. Charles F. Neumann Mr. & Mrs. Keith P. Nevins Mr. & Mr. Nelson Newcomer Bradley Newcomer Mr. & Mrs. Jack A. Newman, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Newman Mr. & Mrs. Timothy L. Newport Mrs. Eileen A. Nicholas Mr. & Mrs. Gerard J. Nick Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Nickel Mr. Benjamin A. Nicks, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis R. Niehues Mr. Ferdinand Niehues Mr. & Mrs. Eric Niemann Mrs. Margaret F. Niles Mrs. Katherine L. Nilles Mr. Rose W. Nistler Mr. & Mrs. David Nivens Mr. James T. Nixon Ms. Rachel Noffke Mr. & Mrs. Daniel G. Nolan Mr. Deke Nolan Mr. & Mrs. Paul K. Nold Mr. & Mrs. Leo A. Noll Mrs. Lucille Noll Ms. Cleta M. Nolte Mr. & Mrs. Bernard T. Noonan Mr. & Mrs. John C. Nordhus, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. James R. Nordhus Mr. & Mrs. Larry D. Nordhus Mr. & Mrs. David L. Nordhus Mr. Matthew Nordhus Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Norlen Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. Normandin Dane Normile Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Nourie Mr. & Mrs. Bob Novotny Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Nowatzke Dr. Michael J. Nuschy Mr. & Mrs. Timothy N. Oakeley Mr. & Mrs. William T. Oakes Mrs. Hedwig O’Bayley Dr. & Mrs. Jerome B. Oborny Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. O’Boyle Mr. Michael O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. James E. O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Terry P. O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. James T. O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Clifford R. O’Bryan Mr. John O’Burke Mr. Andrew G. Ochs Mr. & Mrs. M. James O’Connell Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. William E. O’Connor Ms. Kathryn N. O’Connor Mr. & Mrs. Mike O’Connor Dr. & Mrs. John P. O’Gara Mr. Robert M. O’Gara Dr. & Mrs. Reuben N. Ogbudinkpa Mrs. Betty E. O’Grady

Br. Leven Harton serves as Subprior and Vocations Director. Aside from leading a record number of vocations retreats in 2016, he was able to join Benedictine College students on a mission trip to Haiti. Mr. & Mrs. Brian O’Grady Mr. & Mrs. Jim O’Hara Mr. & Mrs. Peter P. Ohotnicky Mr. Jerome H. Oidtman The Hon. & Mrs. Maurice O’Keefe Ms. Carol A. O’Keefe, OSUA Mr. August Olberding Mr. & Mrs. Albert Olberding Mr. & Mrs. John P. O’Leary Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. O’Leary Mr. & Mrs. Ron Olinger Mr. & Mrs. L. Thomas Oliver Mr. & Mrs. Dale Oliver Mr. & Mrs. Rob Olmsted Mr. & Mrs. Jay Oltjen Dr. & Mrs. Patrick O’Malley Mr. & Mrs. Francis B. O’Malley Mr. & Mrs. Brian A. O’Neill Mr. Henry C. O’Reilly, Jr. Mrs. Yvonne S. Ornelas-Rios Mr. Edward T. O’Rourke, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David J. Orrino Mr. & Mrs. Fred J. Orrino Mr. Joseph Orrino Mr. Louis Orrison Mr. & Mrs. David Orsinger Mr. & Mrs. William Orth, Jr. Mr. Leo J. Orth, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Osborn Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. O’Shea Mr. & Mrs. Leland J. Ostdiek Mr. & Mrs. Kim M. Osterhaus Mr. & Mrs. Stanley M. Ostmeyer Mr. Mark D. Ostrowski Mr. John A. O’Sullivan Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David L. Oswald Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Otke Mr. Miles D. Otoupal Ms. Theresa Ott Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Owenby Mr. John C. Owens Mrs. P. Joan Oyerly Mr. Ronald Oyler Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Ozbolt Mr. Joel Packard Mrs. Sharon K. Page

Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Pairitz Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. Palazzolo Lt. Col. (Ret.) Jerome Paluka Mr. & Mrs. Russell P. Panza Mr. & Mrs. Dominic F. Paolucci Mr. & Mrs. Joe Paolucci Mr. & Mrs. Dominic N. Paolucci Mr. & Mrs. Jack Paradise Ms. Nancy Paradise-Donaldson Gri Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Parcell Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Parcells Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Parente Mr. Stephen D. Park, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Parr Mrs. Hendrika Parre Mr. & Mrs. Bill Partin Mr. & Mrs. Rupert E. Pate Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Paul Mr. & Mrs. Dustin T. Paul James Paull Mr. Robert F. Pauly Mr. & Mrs. James A. Paunovich Ms. Mary A. Pavich Ms. Alma Pavlicek Dr. & Mrs. Robert R. Pavlu Mr. & Mrs. John F. Payne Mr. David Pearce Mr. & Mrs. William I. Pearson Mr. & Mrs. William Pecchio Mr. & Mrs. Sean Pechon Mr. Patrick J. Peddecord Celina Pedido Mr. & Mrs. Frank Peel Mr. & Mrs. Charles Peitsch Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Peitz Mrs. Maire Pemberton Mr. Robert J. Penka Rev. Gary Pennings Mrs. & Mr. Diane Pepper Mr. J David Pepper Mr. & Mrs. John A. Perez Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Perkins Pat Peschka Mr. & Mrs. Matthew G. Pesely Mr. Michael P. Pesely Mr. & Ms. Don E. Petermann

Society of St. Benedict


Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Radiel Mr. Thomas Rafferty Dr. Charles Ragland Ms. Stacey R. Rains Dr. & Mrs. Matthew Ramage Mr. Ronald C. Ramberg Ms. Patricia Randall Mrs. Dorothy Randall Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Rando Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Raplinger Rev. James W. Rasby Mr. & Mrs. John W. Rasmussen Lauren Raveill Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Ray Dr. & Mrs. William M. Raymond, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Arthur B. Rea Mr. & Mrs. Lewis E. Real Mr. & Mrs. Patrick G. Reavey The Share Our Mission capital campaign was completed Dr. & Mrs. Allen B. Reavis in 2015 allowing the monks to replace 640 of the Abbey’s Dr. & Mrs. Donald T. Reay 85-year-old standard windows. Mr. & Mrs. David J. Rebein Mrs. Margaret A. Reed Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Reel Mr. & Mrs. Rick I. Reese Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas P. Porretta Ms. Betty L. Peters Blanche Regan Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Porter Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Peters Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Regan Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Poston Mr. & Mrs. Joseph L. Peters, Jr. Mr. Eugene P. Regan, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Potthast, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Peters, II Mr. Thomas E. Regnary Mr. & Mrs. Fredrick R. Pouche Dr. & Mrs. Evan Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Reich Mr. & Mrs. Michael Poulin Mr. Nick C. Petros Rev. Msgr. Thomas E. Reidy Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Powers Mr. John R. Pexton Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Warren P. Powers Mr. Robert Pfeffer Dr. & Mrs. John P. Reilly Ms. Jenna R. Prather Mrs. Mary Jo Pflumm Mrs. Mary Ann Reinert Mr. & Mrs. David S. Prather Col. & Mrs. Albert Pianalto, (Ret.) Ms. Patricia Reinoehl Mrs. Anita Pratt Mr. & Mrs. David J. Picco Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Reintjes Mr. & Mrs. David Prett Mr. & Mrs. Phillip S. Pick Mr. & Mrs. Albert C. Relic Dr. James B. Pretz Mr. & Mrs. Steven J. Pick Mr. Rex Rempel & Ms. Lenae Nofziger Dr. & Mrs. Patrick K. Price Ms. Camille C. Pickhinke Mr. Andrew N. Remstad Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence B. Prior Mr. & Mrs. Wayne F. Pickhinke Mr. Brad Remy Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Prisk Glenda Pickman Mr. & Mrs. Todd Renyer Ms. Esther K. Proffitt Mr. & Mrs. William J. Pickman Mr. & Mrs. George B. Renyer Mr. & Mrs. Donald Prohaska Mrs. Dorothy Pickman Martin Resendez Jr Mr. & Mrs. Larry Prohaska Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Pickman Mr. & Mrs. Gary Rethman Mr. & Mrs. Leonard J. Prosser Mr. & Mrs. Bud Pickman Mr. Ray Reuter Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Protti Mr. & Mrs. Timothy G. Pickman Ms. Barbara Rew Mr. & Dr. Galen Pruett Marisa Pierson Mr. & Mrs. James L. Rezac Kate Pruett Mr. Richard J. Piezuch Mr. Joseph W. Reznik Mr. Adler Pruett Mr. & Mrs. John C. Pillar Mr. & Mrs. Dean B. Rice Rev. David W. Przedwiecki Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Pillar Mr. & Mrs. Clayton F. Rice Mr. Alexander Ptak SGM Leo J. Pimple, USA (Ret.) Most Rev. Edward M. Rice Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Ptak Mr. Zachary G. Pinaire Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Rich Mr. & Mrs. Carl Pumillia Celina Pinedo Mr. & Mrs. Curtis G. Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Punswick Mary K. Pinzon Mrs. Ida Richardson Mr. & Mrs. Michael B. Purslow Dr. & Mrs. Pablo Pinzon Mr. Tylan Ricketts Mr. William T. Putthoff Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Pirotte Mr. & Mrs. Chris D. Ricketts Dr. & Mrs. David A. Pyne Mr. Samuel P. Pitre Mr. & Mrs. Elmer L. Ridder Mr. & Mrs. James A. Quaile Mr. David Pitt Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Riedel Mr. J. Kelly Quick Ms. Irma L. Pittroff Mary Riederer Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Quinn Mr. Eugene E. Pitts Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Rieger Col. (Ret.) & Mrs. Richard L. Quinn Dr. & Mrs. William C. Pivonka Mr. & Mrs. Leo E. Rieke Mr. & Mrs. Jon Quintana Mr. Timothy Plank Nicolette Riggins Mr. & Mrs. Phillip C. Quo Mr. & Mrs. Boyd W. Plankinton Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Riley Mr. & Mrs. Russell C. Rabjohns Mr. & Mrs. Calvin E. Plitt Mrs. Rose Mary Riley Mr. Gary A. Racki Miss Mary Jean Podrebarac Mr. & Mrs. William J. Riley Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. Racki Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Podry Mr. & Mrs. Drayton Riley Mr. & Mrs. William J. Raczkowski Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Poelzl Mr. & Mrs. Philip B. Rindom Ms. Joan M. Rader Rev. Msgr. Daniel J. Pohl Mr. & Mrs. David E. Rindom Mr. & Mrs. Mark S. Radetic Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Pollock Mrs. Susan K. Rinella Mr. Martin P. Radetic Mrs. Mary Ponnath Dr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Ring, Jr. Melissa Radetic Ms. Naomi A. Popp Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Ringel 32

Kansas Monks

Ms. Maurene M. Rinker Lt. Col. (Ret.) & Mrs. Charles Riordan Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Riordan Dr. & Mrs. Jean W. Rioux Maj. (Ret.) & Mrs. Eldon Rippee Mr. Eric B. Rittenhouse Dr. & Dr. John E. Ritter, Jr. Kim Ritter Dr. & Mrs. Douglas C. Rivard Ms. Phyllis Rizzo Dr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Rizzo Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Roberson Mr. Harold I. Roberts Ms. Kaylon E. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. John Roberts Mr. Thomas Roberts Mr. Jason Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Robinson Dr. & Mrs. Richard M. Robl Rev. David F. Roche Mr. & Mrs. Earl W. Roche, II Mr. Lawrence A. Rockers Rev. Al Rockers Ms. Kimberly Rode Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Rodriguez Mr. Robert Rodriguez Mr. Celestino Rodriguez, Jr. Ms. Angela Rodriquez Mr. & Mrs. Joe D. Roe Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Roeder Mr. & Mrs. Bruce M. Roeder Mr. Paul J. Roettele, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Francis X. Rogan, Jr. Mr. Charles A. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. John L. Rogers Ms. Carol L. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Roggenkamp Mr. & Mrs. Lavern K. Rogowski Mr. L. James Roh Mr. Thomas Rohling Mr. & Mrs. Jack Rohr Mr. & Mrs. J. David Romaine Mr. & Mrs. William Rombach Carole Romberg Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Romero Mr. & Mrs. Rick B. Romero Mr. Leonard J. Ronnebaum Ms. Gina A. Ronnebaum Mr. & Mrs. Elmer J. Ronnebaum Mr. Robert G. Rooney Mr. & Mrs. Albert Q. Roos Mr. & Mrs. Anthony B. Rosacci Mr. & Mrs. Roland A. Rosario Mrs. Margaret Rosberg Mr. & Mrs. Harvey L. Roseberry Ms. Anne Roseberry Mr. & Mrs. Peter Roszel Mr. Jared Rottinghaus Mr. Gerald M. Rottinghaus Mr. & Mrs. Elmer A. Rottinghaus Mr. & Mrs. Emmett J. Rottinghaus Mr. & Mrs. Gerald J. Rottinghaus Mr. & Mrs. Walter P. Rottinghaus Ms. Lisa A. Roush Dr. Ken Rowan Ms. Anne E. Rowland Mrs. Vula Roy Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth P. Roy Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Roy

Mr. & Mrs. Roger Roy Ms. Jackie Rubi Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Ruda Mr. Kenneth Ruda, II Mr. Duane J. Rueb Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Ruff, III Ms. Ann Ruhlman Mrs. Mary Margaret Ruhlman Mr. & Mrs. Jim Runnebaum Mr. & Mrs. Gerald W. Runyan Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Ruotolo Ms. Sandra Rupp Mr. & Mrs. Steven Rus Mr. George Russell Mr. & Mrs. Peter Russo William Ruth Mr. Donald C. Rutherford Mr. & Mrs. David S. Rutkowski Mrs. Rosemary Ryan Mr. Patrick D. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Ryan Mr. John M. Ryan Rev. Thomas Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Larry Ryan Mrs. Catherine A. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. William S. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Ryan Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Rychlec Dr. & Mrs. John Rziha Mr. & Mrs. Frank C. Sabatini Ms. Loretta J. Sadler Mr. & Mrs. Neil A. Saettele Mr. & Mrs. Cesar Dorantes Melissa Saldivar Vincent Salerno Mr. & Mrs. Andrew B. Salzmann Ms. Jennifer Samayoa Mr. & Mrs. Lee Sanchez Mr. & Mrs. Ryan G. Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lederman Mr. & Mrs. Manuel V. Sandoval, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Francis P. Sanna Mr. & Mrs. David L. Sapenoff Mr. & Mrs. Paul Savageau Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Scahill, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Scalard Mrs. Patricia Scaletty Mr. James C. Scanlon Mr. & Mrs. Bernard J. Schaefer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schaefer, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James E. Scheid Dr. & Mrs. Philip L. Schell Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Schell Vida Schell Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Schell Mr. & Mrs. Harold J. Scheopner Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Scherschligt Mr. & Mrs. David H. Scheu Rev. Brian Schieber Dr. & Mrs. Sylvester J. Schieber Rev. Matthew Schiffelbein Mr. & Mrs. Charles Schirmer Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Schleicher Mr. & Mrs. John Schlessiger Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Schletzbaum Mr. & Mrs. Joe Schletzbaum Mrs. Maxine B. Schlichter Mr. & Mrs. Martin Schmelzle Mr. & Mrs. Mike Schmidt Ms. Kathleen Schmidt

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. David J. Schmidt Mr. & †Mrs.Leon J. Schmidt Dr. & Mrs. Jerome P. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Donald Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Erich Schmidt Ms. Elaine P. Schmidtberger Mrs. Rosemary Schmiedeler Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Schmit Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Schmittgen Mr. & Mrs. Benedict Schmitz Mr. Roger W. Schmitz, Sr. Mr. Richard Schmitz Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Schmitz Mr. Norbert G. Schmitz Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Schmitz Rev. Quentin T. Schmitz Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Schmitz Mr. & Mrs. Dale B. Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Paul G. Schneider Mrs. Nancy L. Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Joe Schneider Mr. Joseph Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Todd C. Schneider Mr. & Mrs. John R. Schneller, Sr. Ms. Laura Lynn Schneller Dr. Thomas C. Schnurr Mr. & Mrs. Matt Schock Mr. & Mrs. Joe Schoenecker Mrs. Frances M. Schoenfelder Mr. & Mrs. William C. Scholl Mrs. Priscilla Scholz Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schopp Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Schorn Shannon Schrader Mr. Kenneth J. Schrage Mr. & Mrs. Ralph J. Schramp Dr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Schreffler Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Schreiner Mr. & Mrs. Randy Schrick Mr. Anthony J. Schrick Robert Schrick Mr. & Mrs. Dennis B. Schrick Mr. Warren Schriner Mr. & Mrs. Phil Schroeder Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Schuck Ms. Kelly E. Schuck Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Schuele Mr. & Mrs. Karl H. Schuele Ms. Diane Schuetz Mr. & Mrs. Carl Schuetz Dr. & Mrs. Wilfred D. Schuler Ms. Marie Schuler Mr. & Mrs. Neil J. Schulte Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence A. Schulte, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Emmett E. Schulte Col. & Mrs. James W. Schultz, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Theodore J. Schultz Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Schumm Mrs. Jacqueline L. Schuster Mr. Russ Schwahn Mr. & Mrs. Charles Schwahn Mr. Clarence P. Schwahn Rev. Donald M. Schwalm Margaret Schwaner Dr. Robert N. Schwartz Paul Schwennesen Mr. Anthony Scillia Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Scott Mr. & Mrs. Ladd Seaberg

Mr. & Mrs. David F. Sedeno, Jr. Mr. Raymond Seefeldt Mr. Elmer G. Seeger Mr. Jerome R. Seeger Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Seever Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. Seib Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Seib Mr. Donald J. Seifert Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Seitz Mr. & Mrs. Larry Self Col. & Mrs. Robert A. Sempek Mr. & Mrs. Wladimir Senutovitch Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Seprino Mr. Larry J. Servaes Leroy Servaes Mrs. & Mr. Mary Ann C. Seslar Mr. Thomas Sevcik Mr. & Mrs. James H. Sexton Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Sexton Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Sexton Mr. Paul A. Seymour, III Mr. & Mrs. Michael L. Shaffer Mr. & Mrs. John M. Shamet Mr. & Dr. Donald H. Shankman Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Sharpe Hertha Shaver Mr. & Mrs. John M. Shaw Ms. Patricia C. Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Robert Shea Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sheets Ms. Elizabeth Shell Mr. Rafaela Shields Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Shipley Mr. Michael Shirley Mr. & Mrs. George W. Shomin Ms. Carol M. Shomin Barbara Showalter Mr. Benjamin Shrimplin Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Shrimplin Dr. & Mrs. Thomas L. Shriwise Mr. & Mrs. Larry Siebenmorgen Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Siebert Ms. Madeline Sikora Mr. & Mrs. Frederic M. Simmens Mr. Frank W. Simonich Mr. & Mrs. James Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Sims Mrs. Marlene E. Sinnott Mr. & Mrs. Albert R. Siskey Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sittenauer Mr. Curt Sittenauer Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Sittenauer Mr. & Mrs. Isidor G. Sittenauer, Jr. Mrs. Mary T. Sittenauer Mr. & Mrs. George B. Sittenauer Rev. Eugene E. Sitzmann Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Sitzmann Mr. & Mrs. James E. Skahan Mr. & Mrs. James R. Skain Mr. & Mrs. William Skidmore Mr. Troy Skinner Mr. & Mrs. Jay Skolaut Ms. Mary A. Slater Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Slater The Hon. & Mrs. Jim C. Slattery Mr. Leo F. Slief Mr. Michael Slobotski Ms. Brianna Sluder Mr. & Mrs. Stan Sluder Ms. Najla Sluder

Mr. & Mrs. Richart E. Slusher Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Sly Mr. Henricus V. Smit Mr. & Mrs. Francis P. Smith Mr. H. E. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Paul T. Smith Lt. Col. & Mrs. Wade C. Smith

Society of St. Benedict


Ms. Mary W. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Howard L. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Todd Smith Mr. & Mrs. Mark H. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Steven W. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Richard Smith Mr. & Mrs. Roger Snowden Ms. Mary B. Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Terry Solander Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Solari, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James D. Soloperto Mr. James L. Soth Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Soukup Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Soukup Mr. Larry D. Sowers Mr. & Mrs. John G. Sowinski Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Specht

Fr. Matthew Habiger has been hard at work ministering to the Abbey’s more than 300 prison oblates who are spread out across the country. He traveled to Colorado in the Summer of 2016 to offer retreats at 5 prisons. 34

Kansas Monks

Mr. & Mrs. Bill Spelic Mr. & Mrs. Ralph P. Spellmeier Mr. & Mrs. Dan Spencer, III Mr. & Mrs. Eduardo Spencer Rev. Jeremiah L. Spencer Mr. & Mrs. Dan Spencer Mr. & Mrs. John A. Spiegelhalter Dr. Jamie Spiering Mrs. Charlotte E. Splawn Ms. Bernadette Spradling Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Sprouse, III Dr. & Mrs. Edward P. Sri Ms. Gwendolyn M. Staab Mr. Matthew T. Stallbaumer Mr. & Mrs. Gary Stamm Rev. Edwin L. Stander Mr. & Mrs. John R. Stanley Ms. Mary A. Stark Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Starke Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Starkey Mr. & Mrs. William M. Start Mrs. Delores Start Mr. David J. Stecher Mr. David P. Steelman Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Steffens Mr. & Mrs. Roger W. Steiner Barbara Steiner Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Steingreaber Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Steingreaber Dr. & Mrs. Donald L. Steingreaber Mr. & Mrs. John G. Steinhauser Ms. Anne L. Stephens Fr. David E. Stevens Mrs. Kathryn Stevenson Rev. & Mrs. James R. Stigall Ms. Dorothy Stoffel Mr. & Mrs. Pete Stokman Mr. & Mrs. Phillip K. Stoll Mr. & Mrs. David J. Stolwyk Mr. & Mrs. Cary Stone Mr. & Mrs. James E. Stover Mr. & Mrs. Carl G. Stratemeier Mr. & Mrs. Lyle R. Strathman Mr. William F. Strathman Mr. & Mrs. James E. Strathman Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Strathman Mr. & Mrs. Donald F. Strathman Mr. Richard R. Strathman Ms. Ann C. Strecker Mrs. Sally F. Stricca Rev. Andrew Strobl Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Strohmeyer Cathy Stroud Mr. & Mrs. Bernard M. Studer Mr. & Mrs. Leo F. Stueve Sheila Stueve Ms. Anne M. Stueve Mr. & Mrs. Howard T. Sturdevant Mr. James E. Sturm Mr. & Mrs. William T. Sublette Mr. & Mrs. Steven L. Sudbeck Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Suellentrop Mr. & Mrs. Brian Suellentrop Dr. Robert H. Sueper Ms. Darla M. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Sullivan Dr. & Mrs. John B. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Gunnar A. Sundby Ms. Gerva E. Sunneberg

Mr. & Mrs. Curt P. Supalla Mr. Tyler Supalla Ms. Michelle Susinko Mr. Michael Sustrick Mr. James H. Suther Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Sutherland Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy H. Sutlief Dr. & Mrs. Andrew D. Swafford Ms. Eleanor A. Swann Ms. Susan E. Sweeney Mr. Daniel Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Dennis L. Swenson Msgr. Stuart Swetland Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Swift Mr. John J. Swift, Jr. Monica Swingle Mr. Clarence B. Synakiewicz Mr. & Mrs. David J. Szott Mr. & Mrs. Donald T. Tabor Mr. & Mrs. Emmett Tangeman Mr. Cyril D. Tangeman Mrs. Jean A. Tangeman Rev. Thomas G. Tank Mr. & Mrs. James B. Tank, Jr. Rev. Joseph C. Taphorn Mr. & Mrs. Lucas M. Tappan Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Tarantino Mr. Neal M. Tasch Mr. Rick Teahan Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Teed Mr. Jack E. Teegarden Mr. & Mrs. Derek Teeter Ms. Suzanne S. Teninty Mr. Joseph P. Terick Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Terrell, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Carl E. Tharman Mr. & Mrs. Carl A. Tharman Mr. & Mrs. Edmund J. Theis Mr. & Mrs. Alan P. Thibault Mr. & Mrs. Stanley M. Thibault Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey S. Thiede Mr. & Mrs. Ken Thielen Mr. Joseph Thimes Mr. & Mrs. Francis C. Thissen Mr. & Mrs. Albert H. Thomas Carrol Thomas Mr. Robert Thompson, III Mr. Patrick H. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Sean M. Thompson Dr. & Mrs. Robert F. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Chris Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Byron G. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Thompson Rev. Carrol W. Thorne, C. P. Mrs. Gloria L. Throne Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Throop Mr. & Mrs. Donald Thurn Mr. William V. Tiemeyer Mr. & Mrs. Patrice J. Tighe Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Timlin Mr. & Mrs. William R. Toates Mr. & Mrs. David Tobben Rev. Patrick Tobin Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Tocco Mr. & Mrs. William E. Todhunter Mr. & Mrs. Reagen Toews Mr. & Mrs. Martin D. Tomasko Mr. & Mrs. John L. Toms Mr. & Mrs. William J. Toner

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard G. Tonquest Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Tooman Mr. & Mrs. James R. Toplicar Mr. Robert E. Torbett Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Torline Mr. & Mrs. Jose A. Torres Mrs. Roxana S. Tosterud Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Towle Mr. Raymond C. Tracy Mr. & Mrs. Leo J. Traffas Mr. & Mrs. John R. Traffas Mr. Justin Tran Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Tranckino Mr. Mark A. Tremmel Mr. & Mrs. Anthony A. Tremmel Mr. Richard B. Trewhella Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L. Trice Mr. & Mrs. Loren J. Trimble Mrs. Margaret Tritsch Mr. & Mrs. Edward E. Trompeter Mr. James Trotter Mrs. Eileen E. Trujillo Mr. & Mrs. Santiago Trujillo Mr. & Mrs. Milton M. Trujillo Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Tujague Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tulipana Mr. & Mrs. John G. Turek Mrs. Thorene L. Turner Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Turner Joleen Tustin Ms. Ellen S. Tuttle Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Tyler Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Tylicki Mr. & Mrs. Matthew J. Tynan Mrs. Rosemary H. Tynan Mr. & Mrs. Joshua J. Tyson Brooke Ubelaker Mr. & Mrs. Aman S. Udani Mr. & Mrs. Peter Ugran Mr. & Mrs. George H. Underwood Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Unrein Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Uphaus Mr. & Mrs. Gerald E. Urban Mr. & Mrs. Francis D. Uryasz, III Mrs. Amy Valenzuela Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Vallejo Mr. & Mrs. David Vallejo Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Van Cleave Mr. Michael L. Van Dyke Mr. John M. Van Dyke, Sr. Mr. Raymond L. Van Dyke, Jr. Rev. Kenneth S. Van Haverbeke Mr. & Mrs. Francis Van Nieuwenhuyse Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Van Speybroeck Mr. Frank J. Vance Ms. Kathy Vandeloo Mr. & Mrs. David Vanderfeltz Mrs. Victoria Vannest Mr. & Mrs. Victor J. VanWalleghem Veronica Vargas Mr. Stephen J. Vertin Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Vertin Ms. Marianne E. Vespa Ms. Maggie L. Vettel Mr. Innes J. Villalpando Dr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Vinduska Mr. Frank J. Viscek Mr. Denis Viscek Mr. Leo J. Vitt Dr. & Mrs. Francis M. Vitt

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Vlasic Mr. & Mrs. Robert Voboril Mr. Robert Voet Ms. Amy Vogrin Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Vogrin Mr. Richard C. Vogt Mr. & Mrs. William R. Vogt Mr. & Mrs. William Vogt Mr. & Mrs. Keith Vogts Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Vohs Rev. Gerald P. Volz Mr. & Mrs. Robert Vondemkamp Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Voorhies Mr. & Mrs. Leo F. Vorwerk The Hon. & Mrs. Ralph F. Voss Ms. Kelly J. Vowels Mrs. Beverly M. Vyhanek Mr. Kenneth J. Wachter Mrs. Helen M. Wack Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J. Waddle Mr. Lawrence J. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Timothy D. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Joseph K. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Brian A. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. John P. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Dennis N. Wagner Mr. Wally L. Wagner Mr. Danny Wagner Louise Wagner Col. & Mrs. Anthony Waite, (Ret.) Mr. Marcus Walden Ms. Lucy A. Walker Mr. & Mrs. James D. Wallace Rev. Scott Wallisch Mr. & Mrs. Larry J. Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Walter Dr. & Mrs. W. Dean Walton Mr. Phillip J. Ward Mr. & Mrs. Ron Ward Mrs. Michelle Wardlow Mr. & Mrs. James W. Warhurst Rev. William C. Warman Mr. Charles E. Warren Mr. & Mrs. Richard Washburn Ashley Washburn Ms. Elizabeth A. Watkins Mr. & Mrs. Mark Watney Ms. Jayne Watters Mr. & Mrs. Caleb W. Wayne Dr. & Mrs. Michael J. Weaver Mr. & Mrs. James J. Weaver Mr. & Mrs. Alvin J. Weber Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Weber Mr. & Mrs. David A. Weber Mr. & Mrs. James M. Wedeking Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Wegener Mr. & Mrs. Gary Wegerer Mr. & Mrs. Walter E. Weglarz Mr. & Mrs. Philip J. Wegman Mr. & Mrs. Tom J. Wehkamp Mr. Philip Wehle, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Wehner Mr. & Mrs. Erich J. Weidner Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Weiford Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Weigel Mr. & Mrs. Paul J. Weinmann Mr. & Mrs. William J. Weis, III

Mr. & Mrs. Jay Weis Mr. Laverne Weishaar Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Weishaar Ms. Geraldine Weishaar Dcn. & Mrs. John Weist Zena Weist Rev. Eric Weldon Ms. Vicki A. Weldon Mr. & Mrs. William Welliver Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wellman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Welsh Dr. & Mrs. Austin T. Welsh Mrs. Joanne Wenzl Mr. & Mrs. Melvin B. Werner Ms. Mary B. Werring Mr. & Mrs. Andrew E. Werring Mr. John S. Werth Mr. James A. Werth Mr. & Mrs. George Werth Dr. & Mrs. John M. Wertin Mr. & Mrs. Joe Wessel, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Wessels Ms. Karen West Mr. & Mrs. Paul D. Westerman Mr. & Mrs. Howard Westerman, Jr. Ms. Lené Westerman Mr. & Mrs. Stanley G. Westhoff Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Westhoff Mr. & Mrs. Mark J. Wetta Mr. & Mrs. Daniel J. Wetta Mr. Dennis P. Wetta Mr. & Mrs. Emmett C. Wetta Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Whalen Mr. Roger Whetsell Mr. & Mrs. James H. White Mr. & Mrs. Dave White Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. White Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. White Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. White Dr. & Mrs. James R. Whitehead Mr. Francis M. Whitesell Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Wholey Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Wichorek Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Wickenheiser Mr. Gerard T. Wickey Ms. Catherine M. Wiegand Mrs. Mary Ann Wiggs Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Wigley Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Wikiera Mr. Richard Wilbanks Mr. & Mrs. Jerry D. Wilburn Mr. & Mrs. Ronald B. Wilcox Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence M. Wilcox Mr. & Mrs. Mike Wildgen Mr. & Mrs. Les D. Wilkerson Mr. Patrick Wilkerson Mr. & Mrs. Adam Wilkes Ms. Berdean Wilkinson Mr. & Mrs. William M. Wilkus Mrs. Annabel J. Willcott Mr. & Mrs. Dwight M. Williams Rev. Anthony C. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Williams Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth L. Williams Nancy Williams Fr. Joseph Williams Frances Williamson Mr. & Mrs. Bryan P. Willie Mr. & Mrs. Wendell W. Willis Mr. & Mrs. Francis B. Wills

Fr. Meinrad Miller was recognized for his work with the Missionaries of Charity and his service to Benedictine College with the Do Something Beautiful for God award. Mr. Stephen F. Willy Mr. & Mrs. David M. Wilmes Mr. & Mrs. Dean R. Wilmes Mr. Bret Wilson Mr. & Mrs. James C. Wilson Ms. Carolyn A. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Kevin G. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Winchester Dr. Virginia L. Winder Mr. James Winfield Mr. & Mrs. Albert L. Winkler Mr. & Mrs. Tony Winslow Mr. & Mrs. Herbert L. Winter Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Winters Mrs. Adelgund R. Winterscheidt Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Winzer Mr. & Mrs. John B. Wissman Mr. & Mrs. John R. Witsken Dr. & Mrs. Peter H. Wittenberg Ms. Eileen Wittig Mr. Rudolph A. Woerndle Mr. Alfred E. Wohletz Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Wohletz Mr. & Mrs. Gerald P. Wohletz Mr. & Mrs. Raphael L. Wohletz Mr. & Mrs. Leo F. Wohletz Mr. & Mrs. Lyle S. Woita Mrs. Mary Ann Wolcott Mr. & Mrs. Larry Wolfe Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Wolters Mrs. Roberta Wolters Mr. John W. Wolters Mr. & Mrs. William H. Wolters, Jr. LTC (Ret.) & Mrs. William Wolvington Mr. & Mrs. John P. Wood Mr. & Mrs. Alvin G. Wood, Jr. Mr. Richard C. Wood Ms. Alma J. Wood Mr. & Mrs. Ronald D. Wood Mr. Franklin B. W. Woodbury Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Woolley, III Ms. Theresa Worman Ms. Florentina C. Worthman Mr. Keith E. Wright Most Rev. Dorick Wright

Mr. Daniel P. Wulff Mr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Wulff Mr. Jonn M. Wullschleger Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Wurtz Mr. & Mrs. Joe A. Wurtz Mr. & Mrs. Stephen R. Wyatt Mr. Thomas L. Yancey Mr. & Mrs. Harold Yanow Mr. John J. Yasinsac Mr. & Mrs. Alfred M. Yates, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Alfred M. Yates Mr. & Mrs. Edward Yaugo Mr. & Mrs. Alfred W. Yem Mrs. Elizabeth R. Yockers Rev. Patrick G. York Dr. & Mrs. Frank G. Young Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Young Mr. & Mrs. George Young Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Young Mr. & Mrs. Norman R. Youngberg Mrs. Rosalie Yount Mr. Fred F. Zabel Mr. & Mrs. Bernard A. Zarda Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Zarda, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Zarter Gabrielle Zboril Mr. Michael Zboyovski, II Mr. Gerald A. Zeller Dr. & Mrs. Mark J. Zia Mrs. Barbara L. Zielinski Mr. & Mrs. Paul Zimmerling Dcn. & Mrs. Tony Zimmerman Mr. Kenneth M. Zimmerman Rev. Mitchel Zimmerman Mr. Daniel W. Zimmerschied Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Zishka Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Zitnik, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Zogelman Mr. & Mrs. John E. Zook Mr. & Mrs. Douglas W. Zubradt Col. John F. Zugschwert Mr. & Mrs. Michael Zuzolo

Society of St. Benedict


St. Benedict’s Abbey Atchison, Kansas

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1020 N. 2nd Street, Atchison, KS 66002 Kansas Monks USPS 290-760 Abbey Development Office 913.360.7908 KansasMonks.org

Winter 2016 | Volume 11 | Number 2

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honor ing Bi shop R obe rt Ba rr on & Elm er Fa ng m a n

t h e s h e r at o n • c r o w n c e n t e r • k a n s a s c i t y, m o Call 913.360.7908 or e-mail info@kansasmonks.org for event information. 36

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