St. Joseph
What I learned
Mike Easterday
Preface Th is p ap e r is th e re su lt of a proj e c t to le a r n ab o u t St . Jo s e ph an d h is role in th e pla n of R e d e mp tio n . Th ere is ver y little f a c tua lly k now n ab o u t him o ther th an “ He w a s a Ju st Ma n.” Th is , o f co u r s e, h a s many implic ati ons . What fol l o ws is what I h ave de ter min e d to b e the gen e r a l co n s en su s amon g Chu rch the olo g ia ns a nd D o cto r s o ver th e centu r ie s . A lm o st none o f thi s in fo r mation is con sidere d to b e do g m a o f the C hu rch . Th erefore th e re ade r is f re e to a cce p t o r n o t de p en din g on p ers ona l b elie fs . A ny a d d i tio n s , s u gge stion s or cor re ctions w ill b e m o st ap pre c iate d . Th is is n o t a n attempt at an ac ademic or s chola rly p re s e nt ati o n . It is a su mmar y of infor m at ion that I b el i e v e to b e appropr iate in le ar ning ab out St . Jo s e p h to in c re a s e k n owle dge of and de v ot ion to h i m . E a ch p arag raph is attr ibu te d to a s ource a s s e t fo r th i n th e biblio g raphy. The y a re p re s e nte d a l m o st verbatim. Th ere is v e r y little p a r ap hr a s i n g or e ditin g . I n s u mma r y, “ite ad Jo s e ph .” G o to Jo s e ph.
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Spouse of Mary Addressing Joseph through the words of the Angel, God speaks to him as the husband of the Virgin of Nazareth. What took place in her through the power of the Holy Spirit also confirmed in a special way the marriage bond which already existed between Joseph and Mary. “Joseph did as the angel commanded him; he took his wife’ into his home” (Mt 1:24); what was conceived in Mary was “of the Holy Spirit. (Guardian, 30) “Joseph… took his wife; but he knew her not, until she had borne a son” (Matt1:24-25). These words indicate another kind of closeness in marriage. The deep spiritual closeness arising from marital union and the interpersonal contact between man and woman have their definitive origin in the Spirit, the Giver of Life (Jn 6:63). Joseph, in obedience to the Spirit, found in the Spirit the source of love, the conjugal love which he experienced as a man. And this love proved to be greater than this “just man” could ever have expected within the limits of his human heart. (Guardian 31) (Glories 130-1) There are really two kinds of love here, both of which together represent the mystery of the Church-virgin and spouse-as symbolized in the marriage of Mary and Joseph. “Virginity or celibacy for the sake of the Kingdom of God not only does not contradict the dignity of marriage but presupposes and confirms it. It was from his marriage to Mary that Joseph derived his singular dignity and his rights in regard to Jesus. “It is certain that the dignity of the Mother of God is so exalted that nothing could be more sublime; yet because Mary was united to Joseph by the bond of marriage, there can be no doubt but that Joseph approached as no other person ever could that eminent dignity whereby the Mother of God towers above all creatures. Since marriage is the highest degree of association and friendship, involving by it’s very nature a communion of goods, it follows that God, by giving Joseph to the Virgin, did not give him to her only as a companion for life, a witness of her virginity and protector of her honor: he also gave Joseph to Mary in order that he might share, through the marriage pact, in her own sublime greatness.” (Pope Leo X111) (Guardian 32) (JustMan 97) Joseph was given to Mary as her spouse because he possessed immense treasures of grace and holiness, such as might have excited the envy of Mike Ea sterday
the celestial intelligences because of his singular endowments had rendered him preeminent above all, and because before God he occupied a more elevated and sublime position than that of all the kings of the earth. The Virgin was confided, not to the most powerful, but to the worthiest, not to the richest, but to the holiest. (Glories 150) The words which Joseph addressed to Mary were simple and brief, but full of ravishing gentleness and sweetness. He seemed to be listening to an angel, or to more than an angel. His respect was so great that it could not but manifest itself in his whole behavior. St. Bridget tells us our Lady said this to her about her holy spouse relating to the poverty in which they lived, “The surplus from our household, apart from what was necessary for a plain meal, we distributed to the poor.” She continues, “Joseph was so reserved in his words that none came from his mouth which were not good and holy, none that were idle or complaining. He was most patient and diligent in labor, meek under injuries, most attentive to my every word, strong and constant against my adversaries, a faithful witness of the wonders of God, dead to the flesh and to the world, alive only to God and to heavenly goods, which alone he desired, conformed to the Divine will, and so resigned to it that he was constantly saying: ‘Let the will of God be done in me; may I live as long as it is pleasing to God, that I may see His Divine will fulfilled.’ He seldom conversed with men, but continually with God, whose will alone he wished to do; wherefore he now enjoys great glory in Heaven” (Glories 157-8) (JustMan 179-80) Mary gave honor to Joseph, not only as her husband, but as her tutor and guardian; she never departed a hair’s breadth from his wishes; she never determined anything without his advice, never moved a step without his permission, nor undertook anything without his consent. In everything she depended on his will, for in the will of Joseph she recognized the most holy will of God. They were one heart, and one soul: what concord, what tranquility, what peace reigned between them. St. Berndardine of Siena writes: “Since the Virgin comprehended how great was the conjugal unity in spiritual love, and knew that this spouse had been given directly by the Spirit of God, I believe that she sincerely loved Joseph with the entire affection of her heart.” What felicity for Joseph, and what an honor, to enjoy the whole love of her who with a single glance of her eye could enhance the joy of the angels of Paradise! Now it is that we can realize how the Evangelist, desiring to express the highest encomium of 4 • S t. J o s e p h - W h a t I L e a r n e d
Joseph, comprised it in few words: “Joseph the husband of Mary.” The being Mary’s spouse was the foundation and basis of all his dignity. (Glories 159) (JustMan 121) Joseph was also the recipient of Mary’s love in a way that no other human being ever was or ever will be. No husband in the world has been nor ever will be more loved by his wife than Joseph was loved by Mary, and no husband benefited more from his wife’s prayers than Joseph. Mary and Joseph shared with one another their mutual experience of divine love and the charismas with which God endowed them for the unique role in the mystery of the Incarnation. Gracian speaks of the dynamics of their relationship in this way: “When the spirit is filled with the highest things of God and the most sublime desires for Him, with impulses of fervor, and with flames of love in gratitude for mercies received, it would burst if it did not have a devout, prudent, zealous and amenable person with whom to speak and unburden itself.” Mary and Joseph fulfilled this role for one another. Mary’s reverence and affection for Joseph continues even in heaven. (JustMan 42) The theological basis for the true marriage between Mary and Joseph was first formulated by St. Augustine. “Every good of marriage was fulfilled by the parents of Christ: offspring, loyalty and the sacrament.” This was defended by St. Thomas Aquinas. The perpetual virginity of both Mary and St. Joseph is almost universally accepted by theologians and the faithful alike. (JustMan96) In the absence of any authentic documentation on the point we have to deduce from suitability and decorum to deduce the age of Joseph at the time of his marriage to Mary. When we consider the tender age of Mary and the providential object of that marriage, which was shield her reputation and to hide for a time the mystery of the Incarnation; to provide her also with a fitting companion and protector, who was to be an aid and support to her, especially during their flight into Egypt and in all the labors and sufferings which their exile must have entailed; it would seem surprising, not to say incredible, in the absence of any solid proof, to suppose that it pleased God to select for her husband, a man weighed down by years. (Glories 133) It appears that Joseph was between 19 and 25 at the time of his marriage.
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Presumed Earthly Father of Christ The bond of charity was the core of the Holy Family’s life, first in the poverty of Bethlehem, then in their exile in Egypt, later in the house of Nazareth. The Church deeply venerates this Family and proposes it as the model of all families. Inserted directly in this mystery of the Incarnation, one finds a true fatherhood: the human form of the family of the Son of God, a true holy family, formed by the divine mystery. In this family, Joseph is the father: his fatherhood is not the one that derives from begetting offspring; but neither is it an “apparent” or merely “substitute” fatherhood. Rather it is one that fully shares in authentic human fatherhood and the mission of a father in the family. This is a consequence of the hypostatic union; humanity taken up into the unity of the Divine Person of the Word-Son, Jesus Christ. Together with human nature, all that is human, and especially the family-as the first dimension of man’s existence in the world- is also taken up in Christ. Within this context, Joseph’s human fatherhood was also “taken up” in the mystery of Christ’s Incarnation. (Guardian 32) (JustMan 255-6) Jesus was born miraculously from the virginal espousals of Joseph and his true and legitimate spouse. He was born in Joseph’s house, not by a legal fiction, but be divine ordinance. On the night of the Nativity he entered practically on all the essential prerogatives which and attributes of paternity as described by the Council of Trent, which are chiefly three: affection, care and authority. (Glories 245) On the basis of this principle, the words Mary spoke to the twelve year old Jesus in the Temple take on their full significance: “Your father and I…have been looking for you.” This is no conventional phrase: Mary’s words to Jesus show the compete reality present in the mystery of the Family of Nazareth. From the beginning, Joseph accepted with the “obedience of faith” his human fatherhood over Jesus. Following the light of the Holy Spirit, he certainly came to discover ever more fully the indescribable gift that was his human fatherhood. (Guardian 32-33) (Glories 220) The basis of Joseph’s fatherhood is found in Matthew’s Gospel. In obedience to the angelic command, Joseph becomes the legal father of Jesus by 6 • S t. J o s e p h - W h a t I L e a r n e d
naming Him. To respond to the question, “How can Jesus be Joseph’s son if Joseph did not beget Him?” Matthew writes “She is to bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus.” Under Jewish law the father is to name his child. Joseph gives such an acknowledgement by naming the child; thus he becomes the legal father of Jesus. This is a more correct description than adoptive or foster father. (JustMan 137) In his encyclical Pope Leo XIII states, “Joseph alone stands out in our august dignity because he was the guardian of the Son of God by the Divine appointment, and in the opinion of men was His father. John Paul II adds to this, “St. Joseph was called by God to serve the person and mission of Jesus directly through the exercise of fatherhood. It is precisely in this way that, as the Church’s liturgy teaches, he ‘cooperated in the fullness of time in the great mystery of salvation’ and is truly a ‘minister of salvation.’ His fatherhood is expressed concretely ‘in his having made his life a service, a sacrifice to the mystery of the Incarnation and to the redemptive mission connected with it; in having used the legal authority which was his over the Holy Family in order to make a total gift of self, of his life and work; in having turned his human vocation to domestic love into a superhuman oblation of self, an oblation of his heart and all his abilities in to love placed at the service of the Messiah growing up in his house.’” (JustMan 136) Jesus also receives from Joseph, like any other son, that human and concrete dimension that distinguishes him, namely, “his civil status, his social rank, his economic condition, professional experience, family environment, and human upbringing,” as Paul VI was fond of stating. (Guardian 96) The constant association with the Son of God made Man and given to him as his own Son, the serving Him and being served by Him for thirty years created a bond between them which was unequalled of its kind. This resemblance, we are told by Gerson, was most remarkable in his countenance and even in all his outward demeanor. It may also be piously believed that the Holy Ghost in forming the Body of the Incarnate Word heightened this similarity and conformity in such a manner to add a supernatural character which was to unite Jesus with Joseph by a closer bond than ever united a son to his human father. (Glories 386)
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Representative of God the Father It is an article of faith that the Blessed Mother by a singular privilege was prevented by grace and preserved in entire immunity from original sin. We also know from Scripture that some souls, such as Jeremias and John the Baptist were sanctified before they saw the light of day. Since in dignity and holiness he is inferior to Mary, we cannot assume that God granted the same privilege as to her. Still St. Joseph surpasses all the other saints in dignity and sanctity; it is therefore proper to conclude that he must have been sanctified before his birth earlier than any of them. The doctors of the Church do agree that there was no grace conceded to any saint, other than Mary, which was not granted to Joseph. As Mary, above all, was nearest to Jesus, so Joseph was nearest to Mary; for the sake of Jesus, and also for Mary, it is appropriate to conclude that to Joseph must have been conceded a privilege second only to hers. (Glories 41) (JustMan 253) There never was a saint whose life was so interior as was that of Joseph. His soul was constantly replenished with the priceless treasures of grace and the virtues. The Divine Office of the Church proclaims, “ Others after a pious death attain to perfect bliss, but thou, O Joseph, while yet living on earth art in enjoyment of God, like to the saints in heaven.” His life, in short, was a continual communication with God by means of never-ceasing prayer, not only while waking, but even while sleeping. It is worthy to note that whenever the angel brought to Joseph any command from God, he always spoke to him while sleeping. This singular mode of apparition was more glorious than that which has been customary with other saints, and was a mark of the eminent virtue of Joseph. The slumber of this great saint was not an effect of nature but of grace, which never ceased to operate in his soul at those times when he gave some repose to his body. The learned Simon de Cassia, indeed, held that this sleep was a rapture, one of those ecstasies which were continual during almost his entire life. (Glories 371) (JustMan 41) The Carmelite friar, Gracian points out that the Gospels refer to St. Joseph by two names proper to God Himself. “Blessed be God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom all fatherhood in heaven and on earth takes its name. (Eph 3:14) Since He has two names, the first being 8 • S t. J o s e p h - W h a t I L e a r n e d
the Father of Jesus and the second, the Craftsman or Artisan who constructed and created the universe, God found a craftsman, and artisan or carpenter, named Joseph, upon whom He bestowed the name father of Jesus. (Excell 10) Joseph is the one in whom the Father conceals Himself to welcome this child and, in turn, to hide it, to surround it with love, to protect it, to help it increase in every way. Joseph is the Father’s shadow. Joseph must disappear completely from the scene when Jesus begins His mission, for there must not be the slightest ambiguity when Jesus is speaking about His Father. Joseph disappears. He knows perfectly well how to do this: this is his specialty, to hide his person and the persons of those entrusted to him. However, one would have a poor knowledge of the Father, the source of all fatherhood, of all generosity, if one thought that God used Mary and Joseph and then forgot all about them. It was in Joseph, for all eternity, that Jesus had learned to say, “Father!” The basic experience of the heart of Jesus introduced absolutely mysterious bonds between the eternal Father and the humble Joseph. (JustMan 149) God the Father having chosen Joseph to govern His only Son in His place and in His name, well knew without special assistance no mere mortal could acquit himself worthily of such a noble and difficult task. Therefore he took up his abode in the heart of Joseph in order to personally direct His Son Jesus through the ministry of this man after His own heart. The Lord commanded Moses to go before Pharaoh, saying: “I will be in thy mouth and I will teach thee what thou shalt speak.” If God willed to be in the mouth of His servant Moses to speak with an earthly king, can you wonder that He should put Himself into the heart of Joseph in order to govern, along with him, His own Son? What source of the most precious gifts must He not have poured into that holy soul! What torrents of lights shed upon Joseph’s mind! What fire kindled in his heart! And all this was done on account of the infant Jesus, Whom Joseph was called upon to direct, to defend, to nourish, and to instruct in all things. (Favors 48-9) St. Frances de Sales used these words, “We may say that the Holy Family was a Trinity on Earth, which in certain way represented the Heavenly Trinity Itself.” (Glories 12)
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Representative of the Holy Ghost St. Joseph was the vicar on earth of all three persons of the Holy Trinity. The Eternal Father appointed him His vicar to discharge to towards Jesus Christ all those offices which were not compatible with Divinity. The Son made his vicar such that during His infancy and hidden life Joseph should speak for Him, that he should act for Him and for His Mother; that He and the Virgin Mother should remain hid, and that Joseph alone should appear. The Holy Spirit, Who in the Canticles, gives to the Immaculate Virgin the name of Spouse, has also constituted Joseph His vicar since He chose him, above all men, to be the veritable spouse and protector of Our Lady. The Holy Spirit establishes him as angel guardian to Mary, and as head of the family of God. (Favors 73-4) The man enriched with the gifts of the Holy Sprit is called “holy.” The gifts of the Holy Spirit are: wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge, piety, fortitude, and fear of the Lord. These seven gifts were found in abundance in the soul of St. Joseph. The Son who sent upon the apostles the Holy Spirit would many times rest and sit upon Joseph’s arms. It should be believed, then, that He would send the same Holy Spirit to rest and dwell in Joseph’s most holy breast. (JustMan 169) It is difficult for us to comprehend the breadth and depth of knowledge granted to St. Joseph in the contemplation of TRUTH itself, which dwelled in the house. The fact that the blessedness bestowed by the Father on the disciples of Jesus, to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven (Mt.13:11-17), could not be denied by God to the man who held his place on earth, as St. Bernard rightly observed: “The Lord found Joseph according to his heart and entrusted to him with complete assurance the most mysterious and sacred secret of his heart. To him he revealed the depths and the secrets of his wisdom by granting him the gift to know the mystery hidden from all the princes of this world. Joseph of Cartagena sees a sympathy between the Holy Spirit and Joseph in the fact that, “since the Holy Spirit is the heart of God, to say that Joseph was a man according to the heart of God (The Lord sought a man according to his own heart) is like saying that he sought a man according to the Holy Spirit. Cardinal Vives does not hesitate to affirm that “Joseph represents the person of the Holy Spirit, who is the love of the Father and Son, the spouse of souls, the Paraclete and Comforter. So also did blessed Joseph love most ardently the Mother and her Offspring; he was the consolation and joy of all the Holy Family. (Guardian 101)
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Superior of Jesus and Mary Joseph, as the Father in a Jewish Family, was the superior of Jesus and Mary, whose submission to him was so complete as to enrapture the Angels. Those pure spirits tremble in heaven before the infinite majesty of the great God; what must they have thought when they saw Joseph command the little Jesus as a father. As for the Queen of the world, as she had vowed, so she rendered to her chaste spouse all possible respect and obedience, never considering him otherwise than as her lord and master. (Favors 17) St. Joseph was the head of the Holy Family, but not because he was the holiest member of it. In fact, he was the least in that respect. Nor was he the head because he had been chosen by agreement of the other two members. He was head of the Holy Family because he was the FATHER of the family. As father of the family, he represented God the Father. He was to Jesus on earth what the Father was and is to the Son in the inner life of the Blessed Trinity. His right to be called “Father” by Jesus is explained by St. Paul in Ephesians: “I bow my knees to the Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and whom all paternity in Heaven and earth is named.” (Eph 3:14-15) The fatherhood of St. Joseph, as with all human fathers, is a reflection in a creature of God the Father. (Fatima 8-9) When Joseph was informed Mary was pregnant, he was filled with respect. He thinks that the divine intervention implies his exclusion and decides to withdraw. The angelic messenger then intervenes to recall the validity of the divine promise and to reveal to him that role belongs to him. (Guardian 82) Thanks to Joseph, who transmits to him his legal descent, Jesus, Son of God, becomes also Son of David, taking on the title which enables him to be acknowledged as the Messiah. During his public life Jesus is honored, thanks to Joseph, with the title “Son of David.” (Guardian 82) Joseph was not, therefore, a secondary figure in the great event of the Savior’s birth; he held in it a genuine, positive and important role. If Mary’s fiat (“let it be done”) was necessary for the Incarnation of the Word, Joseph’s fecit (“he did”) was equally indispensable for Jesus to be acknowledged as the “Yes” (2Cor 1:20) of all God’s promises. (Guardian 83) Mike Ea sterday
The angel spoke to Joseph who, as the Jewish Father, was responsible for giving his child a name. He was also responsible for the education in the faith and occupation of his children after the age of about 5 years. The evangelists sum up Jesus early life as “He was subject to them.” It implies no derogation from the dignity and supereminence of the Holy Mother of God to affirm that, as regards the authority to command Jesus and rule His actions exteriorly, Joseph had received higher powers that even Mary herself; for this is only according to the order appointed by God, to which the Holy Family entirely conformed. The Gospel clearly proves that such was the case, by relating how the angels did not bear the orders of Heaven to Mary, but to Joseph. Although the Virgin was the first to know that her son was to be named Jesus, nevertheless the angel did not send St. Joseph to learn it from his spouse, but informed him of it in a special apparition, and explained to him the significance of this Name, even as if he alone had been concerned in this matter. For Joseph, in the capacity of father of the family, ought not to receive his orders from his spouse, nor was it meet that the lord of a house should not dispose things except by the expressed will of those who were dependent on him. The angels made the same declaration in favor of Joseph’s authority by revealing to him the necessity of the flight into Egypt, and again when the term of exiles had arrived; in each case leaving the Blessed Mother to be informed by her spouse. The Mother of God and the Incarnate Word Himself honored his authority by their silence, as being the head of the family, to whom perfect obedience was. (Glories 356-7) Joseph accepted and used the authority given to him over Jesus but with fear and trepidation. He never gave Him a command in anything except in humble obedience to the command which he had himself received; and he did so with the same reverence as that which the angels serve Him in Heaven. The obedience of Jesus to Joseph was an inestimable act of humility and to Joseph, and incomparable dignity. The authority of Joseph is so singular that, not only has no man, however favored and exalted, whether by miraculous or prophetical or apostolic powers, but no angel has ever shared it even for a moment, nor ever will during the eternal ages. Thus Joseph, having received the obedience of the Supreme Lord, belongs an exclusive and unexampled honor. It was revealed to St. Bridget: “My Son was so obedient when Joseph said do this or that immediately He did it. (Glories 358-9) (Fatima 18) (ManDev 7)
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Provider for Jesus and Mary He it was who nourished Jesus and Mary. A true father to that family, he gained their bread by the labor of his hands and the sweat of his brow. He led them into Egypt and back. (Favors 17-8) He provided an opportunity for Jesus to make Himself a humble apprentice in Joseph’s workshop and to labor with him in his trade. It was in this character, the Gospel tells us, He was familiarly known to His countrymen, who, scandalized afterwards at the wisdom and power with which He spoke, querulously asked, “Is not this the carpenter’s son? Is not this the carpenter?” St. Justin, in his “Dialogue with Tryphon,” affirms that the Incarnate Word helped St. Joseph in his workshop. (Glories 360) What must St. Joseph have thought when he saw his divine Apprentice, taking pains at His work-He Who by a single word had created the universe! (Favors 19) In the family of Nazareth work was considered not merely a means of earning or a source of wealth, but as “a daily expression of love.” There Jesus grew in the school of Joseph, trained by him in industriousness, a virtue that favors human growth by enabling man to become “in a certain sense more a man.” That is why Pope Pius XII addresses to workers the invitation, “If you want to be close to Jesus, Ite as Joseph “Go to Joseph!” The humble craftsman of Nazareth not only personifies before God and the Church the dignity of the manual laborer, but he is moreover also the provident protector of you and your families.” (Guardian 97) As he was for the Holy Family. (JustMan 157) Justin, the philosopher martyr, in his book The Christian Religion states that Joseph exercised the trade of carpenter and that Jesus helped him in this trade, and that, after Joseph’s death, Jesus plied the same trade to help support His Mother, and that Jesus made yokes and ploughs. St. Joseph was blessed, St. Bonaventure says, because he was privileged to have Jesus as his successor in his trade. (JustMan 155-6) (ManDev 7) The necessity of daily providing for his family as well as leading them into and back from Egypt would have to give some indication that he was still a relatively young man during the life of Jesus.
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Guardian of Child Jesus St. Matthew records the angel’s words: “Take the Child.” We may attribute a special meaning to them with reference to the charge laid upon Joseph. And as the Eternal Father confided to him the Incarnate Word, He gave him at the same time, along with the position of tutor or guardian, all the rights which appertained thereto. Joseph respectfully and lovingly accepted the office, and we find him always perfectly fulfilling its obligations. He speaks for Jesus, he negotiates all affairs in the name of the Savior and promotes all His interests with unflagging zeal. The appellation of tutor, guardian, or director of Jesus is constantly given by the Doctors of the Church and by other ecclesiastical writers of eminence to Joseph. The charge given to Joseph was such as never was laid on any other parent. St. Joseph knew this well. Jesus was to be fed by the labor of his hands, He was to be taught and trained by him exclusively. He and His Blessed Mother were to be cared for, protected, and guarded by Joseph alone. Take this Child and His Mother:” was his commission. (Glories 317) The basis for Pope Pius IX’s proclamation, on December 8, 1870, of St. Joseph as “Patron of the Universal Church” was the saint’s unique relationship to Christ in His humanity. “Joseph not only saw but conversed with, and embraced in paternal affection, and kissed, and most sedulously nourished-even Him whom the faithful were to receive as the Bread that came down from heaven whereby they might obtain eternal life. The term “Body of Christ” refers to three interrelated and inseparable realities: the humanity of Christ, the Eucharist, and the Church. Joseph’s mission was to care for, protect and guide the Word made flesh for thirty years that preceded His public ministry. As Doze observed, “Joseph is an important name in the Bible: it determined not only a person but also a role. Joseph, either in person or by a mysterious spiritual presence which can only be hinted at, is in charge of keeping watch over the “Body of Christ.” Joseph was the guardian of the Body of Christ while He dwelt among us as a human person. The magnitude of Joseph’s role in the life of Christ and his Church has been simply but eloquently expressed by the Calvinist theologian Karl Barth, who had a great personal affection for St. Joseph: “He took care of the Child; he takes care of the Church.” (JustMan 150) 14 • S t. J o s e p h - W h a t I L e a r n e d
According to Jewish custom, a male child remained in his mother’s care until he was five years of age; then the father took a more active role in his upbringing. Thus St. Joseph would have introduced Jesus to the Psalms, taken Him to the synagogue on the Sabbath, walked with Him during leisure hours. When he was busy in the workshop, he would let the Boy watch him, explain what he was doing, and let Him fetch a tool and help sweep up at the end of the day. (Fatima 20) St. Luke who wrote much of his gospel based on conversation with Mary reduced the narrative of the greater part of our Savior’s life to these words, “He was subject to them.” During this part of His life He seems to have no other occupation other than doing the will of others. In the profound humiliation of Jesus obeying Joseph, the just measure of our saint’s exaltation- the one ascends in proportion as the other descends; so that, if the subjections of Jesus attests His incomprehensible humility, it no less proves the incomparable dignity of Joseph. (ManDev 3ff )
Savior of the Savior We should not hesitate to say that Joseph was the Savior of the Savior. St. Joseph had the honor of preserving the Divine Infant from the fury of Herod. As Our Lord deserves the name of Savior of Man, because he preserves man from eternal death, so it is available to call St. Joseph Savior of the Savior, because he preserved him from temporal death. The angel might himself have carried the Child into Egypt; but not daring to do so, he came as the messenger of Heaven and of God Himself, to Joseph who was chosen for that employment. (Favors 18-19) (Glories 288) Indeed, we may well think that, since Joseph saved Jesus from the anger of Herod, in Jesus he saved the whole Church, and from that time merited the title and acquired the right to be Patron of the same Church. Moreover, the whole Church has always regarded and venerated him as her own, and now more than ever in her sacred rites and feasts she exalts him as her incomparable Protector, her glory, and her defense. (Glories 60)
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The First In all orders of things great privileges are attached to being the eldest, the first. The first Apostle, the First Martyr, the first Seraph, the first son of the Patriarchs, all have special rights which belong to no others; therefore we can conclude that St. Joseph has singular prerogatives above all other men, for he was the first (after Mary) to contemplate the admirable humanity of Our Lord Jesus, the first to adore Him, the first to touch Him, the first to serve Him, to nourish Him, and to dwell with Him, the first to hear Him speak and to be enlightened by His divine instructions. He is the first confessor for the faith, since he first suffered for the love of Jesus Christ, forsaking his home and his country to fly with Him, the first Apostle making the Messiah known to men; the first man, perhaps, who made profession and vow of virginity, and kept it in the state of marriage; in a word, the first Christian and first model for all the children of the Church. All these distinctions give Joseph great preeminence over all other Saints, and are almost infinite. (Favors 20-21) (Glories 327) Suarez, an eminent theologian, after having spoken of the order of the Apostles, upon he said the greatest grace was conferred, goes on to say: “There are other ministries appertaining to the order of the Hypostatic Union, which in its kind is more perfect, as we affirmed of the Dignity of the Mother of God, and in this order is constituted the ministry of St. Joseph; and although it be in the lowest grade of it, nevertheless, in this respect, it surpasses all others, because it exists in a superior order. (Glories 8) (JustMan 147-8) St. Frances de Sales says: “What is the glorious St. Joseph but a strong bulwark for our Blessed Lady? Joseph was given to her as a companion in order that her purity might be more marvelously protected in its integrity under the veil and shadow of holy matrimony. If the Virgin be a door, said the Eternal Father, We do not choose that the door should be open, because it is the eastern door through which no one can enter or pass; therefore it is needful to fortify it with incorruptible wood, that is give her a companion in purity, even the great Patriarch St. Joseph, who for this reason was to surpass all the saints and angels, and the very cherubim themselves, in the eminent virtue of virginity.” (Glories 27-8)
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Joseph, then, was the first among men, as Mary was first among women, to make a deliberated vow of perpetual virginity, not withstanding the contrary prevailing custom; so that he may be styled the Primate and Patriarch of all the religious and cloistered orders, who consecrate themselves to God. (Glories 92) The pious and learned Suarez does not hesitate to say: “It is not an article of faith, but a well-founded pious belief, that St. Joseph surpasses all Saints in grace and in glory, and that he is, in body and soul, the nearest to Jesus and Mary in heaven as he was the nearest to them while on earth.” Along with St. Bernardin of Siena he believes that St. Joseph is in heaven body as well as soul. (Favors 115) (Glories 414+) (TheoIntro 18)
When did St. Joseph know his role? Did the Blessed Lady and St. Joseph know that their child was the only begotten Son of God the Father? Or just another holy prophet favored by God? The gospels are not as clear on this question as we might like them to be. But they do give some indication that are extremely helpful. First of all, there seems to be a growing consensus among exegetes that most likely Mary did not know, from the moment of Incarnation, the true identity of her divine Son. Joseph, naturally, would have less knowledge than that accorded to Mary. When St. Luke, who must have been assisted by the information he received from Mary in composing his account of the early life of Christ, describes the scene of Our Lord in the temple when he was twelve years old, he relates the words of Christ to His parents: “Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” And in the next sentence he continues: “And they (his parents) did not understand the word He spoke unto them” It seems that St. Luke is telling us that Mary and Joseph did not understand the explanation given by Christ; and their lack of understanding would be difficult to account for had they already known that Christ was the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. Furthermore, it hardly seems likely to assume that St. Luke is here talking of a sudden shock that these words caused Mary and Joseph, as though they had <momentarily> forgotten His identity. Luke seems to be speaking of the fact that they did not yet fully know of His divinity and Mike Ea sterday
therefore they were puzzled by His words to them. And, finally, Luke relates how “His Mother preserved all these words in her heart.” as though she meditated on these words a long time before she came to see, in the growing light of her Son, the real meaning they contained.” Supposing that Mary and Joseph did not know the divine nature of their Son, it is much easier to understand the early life of the Holy Family. Jesus, who “grew in wisdom, age and grace with God and men” in due time must have revealed this mystery to them. At the time of the first miracle of Jesus at Cana we notice the confidence of Mary when she orders the chief steward: “Do whatever He tells you to do.” By this time she fully understood. Though the gospel does not tell us, we can presume Christ fully revealed Himself to Joseph before the latter’s death. (TheoIntro 6) However, it was St. Hilary’s opinion that our saint recognized the mystery of the Incarnation and the majesty of the hidden Word in the womb of the Virgin by the resplendent rays which invested her and issued from her sacred bosom. St. Bridget confirms in her revelations that the Blessed Mother and Joseph often saw Jesus surrounded with light. (Glories 394)
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Protector of the Church and Families In the fourteenth century there were crises confronting the family and the Church. During this time, the family was assailed by external and internal forces. Great plagues, famines, wars, economic troubles, and social upheaval threatened not simply the welfare but the very survival of families. The renowned Gerson believed that the wise, assiduous and diligent household head could partially ward off these evils, just as St. Joseph rescued the Christ Child and the Virgin Mary from the murderous Herod, supported them in Egypt by his trade as carpenter, and protected them on their perilous journeys. Similarly, Bernerdine of Siena, in the most famous sermon ever preached on St. Joseph, elaborated on the care, exertions and watchful hours this solicitous father spent in support of his menaced family. St. Joseph was a shield against adversity, especially against forces threatening his family. As the wise and conscientious manager of the Holy Family’s fortunes, St. Joseph modeled deportment for real fathers in a troubled world. Devotion to St. Joseph, protector of the Holy Family, was timely in an age when families were menaced. (Excell 2) The journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem for the census entailed much hardship. It was an inopportune time to travel since the time for Mary to give birth is imminent. In Bethlehem they are homeless. Christ’s birth takes place amid poverty. Shortly after Jesus’ birth, King Herod seeks to destroy Him, and Joseph takes his family to Egypt, where they become refuges and aliens in a pagan land that was hostile to Israelites. There and later during the hidden life at Nazareth, Joseph labors by the sweat of his brow to support and sustain Mary and Jesus. The loss of Jesus in the temple when He is twelve causes Joseph and Mary tremendous sorrow and anxiety. Yet amid all these obstacles Joseph remains faithful to his divine vocation as the husband of Mary and the legal father of Jesus until the end. Joseph’s fidelity to and perseverance in his vocation and his total self-sacrifice so that Christ might increase illuminates the steps of our path as we, our families and the pilgrim Church, journey into the Third millennium in this world and to the heavenly Jerusalem in the next. (JustMan 220) The family was not the only institution that was in crisis in the late Middle Ages. So was the Church, which was suffering from the disastrous Mike Ea sterday
consequences of the Western Schism. The only hope was to invoke the intercession of St. Joseph, who governed the Holy Family, which was the nascent Church. Advocates of St. Joseph argued that the saint’s almost omnipotent intercession in heaven is a prolongation of the God-given authority he exercised on earth over Jesus, the head of the Church, and Mary, Mother of the Church. (Excell 3) Gerson, Bernardine of Siena, Cardinal d’Ailly, and other like-minded churchmen set into motion a movement that would gradually attain its goals over the next several centuries. In 1479, Pope Sixtus XV introduced the Feast of St. Joseph at Rome. In 1621, Pope Gregory XV ordered the Feast of St. Joseph be observed throughout the Universal Church as a holy day of obligation. In 1726, Pope Benedict XIII added St. Joseph’s name to the Litany of the Saints. In 1870, Pope Pius IX solemnly declared St. Joseph “Patron of the Universal Church.” In 1889, Pope Leo XIII published an encyclical on St. Joseph. In 1962, Pope John XXIII added the saint’s name to the Roman Canon. In 1989, Pope John Paul II issued an apostolic exhortation Guardian of the Redeemer: On the Person and Mission of St. Joseph in the Life of Christ and of the Church to commemorate the centenary of Leo XIII’s encyclical. (Excell 4) Albert the Great held that we could call Joseph the support of the whole human race, because, in taking the charge of the bringing up of Jesus, he contributed much to the salvation of men. To Him he devoted the best years of his life; for Him he renounced every personal satisfaction, and even every personal thought, in order to aid in bringing about the reparation of lost man, and the opening to sinners the way of eternal life. No wonder, then, that the Church should give him the title of Co-operator with the Savior in the redemption of the human race. But the Savior desires that Joseph should be honored by us, not from justice only, but from gratitude. (Glories 429) Pope Leo XIII wrote in his encyclical on St. Joseph; “Just as Mary, Mother of the Saviour, is spiritual mother of all Christians, Joseph looks on all Christians as having been confided to himself. He is the defender of the Holy Church, which is truly the House of God and Kingdom of God on earth.” (Prayers 41)
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St. Joseph speaks little, but he lives intensely, never shirking any responsibility which the will of God places on him. He presents an example of attractive availability to the divine call, of calm in every event, of complete trust flowing from a life of superhuman faith and charity and from the great means of prayer. The Church found no difficulty in presenting the example of St. Joseph as model for everyone without exception. In Joseph fathers of families have an eminent model of paternal care and providence. Married couples find in him the perfect image of love, harmony, and conjugal loyalty. (Guardian 110) St. Teresaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s guarantee in her words, â&#x20AC;&#x153;To other Saints Our Lord seems to have given a power to succor us in some special necessity-but to this glorious Saint, I know by experience, He has given the power to help us in all. Our Lord would have us to understand that as he was subject to St. Joseph on earth-for St. Joseph, bearing the title of father and being His guardian, could command Him-so now in Heaven Our Lord grants all his petitions. I have asked others to recommend themselves to St. Joseph, and they, too, know the same thing by experience. (Prayers 6)
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Virtues of Joseph God Himself, in the Holy Gospel, pronounces the encomium of St. Joseph by calling him “just.” And the great doctor, St. Jerome, thus expounds the term: “Joseph is called just on account of having possessed all virtues in a perfect degree.” The word justice, in fact, comprehends every virtue, inasmuch as it leads man to render to each his due: to God, to his neighbors and to himself; and when this debt is fully discharged, what else is wanting to true perfection? (Glories 94) The many virtues of St. Joseph may be summarized as follows: (Favors 76-100) Faith: This is exemplified by his acceptance of the angels messages “Fear not to take unto thee Mary as your wife” and “Take the Child and His Mother, and fly into Egypt; and be there until I shall tell thee.” Purity: Gerson has a very high idea of the excellence of St. Joseph’s purity. He believes that he was sanctified in his mother’s womb, and delivered from the source of concupiscence. If Jeremias and John the Baptist were purified before their births, who were only prophet announcing God, how much more pressing were the reasons for granting the same favor to the reputed Father of Jesus, a man in constant communication with the angels? St. Francis de Sales states that St. Joseph surpassed in purity the most exalted order of spirits, during the twenty or thirty years that he spent in the society of the Mother of God. Could it be otherwise, when so intimately connected with the virgin Mother, who was purity itself? (ManDev 21) Fidelity: St. Bernard expresses it in these words: “St. Joseph was chosen among all men, to be the protector and guardian of the Virgin Mother of God; defender and foster father of the Infant-God, and the only cooperator upon the earth, the one confidant of the secret of God in the work of the redemption of mankind.” Humility: Origen, St. Bernard and other Church Fathers believe that when Joseph proposed to sepaate himself from Our Lady, it was because he considered himself unworthy. (JustMan 86) (Glories 201-2) St. Ber22 • S t. J o s e p h - W h a t I L e a r n e d
nard attributes to St. Joseph these words: “How shall a man not be humble in the presence of a humble God?” Obedience: Never did he expostulate when receiving a command from God, never did he excuse himself; never did he delay for one moment the execution. Patience: With resignation and silence, he bore the trials which each day brought upon him. His prayer was: ‘My God, may I always live so as to accomplish Thy Will.” Charity: He knew that his spouse was the holiest and greatest of women. His heart was burning with love for her and her Son. Modesty: Even as the head of the Holy Family he was so retiring that he never appears unless strictly obliged to do so. Devotion: He was constantly with Jesus Christ. He saw in Jesus Christ at once God and man, a father and a son. The state of the soul which is called ecstasy was habitual with him. Of the poor but most holy Joseph, Jesus desired to form, as it were, a type a perfect example of every Christian virtue, to be afterwards proposed as a model to all the faithful, that they might imitate his piety, his religiousness, his patience, his obedience his submission to the Divine Will, his fraternal charity, his unwearied activity in the fulfillment of his duties and in the exercise of every private and domestic virtue. God was preparing in Joseph a true friend, a protector, and a patron for those unthinking men of the people who become so often the sport and the prey of designing agitators. (Glories 64-5) St. Frances de Sales enlarging on the praises of St. Joseph in his Spiritual Conferences, exclaims, “Oh what a glorious saint is the glorious St. Joseph. Not only is he a patriarch, but he is the corypheus of all the patriarchs; not only is he confessor, but he is more than a confessor, be in his confession is contained the dignity of bishop, the generosity of martyrs and all other saints;” and he goes on to say that the Patriarch St. Joseph surpassed all the saints and angels, and the very cherubim themselves, in the eminent virtue of virginity. The great doctor, Alfonso Maria de’LiMike Ea sterday
quori, pondering on the words, “And He was subject to them,” says “This humility of Jesus in obeying causes us to know that the dignity of St. Joseph is superior to that of all the saints, saving only that of the Virgin Mother.” (Glories 50) Although we can not know perfectly what virtues St. Joseph possessed we do know that he would not have been chosen the spouse of Mary and father of Jesus had he not been faithful to their virtues. (JustMan 162)
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Death of St. Joseph St. Joseph is the patron of a happy death. According the History of Joseph the Carpenter, Jesus words impart peace to St. Joseph at the hour of his death, just as they often did during his lifetime. “The hour of his death was imminent, and he became troubled. Entering where he was, I said: “God save you, Joseph, My father. Why are you troubled, for you are a blessed and holy man?’ When he heard my voice he responded: “Oh, my Son, the pains and fear of death surround me, but at the moment that I heard Your voice my soul was at peace.” The Virgin Mary was also present, as were the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, who came to carry the saint’s soul to heaven. (Excell 21) (JustMan 225-7) That St. Joseph died of the love of God was the opinion of St. Francis de Sales. “A saint, he says, who had loved so much during his life could not die save of love. His soul could not sufficiently love his own dear Jesus amid all the distractions of this life, and he had already performed the services required of him during the childhood of Jesus. What remained, then, but for him to say to the eternal Father, ‘O Father, I have accomplished the work which you have given me to do,’ and then to the Son, ‘O my child, as your heavenly Father placed your tender body in my hands on the day you came into the world, so do I place my spirit in your hands on this day of my departure from this world.’” (JustMan 50-1) (Glories 406) St. Irenaeus affirms that he served Jesus with a continual joy; and a Doctor of later times has declared his belief that Joseph died because unable any longer to sustain the excess of joy caused him by the presence of the Savior. (Glories 391) St. Joseph rose with Christ, together with many other saints that Scripture say arose and appeared to many (Mt. 27:52-53) This privilege was publicly preached by St. Bernardine of Siena. It was not fitting that Christ would leave to rot in the ground and to be eaten by worms the body that so many times carried Him in his arms and sweated and labored for Him and His Mother so they had enough to eat. And because this most blessed Lady suffered so many sorrows during the Passion, it was fitting that when He rose, Christ would bestow on her great happiMike Ea sterday
ness. Her happiness would have been very great if among the saints who were raised and who came to felicitate her was St. Joseph, her spouse, now enjoying with Christ the glory of the resurrection in place of all the trials, afflictions, and fears they suffered together. St. Joseph is body and soul in heaven, where he enjoys tremendous glory. He has the added special joy of being acknowledged in heaven as the father of the King of heaven and the husband of the Queen of heaven. (JustMan 262, 265) (Glories 439) (TheoIntro 18)
Genealogy The true and legitimate father of Joseph was Jacob. This is how it is reported in Matthew’s gospel. Luke’s refers to Heli. This likely came about because Heli was Jacob’s brother took a wife and died without children. The widow would have then married Jacob whose children would then be also attributed to Heli. Hence the wording, “Jacob begat Joseph” in Matthew and in “Joseph was of Heli” in Luke. What is important is that Joseph is from the tribe of David; which is also true of Mary. (Glories 65) (JustMan 67) There is no record of Joseph’s mother’s name. The name Joseph means “a son that grows’ and in Hebrew this refers to a beautiful tree, because beneath this tree, Mary and Jesus were protected and sheltered. According to St. Albert the Great, Joseph means “a son that grows” because no one has ever been so highly honored by God, who called him “Father.” Like the Patriarch Joseph, St. Joseph was handsome. St. Joseph was of noble lineage, a most perfect soul, created to be the spouse of the most beautiful of all women, the culmination and the last of the Old Testament patriarchs, most of which were extremely handsome. (JustMan 111) (Glories 16) Tradition tells us of the surpassing beauty of the Mother of God, but scarcely any record of the personal appearance of St. Joseph, except for the testimony of St. Justin, Martyr, followed or corroborated, perhaps from additional sources, by Gerson and other doctors, that in beauty and in bodily appearances he was most like to our Lord; and this is fitting, in order that no suspicion might be entertained respecting his paternity or the virtue of the Mother of the Divine Child. (Glories 138, 212) 26 • S t. J o s e p h - W h a t I L e a r n e d
Devotions A certain debt is owed St. Joseph in justice, and this debt cannot be bypassed on the claim that we have dedicated ourselves and our actions to God. There are fundamental truths laid down by St. Louis de Montfort regarding devotion to St. Joseph. If Jesus Christ is not the last end of all our devotions, then they are certainly false. St. Therese of the Child Jesus, in contemplating Jesus as a Child necessarily found herself in the midst of the Holy Family, where she found Mary and Joseph. St. Louis has shown us how the Blessed Virgin can safeguard all our graces and merits for us. Moreover, as the Joseph of old stored all the grain in the storehouses for the time of famine, so also St. Joseph keeps all our graces and merits safe for us in Mary, the storehouse of God’s grace. As he protected the Mother and Child, so will he protect all that is entrusted to him. (TrueDev 172) After the Blessed Virgin Mary there is no intercession more powerful or effective that that of St. Joseph. St. Teresa of Avila testifies, “And our Lord would have understand that as He was Himself subject to him upon earth- for St. Joseph having the title of father, and being his guardian, could command Him- so now in heaven He grants all his petitions.” Pope Leo XIII in his encyclical states, “Thus it is that people in all walks of life should commend and entrust themselves confidently to the patronage and keeping of the blessed Joseph.” (TrueDev 98) (TheoIntro 20) (Glories 434+) Our Lady spoke these words to Ven. Mary of Agreda, “The children of the world are ignorant regarding the privileges and rights which the Most High has conferred on my holy spouse, and the power of his intercession with the Divine Majesty and with me. But I assure you, my daughter, that in Heaven he is most intimate with the Lord, and has great power to avert the punishment of Divine justice from sinners. In all trials ask his intercession, because the Heavenly Father will grant whatever my spouse asks.” On the Day of Judgment, the condemned will weep bitterly for not having realized how powerful and efficacious a means of salvation they might have had in the intercession of St. Joseph, for not having done their utmost to gain the friendship of the Eternal Judge.” (Prayers 14) Jesus appeared to St. Margaret of Cortona, and told her that He took great pleasure in her devotion to his father, Joseph, who was most dear to Him, Mike Ea sterday
and expressed His wish that she should each day pay him some special act of homage. (Glories 415) St. Theresa of Avila, in chapter 33 of the Book of Her Life says, “Our Lady told me that I made her very happy in serving the glorious St. Joseph.” She says, “I took for my patron and lord the glorious St. Joseph, and recommended myself earnestly to him. I saw clearly that out of my present trouble, and out of others of greater importance, relating to the honor and loss of my soul, this father and lord delivered me, and rendered me greater services than I knew how to ask for. I cannot call to mind that I have ever asked him at any time for anything which he has not granted; and I am filled with amazement when I consider the great favors which God has given me through this blessed saint; the dangers from which he has delivered me, both of body and soul.” Autobiography, VI, 9 (Prayers 4) (TheoIntro 22) (Glories 469) Many, if not most, of the major religious orders have some special devotion to St. Joseph. St. Joseph not only aids the religious but all the poor who take refuge in him with confidence. Many examples are recorded in which he has come to the assistance of the poor and needy in a most wonderful manner. The poor should especially venerate and invoke St. Joseph when in trouble; he will not let their trust in him be confounded. While on earth, St Joseph experienced the hardships of poverty; and therefore he is now so good and powerful a patron of the poor. (Prayers 47) From Joe Easterday’s memory book “My Mother’s Favorite Family Story.” A priest from a poor parish was standing in the railroad station when approached by a man who asked the priest where he was going. The priest said he had been to a meeting with the bishop and was going home. The man said how are you going to get on the train without a ticket. The priest said that was no problem; he had asked St. Joseph to take care of him. The man smirked and shook his head and said “I’ll just hang around and see. Before long the train’s whistle could be heard, and the man said, Well, where is St. Joseph. You are running out of time.” The priest said, “I am not worried, he will take care of me.” Now the train was pulling into the station and the man chuckled and said, “Well I guess St. Joseph is not going to make it. So here take this money and buy yourself a ticket.”
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Conclusion Through this brief summary I hope that the reader will have some greater appreciation for St. Joseph and his intercessory powers for all men of faith. He should be sought out especially for the needs of our families and Church. I would hope that it will inspire some daily devotion to St. Joseph with some more public expression on his feast days of March 19, May 1, Holy Family Sunday and Fathersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; Day.
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Bibliography Title Author Date Page No. Publisher Reference ID Divine Favors Granted to St. Joseph Pere Binet 1973 176 Tan Books & Publishers Favors Just Man, Husband of Mary, Guardian of Christ Joseph F. Chorpenning, OSFS 1993 265 St. Joseph University Press JustMan Life and Glories of St. Joseph Edward Healy Thompson 1888 498 Tan Books & Publishers Glories Manual of Practical Devotion to St. Joseph Fr. Patrignani, SJ 1865 328 Tan Books & Publishers
Patron Saint of New World: Spanish Images Joseph F Chorgenning, OSFS 1992 61 St. Joseph University Press Images St. Joseph in Early Christianity Joseph T. Lienhard SJ 1999 60 St. Joseph University Press
St. Joseph, Guardian of the Redeemer Fr. Tarcisio Stramare 2000 117 Guardian of the Redeemer Books Guardian St. Joseph, Fatima and Fatherhood Msgr. Joseph A. Cirrincione 1989 62 Tan Books and Publishers
30 â&#x20AC;˘ S t. J o s e p h - W h a t I L e a r n e d
Summary of Excellencies of St. Joseph Joseph F. Chorpenning, OSFS 1597 29 St. Joseph University Press
True Devotion to St. Joseph and Church Dominic DeDemenico, OP Unknown 283 St. Gabriel Press TrueDev Favorite Prayers to St. Joseph Unknown 1997 73 Tan Books & Publishers Prayers A Saint of Ordinariness Peter Sonski 2001 1 Columbia Magazine Ordinary Quiet Man with Much to Say Bp. Donald Wuerl 2002 2 Columbia Magazine Quiet A Year of St. Joseph Christopher Rengers Unknown 3 Unpublished paper Year St. Joseph: A Theological Introduction Fr. Michael D Griffen, OCD Unknown 25 Unpublished paper TheoIntro Theology of Baptism in Third Millennium Mark Drogin 2001 11 Unpublished paper BaptIII Joseph: What we know Fr. Charles Prolifka, OFM Cap 2002 Church Bulletin
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St. Benedict’s Abbey 1020 N. Second Street • Atchison, Kansas 66002 • 913.367.7853 k a n s a s m o n k s . o r g