4 Reasons Why You Should Play The Sims 3 - Part II 'University' created a whole new age group; the young adults. The 'Freetime' expansion pack introduced Expensive Houses For Sale Drummonds TNN hobbies, and lifetime aspirations, giving players an objective for their characters to achieve. This means more possible mates and more possible interactions! Also, with the latest 'Into the Future' expansion pack, players can now travel through time and change the future! 'Pets' introduced our favorite companions such as cats and dogs, as well as other non-human friends like horses. Players can now fish and plant seasonal items. On top of being a recreational game, the Sims game series can be extended beyond fun. The limitless possibilities in the game has provided much fun for players over the years. In this article, you will learn why the game can be converted into a useful tool for aspiring professionals.Ă‚ Since the introduction of the Sims 2, a video recording function has been added to the game. Do note that your character may misbehave due to various conditions in the game, but as long as you fulfill those conditions, they tend to act according to your 'commands'. Introducing more options Expansion packs were made available for both the Sims 2 and 3 to allow players a wider range of choice and control over what their character can do. In the Sims 2, there were 8 expansion packs that gave players additional options and objectives to strive for. It has provided aspiring movie makers and architects the necessary tools to hone their skills, and a viable platform to share their creativity. Start playing the Sims now! Check out Part 1 of this article series to find out more about why you should play this game. By providing players with a wide selection of walls, paints and terrains, many dream houses have been built and shared on the online community for players. Now I can't wait to boot up the game and start creating stories! Get excited about the Sims 4 release! Check out EA games' Youtube channel and catch the new Sims 4 teasers and trailer videos as they are being released! I can't wait for the release and am looking forward to getting into the game! You can choose to pre-order the game too. The Sims 4 Gameplay Trailer