Jonathan Hooper Graphic Design Portfolio

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My name is Jonathan Hooper. I am an artist, and my favorite media are graphic design & jazz piano. I also am fond of ducks.

What’s so great about this web-footed waterfowl, you ask? Aside from their ability to swim without getting wet, (imagine never needing to bring a towel to the pool), the great thing about these downy daredevils is that they can thrive just about anywhere; earth, sea or sky. Some might say that flying is different than swimming, but the duck would disagree. With one swift flap he seamlessly transitions from air travel to paddle boating. In the same way, one might also say that designing a brand identity is different than reharmonizing a jazz standard in a dimly lit night club. I, however, would disagree, and so would the duck. To me, the difference between visual design and musical invention is the same difference between a pencil and a paintbrush to others. Jazz is full of design elements, and design is full of jazz. I love the way this music involves things like harmony, variety, linear invention, ornament, layers, movement, stunning complexity, and profound simplicity. My design can be offbeat and syncopated at times, or dissonant, but undergirded by a steady tempo and intentional structure, this makes it all the more interesting. Clearly, ducks and I have a special connection. Hopefully someday they’ll realize this and stop hastily waddling away every time I try to hang out with them. Until then, I will continue to have fun making art that is “just ducky.”



Addy award-winning tropical branding, package design,and photography put the sass back into wheatgrass smoothies.

CLIENT Sassy Grass Smoothies is a new chain of smoothie cafĂŠs devoted to blending fresh, whole foods in every drink. Unlike competing smoothie chains, Sassy Grass never uses syrups or artificial flavorings, but only phytonutrient-rich produce.

TARGET MARKET From the die-hard raw food enthusiast to the health-conscious mom looking for a tasty way to get her kids eating more vegetables, Sassy Grass appeals to a broad demographic. Its tropical, fun, and laid-back store atmosphere reflects the lifestyles of its customers.

CHALLENGE The challenge is to create a sophisticated, tropical-inspired brand DNA for the new chain. It must reflect the authenticity of ingredients used in Sassy Grass smoothies, and communicate a relaxed, fun, and easy approach to healthy living.

SOLUTION The Sassy Grass logo features a cool and collected tiki head character illustration, combined with a custom grass blade typeface. The logo’s jagged, pieced-together shapes are as vibrant and energetic as most smoothie drinkers, while the color palette is fresh and vibrant to communicate healthy living without intimidation. The logo is also applied in a single-color format on the packaging of products sold in-store.







Single piece, single glue point design

Recycled, eco-friendly cardboard material

Biodegradable cup & wheatgrass sold in-store



A redesign that brings Latitudes & Attitudes Magazine up from Davy Jones’ locker and into the real world.

CLIENT Latitudes & Attitudes is a popular sailing lifestyle magazine from Sextant Publishing featuring nautical news, seaworthy stories, catamaran comparisons, and more.

TARGET MARKET Latitudes & Attitudes is popular among sailing enthusiasts and owners of mid-market sailing vessels. Readers often spend months at sea on cruising trips, and a copy of the magazine on board makes for relaxing afternoon reading material on the deck.

CHALLENGE The magazine publishers are looking to expand their readership into the high-end boating market. To accomplish this, a complete design overhaul is needed. The new masthead, imagery, and editorial layout must resonate with sophisticated sailors.

SOLUTION The masthead of Latitudes & Attitudes has been streamlined to simply Lat, set in a custom geometric typeface. The rest of the editorial design follows from this minimal ideology of reduction to the elegant basics. Recurring graphic elements are drawn from negative space in the masthead, and the feature story layouts subtly reflect their content. Sailors who invest time and money into maintaining the visual aesthetic of their vessels appreciate the subtle nuances in the redesign of Lat Magazine.












Textured aquatic illustrations engage consumers with an everyday cleaning product. Talk about loving your anemone...

CLIENT Evriholder Products, LLC is a company that brings unique and innovative products to retailers around the world. They describe their line as products that “represent all those things you never realized you needed but seem indispensable once you have them.”

TARGET MARKET Evriholder products primarily target impulse buyers and women who are homemakers. These buyers are looking for quick and easy solutions to everyday home tasks.

CHALLENGE Product placement and packaging are very important factors in targeting the impulse buyer market. Evriholder needs a creative way to package its Fuzzy Wuzzy microfiber cleaning mitts. The package design must stand out on the shelf at first glance, giving an impression of cleverness and usefulness while also keeping production costs low.

SOLUTION The package design solution draws from the cleaning mitt’s resemblance of sea anemone to create a lively, illustrated underwater environment around the product. Thorough research resulted in stylized characters that are based on actual fish and marine animals. A custom typeface for the Fuzzy Wuzzy logo flows with the illustration style. Additionally, the package consists of an inner and outer piece that can be cut from a single sheet of cardboard, and its locking tabs eliminate the need for glue points.




10.5� height

Two piece, front die-cut design

No glue points




“ I like to draw things. Conclusions, assumptions, generalizations... I draw all kinds of things.”




Flagler College’s next Student Government president found political victory through branding, photography, and viral advertising.

CLIENT David Arreola is a political science major at Flagler College who is looking to run for president of the Student Government Association (SGA), for which he has previously served as treasurer. He is motivated by a desire to bring positive change to Flagler’s campus by working together with a variety of people and groups. His demeanor of professionalism and dedication is unmistakable.

TARGET MARKET The candidate aims to reach students who otherwise would be uninterested in voting for SGA officers, or unaware of SGA at all. Having leveraged considerable support among SGA members and friends, he now seeks to win the vote of students in other social spheres by making his campaign platform and goals readily accessible.

CHALLENGE David is running against the current SGA president, who enjoys considerable popularity among students as well as the advantage of experience in the office. The challenge before the Arreola campaign is to prove to the student body that David takes leadership seriously, while still maintaining friendliness and relatability. The campaign’s graphics need to reflect this professionalism, visually communicating to students that David is the best man for the job.

SOLUTION The campaign design and publicity solution incorporates three basic elements: a unified brand identity, custom photography, and viral advertising. The logo is the brand’s defining feature. It evokes a formidable architectural aesthetic, based on the iconic towers of Flagler’s Ponce de Leon Hall, while remaining warm and approachable. Colors are drawn from the campus and historic buildings. This results in promotional material that harmonize with the aesthetic of the campus, and communicate that David’s personality harmonizes with the school. Photos were taken in and around the school, and the best shots capture David enjoying a genuine laugh rather than a staged smile. Photos were also taken with a puppy to showcase the candidate’s lighthearted, fun side. Perhaps the most powerful element of the campaign was its viral advertising. Early in the race, a branded campaign Facebook page was launched, which quickly rose to over 200 ‘likes’ and reached a total of 6,482 people during campaign week. Photos featuring candidate quotes were shared through the page, and campaign ads appeared on info screens around the school. Additionally, print posters, banners, and yard signs were placed at strategic locations, while campaign buttons and signed handouts were distributed to students. After a long and eventful week, David won the election. He attributes his success in large part to the campaign’s design and advertising.










The perfect gift for the guy who has it all, this custom-engineered novelty toilet plunger is an eclectic commode companion.

TARGET MARKET The Rump Pump targets buyers who have that one off-the-wall friend with a birthday coming up. These buyers may include women shopping for a hilarious gift for dad, or quirky collectors seeking a comical conversation piece.

CHALLENGE Create a one-of-a-kind gift product that nobody would expect to find under their Christmas tree. It should look as ridiculous as it sounds, and clever, comedic copy on the package’s rear, (pardon the pun), needs to describe the product’s functions.

SOLUTION A custom-designed, hand-carved wood base holds in place the final product design: a multi-function toilet plunger that takes care of almost every conceivable toilet-side need. The cheesiness of the product is balanced by a streamlined brand identity and package design. The package is cut from a single sheet of cardboard, requires no glue points, and fits easily in a two-foot or more store shelf space. A detailed description of the product can be found in the enlargement on p. 40.




24� height

Single-piece design

No glue points





Two sniffly, handmade characters and a furry font playfully illustrate an article for Parenting Magazine.

CLIENT Parenting is a magazine for families published by Time, Inc. featuring articles on fertility, children’s health and nutrition, and other parenting issues.

TARGET MARKET Parenting is read primarily by parents of children under the age of 18. Readers are mainly female, though the magazine does feature some sections specifically for dads. Young parents who read the magazine tend to be under the stresses involved with raising kids, and so visually engaging art is important in drawing in readers.

CHALLENGE Create an illustration that is integrated with an article on taking care of kids during allergy season. The art should be engaging and friendly enough to entertain young children while their parent reads the article.

SOLUTION Two friendly, allergy-stricken monsters bring the feel of a child’s story book to an article meant for adults. This way, parents can make time for adult reading while sitting with their young kids, entertained by the illustration. A hand-drawn furry typeface for the headline relates to the monster on the opposite page, and the painted background extends across the spread. The illustration’s furry effect is achieved through the use of gouache paint and colored pencil.





I’m glad to have grown up in an artistic family. My mom is a commercial artist, and my dad and brothers are musicians.”




I spy user-friendly graphics for a multi-player, virtual photo scavenger hunt game.

CLIENT Ro-Ro Technologies is creating an new iPhone game based on the popularity of apps such as Draw Something or Words With Friends.

TARGET MARKET iSpy Stuff targets anyone who connects with their friends via Facebook and remembers enjoying I Spy books as a kid. Users are primarily in the age range of 15-30.

CHALLENGE This virtual “I Spy” game involves challenging friends to find and photograph various found objects matching a certain description. The design challenge is to create an app logo, icon, and an intuitive user interface that encourages creativity and fun.

SOLUTION The app design has a vintage, yet fresh feel. Realistic wood grain is used throughout as a trim, juxtaposed with vector-style graphics to create a unique contrast. The logo features an illustrated chatterbox character, representing a random piece of “stuff,” while the “i” in the logo forms a recognizable app icon.






The work of rescuing orphans in Kenya is aided by a new logo & website that visually bring the mission to the user.

CLIENT Mission to the Fatherless is a Christian mission organization that builds orphanages for Kenyan street children rescued from a life of abuse, disease, starvation, or poverty. Workers supply these children with a loving home environment, food, education, and medical care, believing that a Christ-centered philosophy will ultimately provide hope to the hopeless.

TARGET MARKET The website targets Christians who have an interest in and desire to support foreign missions. These users are inclined to make donations to worthy causes, or to be physically involved in missionary work.

CHALLENGE Redesign the mission’s existing website to bring the feel of Kenya to the user’s screen, and to prompt users to get involved or donate to the mission.

SOLUTION The website redesign features rich textures and realistic elements that reflect life in Kenya. A dark background represents the ominous reality faced by many orphans in Africa. Set upon this background are graphics that reflect a distinct hopefulness. The new logo features a custom African-influenced typeface on a sign strung from a tree trunk, communicating that by working together, the mission can use the resources of the land to build a brighter future. A quote from the biblical book of James is featured on the homepage, stating the biblical mandate for the work of caring for orphans.






An expanding technology consulting company gets a new logo that reflects their success and strategic method of meeting clients’ needs.

CLIENT Client Strategy Group (CSG) is a growing technology consulting company headquartered in Independence, Ohio. CSG is a Microsoft gold certified partner specializing in Microsoft’s Dynamics AX software in businesses. They align their services into three specialized offerings that will revive, enhance, and upgrade their customer’s ERP systems. CSG also provides business intelligence solutions to provide key decision-making information to their clients.

TARGET MARKET CSG’s target market is IT organizations running Microsoft Dynamics AX software that would like to maximize their investment in ERP software. Typically these businesses are experiencing system performance issues, lack of access to important information, or are faced with the need to upgrade their software to the current release.

CHALLENGE CSG recently underwent a corporate rebranding that strategically defined their three areas of service and gave the company a bolder, more proactive visual voice. They now need a logo that harmonizes with the new branding and reflects their newly-defined threefold business strategy.

SOLUTION The CGS logo redesign retains their previous strategic path and arrow element, but communicates it in a bolder, more integrated way. The three letters of the acronym are clearly distinct through the use of color and subtle gradients, yet they flow homogeneously together. This is indicative of their business strategy and the way its three distinct areas harmonize. Rather than leading downward as in CSG’s previous logo, the new arrow leads forward and up, iconic of business growth and success. The logo also appears as a solid mark in two colors on the back of the corporate business cards, and is designed to exist over both white and black backgrounds.





Web design credit: Insivia Marketing



Business card design credit: Insivia Marketing



Photography is another medium I love. It really ‘lens’ itself to some good design. See what I did there?



Based on an Addy award-winning vector illustration, ol’ Santy asks for a little help this holiday season.

CLIENT Toys for Tots is a foundation that collects donated new toys each year, distributing them as Christmas gifts to less fortunate children across the United States. Each annual toy collection and distribution campaign unites local communities to ensure that under-privileged children experience the joy of Christmas and grow into responsible, productive, and patriotic citizens.

TARGET MARKET The Toys for Tots foundation largely targets parents who are actively involved in their communities. These parents are able to easily afford gifts for their own children, and are seeking ways to serve and benefit other children in the community as well.

CHALLENGE Design an eye-catching national ad campaign for the coming Christmas season that encourages viewers to donate to a local Toys for Tots depository.

SOLUTION An illustrated Santa Claus character forms the basis for the ad campaign, which reads “Ol’ Santy could use a hand.” Santa is portrayed not as the usual “right jolly old elf,” but as rather tired and stressed out from the work of delivering Christmas presents. Viewers sympathize with this sad “Santy,” and are compelled to ensure that St. Nick won’t be the only one showing generosity this season. The humorous illustrations also subtly highlight the reality that not all children are cheerful on Christmas, and that a simple donation could bring a smile to someone’s face.












Design, photography, and content copyright Š 2013 Jonathan Hooper CSG website & business card layout copyright Š 2012 Insivia Marketing


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