Winter 2007
Kansas Monks
VOLUME 2 No. 4
As the rain and the snow come down from Heaven, so shall my word be. Isaiah 55:10-11
Winter 2007
Kansas Monks
Table of Contents 7
Seven Vowed Decades
Dominic’s Dialogue
Holy Reading
From the Desert
Father Gabriel discuss the search for patience and interior peace
Contagious warmth
Through the eyes of a master
By William G. McShane
Father Basil passes to eternal life St. Benedict’s monk elected to prestigious interreligous post A practical approach to Lectio Divina
Gordon Parks photographs will be first exhibit of Abbey art gallery
In gratitude
A thank you to our friends and benefactors
In the previous issue of Kansas Monks I asked for readers to send me their stories about a monk or monks who have touched their lives in a special way, and I’m happy to report that I’ve received some responses. We have published two of them on this page. Please take the time to enjoy them and then, perhaps,
Abbot Barnabas Senecal, O.S.B.,
Dan Madden,
Graphic Design:
Cover Photo by Mary Asher
Sophia Harrison,
Contributing Writers:
Brother John Peto, Abbot Owen Purcell, Father Gabriel Landis, William McShane, Rex Rempel, Robert Phelps O.F.M. Cap
Mary Asher, Sophia Harrison, Dan Madden Kansas Monks magazine is published quarterly by the Office of Development, 1020 N. 2nd Street, Atchison, KS 66002. For a free subscription: 913.360.7897, or
By Rex Rempel When I was a boy, my parents sent my brother and me to Camp St. Maur, in Atchison, Kan., run by the local Benedictines. I was happy, relaxed, accepted, and part of a community. It is no exaggeration to say that those two weeks each summer were among the very best in my life. I still recall them fondly two and a half decades later. Thank you very much. My college liturgical choir would later collaborate with the Trappist monks of Gethsemani, Ky. I found these men
St. Benedict’s Abbey
Let me begin by saying that I have been away from the church for over 40 years. I never made a deliberate choice to stay away. It seems that raising a family, working two and three jobs at a time, I simply drifted from the church. Four years ago, my wife died after a long difficult illness. About two years ago Continued on page 10
to be real men of prayer. I began to take notice of the peace that resonated from these monasteries. Two years after graduation I needed to take stock of my life and my direction. I was drawn to the nearest Trappist monastery in Lafayette, Ore., at Our Lady of Guadalupe Abbey. The month I spent living in cloister, in quiet, sharing the daily office, was one of the hardest and yet finest times I have had. Again, a highpoint in my life was owed to the welcome of my nearContinued on page 10
Welcoming Christ in all who are with us at this time of year The monks of St. Benedict’s Abbey pray that this Christmas will bring peace to the hearts of all our readers. May you be blessed with family visits, times of prayer and quiet reflection, tasteful food, and joy that comes with sharing, providing warmth and sustenance for others. We are humbled by your generosity toward us. We are pleased to share our renewed guest reception area and our expanded church narthex with all who come our way. This year of celebrating our first 150 years as a Benedictine community in Atchison has been a source of
energy and gratitude for us. The production of a DVD of our history was an enjoyable project. We would be glad to share this DVD with readers who request a copy. May we be a guest in your home in this way. Christmas is a welcoming of Christ into our homes, and a renewing of our own sense that we are guests in His home. May joy be ours in welcoming Christ in all who are with us in this season. To request a DVD call 913.360.7897, or send an email: development@
From the Abbot
Photo by Mary Asher
I have been asked how the Monks of St. Benedict’s Abbey influenced me. I wish that I were a more knowledgeable man, with a better grasp of the English language, so that I might put into words the truly wonderful experience I had at St. Benedict’s Abbey. I remain astonished at how a short visit could have such a lasting effect on my life.
sit down and write an account of your own. Send them to me either by e-mail, or by postal mail, Dan Madden, St. Benedict’s Abbey, 1020 N. 2nd Street, Atchison, KS 66002. We’ll publish more in future issues. Thank you. Dan Madden Editor
The Rule: A gift Father Eric Deitchman and Anthony Vorwerk work in the Abbey boiler room in this photograph by photographer Gordon Parks.
Merry Christmas from
Send More Stories
Generous Tribute
Donor honors classmate with campaign gift
Kansas Monks
*from the editor*
Winter 2007
Abbot Barnabas Senecal, OSB 3
Winter 2007
Kansas Monks
Journey Forward Campaign Naming Opportunities The following features of Phase I of the Living Journey capital campaign are available as naming opportunities for benefactors. The suggested gift is provided with a description of the project. Listed in bold print after some naming opportunities are the names of donors who have already contributed the amount and requested that particular opportunity.
Abbey Narthex Gathering Space $250,000 The main component of the Hospitality Project, this major addition to the Abbey Church provides a more spacious gathering area and more accessible restrooms in the narthex of the Abbey Church. (Dan Brosnahan in memory of Bishop Matthias Schmidt)
Abbey Church Elevator $100,000 Part of the Abbey Church narthex expansion, this elevator provides full and easy access to the church’s main level and crypt.
Abbey Crypt Gathering Space $150,000 Also part of the Abbey Church addition, this area provides more gathering space and additional accessible restrooms on the Abbey Church’s crypt level, just below the Narthex addition.
Abbey Church Entrance Ramp $75,000 The stone ramp with iron rails fulfills Benedictine hospitality by providing access to all who wish to enter the Abbey’s house of prayer. (Retirement Research Foundation in memory of William J. Gentle) Crypt Art Gallery $150,000 The crypt level of the tower altar area in the Abbey Church is a secure art exhibit for Abbey artwork and the work of visiting artists.
Guest House porter apartment $50,000 This is home to a monk who lives near the entrance to the guest house in order to provide a ready welcome to guests. It has been expanded, carpeted and painted.
Guest House Lobby and information center $100,000 An expanded lobby, with switchboard and reception area, better serves Abbey and Benedictine College guests. South Guest House Entrance $25,000 A new, wider doorway and large window offers a view of the Missouri River valley beyond the Abbey overlook. Monastery Bell system $5,000 A new electronic system of bells calls monks to the guest house to meet visitors. The melodic bells are less disruptive to the cloister than a voice intercom system.
an Brosnahan has always had a soft spot in his heart for an old high school classmate and for the Benedictines who taught them at Maur Hill School. He has decided to honor both with a generous gift to the St. Benedict’s Abbey Journey Forward Capital Campaign. Brosnahan, of Miami Lakes, Fla., has donated $250,000 to the Abbey’s campaign in memory of his former classmate, the late Bishop Matthias Schmidt, O.S.B., a monk of St. Benedict’s Abbey who went on to serve as bishop of Ruy Barbosa, Bahia, Brazil. The two were classmates at Maur Hill Prep School (now Maur HillMount Academy), where they graduated in 1949. Bishop Matthias died in 1992 at the age of 61, but because of his extraordinary work for the poor his name is still revered in Brazil. Honoring the wishes of Brosnahan, the Abbey will name the new narthex gathering space of the Abbey Church for Bishop Matthias. “This is quite fitting,” Abbot Barnabas Senecal said.
The future Bishop Matthias Schmidt upon graduation from Maur Hill Prep School, where he befriended Dan Brosnahan.
“Here we have one very generous man in Dan Brosnahan paying tribute to another very generous man in Bishop Matthias Schmidt. We are grateful to both men for their spirit of stewardship and kindness. Dan’s gift to our campaign is a tremendous gesture of friendship and a moving affirmation of our life and work as Benedictine monks. We thank him and all of our friends and benefactors who have helped bring us to this moment in our history.” Brosnahan, who attended his friend’s oridination as a bishop in 1972, says he was
Books on two remarkable monks available to order Two new historical books published by St. Benedict’s Abbey will be available for the New Year. A Warrior in God’s Service, the memoir of Father Henry Lemke, the adventurous missionary priest who was the
first Benedictine monk in Kansas, is now available to purchase for $15. The other book, To Be Seed, a collection of tributes to Bishop Matthias Schmidt, a monk of St. Benedict’s Abbey, who in his time as a bishop in Brazil became
never surprised by stories of Bishop Matthias’ strength and character as he faced adversity ministering among the poor and oppressed people of his diocese in Brazil. “He had it all together; he was good people,” says Brosnahan, who recalls the bishop stopping in for overnight visits whenever he passed through Miami. “He was smart as a whip and always down to earth.” Brosnahan’s gift pushes the Abbey closer to the $4 million needed to pay for three capital improvement projects: major accessibility improvements to the Abbey Church and guest house; replacement of the monastery roof; and replacement of 885 windows in the monastery and guest house. A group of lay volunteers on the Journey Forward Campaign Committee has set a Dec. 31, 2008, deadline for completing all fund-raising for the project. Approximately $1.5 million remains to be raised. Brosnahan said he is also grateful for the opportunity to give back to the monks who taught him, something he admits he appreciates much more now than he did at the time.
“If I didn’t learn anything else at Maur Hill I learned to say, ‘Yes, Father’ and ‘No, Father,’” he joked. But he said that discipline prepared him for life as an adult. “When I got out and started a business of my own and nothing went my way, I was used to it,” he noted. The Benedictines, he said, were always fair, and the education was very good. “I’ve lived a very blessed life and I attribute that first to a good Catholic family that brought me up,” he said, “and next on that list would be the Benedictines. I’ve always felt that way.” For more information on the Journey Forward Capital Campaign, contact the St. Benedict’s Abbey Office of Development at (913) 360-7897 or by e-mail:development@ Contributions to the campaign can be sent to St. Benedict’s Abbey Office of Development 1020 N. 2nd Street Atchison, KS 66002
beloved by the people there or by for his work on behalf of the telephone at 913-360-7897. poor for peace and To Be Seed justice. To Be Seed AWarrior In God’s Service should be available for purchase, also for $15, in January. To place an order contact the Bishop Matthias Schmidt Office of Development at develop“In peace, he lies down, Soon. he slept. Awakes because the Lord sustained him..” Maria Bastos da Silva Ruy Barbosa, BA
St. Benedict’s Abbey celebrates its 150th anniversary of its founding in Kansas. Our date of foundation is April 27, 1857, the day that Father Augustine Wirth, O.S.B., and Father Casimir Seitz, O.S.B., arrived in Doniphan and began community life there. A year later they came to Atchison. Father Henry Lemke had preceded these two monks to Kansas, and was asked by Bishop John Baptiste Miege to be a pastor in Doniphan. He left Pennsylvania “on his own,” without delegation by Abbot Boniface Wimmer of his home community, St. Vincent in Latrobe. We honor Father Henry as a pioneer Benedictine. A native of northern Germany, a Lutheran minister become Catholic, he encouraged monks from the monastery of St. Michael in Metten, Bavaria, to come to the United States where he had already come to work with German Catholic immigrants in Pennsylvania. He came to Kansas with that pioneering spirit. His life here was hard, brief and rewarding. His spirit was the same as that of his abbot, a spirit of building up the Catholic Church in the United States by helping Germans to maintain a sense of community in their work and their prayer. Our monks knew there was a German edition of Father Lemke’s memoirs. We sought and gained permission from the monks of St. Boniface in Munich to produce and publish a translation in English of the and and the notes as aof sesquicentennial Benedictinetext Monk Bishop the Diocese ofproject. Ruy Barbosa, Bahia.
The memory and witness of
Abbot Barnabas Senecal, O.S.B.
Compiled by Luciano Bernardi, St. Benedict’s Abbey, OFM Conv. Atchison, Kansas Diocese of Ruy Barbosa 1992
Translated by Duane Roy, OSB Saint Benedict’s Abbey Atchison, KS 2002
Henry Lemke, O.S.B.
Gift Shop $25, 000 A gift shop has been built in the guest house reception area to provide religious items
Guest House Ramp and Accessible Entrance $50,000 A stone ramp with iron rails and a larger, more accessible entryway welcomes guests who seek information or accommodation from the monks. (Benedictine Sisters of Mount St. Scholastica)
Former classmate honors late Bishop Matthias with generous gift to Journey Forward Capital Campaign
A Warrior in God’s Service
Abbey Church Interior Two-Step Ramps $15,000 These ramps allow wheelchair passage from the choir section to the Blessed Sacrament Chapel and to the sacristy.
Guest House Lounges (3) $20,000 each These three rooms are used daily by monks to welcome guests and provide spiritual direction to retreatants, visitors, and Benedictine College students. (Don and Julie Strathman in memory of their son Keith Strathman)
with an emphasis on Benedictine books and gifts.
Kansas Monks
To Be Seed
Art Gallery Endowment $250,000 The monks hope to establish a perpetual art gallery endowment to provide for the purchase of religious artwork and funding for visiting exhibits.
Abbey Church Interior Side-Mounted Lift $50,000 This self-operated lift will give complete access to people wishing to enter the sanctuary and the monastic choir sections of the Abbey Church, which were previously accessed only by a series of steps. (Retirement Research Foundation in memory of William J. Gentle)
Abbey Dedication Crosses (12) $1000 each Twelve wall-mounted crosses/candle holders in nave of the Abbey Church will commemorate the dedication of the church upon the 150th anniversary of St. Benedict’s Abbey. (Robert Sharp in honor of Abbot Brendan Downey and Father James Downey; Patrick Dyer; Donald F. Aaron Sr. in honor of Father Leo Aaron; Gina Dyer Osborn; Jim King in honor of Sister Helen Buening, Father Anselm Llewellyn and Father Terence Sullivan; John and Mary House in honor of Father Gilbert Wolters; The Coupe-Sullivan Family)
Winter 2007
The Memoirs of Peter Henry Lemke 1796-1882
Commentary and Editing German Edition Willibald Mathaesar. O.S.B.
Translation to English Marc Rottinghaus Deborah Sudbeck
Winter 2007
Kansas Monks
Winter 2007
Kansas Monks
Fr. Basil Finken, monk of 72 years dies
Abbey Notes
Father Matthew Habiger was on an extended promotional tour for NFP in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, Vermont and New York Oct. 19-Nov. 16, visiting diocesan chancery offices and giving a Couple to Couple League Clergy Conference in Covington, Ky. Prior James Albers is serving on a Benedictine College North Central Accreditation sub-committee. Father James is on the sub-committee for Mission and Integrity. Abbot Barnabas Senecal administered Confirmation in these parishes this fall: SS. Peter and Paul, Seneca; St. Gregory, Marysville; Sacred Heart, Baileyville; Annunciation, Baldwin City, Assumption, Edgerton, and Sacred Heart, Tonganoxie. Brother Anthony Vorwerk is making walking canes to sell in the Abbey gift shop. He makes them from limbs cut from Abbey trees. Father Maurice Haefling is one of the financial auditors for the American Cassinese Congregation of Benedictine houses. During the week of Oct. 29 he was with the other auditors and the President¹s Council to review and report on financial reports of mem6
ber abbeys. Father Denis Meade traveled to Brazil Oct. 24, and will return on Jan.6. This is a trip planned around the priestly ordination of a Brazilian friend whom he knew while working in Goiania. Father Denis chose this trip as a way to celebrate his 50th anniversary of priestly ordination. He will visit our monks in Mineiros and Goiania. Abbot Ralph Koehler welcomed a large crowd as St. Ann Parish, Hiawatha, completed renovation of its church and celebrated its 125th anniversary. Archbishop Naumann was principal celebrant of the 2 pm Mass on Sept. 30. Father Marion Charboneau offered a day of retreat for Maur Hill-Mount Academy students at the Abbey, Sept. 14. Father Marion is chaplain at the school and an instructor in economics and US government. Brother Lawrence Bradford participated Sept. 7 in a forum at Kansas State University for those who advise undergraduates interested in veterinarian medicine. Father Matthew Habiger opened the Abbey Gift shop for its first day of business,
Oct.7. He sold $54.25 worth of goods. He and Father Blaine Schultz will continue to stock and operate the shop. Father Daniel McCarthy, studying for his doctorate in Rome, is making plans to be with us for Christmas this year. He has not been home for two years. In a recent meeting of the chapter members of St. Joseph Priory, votes of acceptance were given for Wallison Oliveira Silva to begin novitiate, for Brother Atilio Lucio Malta to make first vows, and for Brother Haroldo Carvalho Ferreira to make solemn vows. Father Michael Santa has returned to the Abbey from the KU Medical Center. Doctors there determined that he is no longer able to swallow and have placed him on tube feeding. This has resulted in good nourishment. Father Michael is more confined to his room, spending time in bed or in his adjustable powered chair, watching TV and welcoming guests. Father Ignatius Smith has been dealing with a virus that has kept him in his room, limiting his work in the Development Office and his presence at community prayer the past
several weeks. Br. Maurus Watson suffered bruises on his left leg when he and others were cutting down a tree on Abbey grounds. The trunk shifted after being cut and struck Stephen who was nearby. He also had a lesser injury to his right leg. He now has a doctor prescribed rehab program in place that includes wearing a brace on his left leg.
Pray With Us Matt Scheipeter was injured during a BC soccer game on October 26. He suffered a blow to the back of the neck and was life-flighted to the KU Medical Center. His condition is stable. His parents, Mark and Mary Scheipeter, were spectators at the HAAC game on campus that day. Colette Diederich Huerter is nearing the end of her battle with cancer. Colette (MSSC ‘62) is the wife of Burton Huerter (SBC ‘60), mother of Lisa Huerter Andrews (BC ‘87) and mother-in-law of Tim Andrews BC ‘88). Jane Ryan, 43, is wife of Steve Ryan, a cousin of our Brother Joseph Ryan. Our Continued on page 14
Father Basil Finken, O.S.B., 95, professed member of St.Benedict’s Abbey for 72 years, died Saturday evening, October 13, 2007, at St. Benedict¹s Abbey, fortified by the Sacraments in the presence of several of his confreres. Father Basil was born May 30, 1912, in Defiance, Iowa, the fourth of the nine children of Matthias and Susan Jacoby Finken. His baptismal name was Sylvan Anthony. He graduated from St. Paul¹s Catholic Grade School in 1926, and from St. Paul’s Catholic High School in 1932, both schools in Defiance, Iowa. He attended Des Moines Catholic College for one year, 1932-1933, and continued his studies in philosophy at St. Benedict¹s College, Atchison. Father Basil entered the novitiate at St. Benedict’s Abbey following his sophomore year and professed his monastic vows on June 13, 1935. Following his profession of
vows, Father Basil continued his studies and graduated from St. Benedict’s College in 1937, and completed his theology studies at the St. Benedict’s Abbey School of Theology. Father Basil was ordained to the priesthood on May 18, 1940, by Bishop Paul Schulte at St. Benedict¹s Abbey Church, now the parish church. He spent most of his years as a much loved pastor and chaplain, from 1941 until his return to the Abbey in 1992. He served as Assistant Pastor at Sts. Peter and Paul, Seneca, Kan.; St. Benedict’s, Atchison; St. Benedict’s, Kansas City, Kan.; and St. John’s, Burlington, Iowa. He served as Chaplain for the Sisters of St. Scholastica Monastery, Chicago, Ill. Father Basil was named Pastor of St. Bede’s, Kelly, Kan. in 1953, followed by pastorships at Sts. Peter and Paul, Seneca; St. John’s, Burlington, Iowa; St. Bene-
Father Basil: Endearing nature, wisdom appreciated Editor’s Note: The following homily was delivered by Abbot Barnabas Senecal at the funeral Mass for Father Basil Finken, Oct. 16. Father Basil was a monk for 72 years, a priest for 67 years, a priest or chaplain for 52 years. He brought joy into the lives of many, ministering to them, being friend and counselor, neighbor and sportsman. He loved his family of birth and his family of faith. His quiet nature was endearing, his wisdom appreciated.
“A parish dinner in the basement of St. Joseph Church, Atchison, April 18, 1993, brought applause and congratulations from his parishioners to Father Basil Finken, 80, as he retired from that pastorate, ending his pastoral assignments which had begun in 1941 when he was sent to Sts. Peter and Paul, Seneca. He had been ordained in May of 1940.” Such applause he would have heard about a dozen times as he served four parishes, first as assistant and
dict’s, Kansas City, Kan.; St. Joseph-St. Benedict, Kansas City, Kan.; and St. Joseph’s, Atchison. Father Basil is survived by members of the monastic community of St. Benedict’s Abbey, and a sister, Alice Stoltz, of Harlan, Iowa. His parents preceded him in death, as well as his brothers, Longinus Finken, William Finken, Howard Finken, and his sisters, Bernice Finken, Sr. M. Augustine Finken, Gail Finken and Mary Jane Slettedahl. Vespers of the Office for the Dead were celebrated Monday, October 15, in St. Benedict’s Abbey Church, with visitation following. The Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated Tuesday, Octolater as pastor; one parish as assistant only; two parishes as pastor; chaplain two different times at a Chicago convent. Father Basil was highly respected as a man of faith, as a companion on the journey of life, for the young and the old, for the one comfortable in his faith or the one who was struggling. He left a monastic environment of the early 1940s and returned to a quite different monastic environment in the 1990s. He did not live in the abbey during the 52 years of his active service. And yet, he returned here “much a monk,” happy to be a man of quiet, a man of community prayer, a man concerned about others,
ber 16, in the Abbey Church, with Abbot Barnabas Senecal, O.S.B., as the principal celebrant. Interment followed in the monastic cemetery.
ready to receive a guest, willing to do what he could as life began to ebb for him. Father Basil seemed never to complain in his later years. He knew and lived acceptance. This must have been a pattern for him in life, and must have been part of his counseling of others. Joyce Klingele shared with me yesterday that Father Basil had officiated at her wedding to Gene, in Seneca. Joyce had rheumatic fever as an 18-year-old; Father Basil frequently came to visir, sitting quietly with her, telling her to “live one day at a time.” Even when the Klingele family had moved to Kansas City Continued on page 14 7
Kansas Monks
Winter 2007
Winter 2007
Kansas Monks
Spirit of welcome In October the Monks of St. Benedict’s Abbey hosted two special groups as part of the Abbey’s sesquicentennial celebration. On the 9th, the priests and male religious of the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas attended vespers and a banquet, and on the 14th 10 women religious communities serving in the Archdiocese were special guests. On the following two pages are images from the two events. (The monks hosted the sisters from Mount St. Scholastica in Atchison November 25, after the Kansas Monks press time. Photographs from that event will be featured in the next issue.)
Photo by Sophia Harrison
Winter 2007
Kansas Monks
continued from page 2 I felt that I wanted to come back to the church, but did not know how. Things had changed considerably in 40 years. I felt that potentially a religious retreat might help me find the answers I was looking for. I searched the internet and was unable to find any retreats for an individual. Then merely by coincidence I came upon St. Benedict’s. I made arrangements for a three-day retreat. No point in stressing God or myself too much at first. I made an inquiry and received an invitation from Father Matthew Habriger, and looked forward to the time I would have to sort out my tribulations.
continued from page 2 est monastery. It was there that I was able to discern my vocation as a social worker and hear God’s call to marry that fine woman I was dating. (Yes, you could say that I found my wife in the monastery. Or, that a month behind the walls made me realize I really wanted to be married!) Since these times I have enjoyed periodic visits to the
Upon arriving at St. Benedict’s Abbey, I was greeted by Father Blaine Schultz. From that first moment I was made to feel at ease, as if I had always been a part of the community. I explained to Father Blaine that I had been away from the church for a long time and much had changed in the past 40 years; I did not know where to start. Father Blaine gave me a Catechism for adults to read at my leisure and an invitation to attend Mass with the monks. I attended Mass that night and felt that I had truly returned home. On the second day, I asked to visit with a priest for spiritual direction and the sacrament of reconciliation. I was fortunate to meet with Father Denis. There was never a
time that I felt embarrassed or humiliated. Father listened; giving me guidance along the way and helped me to understand the self reproach I was feeling, from being away from the church and the responsibility I felt over the loss of my wife. Father offered understanding, while being genuinely concerned for my feelings and helping me to handle them properly. He demonstrated honest friendship and reassurance that I had not felt in a long time. The serenity and tranquility, genuine sentiment of warmth for the fellow man, and their absolute love and dedication to God, was contagious. At no time did I meet a monk who did not have time to stop and say hello and ask how things were going.
It would be a fabrication to say that the monks saved my soul, for Jesus did that when He died on the cross for us, but I can say that the monks put my feet back on the path to salvation. It is truly heartbreaking that there are not more people like the Benedictine monks in this world, what a wonderful place this would be. There is an extraordinary place in Heaven for the Benedictine monks. I look forward to coming back next year; the good Lord willing, for a full week. I wish that everyone possible will have an opportunity to go to St. Benedict’s Abbey and experience the devotion and friendship of the monks of St. Benedict’s.
monastery, praying together, and sharing letters with Abbot Barnabas Senecal as well as the fine Trappists in Oregon. The monastic influence continues over my life. I did become a social worker. I now run a community mental health center. I supervise a staff of ten. The best text I have found on social work supervision is in The Rule of St. Benedict (the translation by the late Father Timothy Fry, of St. Benedict’s
no less). At least twice a year I will re-read the Rule, to learn how better to lead the good people under my care. My family happily visits any monastery we find ourselves near. My non-Catholic wife puts requests for monastic chant CDs on her Christmas list. And last week my kindergarten son announced out of the blue, “Daddy, I’m a monk.” I was pleased to hear it, and happy to reinforce it as a noble, wonderful idea. He
knows well that we would be proud to see him through to postulancy and vows. My wife, son and I live active lives, but also lives of prayer. We are grateful for the influence of many wonderful monks, especially the men of St. Benedict’s Abbey in Atchison and the Trappists of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Oregon. Thank you.
Spaces going fast for Abbot’s Historical Pilgrimage There are still spots available for the St. Benedict’s Abbey Sesquicentennial Pilgrimage to be hosted by Abbot Barnabas Senecal April 7-17, 2008, but they are going fast.. The pilgrimage, which will include a visit to St. Benedict’s Abbey’s grandmother abbey in Metten, Germany, con10
sists of a beautiful journey from Munich, Germany, through Bavaria and Austrian. Included will be stops at famous Austrian cities of Salzburg and Vienna. The trip is limited to 40 people and the cost is $2,795 per person (sharing a twin room), plus air taxes, which are presently $235.
This historical pilgrimage includes round-trip air fare from Kansas City, nine nights in first-class hotels, daily Mass at celebrated shrines, and deluxe motorcoach transportation. To reserve a spot or receive more information, contact Travel Tyme at 1-800886-2151.
Winter 2007
Kansas Monks
Br. Dominic elected to monastic dialogue board
rother Dominic Cason was bubbling with curiosity when he attended the 22nd Monastic Institute at St. John’s Abbey in Collegeville, Minn., last summer. His hand shot into the air time after time with a barrage of questions as he attended workshops and conferences sponsored by the Monastic Interreligious Dialoguge (MID), an organization of Benedictine and Trappist monks and nuns that fosters dialogue with Buddhists and other nonChristian practitioners of contemplative religious life. Not long after his return home to St. Benedict’s Abbey in Atchison, Kan., Brother
Dominic received a letter from Benedictine Father William Skudlarek, executive director of the MID, inviting him to be a candidate for membership on the MID board of directors. He was elected to the board in October and will begin his three-year term Jan. 1, 2008. “I guess the questions I asked made some kind of impression,” Brother Dominic said with a grin. The group drew the support of Pope John Paul II and His Holiness the Dalai Lama for its two past groundbreaking interreligious gatherings, Gethsemani I and Gethsemani II at Gethsemani Abbey in Kentucky, the abbey made fa-
mous as the home of Thomas Merton. Brother Dominic joins at a pivotal time. The group has received letters of support from 138 international Muslim leaders and scholars who have declared their interest in “building bridges” between their faith and those involved with the MID. “This is really big,” Brother Dominic said. “I feel privileged to be coming into the MID at this crucial time in history.” The MID is also planning Gethsemani III, which will adopt a timely theme: monasticism and stewardship of the environment. Brother Dominic says the MID has its roots in the 1960s, when Pope Paul VI wrote Nostra Aetate, a “Declaration on the Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions,” but nothing of substance really materialized until the 1970s. “There was a great fear that people would be swayed from being Catholic to something else,” he explains. But he says true dialogue teaches one to be grounded in one’s own faith. In fact, Brother Dominic contends, engaging in dia-
from home and surrounded by all the other faiths. Your prayer life becomes what I refer to as your oxygen.” Though this is the first time he will be an official representative in interreligious efforts, Brother Dominic isn’t new to the movement. His interest in the subject can be traced back to years in the military, when he was exposed to many faiths, but the fascination blossomed when he entered the monastery and began engaging in long discussions with his novice master, Father Benjamin Tremmel. “He was constantly reading books on Buddhism and Hinduism,” Brother Dominic recalls. “I began to delve into these other religions and then I would delve into my own looking for similarities.” Brother Dominic also began traveling to interreligious gatherings and conferences with Father Benjamin. All the reading and travel was always a labor of love, so when the letter arrived with word that someone had recognized his efforts, Brother Dominic admits he was tickled.
Your prayer life becomes what I refer to as your oxygen. -Brother Dominic Cason
logue has not only helped him gain a deeper appreciation for other faiths, but has especially deepened his understanding and commitment to his own. “I’ve learned more about my own prayer life and how I pray,” he says. “It becomes so crucial when you are away
“I guess it meant all the studying I had done had paid off,” he said.
Winter 2007
Kansas Monks
A practical approach to Lectio Divina
Brother John Peto Oblate Director
One of the continuing questions for oblates and others interested in Benedictine spirituality is finding a workable approach to lectio divinia, or holy reading. Most people are too busy to spend much time on such an endeavor so I have been suggesting to oblate groups a practical approach. First, we all begin reading the gospel for the following Sunday, on Monday and do this every day of the week until Sunday. This exercise takes a few minutes at most and by Sunday we are familiar with the text. Some have told me how much more meaningful
the gospel becomes by the time they listen to it at Mass. Others have said that they had some different ideas than those of the homilist who used the same text. It seems to me that this is opening up the Sacred Word to all of us. Scripture is so alive with meaning if we just spend time with it. Three minutes a day will equal 18 minutes per week. It has been apparent in recent weeks that the chapters of Luke’s gospel have been building on a deeper faith. As faith increases we live out the mystery of the Word a little more realistically. My end goal is that over time we will eventually be delving into all three readings each day prior to the following Sunday. This would give us six or seven minutes each day to spend on the Word. The reform of the Second Vatican Council called for a greater understanding and use of Sacred Scripture. We have a three-year cycle of Sunday readings which introduces us
to a good chunk of the Bible. The Christ we meet in the Word is the same Christ we receive in the Eucharist. As our understanding of the Word grows so will our love of our Eucharistic Lord and the challenge He constantly presents to us with each reception of Holy Communion. No matter our state in life each encounter with the Word and with the Eucharist must bring us new challenges. For those of us who are active this means we are willing to change our approach to life. For those who can do nothing but pray it means we must deepen our prayer life. You will find below a message from Joe Jilka who recently made his final oblation. Joe was a postulant here about 27 years ago but did not enter the novitiate. He has had a career and family but said he wanted deeper roots in a place he loved. We all need a place to call
Final Oblation: My Homecoming By Joseph Jilka Recently on the Feast of St. John Chrysostom I made my oblation at St. Benedict’s Abbey. In doing so I came full circle to a place I had left 27 years ago. Following the completion of my undergraduate degree, I entered the Abbey in 1980 as a postulant. Yet in about six months, prior to entering the novitiate, I left. I never really left, for that experience had changed me in ways I can never express; the Benedictine monastic spirit had settled deep in my heart. In the last two years a job 12
change permitted me to spend more time at the Abbey than I had in previous years and last year I began a yearlong oblate candidacy. During that time I discovered what was always there, the genius and gentle fatherhood of Benedict, and his Holy Rule and its farranging applications beyond the monastery walls. The Holy Rule, which speaks of family and whose applications teaches me to be a better father to my own little monastery of six children. The Holy Rule, which speaks of obedience–to my own path of life and to those
in my own life. The Holy Rule, which speaks of conversion–of my heart to the prompting of the Spirit in my life, nurtured by the Word of God through lectio divina and daily participation in the universal prayer of the Church, the Liturgy of the Hours. The Holy Rule, which speaks of stability–to my little monastery, in my work, in my actions and in my fatherhood. And so as I spoke of those words of Oblation, an overwhelming sense of coming home came upon me. I was home!
home and oblates all have a spiritual home in the monastic community where they made oblation. The world is an ongoing challenge but it is delightful to have an anchor here at St. Benedict’s Abbey. You will be receiving this copy of Kansas Monks around Christmas and the New Year and it my wish for all of you a most blessed Christmas and a most challenging New Year. The following Benedictine College students made their final oblation Nov. 10: Aaron Rains Stacey Rains Whitney Bradley Kathleen Langer Catherine Harper Margaret McGrath Paul Clark
The following people have become oblate candidates: Matt Fassero Linda Henry Donna Marie Gales Josephine Hildman Marguerite Mueller Ann Eggers Paul Marx Isidor Sittenauer
The following Benedictine College students have become oblate candidates this fall: Patricia Hutchison Jessica Mestdagh Kevin Kilcawley Josh Donahue Nathan Hartwell Stephanie Howell Karmen Bower Chelsea Schuster Rachael Ruhl Emily Rademacker Katie McDermott Jessica Jung Amber Marie Loosbrock Michelle Kerschen John Rumpza Joseph Hahn Catherine Giffee
Winter 2007
Kansas Monks
From The Desert
Patience with others and Interior Peace The name of this column partially reflects the roots of monasticism, when the Early Desert Fathers fled into the wilderness to learn how to grow closer to Christ. However, and more importantly, it is also named “From the Desert,” because we too must walk into our own internal Spiritual Desert so that the Lord can show us our imperfections and help us to overcome them. Here is a very common human experience and imperfection; lack of patience with others. We are all quick to point out the shortcomings of others. We all play the game of “If
only he or she would get rid of this or that fault, I wouldn’t be as impatient with him or her.” I have even played this game when a priest is hearing my own confession. I have said during the Sacrament; “If only Brother or Father so and so didn’t have this fault, then I would not get impatient with him. I would have more peace!” And as a priest, in hearing confessions, I’ve heard the same thing confessed to me. We all have played the blame-game, but it is not a healthy game to play. Yes, it is true. No doubt about it. We all have faults. It makes getting along with
Father Gabriel Landis
each other difficult. Saint Paul points us to this truth: “For we have all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). We sin not only against God, but against one another. It will happen in this world that others will challenge our attempt to remain calm and maintain our interior peace. But when we start up the “If only…” game, what we are really doing is acting as if we were God. As if we had His Power to control things. I think this is why we spend so much time in our own internal Spiritual Desert– to learn and re-learn this lesson over and over again. “I am not in control. I am not God. I am powerless.” When we act as if we were God and in control of things, we lose our internal peace. So what is the answer? What can we do when others’ faults agitate us? Should we lose our patience with them? No, that would be losing our internal peace, the peace which only Jesus Christ can provide. Yes, we can point out another’s wrongful behavior. Sacred Scripture even points out this obligation, lest the other person fall into even deeper sin; but we must do it in a gentle and peaceful manner. (Matthew 18:15 If your brother sins against you, go tell him his fault between him and you alone. If he listens to you, you
have won over your brother. If he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, so that ‘every fact may be established on the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ If he refuses to listen to them, tell the church. If he refuses to listen even to the church, then treat him as you would a Gentile or a tax collector.) Remember, we have no control or power over another’s faults or actions, so as Father Jacques Philippe would advise in his book Searching for and Maintaining Peace, “When we are powerless, let us be quiet and let God act.” It is God acting through us, when we are gentle and peaceful. Today I was reading Father Philippe’s little book and I came across the following passage. It was like a punch to the stomach: “The Lord asks us, on the contrary, to bear with patience the faults of others. We must reason as follows: if the Lord has still not transformed this person, has not relieved him of such and such an imperfection, it is because He puts up with him as he is! He waits, with patience, the opportune moment. Then I must do likewise: I must pray and be patient. Why be more demanding and impatient than God?” That, my brothers and sisters, is a very good question for each of us to ponder in our private Spiritual Desert: “Why be more demanding and impatient than God?” I desire God’s patience and mercy towards me. Therefore, should I not pray and be patient towards others? Praised Be Jesus Christ. Amen. Father Gabriel Landis is associate pastor at Church of the Nativity in Leawood, Kan. 13
prayers are requested for Jane who is fighting breast cancer. Toni Dempsey was diagnosed with lung cancer on October 26 and has asked that she be on our prayer list. Ed Vanover, BC Director of Telecommunications and Information Services, has been undergoing tests after he suffered chest pains. Doctors have ruled out heart problems and are still doing diagnosistic studies. He appreciates prayers. Darwyn William Boyle, a ten-week-old child, was taken to the St. Louis Shrine Hospital on Nov. 5. Treatment to correct his bilateral fibular hemimelia will not start until he is eight or nine months old
continued from page 7 and Father Basil was then at a Kansas City parish, he came to her hospital room to visit her during a critical health episode. “He was there for me, always, in his quiet way.” A St. Joseph parish member shared with me how Father Basil was a fishing partner to her son in law. That son in law, a non-Catholic, always admired Father Basil’s ability to be a friend, to use his dry sense of humor, and convey in all honesty the manner of a saintly person. Father Basil told the story of riding on a train at one time, sitting next to a gentleman with whom he struck up conversation. Eventually, he asked the man if he had ever thought of becoming a Catho14
Mark Watson, former headmaster at Maur Hill, was diagnosed with cancer. Tests have ruled out cancer of the liver and pancreas. He will remain in the hospital for seven to ten days. Mark is president of Newman Catholic Schools in Wausau, WI.
on a cancerous spot on his head. Betty Schmitberger, grandmother of Erin Tappen, BC student and Lucas and Sister Mary David, former BC students, is suffering from cancer. Prayers are appreciated. Delbert Robertson, husband of Marilyn of the Abbey Health Services, has found that his stomach cancer has returned after four years of remission. Dr. Raganini has prescribed Glevac as treatment; the tumor is inoperable at this time. He has another CAT Scan in six to eight weeks. Marilyn asks for our prayers.
Brother Leven Harton requests prayers for his father, Bob, who is undergoing tests
Most Reverend George K. Fitzsimons, the Bishop Emeritus of Salina, has been battling and continues to battle some serious health conditions.
lic. The man told Father Basil, “No, but no one has ever asked me to consider it before now.” Those who had the pleasure of working for Father Basil would say that it was that, a pleasure. He was a man of honor who listened to all who came. One of the monks shared with me this story. A lady came to the rectory, quite angry about something. She vented to Father Basil, who listened attentively. When the lady finished, she said “Now that I’ve spoken my peace, I feel better.” Father Basil showed her to the door, closed it, and shared with the fellow monk, “But she didn¹t care how she made me feel!” Msgr. Mike Mullen said: “I had known Father Basil over the years, but we became better friends while he
was pastor at St. Joseph/St. Benedict. I was at Savior and we golfed together. Occasionally we had a meal together, and there were times I asked his spiritual counsel. He was always ready to be fraternal to another priest. I appreciated that openness. I experienced the same wonderful response during the three years that I taught at Maur Hill and was pastor at Nortonville. I would call Father Basil for a golf game at Pineview. He would always say ‘Yes’ unless it was just impossible for him to come. He would arrange a cart for us to ride in. He always hit the ball down the middle of the fairway, always played within his abilities. He never got upset; every shot was a good one. He just enjoyed golf, and friendship and life. He would share gen-
Marked with the sign of Faith
Phil Tyckoski, a friend of BC freshman Frank Roberts from Columbus, OH, lost his father in an accident in a parking lot in September. A truck backed up quickly as Tyckoski walked through the lot; he was struck and died from the injuries. Prayers are requested.
continued from page 6
and before he is 15 months. The right leg and foot will be straightened. The left leg and foot, which is the worst, will be straightened and the foot removed and a prosthetic foot put on. He will be a Shrine Child until he is eighteen. All expenses will be covered. Doctors say he will be able to run and play ball like a normal child. Darwyn is the son of Julie and Jerry, the grandson of Ruth Acheson, director of the Abbey food service.
Abbot Martin Veth O.S.B. (1874-1944)
Dan Madden, director of development for the Abbey, requests prayers for the family of Zeb Stinnett following the trial of Lisa Montgomery convicted for murdering Zeb’s wife, Bobbie Jo, in 2004 and kidnapping the child she removed from the body of Bobbie Jo. Dan has represented Zeb to the media that surrounded the Stinnett case. Zeb accepted that assistance. Dan has continued with that assistance for the past three years and attended the trial with the Stinnett family.
eral news about the Abbey, and about his sister who was a nun at Clyde. He talked about his Iowa roots. Father Basil brought the peace and calmness and love of Christ to many people. In a quiet, sincere way he was a true example of Benedictine hospitality. He was a great friend.” “It is Christ who gave apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers in roles of service to build up the body of Christ.” We are grateful that Sylvan Finken was called to monastic life and to priesthood. He did build up the church, the local churches he served, the monastic community he loved, and thereby the entire church. He would say to us today, “Live on in my love.”
Kansas Monks
here is an entire chapter on Abbot Martin in Kansas Monks, by Peter Beckman, O.S.B., in his Kansas Monks, devoted an entire chapter to Abbot Martin Veth. One could hardly improve upon what is written there. Abbot Martin was thoroughly formed in the European Monastic tradition, particularly by his German background and his studies in Rome. This seems to be symbolized by the very design of the Abbey building, Tudor Gothic to match the college’s Administration Building. The abbey perched high on the bluffs of
the Missouri River was, perhaps, inspired by a visit to Ettal, near Metten our grandmother house. Abbot Martin leaned heavily on the atmosphere and studies at Sant’Anselmo to form his young and promising monks, Father Bernard Sause among them. He encouraged their travel to monastic centers in Europe during their vacations. His spirituality was thoroughly monastic, evidenced by conferences to his own monks and to the sisters at Mount St. Scholastica. The regimen of the Abbey community seemed to leave nothing to chance. Abbot
Photo by Abbot Barnabas Senecal
Abbey Notes
Winter 2007
Winter 2007
Kansas Monks
The Abbey’s Tudor Gothic design seems to reflect Abbot Martin’s thorough European fromation.
Editor’s Note: Abbot
Owen Purcell is at work compiling a necrology of St. Benedict’s Abbey, a volume of brief profiles on each of the deceased members of the Abbey from its founding to
the present. This document offers a thorough, poignant and often entertaining look into the history of the Abbey, one monk at a time. In order to provide our readers with some insight into the lives
Martin responded to the financial crises of the community in hard times and was wise in his choice of valued members for advice and counsel. Chief among them were Prior Gerard Heinz, Edmund Pusch, and Bonaventure Schwinn. He was very cautious with respect to changes in the rather European model of St. Beneof the men who have made the history of St. Benedict’s, Kansas Monks will publish one or more of these profiles in each issue. If you have an anecdote about the monks you read about in these pro-
dict’s College but he gradually accepted the persuasion of Father Sylvester Schmitz and the Faculty Committee to create what became the modern St. Benedict’s College. Abbot Cuthbert McDonald was elected in 1942 as his coadjutor and Abbot Martin died of cancer at Atchison Hospital Dec. 12, 1944. files or about any other deceased monks, Abbot Owen would enjoy hearing from you. You may contact him by telephone: (913) 360-7817, or more easily by e-mail: 15
Kansas Monks
Winter 2007
Winter 2007
Kansas Monks
Photographer’s early focus on Abbey life to open new art gallery
Photo by Gorden Parks
Those photographs will be on display Feb. 12, when St. Benedict’s Abbey holds the grand opening of its new art gallery, constructed in the crypt of the Abbey Church as part of the Journey Forward capital campaign. “We thought it would be fitting to open the display of Mr. Parks’ work during Black History Month,” said gallery curator, Brother Dominic Cason. “After all, Gordon Parks is probably the preeminent African-American photographer.” Brother Dominic noted that the exhibit is an opportunity to view some of Park’s earliest work. “For the Abbey,” he said, “it’s important that we share these treasures that Mr. Parks
In this Parks photograph, Fraters Sylvester Gages (left) Kenneth Rottinghaus (right) serve as barbers for Fathers Florian Demmer and Sebastian Weisenberger.
This photo of monks walking across the abbey lawn during Holy Hour was the central work of Gordon Parks’ spread for LIFE Magazine.
Photo by Michael Henry, Courtesy of the Gordon Parks Center, Fort Scott, KS
hey were snippets of light only a fraction of a second long, but what they captured were prayer, community, peace and that something not quite nameable that made the late Gordon Parks a master. Parks, a true Renaissance man–famed as a photographer, filmmaker, artist, composer, poet and activist–came to St. Benedict’s Abbey in 1955 to portray the monks for Life magazine. He left impressed. He would later tell Smithsonian magazine that he had adopted the monastic practice of an hour of silence each day. And upon finishing the assignment, the acclaimed photographer sent 32 of his favorite shots to the Abbey as a gift.
so generously gave us, especially since they portray our daily life as monks.” The photographs include images of monks celebrating Mass, practicing lectio divina, presiding over weddings and baptisms, working on the abbey grounds, teaching students, caring for elderly monks, even playing football and barbering one another’s hair. “This is a great opportunity to see the work of an original photographer,” said Professor Stephen Workman, chair of the Benedictine College art department and a photojournalist. Professor Workman said Parks’ work combined art and photo journalism. “His images were accurate and political and they had a viewpoint,” he said. “He was an example of photojournalism at its best.” Workman
praised Parks for his ability to capture little pieces of time in pictures that showed movement. “He captured moments that were well composed and artistic,” he said. Not to be overlooked, Workman said, is that Parks began his career in the years before the Civil Rights movement, when doors were being slammed in his face, yet he persisted on to an illustrious career. That career will be the subject of a presentation given at the gallery opening by Father Blaine Schultz, former teacher in the Benedictine College art department and one of the few current monks of St. Benedict’s to meet Parks. Father Blaine, though a young monk when Parks visited the Abbey in the 1950s, didn’t meet the photographer personally until the mid 17
Winter 2007
Kansas Monks
Kansas Monks
In gratitude to our friends and benefactors
recalls, was “mesmerizing.” When he finally met Parks face to face, he got the autograph. The conversation lasted only a few minutes, but Father Blaine walked away impressed by the man who had just “knocked everyone out with the story of his life.” “I’ve met some exceptional people in my life,” he said. “I’ve met a couple of saints, Mother Teresa and Pope John Paul II; I’ve met the Dalai Lama; I knew our own Father Victor Gellhaus, a master history teacher who studied history in Munich at the time Hitler was coming to power. And I’ve met Gordon Parks.”
Photo by Gordon Parks
Winter 2007
For more information contact the Office of Development at 913-360-7897. Father Daniel O’Shea, faculty member at Maur Hill Prep, carries on a discussion between classes with a group of students.
1990s, when Parks visited the Nelson-Atkins Art Museum in Kansas City to deliver the keynote address at an exhibit of works by black photographers. Father Blaine’s interest in Parks was kindled by an art
“She was a powerhouse in the art world in Kansas City,” Father Blaine says. “She came up to the Abbey every fall.” Spurred by Morgan, Father Blaine’s interest in Parks grew and he began collecting every article on the man he
He was an example of photojournalism at its best. -Prof. Stephen Workman
Captured through the shutter of Gordon Parks, Brother Emmanuel Perez puts the finishing touches on a decorative stone that will be placed above the doorway of an Abbey building.
“As we progress in this way of life and in faith, we shall run on the path
of God’s commandments, our hearts overflowing with the inexpressable delight of love.” RB: 49
Photo by Mary Asher
could find in a folder, which has since grown into a thick file. When Parks made his keynote appearance in Kansas City, Morgan invited Father Blaine along. He brought one of the Abbey’s 1955 Life magazines with him in hope of obtaining an autograph. The speech, Father Blaine
Photo by Gordon Parks
gallery owner from Kansas City whom he befriended. Myra Morgan, since deceased, used to visit St. Benedict’s regularly for weekend retreats. When she saw some of the Parks photographs on display in the Abbey she revealed to Father Blaine that she was a close friend of the famous artist.
Winter 2007
The Journey Forward The monks of St. Benedict’s Abbey thank all of their friends and benefactors who have supported the Journey Forward Capital Campaign. Below is a list of those supporters who contributed before November 10, 2007. Because of the Kansas Monks deadline, those who contributed after November 10 will be included on a later list. Please contact our Office of Development if we have mistakenly left your name off this list. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Aaron, Sr. Mr. Paul H. Adair Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Albers, Ed. D. Mr. Charles R. Alberts Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Anthony Mr. and Mrs. Lee C. Arensberg Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Argubright Mr. Edward F. Aylward Mr. and Mrs. John P. Asher Ms. G. June Aziere Mr. Arthur E. Ball, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. George J. Baumgartner Mr. and Mrs. H. Marvin Beasley Mr. and Mrs. Dan Berardy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Blaufuss Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Blevins Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Boddicker Mrs. Thomas E. Botz
Mrs. Frances L. Broderick Mrs. Rita K. Broderick Mr. and Mrs. Anton Brox Mrs. George Bryde Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Buessing Mr. and Mrs. Max J. Burbach Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Burke Mr. Alfred A. Buser Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Butler Ms. Ann Carrigan Ms. Gere Carrigan Mr. Herbert J. Cast Mr. Donald L. Charboneau Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chenoweth Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cindrich Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Clune Ms. Michelle L. Collins Mrs. Kitty Colwell
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E. Connolly Ms. Rita Coupe Deacon and Mrs. Benedict B. Cruise Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Deitchman Mr. and Mrs. George R. Delaney Mr. Francis X. Demar Mr. and Mrs. William Dooley Mr. and Mrs. Rob Dowdy Mrs. Carol W. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Dyer Mr. Elmer G. Fangman Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fassler Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Fawcett Mr. and Mrs. Jerold V. Fennell Mr. James P. Feuerstein Mr. Mark R. Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ford Mr. James E. Gardner Dr. Joseph E. Geist Mr. and Mrs. John Gillcrist Mr. and Mrs. John J. Gladbach Mr. and Mrs. Donald Glotzbach Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Gorman Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Guettermann Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Haerle Mrs. Gertrude C. Haines
Ms. Grace H. Hajicek Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Halpin Ms. Marianne Hanna Mrs. Joanne Hart Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Haverty Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Hegarty Mr. and Mrs. William F. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Adolph J. Horinek Mr. and Mrs. John M. House, IV Mr. Burton P. Huerter Rev. Francis Hund Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Huss Mr. James R. Hutchinson Mr. William A. Januszewski Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kampeter Mr. and Mrs. Dan Kanatzar Br. Peter Karasz Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kearney, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Kenealy Mrs. Dolores Kern Maj. and Mrs. James M. King Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kloppenberg Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Knipper Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kolich Mr. William M. Kryger Most Rev. Daniel W. Kucera, O.S.B. Dr. and Mrs. Robert La Rocque
Winter 2007
Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Lange Mrs. Sherry Lange Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ledom Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Leibham Ms. Gladys E. Linck Mr. and Mrs. Micheal P. Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. McAvoy Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. McCann Mr. Walter C. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. McGinness Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McManaman Mr. James R. Meyer Mr. Lawrence D. Mikesic Mr. and Mrs. David D. Miller Mr. Millard W. Miller Mrs. Barbara Mindrup Mr. David L. Moritz Mr. and Mrs. James H. Mullins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Mulryan Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mulvenon Dr. Donn B. Murphy, Ph.D. Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Nagy Ms. Virginia M. Nash Mr. and Mrs. Lorry Nelson Mr. Max Niehues Mr. Justin M. Noll Mr. and Mrs. Ben Norman Mr. and Mrs. James J. O'Bryan Ms. Julia M. O'Connor The Honorable and Mrs. Maurice P. O'Keefe Mrs. and Mr. Tim and Gina Osborn Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Pavlu Mr. Mark T. Peddecord Mr. and Mrs. Steve Pickman Mr. and Mrs. Warren P. Powers Dr. and Mrs. James B. Pretz, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Racki Mr. and Mrs. Charles Raplinger Mr. and Mrs. Tim Regan Mr. and Mrs. Leo E. Rieke Mr. Harold Roberts Mr. Charles A. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Bryan J. Rojek Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rus Mrs. Dorothy Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Sabatini Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Schmitz Mr. and Mrs. Tom Schoenecker Mrs. Frances M. Schoenfelder Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Schramp Dr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Setze Mr. and Mrs. Terry Shisler Ms. Carol M. Shomin Mr. Charles Shonfelt Mr. and Mrs. John P. Shonfelt Mr. George J. Silovsky, Sr.
Kansas Monks
Photo by Dan Madden
Photo by Dan Madden
Kansas Monks
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Sittenauer Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Sittenauer Rev. Eugene E. Sitzmann Mr. and Mrs. William Skidmore Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Slater Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Strathman Mrs. Sally Stricca Dr. Robert H. Sueper Mr. and Mrs. Byron Thompson Mr. Maynard D. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. James P. Tierney Mr. Virgil F. Vanderfeltz Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Vering Mr. and Mrs. W. Ronald Vickerman Ms. Della J. Vigil Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Viscek Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Vogt Mr. and Mrs. William R. Vogt Mr. Robert A. Vogt The Honorable and Mrs. Ralph F. Voss Mr. Richard G. Welmering
Mr. James A. Werth Mrs. Louise Wiederkehr Mr. and Mrs. Dwight M. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Norman R. Youngberg Mr. Thomas Zarda Ms. Teresa E. Zima The Honorable and Mrs. Lawrence G. Zukel Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Arensberg-Pruett Funeral Home DST Systems Inc. Easterday Charitable Foundation J. E. Dunn Construction Company Maur Hill-Mount Academy Residents MGP Ingredients Mount St. Scholastica, Inc. O'Malley Beverage, Inc. Texas Cattle Feeders Association The Department of Social and Rehabiltation Services The Retirement Research Foundation
The Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust The Westerman Foundation
Please support the Journey Forward Campaign with your prayers and financial assistance. Gifts will go toward the Abbey Church and Gift House Accessibility Project and the Replacement of the Monastery Roof and Windows Project. For more information please contact the St. Benedict’s Abbey Office of Development at 913-360-7897 or send an e-mail to development@ To make a contribution, send your gift to 1020 N. 2nd Street, Atchison, KS 66002 21
Winter 2007
Photo by Mary Asher
Kansas Monks
St. Benedict’s Abbey Annual Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Breitenstein Dr. Dale A. Bremmer Mr. and Mrs. Dan Breneiser Mr. Terry J. Brennan Dr. and Mrs. Robert Brennan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Brentano Ms. Elizabeth Brentano Mr. and Mrs. Scott Brickner Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Bright Ms. Marian C. Brodigan Mrs. Barbara A. Bromley +Dr. William O. Brooke, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brooke Mrs. Betty C. Broski Mr. and Mrs. Neil E. Brosnan Dr. Terrence J. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Jerry F. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Mike Brown Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Brown Mr. Philip J. Brown Mrs. Monica Browne Mrs. Ruth T. Browne Ms. Rosa Brownell Major and Mrs. Michael D. Brox Mr. and Mrs. Anton Brox Mr. and Mrs. James L. Brull Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Brull Mr. Richard A. Brummel Dr. and Mrs. Gerard S. Brungardt Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Brungardt Ms. Helen E. Bryant Mr. and Mrs. Joe Buchanan Ms. Michelle R. Buck Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buckles Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Buessing Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buhler Mrs. Dorothy Buhmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bunck Ms. Elizabeth Bunck Mr. and Mrs. Fabian Buquoi Mr. and Mrs. Marlen Burbach Mr. Richard Burbach Ms. Trina Burenheide Rev. Raymond E. Burger Rev. Robert A. Burger Ms. Monica Burgess Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Burke Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Burke Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Burnison Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Burns Mr. Wendall J. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Richard Buse Ms. Holly L. Buser Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Bush Mr. and Mrs. Wallace F. Buske Dr. and Mrs. Felipe Bustillo Mr. Patrick M. Byrne Ms. Jean Byrne Ms. Nora Byrne
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cacioppo Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cameron Mr. and Mrs. Ed Campbell Mr. Charles Campbell Ms. Barbara Campbell Mr. Vincent V. Canning, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Cappo Mr. James M. Carew Dr. Thomas E. Carey Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carey Mrs. Alice Carey Mr. and Mrs. James R. Carley
Kansas Monks Mr. and Mrs. Jon Carmain Mrs. Mary Carnaghi Dr. and Mrs. Francis P. Carpinelli Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Carr Mr. Hugh Carr Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Carrigan Mr. and Mrs. Patrick D. Carrigan Ms. Ann Carrigan Ms. Gere Carrigan Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Carril Mr. and Mrs. Phil Carrillo Mr. and Mrs. John E. Carroll, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William Carroll Mr. Joseph P. Carroll Ms. Janice L. Carson Mrs. Christine Carter Mrs. Pennie Carter Carter Glass Co., Inc. Lt. Col. Charles P. Caruso (Ret) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Caspari Mr. and Mrs. William R. Casserly, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Cassidy Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy D. Cassidy Mr. Herbert J. Cast Mr. and Mrs. William H. Castle
Mr. and Mrs. William Clemens Mr. Richard H. Clothier Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Clune Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Clune Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Clune Mrs. Carol Clune Mr. and Mrs. Colin Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cole Mr. Raymond E. Colgan Mr. Richard T. Colgan Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Colwell, Jr. Ms. Kitty Colwell Mr. and Mrs. Steven Condon Sr. Kathleen Condry Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Conley Ms. Ann E. Conover Mr. Charles A. Conroy Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Contreras, Jr. Fr. Thomas E. Cook Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cook Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Coon Mr. Vincent G. Corbett Mr. Richard P. Cordero
Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Catanzaro Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Catrambone Mr. and Mrs. Leo F. Cavanaugh Mr. Patrick Cavanaugh Mr. Warren D. Cawley Mr. Frank M. Ceresia Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Cernich, M.D. Mr. Joseph F. Cerveny Mr. and Mrs. Pius Chao Mr. Paul K. Chao Ms. Jo Anne E. Charboneau Ms. Maria E. Chastain-Brand Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chenoweth Mr. Robert E. Chisolm Mr. Leonard Chmelka Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Christian Ms. Dorothy P. Christoph Ms. Maggie Church Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cillessen Mr. Brian D. Cincotta Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Cindrich Mr. and Mrs. Vicente Cisneros Ms. Alison N. Clark Mr. Robert J. Classen Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cleary
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Corken Mr. and Mrs. John Costello Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Costigan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cotter Mr. and Mrs. Shane P. Coughlin Ms. Patricia L. Coughlin Ms. Patricia Coupe Ms. Rita Coupe Fr. Andrew H. Cozzens Mr. and Mrs. David Crawley Mr. and Mrs. Tim Crockett Dr. John Cronin Mr. and Mrs. Randy Cross Mr. James Crossley Col. and Mrs. Paul Crotty, (Ret) Mr. Tom M. Crowley Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Crulcich Ms. Karen Crusinbery Mr. Robert D. Cuba Miss Petronella Culivan Mr. and Mrs. Jerome C. Culver Mr. James Cummings Mrs. Mary Cummings Mr. Robert F. Cunningham Ms. Denise C. Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Curran Dr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Curry, D.D.S. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Cusack, Jr. Mr. John Cusack Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Cusumano Ms. Penny Cutler Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cyr
Photo by Mary Asher
Mr. Joseph Bellerive Mrs. Catherine Bender Mr. Melvin J. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Richard Benoit Ms. Laura Benson Mrs. Rita Benzmiller Mr. and Mrs. Dan Berardy Ms. Marilyn Berberick Mr. John A. Berger Mrs. Virginia E. Berney Ms. Evelyn L. Bernica Mr. Don Bernskoetter LTC Cheney L. Bertholf Jr Mr. and Mrs. Lenny Best Mr. David Betzen Ms. Jo Anne Betzen Mr. and Mrs. Albert M. Beuerlein Mr. and Mrs. David J. Bevilacqua Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bexten Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Bianco Dr. and Mrs. Frank G. Bichlmeier, M.D. Ms. Billie L. Biel Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Biggs Mr. Donald E. Biggs Mr. Eric Bindewald Mr. and Mrs. William M. Bing Mr. and Mrs. Alexander J. Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Bishop Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Blackman Jr Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Blackwell The monks of St. Benedict’s Abbey thank their friends and benefactors who have contributed to their annual Mr. and Mrs. Wes Blair fund between the dates of December 15, 2006, and November 15, 2007. Your names are listed below. Please Rev. Anthony Blaufuss contact our Office of Development if we have mistakenly left your name off this list. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bleything Mr. and Mrs. John W. Block Jr. Mr. Ted A. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L. Bandi Mr. Jeffrey Block Mrs. Katheryn E. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Banion Mrs. Marjorie (Rupp) Dampf Mr. Leroy Ed Blocker Ms. Anna Marie Anderson Mr. Owen Banks Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Aamodt Mr. and Mrs. George B. Blodig Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Andra Rev. Christopher L. Barak Mr. and Mrs. Donald Aaron, Sr. Mr. Richard E. Blohm Mr. John F. Andra Jr. Ms. Debbie Barbieri Mr. and Mrs. John F. Abegg Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bock Mr. and Mrs. William Andre Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baril Mr. and Mrs. David Ackerman Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Boddicker Mrs. Betty A. Andrews Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Barnes Mr. Paul H. Adair Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boeding Mr. and Mrs. William Anthes Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bartush Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Adams Rev. Marvin J. Boes Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Anthony Mr. Larry L. Base Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bohm Mr. and Mrs. Matthew D. Anthony Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bastasch Mrs. Lois Adams Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bona Msgr. Gary P. Applegate Mr. and Mrs. Tommy D. Bateman Mr. Stan A. Adamski Mr. and Mrs. Santos Bonilla Ms. Annette M. Aragon Mr. John Bates Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Adrian Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Bono Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Archer Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bauer Mr. and Mrs. John Ahern Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boos Mr. Gerald A. Archer Mr. and Mrs. Mark M. Bauman Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Ahern Mr. and Mrs. George T. Boos Mr. and Mrs. Harold Arens Msgr. William L. Baumgaertner Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Albers Mr. and Mrs. Phil Boos Mr. and Mrs. Lee C. Arensberg Dr. and Mrs. George J. Baumgartner Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Albers Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Boos Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Arensberg Miss Virginia Baumgartner Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Albers Mr. and Mrs. Forrest M. Borden Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aringdale Mr. and Mrs. Vern Baumhover Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Albers, Ed. D. Ms. Denise A. Boucher Mr. James Armstrong Dr. Patricia Bealmear Mrs. Virginia Albers Mr. and Mrs. Lendell F. Boudreau Mr. Martin F. Armstrong, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Beattie, Jr. Mr. Charles R. Alberts Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Bowen, III Ms. Helen C. Ashbaugh Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Beaudoin Mr. Fred P. Aldrich Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bower Mr. and Mrs. James Asher Mr. and Mrs. Theodore P. Bechtel Mrs. Jody R. Alexis Mr. and Mrs. William T. Bowler III The Honorable and Mrs. Martin J. Dr. and Mrs. John R. Beck Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. Allen Mr. William T. Bowler Jr Asher Mr. and Mrs. Jay Becker Mr. and Mrs. Jim F. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Bowline Mr. and Mrs. Keith Atlakson Mr. and Mrs. William P. Becker Mr. and Mrs. Randall Allen Mr. Michael R. Boyce Dr. and Mrs. Dennis C. Ayer Mr. Regis J. Becker Mr. Lester Altenbernd Mr. and Mrs. Bob L. Bradley Mr. Edward F. Aylward Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Beckman Mr. and Mrs. Craig J. Altenhofen Mr. and Mrs. John Bradley, Jr Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Aylward Mr. Richard A. Beckwith Mr. and Mrs. John N. Altman Mr. and Mrs. Austin Braithwait Mr. Ronald Aziere Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bednar Rev. David Altman, O.C.S.O. Mr. George R. Bramer Mr. Alan C. Beemsterboer Mrs. Jaqueline Amrein Mr. and Mrs. Mario Brancato Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baker Mr. and Mrs. John A. Behrmann Ms. Velta Anast Mr. and Mrs. James H. Brand Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Belden Miss Barbara Anders Mr. Larry L. Brandon Mr. Dan Baker Ms. Catherine E. Belden Mr. Kenneth Anderson Ms. Mary Anne Brant Rev. Nicholas J. Baker Mr. and Mrs. Duane Belisle Lt. Col. and Mrs. Robert C. Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Braunsdorf Ms. Rita A. Baker Mrs. Diane L. Belken Anderson Rev. Louis A. Breaux Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bell Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Breheny Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bell Mr. Dennis R. Anderson
Winter 2007
Mr. Arnold V. Dachille Mr. and Mrs. William A. Daletski Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Dallao Mr. and Mrs. Anthony G. D’Andrea Mr. and Mrs. John Danicic Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Davenport Mr. John P. Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Gary Davis Mr. and Mrs. William Davis Mr. and Mrs. Bradley K. Day Mrs. Virginia Day Ms. Therese De Coursey Foley Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. DeCarlo Mr. and Mrs. Virgil C. Dechant Mr. Josh Deery Mr. Robert J. DeGostin, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leo H. DeGreef Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dehner Mr. James B. Dehner Mrs. Rita Dehner Mr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Deitchman Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Deitchman Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Deitchman Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Deitchman Rev. Earl J. Dekat Mr. and Mrs. George R. Delaney Dr. and Mrs. Jack M. Delphia Mrs. Joan Delphia Mr. Francis X. Demar Mr. Louis A. Demers Mr. Leo A. Demmer Mr. Timothy J. Dempsey Mr. and Mrs. Irvin A. Derezinski Mr. Frank DeRossi Mr. and Mrs. Dorus J. Deters Mr. Ben Deters, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dickason, Sr. Ms. Debora Dickens Mr. and Mrs. Gerald B. Didde Mrs. Mary Lou Diebolt Mrs. Rose Mary Diebolt Dr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Diederich Mr. and Mrs. Don P. Diederich Mr. &. Mrs. D. Thomas Diedrich Mrs. Margaret B. Diedrich Mrs. Irene Dierks Mr. Edward H. Dillon Mr. Jeffry M. Dimon Mr. and Mrs. Greg M. Dixon Dr. Arthur G. Dobbelaere Mr. and Mrs. James T. Dockery Mr. and Mrs. John M. Dockery Mr. William R. Dodd Mr. and Mrs. Sean Doherty Mr. Patrick E. Doherty Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dolan Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Domann Mr. and Mrs. Joe Domann Mrs. Alice Domann Mr. Gerald Dome Ms. Irene Donahy Mr. and Mrs. Max L. Donaldson
Winter 2007
Photo by Mary Asher
Kansas Monks
Ms. Vicki Eads Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ebel Mr. and Mrs. Ted M. Eberle Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eby Mr. and Mrs. Lee Eckert Mr. and Mrs. Pat Egan Dr. Anne E. Egbert, M.D. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert G. Ehret Mr. Mark J. Eichholz
Ms. Imelda Eisenbarth Mr. John T. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. Mark Elliott Ms. Joan Elmborg Mr. and Mrs. Roland Elpers Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Engelken Mr. and Mrs. John M. English Mr. and Mrs. James A. Enneking Mr. John W. Eveler Mr. and Mrs. George H. Ewald Mr. and Mrs. Jerome F. Ewald Mr. Roger L. Ewing
Ms. Edna J. Fagan Mr. and Mrs. Rick Falk Mr. Henry Falk Mr. William J. Falk Mrs. Billie Joan Falk Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Fangman Mr. Elmer G. Fangman Mr. and Mrs. Roland Faricy Rev. Brandon Farrar Mrs. Delores Farrell Mr. Phillip F. Farris Mr. and Mrs. John Fassler Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fassler Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Fawcett Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fayard Mr. and Mrs. William E. Federhofer Mr. Eugene R. Federhofer Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Feeman Mr. and Mrs. Duane L. Feldkamp Mr. and Mrs. Michael Feldkamp Mr. Robert A. Feldmann Mr. and Mrs. Ryan D. Fesker Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fichtenkort Senator and Mrs. Joseph Fidel Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fidler Mr. and Mrs. George Finan Mr. and Mrs. Gail Finken Mr. Richard L. Finn Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Finnegan
Ms. Frances Finnegan Mr. Patrick F. Finucane Mr. Frank A. Fiorini Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fisher Mr. and Mrs. David A. Fitzekam Mr. and Mrs. James M. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Fitzpatrick Mr. James P. Flanagan Mr. James Fleming Mrs. Paula Fluery Mr. Mark R. Flynn Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ford Ms. Marguerite D. Ford Dr. and Mrs. Henry L. Forge Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Forge +Most Rev. Marion F. Forst, D.D. Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Fox Ms. Bernadine Fox Mr. and Mrs. John P. Frank Mr. and Mrs. Buford M. Fraser Mr. Roy J. Frederick Mr. William J. Freeburn Mr. Randall D. Freehling Dr. Ben Frerichs Mr. Bernard E. Frett Mr. John R. Fridell Ms. June Friend Ms. Dorothy M. Fuchtman Mr. and Mrs. James Fugere Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Fuhrman Fr. Volker Futter, O.S.B.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Galan Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Galuszka, Jr. Ms. Margaret M. Gampper Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Gangel Ms. Eva Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Gardner Mr. James E. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Gartenmayer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haefling Ms. Patricia R. Haefling Mr. William M. Haegelin Mr. Michael F. Haeger Mr. W. Mark Hafeman
Mr. William C. Hafeman Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hagan, M.D. Mr. Tyler S. Hagan Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Haire Mr. Charles F. Hales Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hall Mr. Morris W. Halliday Mr. James F. Halling Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon L. Hamilton Ms. Carol Hamilton Ms. Emma Hamilton Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hammes Mr. Roger Hammock Mr. Steve Handke Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hanny, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hansen Mrs. A. D. Hardee Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Hardick Ms. Dolores Harkins Mrs. Claire Harmon Mr. and Mrs. Nelson N. Harper Mr. Patrick R. Harper Mr. and Mrs. Gerald C. Harrington Mr. Raymond S. Harrington Mr. and Mrs. Gary Harris Mr. and Mrs. Louis L. Harris Mr. Michael J. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Harrison Mr. and Mrs. Kent E. Harrison Rev. Patrick C. Harrison Mrs. Joanne Hart Mr. and Mrs. Gary E. Hartegan Pat Harter Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Hartman, Jr. Mr. Robert E. Hartman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Harton Mr. and Mrs. John R. Hartwell Mr. Joseph M. Hattrup Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Hauber Dr. and Mrs. James D. Haug Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert A. Haug Mr. and Mrs. John V. Haug Ms. Carolyn F. Hauser Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Haverkamp Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Hazlett Hon. and Mrs. Daniel L. Hebert Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Heble Mr. Clarence E. Heck Ms. H. Suzanne Heck Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hecker Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Hegarty Dr. and Mrs. Hubert R. Heichelheim Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heideman Mr. Hubert L. Heideman Dr. Rebecca Heidlage Mr. and Mrs. James E. Heili Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Heim Mrs. Mary Alice Heim Mr. and Mrs. Roy Heiman Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Heine Mr. and Mrs. David Heinen Mrs. Marie Heins Dr. Francis H. Heller Mr. Bill Henderson Mr. and Mrs. John A. Henderson Mr. and Mrs. James H. Hendricks Mr. and Mrs. John H. Henke Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Henke Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Hennigh, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Henningsen Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Henry
Kansas Monks Mr. and Mrs. Don Henry Mr. and Mrs. Edgar C. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Henry Mr. and Mrs. William F. Henry Mr. Robert C. Henry Mr. James A. Hepp Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heppler Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Heppler Mr. and Mrs. James W. Heppler Mr. and Mrs. D.A. Herman Dr. Jerome H. Hermes Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hermes Mr. and Mrs. Norbert E. Hermes Mr. Alan L. Hermesch Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Hermesch Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Hernandez Mr. Daniel C. Hertzner Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hess Mr. Engelbert N. Heuertz
Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Hirsch Mr. Phillip Hirt Mr. Erwin B. Hockens Mr. William Hodes Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Hoff Dr. and Mrs. William Hofmann Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Holder Mr. Thomas G. Holek Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Holke Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Holmes Ms. Donna Holt Mr. Philip J. Holtgraves Mr. Richard Holton Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Homan Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G. Hommertzheim Mr. Paul A. Hope Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Hopfinger Mr. and Mrs. John J. Horan Mr. George Hornick
Mr. and Mrs. John Hewitt Mr. and Mrs. Doug Hickerson Mrs. Marguerite Hicks Dr. and Mrs. Dennis G. Higginbotham Mr. Paul Highstrom Mrs. Josephine Hildman Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Hilger Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hilger Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Hilger Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hill Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Hill Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hillman Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hiltibidal Mr. Richard A. Hilts Cmdr. and Mrs. Ronald L. Hindman Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Hiner Mr. Richard H. Hinkson Mr. and Mrs. Gregg D. Hinton Mr. and Mrs. William F. Hinz
Rev. Francis M. Horvat Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Horvath Mrs. Marie Hoss Ms. Maggie Houlehan Mr. John G. Houlehan Ms. Kateri Howard Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Hoytal Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hrenchir Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hubbard Mr. Frank J. Huebner Dr. and Mrs. Quentin C. Huerter Dr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Huerter Mr. Burton P. Huerter Ms. Rita F. Hulsing Mr. John T. Huml Mr. and Mrs. David Hund Mr. John A. Hunter Mr. and Mrs. Mark Huppe Mr. and Mrs. Bob Husband Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Huseth
Mr. Anthony Huss Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Hutchison
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Ibarra Mr. and Mrs. George W. Intfen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Intfen Mr. and Mrs. Bill Irons
Ltc. John Jackson (Ret) Dr. & Mrs. C.H. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Jacobs Mr. Norman P. Jacobs Mrs. Rita Jacobs Ms. Ada A. Jacobson Mr. and Mrs. Ken Jacquinot Dr. and Mrs. Thomas O. James Mr. William J. Jameson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jamieson Ms. Mary C. Jancich
Photo by Mary Asher
Dr. and Mrs. Frank A. Donovan Mr. and Mrs. William Dooley Mr. Richard C. Dooley Mr. Tom Dooley Ms. Cynthia L. Dooley Mr. and Mrs. Rob Dowdy Mr. Patrick E. Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Dramann Mr. and Mrs. Jay Draper Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Drees Ms. Mary C. Drees Dr. Felix F. Dreher, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Driscoll Mr. James D. Drury Mr. John T. Dugan, Sr. Mrs. Bonnie J. Dulmes Mrs. Ruth C. Dulmes Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Dummermuth Mr. John W. Dundon Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Terrence P. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. William H. Dunn Mr. Robert P. Dunn Mrs. Carol W. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Dunne Mr. George W. Dunne Msgr. Peter F. Dunne Mr. and Mrs. Roger Dunning Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Dunphy Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Dupuis Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Durkin
Mr. and Mrs. Leon B. Gaschen Mr. Nicholas J. Gaspers Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gast Mr. and Mrs. William Gates Mr. Brett Gaughan Mr. Michael W. Gaughan Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Geise Dr. Joseph E. Geist Mr. Robert L. Geist Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Gellings Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gerek Mr. Donald C. Gerhardt Dr. and Mrs. William C. Gerst Dr. James A. Gerst Mr. Thomas E. Gerst Mr. William Gervais Mr. and Mrs. James R. Giessel Mr. and Mrs. Bill Giles Mr. John P. Gilhooly Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Giller Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Gilligan Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Gilmore Fr. John P. Gilsenan Mr. and Mrs. John F. Gishpert Mr. John C. Glancy Mr. Louis R. Glavan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Glennon Ms. Sharon Goding Mr. and Mrs. James Golden Dr. and Mrs. Liborio Gomez Mr. and Mrs. Jose U. Gonzales Mr. and Mrs. Marty Gonzales Mr. Gummie Gonzales Mrs. Ilene M. Good Mr. and Mrs. Don Goode Ms. Amy R. Goode Mr. and Mrs. Virgil J. Goracke Mr. and Mrs. Roger Gormley Mr. and Mrs. William E. Gorrell Ms. Kirsten L. Goza Mr. and Mrs. Glen Grable Mr. William Grady Mr. and Mrs. John T. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Philip L. Graham Mrs. Lillian M. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Jake Graves Mr. Francis Green Mr. and Mrs. Rick Greer Mr. and Mrs. Conrad J. Gregoire Mr. and Mrs. William J. Grennan Mr. Charles F. Gress Mr. Norbert Gress Mr. and Mrs. Terence E. Grewe Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Griffin Mr. Eugene E. Griffith Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Grindel Mr. John F. Gronstal Mr. and Mrs. Gary Grosdidier Mr. Eugene J. Gruenbacher Mr. and Mrs. Norman Guettermann Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Guettermann Mrs. Juanita A. Guilmette Mr. Joseph Guinotte Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gurnon Dr. and Mrs. Anthony P. Gythiel
Winter 2007
Mr. Richard Janke Mr. Jerome J. Jansen Dr. and Mrs. Donald Jeffries Ms. Madeleine M. Jenks Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomas Jensen Mr. and Mrs. Mark Jirak Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Johannes Mr. and Mrs. Ed Johnson Mr. and Mrs. John C. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Johnson Mr. Ronald S. Johnson Ms. Betty Johnson Mrs. Lois M. Joiner Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jones Mr. Clyde W. Jones Mrs. Linda Jones Mrs. Nancy L. Jones Mr. John J. Jurcyk, Jr. Mr. Roger Jurgensmeyer
Winter 2007
Kansas Monks Mr. Eugene G. Kristof Mr. Robert Krogmeier Mr. and Mrs. Jim Krone Mr. Laurence A. Kubier Mr. and Mrs. Gregory B. Kuhn Mr. and Mrs. Vince C. Kunkler Ms. Jeanne L. Kuretich Fr. Jay K. Kythe
Photo by Mary Asher
Mr. Thomas R. Klein Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Klenke Mr. James R. Klenke Ms. Carol A. Kleweno Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Kloppenberg Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kloppenberg Mr. Michael J. Kloss Ms. Megan J. Klump Ms. Angela Kmetz Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Knapp Sr. Kieran Kneaves Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Knipper Mr. and Mrs. James J. Knox Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Kobos Mr. and Mrs. Al Koch Mr. and Mrs. James Koch Mr. and Mrs. Albert B. Kocour Mr. and Mrs. David Kocour Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kocour Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Kocour Mr. and Mrs. Cecil A. Koechner Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Koechner Mr. and Mrs. Tom Koehler Mr. and Mrs. Alexander A. Koenen Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C. Kohake Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kohake Mr. and Mrs. John Kohake Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kohake Mrs. Dorothy M. Kohake Feichtinger Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Komarewich Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Konjura Mr. and Mrs. Alvin A. Kontrick Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Kopp Mr. Robert W. Kottman Mr. and Mrs. Theodore G. Kozan Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Krall Mr. and Mrs. Francis L. Kram Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Duane Kreiensieck
Mr. F. William Lewis Mr. William R. Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Ley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl G. Lickteig Ms. Phyllis Lieb Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Liebsch, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lienemann Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lierz Ms. Marietta S. Lies Mr. and Mrs. Gary Linck
Mr. and Mrs. Ed J. Macan Ms. Karen Macarthur Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mader Ms. Patricia A. Madison Mr. and Mrs. Brook D. Maese Mr. and Mrs. Greg Maher Mr. John C. Majerus Mr. Eugene D. Malir Mr. and Mrs. James H. Malkus, Jr.
Mr. Michael G. Manly Ms. Anne M. Mann Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Markey Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Markey Mr. Robert H. Markey Mr. William R. Markey Mr. William Markham Mr. and Mrs. Lester Marlatt Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Marquez Mr. and Mrs. Edward Martin
Ms. Edith Masar Mr. and Mrs. John T. Massman Dr. James Mattea Mr. William T. Matzeder Mr. and Mrs. Michael Maude Mr. Matthew F. May Mrs. Sandra Mayer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Mazur Mr. Jim McAnerney Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. McBride Mr. Edward J. McBride Mrs. Dorothy L. McBride Ms. Mary Anne McBride Ms. Pamela K. McCann Mr. and Mrs. John F. McCarthy, Jr. Mr. Ottis A. McCarthy Mrs. Marian McCarthy Ms. Jane G. McCarthy Rev. Donald P. McCarthy Rev. Frederick J. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Karl McCarty Ms. Barb McCauley Mr. Donald W. McConachie Mr. and Mrs. Russell McCort Mr. Gary E. McCoy Mrs. Virginia McCoy Mr. James D. McDade Mrs. Dorothy McDermed Mr. Walter C. McDonald Ms. Dee McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McFadden Mr. and Mrs. David G. McGarry Mr. and Mrs. Patrick F. McGee Mr. Thomas F. McGee, Jr. Mr. Thomas McGee Mr. and Mrs. John P. McGovern Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. McGrath Mr. Gary L. McGrath Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. McGrew Mr. and Mrs. Paul McGuire Mr. Larry McKain Mr. Dolan M. McKelvy Ms. Kathleen McKelvy Dr. and Mrs. Eugene F. McKenzie Mr. and Mrs. James A. McKenzie Dr. and Mrs. Kevin McKeough Mr. and Mrs. Patrick K. McKinzie Mr. and Mrs. Charles McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. R. J. McMahon Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McManaman Mr. and Mrs. Phillip D. McManus Mr. Lawrence W. McManus Mr. and Mrs. J. Kevin McNeill Mr. David D. McReynolds Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. McShane Jr Mr. and Mrs. Cirilo Medina Col. Harry P. Meinhardt, (Ret) Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Melroy Mr. Daniel H. Mercure Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mertes Ms. Judy A. Mertes Rev. David J. Metz Mr. Jay A. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Meyers Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Micco Mr. Harry A. Mier Ms. Dorothy J. Milak Mr. Francis E. Milkent Dr. and Mrs. John T. Miller Mr. and Mrs. David D. Miller Mr. and Mrs. David Miller Mr. and Mrs. Terry Miller
Kansas Monks Mr. Millard W. Miller Ms. Carol A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. James S. Milvenan Mrs. Barbara Mindrup Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Minnis Mrs. Pat Minnis Ms. Mary Miro Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mispagel Ms. Jeanette L. Mitchell Dr. and Mrs. Paul Moccia Ms. Gertrude E. Moll Mr. Robert W. Montoya Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moore Mr. Patrick J. Moran Mr. and Mrs. Rick Moranz Dr. and Mrs. Donald W. Moriarty Mr. Robert E. Morin Mr. David L. Moritz Mr. Sylvester C. Morris Mr. and Mrs. Marlyn S. Morrison Mr. William P. Morrison Mrs. Ruth C. Morrow
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. O’Brien Mr. Jerry D. O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. James J. O’Bryan Mr. William W. O’Bryan Mr. John O’Connor Mr. William E. O’Connor Msgr. James M. O’Connor Ms. Paula O’Connor Mr. Robert M. O’Gara Ms. Patricia A. O’Gara Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. O’Herron Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Oidtman The Honorable and Mrs. Maurice P. O’Keefe Mr. and Mrs. August Olberding Mr. and Mrs. James A. Oldani Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. O’Leary Mrs. Cora A. Olsen Mrs. Christina O’Neil Ms. Jennifer Oneske Mr. Patrick A. Orlich Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. O’Rourke Mr. Louis Orrison Ms. Cecarita Ortivez Mrs. and Mr. Tim and Gina Osborn Mr. and Mrs. Allen L. Osborne III Mr. and Mrs. Terry M. O’Shea Ms. Mary C. Ost Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Ostmeyer Ms. C. E. Sandii Ostmeyer Ms. Regina Ostmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Ken Otke Ms. Jan Otte
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Nadeau Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Nagle Mr. and Mrs. James V. Napier Mr. and Mrs. John G. Nass Ms. Theresa Nass Mr. and Mrs. Owen Neary Mr. Frank J. Nedrow Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Neenan Mr. and Mrs. Robert Neidert Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Nelson Mr. Brian Nelson Mr. Walter G. Nelson Ms. Barbara Nettles-Carlson Ms. Marilyn E. Neukirch Dr. and Mrs. Chas F. Neumann Ms. Janice E. Neumann Ms. Rose Mary Neuwirth Mr. and Mrs. Pat Nevins Mr. and Mrs. Rex Newcomer Mr. and Mrs. David Newman Mr. and Mrs. Jack A. Newman Jr
Photo by Mary Asher
Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Kaemmerer Mr. Robert A. Kaemmerer Mr. Paul F. Kafka Mrs. Pauline M. Kaiser Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kaminsky Dr. and Mrs. James Kane Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Kane Mr. and Mrs. S. William Kapranos Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne H. Kasl Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kauffman Mr. and Mrs. George R. Kautz Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Kay Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Kearney Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Keeley Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Keeley Drs. Brian and Maria Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Kelly Mr. Larry F. Kelly Mr. Theodore Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Matthew C. Kemnitz Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kennedy Mr. Michael E. Kern Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Kerr Ms. Margaret E. Kesse Mr. James Kew Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Kiefer Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kiefer Mrs. Genevieve C. Kiefer Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kil Mr. Donald E. Kilkenny Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kilker Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Kilmer Maj. and Mrs. James M. King Mr. Michael J. Kirwan Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Klaumann Mr. and Mrs. John A. Klebba Mr. and Mrs. John M. Klebba Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Klein
Ms. Dorothy La Rocque Mrs. Martha E. La Van Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. Lacy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Laffleur Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Laird, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Lammers Mr. and Mrs. Leo T. Landon Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lane Mrs. Sherry Lange Dr. and Mrs. James Langley Mr. and Mrs. Corey Lapka Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Lardner Ms. Mary A. Larkin Mr. and Mrs. Gerald D. Lasater Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Latz Mr. William Latz Mrs. David F. Lauer Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Laurenzo Mrs. Courtney Laurie Mr. and Mrs. John William Laverty Mr. and Mrs. Adrian P. Lavoie Mr. and Mrs. Duwayne M. LeBlanc Ms. Violet Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Lehmkuhl Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Leibham Mr. Eugene Leise Mr. Kenneth Leitner Mr. Dennis Leman Mr. and Mrs. George W. Lents Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Letourneau
Mr. Leo E. Linck Ms. Gladys E. Linck Mr. and Mrs. Carl V. Lind Mrs. Edith Lind Ms. Angela M. Lind Ms. Mildred D. Lindsey Mrs. Theresa Linville Mr. Gary P. Lipe Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Lippold Ms. Jenny Lissner Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lister Mrs. Josephine Lister Mr. James F. Loehr Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lomshek Mr. and Mrs. Dave Long Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Long Mr. and Mrs. Doug Longstaff Mr. and Mrs. Clinton G. Lord Mr. and Mrs. Steve Loughman Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P. Lowder Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Lower Dr. Gerald F. Luebbe Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Lueger Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L. Luehrs Jr. Mr. Dennis Lutz Mr. Daniel Lykins Mr. and Mrs. James M. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. John J. Lynch Jr Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lyons
Winter 2007
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Motil Mr. and Mrs. James F. Muckenthaler Mr. and Mrs. Greg Muenks Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mueting Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Mulcahy, Jr. Mr. Thomas A. Mullaney Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mulleedy Mr. Arthur F. Muller Mr. Matthew M. Muller Mr. William J. Muller Dr. and Mrs. William S. Mullican Mr. and Mrs. James H. Mullins, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Mulryan Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mulvenon Mr. Patrick Mulville Dr. Donn B. Murphy Dr. W. R. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Murphy Dr. and Mrs. Kent B. Murray Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Murray Mr. and Mrs. James C. Murray Lt. Col. and Mrs. Charles E. Murrell (Ret) Mrs. Betty Murry Mr. Daniel M. Muzyka Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Myzer
Mrs. Anthony A. Nicholas Mr. and Mrs. Jason A. Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Nickel Mr. and Mrs. William H. Nicks Mr. Benjamin A. Nicks, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R. Niehues Mr. Marvin Niehues Mr. Max Niehues Mrs. Dolores Niehues Mrs. Regina Niehues Mr. and Mrs. James Nieuwendaal Ms. Marian G. Nigro Mr. James T. Nixon Mr. and Mrs. Daniel G. Nolan Mrs. Sue Nolan Mr. and Mrs. Paul K. Nold Mrs. Lucille Noll Mr. and Mrs. Ted Noravong Mr. and Mrs. James R. Nordhus Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Nordstrom Mr. and Mrs. Ben Norman Mr. and Mrs. Louis Normandin Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Nowatzke Dr. Walter Nugent Dr. Michael J. Nuschy, Ed.D.
Mr. and Mrs. John Oakleaf Mrs. Veronica Oberle
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Padley Mr. and Mrs. David Page Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Pairitz Mr. Don J. Palermo Lt. Col. Jerome Paluka, (Ret) Mrs. Ann Panlener Mr. and Mrs. Anthony V. Paolucci Mr. and Mrs. Dominic N. Paolucci Mr. Bernard J. Pappert Mr. and Mrs. Jack Paradise Mr. Steve D. Park Ms. Stephanie E. Parnow Mr. Ronald A. Parr Mr. and Mrs. Louis Parre Mrs. Priscilla A. Partridge Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Paulk Mr. and Mrs. James A. Paunovich Dr. and Mrs. Robert R. Pavlu Mr. Darrell Peak Mr. and Mrs. Clarence B. Pearson Mr. Patrick J. Peddecord Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peitsch Mrs. Mildred Peltier Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Penka Mr. and Mrs. Louis Penning Rev. Gary Pennings Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D. Penny Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perdue Mr. and Mrs. Dean Perkins Ms. Mary Jo Pflumm Mr. Vic Phalen Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Phayer Mr. David J. Phegley Ms. Betsy Phelan Col. and Mrs. Albert G. Pianalto, Ret. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Pickman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pickman
Winter 2007
Kansas Monks
Photo by Mary Asher
Mr. Donald E. Roeder Mr. and Mrs. John L. Rogers Mrs. Catherine Rogowski Mr. Leonard J. Roh Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rohr Mr. and Mrs. Quintin Ronnebaum Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Roper Mr. Buel T. Rose Mr. John F. Rossillon Mr. and Mrs. Albert V. Rottinghaus Mr. and Mrs. Elmer A. Rottinghaus Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rottinghaus Mr. Gerald M. Rottinghaus Mr. and Mrs. Ken Roy Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Roy Mr. and Mrs. Roger Roy Mr. Duane Rueb Mr. and Mrs. Jim Runnebaum Mr. Gerald W. Runyan Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rus Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Russell Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ryan Mr. John F. Ryan, Jr. Mr. Larry Ryan Mr. Leo E. Ryan, Jr. Mrs. Catherine A. Ryan Ms. Rosemary Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Rychlec Mr. John T. Rysavy Mr. and Mrs. John Rziha
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Quinnett Mr. Virgil J. Quint
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Racki Ms. Jo Ann Rader Mr. Daniel E. Ramacciotti
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Raplinger Mrs. Regina M. Rapp Mr. and Mrs. John W. Rasmussen Mr. Gordon A. Reader Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Real Dr. and Mrs. Allen B. Reavis Dr. and Mrs. Donald Reay Dr. and Mrs. Michael Reding Mr. and Mrs. Tim Regan Mr. Thomas E. Regnary Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Rehfeld Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Reich Mrs. Patricia L. Reid Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Reilly Mr. Robert J. Reintjes Ms. Mary Ann Renner-Eschmann Mr. Ronald V. Repplinger Mr. and Mrs. Enzo Restivo Mr. Joseph W. Reznik Mr. Frank Ribelin Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ridder Mr. and Mrs. Christian J. Riffel Mr. and Mrs. Hobart M. Riney Ms. Jane F. Rinker Dr. and Mrs. Jean W. Rioux Dr. and Mrs. John E. Ritter Dr. Ronald A. Rizzo Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roberson Mr. Harold Roberts Ms. Kaylon E. Roberts Mr. Bert J. Robinson Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Robl Mr. and Mrs. Mark Robson Mr. Carl D. Robst Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Roche II Mr. and Mrs. Lawernce Rocker Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Roden Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roe Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Roeder
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Shaffer Mr. and Dr. Donald H. Shankman Mr. Robert Shatto Mrs. Margaret M. Shay Mr. James F. Shea Mr. John J. Shea Mr. and Mrs. Christopher M. Shea Mrs. Barbara Sheedy Mr. and Mrs. James Sheldon Mr. and Mrs. Todd Sheppard Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sherlock Mr. Joseph C. Shojayi Dr. and Mrs. Tom L. Shriwise Mrs. Pauline Shuck The Honorable and Mrs. Robert J. Sidman Mr. and Mrs. Jim A. Sidoni Ms. Catherine Simonich
Kansas Monks Ms. Mary B. Snyder Dr. and Mrs. Walter Sobba Mr. and Mrs. Donald K. Sobek Mr. and Mrs. Frank Solari Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Sole Mr. and Mrs. James D. Soloperto Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Sonsthagen Ms. Patricia A. Sotis Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Soukup Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Specht Mr. and Mrs. Phil J. Spell Mr. and Mrs. George Spinelli Dr. and Mrs. Edward P. Sri Ms. Mary A. Stack Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Stamm Ms. Mary F. Stamper Rev. Edwin Stander Rev. Francis E. Stanfield
Mrs. Ruth Sullivan Ms. Janice I. Supple Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swendson Mr. and Mrs. David Szott
Dr. and Mrs. Sivestre A. Tomeldan Mr. Merril F. Toms Mr. and Mrs. William J. Toner Mr. Joseph P. Toner Mr. and Mrs. James R. Toplicar Mr. and Mrs. George Tosterud Mr. Raymond C. Tracy Mr. and Mrs. Leo Traffas Mr. and Mrs. Carl Treiber Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Tremmel Mr. Mark Tremmel Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Tritsch Mr. John J. Trompeter Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Troyan Mr. and Mrs. Milton Trujillo Mr. Lionel G. Trujillo Mr. Vincent B. Tseng Mr. &. Mrs. L. Patrick Tucker Mr. and Mrs. James Tunink Mr. and Mrs. Maurice D. Tunison Dr. and Mrs. William L. Turano Mr. and Mrs. John G. Turek Mr. Jeff S. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Turntine Mrs. Mary Ann Tuten Mr. and Mrs. Charles X. Twenter Mr. William Tynan
Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Taaffe Ms. Anna I. Tady Ms. Rachael A. Tamalonis Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Tappan Mr. and Mrs. James Taylor Mr. Jack Teegarden Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Terrell Mr. and Mrs. Carl E. Tharman Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Tharp Mr. Warren Tharp Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Thedinger Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thedinger Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Theis
Mr. Charles I. Underwood Mr. George H. Underwood Mr. and Mrs. John R. Uphaus Mr. and Mrs. H. David Urban Jr Mr. and Mrs. Ken Urban Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Uryasz
Photo by Mary Asher
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Piezuch Lt. Col. Rodney A. Pimental Mr. Leo J. Pimple Mr. George J. Pinz Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Pirotte Mr. Kevin M. Pistilli Mr. Eugene Pitts Dr. and Mrs. William C. Pivonka Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Plendl Mr. Richard H. Ploch Dr. and Mrs. Charles M. Podrebarac Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Podry Mr. and Mrs. J. Polise Mr. Daniel T. Politoske Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Porter Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Powers Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Prellwitz Mr. Reno C. Pretti Dr. and Mrs. James B. Pretz Dr. and Mrs. Patrick K. Price Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Price Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prilliman Mr. and Mrs. Roger Proffitt Ms. Esther Proffitt Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Pros Ms. Jayne M. Pugh Mr. and Mrs. Ralph I. Purcell Mr. Bill Putthoff Ms. Joan Putthoff
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Sabatini Mr. David Saint-John Rev. Steven Sallis Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Manuel V. Sandoval Mr. Edward J. Santoro Mr. and Mrs. Eduardo M. Sardina Mr. and Mrs. James C. Scanlon Mr. and Mrs. Jack S. Schafers Mr. James E. Scheid Fr. Steve Scheier Dr. Fred W. Schekorra Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Scheopner Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Schleicher Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Schletzbaum Mr. and Mrs. John Schletzbaum Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schletzbaum Mr. Vincent Schletzbaum Mrs. Dorothy L. Schletzbaum Mrs. Mary M. Schletzbaum Mr. and Mrs. John A. Schlichter
Capt. Arnold C. Schmidt, (Ret) Dr. and Mrs. Jerome P. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Dean Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. John J. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Leon J. Schmidt Mr. David J. Schmidt Ms. Kathleen Schmidt Ms. Elaine P. Schmidtberger Mr. and Mrs. David P. Schmitz Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Schmitz Mr. Charles J. Schmitz Mr. Dennis Schmitz Mr. Norbert G. Schmitz Mr. Bill Schneickert Mr. and Mrs. Leon J. Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Schneider Mr. Otto Schnellbacher, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Schoenecker Mrs. Frances M. Schoenfelder Mr. Jack Schramm Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Schreffler Mr. Anthony J. Schrick Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Schuele Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Schuetz Mr. and Mrs. Homer Schuler Dr. and Mrs. Emmett E. Schulte Col. and Mrs. James W. Schultz, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Schultz, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore J. Schultz Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Schuster Mrs. Jacqueline L. Schuster Rev. Donald M. Schwalm Dr. Robert N. Schwartz Ms. Mary Susan Schwartz Mrs. Barbara B. Schweiger Mr. and Mrs. George J. Schweitzer Mr. and Mrs. Myron Schwery Ms. Christy Scott Mr. Muriel S. Segerson Mr. and Mrs. Gary Seib Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Seitz Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Seiwald Mr. and Mrs. Larry R. Selk Dwain Sell Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sell Ms. Margaret Sell Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Senecal Mr. and Mrs. Wladimire Senutovitch Mr. Larry Servaes Dr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Setze Mr. and Mrs. James H. Sexton
Winter 2007
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Sims Mr. and Mrs. George B. Sittenauer Mr. and Mrs. John M. Sittenauer Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Sittenauer Mr. Isidor G. Sittenauer, Jr. Rev. Eugene E. Sitzmann Mr. and Mrs. William D. Skees Mr. Sylvester A. Skoch Dr. David T. Slater Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Slater Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Slattery The Honorable and Mrs. Jim C. Slattery Mr. John T. Slayman Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Smith Mr. H. Eddie Smith Ms. Janet Smith Ms. Mary W. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Snyder Mrs. Helen M. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Starke Mr. Charles U. Stastka Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stec Mrs. Donna Stec Mr. and Mrs. Jack Steele Mr. Daniel G. Steele Mr. David P. Steelman Dr. and Mrs. Donald Steingreaber Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steingreaber Mr. and Mrs. Kirt Stevens Mr. Mark E. Stevermer Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stewart Ms. Margaret D. Stockman Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stowell Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Strathman Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Strathman Mr. Lyle R. Strathman Mr. William F. Strathman Mr. Norman P. Stuckenschneider Mr. Robert W. Suchy Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Suellentrop
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Thibault Mr. and Mrs. Francis C. Thissen Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomas Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Larry Thomas Mr. Kenneth A. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Thompson Mrs. M. Doris Thompson Rev. Timothy J. Thorburn Mr. and Mrs. David P. Thornton Mrs. Gloria L. Throne Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Throop Ms. Mary C. Tichenor Mr. and Mrs. William V. Tiemeyer Mr. Joseph L. Tiemeyer Mr. and Mrs. James P. Tierney Dr. and Mrs. Arkom Tivorsak Mr. and Mrs. David Tobben Mr. and Mrs. William E. Todhunter Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tomasko
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene J. Vader, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Van Dyke, Jr. Mr. Albert J. Van Hoecke Mr. and Mrs. Eugene E. Vanderstaay Mr. and Mrs. John M. Van Dyke, Sr. Mrs. Jeanne VanHoozer Mr. Mark Verhurst Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Vering Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Vertin Ms. Marianne E. Vespa Ms. Della J. Vigil Mr. Innes J. Villalpando Dr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Vinduska Mr. and Mrs. Bernard R. Viscek Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Viscek Mr. and Mrs. Frank Viscek Mr. and Mrs. Frank Viscek Mr. Robert G. Viscek Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Vogt Mr. and Mrs. William R. Vogt Mr. Robert A. Vogt Mr. Joseph F. Vollmer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Volpenhein Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vondemkamp Mr. Walter Voorhies The Honorable and Mrs. Ralph F. Voss
Dr. and Mrs. Paul E. Wack Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Wagner Mr. Dennis Wagner Col. and Mrs. Anthony G. Waite, (Ret) Mr. and Mrs. Eugene K. Waldmann Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Waliczek, Jr.
Winter 2007
Kansas Monks
Winter 2007
Kansas Monks
Watching a One-HundredYear-Old Monk In Kansas
Photo by Mary Asher
For Father Gilbert Wolters, O.S.B.
Rev. Msgr. John H. Westhues Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Wetta Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Whalen Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. White Dr. James R. Whitehead Mr. and Mrs. Francis M. Whitesell Mr. Gerard T. Wickey Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wieliczka Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wilburn Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wilcox Mr. and Mrs. Les Wilkerson Mr. Patrick Wilkerson Mr. and Mrs. James Wilkinson Mr. William E. Willging Mr. and Mrs. Dwight M. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Williams Rev. Anthony Williams Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Wendell W. Willis Ms. Marie A. Willy Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. Winkler Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Winkler Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Winter Mr. and Mrs. Art Winters Mr. and Mrs. Robert Winzer Mr. and Mrs. Roger Wisehart Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wisely Mr. and Mrs. John B. Wissman Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. Wohletz Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wolken Mr. Jamers K. Wolkensperg Mr. Joseph F. Wollet Dr. Donald E. Wolters Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Wolters Mr. and Mrs. William H. Wolters, Jr. Mr. Eugene F. Wolters Mr. Philip M. Wolters Mrs. Earlene Wolters Ms. Nancy L. Wolters LTC and Mrs. William H. Wolving-
ton, Ret. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin G. Wood, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Wood Mr. James W. Wood Mr. Richard C. Wood Ms. Alma J. Wood Mr. Franklin B. Woodbury Mr. and Mrs. David Wooldridge Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Woolley Mr. and Mrs. William Worker Mr. Daniel Wulff Mr. F. J. Wulff Dr. and Mrs. Philip J. Wurtz Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wurtz Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Wyatt Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Wyndle
Dr. Dominic Yang Mrs. Carol K. Yaw Dr. and Mrs. Lionel W. Young Dr. Frank G. Young Mr. and Mrs. Hank Young Ms. Margaret A. Young Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zabel Mr. Frank Zaveral Mr. Gerald A. Zeller Dr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Ziegler Mr. William L. Zielinski Mr. Kenneth M. Zimmerman Mr. David W. Zonavetch Mr. and Mrs. John E. Zook Col. John F. Zugschwert Archer Daniels Midland Company Matching Gift Atchison County Kansas Genealogical Society Blessed Sacrament Parish, Wichita, Kan.
Byrd Memorial Co., Inc. Camaldolese Hermits of America Daughters of Isabella, Atchison, Kan. DST Systems Inc. Ecolab Inc. GASMART USA, INC. Gerber Electric, Inc Kelly High School Alumni Association Knights of Columbus #10755 Knights of Columbus #643 Knights Of Columbus #8505 Knights of Columbus Council #9532 Knights of Columbus, St. Leo Council 834 Landoll Corporation Lauer-Love, Inc. Our Lady of Peace Benedictine Sisters, Columbia, Mo. PepsiCo Foundation Seneca Knights of Columbus #1769 Severance Knights of Columbus No. 675 Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth St. Joseph St. Benedict Church, Kansas City, Kan. St. Patrick’s Council No. 818 K of C Sts Peter and Paul Church, Senena, Kan. The Retirement Research Foundation The Trinity Foundation Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP
He wears a dark blue fedora And a sweater powdered blueBaby blue of reminiscence… A blanket which might have covered him In nineteen-hundred-seven. He trundles on In the grace of an October breezeSoft applause for his accomplishment And a whispered encouragement: “Go on Gilbert go on. All is near.” Octobert 10, 2007 Robert Phelps, O.F.M. Cap
Photo by Sophia Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Terry H. Walker Ms. Lucy A. Walker Mr. and Mrs. James D. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Walsh Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Walsh Dr. and Mrs. W. Dean Walton General Robert V. Ward, (Ret.) Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D. Ward Rev. Thomas J. Ward Fr. William C. Warman Mr. Charles E. Warren Mr. and Mrs. John W. Waters Mr. and Mrs. Richard Watowa Mr. Owen Watowa Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Watson Mr. and Mrs. Victor F. Wavada Mr. Edmund C. Weatherford Ms. Barbara A. Weaver Mr. Philip J. Wegman Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Weigel Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weinmann Mrs. Laverne Weishaar Ms. Geraldine Weishaar Ms. Marcelline Weishaar Ms. Josephine Weixelman Ms. Vicki Weldon Rev. Eric Weldon Mr. L.W. Weller Mr. Thomas J. Welsh Mr. and Mrs. Louis P. Wenzl Mr. and Mrs. Luke Wenzl Mr. Frank Werkowitch Mr. and Mrs. Melvin B. Werner Mr. Gary S. Werner Ms. Mary B. Werring Mr. Thomas A. Wessels Mr. and Mrs. Justin West Mr. David E. West Mrs. Laura Jane Westerman
As in a repetition of Century-old baby steps He walks with the aid Of a wooden cane Amid an honor guard of Understanding oaks Affording him the sweetness of shade
Winter 2007
Photo by Mary Asher
Kansas Monks
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