10 steps to develop your self

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10 STEPS TO DEVELOP YOUR SELF-LOVE We all know it – self-love is a major part of our overall happiness in life but the harsh reality is, not very many of us are good at it. We are all a work in progress and to help you along the way I have compiled the 10 best steps to develop your self-love and begin to really love who you are. 1.

Stop comparing yourself to others – you being you is good enough. You will often find that what you see on the surface with other people is very far from the reality of their life.

2. Let go of the past – it’s gone so stop beating yourself up about it and remember, you did the best you could at the time and that’s good enough.


3. Forgive the people who have hurt you, they knew no better. Learn from it and move on to be less judgemental about people as everyone you meet is fighting their own battle.

4. Live with no regrets. Mistakes made in the past have helped us to learn and have made us into the amazing people we are today.

Without those

‘mistakes’ our lives would be very different.

5. Don’t take your life for granted and appreciate all that you have. How often do you take time to appreciate everything in your life the big stuff and the little stuff? Take time every day to express your gratitude and this will begin to open a door to greater gifts.

6. Prioritise ‘Me Time’ – make time for it every day no matter how busy you are. Meditate, workout, read, learn, sing or ‘just be’. Your time is precious and so are you so get them working in harmony.


7. Look after your health. You are not invincible but your body will serve you well if you look after it by eating nourishing healthy food and taking some exercise. We all know this but do we actually do it?

8. Live your life from a position of kindness. Doing well for others is one of the most important aspects of beginning to find your own true happiness.

9. Never take your friends or family for granted. Remind them as often as you can just how important they are to you. Remember, you can never say ‘I love you’ too many times.

10. Take time to ‘smell the roses’ watch the sun rise or set or expand your horizons by visiting other countries and cultures and celebrate the incredible diverse world we are lucky to be part of every day.

For More information about happiness coach, life coach scoltand and life coaching


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