Jan-Feb 2013 Advocate

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Volume 29 No. 1 January-February 2013

The Advocate - A Publication of the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference of The United Methodist Church

Fulfilling our commitment as United Methodists for 2013 As we begin the 2013 program year we must be conscious of what our conference is being asked to contribute to the budget of the total church this year. At annual conference in June the conference treasurer shared with us the following: In the past, the General Church Apportionments for OIMC were calculated by the General Church using the same formula as used for all Conferences of the General Church and then was reduced by 75% to arrive at the amount apportioned to OIMC. During the 2012 General Conference the Judicial Council ruled that the previous practice of GCFA to negotiate and reduce apportionments for the missionary conferences is unconstitutional. The effect of this Judicial Council Ruling is that beginning with 2013, GCFA will not be able to negotiate and reduce the amounts apportioned to OIMC. Therefore, GCFA will apportion to OIMC the full amount as calculated using the same formula as used for all Conferences of the Central Conference of the United Methodist Church. On May 15, 2012, I was notified by GCFA that our 2013 General Church Apportionments had been revised and were increased from the previous notified amount of $12,789 to $51,158 an increase of $38,369. Options on how to deal with this increase were discussed and the following plan was arrived at: a) That for 2013, the Conference would use monies in Conference savings accounts to pay the increase instead of changing the local church’s apportionments as set by CF&A in developing the 2013 budget presented. b) That when CF&A meets to develop the 2014 budget in the spring of 2013, we will present to said committee a funding plan to address this increase as follows: 1) For 2014 33% of the increase will be added to the local church’s apportionments. 2) For 2015 67% of the increase will be added to the local church’s apportionments 3) For 2016 100% of the increase will be added to the local church’s apportionments c) That for 2017 and beyond the local churches will be apportioned

100% of the General Church Apportionments as calculated by GCFA each year.calculated by GCFA each year. There are seven General Church apportionments that help support the ministry of The United Methodist church. OIMC contributes .01% of the total asking denomination-wide. These apportionments are: 1. World Service Fund - $6,646. World Service Fun has been called the “… basic benevolence fund of the church.” This fund supports outreach through the work of the general agencies and other national and international mission programs. 2. Black College Fund - $899. This helps meet operation and capital expenses for 11 historically black colleges and medical schools of the United Methodist Church 3. General Administration - $760. This finances the administrative work of the General Church, including the cost of holding General Conference and the work of agencies with primarily administrative functions. 4. Interdenominational Cooperation Fund - $176. Supports United Methodist participation in the World and National Council of Churches and the Consultation on Church Union. 5. Africa University - $201. This fund will help develop a new university in Africa to provide opportunity for a college education for students throughout Africa. 6. Ministerial Education Fund - $2,254. This helps pay the cost of education for both diaconal and ordained ministers. It provides support for Theological schools and programs of recruitment, professional development and continuing education. One-fourth of the money raised by this apportionment is retained by the conference and is administered by the Director of Higher Education and Ministry for the OIMC enlistment program. 7. Episcopal Fund - $1,853. This fund is for salaries, pensions, office operations, official travel, and other expenses of ALL United Methodist bishops, not just the Bishop of our conference. The funds we raise are sent to the General Council on Finance and Administration in Nashville, Tennessee. Other apportionments: 1. Conference Benevolence - $21,050. Conference Benevolences are to pay travel and other meeting expenses for each council and committee in the OIMC. (Council on Finance and Administration

$3,000; Monitor and Review Committee $300; Board of Ordained Ministry $3,000; Nominations and Personnel $500; Council on Local Church Ministries $8,000; Episcopal Committee $800; Archives and History $900; Standing Rules and Journal Review $350; Lay Leader/Board of Laity $1,700; Conference Campus Ministry Board $1,500; Continuing Education Committee $1,000) Jurisdictional apportionments: 1. Jurisdictional Administration - $126. This fund helps in the administration of the jurisdictional offices. Many of the other conferences in the jurisdiction assist our conference through donations. The jurisdictional office disburses the funds which are sent through their offices. 2. Lydia Patterson Institute - $270. LPI is a day high school for Hispanic youth in El Paso, Texas. The youth come from poverty environments and many come from across the border each day to receive their education. 3. Mt. Sequoyah Retreat Center - $64. This fund is used for maintenance and improvement of our Jurisdictional Assembly grounds located in Fayetteville, AR. 4. SMU – Wesley Foundation Campus Ministry - $34. This fund helps fund the SMU Wesley Foundation Campus Ministry program. The university houses students from all over the country, including the Course of Study School which our OIMC candidates attend each summer. Clergy Support Apportionments: 1. Pastors Insurance - $55,000 2. Pastors Moving allowance - $3,600 3. Unfunded Liability: Retired Pastors Insurance - $5,000

4. Course of Study School (33% of cost) - $4,000 Conference Administration Apportionments: 5. Advocate Newspaper - $5,000 6. General Conference Delegate - $6,000 7. Administrative Services – $72,424 Total Apportionments - $185,357 Second Mile Giving is a challenge to the local church, to go the second mile after completing the first mile (apportionments and insurance).CF&A recommends eight Second Mile Goals for 2013: 1) Cookson Hills Center (at least $65 per church) 2) Church and District Facilities Repair Fund (at least $91 per church) 3) Youth Service Fund ($90 per church) 4) OIMC Campus Ministry Programming ($50 per church) 5) Conference Parish Partners ($50 per church) 6) Property Insurance Deductible Fund ($50 per church) 7) Local Church Mission Project (Each church is challenged by the Missional Initiative adopted in 1992 to support a local mission project) 8) Special Day Offerings (Human Relations Day, January 20; Conference Campus Ministry Offering, February 17; One Great Hour of Sharing, March 10; Gold Cross Sunday, April; Native American Ministries Sunday, April 14; Peace with Justice Sunday, May 26; UMVIM Awareness Sunday, September 15; World Communion Sunday, October 6; Laity Day, October 20; United Methodist Student Day, November 24)

Ponca Indian UMC Christmas Celebration …. Rev. Jimmy White, pastor PARTY! Immediately after church on December 23rd a birthday party celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus was celebrated. The children sang happy birthday, balloons were passed around to all the kids, more Christmas Caroling by different age groups, presents donated by St Paul / Calvary UMC of Williamsport, PA were given to all the boys and girls. Followed by ice cream and cake (cup cakes) provided by church members.After a potluck supper a total of 42 kids along with the help of 16 UMYF members, presented a Nativity Play that was written by the late Rev. Francene Big Goose based on the

Gospel of Luke to a standing room only crowd.


January-February 2013

Children and youth worker forms available The application forms for leaders/workers/ volunteers for any programs, activities and events for children and youth of the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference for the 2013-2016 quadrennium are available in the conference office. The Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference values the children and youth who attend all programs, activities and events of the conference on all levels. It is our intent to protect and nurture these young persons. Therefore all persons who work with the children and youth of our churches whether it is on the local, region, district or conference level are strongly encourage to make application as a CY Worker. Along with each application is a copy of the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference Procedures and Safety Standards for Children and Youth Programs Phase II. The applicant is to read this, go over it with their pastor or if they are a pastor, go over it with their District Superintendent, both the applicant and the pastor sign the

OIMC – OCU Day February 23, 2013 10:30 a.m. – Registration, Freede Center 11a.m. – 12:30 p.m. – Free Throw and 3 on 3 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. – lunch 1:30 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. – Admissions/ Games, Watson Lounge 2:30 p.m. – 3 p.m. – Tours 3 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. – Worship, chapel Please respond by February 10, 2013 as to number attending. 3 on 3 teams must be registered by Febuary 1st. Divisions will be: Jr. High, Sr. High and Adult and can be coed. Teams MUST BE pre-registered; teams will not be put together on site! If you have a person that wants to play but do not have enough for a team, contact another church to go together to make a team.

statement page and return the statement page with their application. Once the application and the three references have been received a background check will be ran. After the results from the background check have been received a letter will be sent to the applicant as to their approval/nonapproval. These records are kept confidential in the office of the Director of Interpretation and Programs. However the applicant’s pastor and District Superintendent receive copies of the approval/non-approval letter. If the applicant is willing to work with children and youth on the region and/or conference level background checks will be ran without charge. However if the applicant prefers to work only in their local church the church or applicant will be asked to pay $15/applicant. The conference does pay for the service of running background checks. You may call the conference office (405632-2006) for forms or email Josephine Deere at jdeere@oimc.org.

In Mark 12:41-44 Jesus observed the offerings given by both the rich and the poor. He was interested in the widow’s offering as much as He is interested in our offering today. After all, giving is an act of worship. How can we promote giving in our church, you may ask. Following are five tips from United Methodist Communications. 1) Inspire. Show your congregation why we give. If you click on the Mission Moments section of umcgiving.org, you’ll find a weekly moment for mission, offertory prayer and newsletter copy to introduce the offering. Mission Moments is updated on the 15th of every month. If you’re looking for different content than what is listed for that week, simply use the search function to find your desired topic. 2) Engage. Open the conversation about giving in your church council meetings. You could start each meeting with one of the short videos at youtube.com/ umcgiving. There are nearly 100 videos highlighting the ways in which the generosity of United Methodists has changed lives and made a difference in the world. 3) Inform. Show your congregation how

their dollars are at work. 90 cents of every dollar you give stays in the local church. This illustration breaks down how each dollar is used to accomplish wonderful work in Jesus’ name. 4) Imagine. Make it easy for members to imagine how their generosity can make a difference. Provide them with giving resources. You can find free resources like brochures, flyers, and inserts at umcgiving.org/downloadables. 5) Believe. Believe in the power of the connection. Together we can accomplish what no one individual or congregation can do separately. The various offerings and apportionments of The United Methodist Church allow us to share our resources to fulfill our mission as Christians. For more information about giving, visit umcgiving.org and find us on Facebook at facebook.com/umcgiving. For a more indepth look, check out Connectional Giving 101, a free online course where you can learn the biblical basis for giving, how our church is connected, what the apportioned and designated funds are, and how you can inspire others to make a deference.

Are you a local church leader with a new UMC Lay and Clergy Invited to Walk in the responsibility for Footsteps of the Wesley Brothers 2013? Tom Gillem Take hope, because free webinar training is available in January from General Board Of Discipleship on the following topics: Stewardship and Finance (Jan. 10), Staff Parish Relations Committee (Jan. 15), Lay Leader (Jan. 17), Trustees (Jan. 22), Church Council (Jan. 29) and Nominations (Jan. 31). All sessions are at 6:30 p.m. CST. All webinars are made possible by World Service Fund support. To register, go to www.gbod.org/webinars.

Start planning now to attend Youth 2015 The quadrennial gathering for United Methodist youth in Orlando is still several years away, but it’s not too early to mark your calendar on June 24-28, 2015. The national youth get-together will provide opportunities for youth groups to grow closer together and be changed for good and for God. Join the discussion now about the 2015 session and look for updates on Facebook at www.facebook.com/Youth2015

Happy New Year Senior high winners of the Three-onThree in 2012.

Help in promoting church giving

from Staff of OIMC David, Linda, Josephine and Dennis

NASHVILLE, Tenn. Oct. 24, 2012 /GBOD/ — All United Methodist lay and clergy leaders are invited to participate in a 10-day Wesley Pilgrimage to England next spring where they can walk in the footsteps of John and Charles Wesley. Participants will immerse themselves in the Christ-centered leadership of the Wesley brothers during the pilgrimage April 15-24, 2013, which will be offered by the General Board of Discipleship. “We will learn, pray and explore places where the Wesleys lived and served,” said Dr. Steven Manskar, Director of Wesleyan Leadership at GBOD, who will co-lead the adventure. “On the pilgrimage, we will worship daily and make connections between the Wesleyan heritage and missional leadership for today.” Dr. Paul Chilcote, Academic Dean and Professor of Historical Theology and Wesleyan Studies at Ashland Theological Seminary in Ashland, Ohio, will join Manskar to lead the pilgrimage. The registration fee of $1,795 includes 10 nights lodging, most meals, ground transportation to pilgrimage sites and all admission fees. This event qualifies for three CEUs. The pilgrims will explore: ∗ Epworth, the Wesley’s birthplace ∗ Oxford, where the brothers led the Holy Club ∗ Bristol, home of the Methodist societies and class meeting

* London, where both Wesley brothers experienced assurance of salvation and John Wesley built the center of British Methodism * Salisbury, home to a vital Methodist congregation once served by Francis Asbury. “I cannot imagine a better way to bring our Wesleyan theology, practice and heritage to life than to experience immersion as a pilgrim among pilgrims in the place where the Methodist Movement began,” said the Rev. Jim Winkler, District Superintendent in the East Ohio Conference, who was part of the 2012 pilgrimage. “This experience would be especially significant for those seeking to be ordained in response to God’s call to full time ministry. Nearly half our pilgrims were provisional members of conferences from across the continental USA. What better way to develop leaders deeply rooted in the Wesleyan tradition for the challenges facing the movement today?” Winkler said. Limited scholarships for provisional elders and deacons will be provided by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. Registration deadline for the 2013 Wesley Pilgrimage is March 15. To register, or to get more information, go to www.gbod.org/WesleyPilgrimage. Or contact Manskar at smanskar@gbod.org or (877) 899-2780, ext. 1765.

January-February 2013

In memoriam Rev. Walter C. Quoetone July 29, 1954 – October 30, 2012 Rev. Walter C. Quoetone, 58, of Norman embarked on his next amazing journey on October 30, 2012 in Oklahoma City. His family and friends were by his side to pray and sing hymns as he made his heavenly voyage. Walter was born July 29, 1954 in Lawton to Charles and Sandra (Bear) Quoetone. He graduated from Lawton High School. He married Elizabeth Sohl at Mt. Scott Kiowa Church on May 17, 1977. He graduated from Cameron University and received his Masters of Divinity from Southern Methodist University Perkins School of Theology. He was an officer in the Interfaith Council at Cameron University, a diverse group of socially and spiritually focused students sponsored by the Cameron Campus Ministry. He was a member of the OIMC Youth Choir World Tour. Walter was a member of the Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma, Tia-piah Society and a member of the Mt. Scott Kiowa UMC. He served on the Kiowa Election Board, was a founding member of the Norman First American UMC, OIMC Conference Youth President and traveled to India on a youth mission trip which changed his life. Walter served as pastor for JJ Methvin Memorial UMC in Anadarko for six years, Sherwood Tsotigh Memorial UMC in Cache and was the current pastor at Billy Hooton Memorial UMC in Oklahoma City. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth of the home; parents Rev. Charles and Sandra Quoetone of Lawton; brothers and sisters Aaron Quoetone of Anadarko, Jeanie Quoetone of Lawton, Cindy Debartolo of Lawton, William Guy Quoetone of Bethany, Susan Nauni of Anadarko, Nick Quoetone of Anadarko; aunts Wynema Martin of Lawton, Leona Johnson of Norman; many nieces, nephews, cousins, other family members and friends. He is preceded in death by his grandparents William and Joy (Calisay) Bear, Guy and Nannie Susan (Sahmaunt) Quoetone; Aunts Joycetta Elliott, Helen Curley and Uncles Henry William Bear, Allen Quoetone. Funeral services were held November 3, 2012 at Centenary UMC in Lawton with Rev. Phil Jones officiating. Burial followed at the Mt. Scott KCAA Cemetery under the directions of Comanche Nation Funeral Home. Prayer serves were held at Billy Hooton Memorial UMC on Friday November 2, 2012 with Rev. Alvin Deer officiating. Timothy Mark Haunpo January 22, 1986 – November 1, 2012 Timothy Mark Haunpo, 26, of Carnegie, Oklahoma passed from this life into the next on Thursday, November 1, 2012 with his loving family by his side. Timothy was born on January 22, 1986 to Gerald and Janet Haunpo in Lawton, Oklahoma. He was the youngest of three sons. Timothy was a graduate of the Class of 2004 Carnegie High School. He was a member of the Cedar Creek United Methodist Church and the Kiowa Tribe of Oklahoma. Paternal Great Grand-parents were the late Wallace Haunpo and Mabel Hummingbird; Pope-sait-ke and Hattie Odle-paugh; grand-parents were the late Howard and Nannie (Pope-sait-ke) Haunpo. Maternal Great Grandparents were the late Henry and Norma (Ware) Autaubo; Clyde and Mildred (Mausape) Daingkau; grandparents Vester Autaubo and the late Claudette (Daingkau) Autaubo. Timothy was united in marriage to Stephanie Barber on July 17, 2006 in Chickasha, Oklahoma. To this union was born two beautiful daughters, Melissa Claudette and Amiyah Kae. After marriage they made their home in Placerville, California and moved back to Oklahoma in 2010. He leaves to cherish his memory his loving wife Stephanie, his two beautiful daughters Melissa Claudette and Amiyah Kae who were the joy and passion of his life; his parents, two brothers; Howard and wife Jessica of Carnegie; Geoffrey and wife Susan of Anadarko; special nieces Megan Haunpo of Duncan; Gracie Lynnelle Haunpo of Anadarko; grandfather Vester Autaubo of Anadarko; special grandmother Phyllis Kotay of Apache; special brothers Phillip Autaubo of Norman, Henry Anthony Autaubo of Anadarko, Gabriel Dewayne Haunpo of Mtn. View; Vernon Paul Satepauhoodle III of Chickasha; special sister Cornelia Rose Satepauhoodle of Chickasha; special uncles Henry Autaubo of Anadarko; James Haunpo of Anadarko and Leslie Haunpo of Butler; special aunties Elfreda Haunpo of Mtn. View and Margaret Bellamy of Hobart, Annette Autuabo of Chickasha and Abbie Cox of Verden and numerous other friends and relatives. Wake service was held November 5, 2012 and the funeral service was Tuesday, November 6, 2012 both at Cedar Creek UMC, Carnegie. Burial followed in the Carnegie Cemetery under the direction of Ray and Martha’s Funeral Home, Carnegie.

Advocate - 3

Percentage of apportionments paid to date Northern District: Angie Smith Memorial UMC Billy Hooton UMC El Reno Fellowship UMC Mary Lee Clark UMC Norman First American UMC Pawnee UMC Ponca Indian UMC Wichita Indian UMC Arbeka UMC Big Cussetah UMC Broken Arrow UMC Canterbury UMC Choska UMC Christ UMC Concharty UMC D.D. Etchieson UMC Davis Chapel UMC Fife Indian UMC Grant Chapel UMC Haikey Chapel UMC Honey Creek UMC Kaney Chapel UMC Lawrence Indian UMC Little Cussetah UMC Mutteloke UMC Nagawee UMC New Hope UMC Newtown UMC Pickett Chapel UMC Salt Creek UMC Seminole Hitchitee UMC Springfield UMC Springtown UMC Stilwell UMC Sullivan UMC Thewarley UMC Thlopthlocco UMC Tulsa Indian UMC Wewoka UMC Yeager UMC

100 21 37 100 100 0 100 100 0 100 100 90 0 86 100 100 0 100 26 100 69 100 100 100 100 100 100 35 100 58 100 100 100 100 100 13 100 16 58 0

Southern District Bethel Hill UMC Big lick UMC Bobb-Myers UMC Boiling Springs UMC Bokchito UMC Cane Hill UMC Chihowa Okla UMC Choctaw Academy UMC Dallas Indian UMC Goodland UMC Good Springs UMC Goodwater UMC Grace Indian UMC Hampton Chapel UMC Johnson Chapel UMC Kullichito UMC Kullituklo UMC Mitchell Menorial UMC Nanih Chito UMC Old Cedar UMC Pennington UMC Seeley Chpael UMC St. Paul Talihina UMC Sulphur Springs UMC Tohwali UMC Whitesand-Bennington UMC Whitesand Valliant UMC William Anderson UMC Yasho UMC Botone Memorial UMC Cache Creek UMC Cedar Creek UMC Hunting Horse UMC JJ Methvin UMC Little Washita UMC Mt. Scott Comanche UMC Mt. Scott Kiowa UMC Petarsy Mission UMC Sherwood Tsotigh UMC UMC of Apache Ware’s Chapel UMC

100 4 32 100 100 100 100 100 91 100 46 100 87 100 100 92 0 47 26 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 7 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 38 40 100

Total Percentage Conference wide 81%

OUMF Nothing But Nets Night March 15 The Oklahoma United Methodist Foundation is once again partnering with the Oklahoma City Thunder to present the Oklahoma City Thunder Nothing But Nets Night on Friday, March 15. The United Methodist Church is one of the founding groups of Nothing But Nets which works to eliminate malaria in developing countries by providing bed nets for protection from biting mosquitoes. A portion of each ticket sold through the Foundation for the March 15 Thunder game goes to Nothing But Nets. Tickets will go on sale January 16. An email will be sent out on how to purchase these tickets as soon as information is received in the office.

Advocate list update needed As we begin a new year, new officers may be coming on board for your churches as well as with different organizations. And as you may be aware, postage will increase. Therefore it becomes more cost efficient for the conference office to obtain as many email addresses as possible to help alleviate the cost of mailing the Advocate. As you prepare your officer lists, please include email addresses. For those of your officers that do not have email, we will continue to send hard copies. The advantage of receiving the Advocate via email – you can receive it as soon as it is approved for printing. Otherwise as soon as it is approved for printing, it goes back to the printer for printing. Once they have been printed, they are brought to the conference office, where they have to be labeled and mailed. This ends up to be a 7-10 day process.

4 - Advocate


January-February 2013

Conference Calendar

5 SE Reg. UMM Mtg., SE Reg. Center, 9 a.m. 5 NE Reg. Leadership Trng., NE Reg. Center, 8 a.m. 7 SW Reg. Trustee Mtg., Hog Creek, 6:30 p.m. 8 Cookson Board Mtg., Cookson Hills, 1 p.m. 11 Cabinet, Conference Office, 9 a.m. 11 Elders Meeting, Saddleback Inn, Oklahoma City 11 & 12Sexual Ethics Training, Saddleback Inn, Oklahoma City 7 p.m. 12 North Dist UMW Ex Mtg., TBA 13 NE Reg. Children & Youth Ministry Team Mtg., NE Reg. Cntr 2 p.m. 14 NE Reg. Pastors Gathering, NE Reg. Center, 6:30 p.m. 14 Central Reg. Pastors Gathering, Angie Smith Meml UMC, 6:30 p.m. 14 Central Reg. Lay Leader Team Mtg., Angie Smith Meml UMC 2 p.m. 17 & 18 17-20 18 19 19 20 21 25 & 26 26 27

Lead II - Stewardship, Conflict Management, Ledership UM Quadrennial Training, Nashville, TN SE Reg. Finance Mtg., SE Reg. Center, 9:30 a.m. SE Region Trustee Mtg., SE Reg. Center, 9 a.m. SE Region Youth Mtg./Bible Study, SE Reg. Center Human Relations Day, special offering to be taken SE Reg. Pastors Mtg., SE Region Center, 7 p.m. Teacher Certification for Lay Speaking School, Saddleback Inn, OKC Council on Local Church Ministries, Conference Office, 10 a.m. CCYM Quarterly Mtg., D.D. Etchieson UMC, 2 p.m.

2 2 4 8&9 9 9 9 9 10 11 15 15-17 16 16 16 16 18 23 23 29 31

SE Reg. Childrens Lent Study, SE Reg. Center NE Reg. Youth Rally, New Hope UMC Cabinet, Conference Office, 9 a.m. SE REg. Lay Speaking School, SE Reg. Center NE Reg. Lay Speaker Seminar, Christ UMC, 9:30 a.m. NE Reg. Trustee Mtg., NE Reg. Center 10 a.m. North Dist. UMW Call to Prayer, NE Reg. Center Southern Dist. UMW Ex. Mtg., Seeley Chapel UMC, 9:30 a.m. One Great Hour of Sharing, special offering taken NE Reg. Pastors Gathering, NE Reg. Center, 6:30 p.m. SE Reg. Finance Mtg., SE Reg. Center, 9:30 a.m. CCYM Spring Retreat, Ponca Indian UMC NE Reg. Childrens VBS Trng., NE Reg. Center, 9 a.m. Thlopthlocco UMC Wild Onion Dinner, 3-7 p.m. SE Reg. UMW Prayer Retreat, SE Reg. Center, 9 a.m. SE Reg. Trustee Mtg., SE Reg. Center, 9 a.m. SE Reg. Pastors Mtg., SE Reg. Center, 7 p.m. Conference CF&A, Conference Office, 9 a.m. Council on Local Church Ministries, TBA, 10 a.m. Good Friday, Conference Office Closed Easter Sunday



2 4 4 8 9 9 9 9 16 17 17 22-23 22-23 23 23

Gold Cross Sunday, Any Sunday in April, Special offering to be taken UMW Mission Project Month, every unit plan a project 1 SE Reg. COLCM Mtg., SE Reg. Center, 6:30 p.m. 5-6 Central Reg. Lay Speaking School, Mary Lee Clark UMC 6 NE Reg. Youth Rally, Big Cussetah UMC 8 Cabinet, Conference Office, 9 a.m. 11 & 12Lead III, Finding Balance, Church Goal Setting, Strength 12 Grace Indian UMC Annual Gospel Singing, 6 p.m.- Midnight 12 & 13Conf. UMW Retreat, Hog Creek 13 NE Reg. Trustee Mtg., NE Reg. Center, 10 a.m. 13 BOM Mtg., Conference Office 14 Native American Ministries Sunday, special offering to be taken 19 NE Reg. Evangelism Memorial Serivce, NE Reg. Center, 7 p.m. 20 NE Reg. Spring Conference, NE Reg. Center 20 SE Reg. Spring Conference, SE Reg. Center, 9 a.m. 26-27 NE Reg. Lay Speaking School, NE Reg. Cneter 27 SE Reg. UMM Mtg., Kullichito UMC

NE Reg. Youth Rally, Davis Chapel UMC SW Reg. Trustee Mtg., Hog Creek, 6:30 p.m. SE Region COLCM Mtg., SE Reg. Center, 6:30 p.m. Cabinet, Conference Office, 9 a.m. SE Reg. UMW Ex Mtg., SE Reg. Center, 9:30 a.m. NE Reg. UMW Valentine Celebration, Pickett Chapel UMC NE Reg. Supt. SPRC/PPRC Trng. Workshop, NE Reg. Center, 8:30 a.m. NE Reg. Trustee Meeting, NE Reg. Center, 10 a.m. Central Reg. Childrens Heart to Heart a Gift of Love, Angie Smith Meml UMC NE Reg. Evangelism Team Mtg., NE Reg. Center, 2 p.m. OIMC Campus Ministry Sunday, special offering to be taken BOM Interviews, Conference Office UMM Retreat with OK Conference UMM, Camp Egan SE Reg. Martha Anderson Mtg., SE Reg. Center, 3 p.m. OIMC-OCU Day, Oklahoma City University, 10 a.m.

March “Call to Prayer and Self Denial” Month

Seminary Lite – Theological Education for the Laity Have you ever wondered what pastors learn while they are in seminary? Do you have a longing to go deeper in the study of our Christian faith? Do you understand what God desires from you as a Christian in ministry? Seminary Lite is a program at Saint Paul School of Theology at Oklahoma City University focusing on learning for the laity. Seminary Lite will provide you (as laity) with a deeper knowledge base in subjects pertaining to Christian faith and life, and will allow you to sample the seminary experience. Seminary Lite Highlights: * Classes are held on one Saturday a month from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. with an hour break for lunch in the Oklahoma City University cafeteria. * Qualified professors will instruct all sessions. * You will prepare for the class session by

reading assigned materials. * You won’t have to worry about tests – because there aren’t any – or written homework. * When lay participants complete all six basic courses, they will receive a certificate from Saint Paul School of Theology. * If you miss a class you may pick it up later as courses are offered on a rotating basis. * You do not have to take all six courses to attend. Take one session or as many as you like. Courses for 2013 will be: * Introduction to Church History, February 16, 2013 * Introduction to Worship, March 16, 2013 * United Methodist Heritage, April 20, 2013 For more information or to register contact: Rachel McClain, 405-208-5757; ocuevent@spst.edu; 2501 N. Blackwelder, Oklahoma City, OK 73105.

Special Sundays for the first quarter Human Relations Day – January 20, 2013 This special day is observed on the Sunday before Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday. The offering taken up supports the United Methodist Community Developers, the United Methodist Voluntary Services and the Youth Offender Rehabilitation programs of The United Methodist Church. This Sunday appeals to us for better human relations with other races by affirming the dignity, self-determination and communities. Conference Campus Ministry – February 17, 2013 A special offering to be taken by the local churches of the OIMC to aid in the building of campus ministry across the conference. We currently have four active Campus Ministry programs. This

special Sunday is observed the third Sunday in February. One Great Hour of Sharing - March 10, 2013 This special day is observed the fourth Sunday in Lent and the offerings taken up provides major support to the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). This vital United Methodist ministry provides aid for disaster relief and rehabilitation, refugee resettlement, hunger programs and other human needs. The Advocate is published six times a year by the Oklahoma Indian Missionary Conference of The United Methodist Church. For subscription information, contact the office at 3020 S. Harvey, OKC. OK 73109. Phone: 405-6322006; Fax: 405-632-0209. E-mail: jdeere@oimc.org; www.umc-oimc.org

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