Jean Bourdelle Architecture
Graduated from ISA St Luc Tournai annĂŠe: 2009 - 2010 contacts : jean.bourdelle@gmail.com TEL : + 33 6 71 46 95 88 SUMMARY : Nichts Museum.......................................... p 4 Mediator...................................................
Double Museum ......................................... p 6
Library .....................................................
Social housing .......................................... p 10
Nichts Museum Theorical exercise Richard Venlett The progression of a frame, composed by presence and absence of modules, alterning diffĂŠrents room's typologies, which the project attempts to blur the distinction. Interior room offer each one piece of the NICHT's collection. Exterior rooms, partially linked, offer silent stroll to the visitor. He surveys the various spaces, sensitive to the changing materialities, light, perspective of the piece, unable to define the nature of each. The transition from one space to another, alternately marked by a door or a "lock" cover, highlighted by an opening or suggested by an in between, lost visitors whose only reference point is the sky, only link to the outside. No path is imposed. The museum can be apprehended by any walker because of the absence of limits. Three reading are now possible : Going through the museum without guessing there; Wander through space, discovering by chance a few works; Browse every piece of the museum without forgetting one.
Unfolded section
MĂŠdiatOr Theorical exercise, Anne-VĂŠronica Janssens Setting up an exhibition using a base, and involving the notion of mediation. The concept here is to consider the base as a livable thick. It's buried, leaving only emerge the top from the soil. Digging in this thickness, there are full ( structural core, periphery) and vacuum ( exhibition space). traces of the rooms are visible on the top of the base.Course made with different step At first the entrance is on the base, a volume emerges and invites visitors to get in the heart of the structural core. Then the visitor have to go through a series of dark space where one is guided by a few light works. This is the second time. Once completed this first journey, visitors are required to browse the exhibition halls (white cube) in the opposite direction. Each room is separated from another by a small portion of lower height, you pass through the mass. Finally the course concludes with a second staircase, superimposed on the first, which brings us back outside. The full circle.
Double Museum Final project study Obigies, Belgium
Michael Johansson, badrumsspegel-1&2, Room with a view 1&2.
This project is primarily based on the work of Swedish artist Michael Johansson, particularly his work on doubles, couples ... Obigies can be considered as a bicephalous village. Indeed, the analysis and the history of the village allows us to define two centers: one characterized by the church, the other by the cemetery (formerly the church). The project aims to revive the old village square, cemetery today. The project sets up so close to it, taking a vertical shape echoing the church bell, creating a dialogue between the two centers. This allows to redefine a place structured the same way as that of the church (current center of the village). The access to the museum is a roundabout way from the ground floor. A staircase device level crossing pairs introduces the visitor to a first "couple" of room. Once at the top, the course takes place in reverse. Then the visitor passes through the second "couple". The visitors finished the course in the basement making up one last breath before the ascent to the exit. Each pair consists of two rooms at first sight similar. Each room approached in the same way, disturbing the perception of the visitor. Only the orientation of the rooms allows him to differentiate between different couples.
Obigies, bicephalous village
Two similar square, the cimetary, the church
Basement level
First floor, 2nd couple, room 4
2nd floor, 1st couple, room 1
3rd floor, 2nd couple, room 3
4th floor, 1st couple, room 2
Ground floor, access to the museum
General section
LIBRARY competition, plAATform Iwuy, France The project of library sets up on the ground floor of a building site, in a balanced dialogue with its environment and this heritage to better reveal it. The scale of the project is studied in order to harmonize the different buildings together without creating free events and gestures unnecessary. This is the site itself, which is unveiled in the city through these qualities. In this context, the library becomes a unifying event denser and consolidate the existing urban fabric. It reconstructs with the various elements of the site, a former brewery and an old pigeon, while subtly interacting with its environment. The insertion of a central volume generates the implentation and the internal organization of the library space. The project promotes the principles of transparency, perspective and framing to the old brewery and the pigeon, the green spaces, and outdoor venues. The library consists of 3 volumes or linear strips, parallel and of different heights. The search for dialogue with the existing buildings and site guides the structure and the materials of the project. The project amounting to a cultural open showcase of the city. Closed volumes (for functional reasons such as technical areas) are grouped and arranged around the hollow volume which concentrates the consultation spaces.
OWNER: City of Iwuy Project manager: PLAATFORM_Mandataire PROJECT MANAGER: Jean Bourdelle CONTROL OF WORK RELATED: BET Freeze / department. JM Becquart / economics and research department techniques. PROGRAM: Library and auditorium. BUDGET: 1,230,000 Euros / HT PRODUCTION: contest HQE criteria: - Building BBC or Cep, ref - 50% - Energy management - Visual and acoustic comfort - Timber Frame PEFC - Recovery of rainwater for sanitary use, and outdoor watering - Construction smooth low-impact - Waste management (own project charter and management in the operation of the library) - Roofing planted to ensure a comfortable humidity and visual
Master plan
Transversal section
Entrance elevation
Plan of the library
Longitudinal section
Pedestrian alley elevation
SOCIAL HOUSING Competition, plAATform ZAC Arras-Europe, Lille The 30 houses are located near the suburb of Arras, changing neighborhood that is the subject of an ambitious urban project conducted by the agency ANMA. The development project of the BIA stretches along a park bordered by a ribbon of family housing backed to a groups of townhouses. Purpose of the competition, the group of houses is based on the local context, and revisits the traditional habitat of town houses in a contemporary interpretation of the brick row houses characteristic of the northern region. By the distribution and assembly cluster, the different houses create volumetric changes that will nevertheless play a compactness to meet the economic requirements and thermal current. The design of these 30 houses expect to be humble, without "exuberance" or "complexity" useless. The attitude of the project relies on the act of building and civic values and responsibility. Playing contemporary paradigms, it is respectful of the "heritage", with a replay of local traditional houses made of brick, concerned about the scale of the "landscape" and with a special "green" high (set of houses BBC), but contained in its architectural form. In the spirit of the urban project, the heart of the block is open. Treatment of heart block is thought of in order to understand intuitively that this is a private area. Landscaping near the "domestic" promotes smooth transitions and fuzzy space between mineral and vegetable, while providing a unity and a strong identity to this place.
OWNER LMH PROJECT MANAGER : PLAATFORM _Mandataire PROJECT MANAGER : Jean Bourdelle & Solveig Debrock CONTROL OF WORK RELATED: IOSIS / structural engineering, fluids, and HQE JM Becquart / economy PROGRAM: Construction of 30 individual dwellings BBC 5 T4, 15 and 10 T5 T6 BUDGET: 3500000 E / HT PRODUCTION: contest HQE criteria: - Label BBC Effinergie - Recovery of rainwater for watering the garden - Construction harmonious low visual impact and landscaping at a large urban court - Energy Management - Low Carbon Footprint
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Master plan
Plan type of housing T5 V2 1st floor
_T5 V2_R+1_echelle 1/50
T5 V2 Transversal section
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_T5 V2_Rdch_echelle 1/50
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AxonomĂŠtric perspective_overview
_T5 V2_Rdch_echelle 1/50 Plan type of housing T5 V2 ground floor
_T5 V2_coupes_echelle 1/100_T5T5V2_coupes_echelle 1/100 V2 Longitudinal section