2013 S1 Jeanie Tsz Lam Tang 383512

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Hey all, I am Jeanie,a third year architecture student. Born and raised in Hong Kong, a high-densed city with skyscrappers around. Melbourne is a dynamic city which brought me a new vision in architecture. Felt grateful to study in Melbourne as it grants me with a spacious environments I longed for, when comparing to the packed and populated Hong Kong situation. I begin to get in touch with architecture until I meet Melbourne this place. I have experience in using Rhino in the first year of university in the Virtual environments course. That was fun but complicated to me as i remember. I wish i could apply my skills into this studio thoroughly and keep going !









Virtual Environments, a year one subject, required us to produce a body lantern via digital way, the Rhino. The theme of body lantern is to create one that can express a natural process happens around. I have adopted the orthographical projections and contouring techniques into my design.I could possible change the position of each planes from the contours as well as manipulating the

density of the planes. Surface planars is really a good basis as it can still retain the fluid and cury shape of the structure and it is rigid enough to support and stand by itself. Problem solving techniques greatly require within the model-making process so as to produce a satisfied design, since there are quite a lot of limitations in Rhino and hinders in creating an innovative design.


1.1 ARCHITECTURE AS DISCOURSE “Architecture, then, as discourse, discipline, and form, operates at the intersection of power, relations of production, culture, and representation and is instrumental to the construction of our identities and our differences, to shaping how we know the world.” (Dutton 1996)

“Shifted from the building facade, to what called the ‘tectonic’, which is to say, an aesthetic concern with the structure of buildings.” (Rampley 2005)

1.1 ARCHITECTURE AS DISCOURSE What is architecture? Why is it important? How to apply it to the Wyndham Project?

Architecture can have various definitions, in Schumacher’s view, he described architecture as a system of communications. “Rather it encompasses all three categories: artefacts, knowledge and practices - all understood as communications that connect to each other in an ongoing recursive network.” (Schumacher 2011). Architecture is more than just an art, its contribution can be sustained by various means, so it is not simply a building or structure. It involved specific collective intelligence during devlopment and ongoing through communication process. Comprehensiveness and systematicity are indeed the two key concerns of the theory of architectural autopoiesis. “The autopoiesis of architecture is the ongoing communication process that takes place in myriad architectural practices...The total mass of communications that constitutes this autopoiesis comprises diverse items such as sketches, drawings, CAD files, renderings, buildings and photographs of buildings that all circulate as communications. Through the rapid dissemination of the published material the total mass of communications is relevantly connected on an unprecedented, global scale, with unprecedented speed.” (Schumacher 2011). Besides, architecture incorporates a braod variety of disciplines, so to define architecture, one must explains and consider the functionality, materiality, aesthetics and its context.Architecture not just be vital in structural or aesthetic aspects, but also its impacts to society. Architecture could work as a structural skin to building, not only for appearance but also provide structural stability fo building. Architecture as discourse triggeres new types of architecture with utilization of new technology in a cutting-edge conditions, it no longer follow the past but engaging in new materials and design system. So, it can acknowledge that discourse can stimulate the design in the Western Gateway to be an innovative and inspirational one. To be able to see architecture as discourse, I have to look through more architectural projects to understand the significance, role and symbolism of architecture are engaging in a society.




“A buidling’s skin ought not to conceal the structure, but be integral to it, yet his concersn are no less aesthetic, for he is interested primarily in the look of a building and how it is achieved.” (Frampton, Rampley 2005). In Modernism, there is a trend in creating a free facade for building that can replace the former and traditional rigid form. Growing interests in facade design has considered to be a structural component as well as providing ornamentation to building, that can hugely change the structural skin in a distinctive way. Structural skin can give more dynamic visual interests and reflect the aesthetic value of architecture, which is an integration of form and aesthetics. The advantages of structural skin are its flexibility and variability. The density and distribution of surface pattern are controlled parametrically with computation techniques. Structural skin shows the advancement of architecture’s expert functional performance and the ability to innovatively utilized advanced construction technology.


Faulders with Proces2, Tokyo, 2007

The articulated densities of porous and open-celled meshwork are layered in response to create the screen skin. Separated by a 20 cm air gap, the double layer screen is derived from a compressed combination of unique patterns generated with parametric software, and is constructed using a composite metal panel material used for billboard backing and infrastructural protective coverings. To allow the cellular mesh to visually float, a matrix of thin stainless steel rods is threaded from top to bottom, to which the panels are affixed.

AirSpace greatly connects with the nature, the screen facade comprises four overlapping organic elements to form an unqie and abstract pattern. The porous there allow light transmittance and be eneryg efficient. Structural skin advantage is the flexibility it provides in terms of architecture programming. The irregular pattern design works well for the aesthetic as well as the maximization of interior space for building.

GUGGNHEIM MUSEUM BILBAO Frank Gehry, Spain, 1997

It is a modern and contemporary art museum in Spain. This museum is meant to be an innovative and wish to relate its appearance to the contemporary art theme. The randomness of the curves of the exterior were intended to appear as this to catch light so as to create more dynamic for the building with the light effects. The interconnecting random shapes of the surface contexts are made up stone, glass and titanium. Fluctuation of the exterior produces the irregular and swirling organic form to increase the visual interest onto the building especially together with the reflection on river. The integration of structure and aesthetics greatly reveal in the facade, the irregularity and flexibility of the distribution of the surfaces create maximization of the interior space. Structural skin comprises both interior and exterior with no identifying separation between. Both interior and exterior are defined in same geometry and skin in a controlled parametric design.


1.2 COMPUTATION IN ARCHITECTURE “Electronics now rule.” (William J, 1998)

“The dominant mode of utilizing computers in architecture today is that of computerization; entities or processes that are already conceptualized in the designer’s mind are entered, manipulated, or stored on a computer system. In contrast, computation or computing, as a computer-based design tool, is generally limited.”(Kostas 2006)

“For the first time perhaps, architectural design might be aligned with neither formalism nor rationalism but with intelligent form and traceable creativity.”(Kostas 2006)

1.2 COMPUTATION IN ARCHITECTURE How will the use of computation contribute to an innovative characteristic in a design?How to integrate computation in design flow? How does it help? Computation provides a break through the barriers in modeling especially in complex typologies. Advanced computation mechanics enable the simulation anistropic materials and hence the differentiation and diversity of its elastic properties. The nature of computers are superb and analytical, it can come up with a precise and reasonable conclusion after following a set of instructions- programmes, in a fast way. Manipulations in computers for the process of design require both creative and rational abilities in order to produce a suitable and satifisfy outcome. Computers can list and keep track of all the goals and constraints that might encounter through the design process, designers can keep tracks of changes and updates. It can generate the design solutions and get them represent in graphical, numerical way, which will be easier to understand. Computers could even alert the users with errors or informality so that designers could be able to amend and correct it at once and many mistakes could be avoided. Computation redfines architectural practice, development of digital tools creates opportunities in design, fabrication and construction. Architects nowadays use computers to simply digitize all design processes through the help of programming. Digitalization allow an extension for architects to deal with complex ideas in a virtual way, make it easier to edit, draft and accurately produce a design. further options can then be explored through modifications to the program – sketching by algorithm. An algorithm is a particular set of instructions, and for these instructions to be understood by the computer they must be written in a language the computer can understand, a code. The algorithm formed part of the parametric model that was used to develop and define the building form. Algorithmic thinking means to understand the results of the generating code, knowing how to modify the code and speculate on design potentials in further. Furthermore, computer could offer a new stage by providing new “space� to users, it posesses an fascinating communication ability. Sharing information among human and computers becomes a common thing and it could greatly reduce time consumption and enhance efficiency, that faciliate using computer programming to design architecture. The development of computational simulation tools can create more responsive designs, allowing architects to explore new design options and to analyse architectural decisions during the design process.


Details of a double-layer facade, the rel tionships between each layers to suppo the hexagonal panels.

This structure has adopted a complex computational techniques, with an integral and collaborative design approaches. New techniques such as laser scanning, parametric modelling and other algorithmic techniques to design and create the model in three dimensions. The exterior is critical for Museo Soumaya, as it is a double- curved surface. A digital model is used to guarantee the 26 curving columns and horizontal steel rings are on the design surface, hence, to ensure the building facade can all be composed with the hexagonal aluminium panels. In this case, using Gaussian analysis, can help identify the curvature on the surface. The surface was divided into two zones: the most curved and the most regular. The geometric solution was to stretch each hexagonal panel to maintain the spacing, with each panel responding in size and angles to the local geometry of the surface. Geometric data for the panels was extracted and reapplied to the surface, adjustments of the panel sizes to be made to the gaps between them is required. This adjustment and comparison will last til the desired result was achieved. The entire mechanical system is coordinated with the 3-D computation system, includes the free-form space-frame for providing support to those facade panels. The free-form building structure is manipulated through programming by adjusting the vertices or panels to attain a desire geometry, help in allocating the design skeleton frame inside the facade as well. Architects increase experimentation with computation to simulate building performance, to incorporate performance analysis and knowledge about material, tectonics and parameters of production machinery in their design drawings. These innovative custom digital tools allow for creating new design opportunities.

Shows the internal skel frame, with columns a horizontal members


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CURRENT PROJECTS OF SOM There are strong culture of collaboration at SIkdmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM) with innovation in computational technologies, a firm highly embraced the computer on recent year works. Computation continues to play a vital role in in speculative collaborations as there are lots of benefits of computer which are much more powerful than traditional methods. Computation provides a more sophisticated and visualised techniques that render data in an immediate and analytical way. It greatly facilitate the architectural and structural concepts in a theoretical basis. Emergence of finite element (FE) algorithms has recently be used readily in architectural projects. Develop expertise in this type of software programs create a fundamental level to ongoing evolution and FE alogrithm. Traditionally, 2D FE meshs offer interesting idealised rectangular or triangular elements that help in attaining stability of a surface plane. Most recently, there is a new approach which can even turn the meshing extended from 2D domains into 3D domains. Diverse distribution of stresses and magnitudes of displacements can develop an immediate powerful overall shape of a building and the flows of shape is visually satisfied and dynamic.

Alogrithm used to identify the complex structural shape.

SOM, White Magnolia Office Tower, Shanghai, China, 2010

SOM, Convention Centre, Tanggu, China, 2009

SOM, Shanghai Centre, Shanghai, China, 2010




Massimiliano Fuksas and Knippers Helbig Advanced Engineering, Shenzhen, 2012 Computation design processes provides a breakthrough in conventional model thinking and allow new forms of interaction through particularly computer-aided fabrication methods. The introduction and implementation of digital design strategies creates an unique aesthetic expression of each structure. Meshing, geometry and data exchange are encouraged in the model thinking and structure design process. Limitation of calculability and accuracy no longer exists as its geometry and complex structural forms. The new terminal show the concept of perforated cladding in a form of stretched structure with metal sheet of 60,000 facade materials and 400,000 individual steel member. It would be complicated to clad on a geometric surface, the size and slope of glass openings are two design parametric data to concerns, simply Rhino and excel can help generate the axis of grid structure, inner and outer facade.

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Types of modules with variation of size and slope of glass panels.

ligence of engineering go into the tric generation and control of data han helping in the detail or rationalisaeometry. The variations in size and glass served as a basis for entire design An interaction between global shape shing has to existing first to achieve a c grid planar for the terminal surface in matic and accurate way.


1.3 PARAMETRIC MODELLING “is a set of equations that express a set of quantities as explicit of a number of independent variables, known as ‘parameters’.” (Weisstein 2003)

“Parametric modelling is not new: building components have been adopted to context for centuries.” (Aish & Woodbury 2005)

“‘Post-modernism and deconstructivism were mere traditional episodes’ and parametricism will be ‘the great new styel after modernism’.” (Schumacher 2010)

1.3 PARAMETRIC MODELLING What is parametric modelling? What ‘parametric’ means? How does it influcence architecture nowadays?

‘Parametric’ this word means changes in design comprising with mathematics. The initial definition of parametric is perhaps just based on the mathematical formula that require values to substitute for a few parameters so as to generate variations, however, the latest definition should imply the entity once generated can easily be changed. Parametric design is an emerging concept of design process in which the parameters are interconnected as a system. One parameter’s change affects the whole network and causes global influence. Parametric design creates systematic, adaptive variation, continuous differentiation, and dynamic figuration from the scale of urbanism to the scale of architecture, interior and furniture. The term ‘parametricism’ has since been gathering momentum within architectural discourse, this profound style has been mature in the last 10 years in architectural practice. This new style directly linked up with the computation and programming, just a specific word of digital architecture, speaking of algorithms with parametric design. It redefines architectural languages and fundamental concepts, people tend to make complex building appearance with less restrictions in building rationality. Parametricism is perhaps the least constrainted architecture, it usually free from parameters of tectonics, form and environment. Post-modernism and deconstructivism were mere transitional episodes, similar to art nouveau and expressionism as transitions from historicism to modernism. Parametricism emerged in a period of transition in modernism. Parametric modelling was brought up during the mechanical and digital period, at that moment, architecture was undergoing changes in parameters and styles owing to the breakthrough of technological concepts. Besides, “of all types of parametric modelling, propagation has the relative advantages of reliability, clarity and speed.”(Woodbury 2010) Efficiency of algorithms and simplicity of decision making assist in dataflow programming as well as start off with a parametric modelling building. An updated algorithms uses node properties to compute others, those properties are computed dependently in a clear context, that can compute everything. Propagation is far most simple form of parametric modelling. Thus, for sure that, technical skills of programming or geometry, will be the basic outlines for parametric design to be applied by designers.




Zaha Hadid Architects, Beijing, 2012

The complex form of Galaxy SOHO is derived from the concept of Chinese terraced rice field on mountain, which is an expression of organic form of nature. Illustrating the mimicrcy of the urban Chinese landscape connects with multiple plateaus. Synthesis from modern computational technology and natural landscape to construct a parametric model. It greatly demonstrates the “Continuous curvilinearity” which works well with soft and malleable volumes, fuse and pull apart to create a seamless flowing form. This multi-level architecture comes in with a logical continuity direction, with high fludity carried out from those rigidless and stretchy layers. The strategy here is to create a space of flow and orientation. Open and enclosed volumes directs the dynamic movements of a structure should be. Each separate level merges together at various levels and directions, to create a dramatic atmosphere with linkage of stretched bridges. What’s more, to stress on the curvilinearity throughout the whole structure, there are no corners or abrupt transitions that might break the fluidity of its formal composition. The architecture is no longer composed of rigid blocks, but instead comprised of volumes which incorporate to create a world of continuous adaptation and fluid movement with the basis of parametricism, links to the terms of the architectural order and stylistic expression of the built environment. The form of Galaxy SOHO is like being divided up into different sections that varies in shapes and even direction of flow. Parametricism brings malleable elements into a dynamical play of mutual responsiveness as well as contextual adaptation.

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ural element, like geometry, posimaterials, can be associated with ion, made them inter-related. The nvents and formulates rules to the ature. This modulation provides the n organic aesthetic that also makes ation of the building in the environble, everything made to work toa network. It results in a gradient, ble and continuous facade, with ormation engaged. Contemporary cism allow architects to come up municative complexity of the built phological output variables can be med to respond to environmental ameters.




J.Mayer.H Architects, Spain, 2011 It is a world largest wood structure consists of six parapols spreading across in a large dimension. It’s also a stunning example of parametric design on a large scale offering multi-purpose within the structure while protecting the archelogical originals over there. Laminated timber and steel are major structural members, held together in correct spanning corrected by engineers. Whole structure is divided up into numerous surface planars and get them interlock with each others in an organised and mathematical way. Through computations, simple planars work as a continuous contour to express the curvature in immenseness. Parametricism plays a fundamental role throughout the design, sets of equations have been inputed to special softwares for calculating the exact distance and spanning between each components and the direction of flow should be. The form is soft and differentiated with diverse gradients, shapes are changeable and dramatic but independent. All activities among the strucutre are indeed communicating with each other in a same architectural language, responding to all surrounding components.

Though the tioned, com in fact to dir ponents in a modelling g tency and traditional d vibrant desig so as to pro form. Eleme like Metrop ric modelling erase easily, nent in an c

e form is abstract and secmputational control involved rect all the features and coma satisfactory way. Parametric greatly reduce time expecefforts required compare to design process. Allowance in gn can avoid rigid stererotypes oduce an unique and ordered ents could be orderly lined up pol Parasol through parametg, as architects can edit and , that is how to alter a compocoordinated way. Interesting way of how planars interlock with each other in a coordinated way, it appears in a waffle pattern that looks neat and order. Spacing between each span are significant to interpret the overal design, curvature and fluidity can be brought up by these components. Rhino or other computation softwares might be able to produce similar pattern structures by simply contours commands. Perhaps, this concept can be applicable to the Wyndham Project, in order to produce an neat structure for Western Gateway.



This is the first time for me using grasshopper as a plugin in Rhino, as my previous work in virtual environments mainly focus on the usage of Rhino itself. Grasshopper is somehow quite a fresh plugin to me since I m not so familiar to the commard and representation of icons.

Perspective view

Left view

Right view

Linkage between each command has to think accurately and concisely in order to attain satisfy result.

Grasshopper is such a good tool that could easily adjust our design into different free-form, without many limitations. The notification of errors and disconnect are very helpful that can let users aware of the errors at once during the design process. Grasshopper could be used in parametric modelling, as such the pattern and fluidity engaged allow the formation of an abstract model in a systematical way. By setting up various commands and connections as the parameters throughout the modelling construction process, an ideal and with accurate measurement design could be able to produce.


CONCLUSION Architecture itself has multiple disciplines that could be explained in many ways. Architectural language and practise does vary from time to time and in diverse expressions, all unique and significant. Architecture can mean a lot, symbolism, association, structurality, etc. Discourse brings changes to architctural norms, I realise that architecture not only for aesthetics but also with a wide range of considerations. Hopefully, have to think of all elements during the deisng of Western Gateway, it must be structurally stable as well as with innovative aesthetics design. Digital architecture has become a very specific vocabulary after modernism, computers play major role in leading the trend. It has been argued that architects start adopting computational technologies in design approaches rather than conventional methods. Hence, i recognise the importance of designing structure with the help of digital tools owing to the higher accuracy and efficiency. Parametric modelling might enable me to produce an innovative design, to me, the structure and sectioning, are the main elements to consider of. Parametricism brings malleable components into a dynamical play, certain fluidity and curvature should be addressed in my design as I do not wish a rigid typical form. Simple geometric form will be useful in creating drama and variations for the Gateway, comply along with the sense of continuity.

LEARNING OUTCOMES When something supposed look as ‘parametric’ today, it’s asethetic production with quality. The mastering of hi-tech engineering softwares ultimately used to produce ornate architectural decorations. Parametricism allows the production of asethetic and abstract facades with the usage of light-weight materials, the creation of fluditiy and curvature into my design will be a must. Parametric model usuall comes up with a fluid form and it is basically malleable and soft in nature. The responsiveness with the context is the main concept I might focus and get my design develop from. Let’s say, the communication among each components and its surrounding should be interactive. Developing an innovative design should comply with abstraction and fluidity as mentioned above, it is important to first consider the form and how it is going to be set into the Western Gateway. All urban and architectural elements must be parametrically malleable and interdependent to each others in a strong sense of context. The system of elements around the façade are, the spacing, shape and orientation of the individual elements, gradually transform and adapt to the specific exposure conditions of their respective location. The changeable pattern is resulted from gradients and continuity which should be applicable to the Wyndham Project. Gradient and direction of flow can be edited through computational softwares, like Rhino, setting up equations in terms of different parameters can produce dynamic outcomes.


2.1 DESIGN FOCUS [C] SPACE DRL 10 PAVILION Alex Dempsey & Alvin Huang, NEX, Synthesis Design + Architecture, London, 2008

The adoption of new building material, fibrous reinforcement concrete elements, demonstrates the experiments on how architecture as skin. Emergence of complexly shaped forms and intricately articulated surfaces, structures and enclosure, whose design and production were fundamentally enabled by the expertise of digital technologies to precisely represent and fabricate

any complex forms. This spherical structure exemplify the efficiency and structural logic of waffle grids to span wide and offer a wide open space underneath. The interlocking between vertical and horizontal members imposes a strong shadowing effect to the context. Harmony of form there consists in the proper balancing with both straight and curve lines.

“used to affect the perceptions and experience of the forms, surfaces, and spaces; they can embody meanings, evoke feelings.� (Eisenman 2008)

DESIGN FOCUS When we asked to pick one specific approach towards the Wyndham Gateway Project, our group aim to produce an unique driving experience with light infiltration and shadow casted by installation. To pose a strong after-effect and attract drivers revisit the site as a iconic ornament built onsite.

high speed traffic along there. We should be capable to develop structurally rational and visually dynamic. Separation of standard disciplines have give way to collaboration of diverse interest and expand infinitely the boundary of what is possible geometry and material-wise.

We conceive the site is an open and immensely exposed to sunlight one, which contains full potential to interplay with light and shadows effects. We end in one conclusion is to vary the density of sunlight and shadow casting through sections.

Sectioning as a powerful means to rationalize architectural structure and forms which can provide building skins with adaptive and dynamic behaviours. Sectioning works effectively in curvilinear shape and creates movement along the Gateway, while simultaneously allow to demarcate and encompasss the 3 driveways there. Importance of the experiential journey are wished to manipulate and fit into context.

Natural sunlight keeps changing constantly on site and we look for a way to create dynamics in visual impacts that can cater the


2.2 CASE STUDY 1.0

AA Student Project, Hooke, 2008-2009

A solid wooden sculpture of early computational skills in complying with grasshopper definitions. They provoke established formal and material conceptions of architecture. The Modernist surface is treated as an abstracted boundary of volume, expressed mainly through contours and intervals. Shape and volume are given priority which the aspiration for geometric purity and

reductive aesthetics work corporative and work well to the structure. Material composition and surface articulation offer unprecedented freedom from standardization that defined design and production for much of today’s lives. Such variability presents a radical departure from the present normative practice not just in spatial layouts.









Consider the site as enormously flat and widely open, receive sufficient amount of sunlight. We begin achieve Wyndham municipality by the structural organization of those parametrically-defined voids along with certain degree of porosity. It should help characterize the Gateway through filtering the sunlight and produce endless changing patterns by the sun’s play on structure. Use sections to create provisions to site while the undulating morpholog of design generates huge contrast to flat plain, that highlight the prominence with surrounding landscape. Contouring allows flowing morphology and applies varia-

tions to surfaces while maintaining diversity and consistency of structure. In our case, we start to think of diagonal arrangement of interlocking ribs hold by notches and apply to the Gateway. “Complexly shaped forms are affecting outr perceptions of space”( Branko & Klinger 2008), the control of varying density of intersecting ribs is going to give an outstanding and exceptional effect on sunlight diffusion.The sense of different direction from city towards Wyndham city or vice versa can be another great appraoach for the manipulating morphology, like the sense from condenseness to openness.

2.3 CASE STUDY 2.0 BANQ RESTAURANT Dan Gallagher, Office dA, Boston, 2006-2008 The Banq Restaurant is one of the precedents we have chosen for the Western Gateway Project. The use of contours, planes and the sectioning way are something unique and repeatable. Each unit adhered together formular the continuous member. These sections become structurally stable and as well, decorative to the interior of Banq Restaurant. It

is highly appreciated with its selfsupporting structural sectioning skin. Fabricating with woods and bamboo amplify the striping effect which play across the space. And the light and shadow effects generate within regular layers is what fascinate us most, as this quality matches the tectonic unity of skin. Providing variations in volumes and also the composition and patterns of transformation.


Amplification of curves along x-axis


Amplification of curves along y-axis

Amplification of curves using with image sampler

Amplification of shape using Voronoi

Waffle Use straight line to seperate two axis by ‘prepframe’

Waffle Use curves to seperate two axis by ‘prepframe’

Waffle Use circle to seperate two axis by ‘prepframe’






We manage to generate range number of designs by exploring these parameters to produce as many variations of design outcomes as possible. We decided to focus on the most relevant one to Wyndham, light and shadow effects, for the construction of rational dynamic structural skin there. Which can represent and becomes iconic in Wyndham Gateway.

“With digital parametric design and production, variation becomes possible not only in spatial layouts and component dimension, but also in material composition and surface articulation, offering unprecedented freedom from standardization that defined design and production for much of the twentieth century. Such variability presents a radical departure from the present normative practice.� (Kolarevic 2008)


static rational

Light and Shadow Effect

dynamic vary

The parametrically organized spatial element in combination with our study on sectioning, we can achieve a certain degree of porosity and thus helps characterize the growing Wyndham Municipality which is heading to the future. The two selected structural void patterns diffuse sunlight to create most endless changing shadowing effect. We would like carry out further explorations on them. Both comprise vibrant experience and reshape the city into a new dynamic form.


message bring to our design focus. The whole idea behind is a reflection of sectioning and generally in one form of feature and ornament. And this project is also be constrained to standard waffle-pattern looking and Spacing between the visible ceiling the parameters problems as well. ribs is variable; compressing and releasing to maintain visual densities of However, this project benefit us in the overall surface as seen from dif- learning new and useful Grasshopper ferent angles. The geometry of wood techniques. slats are radiused to smoothen relationship between adjoin equipments, Hence, our group will develop further forming a seamless interior. The main- on matrix and find desire flexible form tainence of flexibility as a result of fluc- for the Gateway project. tuating components is an important Picking Banq Restaurant as reversed engineering basis, as we can further extend on the existing contouring surfaces. We explored the matrix and reversed engineering at the same tiime.


“Solution development is a process of informed search: one solution leads to another,better developed solution, until one that satisfies all the goals and abides by all the constraints has been reached.� (Kalay 2004)

Our group intend to carry experiments in different shapes with intersecting ribs rather than the standard waffle-pattern. We attempt in diagonal arrangement and curvilinear involvement in new designs. We found the variations in this model are even more significant and impressive and thus, we decide to carry further investigatoin on this concept.

“By optimizing material variables in composites for local performance criteria, entirely new material and tectonic possibilities open up in architecture.” (Kolerevic 2008)

“Every assemblage of forms should be arranged on certain definite proportions; the whole and each particular member should be a multiple of simple unit.” (Jones 1910)

2.5 TECHNIQUE How do elements fit together? How do visual and compositional effects depends on structure and material selection? Our group decided to construct three prototypes to demonstrate virtually choices of material, fabrication methods and how the light and shadow effects would be applied to the context there. The planar structuraal infill in wafflepattern models are cut at right angle to surface with notches and fabricate them according to the profile of structural frame. The material choice should be able to hold slats properly without shearing or bending which can still maintain its



original desired shape. The model should be durable and act as a self-supporting structure. Materials are offering unparalleled thinness, dynamically changing properties, and functionally gradient compositions. Material will directly affect the feature of structure, so have to consider both aesthetics and physical properties. In our case, durability and stiffness will take the first considerations as the deisgn is an exposed one in open area.

PROTOTYPE ONE The perpendicular ribs in this waffle-pattern model are held by notches, sections works highly effective in curvilinear shape in a rational degree of porosity. All slats are regularly spaced and are aligned in parallel manner.

PROTOTYPE TWO Similar basis to the first one, but this shape is more flucuated and lead to a more undulating morphology and make it multi-sensory, not only visual but also experimential effects.

PROTOTYPE THREE Move out from waffle-pattern and try to achieve diagonal intersection of ribs by using an exponential curve to control and define locations of points. Adjust the centroid and vary both density and location of focal points by adjusting the value of index. It allows irregularity in shadowing effects.

2.6 TECHNIQUE PROPOSAL In terms of our team arguement, we urge to emphasis a rational eye-cathching structure which not only act as ornament but also providing experiential journey for users. The proposed sectioned structure is actualy span wide across the gateway, imposes a strong light and shadowing effect to context. One key attribute of it is that it will give out non-repetitive geometric pattern when viewing from different angles. The interplay with sunlight is such a great connection with nature while driving, a proliferation of ecological and biological design considerations, examine how the shape in response to various environmental influences in Wyndham City. As the Western Gateway installation should provide entry statement and become a new iconic identifier for the municipality. The design should be brave and inspiring enough to

be viewed by users travelling at high speed and particularly create different sense of direction when travelling away from city to an open suburban area or vice versa. The variations in condensity would be a nice design approach as well. Thus, our design now is in a giantic scale with inspiring achievements, like the abstract engagement in sectioning form, should be preferable to be installed for the gateway.Some constraints have to draw back and consider, the scale might be too big to spanning over and cause visual confusions to drivers which may lead to traffic accidents.Perhaps, our group will think of a smaller scale one and put along the driveway instead. Installation methods and fabrication methods have to take into account to ensure structural stability, such as metal sheet and bolting system.

2.7 LEARNING OBJECTIVES & OUTCOMES After looking through the explorations our group did, we realised the potentials to interplay with light infiltration, to pose a strong after-effect to drivers and appeal them to revisit again. The powerful means of sectioning can rationalize the architectural forms and promises its capabiilty in experimenting as skin or ornaments and contribute to the urban settings in Wyndham city. We move our focus for creating provisions of views by manipulating progressive gradation of porosity, which generatesspecial experiential journey in terms of varying light diffusion. At first, we interest in the waffle-pattern structure as it is selfsupporting and aesthetics, and we believe it can create different expressions through diverse environmental influences. Later, we slightly shift away from waffle but instead

pursuit a more curvy and diagonal arrangement of ribs act to resist lateral loads, particularly the applied wind load in such an open site. However, we failed to make notches for the diagonal one and it is a barrier we have to overcome in order to generate correspond composition. From Banq Restaurant, is a good case study for the possibilities in differentiate light expression and shading patterns in the interior. The undulating morphology basically tangible to each other elements in a controlled amount of light coming through. Modules are controlled by parametrically digital model in this case and we will try develop further on this example. Moving on in osciliate form and increase complexity to trigger users’ satisfaction and interest about Wyndham City.


REFERENCES Jones, 1910, The Grammar of Ornament, pp. 5-8. Kalay, 2004, “Introduction”, Architecture’s New Media : Principles, Theories, and Methods of Computer-Aided Design, pp. 5-25 Kolarevic, 2008, Material Effect, pp.6-24. Moussavi, 2006, Function of Ornament, pp.615-623. Rampley, 2005, “Architecture and Visual Culture”, Exploring Visual Culture, pp.102-116. Schumacher, 2011, “A New Framework for Architecture”, The Autopoiesis of Architecture, pp. 1-28. Woodbury, 2010, “Introduction”, Elements of Parametric Design, pp. 7-48. Wilson, 2011, “Algorithms”, MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences, pp.11-12. http://www.patrikschumacher.com/Texts/The%20Parametric%20City.html http://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/the-critics/patrik-schumacher-onparametricism-let-the-style-wars-begin/5217211.article www.archdaily.com/42581/banq-office-da/

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